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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)


Aki had forgotten about his face until Daggora mentioned it. He messed with his hair in an embarrassed manner,not knowing how to respond. People usually completely ignored him or tried to get into fights with him. It was the first time that someone actually showed care, and he had no idea how to to reply to that.

"I...don't really like infirmaries."

He frowned once the girl he had accidentally bumped it suddenly jumped up,apparently about to freak out. He took a step back by reflex,blushing lightly.

"Uh...this is nothing serious. I get punched all the time. The guys that tried to get me are much worse right now."

He placed the napkins on his nose,just so she would calm down. It didn't do much,but at least he was trying.

Aki immediately turned once someone bumped into him,immediately falling back into his blunt,usual persona.

"And who is going to take us out of here? You?"

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
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Daggora sighed at Aptual's dramatics. "First you need to calm down." She said to Aptual soothingly. "Second, can we not start another fight here in the hallway?" She asked the bleeding guy and the guy who had bumped into him. Another boy caught her eye from where he was standing at the other end of the hallway. He looked familiar, so she smiled and waved.

@metalcity @KaalysBR @PerfectDevil @GingerBread
Aptual panicked, not knowing how to solve the anger that has erupted in the new members joining the group. "WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WHAT ME TO DO?!?!?! I CAN'T MAKE YOU ALL HAPPY!!!" Aptual yelled in her panic, she grabbed the boys wrist "DAGGORA!! CALM THESE PEOPLE!!! SEE YOU LATER!" Aptual screamed as she ran off with the boy, heading to the infirmary.

@KaalysBR @Daggora Keket @GingerBread @PerfectDevil

"Aw, are you trying to put on the 'ard man persona? I'm not going to respect the fact that other people have to use this hallway to walk through, unless you make me. I'm too much of an inconsiderate arsehole to even begin thinking about other people"
Francis scoffed and shook his head. "You need to grow up man" When aptual started running off with him, Francis didn't even try to hold back his laugh. "Do you need your girlfriend to stop you from getting into fights? I didn't think she looked to be the type to be into bullys and arseholes"

@KaalysBR @Daggora Keket @metalcity @PerfectDevil


Aki was ready to snark at the boy who bumped into him again until he found herself being dragged by Aptual. His surprise was so big that he didn't even complain,allowing her small form to carry him through the halls.

He wanted to go back and throw some new punches at the asshole who was provoking him,but he felt half-dizzy from the amount of blood coming out of his body. Aki didn't have a good healing factor,so even small wounds like that could grow to something more serious.

"Dude,I really don't give a fuck right now. If you want to solve this,meet me later."

He frowned to Aptual,still confused about why someone cared at all.

"It's going to stop bleeding by itself. You don't have to be so concerned." His face was starting to look pale,but Aki struggled not to show weakness. He currently hated himself for being an idiot and overdosing on his power in the morning. The simple wound was obvious getting serious because of that,and it was his fault for being dumb. The blood was starting to soak his shirt.@GingerBread @metalcity
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Kaiden watched as another boy joined the group, or well, tried to push past them. He said pretty much what Kaiden had been thinking but in a much ruder wording. Suddenly, the new girl leap up and began screaming. Panicked, Kaiden took a step back. Daggora looked up and waved at him, he nervously waved back, not entirely sure what to do. Maybe he should go help? The guy seemed to be injured and he knew a thing or two about first aid. The other boy was making some not so pleasant remarks and suddenly the new girl was sprinting past him with the possibly injured boy in tow. Kaiden flattened himself against the wall as she ran past the boy being dragged along.

"Ahh! Uh...the infirmary's the other way..." He mumbled, mostly to himself, as the girl dragged him down the wrong hallway. Well technically it wasn't wrong, the other way was just faster.

He glanced back in Daggora's direction. This was way too much excitement.

@Daggora Keket @KaalysBR @metalcity @GingerBread
Aptual continued to tear up "You need first aid! Who knows what infections you could get!" Aptual cried out as she turned a few corners, turning out to be completely lost. "Oh God! where are we!?" She questioned as she let go of the boy, Aptual turned around and faced the boy "You distracted me! I try and save you and you make us get lost! What's your name? Mr boy how made us get lost?" She questioned, pouting while she pointed at the boy in slight frustration.


"Ooh, Such a hard man. 'If you think you strong enough to beat me, meet me somewhere. I won't tell you where though so you can't show up, and I won't get my reputation ruined as the strong man' Seriously, is everyone in this school a complete idiot"
Francis sighed and looked around at the people around him, still not feeling like talking to any of them. Though he turned towards Daggora. "If you see 'Mr I'm too cool to even think about other people' Tell him to meet me in the cafeteria if he was serious about 'Solving this' Whatever this was" Francis then continued walking through the hallways, intending to go back to his dorm until it was time for lessons. 'I'm going to regret that choice, aren't I? God damn it'

@Daggora Keket @PerfectDevil


Aki couldn't help but feel amused at the girl's shenanigans. He was losing a lot of blood because of the overuse of dark magic,but it wasn't so bad.

"Don't worry,I will survive. Maybe. My name is Akihiro. Most people just call me the freak or something."

He looked around,immediately realizing where they were in the school. Grabbing the girl's arm,he turned around the corner and entered one of the rooms.

The nurse frowned once she looked at the amount of blood in Aki's clothes.

"I won't even ask. Get over here so I can fix that."

Aki sighed,but still obeyed her and sat in one of the stretchers.
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Daggora blinked in surprise at Aptual's outburst. "Ok then..." She tuned out the rude guy as she she walked past him towards the other boy. Kaiden was his name if she remembered correctly. "Hey, sorry about Aptual almost running you over. She was going to drag that guy to the infirmary, but I'm not to sure that she knows where it is considering that's the wrong direction." She giggled, "Your Kaiden right? How have you been?"
Man, that guy's really mean, I hope I don't get on his bad side. Kaiden thought to himself as the dude walked off. Just then Daggora spoke to him. "Oh, um, that's fine, I'm fine. Hope they get there alright. Yeah Kaiden, that's me." He sheepishly tugged a bit of the hoodie over his face some more, which was stupid since he knew she already knew what he looked like. "I've been okay, um, what about you?"

@Daggora Keket
"Akihiro? well that's a odd name. But you aren't a freak! Your just bleeding!" Aptual exclaimed, shocked that people called him a freak for bleeding. "I'm sure everyone bleeds at some point." Aptual looked up at the ceiling and placed her finger on her chin, trying to remember a time before when she bleed. When she remembered she looked down at the boy, leaning forward and wagging her finger slightly as she spoke, trying to prove her point that anyone can bleed. "I remember one time I was walking, all normal like! And get this! I tripped and started to bleed! I thought I was going to die! It was terrifying! However! Plot twist! I didn't! probably to do with being a werewolf or something." Aptual leaned back and and remembered to the beginning of the conversation. "But I guess it sounds cool...or something...errrrr...So why are you bleeding?" Aptual asked curiously, not acknowledging that she rambled on as she spoke about her experiences.


Aki listened to the entire speech,his eyebrows rising so much that they disappeared in his hair. He ended up chuckling at her story. At least it was a distraction from the healing spells that the nurse was casting on him.

"They don't call me a freak because I bleed. They call me a freak because of my shadow manipulation powers. I apparently scare people. And you're an werewolf? That's pretty cool." He wondered if he should tell her the true story or simply lie. Lying would make things easier,but this girl seemed nice enough. He doubted that she would tell a teacher. And Nurse Bailey was used to his fights by now. "I saw some assholes trying to steal the money of a kid. So I step in and make them kiss the ground. And they managed to land a punch on me. It's nothing serious."




The sounds of a child crying resonated through the hallways,and Hasumi popped faster than if someone had called her name. She quickly walked to the small boy,leaning in front of him.

"What is wrong,love?"

He didn't seem to be able to reply in the midst of the crying,but he did point to his scraped knee. Hasumi tilted her head lightly. He probably tripped,it was a very superficial wound.

"Let me take care of that."

Hasumi gently placed her hands in the top of the boy's knee. A warm,bright light involved both her bodies and soon the wound was gone.

"Well,you're good to go."

She messed with the kid's hair before sending him away,gaining a hug on her leg for her job. Hasumi stood up and turned to leave the hallways,but she ended up bumping against another student. She was still glowing like a beacon,so she barely could see his face.

"Ah! I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?"

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She smiled at the tangible bond between the two. It warmed her heart to see the boy with his faithful companion who functioned as both pet and friend. Caroline had never had the luxury of having a pet when she was growing up, but she had always wanted a rabbit for her own. They were just so cute and fluffy and everything! But her hectic and unpredictable life never allowed for it to be. Though since Kaido could have Kota, perhaps that meant that pets were allowed in the academy. She had never thought about it until that moment, but there was a chance that she could finally have a pet for her own. Though that might not work if she had to leave in the near future and return to her unpredictable life.

"He is absolutely adorable! No wonder you two make a good pair," she commented, almost melting at how cute the dog was. It never occurred to her that what she said could have been taken as a form of flattery or perhaps even flirting, but it was never her intention in the first place. "My name is Caroline," she replied to the second statement, carrying her smile from Kota to Kaido. She never was a fan of underclassmen, but she always seemed to stereotype them as annoying. Perhaps grouping him with the cuteness of the dog was enough to let her bypass such nonsensical prejudices. When she realized what was happening, it shocked her briefly before she simply let it go. In that brief moment, she decided that it didn't matter how old he was, but only how he acted.

"Didn't they tell you anything? Of course not! They wouldn't have us running around trying to move in, meet people, and make classes!" she replied with shock. It almost seemed like a dumb question, but she felt as if he genuinely didn't have a clue. So, it was more like the faculty were dumb not to tell them anything at all. "Though it would be kinda funny to watch the freshmen run around like their heads were cut off," she mumbled to herself in amusement. Caroline wasn't the type of person to actively seek out freshmen torture, but she would take it when the opportunity gave itself to her. She only wondered if she would feel remorse if the unfortunate event happened to harm them. Good thing it never happened for her to find out.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Columbus bounced up and down on his heels as he walked down the hall, turning the paper in his hands over and over again as he attempted to read the two symbols on the paper. He knew on of them was a letter and the other was a number, but he wasn't sure what of either they were. He puffed out his cheeks and crumpled it up, throwing the trash behind him, "That paper probably wasn't important anyway..."

Columbus then took his bag off his shoulder and opened it, looking through to make sure he had what he needed. 'Okay, one notebook, check. School uniform? Check. Ten days toast supply? Check. Man, it's a good thing I watched all those 'animoos' to know what school was, or I would be totally los-' Just then, Columbus bumped into a grumpy looking man. Columbus fell to the floor, going into a panic as he realized what damage he could have done, "Oh my god, are you okay?! I wasn't watching were I was going because I was checking my bag! And-and- it's almost like I bumped into you because there had to be some way for me to get in the RP and I'm unimaginative because I'm some kind of jerk- Which I'm not, I swear!"

Columbus took a deep breath and looked away ashamed...For about two seconds until he noticed the girl glowing like a lighthouse behind the grumpy kid that is. As soon as he noticed other parties were involved, he tried his best to come across as if he'd never embarrassed himself to begin with, "
Anyways! My name is Columbus, and I'm like the coolest guy and everyone likes me, so we should all be friends..." He extended a hand to Francis, before realizing that left him unable to shake Hasumi's hand. But that left him unable to shke Francis's hand, so he stood there unsure for a few moments. He eventually snapped his fingers and crossed one arm over the other, allowing him to shake both hands at once. He smiled at his own ingenious and nodded his head, awaiting his hands to meet theirs...

@GingerBread @KaalysBR
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Francis took a deep breath as a girl bumped into him. 'Don't say anything to her, she might take it as a invitation to start a conversation, just focus on going to your dorm ro-' He exhaled heavily as a second person bumped into him. "I just wanted to go to my room.." Francis muttered to himself. "No, you couldn't hurt me if you tried. You're utterly useless if you can't not knock into someone who's just walking. You're god damn useless"

He then turned to face the boy who had bumped into him. "I couldn't care if you say 'You're the coolest guy'. Because you're not, You couldn't even be called cool if you were frozen solid, I bet no one likes you either and I'm not going to even entertain the idea that I would be friends with you." Francis was tempted to smack the boy's hand away, but thought better of it since he was sure that the boy was so deluded that he'd think of it as a high five or something. "Now, can you both leave me alone? You could leave together, I'm sure you'd be great friends with each other. In fact you can be a great whatever in my eyes as long as you never come near me again."

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR
Daggora smiled. "I've been fine" She opened her mouth to ask another question, but was cut off by the school wide intercom going off.


In his office Crowley pushed the button for the intercom and spoke into the microphone.

"Attention all teachers and students! Please report to the Auditorium for Orientation. Yes, this includes those of you who went here last year, we have new rules and security protocols to go over with you." He said. When he was finished with his announcement he left the office and quickly down the hallway to the Auditorium. Walking in, he walked up onto the stage where there was a podium set up in the front center stage, with a line of plastic fold out chairs behind it and to the side a little bit where the teachers would sit. He stood in front of the Podium to watch all of the students file into the room and sit down.

@Schadenfreudmeh @Kazehana @Embaga Elder @Aowyn @metalcity @GingerBread @PerfectDevil @Kild Kannuk @LilyannaGaming @Yaboku God of War @RealityEntity @Mango @Veyd Sahvoz @awesomerandomness @LokiofSP @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @KaalysBR @H A R P Y


William was silent as he listened to the intercom. "The beginning of a new year." He sighed when it was over, and stood up from the chair in the library where he was reading a book and eating his apple. He closed the book, put it away, and headed to the auditorium. He walked inside among the throng of students and quickly made his way up the stage. He nodded at Crowley as he took a seat in one of the chairs provided on the stage.



As usually,the insult flew straight over Hasumi's head. She tilted her head lightly to Francis,not knowing how to reply. The glow around her diminished until it disappeared,leaving only her natural brightness behind.

"But why does not being able to hurt people make me useless? Wouldn't that be a good thing instead? I can do a lot of other things that don't involve pain and blood. I can show it to you one day!"

She smiled to Columbus once he introduced himself,finding his little quirkiness with the arms quite amusing. She shook the hand that had been aimed in her direction,the temperature of the room rising by a few degrees to agree with her new mood.

"I'm sure you are a very cool guy,Columbus. Its's nice to meet you."

Francis' comment made Hasumi frown for a moment as she considered the possibility.

"This school isn't so big. And since we seen to be the same age,we will have classes together. So if we consider the odds of me never going to class or never leaving my room at the same hour as you,the chance of we never seeing each other again is-" She stopped once she realized that he didn't mean it literally. "Oh,right. You don't...actually mean it. You just don't want to talk."

The sound of a intercom distracted her.

"Orientation again. Let's go see it?" She smiled to the two boys.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
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Daggora smiled at Kaiden. "Yep. I wonder what's up with the new Protocol's though." She thought out loud, before shrugging. "We'll just have to find out when we get there. She began to walk down the hallway to the Auditorium. "Let's go!" She beamed at him over her shoulder.


(Using my phone again, so it might be a little short. Sorry about that.)
Columbus's gears turned as he attempted to process Francis's words, eventually smiling once he realized their 'true' meaning. He winked at Francis before speaking, "It's okay, I get how you feel 'my enemy', I 'don't like' you either..." He leaned in closer to Francis's ear to whisper to him, "It's okay, I know being best friends with somebody so cool can be scary, so I'll pretend to not like you too..." He stepped back and winked at Francis.

Then Hasumi shook his hand, and he gasped, putting his hands to his face,
"Oh my goodness, you were honest with your feelings! Everyone else is to shy to be friends, so I keep on having to pretend to hate them!" He turned to Francis once more, "Don't worry, you'll get to her level some da- Wait, what was that?"

He looked at Hasumi with a sideways stare, "But your not supposed to do anything school related in school. Unless the protagonist needs to stare out the window or the teachers are actually evil, and I don't think this is an evil school...Didn't say so in the pamphlet at least..." He took out a pamphlet that was in no way school related and looked through it with a raised brow as he attempted to figure out if the teachers were evil or not...

@GingerBread @KaalysBR
The boy heard the announcement and looked around at everyone walking in a random direction and hoped it was where he was needed

(Sorry for the short post)

Francis sighed heavily as Columbus tried to insinuate that he was just pretending to not like him. "No. I actually hate you both. She gets it, and she's an idiot. So why can't you? Has your brain rotted away or something? I. Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Friends. With. You. Or. Anyone. Else. I don't even want to be your enemy because that would involve me having to interact with you" Francis then turned around to face Hasumi. "The same goes for you. I don't want to even try to be friends with anyone. So don't think you'll be the one who can 'break my hard shell and see the soft guy underneath' Because that won't happen, Because it can't happen. Got that? Both of you? Good" Francis span on his heel and began walking towards the Auditorium. "This announcement better be important.."

@LokiofSP @KaalysBR



Hasumi winked to Columbus,then quickly grabbed his arm so they could walk along with Francis.

"He is a really good actor,isn't he? I can't remember the last time I saw someone so good at pretending. You should consider following that career,Francis!"

Wait,was that even his correct name? She wasn't sure,names where things that usually escaped her mind three seconds after she heard them. His name could be Richard. Or Waldo. Or Edmund.

The comment about acting sounded completely sincere,but Hasumi knew that Francis wasn't really acting. He actually disliked them already. She could have simply walked away,but she didn't want to hurt Columbus' feelings. He seemed like a sweet boy. Not only that,but walking away from a challenge like that?

"So don't think you'll be the one who can 'break my hard shell and see the soft guy underneath!"

That was something Hasumi definitely wanted to test.

"So,Francis. I know it's very hard to be friends with cool people like us,but you don't need to be scared. We're actually quite down to Earth. So,which class is your next? And Columbus,don't think of running away. We will only know if the teacher are actually evil if we go through orientation." @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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