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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

"Okay, so I'm thinking we do cafeteria" Jack said as he began to walk down the hallway. He looked back and very briefly switched to x-ray vision to see if he had any weapons on him. he noticed the gun and then switched his x-ray vision off. I really shouldn't be surprised, I mean I'm also armed so it only makes sense that he have one as well Jack thought

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Aldrich Valencia

"I know, I know. It's just... One guy in particular seems really, really sketchy." Aldrich grumbled, folding his arms and looking out over the cafeteria. "He came here under the name Hunter Smith. Probably a fake name, I'm guessing. Gave no records regarding his family, himself. It could just me being paranoid, but there's just something really off about him." The teacher spoke lowly, glancing over to Crowley. "I just need to figure out this kid's deal. Better safe than sorry."

@Daggora Keket

Hunter Flynn

"Sounds good enough. If we can find it." Hunter chuckled, beginning to walk down the hall. "Pardon me if this is an intrusive question, but what's your power?" He asked, looking down at Jack. He didn't seem to have anything that implied what his power was, except he could've sworn he saw Jack's eyes flash a different color for a brief moment.

@awesomerandomness (mind tagging me in your posts if it involves one of my characters?)
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"Hmm..." Crowley opened his eyes and thought for a second. "Maybe, talk to him on-on-one for a little bit....that does seem a little sketchy, but as you well know, many of our students had bad pasts and such, maybe he's just ashamed or scared." Crowley pushed off the wall. "With that in mind, I should probably get ready for the Welcoming Speech/Initiation before the first class." He turned to Aldrich one last time. "Don't jump to conclusions, just talk to him. Help him feel safe." He smiled at Aldrich and left the cafeteria.

Aldrich was about to say, "His name is literally Hunter, that's sketch as hell." But couldn't get the words out before Crowley walked off. He gave a huff to himself, leaning back against the wall and scanning the cafeteria again. He felt a little less zealous now, and more on guard. His main thoughts now were how he was going to protect these kids, keep them from harm. But if the danger was among them... What could he do other than try to jump to conclusions and root out the shady ones?
"Yeah I hope we can" Jack responded. "oh and I can see everything on the electromagnetic spectrum when I want to. Like infrared, and radio frequencies and stuff like that. What about you, whats your gift?" He walked down the hallway to a set of stairs. "It's probably downstairs right?" He said

"Accuracy. I can hit my mark if I have it in my sight." Hunter responded simply, hands in his pockets. He didn't like the fact that Jack could've probably gotten a heat map or x-ray of him just now and found out where he kept his gun. But the kid didn't seem to be mentioning anything about it, which was fine by him.

"oh that's pretty cool" Jack responded. He walked down the steps looking for the cafeteria. "it has to be here somewhere. I'm really hungry" Jack continued to walk around aimlessly looking for the cafeteria.

Hunter caught the scent of food as they were walking around, wishing he could kind of track it down like a bloodhound. But no, the aroma was just there to taunt him and make him hungrier. At least he knew he was on the right track. "Wait, haven't we already been down this hall?" He raised a brow, but shrugged it off, figuring his bad sense of direction was getting to him again. But then he saw some wide doors down the hall. "I reckon that's it, mate."

Jack looked at hunter for a second and then continued to walk towards the door. "how come none of us got an orientation or something? like wouldn't it make sense instead of having us have to figure out where everything is. like this place is weird"

"No, because, you see, that makes way too much sense." Hunter chuckled to himself before looking around the cafeteria. "I'm gonna get myself some ice cream. Been having a craving for a while now." He spoke before finding an ice cream machine and getting himself a small come of vanilla. Good enough.
Jack nodded and then got himself a tray. he began just piling up food on his tray. After he had finished there was just a mountain of food on his tray. "I'm so glad that we found this. I've been starving all day not really doing much." Jack sat down at a table and began to eat.

Hunter sat across from Jack and started eating his ice cream. He gave a small grumble of agreement as he ate, his eyes wandering around the cafeteria at the various students. And that one teacher who seemed to be glaring at him. Hunter zoomed in on the guy's face. Yup, definitely glaring. He zoomed out and let his gaze linger a little while longer before looking back at Jack. He was going to comment on the teacher, but decided against it.

Jack continued to eat "well I'm pretty happy that you bumped into me this morning because otherwise i might have never found the cafeteria" Jack said. "and the food is actually pretty good" Jack looked around the room at the other students. he sighed a little bit before going back to eating his food.

@Schadenfreudmeh (i have to go for the night, bye)
Kaido Kuran

This was about the worst time his phone could've died because now he had nothing to drown out the rude comments of this guy and the noise of the cafeteria. A masochist? Seriously? He didn't even know him and he was already saying random shit. Kaido thought he was making an alright impression but apparently this guy didn't like company so he payed little attention to him and kept his headphones on as to make it look like he was still listening to music. He heard the girl ask him a question and he replied saying "1st year at the academy if that was what you were asking. What about yourself?" To ensure he didn't come off as self centered he asked her the same question and gave a minimal response. Or would that just make him come off as annoying or non caring? Eh, it didn't matter. When he went to take another sip of his coffee he heard barking from the other end of the cafeteria, getting closer by the second then he realized it was Kota ready to jump right on him and that's exactly what Kaido had suspected he would do. He was nearly knocked off his seat by Kota jumping right up at him, licking his face with his slobbery tongue, tail wagging, barking away. "Okay okay buddy you can stop licking me!!" Yelled Kaido and the dog stopped and sat at his feet looking up at him with his tongue still hanging out as Kaido pet his head a bit "Sorry bud, I forgot I left you outside! Who let you in anyways?"

@Kazehana @GingerBread
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"No problem. But it wasn't so much finding more than it was just happening to stumble upon it." Hunter gave a small laugh to himself, still feeling that teacher's eyes bore into him. He took a quick glance up before lowering his voice and talking to Jack. "I think that mate's glaring at me. Or you. Not sure." He briefly nodded towards Aldrich.

Aowyn said:
Ingrid's face lit up as Koziak gave his permission for her to pet his fox. She tentatively reached a hand out, holding it palm up to indicate she was okay to approach. She did this with most animals, because for some reason they either loved her or hated her guts. She supposed the magic had something to do with it. This fox was rather unperturbed by her magic it seemed, as he quickly butted his head against her hand. Soon she found herself cross-legged on the floor playing with the little red fox with a bright smile on her face.
When Koziak mentioned his mother, she became slightly worried. Was? As in, no longer and never again? Ingrid decided not to touch on that subject. In this school there was likely many kid who've lost their parents. Koziak threatened to sign her up for a talent show. Ingrid stopped petting Loki to look up at him with mild horror. He wouldn't dare. Loki nibbled her hand in an effort to get her attention. She resumed petting the fox. If that was the way he wanted to play it... "Only if you sign up with me dear," she said teasingly, emphasizing the last word.

@Embaga Elder
Koziak Laughed softly looking at Ingrid as she plays with Loki. Sure, why not honey. He said placing the same emphasis on the last word. We might lose, because I have no musical talent at all, but hey it's for fun right. He said giving a slight shrug. He was enjoying Ingrid's company and so was Loki. Ingrid, how old are you? He asked as he stood up and turned to look at his Katanas @Aowyn

Francis had to force himself not to smile when he saw Kaido's dog; Kota. He started reaching out to pet Kota but caught himself and started moving his hand to his breast pocket, where he pulled out his packet of cigarettes. He wasn't actually intending to smoke any of them and quickly decided to just check how many he had. Francis put his packet of cigarettes back into his pocket and sighed slightly. 'I should probably leave now. I can't be mean to an Animal and I don't want these people thinking they've found one of my weaknesses or something. If I stay the dog might come near me and tempt me into petting it, but if I leave, they'd be none the wiser' Francis stood up as he made a decision, he turned around to face Caroline. "I shan't entertain your sexual fantasies any longer. Goodbye" He turned on his heel and began walking away.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz

She nodded to his answer. "I'm in my last year here. 'Bout to get out there in the real world," she replied, not sure how to feel about it. Out there, she wouldn't have the luxuries she had in here, which was why she focused on being independent and working on herself. She was thinking of another question to ask when she realized that she didn't know his name. To be candid, she didn't want Francis to know her name, and she didn't want to know his either. So it was just easier to never mention it.

Before she could ask, his pet came back, and what a friendly one it was too. She couldn't help but smile at how cute it was. That might have been the first time she had smiled for a while, and it felt a little weird. Regardless, she was enjoying herself for perhaps the first time that day. "He's so cute!" she commented, though didn't dare to touch it. She knew how dangerous animals could be, and she wasn't about to get herself into a nasty little situation.

Francis' exit was much appreciated and welcome, as it signaled her victory in his stupid little game. She still didn't' acknowledge him, but she was well aware of what had just happened. Cuteness must be his weakness or something. Perhaps she could somehow use that to slowly kill him, but she would have to think of what.

"What's his name?" she asked, still entranced by the dog. "And speaking of, what's your name?" she asked now that Francis was no longer a thing she would have to deal with.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread
"Eh, whatever. unless he comes over here I wouldn't worry about it" Jack reassured Hunter. He honestly had no idea what the teacher was doing but he didn't really care, all he cared about was eating his food. "Maybe you should go up to him and see what he wants." Jack proposed to Hunter

"Yeah, nah." Hunter quickly rejected that idea. He wasn't one to start a confrontation and he surely wasn't going to change that habit now. Besides, the guy could be glaring at something behind him or just have a resting bitch face like some of us do. He continued to eat his ice cream, starting to calm himself down. But he still felt those eyes bore into him, and he wanted to do nothing more than get up and leave. But then again, he might be followed. Just stick with the crowd. He told himself, figuring that was the safest plan of action.

"Ha, you don't need to have musical talent. You just have to stand there and look funny for everyone else," Ingrid said, laughing. Loki seemed to be tuckered out now and had crawled into her lap to curl up there. So cute. "I'm fifteen, but next month I turn sixteen," she said in answer to his question. She stared at the katanas. Obviously, the school was pretty lax about weaponry. "What about you?"

@Embaga Elder
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Jack Finished his food and licked his lips. "mmmmmm. That was good and much needed. I haven't had a proper meal like that is like forever." Jack said. He got up and threw out his trash and put the tray into the dirty tray pile. Jack held his stomach and smiled. He walked over to Hunter and asked "so what do you want to do now?"

Aptual giggled at Daggora's purring, she continued to gently stroke the kitten "Awwww, your so adorable." She softly whispered into the cat's ear. Aptual giggled again as she looked down at the kitten, hearing Daggora's breathing it started to make Aptual sleepy "Your soo soft *yawn* and adorable, I could just fall asleep..." Aptual cheerfully told Daggora and Rea, before her eyes started to slightly close. Aptual blinked to counter it but yawned again and her eyes started to close again.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War](Sorry I was asleep xD )
He looked around the school smiling widely "This place is amazing!" He exclaimed. Only to look back at his room mate confused "I'm sorry? What do you mean by 'I wouldn't think letting others as fun.'?" The boy asked confused while his eyes wandered around some more. Being stuck looking at the notebook and pen he looked in awe "That's amazing!" Rick stated while getting a closer look at it.

(Sorry for the Delay. Got caught up with other things....)

"I meant i guess MEETING others would be fun. That's all, and This place may look cool now, but it will get boring quick." She said and continued walking, reaching the cafeteria in a matter of seconds. "And it's just a drawing. Nothing Important. " She said dismissing him and walking off to sit at the table furthest from every one, leaving him alone to interact with hopefully others. She sighed leaning on her elbows that where placed in the table as she let the pen draw what her mind willed. It was a lot faster than hand. Which she enjoyed.

Rose entered the cafeteria and watched all the students interact with each other. She walked around the outskirts and smiled caring at the students. She sat down grabbing a red apple and eating it quietly and slowly. She was an Former student so watching new ones come in was always a gift to her. @annyonne
"Sleep." Hunter bluntly replied. That was pretty much his answer to any question of the nature. No matter what, all he wanted to do was sleep, rest, nap. Just anything that involved him not having to deal with being awake. Though he figured that wasn't a good enough answer for his newfound acquaintance, so he just laughed himself off as he stood. "Nah, I'm joking, mate. How about we talk to the other people around here?"


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