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Fantasy Realms of Nymserine: OOC

Purize Purize is Centuar french for Centaur? ha... ha...

It's a joke!!! x3 not pointing out the typo at all! idc about it. Just thought it was funny that I was reading in normal English until you made my internal voice go off usual. Also no offense to the language, I absolutely adore french. They can cuss at me and I would still smile stupidly, thinking they were tickling my butt with a silk napkin. Love it <3!
Well, I work at Costco, so I was out pushing carts and this car was trying to park in a spot to the left of it. Left and forward. The car stops, so I figure, okay, it's safe to cross behind him. I'm like halfway behind him when he starts backing up. Now, keep in mind I'm in a bright-ass yellow reflective vest. I wave super wide right behind him in his rear window. Dude keeps coming. Didn't even effing apologize when he got out of the car, either. I should've just left the cart there and moved so he would've smashed into it.
Yup. So that, paired with a bloody crazy day, and I'm overwhelmed. Death by sensory overload.
Bahh. Too bad Fernwe's intro is set in the mid-morning, or I'd have had a reply.
We are around mid morning/afternoon aren't we? In terms of Purize and Bug's characters, or did i get that wrong OwO?

Edit: I did a little timeskip after Fernwe's earlier shenenigans, so any scene wouldn't matter as long as its bright out :3
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Fernwe is on the outskirts, within sight of Meletus' walls :3 Open for anything*

*almost anything
I could make a small thing for her and Fernwe to get involved in, provided there won't be a time skip soon. BugDozer73 BugDozer73

Tbh, i was just going to have her sniper an arrow to butt of the guy chasing Fernwe. But it's cool, I'll probably have her nap on a roof. It's four am and I work today. Thanks, though :)
Tbh, i was just going to have her sniper an arrow to butt of the guy chasing Fernwe. But it's cool, I'll probably have her nap on a roof. It's four am and I work today. Thanks, though :)
I can't reply till much later, no worries, join if ye want ^^
SilverFlight SilverFlight I have a plan to bring together everyone in and around Meletus. So imagine during the day, Verity and Roland find the wanted poster for the bandit leader and camp, and could use the extra money. Perhaps we ask Pyrrhus to tag along just for some extra help. While we are traveling there, we could run into Fernwe who follows us, and then we all get to the camp and battle with charlotte, maybe saving her life. Then we all head back to meletus to finish our shennaningans, like me telling mum to butt off and verity having her rendezvous with Azaria
SilverFlight SilverFlight I have a plan to bring together everyone in and around Meletus. So imagine during the day, Verity and Roland find the wanted poster for the bandit leader and camp, and could use the extra money. Perhaps we ask Pyrrhus to tag along just for some extra help. While we are traveling there, we could run into Fernwe who follows us, and then we all get to the camp and battle with charlotte, maybe saving her life. Then we all head back to meletus to finish our shennaningans, like me telling mum to butt off and verity having her rendezvous with Azaria
I love that plan. ^^ That is a great plan.
SilverFlight SilverFlight I have a plan to bring together everyone in and around Meletus. So imagine during the day, Verity and Roland find the wanted poster for the bandit leader and camp, and could use the extra money. Perhaps we ask Pyrrhus to tag along just for some extra help. While we are traveling there, we could run into Fernwe who follows us, and then we all get to the camp and battle with charlotte, maybe saving her life. Then we all head back to meletus to finish our shennaningans, like me telling mum to butt off and verity having her rendezvous with Azaria

That's okay, but it would be a little weird to walk 15 miles south of Meletus and then just start walking right back... But if everyone else likes the idea, then I guess i'm down.
That's okay, but it would be a little weird to walk 15 miles south of Meletus and then just start walking right back... But if everyone else likes the idea, then I guess i'm down.
if you don't think its a good idea we can tweak it. But I mean we do have some time to kill before night? although we were going to visit your friend.
I mean, what do we think about doing our Meletus stuff and getting it out of the way, (I.e. meeting Verity's friend, going to the Temple, Verity meeting with Azaria... we could maybe get an Inn or stay with Ver's friend) and meet up with Pyrrhus tomorrow morning and gather Azaria (possibly) and Fernwe (possibly) and set out for the bandit camp and then meet Charlotte and then we can all have a crazy conversation about how coincidental it is that we all want to travel together and we go to Aeredale to meet MORE people! xD
BugDozer73 BugDozer73 SilverFlight SilverFlight Lekiel Lekiel Melon Bomb Melon Bomb Zazz Zazz

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