Rebirth: The Highland Academy of Magical Studies

Jace made his way to his room, he was still nervous, he had not met his roomate yet. Jace got lost trying to find his dorm, this school was rather large.

When he got to his dorm he went in and to his room and looked around, he didnt really have anything to sort out. After a quick Glance to his

room, he made his way back into the living quarters and sat on a window seal looking out over the campus.
Tybalt looked up to the ceiling, seeing his room number, and roommate's name. He decided to get in and get out quickly before they showed up.

Turning to Amaya, he lifted his hand, waving at her as he backed up. "... Nice talking to you, see you around." He said quietly, a small smile visible before he turned and walked out of the grand hall at a quick pace, towards his dorm room.

He hadn't heard anything about any rumours yet, so Tybalt was hoping they'd died before he'd even gotten to the Academy. He carried on with a renewed sense of urgency, try needing to get to his room.
Ellessa looked up to glowing lines of names with a far away gaze. She had always been taught to respect magic...It was her sword and shield, easily as important as Vishar, and here it was being used to such trivial effect. She clutched tightly at the diamond knotted rope that strapped the demon slaying ancestral sword to her back and slowly made her way back towards the dorms.

Even in this safe environment, she fell back to her training and counted her steps. Her grandfather had always taught her that one should become familiar with their environment, and that it was one of the easiest ways to gain an advantage in combat. Memorize it all so that you might run it even when blinded he used to tell her as she meditated upon Vishar.

"12,461" she thought to herself as she arrived at the dorm building and made her way in. She gracefully crossed it's halls, starting up yet another count as she slowly traversed the dorm's stairs.

"280" she thought as she opened it's door and saw the expansive room spread out before her.

Her surprise was readily apparent on her face as she stepped in. The room was far larger than she had imagined a school would possess. Before now, her quarters had been quite small. There was after all no need as she would so rarely see them, afterall, if one had time to idle, one had time to train.

She bowed politely to the room at the entrance before stepping further in and examining her possessions. They had been laid out neatly on what must have been her designated portion of the room, not that there was very much of it. A simple, handwritten copy of her family tree, enough whetstone's and oils to take care of Vishar's daily maintenance for months, two pair's of training robes, weights, and bandages.

Ellessa smiled absently after seeing that everything she truly needed had been delivered as promised. Picking up one of the whetstones, she pulled free Vishar from his holy clothes and again began to count. This time to 1000, once for each side, for each stroke of the stone and cloth.
Aspen, after receiving her room assignment, quickly made her way out of the hall, a headache slow long building in her temple. She walked with her eyes down but she walked with a practiced grace from years of being in the public eye. She quietly opened the door to her room and walked inside, freezing in the doorway, amazed at the size of it. A small smile appeared on her face. This was the first taste of real freedom she ever had. She walked to one of the bedroom doors, pushing it open and walking inside, finding all the things she had brought already there.

She was nervous about her roommate, unsure if they would get along. Aspen was quiet and shy and a bit self-conscious. She was as kind as possible to everyone but she knew she could be difficult to work with. She opened her suitcases, neatly unpacking all her things into the drawers and closet. She finished, sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked at her book collection stacked precariously in the corner, thinking she was happy she had at least something from home she liked.

With a sigh, Aspen stood, pulling a hair tie off her wrist and tying her hair in a messy bun. "What to do," she said quietly, considering whether she should stay in or explore the grounds. She decided to wait momentarily to see if her roommate would show up any time soon.

Aphrodite arrived in her, scratch that, hers and Ellessa's room. She decided to, for once in her life, try to be nice, "Hello, I'm Aphrodite, and you must be Ellessa, it's nice to meet you."

Sure, it was way out of character for her, but what the hey? She might as well try to make ONE friend. Even if that friend is a snake.

Ayama arrived to her room, and walked on. She instantly grabbed her bow, and hugged it to her. It was her most prized possession. She loved that bow more than she loved chocolate, and holy heck, did she love chocolate. So, this bow meant more to her, than her life did. She then sat on her bed, awaiting the arrival of her roommate. She started to calm down. Trying not to be hyper, but, it's how she was. Her roommate, would just have to deal with it.
Ellessa looked up at her with her characteristic far off gaze while continuing her rigorous sharpening of Vishar. Her expression was blank but was more calculating than dismissive or unfriendly.

"​(645.) Was this woman my room-mate?...Her posture is aggressive (646.), her smile dismissive (647.), her eyes judging. (648.) Where all the people in this part of the world so utterly insincere." She thought to herself as she sharpened her weapon. "In such a situation, what should I do grandfather? Pretend I don't notice, call attention to it, or ignore her? (649). No, it was probably best to observe the enemies next move before deciding upon a strategy"

Finally deciding upon her next move, Ellessa responded with what she believed was a simple introduction. "Ellessa Yu'ul Hardie, the 54th Hardie and presumptive leader of the line. Please treat me well."

With that, she gave a small nod before continuing the strokes of the whetstone.

Aphrodite giggled, and said this, "Treat you well! We're roommates! We have to get along, other wise the headmaster does stuff to us, that's not good. Bad stuff happens. Heh, I'm just messing with you, I tend to do that, as I said, it is nice to meet you, but, you should get a better sense in fashion."

She sighed, and then grabbed her nun chucks, casually swinging them around, and then on accident, Aphrodite knocked herself straight in the face, and it not only knocked her out, it made her start to bleed. But look on the bright side, at least the nun chucks weren't on fire.
"Man, I'm good looking." After, Woodwind's speech, Gray had spent most of the time admiring his reflection in the small mirror on his wristband. Smoothing his jet black hair down, his gaze went to his blood red eyes. Smooth skin, long limbs and a killer smile, he was totally the best. The snow white among men. He gave himself a wink before looking up, completely missing the people around him who were staring at him in confusion and disgust.

Gray looked down as he felt someone tugging on his arm. It was Titania, staring up at him with her blue eyes. "Gray, aren't you excited? It's a new life for us. And no one here knows who we are. Isn't it great?" She continued pawing at his sleeve with a bright smile on her face. Noticing her smile, he couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah. This might actually be a good year for us."

Anya pulled away from Gray and went to the edge of the crowd as the room assignments were being given. Only 5'2", she couldn't see much so she jumped frantically to look over the people ahead of her. It took her a while to find their names but she did find them. For a brief second, a frown formed on her face when she found out that they were going to be separated, but her smile was quickly recovered and she skipped over to Gray. She tugged his arm briefly, pulling him away. "You're in room 301 of the boys' dorm. I'm in 201 of the girls'. So we'll be separated for a bit each day but we can see eachother in class. So be on your best behavior, okay Gray?"

Gray raised an eyebrow. "We can't room together?" Anya playfully punched his arm. "Of course not, silly. I'm still a girl and you are still a boy. Or at least I think you are. You are, right?" "Yeah?" he said, backing away slowly. He then flipped his hair in the same arrogant attitude he had in before. "Well, whoever I'm rooming with must be grateful to be rooming with someone as gorgeous as me." Anya giggled and proceeded to push him toward his room. "Okay Miss Universe, well get to your room. We have some unpacking to do and then we'll play, okay? We meet at 1500 hours." The white haired girl then ran off in the opposite direction towards the girls dormitory.


Gray found his room without trouble. Well, of course he did. A man as smart and talented as himself would obviously be able to find a simple room. Going in, he noticed the second bed and wondered what sort of person he was rooming with. What if he was a brute that would force himself onto Gray since he was so handsome? He shuddered at the thought. Being so beautiful was such a curse, he thought as he checked out his reflection once more. (Sorry, Gray isn't particularly good looking or anything, just very conceited and cocky. I hope this doesn't offend anyone.)

The boy quickly put his stuff away. He didn't have much, coming from his particular background so it was easier to sort through. Still having a lot of time before he had to meet with Anya again, he just sat on his bed, or at least the one he claimed, and waited for the arrival of his roommate if he had one.


Anya burst into room 201 as if she had kicked down the door of a drug house. The first thing she did was jump into the bed nearest the window. It was so soft and warm. Much more so than the one at home. No. That place wasn't her home. It never was. Now this place was home. Lying down, she stared at her two small bags and kicked them into the closet. She'd sort them out later. Now was naptime. She crawled about the bed like a cat, trying to find the warmest spot but ended flopping down without any decision. Her white hair spread around the mattress. She held a lock of it up the the sun through the window. Maybe she should dye it a normal color. One that didn't look like it belonged on an old woman's head.
Lucas kicked open the door soon after, with hardly a word, he tossed his trunk of belongings on the bed and looked at the boy fussing over himself in the mirror.

"Oh, hell no..." He muttered to himself popping open his trunk and pulling out his luggage on his side of the room. Out came three more sets of beautiful white robes and they went straight into the closet. rummaging through his trunk some more (which obviously held more inside than it would first appear) he drew out his spare wand. Much longer and slimmer than it's ivory counterpart, this one was made of pure featureless silver, delicate and precise. Lucas actually preferred this one over the Dragon's Tooth for smaller, more precise tasks, but due to it's thin nature, it heated quickly when used as a focus.

Sparing a glance at the one who would be his roommate, he turned and offered what formalities he could muster."Hi"
Ellessa watched as Aphrodite pulled free her nun-chucks from the rest of her possessions with a small degree of alertness. The hand holding at her ancestral blade tightening it's grip as she readied for any form of incoming attack.

"So then grandfather, I picked the incorrect form of interaction? Where will the attack come in from? Regardless of position, being that i'm sitting it will come from above...block followed by a counter attack to the enemy hamstring"

In the midst of her strategics, she watched with utter surprise as she swung improperly and slammed it hard into her own face. Sitting there motionless for a few moments, Ellessa stared at her new room mate.

"Who carries a weapon they cannot use..." she thought to herself, for the first time since being entrusted with Vishar, forgetting her count on sharping it's mirror like blade.

Blood quickly trickled from the unconscious woman's nose, it's vivid color finally awakening Ellessa's training and snapping her out of her stunned expression. She slowly pulled free her bandages and healing salve's and applied first aid to the wound, the very first thing she had to learn before she could actually begin her tutelage to become an Ashuran Spellsword
Damien walked up to his room "okay, room 102, room 102, room 102, got it!" he walked past Jace as he approached the door, he took a deep breath, pushing open the door, poking his head in, hoping to god his new room-mate wasn't changing or something "umm, hello?" he asked, there was some stuff in here belonging to his new room-mate but no actual room-mate ".. huh" he said, walking in and putting his stuff on the bed, he looked about the room, the bathroom was nice and clean, 2 cupboards, all that jazz "nice!" he went "our own bathroom!"

after this, Damien decided it was time to socialize, he left his room and began making his way to the Leisure area, where he found himself walking up to Jace "umm, hi, I'm Damien, Damien Riddle, nice to meetcha"
Jeremy grumbled a bit as the room assignments were handed out. His room mate sounded, by name alone, to be some elitist jerk who would probably treat him like a sack of dirt. Barring the fact Jeremy actually WAS in possession of a sack of dirt... he was not keen on being treated like crap. "Well..." said the scruffy young man as he stood up once more. "I'd better get to my room, I guess." And so he headed off down the hallway toward his new quarters. "It's alright..." said the young man under his breath as he walked along. "... if they treat me like crap, I'll just show them who's the real piece." ... it took time, and frustrated Jeremy as he got lost a couple times... but he made it to his room.

First thing was first, and Jeremy grew a vine from his pack and wormed it into one of the planters in the room. That planter was his, and if his new roomie tried to debate it, he'd be in for it. Four more vines snaked their way into the planter, and Jeremy willed them to grow to maturity. It took only minutes... and the plants were mature and ready for harvest. A few plants of corn, in fact. Jeremy picked the ears and immediately willed the seeds to revert to just that. ... the soil would still be drained of the nutrients, but the seeds were returned to their tiny size and ready to be re-grown. "There... I got some food for the next couple days. That works." Jeremy stuffed the ears of corn into his backpack, and sat down on the bed he would claim as his own. Then, he turned to his new 'friend'... and prepared to inform him as to what belonged to Jeremy, and what did not.

It wasn't likely he'd be making a good impression... but he refused to be seen as weak.
Jace stands up as the other boy walks to him. After the boy introduces himself jace nods "nice to meet you Damien, my name is Jace Valenheart" he stated while holding his hand out to shake hands. "so were roomates i see, looks like were gonna get plenty of time to get to know each other" jace stated with a slight laugh. though he was trying to be polite jace was slightly distracted looking around keeping a eye on all his surroundings, one thing he learned was to never let his guard down and to always stay alert "so then, wanna go head outside and tour the school with me?" jace asked.
Damien was taken aback, he wasn't expecting to run into his room-mate completely by chance like this "uhh, sure, i guess that sounds good" he said, scratching his head, taking his glasses off and rubbing them before putting them back on "umm, so where should we go? the sports stadium? the science building? what?"

he hoped he wasn't sounding too over-eager to look around, but he was understandably excited.
Jace laughs "way i see it, long as we see it all, dosnt matter where we go first" he stated. Jace was happy his roomate, he seems pretty kool and down to earth.

"I am a bit thirsty, how bout we go get a drink first" he stated and stretched nice and hard "I am rather excited about seeing all this school has to offer,

it sure beats living in the forest"
"yeah sure, a drink sounds great right no-wait you lived in the forest?"

Lucian's eyes fired open, amazed at what he just heard

(sorry, i confused this character's name (Lucien) with my failed character Damien)
Resmion turned to the man who had entered the room. "Hello there. You must be Jeremy," "It is a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Resmion, or "Rez" for short." He then opened a big box, taking out a basket whispering, "At least these survived the trip." Resmion wanted to make a good first impression on Jeremy, considering he would be sharing a room. "I made you some muffins. I hope you like them," he said, giving Jeremy a basket full of muffins.
Once Ellessa had sealed the wound, she sat next to her eccentric roommate in proper Seiza position, contemplating whether or not to retrieve the smelling salts to wake her. She quickly decided against it however, seeing how the room had once again returned to it's pristine silence.

Resting the demon slaying sword Vishar beside her in it's silken sheath, she looked down upon the red head with a small degree of curiosity.

"Are all the people of this realm so strange and awkward? Thunderous and insincere? Yet somehow demanding of interest? Grandfather?" She thought to herself before finally recalling her shirked obligation to Vishar.

"My apologies..." she uttered to the air as she again removed it from it's sheath and finally realized she could no longer remember her place in the stroke count. Still, she did what her duty demanded and simply started over from the beginning.

"1, 2, 3..."

(((Seiza literally translates to proper sitting and is done by resting your butt on the backs of your heels, the front of your feet resting flat against the ground. It's sat in for formality and for meditation, just thought i'd clarify in case someone was curious)))
During the opening ceremony, two girls had stood across the room from one another, shooting the other one dirty looks from time to time. When it had ended, the albino had went to make a move towards them, only to be stopped short by the blue haired girl's fast exit. Grumbling to herself, the albino checked the list of rooms once more. Cyr didn't feel like going to her room, or meeting her roommate for that matter. Memorizing the number for later, she filtered out as one of the last ones, and instead of turning towards the dorms, she ducked out towards the school. A little exploring never hurt anyone, right?

Besides, it would take her, and her family name, far away from people who might just want to know what the Felner family's main branch could do. After all, it wasn't a secret who her family was, and the faint glowing red eyes and pristine white hair at Highland Academy kind of gave it away. Ducking into the class room section of the school through a side door, she glanced once behind her, making sure no one was following, before shutting the door behind her.


Coming to the ceremony was a complete joke and Vative was grateful for the chance to leave as soon as possible. These people were not worth her time, all immature know-it-alls that they seemed to be from what she had gathered during their waiting period. Too friendly and trusting, at that. She, on the other hand, knew better than to just blindly believe what people would present themselves as, a life time in the circus taught you that lesson fast and hard. which is what made the aspect of her having no roommate very sweet indeed. It was also on the third floor, a very wonderful bonus.

Tucking a strand of the short cotton candy blue hair behind her ear as she headed for the girl's dorm, Vative couldn't wait for lessons to begin. She wanted to prove herself, and show that rotten little Felner what real magic and skill was once more. Once inside the dorm building, she darted up the stairs to the third floor, ready to unpack, and start looking through those spell books she'd had to get for this. The first time in a proper school could be very exciting after all.
After a few minutes of sitting in the quiet apartment, Aspen stood, pulling the hair tie from her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders. Aspen had a habit of always fidgeting with her hair, which her parents despised. Walking back to her bedroom, Aspen grabbed a book from the stack in the corner and walked to the door. She quietly closed it behind her, head down so as to hide her face. A smile came to her lips when she thought of what her parents might say if they saw her.

Her parents had, of course, freaked out when Aspen showed signs of being magical. They knew nothing of the magical world and their initial reaction was one of horror. Their daughter was different which is something they spent her whole life trying to avoid. They were immensely relieved when they heard about the academy, sending her off straight away and telling everyone she had gone off to some prestigious boarding school. Appearances were always important to her parents but at least here no one would know who she was and she wouldn't have to worry about acting so proper.

Aspen walked down the hallway, trying her hardest not to bump into any of the other students, her book clutched tightly to her chest. She somehow found herself outside, confused to how she had gotten there as she hadn't been paying much attention to where she was going.

The day was lovely with a small breeze ruffling the leaves on the trees. The sun warmed Aspen's cheeks and she let out a contented sigh, looking around for a good place to sit and read. She decided on a rather large tree situated not too far away. She walked over, sitting on the grass, her legs crossed, her back leaning against the trunk of the tree. She looked at the cover of the book she had grabbed. It was a book on spells, something she had been meaning to read for a while but her parents wouldn't allow it, too frightened someone might find out. Aspen reached into the deep pocket on her dark robe, pulling out her wand. It was a light brown, short, and rather skinny. Aspen had never actually purposely done magic before and she hoped she wouldn't be too far behind all the other students.

Tucking a wavy strand of hair behind her ear, Aspen flipped open the book and began to read, immediately getting lost in her own little world as she so often did when reading.
Aphrodite's eyes blinked open. She then looked at Ella. She sat up, and felt her forehead. She then looked at Ella again, "Why'd you help me? You don't know me. For all you care, I could be the most hateful woman on Earth, even more than that girl in a book that happens to share my name. Let me say this now, we can either be the best of friends, and deal with each other, OR, we can be the worst of enemies, and ignore the fact that the other exists, and when it comes down to one of dying, the other will complete ignore the fact that the other existed," Aphrodite said this with an evil little bitchy smile on her face, and she stood, and grabbed the nun chucks, "Or, saying as you look like you know a little bit about these, you could teach me to use them better, so I don't commit suicide with them."

Ayama smiled to herself, grabbing her bow, and quiver. She practically bounced her way to the archery range. She smiled at her bow, and then looked at the target. She grabbed an arrow from her quiver with left hand, and knocked it. She raised her bow, and narrowed her eyes. Of the few times she really concentrated, this was the most important one. She then stopped, and loosened the bow string. The feathers on her arrow where wrong. Stupid people! Why can't they learn not to muck up the feathers! It was true. Every time someone else had even touched her arrows, they messed with the feathers. She hurriedly fixed it, and then knocked it again, closing her right eye, and loosing the arrow, letting it fly. The arrow soared, gracefully. In Ayama's opinion, even the grace of Kung Fu, which she loved, was no match to the arrow. Time seemed to slow, as she let her breath out, and opened her right eye, watching the arrow fly, spiraling through the air. The arrow hit slightly to the left of the bulls eye. She smiled at herself. She was getting better. Just, hopefully no one else has the guts to touch her arrows.
"791, 792, 793..." Ellessa continued with her mental count, focusing on it more intently than normal so as not to lose her place again.

When the first signs that the confusing one was beginning to wake began to present themselves, she again replaced Vishar in it's silken sheath, firmly recounting the last number in her mind. "794".

Much too suddenly Aphrodite sat up in front of Ellessa, prompting a reflexive twitch in the direction of her sword.

"Why'd you help me? You don't Know me...." she began.

"It was only natural for a Hardie to lend assistance..." Was what she wanted to say, though in truth she did not really understand why as well. It did seem like the appropriate thing to do at the time, but perhaps that was not the culture of the land? Was that why she was suddenly more thunderous even than before? As she began to open her mouth however, she continued...

"For all you care, I could be the most hateful woman on Earth, even more than that girl in a book that happens to share my name."

"A book? Why was she talking about a book? Was that perhaps an interest they shared?" Ellessa thought as she half-turned her head to gaze upon her the book her family tree was imprinted into, with tales of the deeds of each person held within. "I too possess a treasured book if you want to read it" was what she wanted to say before this strange woman continued her rambling without missing a beat.

"Let me say this now, we can either be the best of friends and deal with each other..."

"How exactly was friendship an issue? We would be living together from this point to the foreseeable future...but I suppose that is the more favorable outcome. This women is so confusing, her statements are at odd's with her previous statements..." Ellessa thought, furrowing her brow a bit as she tried to parse the actions of this women in her mind.

"OR, we can be the worse of enemies..."

"Wait?...that is completely at odd's with what she said just a moment prior...What exactly is her intent?!" Ellessa thought...frantically trying to keep up with the parade of words slipping free of her room-mates ever gaping maw.

"...the other will completely ignore the fact that the other existed"

"Very well then, perhaps this was for the best after all, this women was quite possibly the most distracting existence in all the realms..." Ellessa thought to herself as Aphrodite seemed to finish up. She silently reached for Vishar and began to remove it from it's sheath, glad that again there would be some semblance of peace. Clutching at the whetstone, she tried desperately to remember her count, but it was a futile attempt...she had been too focused trying to understand her roommate and the count was already lost to her.

She sighed gently to herself as she prepared to start from the beginning all over again.

"Or..." Aphrodite started, prompting Ellessa to squeeze firmly at the whetstone in her hand in frustration.

"What was it now? I thought we were to ignore the other's existance!" she thought, feelings of agitation overflowing inside her. "What more could there be to say already?!"

" look like you know a little bit about these, you could teach me to use them better, so I dont commit suicide with them."

Ellessa's mind went blank, far too overloaded by the massive contradictions this women seemed to embody. She opened her mouth blankly, but the words weren't readily available and so all that came out was a dull "uhhh..?".

Taking a moment to recompose herself, Ellessa rose from Seiza position gracefully and nodded.

"I am a swordswomen first and foremost, but I will teach you what little I know....under one condition. Explain to me what you just said....slowly."
Gray turned to the door as his roommate came in. Or at least he thought it was his roommate. It could've also been a very cunning long term stalking killers or thieves or something. He had pale hair, not as pale as Anya's but it was significantly pale. He watched as the pale boy unpack his things. There were certainly a lot of them. A lot of nice looking things too. It was certainly a contrast from the things Gray had. Was the kid from a rich family? Maybe. At the very least, he seemed well loved. Gray's jaw clenched a bit but calmed down as he gazed upon his own reflection again.

Hearing a greeting from the other boy, Gray turned away from himself and gave a friendly wave. "Hey there . . . you . . . " It had finally dawned on him that Gray had no idea what this kid's name was. Awkward . . . "Well . . . um . . . roomie, the name's Gray Dalenforth. What's good?"
"I'm going to sum this up, in the best way that I can, We can either be the best of friends, or worst of enemies. That is up to you, and, knowing some about nun chucks, is better than none. I saw your face light up when I mentioned a book, do you like to read?" Were the words that 'flowed' out of Aphrodite's mouth. She did rather like to read, and, secretly hoped this girl did to. If she didn't, then hopefully liked snakes. Or fire, fire's good. She sat on her bed, in the way that a Native American would, leg over leg. She was wearing jeans, so it was okay.

Ayama looked at her arrows in the target. That was three bulls eyes in a row. She walked up, and grabbed her arrows. She put them in her quiver, and put her bow on her back, and she walked back to her room. She then began to wonder if her roommate would ever show.
"Names Lucas, Lucas Silverstream." Lucas responded, drawing a small vial of bottled moonlight attached to a fine silver chain out of the trunk, slipping it around his neck, he continued rummaging.

"Good? what exactly do you mean, good?... I suppose the trip here was alright, but it's really about what's happening from here, isn't it?"

He snapped his trunk shut, and slid it odd the bed, dropping it to the floor. with a quick push of his foot, the trunk slid under his bed. "So, what exactly were you doing there in the mirror?" Lucas questioned. "is it enchanted in some way?"

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