Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Jeremy had gotten to the room and done his business with the plants, aware his roomie was present but not caring. Only when he was done, did the sixteen year-old even respond to the other boy. "Yeah... I'm Jeremy. What of it?" the other boy then continued with his introduction... and even offered Jeremy a gift basket. ... it was now as obvious as the dirt on Jeremy's fingernails... this kid was an elitist and trying to buy him off. Just the opposite thing of what Jeremy wanted... but precisely what he expected. Looking at the gift, Jeremy craned his head back and forth between it and the one who gave it. "Yeah, no. My friendship can't be bought, kid." and with that, Jeremy hefted the basket and hurled it out the nearest window. He then proceeded to scowl at the boy he'd be sharing this space with. "This planter is mine. This bed, mine. The window on this side, mine. Call me immature, stupid, whatever... basically this is how it is. This side is mine, that side is yours."

Jeremy was clearly not in the mood for people right now. He had just come from being locked in a basement, to a massive school full of people he didn't know. Not exactly an easy adjustment. But surely time would allow the older teen to calm himself and become more friendly. "All in all... just leave me alone, and the two of us won't have a bit of problems. We clear on that?" Jeremy removed his dirt-filled backpack as he spoke and sat it on the endtable beside his bed.

(( Posting what I have so far, I'm going out to lunch. ))
Ellessa listened carefully as Aphrodite recounted her message to her.

"Friends or choice? I have no preference...which would be most appropriate Grandfather?" Ellessa thought to herself, recalling momentarily one of the many words of wisdom she had received from him over the course of her life. "One cannot always expect to challenge the unknown alone." was something he had sad during one particularly grueling training expedition into the mountains.

"Was that not indeed what I was doing? Challenging this new unknown realm to acquire further strength?" Ellessa continued with her mental dialog before finally responding to Aphrodite.

"If the decision is to be made by me, I would ask that we be allies rather than opponents." Elessa said, bowing again politely in the process.

"As for your other question, yes, I like to read. I find that it greatly assists me in calming down after combat" She continued.

After all was said and done, Elessa crossed the distance towards the handwritten book detailing her family history and lineage. She picked it up as if it could fall to dust at any given moment, and walked it back towards Aphrodite.

The book was a lengthy, leather bound tome held together with treated twine. Each page was of a natural parchment roughly the color of bark, with carefully handwritten calligraphy detailing each and every Ashuran user the family had managed to produce, and their notable exploits. At the beginning of each person's entry was a painstakingly drawn likeness of the person described, including Ellessa near the very end.

"If I may, may I have the opportunity to read the book detailing you?" Ellessa asked innocently after thinking back to Aphrodite's earlier comments.
"Book detailing me? Ha, no. There is no book about ME. Although, there is a book with a character that has my name. House of Night series, first book, Marked. But, I must warn you, there are some rather, challenging comments in it. The character with my name is a rather straight up *****, and is, well, a skank. You don't have to read it, as, if you think it's some training book, it's not. It's about some girl who becomes a vampyre, and becomes all special and such. That's about it. The Aphrodite is apparently the villain, but, not always," Aphrodite said, sitting on the bed. She loved her voice, which truly was, the voice of an angel.
Gray simply stared at Lucas as he went on and on about what "What's good?" meant. "W-what? . . . Dude, I was just asking how your day's been. Way to give me a lecture." As the pale boy asked if Gray's mirror was enchanted, he went to admire his reflection yet again. "Yes. I am enchanting, aren't I?" He fussed a bit over his hair since there was this one strand that simply refused to stay down. A normal person would've used gel or something, but Gray refused to use such hair care products. Partly because, well, he just couldn't afford any. But it was mostly because he took pride in being a natural beauty. He never needed any make up or the such to easily make himself much better looking than most of the girls back home. Finally getting his hair to behave, he looked back to Lucas. "So you have any idea what there is to do around here? Class doesn't start until Monday and it'll be boring to just wait around here all weekend. Plus, I was hoping to find me a cutie who will be on par with my beauty." The small mirrors on the chain around his neck then began glowing with a faint light, making the air around him seem to sparkle. "Because I'm like a delicate flower. If I cannot find someone to shower me with love and praise, I might just wither and die."
"I...I see." Ellessa stammered out.

"Nothing ever seems to be what it appeared with this women..."

Ellessa watched as Aphrodite sad down, standing for a few long moments that felt terribly ackward to her. Finally, breaking the silence, she asked "Were you not going to practice with your weapon? Should we not start you upon the first of your drills, or were you trying to think of a more appropriate space?"

Looking about the room, it struck Ellessa there was more than enough room to practice here, but understood that some people had preferences as to their environments. She pulled tight the vivid red sash that held together her martial robes, a habit she performed whenever she intended to get serious. It would be interesting to see exactly how the people of this realm trained. Especially if her Grandfather thought that this was they place that she would blossom into a true master of the Ashuran style.

"Just what secrets does this place hold for me Grandfather? The people here seem so undisciplined...could this have been a mistake?"
Resmion was a bit upset that Jeremy threw the basket out of the window, but then he began to laugh so hysterically that he falls on the floor. "Where is the fun in trying to buy your friendship?," Resmion started in an enthusiastic tone, "I mean, that is like me trying to sell you at a slave market." He reached for his spellbook, and then said, "And if you want your own side of the room, then by all means you can have your side and I will keep to my side." Resmion was getting a real kick out it, and went for a walk to stop laughing and give Jeremy some well-deserved space.
Tybalt quickly got to his room, checked over his things in a hurried manner, and left again quickly. The girl's dorm and the boys dorm were actually quite close, they were on either end of a forked road, very close to the main building where many classes were held. Second years and up were allowed to live in the other parts of Academy City at their leisure, but Tybalt knew first-years needed to stay in the first-year dorms.

More at ease than he was earlier since there was nobody around, Tybalt sighed as he left the boys dorm. There were the voices of roommates just meeting echoing in the building, but he wasn't feeling up to being social. Walking along the edge of the natural and green surrounded dirt path, he could see the girl's dorm off to his right, with and equal amount of commotion coming from it's direction. However, he was currently isolated. Rolling his eyes, he retrieved a pendant from inside his shirt, a black and shiny gem tied to an equally dark chain that hung around his neck.

Gripping the pendant tightly, he swallowed, and felt a tapping on his shoulder. Spinning around, he came face-to-face with the spirit that dwelt within the pendant.

Hovering in the air before him, a translucent, slightly glowing dark grey-coloured soul tut-tutted, waggling it's finger at him.

"Shouldn't you be back home, young master, preparing for your studies? You'll need to keep your grades up if anyone's going to buy this ruse." It chided him in a low, knowing voice that oozed contempt and superiority.

"Nevermind what I'll be doing, it's what you'll be doing that matters, since I can't do magic on my own. Will you keep your promise?" He asked of the spirit in a worried tone.

"Heh, yes young master. I will keep my promise, my contract to you. But you have your end of the bargain to uphold as well." The spirit reminded him, swirling about him in a rather unnerving manner. Tybalt sighed.

"You can stop trying to use scare tactics with me, Celestine." He remarked, turning around again and walking right through her. Looking put off now, Tybalt didn't turn as the spirit called after him.

"You silly little boy, leaping headfirst into a world you know so little about, a world you don't belong in." She let out in a low voice, before disappearing from sight, returning her consciousness to the pendant around Tybalt's neck.


OOC - Since Kagura and FullDeathCakium have now been approved, their characters will have arrived late with their room assignments separate. Lux Blythe will be in the girl's dorm, Room 301 with Vative Delusor, and Ansell Malus will be in the boy's dorm, Room 302 with David Anderson.
Aphrodite smiled, and grabbed her nun chucks, she then handed them to Ella, and sat down, saying this, and this simply, "Show me what you can do." She then sat down, and watched.

Ayama had returned to her room, and put her bow, a Japanese Yumi, up. It was her bow, and no one else could have it. She cherished the bow, and would never let anyone else touch it. If someone did, she'd strike them. No one was allowed to lay a finger on her bow.
He was late, he was so so very late that it almost disgusted him. How could he be so late? It wasn't like him to be tardy for anything, well..that was a bit of a fib to himself, he was late for things all the time, but he tried to get there in time! The universe just wasn't giving him a break lately. Maybe it was a streak of bad luck, or something else entirely. All he knew was this bad luck had to be replaced with some good luck sooner or later. Ansell had got to the boy's doom, room..uh, 302, currently sitting in the middle of his bed, his legs crossed and his diary in his lap, a pen in his hand. "..True, I am late, but I feel like that's okay, because I haven't gotten..scolded yet. Well, I write something else in here later, when I actually have something to write about.." He lifted his ink pen from the paper of the book, enjoying the look of his own hand-writing, which could had been better, but was okay for now. All he had to do now was wait for his roommate to get in, maybe they could exchange spell ideas or something.

In case you couldn't figure out, Ansell was extremely scared about this whole thing. Being in a school of nothing but mages, witches, and wizards was creeping him out in more ways than one. He could be turned into a toad or something crazy like that in a moment's notice, but he was..kind of a Twilight Mage in training, he could totally do this.

And by do this he meant live through this place. The garnet-eyed teen stared down at his diary, sighing and flipping back to the first page, where he had written down a couple of names for a..little story he was doing. "Ebony Empress..Carmine Knight, Cobalt Marquis, Lavender Archduke, Phantom Maid.." He rather liked Phantom Maid, it was a name he spent some time making up. He could be creative if he wanted to, but apparently he couldn't use Twilight magic...
Ellessa looked blankly down the nun chucks she had been handed, trying to ignore the disrespect of a student demanding their teacher prove themselves. "I must remember, the customs of this place are as different from my homeland's as crane is to a yard dog. I am sure she meant no disrespect" She thought as she looked up at Aphrodite. "I think..."

Ellessa separated the two handles of the nunchuck's and thrust it out with both hands in front of her. Closing her eye's in concentration, she slowly began to spin it. Eventually making it's movements more and more intricate, she spun and flipped it various parts of her body. The sleeves of martial robes slid back from the vigorous motions, revealing more of the long sweeping tattoo's rolling along her skin until she finally brought the nunchuck's dance to a halt, again holding them out firmly in front of her and finally opening her eye's with an intense gaze.

She stood that way for a few seconds longer before finally softening and looking back at Aphrodite.

"Did you follow all that? It's your turn." Ellessa finally said firmly, clearly honestly expecting that she would be able to reproduce it after seeing just once.
Aphrodite blinked. And a puzzled looked came upon her face, "You mind doing that just a little slower? I may be able to slightly control fire, but I can't slow time down. So, I respectfully ask you to do it again, slower. So, this way, I can see it, better yet, how about you guide my arms while I do it? I need some major help with it, and, face it, you're way better at this than what I could ever hope to be."

This was true, Aphrodite really did think this girl could more overly kick ass with those things, while Aphrodite simply kicked her own, well, more of smacked herself in the face.
With her clothes put in drawers, posters, mainly circus flyers hung up on walls, and practice equipment in the corner yet to be fully unpacked Vative had her room done the way she wanted. Moving back into the main part, she noticed the fact that another set of luggage had appeared next to the other bedroom door. Raising an eyebrow, she looked towards the door. It didn't seem to have been moved, which meant that she truly did have a roommate. This should be interesting.

Looking at the window, she glanced back towards the door. Sliding open the lock, and moving the frame outwards, she stepped up onto the sill. Maybe if she was lucky, someone in one of the dorms below her was looking out and she'd terrify them. Spacing her hand out in front of her, blue and pink swirled to life at an angle going out from the window. Stepping out onto it, she started a downward slide towards the ground, her trail disappearing behind her as it reformed in front of her. Hitting the ground, she went into a tumble roll before bouncing back up. Turning, she looked up at the window, smirking at the distance she covered so quickly.


Sliding underneath a closed class door, where the voices of teachers drifted out from, Cyr chuckled to herself. Ducking around a corner, she came up short as a rough looking group of older students stared down at her. One of them grinned, another cracked their knuckles, and the fifth one came up from behind them, eyes gleaming in delight.

"Hello Ducky..." Oh shit, ohshitohshitohshitohshit. Turning tail, Cyr bolted down the hall she just came from, going down the way she hadn't gone before. One two sets of feet followed. She swallowed hard before the other three came out from a door, blocking her off from going anywhere. Looking between the two groups, she got into a defensive position, backing up towards a wall. The first blow that came split open her lip, the second one went to her stomach, curling her over on the ground. She could hear him chuckling.

"You should have listened to me, Ducky."
"Slower? I thought I had started at a pretty slow rate of movement in the first place..." She thought to herself before noticing the oddity of Aphrodite's second statement.

"What do you mean by 'control fire'?" Ellessa asked confused.

Within her family, the ability to harness the power of fire for their techniques was not to uncommon, but to control it was impossible. It was a double edged sword that, while promising to bring ruin in combat, did not care if it was to it's wielder or their enemy.

"Please, show me this control you..." she said, stopping suddenly when she noticed her own rudeness and bowed politely.

"Please excuse my presumptuousness" she said with as much formality as she could muster, never raising her head, nor would she till responded to.
Getting into the main school building in his late night wanderings, Tybalt scanned the area. He didn't see anyone. Cool. He kept up a good pace, watching his back every now and then. He knew the students were supposed to be out in the city, and not in any of the classes or school buildings. But Tybalt decided was going to look around for the sake of it. One could never be too prepared when they were in his position.

Hearing strange noises from around a corner though, fleshy sounding noises, and someone talking.

Hello Ducky."

At that, shivers went down his spine. What kind of person referred to another like that, it sounded very strange.... Swallowing, Tybalt glanced around the corner to see a girl getting swarmed by older years, beating her relentlessly. His eyes widened, and he glanced around. Maybe there was an adult who could fix this.

You're a spineless scumball, you know that Tybalt? That girl is being hurt right in front of you, and you can't, or won't do anything to stop it? Celestine's voice spoke in Tybalt's mind. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to think of something he could do.

A foot connected with Cyr's shin, another fist. She was certain she was going to have a black eye among the many bruises she would be sporting after this. One of the limbs stopped coming, and she heard them say something before more of them stopped. Two of them moved, noticing another one watching as they grinned. The fifth one wrapped a hand in her hair, yanking her head up as a fist landed on her other eye. Make that two shiners then.

This clearly wasn't going well, and she had the odd feeling it was going to get worse. She heard one of the two that had left chuckle darkly, talking about another toy to play with. The other one barked out a "Get Lost." Which meant someone else was here, and about to get involved in her problems. Yanking down, pain rippled through her scalp. Any swings she aimed out missed by miles. Shit, shit, shit.

"I wouldn't worry to much about that, Ducky, you have other things to be thinking about."
Quivering in fear, shaking as the giant older students stood before him, Tybalt took a step back.

His mind was going a mile a minute. They just told him to get lost. He couldn't just leave, he was duty bound and driven by Celestine to stand up for the person they were assaulting. If he had it his way, he'd comply with the older boys and immediately get lost. Once again glancing about to try and find some way to resolve the conflict without resorting to violence, Tybalt steeled himself for the beating he'd about to be taking.

".... No. I won't get lost. Stop hurting that girl!" He yelled, closing his eyes, his fists balled tightly at his sides.
"You're funeral." The bigger one replied, his arm moving back before cracking forward towards Tybalt's face. The other joined in, both being just as vicious as they were with the albino.


Crossing the grounds at a leisurely pace, Vative smiled softly. The air here was clean, the ground soft, but not squishy, and it smelled, well, good. A lot better than popcorn butter, soda, and candy at least. And horses and elephants rear ends, yeah, it was definitely better than that one. Plus, she didn't have to keep an eye out for people packing or setting up, or have any small children yelling at her for an autograph or for her to do a stunt for them. That one tended to bother her greatly.

Taking in a deep breath, she sighed before doing a 180, walking backwards. Even the dorm building was pretty, as hectic as it was at the moment. Flopping over onto the ground, she lay there, cool grass tickling her skin as she let her eyes slide closed. She wasn't so far away from the dorms that she would get in trouble, but far enough away that people wouldn't see her unless they looked to close. Or she hoped so, at least.
His nose bloodied, Tybalt fell to the ground, a yell in pain echoing in the hallway.

The goon who first hit Tybalt would feel a rather sharp tap on his shoulder, as the spectral Celestine materialized behind him. Of course this didn't stop the other one from kicking Tybalt in the chest while he was down.

"As much as he could use the beating, I'll have to ask you genetic throwbacks to halt bringing him harm immediately." She spoke in a resonating and echoing voice, layered with venom and malice.
Aphrodite smiled, awkwardly. No one had ever bowed to her. In fact, when she was around her parents, before they died, they abused her, and made her do things that she'd rather never had done. She now had a sudden great respect for Ella, and in turn, she bowed to her, to this day, she doesn't know why. She just did, and she smiled when she stopped, she suddenly felt really comfortable, and safe around Ella, like she could tell her everything, and she'd listen. And all due to how respectful, and kind she was.

"Please excuse my rudeness before, I am sorry. And, of course I'll show you. Everyone will one day know both our powers, so, why not start with our roommates?" Aphrodite smiled, and raised her right hand.

She snapped her fingers, and whispered, "Fire, come to me, I need you," and in her hand, a small flame appeared, at first, green, and then red. It changed colors. She smiled warmly at it, and whispered, "I thank you, fire, your service here is complete."

She then smiled at Ella, and asked, "If it is not too much to ask, may I see what you can do?​"
The first goon turned pale, having never seen a specter before. The scream he let out was feminine and carried down the hall as he ran. The other four, however, were less than impressed as they looked towards the ghost. The fifth one released Cyr's hair, reaching to pull out his wand. Slamming her hand against an exposed, thin water pipe, Cyr's eyes glowed a dark red. With the sickening sound of metal bending and scraping against itself, hot water sprayed out, getting directed at the four left.

Feeling drops hit her skin, she winced, knowing there'd be small burns there by the time it healed. Served them right for all she cared. As the older students scattered, she growled at the fifth one,
" Yeah, You better hope I don't tell Dad, Constantine! You know what'd he do..." The pipe bent once more, angling at the other white haired student and spraying the hot water at full blast. Whatever came out of his mouth next wasn't heard before he, and his goons, and backed off. Righting the pipe once more, though it still seemed a bit bent, and she couldn't do anything about the water damage she just caused, she looked at the other kid.

"The **** is wrong with you, mate."
Tybalt got up, holding his still bloody nose, stood back up slowly, holding his chest with his other hand.

".... What's wrong w-with me? I s-stood up for you!" Tybalt said incredulously. Celestine rolled her eyes, fading away and returning to his pendant.

Tybalt glanced around, noticing he was all wet as well. He pinched his nose tighter, wincing in pain.
"Yeah, and it didn't involve you." Cyr spat back, rolling her eyes as she wiped blood off of her mouth. A lot of things hurt, and a lot of things were bleeding she noted. "And, it only got you hurt, so that was a pretty shoddy move of heroism on your part, don't you think?" Leaning forward, she rolled up her pant leg, looking at her shin, which was already a nice dark purple colour. Painful to touch too. Of course, the colouring could have been partly from her semi swollen eye clouding her vision too.

"You're not even suppose to be in this building until classes start tomorrow, anyway." She stated matter of fact-ly, completely ignoring the fact she had broken that rule as well. Standing up slowly, wincing in the process, she started looking at all the water that had gotten about. Someone was going to be pretty angry when they found this.
Ellessa looked on in awe, her mouth partially ajar. "How was it possible? To call a flame and not be burned by it. To have it obediently obey your beckoning and will? Was this the true skill of these odd realms? This had to be what grandfather sent me here to learn."

"...If it's not too much to ask, may I see what you can do?"

Her request finally pulled Ellessa back to attentiveness, her uncharacteristic excitement readily noticeable as she ripped Vishar free of his silken sheath and held in front of her at a downward angle with one hand. She extended two fingers of her left hand upwards, immediately prompting her tattoo's to glow the brilliance of moonlight. Shining from underneath her silk martial robes, even more light in the form of intricate lines faintly glowed revealing that the tattoo's extended along the majority of her body.

A sudden burst of wind exuded from her and seemed to enshroud the entirety of her form and Vishar. In but the time it takes to blink, Ellessa extended the blade of her moonlight silver sword to Aphrodites neck, speed far exceeding that of a normal human.

"This, Aphrodite, is what I can do" she said confidently. "But I cannot control the flame as you do, truly you must be a master of your craft? Why do you attend this school for novices?" She implored as the wind's suddenly died down and she re-sheathed the blade.
Tybalt eyed the ground, suddenly feeling terrible for standing up for the girl. She was right, he'd been of no help, and he'd broken school rules on top of that. Shuffling his feet and moving back a little, Tybalt turned away, his pendant glinting in the dim light. His eyes opened wide.

"Stop, Celestine!" He yelped, before Celestine sprung forth from the pendant, hovering between the girl and the shorter boy, who gulped and eyed the wall and ground with his strange yellow eyes, with a renewed vigour. Tybalt tried to pretend he wasn't there.

"Whether he was of any aid or not in your little plight, you ignorant little girl," She started in on the girl, "isn't what's important here. You were going to be in much worse shape if he had not drawn some of the attention away from you. Those gorillas were vicious, and I am more than sure next time you won't be so lucky, because I will not let my moronic ward here help the likes of you." She spat, oddly defensive of the child she usually picked on and caused trouble for.
"Master? Me? No, please, do not flatter me. I am no expert on this, I can only conjure very little flames, and you saw me with the nun chucks. I have very much to learn, but, I'd call you a master, but you have a reason for to attend, which, is most likely none of my business," She said this looking down. How could Elle think her a master? She was no where near it. . . No one had ever treated her with such respect before, most people looked down on her. Her parents for sure had. This, new feeling, scared her.

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