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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Aowyn said:
Ingrid laughed at his joke. "Nice to meet you," she said, nodding at both of them. Something he had said bothered her a bit. "Wait, your room? I didn't know this place had Co-ed dorms," Ingrid said, looking at the boy she would be living with for the next year. This school was already way different than her old one. Not that she minded much, it just surprised her.
Ingrid remembered her things that had gone flying when she fell. "My guitar!" she exclaimed, diving toward it to make sure it was okay. She frantically undid the clasps of the case it was in and took it out, inspecting it for any damage. It looked okay, no scratches or anything. She strummed a chord to check the sound. All okay, though the E string was a bit out of tune. "Phew..." she sighed, thankful that her instrument was fine. She checked her keyboard next, completely forgetting about the fox and the kitsune behind her. Finding a plug-in by the door for it, she carefully played each note to make sure nothing had gotten damaged. All were fine. Ingrid sat back, breathing a sigh of relief.
Yeah I was just surprised as you when I found out. Good thing I don't have a problem with it. He felt that Ingrid was going to make a typical guy joke about him not having problems with co-ed dorms. But she actually dove for her guitar. Koziak plopped back onto his bed as he watched Ingrid check get guitar and keyboard. It's cool that he was a musician as a roommate. Hey, so you play the guitar and keyboard, can you sing as well? He asked while playing with Loki, who was nibbling on his hand.

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Emma Emma was grateful that Brooke would accept the newt, so she threw it at her like a hot potato.The lizard spun through the air and landed unceremoniously on Brooke's shoulder. When Brooke asked to be her friend, Emma grunted in affirmation. "Sure," she said. "I'd love having friends that aren't scuttling lizards." She shot an angry glare at the newt, who stuck its tongue out at her. After Brooke also asked about her health Emma just waved her off. "Not a problem," she said, lifting her head off the table and drinking a strange blue potion. She quickly threw up in he nearest trash can, but her wounds still sealed over. As she came be, Emma almost fell on the table again, but a thought suddenly shot through her mind. "Wait a second," she muttered, "You're gonna be my friend right?" She asked, as an evil twinkle appeared in her eye. "Would you be willing to do, uhm, some experiments with me? I've always *pant* wanted a subject!" She said excitedly.


Brooke smiled at the Lizard and petted it's head with her index and middle finger before looking back over at Emma. "Of course I'm gonna be your friend!" When Emma mentioned doing experiments with her, her face lit up with excitement and curiosity. "What sort of Experiments?! Are they fun experiments? Or are they like those social experiments that mean losers do? You shouldn't do those sort of experiments, they're really mean" Brooke smiled happily at Emma, excited at the prospect of doing the experiments; She was already one hundred percent sure that they would only be doing cool experiments since she was sure she was sure that she had convinced her again doing social experiments.



"You're still not getting it, are you? I thought blondes were meant to be the stupid ones. Congratulations for disproving the stereotype" Francis kicked the Trash in front of him closer to Caroline. "But, I'll explain it one more time for you, since I'm such a nice guy. I. Want. To. Be. Left. Alone. I. Don't. Want. Anyone. To. Pay. Attention. To. Me" Francis looked over at Caroline and smiled sarcastically at her. "Was that slow enough for your small, Slow brain to keep up? Or do I need to go even slower?"

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz
Ingrid gave Koziak a look. "Of course I can sing, I live to sing," she said. Though, she'd never actually sung in front of anyone besides her friends and family, so it was debatable whether she was any good. Ingrid noticed Koziak playing with Loki. She walked up to Koziak's pet fox and crouched down. He was adorable. Loki stared up at her with black eyes like obsidian that seemed to hold the entirety of darkness within them. Very pretty. "Can... can I pet him?" she asked Koziak.

@Embaga Elder
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Kaido Kuran

He only saw what she said when she looked back at him, that was the only way he could read someone's lips was by looking directly at them. "Just meeting new people I guess." He replied, taking another swig of coffee which was the last thing he'd need in a morning but he didn't care. He thought to ask her something but before he could his phone died, and right in the middle of a song too! Well now that there was no music in his ears to drown out the sound of everyone around him he could now hear what the guy next to him said, just more insults. Seriously, were they having some contest to see who could come up with the most insults or what? "What's with all the insults? Eesh..."

@GingerBread @Kazehana
Aptual giggled as she first saw the kitty "awwww! that's adorable!" She smiled at the cat. She was going to pet it but Rea picked up the cat first, Aptual looked at her in horror! "Kitty..." She teared up slightly, but seeing Rea's adorable reaction to the kitty made her giggle "Awwww! Cutie! your adorable!" Aptual giggled as she jumped on both Daggora and Rea and hugged them both "You guys are adorably cute!" She giggled , knowing her words didn't make much sense. But she was filled with joy that her new two friends are this adorable.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
Emma Emma started panting heavily, excited with the prospect of actually using a real, humanish test subject. "Fun experiments, of course!" She shouted, standing up suddenly and slamming her fist on the table. When Emma realized the commotion she cause, her face turned a bright red and she sat back down, embarrassed. "*Cough*. What I mean is that you'll just be a test subject. I'll be making all sorts of potions, like levitation potions, love potions, toxic potions, everything!" She said, looking extremely thrilled with the idea. "There won't be any kinds of social experiments, unless *ahem* you're into psychological torture," she muttered sideways, giving Brooke an interested stare.

Aowyn said:
Ingrid gave Koziak a look. "Of course I can sing, I live to sing," she said. Though, she'd never actually sung in front of anyone besides her friends and family, so it was debatable whether she was any good. Ingrid noticed Koziak playing with Loki. She walked up to Koziak's pet fox and crouched down. He was adorable. Loki mlstared up at her with black eyes like obsidian that seemed to hold the entirety of darkness within them. Very pretty. "Can... can I pet him?" she asked Koziak.
@Embaga Elder
Koziak smiled after hearing that she could sing. He started thinking about how his mother always sung to him when he had nightmares. Her voice was so soothing it always puts him back to sleep. A tear fell from his eye as he thought of her. He whipped it away as Ingrid stepped closer asking to pet Loki. Sure go ahead, but watch the tail. He said with a smirk as he gestured to his red furry. tail. He laid back as Ingrid petted Loki. You know Ingrid my mother use to sing as well. She sung to me when I had nightmares and I couldn't go back to sleep. It was one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard. He said openly even though he just met this girl. He had no problem with speaking of his past, nor will he ever. He sat back up deciding to change the mood in the room. You know Ingrid, if this school every decides to have a talent show, I'll be sure to sign you up for it. He said jokingly. @Aowyn

"I'm insulting her, because I would like to be alone. But some people, don't seem to understand that. So unless she is a masochist and is getting off on me insulting her. She should soon leave. But considering she hasn't left yet and doesn't seem to be showing any signs of doing that thing, I'm going to take a wild guess and say she is a masochist."
Francis threw a disgusted glance over in Caroline's direction before looking back at Kaido. "So why did you come over here? Are you a masochist like her? Or... Did you just think we'd magically all becomes friends?" Francis paused for a moment before speaking up again. "No one could possibly be that stupid. You must be a masochist like her. Well I don't really want to help either of you with your sexual fantasies, so could you both piss off now?"

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana


Brooke's smile got even brighter when Emma confirmed that they would be Fun experiments. Brooke hardly noticed when Emma stood up and created a small scene; She was too focused on thinking about the cool experiments. When Emma mention levitation potions, Brooke's face lit up with excitement, missing the other two types that Emma said. "You can make potions that can make me float?! That's so cool! When are we doing this? Are we doing this now?! We could do this now, right?!" Brooke smiled as she imagined all the cool things she could do if she was able to Levitate.

Jack finished sharpening his arrows and put them back into his quiver. He then slid the bow and quiver of arrows underneath his bed. He got up off of his bed and opened the door to his room. He walked through the hallway, looking around the place for something to do.
Hunter woke up after a brief nap in his dorm, feeling a bit better than he did when he got here. With a yawn and a grand stretch, he got out of his bed, running his fingers through his hair to fix it. "Nngh, fuck waking up." He grumbled, feeling various joints crack as he stood. With another yawn, he walked out onto the hallway, quietly closing the door behind him. As he walked, he rubbed sleep out of his eyes, but abruptly stopped when he ran into someone. "Agh, piss," was his initial reaction before he looked down at whoever he ran into. "Sorry 'bout that, mate."

"Hey, don't worry about that, just maybe be more careful when you're walking down a hallway" Jack told him. He looked at him and then introduced himself "Hi, I'm Jack, I'm new here" He put out his hand. "and you are?" Jack asked him. Jack put his left hand behind his back and touched a small dagger that was attached to his belt.

"Hunter." He simply spoke, narrowing his eyes when he saw Jack reach behind him. He refused to take the guy's hand, figuring if he managed to bring a gun on campus, then this kid could potentially have a weapon as well. "I'm new here, too. Haven't got an idea where to go. And my roommate looked pretty pissed of earlier, so I couldn't really ask her about stuff." He spoke, keeping an eye on Jack's left hand.

Jack noticed that Hunter was looking at his left hand and let go of the dagger and put his left hand back in front of him. "Oh, well then, do you want to explore the campus with me?" Jack asked, he still had his hand out for Hunter to shake, "Because I really should figure out were everything is before I get lost going to a class or something."

Only then did Hunter briefly shake Jack's hand. He wasn't about to get caught off guard. "Hm, I suppose. I've got nothing better to do." He spoke as he let go of the other guy's hand. "Where do you reckon we go first?" He asked, honestly disinterested in touring the campus. But hell, it was better than sitting in his dorm all day and getting lost down the line.

" I have do idea. Maybe the courtyard, or the gym." Jack paused for a bit. "ooh maybe the cafeteria, I'm kinda hungry" He put his hand back to his side and looked around. "Do you know if they have a map of this place? cause that would be pretty useful in order to not get lost"

"I wouldn't know, I just showed up and slept." Hunter grumbled, only then realizing how flawed this system was. There was no orientation or anything... But now's not the time to dwell on that. He was hungry as well and still craving ice cream.


The most prominent question floating around in her mind revolved around his willingness to berate a random young boy who was clearly not the worst. It was becoming apparent that this guy was just trying to be mean for the sake of being mean, and she didn't understand that mentality. In the end, it was easier to just ignore his existence altogether.

"So what year are you?" she asked him, turning herself to physically position her attention away from Francis. If he was going to be the worst, she wasn't going to entertain him. It seemed to her that he was the one who was enjoying this the most, but she still wasn't willing to conform to his rude demands. So she figured that the best solution for her was to still do what she wanted yet not do what he wanted. It was complicated, but it worked out in her head. If he was so upset, he would have left by now.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
Ingrid's face lit up as Koziak gave his permission for her to pet his fox. She tentatively reached a hand out, holding it palm up to indicate she was okay to approach. She did this with most animals, because for some reason they either loved her or hated her guts. She supposed the magic had something to do with it. This fox was rather unperturbed by her magic it seemed, as he quickly butted his head against her hand. Soon she found herself cross-legged on the floor playing with the little red fox with a bright smile on her face.

When Koziak mentioned his mother, she became slightly worried. Was? As in, no longer and never again? Ingrid decided not to touch on that subject. In this school there was likely many kid who've lost their parents. Koziak threatened to sign her up for a talent show. Ingrid stopped petting Loki to look up at him with mild horror. He wouldn't dare. Loki nibbled her hand in an effort to get her attention. She resumed petting the fox. If that was the way he wanted to play it... "Only if you sign up with me dear," she said teasingly, emphasizing the last word.

@Embaga Elder
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Daggora purred when Rea began to pet her. So lulled into her trance of pleasure from being petted for the first time in several years, she was caught off guard by Aptual's hug. She was so shocked that jumped out of Rea's arms as fast as she could and climbed to the top of her head. When she reached the top of her head, she realized what had happened and jumped off, back onto the table. Focusing her thoughts, she spoke to the two girls with her ability of telepathy, that only worked well enough to talk to others in her animal forms. It was non-existent in her human form. 'Sorry, bout that. You scared me.' She cocked her head to the side. 'I didn't accidentally hurt the two of you did I?'

@metalcity @RealityEntity
Aptual looked up at Daggora with sad eyes "I...I just wanted a hug...is that to much to ask for..." Aptual sniffed as she fell to the ground "Why God why! why must you curse me!" She rubbed her eyes "But God, I feel like I would feel better if a adorable assassin kitten was to jump on my head and then allow me to pick her up, and yes! it must be a female! and called Daggora for no apparent reason! and then let me hug her! That would cheer me up and stop my sadness." Aptual rubbed her eye again as a tear fell landed on the ground.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
Daggora was startled by Aptual's outburst at first, but quickly calmed down. She felt slightly guilty that she had startled so easily. 'Just don't hug me to death, yeah? I'm fragile in this form.' She thought at the crying girl, before jumping from the table to Aptual's head. 'And for I'm not an assa- oh forget it. Are you going to pick me up or what?'

@metalcity @RealityEntity
"YAY!" Aptual cheerfully exclaimed, she quickly jumped up off the floor, sending Daggora flying above Aptual. Aptual giggled as she got ahold of Daggora carefully "Oops, sorry abound that." She giggled slightly as she brought Daggora closer to her chest, what seemed like it was going to be a violent hug turned into a gentle embrace. "Awww! Your so cute Daggora! And soft too! I could hug you all day, and if I had permission I would, you cutie." As Aptual hugged the kitten, she gently stroked it's back as well.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
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Daggora yowled in surprise as she went flying into the air, before landing in Aptual's arms. Catching her breath, Daggora didn't react when she was hugged to Aptual's chest. Eventually though, she wiggled into a more comfortable position and relaxed, purring. She was so relaxed, that she would have fallen asleep, had she not just eaten all of her cupcakes. Only the sugar kept her awake, and even then just barely.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
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Crowley scowled and cursed under his breath as he was nudged again. At Aldrich's question, Crowley sighed and closed his eyes. "I don't know...it sounds impossible, and right now it's just rumors, but...for all we know it may very well be true. Be on the look out for anything, but don't let the students become aware of your worries. It may only freak them all out, and we don't want-or need- that kind of chaos. Especially it it turns out to be true."



William was silent as he stepped into the cafeteria. He grabbed an apple from the lunch line and looked around. Not seeing anything particularly interesting, he turned around and began to walk out of the cafeteria, nodding at Aldrich and Headmaster Crowley as he left.

(I felt that I should at least introduce him....)

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