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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Jamie was still looking for the dorms when he came across a few students (@Aowyn @Embaga Elder). "Uh... Excuse me? Sorry to bother you two," he said, "I'm trying to find my dorm so I can drop off all my stuff. Could you help me that?" Jamie asked with an overtly polite tone. Arachu remained eerily silent. He wasn't going to try anything but something told Jamie that Arachu was most definitely eyeing what he considered to be food.
Dash kept a straight face as he kept on walking. He actually wondered where the auditorium was at because he felt like he was lost right now. "March march, ignore the people walking by, March March." That was the words he kept on repeating himself, before stopping when he saw a lot of people entering one area. "They got candy there?" He questioned himself half interested in knowing what was inside.

Francis felt his face tinge red in anger as Columbus said that him and Hasumi were dating, but he decided to say nothing about it. The red tinge disappeared from his face quickly as he took a deep breath. "I don't Need anyone to listen to any of my problems, nor do I need anyone to 'support' me. And yes, I abhor everyone and It's so much simpler if I keep it that way. Not to mention the fact that I like being on my own." Francis sighed as they neared the doors to the auditorium.

"Do me a favour if you really want to be nice to me. Leave me the hell alone; I've already got to deal with having a roommate the whole time I'm at this stupid school. I don't want
to have to deal with you harassing me." Francis swung open one of the doors to the auditorium and walked in. "And I've already told you; There's no hard shell to crack, I'm not a nice guy, so you can give up hope with ever being friends with me, okay? Okay" Francis started walking over to the back of all the seats.

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR
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Hasumi was about to give Francis a happy retort,just like she had been doing through their entire conversation. But the little jumps she was doing to keep up with him were combined with the long hair flying all over her face. That made Hasumi become a bit blind. Just when she had entered the auditorium to sit by Francis' side,she bumped into someone.

"Ouch! Sorry-"

The guy she had bumped into turned,and Kasumi felt her words getting stuck into her tongue.

"Ah,so now you talk to me. You only do that when you bump into my fucking back,is that right?"

He grabbed Hasumi's arm,and she jerked with fear of the movement.

"Josh,please...let me go."

"No. Now you're going to listen to me."

His grip tightened around her arm in a painful way,and Hasumi let out a gasp.


Francis looked over in Hasumi's direction when he heard her and some other guy talking; He was hoping that she'd found someone else to annoy so that he'd be left alone. He noticed that the Josh guy was hurting her. Should I help her? No, why should I? It's not my problem... It's nothing like before' Francis shook his head and took a cigarette out from the packet in his breast pocket. He placed the cigarette in his mouth as he lit it, he then took a long drag before taking it out of his mouth between his middle and index fingers as he blew out the smoke.

Francis looked back over at Hasumi and Josh.
'I've got no reason to get involved, I'm sure the teachers will sort it out before it goes too far anyway. Besides, if I help she'll want to spend more time with me or something, thinking that I did it because I care about her in any way' Francis looked away and looked directly ahead of him, trying to ignore the scene happening near him.

'It wouldn't hurt me to help her, I could probably use it to my advantage. Use it to blackmail her. "I did you a favour so now do me one. Leave me alone" Yeah, that could work' Francis stood up as he made his decision, mostly because of the guilt eating away at him for sitting idle, doing nothing. Francis walked up to Hasumi and Josh, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and blowing smoke in Josh's face as he walked up to him. He then flicked the still lit, half finished cigarette at Josh's head. Francis then stood there, waiting to see his reaction.

@KaalysBR @LokiofSP
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Columbus gasped as he watched Josh grab Hasumi, and although his first instinct was to help, once he saw Francis step forward, he realized that it was JUST like one of his animoos. He stared in awe as he awaited for Francis to beat up Josh, but was instead confused by the fact that all he did was blow smoke in Josh's face. Not only was that rude, but it also didn't help Hasumi!

It was then that Columbus remembered a very important part about anime...

The best friend ALWAYS had to try and fail first. He'd almost forgotten a valuable part of any anime! Taking a deep breath, Columbus let out a battle cry as he rushed forward, "UNHAND MY FRIEND YOU EVIL PERSON!" He then ran straight into Josh's arm and flew back multiple feet, crashinf into a locker and making a dent in it. He looked up from his slumped state and laughed softly, "Guess I wasn't good enough...It's up to you Francis...*Ack* *Hurck* I'm dead..." He then let his head roll to the side as he stuck out his tongue, waiting for Francis to beat Josh...

@GingerBread @KaalysBR
Daggora beamed at Kaiden once more, but that smile faded into a frown once she saw him trying to hide his face once they turned onto the hallway that the auditorium was located on. She perked up again, as she thought of a way to make him feel better about having an obvious gift. She stopped walking and closed her eyes, focusing on the only part of her she wanted to change. When she opened her eyes, she had black snake scales on the left side of her face and neck, and all the way down her left arm. Her black tank top easily exposed the scales. She bit her lip nervously, hoping that he understood that she wanted to help him feel more confident in his appearance.

Kaiden kept his head down, mostly only looking up to make sure he wasn't about to run into anything. He lifted his head and saw that Daggora had scales going from her face all the way down her arm. His eyes widened, realizing that the scales mimicked his own black veins. A blush rose to his cheeks and he couldn't stop a small smile from spreading across his face.

"Thanks." He mumbled, not really sure if she heard him as they entered the auditorium.

@Daggora Keket
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H A R P Y] [CENTER] [side=left] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ba/8c/06/ba8c066fa0f5930d2c2c82cf565710df.jpg&hash=a8c81cd4ba2e7687cb1f8d18d81a6d71[/IMG] [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjllODhhNS5UV2x5Wld4cElFWmxiZywsLjAA/fine-blackboard.regular.png&hash=8aab03e259feb94f3fb614f51604d072[/IMG] [SIZE=12px][B][FONT='Book Antiqua'][COLOR=#b30059]Location:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Halls[/SIZE] [SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][SIZE=12px][B][FONT='Book Antiqua'][COLOR=#b30059]Tagged:[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] ; @Daggora Keket (mentioned) [/side][/CENTER]

Mireli had found the perfect batch of fresh first years, all huddled together with their wide eyes, trying to no avail to keep the apprehension off their faces. The scene played out in her mind: The not-so-profession teacher would approach and break the tension with some awful pun, then offer the poor firsties "cherry-flavored jelly beans" as a sweet something to take their mind off their worries. Of course, the beans were actually enchanted pepper seeds bought from some street witch that would cause actual smoke to spew from their ears, but telling them that would ruin all the fun!

However, as luck would have it, the appearance of a more well-meaning creature put a halt to her prank.

"If it isn't Ms. Mireli! How are you on this fine lovely day?"

The woman pivoted on her bare heel to offer a toothy grin that told the bird all he needed to know of her plans. She placed her hands behind her back, hiding the seeds from view.

"Well, if it ain't Hell's very own parrot," she replied through the clenched teeth of her smile. Her eyes flickered to the side where the group of new students began shuffling away. She huffed and slumped her shoulders, letting her grin fall. "Great timing there, Polly, I commend you, really. How about a cracker for your trouble?" Her sarcasm dripped off her tongue, but before she could say anymore, the principal's voice echoed across the stone-slabbed halls.

"...here last year. We have new rules and security protocols to go over with you."

That made the woman raise a curious brow. She flashed an inquisitive look at the talking raven.

"New protocols...? What's he talkin' about? No one told me anything about that while I was away."
"How should I know?" He retorted in quick succession "People don't tell me things nowadays!" He was kind of annoyed by this but they would have to go anyways, it was a message from the Principal. "I don't know about you but I have a feeling this is actually going to be important. Unless you too were planning on going because if that were the case then we could go together." He might've been rambling but that was normal for him.

After rapidly talking, he flapped his wings a bit and took off into the air heading towards the Auditorium.

@H A R P Y
Daggora froze in shock for a second at the mumbled thanks. Coming out of her shock, she smiled happily and quickly followed after him, only just managing to catch up to Kaiden before the surge of students could separate them. She gently nudged him, before speaking. "What are friends for?" She smiled, before biting her lip. "So...um.... where do you want to sit?" She looked around. Freshmen had completely taken up the front seats, and a lot of other students had taken up the middle seats, but the there seemed to be quite a lot of seats open towards the back. "What about the back?" She asked Kaiden.

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Kaido Kuran

Kaido was about to say ask her where the dorms were but an announcement then blared through the intercom telling everyone they were to head to the Auditorium. Huh, looks like Caroline was wrong but of course it wouldn't be nice to rub it in her face that she was wrong. "So where is this Auditorium then?" Asked Kaido with a grin, try not to laugh at the fact she made a big deal over not having to do anything today then all of a sudden they need to all go to the Auditorium. It was funny to him. As he got up from his spot he stretched a bit and removed his headphones from his ears, letting them sit on his collarbone, he started to look around trying to figure out which way it would be himself.

Jack Made his way over to the auditorium and sat towards the middle. He didn't want to sit in the far back and he also didn't want to be in the front row because, well, no one wanted to be in the front row in the auditorium. He just sat there and pulled out his phone to pass the time until the orientation began.
Kaiden smiled a bit as she nudged him and looked around the crowd. It wasn't as if he'd never had a friend before, but when he came here it felt much harder to make them. The last friend he'd had here moved away over break and he had been worried about making new ones. It, at least, made me feel a little better. There were a lot of people here, this might be the most students he'd seen in the school so far. Then again, he'd never been very good at paying attention to the numbers. "Hmm, yeah the back sound good." He said, letting Daggora lead the way through the crowd, which was slowly growing smaller as more students took their seats.

@Daggora Keket

The announcement came at a rather irksome time for her. Just when she was starting to not hate the day, they had to drag her right back into school shenanigans. "Oh, great," she mumbled sarcastically to herself. She stood up and stretched, preparing herself for the torture of sitting through a boring session of droning. "It's this way; just follow the people," she replied though she was fully prepared to take him herself. She waited by the table for him, prepared to leave and join the crowd when he was ready to go.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Aptual pouted in her unconscious state "N...no....no gummy?" She questioned while rolling over, groaning as she still wasn't given gummy sweets. Her legs began to kick and her arms started to wave around "Gummy! Gummy! Gummy! Gummy!" She yelled, slowly starting to wake up because of her unconscious fit.

@KaalysBR @RealityEntity
Daggora nodded and led the way through the dwindling crowd. They quickly got to two empty seats and Daggora sat down, patting the empty seat beside her for Kaiden. "So what do you think of the new students? I think this is the most freshmen we have ever had..." She tapped her finger to her chin. "At least, the most since I've been here anyway." She looked back at him. "What do you think?"

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Kaiden sat down in the seat next to Daggora. "I, uh, haven't meet many of them yet, I spent most of the morning moving in and getting my plants. It does look like there's a lot more though. Hope none of them are...you know...bad guys." He said. He knew the threat of hunters was always present, he had always been a little paranoid about them possibly sneaking in. "That, um, girl you were with earlier, she was new right?

@Daggora Keket
Aowyn said:
Ingrid gave a small exclamation of surprise as a red fox jumped in her lap and settled down there. Loki. Which meant... Ingrid's eyes searched the crowed. Yup, there he was. Koziak made his way towards her and sat down. "What's up Ingrid? Did you clear up the floor" he asked her.
"Yeah, it didn't take too long. Everything's unpacked and all that," Ingrid smiled, petting Loki absentmindedly. "What about you? Did you make any new friends?" More and more students were starting to file into the auditorium.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Jamie was still looking for the dorms when he came across a few students (@Aowyn @Embaga Elder). "Uh... Excuse me? Sorry to bother you two," he said, "I'm trying to find my dorm so I can drop off all my stuff. Could you help me that?" Jamie asked with an overtly polite tone. Arachu remained eerily silent. He wasn't going to try anything but something told Jamie that Arachu was most definitely eyeing what he considered to be food.
Koziak Redd

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1034125.jpg.089232844cb7966bfe61f72b6e41781f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1034125.jpg.089232844cb7966bfe61f72b6e41781f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cool. he simply said looking around. So many people with different gifts and backgrounds, so many people who could fall easily to his pranks. He turned towards Ingrid. No I really didn't meet anyone else. I was just focusing on feeding me and Loki. Was it just a coincidence that when Ingrid asked if he met anyone, someone else walks up around for help. You see I would love to help you, but we gotta stay here in the auditorium for orientation. I'll probably help afterwards though. He turns towards Ingrid then back towards Jamie. You can sit with us until it's over. He said gesturing to a seat next to him.



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Ingrid laughed, "Hah, you seem to really hold food as a high priority." Ingrid's eyes twinkled a bit when the newcomer arrived. More friends! "Speaking of finding the dorms, Koziak you'll probably have to show me the way back too. I may or may not have gotten lost on my way here. Actually, when I think about it, it's a miracle that I made it here at all." Ingrid's mind flashed back to the screaming girl and bleeding boy in the nurse's office. What had happened for things to get to that point on the first day of school? Did the girl beat up the boy? Were they dating? Ingrid wasn't sure she wanted to know. That seemed like a whole lot of drama, and Ingrid didn't much like drama.

Jamie looked at the two of them. "Oh I see. Maybe it is a better idea to stay here," he said. 'Or maybe we could devour them?' Arachu proposed, clearly eager to eat. Jamie ignored him. He put his bags down and took a seat next to the other kids. "So what're your names? I'm Jamie!" He said, sporting a beaming smile. He held out his hand as an introduction. @Aowyn @Embaga Elder
Kaido Kuran

Kota had already gotten a head start, having heard what Caroline said, and began running along with the rest of the people headed to the Auditorium as Kaido began slowly walking in the direction Kota took off. "Is this normal for them to call everyone down for new stuff or no?" He asked Caroline while they walked down the cold stone halls. In the mean time he pulled out a case along with his phone and struggled to put his phone in the case to charge it but he managed and put back in his pocket leaving it to play random songs from his playlists, putting on his headphones once more. While doing this he was walking backwards for some reason.

Aowyn said:
Ingrid laughed, "Hah, you seem to really hold food as a high priority." Ingrid's eyes twinkled a bit when the newcomer arrived. More friends! "Speaking of finding the dorms, Koziak you'll probably have to show me the way back too. I may or may not have gotten lost on my way here. Actually, when I think about it, it's a miracle that I made it here at all." Ingrid's mind flashed back to the screaming girl and bleeding boy in the nurse's office. What had happened for things to get to that point on the first day of school? Did the girl beat up the boy? Were they dating? Ingrid wasn't sure she wanted to know. That seemed like a whole lot of drama, and Ingrid didn't much like drama.
TheWingedCrusader said:
Jamie looked at the two of them. "Oh I see. Maybe it is a better idea to stay here," he said. 'Or maybe we could devour them?' Arachu proposed, clearly eager to eat. Jamie ignored him. He put his bags down and took a seat next to the other kids. "So what're your names? I'm Jamie!" He said, sporting a beaming smile. He held out his hand as an introduction. @Aowyn @Embaga Elder
Koziak Redd

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1034125.jpg.511f869465defae24ea85e01ac6ecd5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1034125.jpg.511f869465defae24ea85e01ac6ecd5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He chuckled. Hehe yeah. I didn't eat my whole ride here. I'm glad they have good food here too. I'm actually full for now, but I bet when this orientation is over I'll be hungry again. He laughed softly. I'll help y'all both, just follow me when this thing is over. If it ever starts. As Jamie sat down, Loki walked across Ingrid's lap just to sit in Koziak's lap. Loki looked up at Jamie the newcomer. This is Loki the red fox, my name is Koziak Redd, and she's Ingrid the roommate. He leans back in his chair and Loki lays down in his lap. So now that we're done with introductions, let's get to know one another, and why we're here. Well if y'all up for it. He says looking at Ingrid and Jamie. Koziak was an open book, he's not afraid to tell people about himself. I guess I'll start. If ur wasn't obvious enough with the fox ears and tail. I'm a Kitsune and the last one in my family. He looks down at Loki rubbing his fur. So who's next? He looks at Ingrid then Jamie.



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(@Embaga Elder @Aowyn)

Jamie smiled, looking at the fox. "You're a kitsune?" Jamie said with awe. He's never seen one before. To be honest, Jamie was excited to learn what everyone's powers were. No doubt he'd see some pretty amazing things. "Well me..? I'm normal. Sort of. The powers don't come from me..." Jamie said, trying to put it the mildest way possible. Arachu had other ideas. Jamie's shadow began to change shape. Two long arms stretched towards the two. When the reaches their ankles a cold briskly moving swish of wind would make them feel like something just stroked them. In a whisper coming seemingly from behind them into their ear, Arachu spoke, "His powers come from me."
"Nice to meet ya Jamie!" Ingrid said with a smile. She was only a little sad when Loki moved to lay on Koziak. Not nearly sad enough for it to show on her face. "Kitsune? As in, the fox yokai of Japanese mythology? ...To be honest I didn't think they were real until today. I'm not really used to all these mythical powers and creatures stuff. That's cool though." She turned to Jamie, wondering what his power was. He seemed normal enough... but when Jamie began to change shape and a frigid breeze that shouldn't exist caressed her ankles, Ingrid froze in fear. Then a voice that seemed to crawl into her skin whispered in her ear. It took everything Ingrid had in her not to scream. Instead, she grasped the armrests as tightly as she could. "That's, um, nice," Ingrid said, her voice coming out in a high-pitched squeak. "Jamie, could you put him away please?"

@Embaga Elder @Aowyn
Daggora looked down at her feet at the mention of 'bad guys'. 'Uncle Tor...' She shook her head to get rid of the bad memory. She perked back up at the mention of Aptual, but the old memory was still hanging around in the back of her mind, so her reply wasn't as happy as she wished for it to be, but she was hoping he wouldn't notice. "Yeah, her name Aptual. She a werewolf. A little overdramatic, and she tends to freak out easily, but she's a good kid. She's really nice and caring. I haven't even known her for 12 hours and she's already like a little sister.' She chuckled slightly. "But anyway, you mentioned owning plants right? Tell me about them." She asked hoping his story would get the memory out of her thoughts for a while.


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