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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Ingrid looked around her side of the room. The bed was made with a crap ton of stuffed animals piled onto it. it had about four pillows and nine blankets; all of them were purple. The bed was pushed against the upper right corner, next to a window. The desk that was to the right of the door had a bunch of empty notebooks and school supplies she thought she would need neatly put away. A laptop sat on its surface. Her keyboard and her guitar were set up in the corner next to the desk, along with the rest of her music stuff. A microphone, her music chair, sheet music, her violin, her amp, and whatnot. The closet was filled to the brim with all of her clothes and her toiletries were packed neatly in a basket for easy transportation. She figured there would probably be communal bathrooms since this was a boarding school after all.

Ingrid decided that enchanting her suitcases to fit all of her things was a good idea. Even though enchanting it to fit more things did nothing about the weight of those things and the act of balancing it on her head had given her a wicked headache. Ingrid sighed, rubbing her neck. At least her dorm room looked like home.

Ingrid jumped when she heard the static on the intercom. Static soon turned into a voice. "Attention all teachers and students! Please report to the Auditorium for Orientation. Yes, this includes those of you who went here last year, we have new rules and security protocols to go over with you."

Well then, she'd best get going. Ingrid walked out of her and Koziak's room, locking it carefully behind her. She didn't want anyone to steal either of their stuff. She had walked all the way to an unfamiliar place somewhere within the main building when Ingrid realized she had absolutely no idea where she was going. "Well," she said to herself, examining her surroundings, "I have absolutely no idea where I am."

Out of the corner of her eye Ingrid saw a door labeled 'Nurse's Office'. Voices spilled out into the hallway from behind the closed door. There was no one else in the immediate vicinity, so she guessed whoever was in there could probably help her find her way. "Hello?" she said, peaking her head in the door, "I'm, um kind of lost. I don't suppose someone could help me back to civilization? Or, even better, to the Auditorium?"

@metalcity @KaalysBR (I hope this is okay, I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do :/ )
Hunter Flynn

Hunter had pretty much fallen asleep in his dorm before the announcement woke him with a start. He gave a groan of exasperation as he listened, not really wanting to leave the comfort of his bed. But he did anyway, fixing his disheveled hair as he stepped off the bed. He pocketed his phone and headed out of his dorm, closing the door behind him. He had no idea where to actually go, so he just picked out a couple of students that seemed to know what they were doing and followed them at a reasonable distance.

Aldrich Valencia

Aldrich listened to the announcement closely, raising a brow when it had said that teachers had to go and something about a new protocol. He silently hoped that the protocol had nothing to do with his admittedly dangerous experiments as he walked towards the auditorium. After all, his chat with Crowley earlier had already made him cut out many experiments he had planned for the year.

A scowl started to appear on Francis' face as Hasumi started going along with Columbus's 'thought'. "You know this counts as harassment, right? I have already told you that I don't want to even socialize with you, it's not a joke, it's not a lie, it's not something that has a hidden meaning. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Socialize. With. You." Francis didn't even look back at Columbus and Hasumi as he talked to them. "Do you understand that now?" Francis thought about walking faster to get away from the both of them but decided against it, not wanting to let them twist that to fit their lie. "Oh, and both of you are still the furthest thing from cool, so stop saying that you are; I can feel the english language slowly dying every time you misuse it like you do"

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR



"English is highly overrated." Hasumi replied matter-of-factly,still holding onto Columbus' arm. "There are about...fifteen languages in the world that sound better and more interesting than it. That includes French,Spanish,Portuguese,The dead language of Latin..."

She kept naming the languages from her "Top 15",following Francis with ease through the corridors. Considering how small she was,she was also surprisingly fast.

"And it's good to talk to people sometimes! Otherwise you're just turning into a grumpy old man. At sixteen years old. No one deserves that fate,so we are glad to save you from it!"

Her mind drifted to orientation,which made her shockingly quiet. Hasumi had ran away from her family to be here in school,destroying any kind of fate she could have with them. This better be good.

When the boy was about to swear Aptual covered her ears "LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!! I'M NOT LISTENING!!! LALALALALALALALALALALA!!!! NO NAUGHTY WORDS!!!! LALALALALALALALALA!!" Aptual continued to shout, missing everything that the boy said. She also completely missed the girl enter and talk to them due to her yelling. While Aptual yelled she also became dizzy due to shaking her head, refusing to listen to the boys horrid words. "NO B-BAD W-W-WOOORRRRRRRRR...." Aptual fell over and passed out, muttering "Words...bad...words...bad..."

@KaalysBR @Aowyn


Aki let out a deep breath through his nose once a new girl entered the infirmary. He was already starting to feel like the room was crowded,all that interaction with people making him tired. The fact that Aptual was screaming didn't help either,as he was sensible to loud noises and was starting to get a headache.

"Auditorium isn't too far from here,actually. You just go forward and take the right turn. The bigger door is where you want to go." He scratched his head with some annoyance. "Aptual..."

He wondered if he should apologize or something. But once Aptual fell over,he actually stood up with a concerned expression and quickly ran over to her side. Placing one hand over her forehead,he noticed that she was out cold. She didn't seem too bad,so he simply picked her with ease and placed her on one of the stretchers.
@metalcity @Aowyn
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Location: Halls

Tagged: @Veyd Sahvoz ; @Daggora Keket (mentioned)

Mireli had found the perfect batch of fresh first years, all huddled together with their wide eyes, trying to no avail to keep the apprehension off their faces. The scene played out in her mind: The not-so-profession teacher would approach and break the tension with some awful pun, then offer the poor firsties "cherry-flavored jelly beans" as a sweet something to take their mind off their worries. Of course, the beans were actually enchanted pepper seeds bought from some street witch that would cause actual smoke to spew from their ears, but telling them that would ruin all the fun!

However, as luck would have it, the appearance of a more well-meaning creature put a halt to her prank.

"If it isn't Ms. Mireli! How are you on this fine lovely day?"

The woman pivoted on her bare heel to offer a toothy grin that told the bird all he needed to know of her plans. She placed her hands behind her back, hiding the seeds from view.

"Well, if it ain't Hell's very own parrot," she replied through the clenched teeth of her smile. Her eyes flickered to the side where the group of new students began shuffling away. She huffed and slumped her shoulders, letting her grin fall. "Great timing there, Polly, I commend you, really. How about a cracker for your trouble?" Her sarcasm dripped off her tongue, but before she could say anymore, the principal's voice echoed across the stone-slabbed halls.

"...here last year. We have new rules and security protocols to go over with you."

That made the woman raise a curious brow. She flashed an inquisitive look at the talking raven.

"New protocols...? What's he talkin' about? No one told me anything about that while I was away."
"Mmm.." Kaiden nodded. Hopefully the protocols had nothing to do with hanging things from the ceiling. He'd never actually asked it that was allowed, but no one had ever complained. Kaiden grinned back at her, his anxiety fading away a little as he followed her down the halls. He ducked his head as they approached the auditorium, trying to keep his face hidden. He tended to freak out the first years, most people with gifts didn't have such visible marks and they usually didn't look like some kind of disease. Although, the people at this school were a lot better at not making rude comments or staring too long.

@Daggora Keket
Jamie walks up the stairs of the school entrance. Walking into the hallway he looks side to side to get his bearings. "I wonder where everyone is. I can't wait to meet them," he mutters to himself. 'Or eat them' Arachu responds in his usual raspy, guttural voice in his head. "Hush. We're here to learn not kill," Jamie says sternly but came out more like a mother scolding a child. Arachu stayed silent but disgruntled. Jamie makes his way down the hallway, constantly checking his map because quite frankly he had no idea where his dorm was and he wanted to drop off all his baggage. He had a backpack and a rolling luggage bag with him as he continued exploring the school, hoping to run into someone new. He was eager to introduce himself to everyone. "I think it's this way," he says, walking as he looks at his map. He could only hope he didn't have it upside down as he wasn't the best with directions.

"I don't think I ever asked what Languages were better than English, nor did I even imply that I wanted to know or cared. I just said that every time you misused the word 'cool', which is a part of the English language, that I could feel it slowly dying." Francis was tempted to use the powerlines in the school to teleport or something, but decided against it since he was so close to the auditorium anyway. "Do you know what else is a good thing to do? Not harassing someone to the point where they snap and go on a murderous rampage, that's a fantastic thing to do. So why don't you start doing that and leave me alone"

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR



"Really? That's cool. Poor English,having such a slow and painful death..." Okay,so maybe Hasumi was amusing herself a bit too much fun with the quest of befriending this grumpy boy in front of her. What if she was a sociopath? Totally possible. "Going on murder rampages is only acceptable if it's against evil people. And since you didn't ask about the languages,how about I give you the list of my favorite Indie bands that I like? Would you rather listen to that?"

Her voice was sweet as always,and she took another step so she could be a bit closer to her new "friend". Except that,for the first time,she worried that he could actually try to beat her to make her go away. Hasumi was extremely scared of people that even rose their hands to her,so she went back to the position she was before.

"Come on...we're really close to the auditorium. I'm sure you can keep up with our amazing personas until we get there,Francis. I really like your eyebrows,by the way. They look sweet on you."

Hasumi's voice trembled at the first word,the fear still slightly present in it. But she smiled soon afterwards,making any traces of concern go away.
When Aptual was placed on the stretcher, she reached up and started to rub and squeeze Aki's face "G...gummy bears....n...need...gummy bears..." Aptual muttered while she played with the boys face. Aptual started to gently yank at the boys nose and ears "Squishy...squish squish....gummy gummy..." Aptual continued to mutter while she started to drool.

@KaalysBR @Aowyn

Francis was slightly confused when Hasumi walked closer to him and then backed away without doing anything. He felt a twinge of guilt when he realised why she had done that; A flicker of guilt flashed across his face but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. 'Should I continue letting her think I'd actually hurt her? She might actually leave me alone if I let her continue to think that... But people might start thinking I'll start fights with people who stay around me too long and then I might get more attention from that..' Francis shook his head and sighed, ignoring her comment about how murder was acceptable as long as it was to certain people.

"No, I'd rather not hear anything about you, I'd prefer to save room in my brain for more important things. If I'm honest, and this might come as a shock to you, I'd absolutely love to listen to the sound of you leaving" Francis continued looking forwards, wanting to just pretend that he was on his own. Though after the comment about his eyebrows, Francis turned around but continued walking backwards. "Look, if this is your way of trying to get people to go out with you, you're going to be alone forever. If you weren't already that is. And, you need to learn how to take a hint. I hate, no. I abhor the both of you"

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR


Aki would usually have pulled away once he felt the girl's hands touch him,but this time he actually showed a patience that he didn't know that he had. With a sigh,he gently turned her head sideways to she wouldn't choke on her drooling. With a napkin,he slowly cleaned her face and pulled the hair away from her face.

He had heard the announcement about the auditorium,but leaving Aptual like that didn't seem a very good idea
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Brooke heard the announcement and was torn about going to the thing and not getting in trouble, or staying with Emma, doing really fun cool experiments and probably getting a detention. "Hmmm" Brooke put her finger to her lip and thought over the pros and cons of each choice. "If we go, we'll have less time to do fun cool experiments. But if we don't go we could get in trouble!" Brooke stood up as she came to a decision. "We'll go to the Auditorium! And we'll do all the fun cool experiments later!" Brooke walked over to Emma and hooked her arm around Emma's before she started walking towards the Auditorium. "Come on! Let's go! If we get there quickly we'll have more time for the experiments, right?"

@Mango (Sorry, I thought we better move on)



A laugh escaped Hasumi's mouth,and she had to cover it with her hands so she would stop.

"You just used the word abhor,by Fen'Harel. I mean,it's very clever. I probably shouldn't judge. But it's funny. And seriously? All the people who have complimented your eyebrows wanted to date you? Don't your friends ever compliment you?" She pulled a few strands of hair away from her face,allowing her eyes to be exposed. "And sorry to disappoint you,but I don't do the dating thing. Too complicated."


"... Who? I'm sorry I don't keep track of who invents words in the english language, like you apparently do. I've just read a dictionary once in my life, apparently more times than you have." Francis turned back around and continued walking forwards. "I don't have any friends, I kinda like to keep it that way, in case you didn't get the hint" Francis shook his head at Hasumi's idiocy . "And I'm sure Every man let out a collective sigh as you said you don't 'do the whole dating thing' I would've, but I didn't want to be rude"

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR



Hasumi was starting to jump a little so she could keep up with Francis' fast pace with her small legs. Golden hair flew everywhere with her steps.

"Fen'Harel is the God of Light from my religion,and I don't think he invented the English language. Or maybe he did? Who knows?" Hasumi let that comment about religion go out her lips in a complete innocent way,not realizing that if Francis made fun of it she would definitely feel hurt. "You don't get the perks of having friends,though. You can have people to pay for your lunch for you when you don't have money. And you can talk to someone whenever you want. Perks."

The comment about men made Hasumi grab her heart in a mocking way.

"That is the sweetest thing you said to me in the entire day. We are finally understanding each other." @GingerBread
Ingrid smiled when the boy told her where to go. She could barely hear him over the screaming girl, but at least she knew where to go. Ingrid decided it would be a good idea to leave; all that high-pitched screaming was making her already bad headache even worse. "Thanks," she said, walking away. Let's see... turn right here... Oh look there are those big doors that the boy mentioned! Yay!

Ingrid could spot many other people filing into the doors. One group in particular stood out -- a boy and a girl who were making fun of each other. Nope, Ingrid thought, I'm just gonna leave that one alone. She continued to walk to the large doors, falling into step with the other students. Being a new student to this school, she didn't recognize anyone. She didn't see Koziak anywhere either. Ingrid opted for a spot at the very back. No one had sat there yet, and it allowed her to survey the room.

The acoustics seemed good enough, though the actual auditorium seemed quite old. No doubt it was constructed the old way. Thankfully there were no large holes where sound could get trapped either. At least, not that she could see. Speakers lined the walls and a few chairs sat on the stage, most of them already occupied. A podium also stood on the stage. The actual stage seemed rather small however. It was probably no bigger than 35 by 50 feet. Not much room for walking around or dancing. Ingrid sat back. The seats around her were still empty.

"If I'm friends with people, that means I'd have to do those things as well, wouldn't I? And I don't plan on relying on anyone for money or conversation. I've had enough 'small talk' here to last me a life time. And I doubt your 'God' Actually made up the English language. I'm sure he'd try to make one of your more liked ones, right?"
Francis rolled his eyes and sighed before lightly shaking his head.

@KaalysBR @LokiofSP
(So @LokiofSP Asked me to post with Columbus since he's busy. So yeah, Don't think I'm just trying to steal his character)

Columbus gasped and covered his mouth with his hand as he heard the conversation between Hasumi and Francis. "You two are dating? How scandalous... Is that the right word? Probably not... Wait, do you guys want me to leave? So you can do dating..stuff" Columbus paused for a moment as the cogs turning in his head started to work overtime. "What do you do in dating? Oooh Wait, I know!" Columbus stared at Hasumi, he would've pointed at her but that would've been rude and he could've looked like a jerk! "You get in danger in some way, maybe you get kidnapped or get attacked by a really powerful person and then.." Columbus then moved on to staring at Francis. "You fight the really powerful guy and save her, While acting like you don't actually care about her that much and you were just doing it because you felt like it. But then after you've defeated the big bad guy, you accidently grab her somewhere on the chest and she doesn't like that so she hits you even harder than the big bad guy did!" Columbus nodded to himself as he worked out what you're meant to do in a relationship. 'I'm glad I watched all of those animoos. They've taught me so much, I'd look so stupid without them!'

@KaalysBR @GingerBread (I would also like to say I was the one who wrote this, so just keep that in mind. Because Loki probably regrets letting me butcher his character like this :P )
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Hasumi was smiling in a slightly mischievous way now. She hurried her steps so she wouldn't miss France,although she was obviously getting tired and panting a bit.

"That wan't half as rude as your usual responses to me! Maybe you're finally understanding the friendship...thing. And there isn't anything wrong with depending on people from time to time. It's normal to want a bit of support or simply someone to listen to you. Unless you...abhor everyone."

She chuckled,although Columbus' comment made her blush into a bright red tone.

"Hmm...we're not dating,Columbus. He abhors me. Although you are a very sweet guy so I'm sure he doesn't feel the same about you. I just talked about his eyebrows because they are nice." @GingerBread @LokiofSP

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(Holy shizzle. I missed out on so much O.o )

Rea just followed Aptual, watching her in slight amusement as she continued to drag a bleeding boy around. Nobody noticed her presence, which was a good thing. She trailed behind them slowly, until they reached the infirmary. She then noticed Aptual screaming, blocking out everything the girl and the bleeding boy said. She just smiled at her antics. But, when she actually passed out, Rea didnt know whether to rush to her friend's aid or watch the scene unfold. She just stood there, wanting to see what will happen. If something bad will occur, Rea's will ahndle the situation, willing to protect Aptual with her life.

She continued to spy on the two, inwardly squealing as she watched the scene unfold. 'This is like a cheesy drama show.. I like it! THE SHIP IS SAILING!' Rea thought as she watched the two, hearts almost appearing in her eyes.

@metalcity @KaalysBR
Koziak Redd <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1034125.jpg.7955273089f65353ec52ede31d7af55f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1034125.jpg.7955273089f65353ec52ede31d7af55f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Koziak and Loki stepped into the cafeteria enjoying the various scents of the variety of food within the cafeteria. He stepped into line and waited until it was his turn. When the time came he grabbed a carrying tray. He grabbed a plate with a turkey leg on it, a plate with a cheeseburger and fries, a pineapple fruit cup, and grape soda. After paying he walks towards a table. He places the tray down, and grabs the turkey leg feeding it to Loki, who was on the floor. When they heard the announcement Koziak was just finishing his fries and Loki was chewing on his last piece of his turkey leg bone. Koziak got up after putting his tray and trash away leaving the cafeteria with Loki.

Koziak and Loki walked to the auditorium following the maps and other students. He walked through the opened doors of the auditorium. Various scents originating from the people within the auditorium rushed into his nose. Some good, some bad, and a few are godly awful. But one did stand out, he followed the scent of a friend, a new friend. He spots Ingrid and crouches down towards Loki. Go get boy. He patted him and he takes off running through the crowd until he jumped into Ingrid's lap, laying down.

Koziak walks up laughing and clapping his hands.
What's Up Ingrid, did you clear up the floor? He asked sitting down next to her, as Loki just rested there.



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Ingrid gave a small exclamation of surprise as a red fox jumped in her lap and settled down there. Loki. Which meant... Ingrid's eyes searched the crowed. Yup, there he was. Koziak made his way towards her and sat down. "What's up Ingrid? Did you clear up the floor" he asked her.

"Yeah, it didn't take too long. Everything's unpacked and all that," Ingrid smiled, petting Loki absentmindedly. "What about you? Did you make any new friends?" More and more students were starting to file into the auditorium.
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