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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)


Brooke looked up from her sandwich when a girl sat down at her table and offered her a newt. "Sure! He looks kinda cute." She smiled as she got an idea. "Hey, would you like to be my friend?!" She looked up at Emma still smiling, but her smile faded as she saw the condition Emma was in. "Are you okay?! Do you need to go to the nurse or something. I can take you there if you'd like! Or would you like to get some food first? Or is going to the nurse more important? I know! We could do both! What do ya say, new best friend?!"

(I just woke up lol)

Rea ran towards the food her eyes sparkling. "Woahh.. This is heaven!" Rea exclaimed as she got her cheesecake. No, not one slice, it was basically the whole cake. She sat down next to Aptual and started munching on her food, almost crying at how delicious this piece of heaven was.

"Yum! I love you cheesecake.." Rea muttered looking at the food with love.

(What did I write lol)

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Kaido Kuran

Well that was unexpected. Like geez, if they were having a bad break up or something they could at least do it in private. He didn't dare say that to their faces though for he feared they'd turn on him. He had the choice of listening to what they had to say and just ignoring them and he kind of wished he had ignored it because the mood just died, if there even was one. "Woah you two! Back it up!" He said with a raised voice, looking back and forth a couple times at the both of them "What up with all the rude comments and bickering? Lighten up, eesh..." Maybe they were having a bad break up and if that were the case he'd just turn up his music even more and look at the table while eating his food. Pulling out a couple of the muffins in his hoodie pocket he stuffed one in his mouth and took a swig of the hot coffee while he waited to see if they were going to continue bickering.

@Kazehana @GingerBread
Daggora smiled at her two friends as they sat down at the table. She had finished her hotdogs and as half-way through when her cantaloupe when she remembered that she still didn't know the name of her and Aptual's friend. Quickly swallowing the food in her mouth, she wiped her hands on a napkin from the napkin dispenser in the middle of the table, and turned to the girl on the other side of Aptual. "You know, I don't think the two of us were ever properly introduced." She leaned back and stuck her hand out, behind Aptual so as to not get between the small girl and her "sweet salad" as she called it. "I'm Daggora, nice to meet you." She smiled.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
"Hello Daggora! My name is Reanne Shawcross! But call me Rea!" She smiled brightly as she shook Daggora's hand. She was already content with having a friend, but adding another one to the list? She was starting to love this place.

"D-do you guys want any cheesecake?" She motioned at her half eaten cheesecake, still smiling brightly.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Aowyn said:
Ingrid looked up to see a boy with red hair and fox ears staring down at her. Her eyes widened slightly. There is a boy with fox ears? And I thought my powers were weird. Who knew there was an entire school filled with people that had weird powers? Ingrid thought. She realized she was staring. "Oh, um," Ingrid stammered, taking his hand. He pulled her up. "Thanks. I'm Ingrid, by the way. Sorry for, um, falling in on you like that," she laughed.
@Embaga Elder
Koziak could imagine what she was thinking about when her eyes widened. She was more than likely thinking about his Kitsune features. He had no problem with being a kitsune, he was actually proud about being one. There's a lot a perks that goes along with it. You welcome, and it's okay. I don't get a lot of chances to have girls trip into my room. My names Koziak by the way, and this is Loki. He said pointing towards his fox.
Daggora's smile grew when the newly dubbed 'Rea' shook her hand. When Rea offered the two of them cheesecake Daggora giggled and shook her head. "No thanks, normally I would, but if I eat anymore sugar than these cupcakes.....well, let's just say that bad things will happen. Daggora shuddered. She did not need a repeat of The Incident. She was still finding glitter in places that Glitter had no right to be. She quickly finished her food and went to go throw her plate away. Sitting back down at the table, she stretched and yawned before crossing her arms on the table in front of her. "So, what can you guys do? Like, what are your abilities and stuff?" She asked her two companions.

@RealityEntity @metalcity
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"Its alright. I know the feeling." Rea reminisced her last 'Sugar Rush'. She almost lost a finger! She flinched just thinking about it.

She turned to Daggora and Aptual, listening to Daggora's question.

"Well, I have the ability to summon any weapon from Midair." She flicked her wrist a dagger appeared, leaving a trail of red and black dust.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Aldrich Valencia

It was going to be another great year. Aldrich was pretty much certain of this as he looked over the students in the cafeteria, recognizing some familiar faces among the new students. He smiled to himself as he heard bits and pieces of chatter, with various students making new friends, demonstrating their powers, or just indulging in the food.

Yet there was always the threat of hunters, even in here.

Aldrich mentally scowled at the thought. If he could, he'd crack the skulls of every single person that would dare think about hurting these kids. But he couldn't just go rampaging with little to nothing to go off of. All he could do was let the days play out and keep his eye on any suspicious characters. But for now, all seemed good as he leaned against one of the cafeteria walls.


She rolled her eyes, still not amused by his terrible efforts to offend her. "If you couldn't tell, he just sits around insulting people as if he has no flaws himself," she commented to the younger boy. It was a conversation that might have been meant for just the two of them, but she made no effort to conceal it or make it private in any way. "Feel free to ignore him. It's not like he would get a lot of attention with that attitude or face," she added, neatly setting her soiled yogurt cup into Francis' trash.

"So what are you doing over here?" she asked the boy, completely ignoring Francis. If he wanted to make an ass out of himself, he was more than welcome to continue. She herself was tired of dealing with someone who slung childish insults at her, so this more mature boy was probably more up her alley. She was fairly sure that her roommate would still be in their room, and she still didn't want to deal with him. There was a good chance he was like Mr. Perfect over there, and she wasn't having any of that.

[COLOR=#61806A]@GingerBread[/COLOR] [COLOR=#61806A]@Veyd Sahvoz[/COLOR]
Aptual continued to devour her sweet salad "I'm a scary werewolf!" Aptual called out, as she continued eating her salad her words were muffled by the food being chewed. Aptual turned to Rea "Thats a pretty name! But I want to call you 'cutie' coz your shy appearance is adorable!" Aptual giggled as she poked her in the cheek, she also started to pat her hair again, sticking her head into the plate to eat while she harassed her head.

@RealityEntity @Daggora Keket
Daggora perked up at Rea's summoning of a dagger and Aptual's confession. "Sweet!" She said. "I'm a shapeshifter." She looked around at the other students. "I wonder what everyone else's abilities are..." She wondered out loud.

[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Koziak could imagine what she was thinking about when her eyes widened. She was more than likely thinking about his Kitsune features. He had no problem with being a kitsune, he was actually proud about being one. There's a lot a perks that goes along with it. You welcome, and it's okay. I don't get a lot of chances to have girls trip into my room. My names Koziak by the way, and this is Loki. He said pointing towards his fox.

Ingrid laughed at his joke. "Nice to meet you," she said, nodding at both of them. Something he had said bothered her a bit. "Wait, your room? I didn't know this place had Co-ed dorms," Ingrid said, looking at the boy she would be living with for the next year. This school was already way different than her old one. Not that she minded much, it just surprised her.

Ingrid remembered her things that had gone flying when she fell. "My guitar!" she exclaimed, diving toward it to make sure it was okay. She frantically undid the clasps of the case it was in and took it out, inspecting it for any damage. It looked okay, no scratches or anything. She strummed a chord to check the sound. All okay, though the E string was a bit out of tune. "Phew..." she sighed, thankful that her instrument was fine. She checked her keyboard next, completely forgetting about the fox and the kitsune behind her. Finding a plug-in by the door for it, she carefully played each note to make sure nothing had gotten damaged. All were fine. Ingrid sat back, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Well, seems like we got a lively bunch this year." Aldrich rocked back and forth on his heels, looking just as excited as the first year students, if not more. "So, I'm just hoping for a great year again. Maybe fewer accidents in the lab..." The teacher chuckled nervously, remembering more than a few incidents in his class last year. While no students were hurt, he took quite a beating from a couple of dickheads on the periodic table. That, and perhaps he shouldn't eat pure sodium again. Sure, he was immune to the otherwise messy explosion that other people would go through, but the stomach pains...

@Daggora Keket
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Aptual's attention shifted to Daggora "Wow! a shape shifter! that's so cool! you should shape shift into an assassin! or a bunny! or a bunny assassin! that would be adorable and coo!" Aptual's eyes sparkled again as she look up at Daggora with a grin, still patting Rea's hair and poking her check. Her face was covered in fudge and cake, a gummy worm hung out of her mouth which she momentarily slurped into her mouth and begin to chew.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
Rea giggled at Aptual's face. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth. "T-there! All clean"She grinned. She then turned to Daggora.

" Could you turn into a c-cat? I l-love cats.." She asked, her eyes shining brightly in curiosity.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Aptual turned to Rea "Thanks cutie!" She giggled as she rubbed her own face "I'm not dirty anymore! Clean clean clean! yay" She hummed cheerfully. An idea popped into Aptual's head and she raised her hand and waved it to get the girls attentions. She stood up and began to giggle, it looked like a child was about to give a speech. (however that is literally her) she giggled franticly at the thought "Oh my God! You should turn into a Cat bunny assassin! that would be super adorable and cool! that idea already is giving me an overload of cuteness and coolness!" Aptual but her hands together and started to beg Daggora "Plleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'll give you some of my sweet salad if you do that! It tastes amazing! I'll even let you pat cutie's hair!" Aptual looked up at Daggora with puppy dog eyes.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
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Crowley snorted at Aldrich's reply. "We could most definitely do without as many Lab Accidents this year." He looked at the other man. "Speaking of which, your classroom is now fortified with steel walls inside the rock ones, and it has three extra fire extinguishers in addition to the original two." He looked back at the students. "Please try not to explode anything this year." Crowley chuckled to himself.



Daggora giggled at Aptual, but was caught by surprise at Rea's request. She blushed. "Um-sure...but I don't know how a cat bunny assassin would look, sooo maybe next time?" She told Aptual. She stood up and looked around, biting her lip before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. In her mind, she pictured her first and main form, a black house cat. In her minds eye, she reached towards the cat, and when she touched it, she merged with it. She could feel her body and clothes shifting and changing, before finally settling. When she opened her eyes, the shift was complete. And while it felt like it had taken a minute or two, she knew that the change had been instantaneous and only taken a split-second at most. In her cat form, she hopped onto the seat when she had been sitting, and from there hopped up onto the table to sit in front of the two girls, her tail wrapped around her and settling on top of her front paws. She looked at the two girls to try and gauge their reactions.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
"Yeah but if I don't have at least one explosion a day, then the kids will get bored, you know?" Aldrich gave a shrug, glancing over at Crowley. "Gotta have them come to class excited, not knowing what's gonna explode or knowing what's flammable. And hell, with the extra safety stuff, then we have more room for more fun experiments." The teacher gave a grin, already planning out the potential new lessons.

@Daggora Keket
Crowley groaned in exasperation. "At least try to limit the size of the explosions. I don't need us getting sued again because you want to keep your students 'entertained'. At least you haven't blown up half the school as a teacher yet like you did your second year as a student." He sighed. "I still don't want to know how you accomplished that one."

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"Ugh fiiiine." Aldrich pouted childishly before breaking out into his usual charismatic grin and nudging Crowley playfully. "You know I'll never let anything happen to them. Property damage can be fixed, but those kids are priceless." He gave a heavy sigh. Looks like he probably couldn't pull off the mini nuke project.

@Daggora Keket
Crowley smiled at Aldrich's childishness briefly before schooling his face into a hard mask. "I know that you would sacrifice your life before theirs, but you can't very well keep them safe if the school is shut down or demolished, now can you." Crowley then relaxed and rolled his eyes. "And stop nudging me, you know how much I hate it when you and my husband do that."

Jack sat on his bed, his bow to his right and quiver to his left. He held as arrow and began to sharpen it. They had gotten pretty dull after years of constant use. He had never found the time to sharpen them until now. As he sharpened the arrowheads, he thought about his new home. Hopefully this stays as home for a while he thought. After finishing sharpening one arrow, he put it to the side and pulled another arrow out of his quiver. "One down, 19 to go," he said to himself, "man this is going to take a while."
Aldrich nudged Crowley again just to be the childish prick he was. "Someone's gotta do it, though." He chuckled before clearing his throat and going a bit solemn. "So ah..." He dropped his voice. Serious time. "That whole thing about hunters possibly infiltrating the school... Is that something we should be seriously worried about or is it just speculation?" He asked with a raised brow.

@Daggora Keket
"S-so.. Cute!" Rea muttered as she slowly picked Daggora up and cuddled her to her chest. "Why are you so cute?" Rea said as she stroked Daggora's head. "Cute kitty.. Soft kitty..." She muttered as she continued to stroke the Feline's head.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity

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