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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

TheWingedCrusader said:
(@Embaga Elder @Aowyn)
Jamie smiled, looking at the fox. "You're a kitsune?" Jamie said with awe. He's never seen one before. To be honest, Jamie was excited to learn what everyone's powers were. No doubt he'd see some pretty amazing things. "Well me..? I'm normal. Sort of. The powers don't come from me..." Jamie said, trying to put it the mildest way possible. Arachu had other ideas. Jamie's shadow began to change shape. Two long arms stretched towards the two. When the reaches their ankles a cold briskly moving swish of wind would make them feel like something just stroked them. In a whisper coming seemingly from behind them into their ear, Arachu spoke, "His powers come from me."
Aowyn said:
"Nice to meet ya Jamie!" Ingrid said with a smile. She was only a little sad when Loki moved to lay on Koziak. Not nearly sad enough for it to show on her face. "Kitsune? As in, the fox yokai of Japanese mythology? ...To be honest I didn't think they were real until today. I'm not really used to all these mythical powers and creatures stuff. That's cool though." She turned to Jamie, wondering what his power was. He seemed normal enough... but when Jamie began to change shape and a frigid breeze that shouldn't exist caressed her ankles, Ingrid froze in fear. Then a voice that seemed to crawl into her skin whispered in her ear. It took everything Ingrid had in her not to scream. Instead, she grasped the armrests as tightly as she could. "That's, um, nice," Ingrid said, her voice coming out in a high-pitched squeak. "Jamie, could you put him away please?"
@Embaga Elder @Aowyn
Koziak Redd

Koziak nods his head. Yeah I'm a kitsune, and we are very real. Just like all the other mythical creatures out there. Jamie did seem very normal like Ingrid, but he raised an eyebrow when he said his power doesn't come from him. Koziak was planning to ask about it, but he felt a stranger and disturbing feeling on his ankle. Koziak turns towards Jamie. Who or what is that?
(Nice, got to love both of the people I am interacting with pissing off...Thanks guys)

Aptual started to have a mini nightmare in her unconscious state, she imagined a pot of chocolate melting. This gave her a delighted smile, until the chocolate started to burn. The chocolate started to harden and smoke, Aptual's eyes shot open as she screamed. Aptual jumped out of the bed "CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!" She randomly yelled out, running to the canteen "PLEASE BE OKAY!!!!" She continued with, tears falling from her eyes.

(Anyone still here that wants to interact? I don't bite)
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She nodded in affirmation to their casual merge into the caravan of people. Kaido's behavior was nothing short of strange. If she didn't know any better, she would say he was trying a little too hard to be cool, but what did she know. Not everyone had to live by their respective stereotypes; in fact, hardly any ever truly do. "I suppose nothing is really normal here. Perhaps more common, but not really normal. As far as I'm concerned, they don't really ever set anything in stone here, much less enough to expect anything from them," she responded almost passively, making sure she didn't accidentally touch other people. If she liked anything less than unnecessarily touching others, it might have been small talk in general. She just didn't see the point in having a conversation where no real information is ever exchanged.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"My plants?" People rarely took to much interest in his plants, it was a bit surprising. "Well, um, I've got a few, I've been collecting them since my mum bought me a kaffir lily, she didn't want me to have a dog so she thought making me take care of a plant was a good alternative." He laughed a bit. "I've got 20 in total here, most are succulents and smaller plants though, so they don't take up too much space. I've got this Amazon Elephant Ear though, that one can get really big, but right now he's pretty small. I have a Venus fly trap too, she's pretty cute." Kaiden wasn't really aware that he was talking faster, but his words speed up from they're normal slow, nervous speed. "My dad got her for me cause he thought she'd be better company than normal plants. He's not wrong, it's fun to watch her, but I definitely think the ice cascade is one of my favourites. It's so pretty and uh...sorry, I was rambling wasn't I? I get a bit excited sometimes." He laughed nervously.

@Daggora Keket
Kaido Kuran

Hm, that seemed disappointing. A layed back for gifted people and they don't even have high expectations? Did they honestly think all of them wild kids that were too unruly to teach and in the end just let them do mostly whatever they wanted? Because if they did let students do whatever they wanted some times then that would be great! No, beyond great. Awesome! "That sounds kinda cool actually but it is quite a downer, you'd think they would expect more of kids with gifts such as the ones' here." Said Kaido, keeping quiet about the gifts part because he rather not talk about people's abilities or whatever the hell. If anyone asked him what his ability was he'd say fire, simple as that no complex gift allowing him to manipulate shit or whatever. The halls looked the exact same here, minus the odd picture here and there. Now would be a great time to go find his dorm but he refused to ask Caroline for help, she might take it the wrong way so to avoid that he just remained silent as they walked on. He could begin to see the crowd of people lining up to get into the auditorium, finally.


Hasumi turned in shock once she felt the cigarette's smell,turning to see Francis' blowing it in Josh's face. She saw the anger in Josh's eyes,the pure rage for being interrupted. Guilty fell into her stomach. If he hurt Francis...

"Oh,so now you have a bodyguard? Are you going to ignore him too?"

Josh turned to Francys,ready to strike against him. But then he turned when Columbus slammed into him,the anger turning into shock and quickly going back to pure rage.

"What is this? A circus? You know what,I don't give a fuck. Go stay with your freaky friends."

He let go of Hasumi's arm,pushing her to the ground. She fell to her knees,the expression of fear still in her face. Her eyes didn't rise as Joss stormed out the auditorium. @GingerBread @LokiofSP
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Aki frowned once Aptual started to kick around. He gently held her arms and legs so she wouldn't fall down and hurt herself,ignoring the kicks he was getting in his chest.

"I'm not leaving,Aptual. If I'm...the gummy." He blushed at the nickname,sighing through his nose. His eyes drifted back to Aptual's face once he realized that she was waking up. "Hey,Aptual. Can you hear me?"

When she stormed out of the infirmary,Aki quickly followed her.

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Francis looked down at Hasumi, wanting to just walk away and deny that he did even the slightest thing to help and just let the other annoying kid take all the credit. But he didn't. He offered his hand to Hasumi to help her up. "Come on. Get up; I don't have all day. Oh and don't get any ideas about why I helped you. I was just doing you a favour and you can do one for me now. You can leave me alone for the rest of my life. Any problems with that?" With his other hand, Francis checked how many cigarettes he had left, since he had pretty much wasted one just now. 'Just two left. Great. I doubt the school sells any. Fantastic'

@KaalysBR @LokiofSP

Hasumi looked at Francis' hand for a few seconds,trying to gather her thoughts and the will to get up. She wanted to stay at the ground,but she didn't want to appear as weak. Or as even weaker,for that matter. She held Francis' hand and used it as a leverage,standing up in front of him.

"Thank you. I know you didn't...have to do that. You too,Columbus."

Her eyes were hollow as she listened to his request to leave him alone. If she had been on her best mood,Hasumi would have snarked at him and remained by his side anyway. But this time she simply nodded.


Turning around,Hasumi headed for one of the benches,sitting by herself in the auditorium. @LokiofSP @GingerBread
"PLEASE BE OKAY!!" Aptual cried out when she reached the canteen. Out of breath, Aptual leaned over with her hands on her legs, her breathing was heavy. "G-Give me a second..." Aptual panted "Okay, okay. I think I'm ready now. Stop your chocolate abuse evil doers!" She cried out, jumping over the food counter and into the kitchen. "Aki! come help me protect the chocolate!" She shouted, tears in her eyes.


Francis looked over at Hasumi as she just walked away without any snark or argument. 'That seems unlike her- Wait, why the hell do I even care. I finally got rid of her, she's going to leave me alone' Francis spun on his heel, intending to go and sit at the other end of the auditorium to Hasumi. 'What if that Arsehole comes back and tries to harass her again, because she's by herself- Why do I care? I'm sure that idiot will do something... Probably'

Despite his hatred of interacting with anyone at any point, Francis turned back around, playing off what he did by pretending he'd just turned around to grind his cigarette with his heel. He then started walking over to where Hasumi was sitting, but sat with at 3 spaces between him and Hasumi. 'I'm just doing this so I can get rid of that guy if he comes back. It's not even for her, I'm doing it for me so I can get some payback for him calling me a freak'

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR
Columbus lay there for a few moments, eyes closed and tongue out of his mouth. He soon realized both Hasumi and Francis were leaving him behind. He slowly followed them to the auditorium, jumping over a chair and sitting between them both. He kept his smile for a few moments, but soon realized the silence. He tapped his thighs for a few moments as he tried to think of something to say to his friends, but thinking of nothing to say, he simply voiced his fears, "Are you two breaking up already? I got beaten up so you guys could get together and now your breaking up? Oh god, why?! Why must young love fail?!"

@GingerBread @KaalysBR
Daggora listened Kaiden intently as he told his story, slowly forgetting about her past once more and fully relaxing. Sometime during his story, she found herself closing her eyes and letting his calm voice wash over her. She opened her eyes when he paused. Pulling her legs up onto the seat and wrapping her arms around them, she giggled and smiled softly at Kaiden. "It's fine. I understand." She bit her lip. "Would you mind terribly if I asked you to continue?" She jolted up as she realized that might have been rude. "You don't have to if you don't want you!" She said quickly. "I- I just thought that- Well maybe you would- I mean...." She blushed and looked at her knees. "You have a calm voice, and it's....soothing. It's nice." She bit her lip again. "That sounded less creepy in my head. Sorry."


She focused her sight more on the crowd in front and around them, but she still listened and tried to come up with an answer to his response. It was a tad difficult for her to avoid talking about their lack of regularity and focus more on the moment rather than prepare for the future. "Well, it's more like they live in the now rather than in the threads of possible destinies. If I could put it into words, I would say that they would rather do as little as they can because they like to foster an open environment of growth to counter the oppression most of them used to live in. It seems to give them hope and excitement in their lives to know that they could strive for their full potential," she attempted to explain as they filtered into the auditorium. Caroline wasn't one for deviating from the group, mostly to blend in and not bring attention to herself. So she simply continued with the group and filed into a seat, expecting Kaido to follow in tow.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Oh, uh, it's not creepy." Okay it was a little creepy, but not like that creepy. He was glad she was enjoying listening to him actually, he didn't really get to talk about this stuff much and it was nice. Relaxing, almost, in a weird way since he still stumbled over his words a bit. "I don't mind talking about my plants, it's like the only thing I'm good at talking about anyways." Kaiden fiddled with his hands. He began talking about the new succulent he just bought, going on about the different plants he was looking into buy and the different medical uses for some of his plants when a thought hit him. He looked around him scanning the crowd, the place was nearly full now. "Hey, uh, it's been a bit, you think, um, that guy we saw earlier is okay?" Kaiden didn't see him or Aptual in the crowd. "I don't see either of them."

@Daggora Keket
Kaido Kuran

"Hm, interesting." Said Kaido while trying to keep up with the group like Caroline, not something he was great at. For a moment he stood near the row of chairs observing the auditorium for any of the teachers, not knowing what any of them looked like. It could've been anyone, one of the people sitting down or randomly standing around like him. Wait, he was still standing? He must've looked like a complete oddball this whole time just standing around, definitely not an impression he wanted Caroline, or anyone else for that matter, to have on him. Kota rushed past his legs first, waitng for Kaido to take a seat as he then sat next to Caroline, then he jumped onto the seat beside him. All there was to do now was wait, or chat with Caroline but he got the impression that she probably wasn't big on chat or didn't know what to talk about either.

Daggora sighed in relief as he began speaking again and once more closed her eyes. She opened her eyes again and frowned as he mentioned the guy that had bumped into Aptual, before being drug off into the unknown. She looked around, not spotting either one of them. "I don't know... I don't see them either. Maybe we should go look for them? What do you think?"

Aptual was going to save the chocolate, but then heard a announcement to head to the auditorium "B...but the chocolate...Fine." She huffed as she left the kitchen and the canteen. She headed over to the auditorium, when reaching there she swung open the door with a smile "Hello!" She giggled, wondering who she would meet there.

(To whoever is there)

She didn't have too much to say about the random milling of students in the auditorium. Kaido obviously didn't either, as he pretty much ended the conversation right then and there. She wasn't going to complain except now she had absolutely nothing to do besides people watch. Normally, she would be down, but the students here were all predictable. "Come on, let's get this nonsense over with already," she muttered under her breath, beginning to slouch in her chair. Caroline would be the last to admit that she was impatient, but waiting was by far one of her biggest weaknesses. Who wanted to wait? No one. That's who.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kaiden was about to respond when he saw Aptual come through the door. The boy wasn't with her, but Kaiden assumed he must be fine if she was here now. He though about calling her over, but turned back to Daggora. Aptual didn't actually know him, she probably hadn't even noticed him so it would be weird and awkward. Besides, if she saw his face she might freak out like she did with that guys nosebleed, he didn't want to freak her out. "Aptual's here so I guess they're okay." He said, pointing over his shoulder in her direction.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
PerfectDevil said:
Kaiden was about to respond when he saw Aptual come through the door. The boy wasn't with her, but Kaiden assumed he must be fine if she was here now. He though about calling her over, but turned back to Daggora. Aptual didn't actually know him, she probably hadn't even noticed him so it would be weird and awkward. Besides, if she saw his face she might freak out like she did with that guys nosebleed, he didn't want to freak her out. "Aptual's here so I guess they're okay." He said, pointing over his shoulder in her direction.
@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Daggora smiled and started to wave at Aptual, but she caught herself before Aptual noticed and she looked back at Kaiden. "Is it ok if she comes and sits with us?" She scratched at the scales she was still wearing. "Cause I've noticed that you don't really like a lot of attention, and she tends to be really out there, so....um yeah." She bit her lip. "Do you mind? I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"Oh um, no it's okay, but would you mind switching seats? Just so, you know she can sit next to you and won't see my um.." He gestured to his face nervously. "She seems really..uh..excitable, I don't want to scare her or anything."

@Daggora Keket
Daggora smiled softly at Kaiden. "Alright, but only if your sure about it." She got up. "I'm going to go get her, stay here." She began to make her way down the aisle of seats to the end, but paused after a few steps and turned back to Kaiden. "Oh, and Kai." She smiled at him, before her voice and expression became serious. "You don't always have to hide. Some people understand, and won't judge you because of your appearance or your ability. They'll accept you for you. You just have to show them who the real you is." She beamed at him suddenly. "But anyway, I'm going to go get Aptual now. See you in a second!" She quickly turned and finished walking down the aisle, reaching the edge of the auditorium. She bounced down the stairs before coming to a stop beside Aptual. "Hey Ap. Want to sit with me and Kaiden?" She asked, hoping Aptual would recognize her with the black snake scales. There was no reason she shouldn't, but you never know.

@metalcity @PerfectDevil

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