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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

He nodded a bit confused by her actions but smiled more as he continued to walk. Going into the cafeteria he used his ability again to look around as his smile grew "This place is amazing." He stated in a happy tone. Searching around for something to do or someone to talk to.
"Okay, yeah that sounds good," Jack said. If hunter had been serious about the sleeping thing Jack would have probably looked at him as if he was crazy. Hadn't he just woken up when they bumped into each other? "who do we talk to?" Jack asked as he looked around the room.

"Whoever doesn't kill us." Hunter pretty much blurted out. Sure, it probably sounded like a joke to the other guy, but he only then realized how his thought process when approaching strangers needed to change. He had grown used to evaluating others, figuring out who could help, who would harm. A skill essential to his survival. But now, Hunter didn't need to think too much about survival, but the fact hadn't really caught up yet. "I'll just follow your lead." He added on after that thought, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"uhh, okay" Jack said slightly confused. He looked around a bit and then spotted a girl towards the outside of the cafeteria eating a red apple. "what about her?" Jack said to hunter as he began to walk over without even waiting for a response.

@Schadenfreudmeh @LilyannaGaming
"M'kay." Hunter trailed behind Jack, giving a yawn. His initial idea of going back to sleep was becoming more inviting now as the crowd in the cafeteria was just draining. Too many people to be wary off, too much potential danger...

"I'm just gonna head back to my dorm." He abruptly announced, beginning to make a quick pace out of the cafeteria. He was beginning to feel rather unsafe in there and didn't want to hang around much longer. Better safe than sorry.

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(Rose is a teacher., not student.)

Rose turned briefly around at the sound of foot steps. Crossing her legs and placing the apple down, she looked at the boy who came over. "How can i help you?" she asked as she let her thoughts drifted before snapping back to the present. "Professor Rose." She said extending her hand to the boy, Then watching the other abruptly leave the room. @awesomerandomness
(Yeah I only saw that after but it still works cause she's 21)

"oh, hello professor" Jack said as he shook her hand. "I'm sorry I thought that you were a student. I'm trying to meet new people" Jack said awkwardly. "it was still good to meet you I guess," Jack continued.

"March March March." Those were exactly the words that Dash repeating to himself as he marched through the hallway in a penguin costume. Why was he wearing a penguin costume? It was a gift from some people he met before and it would be rude to not wear it, so he was wearing it now instead of later. He had no idea where he was going but he just kept on marching. (The best that I could come up for him xD )
Daggora sleepily focused her thoughts at Aptual once more. 'If you fall asleep while holding me and drop me, I will scratch you as hard as I can and then make sure that you can't have any sugar for a week.' She threatened, not really meaning it though. Last time she had been dropped in this form she had nearly been trampled by some of her fellow classmates a few years ago and she did not want a repeat of that experience.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
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Rea giggled slightly at the duo.They were so cute. Rea patted Aptual's head, stroking it softly. 'These two are so cute! I cannot' She quietly squealed as she saw Daggora's eyes sleepily. She continued eating her cheesecake, watching the two interact cutely.

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
Aptual's ears popped out of her head, they twitched slightly from Rea's pat from comfort. Aptual's eyes then shot open and she grew a awkward smile "What? sleep? What sleep? I didn't almost sleep or anything. hehehe." She giggled nervously as she continued to stroke the kittens head. "Awww, you guys are so cute." She giggled again.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity



Location: Office -> En route to cafeteria

Tagged: @ ANYONE

"Back in stone wall city," Mireli sighed as she placed her venus flytrap on the right corner of her office desk, the name 'Paulette' spelled across the pot in rainbow foam letters. There, that was it─the last of belongings placed not-so-neatly away. The woman placed her hands upon her hips and glanced around the small room at the glory of her organized chaos; textbooks on various psychological subjects lined the shelved walls and sprawled open and ready for reading across her floor, while research papers old and new covered other areas of once clean and tidy space, all amidst various potted plants of all shapes and colors and sizes. She released one hand from her waist to make a triumphant fist, her sly smirk set in stone.

"Another year, another batch of victims.~ Best go scout out the fresh meat."

Mireli tiptoed across her mess to her office door, swung it open, and drew in a deep breath of the scent of the new school year at Raven Wing Academy. Finally, without bothering to stop by her room to change into something more formal than her casual t-shirt and denim shorts, without even a care to put on some shoes, she made her way through the halls towards the cafeteria where no doubt the students would begin congregating over food.
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Aowyn said:
"Ha, you don't need to have musical talent. You just have to stand there and look funny for everyone else," Ingrid said, laughing. Loki seemed to be tuckered out now and had crawled into her lap to curl up there. So cute. "I'm fifteen, but next month I turn sixteen," she said in answer to his question. She stared at the katanas. Obviously, the school was pretty lax about weaponry. "What about you?"
@Embaga Elder
Koziak laughed softly, shaking his head. You're funny you know that. I just hope you don't end up cracking under pressure and sounding like nails clawing a chalk board. He spoke as he unsheathed the smallest blade just for the hell of it. He sheathed it again after admiring it for a short minute. He turned back towards Ingrid and sat down into front of her looking at Loki as he slept in her lap. I'm seventeen, and Loki has been with me for ten years now. He's my best friend. He looked up at Ingrid. Are you hungry or you're good?? @Aowyn
Ingrid scoffed at his remark, "Please, I'll never sound quite that bad." She watched as Koziak unsheathed the shortest katana blade, inspecting it. Ingrid's grandfather was an avid collector of weapons, mainly swords and guns. She knew a bit about them, but not enough to really matter. She stroked Loki's soft fur as Koziak sheathed his sword and sat across from her. "Ten years, eh? Has Loki had his midlife crisis yet?" she said, giggling a bit. The fox sleepily cracked one eye open and looked at her as if to say, 'I'm not that old.' Ingrid giggled some more.

"Nah, I'm not particularly hungry. I had lots of snacks on the way here," Ingrid replied. She look at her stuff still sprawled all over the floor. "However, I should probably unpack my things. Or, at the very least, put them where someone won't trip over them."

@Embaga Elder
Kaiden pushed a cart with a large number of house plants towards his room. He had already moved his other things in, but the Academy always made him keep his plants outside while he visited his parents. Something about needing to clean the rooms for new students and such. If they just let him have the same room every year it wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't like he was going anywhere, the Academy was his home now, he intended for it to stay that way.

He peeked into room 114, from the looks of it his roommate had moved in already. Lucky for Kaiden, whoever they were, they weren't around now. As he pushed the cart into the room he noted a very faint smell. Smoke? That was odd. Kaiden frowned, but the thought soon left his head as he began putting his plants on the shelves and desk and window sill. He put the Amazon Elephant Ear in one corner and hung the Ice Cascade from the ceiling with the Boston fern. Boxwood on this shelf, White Lily over there, African Violet over there, no, wait other side of the shelf. He had about 20 plants in total and of course kept everything on his side of the room.

He took a step back, admiring his work.

"Is everyone comfortable?" He asked softly. There was no response of any kind, Kaiden smiled brightly.

Aowyn said:
Ingrid scoffed at his remark, "Please, I'll never sound quite that bad." She watched as Koziak unsheathed the shortest katana blade, inspecting it. Ingrid's grandfather was an avid collector of weapons, mainly swords and guns. She knew a bit about them, but not enough to really matter. She stroked Loki's soft fur as Koziak sheathed his sword and sat across from her. "Ten years, eh? Has Loki had his midlife crisis yet?" she said, giggling a bit. The fox sleepily cracked one eye open and looked at her as if to say, 'I'm not that old.' Ingrid giggled some more.
"Nah, I'm not particularly hungry. I had lots of snacks on the way here," Ingrid replied. She look at her stuff still sprawled all over the floor. "However, I should probably unpack my things. Or, at the very least, put them where someone won't trip over them."

@Embaga Elder
Koziak laughed softly. He's not that old now girl. He stood up walking towards the he door. Well while you unpack and make so no one can fall on their face, Ima go to the cafeteria and grab me some grub. He opens the door and leaves the room without closing the door. A few steps down the hall he whistles and Loki jumps out Ingrid's lap running after Koziak. He had no idea on how to get to the cafeteria so he stopped and looked at the schools map. Apparently he was close to it just had to follow the map. He continued to walk towards the cafeteria hoping to find some great food. @Aowny
"Okay then, I'll see you later!" she said, waving happily. A few moments later Loki jumped out of her lap and ran after Koziak. He had left the door open. Ingrid decided against closing it, in case she accidentally blew something up. Her spells rarely backfired, but then again there was that one incident...

No. None of that now. "Well then, I suppose I better put all of this away," she said to herself. Ingrid took out a piece of chalk from a pocket on her belt and moved to the center of the room. She drew a large circle on the floor and filled it in with various symbols. It was a magic circle. The symbols told the magic circle what should be put where within the room. Ingrid dragged all of her stuff into the circle and stepped out. She retrieved the paper talisman she had made before coming to the academy and threw it toward the magic circle. It stuck to the invisible wall of the circle and hung in midair. "Kai," she commanded. It was a word meaning "release" and as soon as she said it, the talisman and the magic circle started glowing. Things started unpacking themselves and before she knew it, everything was put in it's place. Ingrid took a step back, admiring her work. There now, everything neatly put away.

@ Anyone
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Kaido Kuran

For a moment Kaido was petting Kota, following his gaze which was watching Francis walk away from them. Before that he caught a glance at him about to reach out to Kota but he then pulled out another cigarette. So his weakness was dogs... Hmmm. He might have to pay him a visit some time that day with Kota, not like Kota wouldn't be with him since the two were hardly ever split up. To answer Caroline's question he responded with the name of his husky. "His name is Kota, my best buddy. Ain't that right?" He said and continued petting his head "I'm Kaido Kuran and you are?" He asked with an expectant look on his face, eager to hear what her name was. That way maybe they could chat for a bit longer and actually know each others names, that is, if classes were cancelled for the day which usually wasn't the case for new students in the school's he had been. Maybe it was different here, who knows. "Do you know if classes are still going on today?"



Still flying around the school, scaring students, and mimicing people Mr. Raven caught sight of someone through peripheral vision and it was definnitely someone he knew; Ms. Mireli Fen, one of the teachers at RWA just like himself except human. Turning right around he flew up behind her, making a caw sound as he landed on her shoulder. "If it isn't Ms. Mireli! How are you on this fine lovely day?" Asked the raven, mimicing her voice to sound exactly like her. Surely she would know it was him since there likely wasn't any other person that could mimic someone's voice but sometimes he was proven wrong.

@H A R P Y
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Akihiro decided that today he wasn't going to beat up any assholes. That wasn't an easy decision,specially for him. But at least he was trying. He walked through the corridors of the school,hearing the comments about the "freak". By now,he was used to the nickname they gave him. It was fitting.

He stopped in the middle of the corridor,turning his head around slowly for extra effect. The students that had been gossiping about him suddenly paled.


That was enough for them to shriek and run away. Aki couldn't help but chuckle at the reaction. Being casted aside by most people in school had some weird perks.

His stomach grumbled,reminding him that he was heading for the cafeteria. So he quickly went back to his walking.

The sounds of crying made him stop immediately,and he turned to see the older guys surrounding a much younger kid. They apparently wanted his money.

Aki felt his temper flare. He pulled his hands out of his pockets,already forgetting the resolution about not beating anyone up .


That gathered their attention. As soon as the biggest guy turned,Aki slammed his hand against the boy's nose. He kicked the second one in the groin,sending him crying to the ground.

The third guy actually managed to land a blow on Aki's face. The only reaction to that was a groan of annoyance,and soon the three guys were splattered against the ground.


Aki quickly turned around,ignoring the blood that was now dripping from his nose and staining the shirt he was wearing.
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Daggora turned in Aptual's arms to swat at her playfully. She pawed at Aptual's nose, before turning and jumping out of her arms onto the table again before hopping back onto the floor. She closed her eyes once more and repeated the same process she had used to turn into a cat back into her human form. When she opened her eyes, she was back in her human form. She stood up and smiled at the other two girls."Well, I'm gonna go try and find some people that I recognize from last year. You can come if you want, but I don't really care either way, it;s up to the two of you." She smiled and waved at her two friends, before turning and walking to the cafeteria exit.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
Aptual smiled at Rea "We should tag along, we could meet more people! Some might be just as cute as Daggora if they are in her year! I can't wait!" Aptual giggled and quickly dashed after Daggora and walked behind her, holding her hands behind her as she hummed, she spoke towards Daggora "Who did you know last year? was anyone as adorable as you?" Aptual gently poked Daggora's cheek while giggling.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity


Aki was being stared at,even more that he usually did. The blood coming from his nose and lip was getting more thick,and he was being stubborn as always. Which meant that he wouldn't go to the infirmary unless some teacher dragged him there.

He wasn't sorry,though. He absolutely hated bullies,and he would beat those guys again if he had the chance.

Distracted as he was,he didn't even notice a girl in front of him until he actually bumped into her.

"Shit! I'm sorry. You okay?"

He ignored the blood coming from his face as he inspected her,wondering if he hurt her on his distraction. @metalcity @Daggora Keket
Kaiden sighed contently. He should probably return that cart and maybe get something to eat, his stomach growled it's approval at the idea. He quickly changed into a different sweater, one with a hood on it. He took the cart, closed his door and made his way to the gym where he had gotten the cart, so he promptly returned it and made his way towards the cafeteria.

He pulled the hood up and tightened the drawstrings to hide his face. He really wished he had been given the power to turn invisible or something more useful. Although, to be fair if he could turn invisible he probably wouldn't have these stupid black veins and then he wouldn't want to turn invisible. He shoved his hands in his pockets, keeping his head down as he walked. From the lack of students around he bet they were all in the cafeteria.

He walked around a corner and noticed up ahead there was a small group of people standing around. Kaiden nervously fidgeted, that was the only hallway to the cafeteria. He'd have to get by them and the three of them were filling up the hallway so he'd probably have to ask them to move and ugh, why was he so anxious today? It normally wasn't this bad. That's what he got for taking a break from people for the summer.

He realized he recognized one of the girls though. Daggora, right? He'd seen her around before, maybe talked to her once? The boy standing there was familiar as well, but Kaiden didn't know his name. The other girl looked to be new. He hovered nervously at the end of the hallway, shifting from one foot to the other. Maybe he should leave.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity @KaalysBR

Francis kept his gaze on the ground as he walked out of the cafeteria, not wanting to make eye contact with someone and have them mistake it for an invitation to have a conversation with him, since some people had already thought that because he was sitting alone that was obviously an invitation to come and try and socialise with him.

'When the hell does class start anyway, I'm not going to complain if it never does, but I'd rather not get detention for being late or not showing up to class, though it might be a good way to get out of talking to people. I doubt many other people will want to be in deten-' Francis was knocked out of his thoughts as he knocked into some bleeding guy with his shoulder. "Oi. What the hell are you doing taking up room in the hallway? People do use these to walk around, you do understand that's what they're used for, right?"

@Daggora Keket @metalcity @KaalysBR @PerfectDevil
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Aptual fell to the ground due to the boy bumping into her "Owie, why does everyone bump into me here?" She questioned while rubbing the back of her head, her eyes closed to stop her eyes getting damaged. When opening her eyes she saw red splats on the ground and slightly on her clothes "Huh? what? what is this?" She asked, when looking up she heard someone say something "Oh don't worry, I'm fine. What is this stuff on my clothes by the way?" She asked before seeing the blood on his face, then she realised what it was. "OH GOD!!!" She panicked when jumping up, accidentally knocking the boy slightly. Aptual quickly looked around "DON'T WORRY!!! I CAN FIX THIS!!!!" She continued to look around, then she dashed over to a table and grabbed a handful of napkins, she rushed over to the boy again "HERE!!! TAKE THESE!!!!" She threw the tissues at the boy, she saw the red continue to leak through the pure white tissue. "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX YOU!!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO DAGGORA!!!" Aptual panicked, shivering slightly.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity @KaalysBR @PerfectDevil

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