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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Rick walked around the campus a bit with his guitar on his back the boy smiled. Finding the place interesting he couldn't help but explore every part of it if he had the chance. But instead he still did have bags to unpack in his dorm wherever that may be. After finally getting a fell for the place using his echo location of course he made his way to what he believed where the dorms. His smile growing wider when he realized he was going to the right building the boy made his way to his room. But before opening he knocked her just to make sure if whomever he shared the dorm with was still inside or hasn't made it yet "Hello?" He called out slowly opening the door not using his echo location to see inside only to make sure he wasn't walking in on something he'd regret. Stepping inside and having to hold his hands out to see if he was about to run into anything the boy closed the door with his foot and walked around the room like a complete fool.

@LilyannaGaming (Sounds like me at the end only without being blind xD doesn't it?)
"you're welcome" he replied continuing to look down and try to guess other's abilites. It was all like a game to him, sometimes he would win, and sometimes he would loose.

Aki looked around wrapping his tail around his leg and flattening hs ears against his head he didn't like them moving continuesly in the wind like that. He planned to find out where all his classes were today rather than having to find them tomorrow. But first he really wanted to eat something, he was hungry, He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning.

Akire landed on a nearby roof looking around for a place to get some food. He was starting to regret not eating dinner yesterday
They landed on a roof and Aki looked around for what could be a place where the cafeteria was. He closed his eyes and sniffed around looking for anyplace food could be held. "I think i found the cafeteria." He said to Akire before jumping off the roof landing in a nearby tree. He climbed down from the tree and started running towards the smell of food. He was so hungry, he felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He ran almost turning into his cat form several times.

Yaboku God of War]Rick walked around the campus a bit with his guitar on his back the boy smiled. Finding the place interesting he couldn't help but explore every part of it if he had the chance. But instead he still did have bags to unpack in his dorm wherever that may be. After finally getting a fell for the place using his echo location of course he made his way to what he believed where the dorms. His smile growing wider when he realized he was going to the right building the boy made his way to his room. But before opening he knocked her just to make sure if whomever he shared the dorm with was still inside or hasn't made it yet "[COLOR=#ff0000][B]Hello?[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" He called out slowly opening the door not using his echo location to see inside only to make sure he wasn't walking in on something he'd regret. Stepping inside and having to hold his hands out to see if he was about to run into anything the boy closed the door with his foot and walked around the room like a complete fool.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ said:
@LilyannaGaming[/URL] (Sounds like me at the end only without being blind xD doesn't it?)
(Whoops. Messed the alert for this xD )

"Yes?" She replied from her spot on the bed, laptop booting up. She looked up from her password screen as a boy, she assumed her roommate came walking with his hands outstretched into the room. Sighing she pushed the laptop aside and stood up. She went over and guided him to his side. 'He better not be fooling with me.' she thought double checking to make sure the door was shut. She went back over to the window, sighing as she turned to face him. "And you are?"
He smiled a bit when he heard someone else voice guessing it was a girl because of it. Since she hadn't yelled at him the moment he came inside Nick figured it was safe and used his ability to see the room "I'm Nick its nice to meet you." He said as he turned around and faced her with a warm smile and extended his hand towards her "If you think I was faking acting blind you'd be half way right. I am blind but I use echo location like a bat to see everything. I just didn't use it when I entered the room encase I was going to see something I wasn't suppose to." The boy explained to her before any confusion came up. Happily the boy set his stuff on top of his bed assuming she took the right side the boy started unpacking his stuff and putting it away. Getting the guitar stand out of the bag of miscellaneous items the boy quickly put it together and set it up beside his bed. After doing so he took the guitar off his back and set it on the stand. Only to begin putting up his clothes in he drawers and putting a song book and top of it along with a lamp.

@LilyannaGaming (Good job xD )
Aowyn said:
Ingrid struggled with her things. She balanced her two suitcases precariously on her head whilst trying to carry her keyboard, her acoustic guitar, and the envelop that had her room number on it. Room 108... she thought. Ingrid traveled down the corridors, dodging other students and trying not to fall. She searched for her room, though doing so was difficult when she could barely see over her own things. Perhaps she shouldn't have brought so much stuff but her music was one thing she wasn't willing to give up.
Just as her arms were starting to feel like rocks, Ingrid stumbled across a room labeled with the number 108. Finally... Ingrid thought, testing the door to see if it was open. To her surprise, it was, and she promptly lost her balance, toppling through the doorway. Her things went flying and she landed on the ground with a loud thump.

@Embaga Elder
Koziak and Loki heard a loud thump, causing them to wake up. Koziak lifted his head up opening his eyes to see a girl on the floor with her bags everywhere. Koziak chuckled and got off the bed walking towards her reaching his hand out towards Ingrid. Need help getting? He said with a smile. @Aowyn
Akire blinked for a moment, before jumping off the roof and running after the boy "Hey!! Wait up!!" He called out 'Man this kid's fast... I don't know if I can keep up while running..' he huffed still trying to keep up with Aki

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Aki ran keeping up his pace only slowing down slightly as he entered the cafeteria. His nose was right and he entered the line to get food. Although he didn't yet know what he was going to eat, there were so many different choices and every last one of them looked good. He eventually settled with something simple yet very tasty. He got waffles and a glass of milk sitting down at a table near a window, saving a seat for Akire if he wanted to sit next to him.

Akire stopped when he reached the cafeteria running a hand through his hair. He pressed his wings against his back and put the shirt he brought on. 'I shouldn've flown...' He thought bitterly. He walked into the cafeteria looking for Aki 'Where'd he go.... Oh, there he is..' Akire walked towards Aki when he found him, sitting next to him

"You run entirely too fast, you know that?" He complained dropping his head onto the table
Aki giggled when Akire entered looking exhausted. "I get told that sometimes." He said munching on his food, he knew he was fast it wasn't even a trait from him being a Neko. He was fast because he spent most of his time running, it would be really weird if he wasn't fast. 'Don't think about them they're not here to hurt you anymore.' He thought looking down. He took a sip of his milk quietly listening to all the voices in his head. He wasn't paying attention at first, but he was now sometimes his telepathy was a gift, but most times it was a curse.

Ingrid looked up to see a boy with red hair and fox ears staring down at her. Her eyes widened slightly. There is a boy with fox ears? And I thought my powers were weird. Who knew there was an entire school filled with people that had weird powers? Ingrid thought. She realized she was staring. "Oh, um," Ingrid stammered, taking his hand. He pulled her up. "Thanks. I'm Ingrid, by the way. Sorry for, um, falling in on you like that," she laughed.

@Embaga Elder
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Aptual snapped back into reality and saw the notebook, she quickly grabbed it and hugged it "I'll never let you blow up again! Don't you worry!" She wiped away her tears, she looked up at the girl before jumping up and hugging her "Thank you for saving my notebook." Aptual backed off slightly, smiling at the new girl "I'm Aptual, and this is Daggora! And don't worry, she isn't an assassin! So don't get confused. It's and easy mistake. Any ways, we are going to the canteen! Want to join us?" Aptual asked, completely forgetting to ask for the girls name due to her increased hunger.

@RealityEntity @Daggora Keket
Akire lifted his head "You ever thought about joining track?" He asked "I think you'd be good at it." He commented leaning on his hand. He'd managed to catch his breath from when he was running. He looked around the cafeteria zoning out a bit


"Nah track's not suited for me." He said giggling at the thought of him doing track. He's never really liked being told when to run and jump. He kept eating listening to the basic gossip girls were talking about finding it more interesting than what the guys had to say. Most of them were talking about who's power was the strongest and personally Aki didn't really care. He zoned out in the cafeteria unconsciously continuing to eat his food, he looked down and saw that he was almost done.

He finished the rest of his food and gulped down his milk getting up from the table and putting the tray he had eaten on away. He walked back over to the table and sat down yawning. After eating he was feeling a little tired, although that feeling would probably disappear soon.​

By now, she had mostly finished her chore. Unfortunately, she would never be truly satisfied with the condition of her cannons, but she wasn't about to complain. They were still functional, and that was all she cared about. With a content snort, she reclaimed her arm once again and pushed herself off the ground. She took a moment to gain her balance, not daring to take even a step in the meantime. Once she stopped wobbling for a few moments in her daze, she started her trek back inside to finish doing her things. Today seemed like a chore already, and that certainly was not about to change. She was sure she would have to socialize with some freshmen nonsense, so she might as well get it well out of the way when she could.

Caroline made her way down the halls, her arms swinging lazily at her side as she kept her gaze strictly forward and her expression neutral. There was no reason for her to accidentally look one in the eye and give the impression that she wanted to make contact with them. Each and every one of them was safe within the school, so they tended to operate more on excitement and energy than on seriousness or tactic like back home. In her eyes, they all acted well over 5 years younger than they should.

Swinging the door to her room open, she stepped inside and immediately noticed the extraneous things littering the other side of the dorm. Well, at least her roommate was here. She really hoped that she was at least paired with a girl this time. She had no clue why they even made the rooms co-ed. What did that even accomplish? She shook her head and stepped into the doorway, casually throwing it shut it behind her. She walked over to the curtains and swung them open to let light in, then supported herself on the windowsill to look outside.

Here it was, a beautiful day, and she had to be inside doing nonsense. It was situations like this that made her want to blow up some bubbly freshmen. To her, they all seemed to take their lives for granted, and she hardly approved. When she was content with her level of loathing, she pushed herself off and made her way to one of the many boxes on her bed, unfolding it with one pull of her hands on the tabs. She looked at her clothes, all neatly folded within its confines. For a moment, she simply stared at them, not moving a muscle. The next, she gingerly grabbed the black dress on the top of the pile, holding it out in front of her to get a good view.

Almost as if by flashback, she was taken back to her city in the midst of turmoil that only the hunters could have brought. Sure it wasn't exactly neighbors to the RWA city, but they were everywhere. It was almost like the infestation of which the hunters claimed Caroline was a part. She ran up the street with a child in tow, trying to escape the chaos of their daily lives. Somewhere behind them, hunters screamed for their heads, not willing to cease their efforts until they were upon sticks at the head of town hall. The child, a boy about half her size, bore fear in his eyes, though he didn't make a sound to indicate that it ever existed. Without even looking, she shot a wide array of energy bullets that came almost without pause. In the smoke, she darted into a building with the boy in tow, not stopping for even a minute to look back and assess the situation. They ran straight up the stars and into the master bedroom where an angry couple screamed at them to leave their house. Without entertaining them, Caroline jumped straight out of the open window and onto the roof of the neighboring house. As they landed, the two lost contact with each other, though they ran side by side across the rooftops. In the background, Caroline could faintly hear the hunters, though her hearing was almost reduced to a loud ringing. After a few roofs, she launched herself at a window and swung inside via the windowsill. After she landed in a crouched position, she spun around and looked for her companion, ready to help him inside. Though he was nowhere to be seen. In fact, she had never seen him since. Her eyes widened at the mystery, and after a half minute, she slowly closed the window, muting the mob's screams in the distance.

Caroline shook her head and put the dress down, then reclosed the box. Now wasn't the time to get sentimental. She instead opted for another box, revealing her toiletries and make-up once she opened the tab. She began unpacking them onto her desk, mindlessly putting it all out before she sorted and placed them in their proper locations. All the while, she silently thought about that night with glazed eyes. How it plagued her to never know the fate of that child, to never receive closure.

Hunter was in a daze while his music played, giving a sigh through his nose. While he did enjoy the song, it did pull at some rather painful memories. Though he wasn't really one to get all caught up in his past, he couldn't help but find himself thinking about what he did.

Such a bloody idiot back then, what were you thinking? He mentally scolded himself, trying to push the memory away. Changing the song didn't help either as his mind just went into a sort of state of disarray, throwing all those dark nights with strangers right back at him.

Hunter abruptly pulled out his earbuds, eyes closed as he took in a deep breath.

You're fine now. It's safe here. He reassured himself, standing from his shady spot. Perhaps he'd find more comfort in his dorm and maybe try to sleep again. The tall man began to stroll towards his dorm, rather disgruntled at the lack of music he was putting himself through. But he really did need a different playlist. Upon arriving at his room, he found that someone else was already there. He mentally shrugged, figuring that she was his roommate before gently closing the door behind him.

"G'day." He grumbled, sounding a lot more standoffish than intended.

He also craved ice cream for some odd reason.

Rea was surprised about how the girl's persinality drastically changed. But she just shrugged it off. She smiled at her lightly.

"Nice to meet you too... Im also going to the cafeteria." She said smiling sheepishly.

She liked these people, and wanted to be friends with them, plus maybe they share the same love: food.

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
Daggora laughed and opened her mouth to tell Aptual that she would sign the notebook when they found a place to sit and eat, when Aptual was bumped into. Startled, Daggora took a step back when Aptual started yelling. It was so loud that she momentarily lost her hearing and was only able to hear the tail end of the girls reply to what ever Aptual had said when she got her notebook back. "Cool, so are we. Why don't you join us?" She pulled on her ear lobe, to try and the ringing to go away.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
"Yes please.." She muttered her shy demeanor emerging. She smiled at the two as she thought what would it be like to be friends.

"W-would you guys like to be my f-friend.?" She asked, a light blush on her cheeks as she fiddled with her fingers, embarrassed.

@Daggora Keket @metalcity
Yaboku God of War]He smiled a bit when he heard someone else voice guessing it was a girl because of it. Since she hadn't yelled at him the moment he came inside Nick figured it was safe and used his ability to see the room "[COLOR=#ff0000][B]I'm Nick its nice to meet you.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" He said as he turned around and faced her with a warm smile and extended his hand towards her "[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][B]If you think I was faking acting blind you'd be half way right. I am blind but I use echo location like a bat to see everything. I just didn't use it when I entered the room encase I was going to see something I wasn't suppose to.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]" The boy explained to her before any confusion came up. Happily the boy set his stuff on top of his bed assuming she took the right side the boy started unpacking his stuff and putting it away. Getting the guitar stand out of the bag of miscellaneous items the boy quickly put it together and set it up beside his bed. After doing so he took the guitar off his back and set it on the stand. Only to begin putting up his clothes in he drawers and putting a song book and top of it along with a lamp.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ said:
@LilyannaGaming[/URL] (Good job xD )
sighing, she took his hand, before dropping it. She watched him hurriedly turn and un-pack. "An Echo? I haven't seen one with that power, in....years." She briefly smiling. "Lily." She said finally giving in and giving her name. Turning, she shut the window with her mind while flopping on her bed. She picked up her laptop and logged in. She opened up a fresh document and started typing where she left off before arriving here. She whistled while she typed, her fingers tapped away. She subconsciously caused a few pens to move around the room, even though she didn't realize it. She looked up to watch him every so often, just to make sure he stayed on his side of the room. Suddenly, she shut the laptop, grabbing a sketch pad and the pencils as they fell from from the air. "I'm heading to the cafeteria. You should come to, and maybe make a few friends." She said heading towards the door.
Daggora looked over at the girl. "Sure, the more the merrier I always say!" She said before turning back to Aptual. "What about you?" The ringing still refused to go away, she scowled and pulled harder on her ear lobe. "Stupid ringing..." She muttered to herself.

@metalcity @RealityEntity


Crowley was waking among the students, both new and old, to try and get a feel for what this year might be like. He was feeling a bit hungry so he walked into the cafeteria and got a plate of food, before going and sitting at a random table. He quietly began eating and observing the all of the students milling around him.
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