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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Aki gave him a small smile in return and looked around, almost like a lost puppy swinging his tail a few tail, before securely wrapping it around his waist.

Aki let Akire pet his head hoping that he wouldn't be ruff with his ears. He thought about the next thing he was going to unpack and seeing he as he had quite a lot it wast a pretty tough decision. He was told to pack all his stuff like he was going away from home for a long time and he did. 'I'll unpack my clothes later, I don't want to do that now.' He said looking back towards his suite case, He still had yet to make his bed and it was bugging him slightly that he didn't think to do that first.

Akire looked at his bed, deciding he'd done enough for now and walked to the window, stretching a bit, stopping by his bed grabbing a shirt on his way glancing at the other boy "I'm going to get a better view of the school, wanna come?"
"yeah sure" he said looking around and deciding he'do the rest when he got back. If he didn't go now, then when he needed to get somewhere he'd probably get lost. He closed his suite case, zipping it up and stretched ready to leave.

"Your not afraid of heights are you?" Akire asked turning to face him. It was very vital that he know now, then find out later.
"No i'm not afraid of heights...... why do you ask?" He said thoughts pondering his mind. He liked heights and actually preffered them over the ground sometimes.

Skier turned back to the window, opening it "You'll find out." He paused and looked back at him about to climb out of the window "Well? Are you coming?"
"We're jumping out the window?" Aki asked looking confused, Why was he going to jump out of a window. Still a little reluctant he followed behin Akire ready to jump out the window.

Aki grabbed a hold of Akire being a little tight, he didn't want to fall down there. "Okay i'm ready when you are." he said closing his eyes and bracing himself. He didn't know what to expect, but whatever it was Akire was pretty confident in it.

Akire loosed his shoulders as much as he could, so he wasn't so tense, jumping out of the window, struggling for a second to hold them both up, since its been awhile since he flew with someone, before getting accustomed to the weight and being able to fly straight
Akire jumped out the window and Aki closed his eyes tightly. He opened his eyes and saw that they were no longer falling. 'I forgot, Akire has wings... He can fly!' Aki thought as he looked around they weren't flying straight at first, but eventually they started flying straight, and it was very fun for Aki. It was a completely new experience for him, and he liked it.

Aki looked down at the ground silently agreeing with Akire. He was never going to be able to memorize this place. he looked around at the students outside, trying to see if he could figure out their special abilities. He couldn't figure out all of them but some of them were pretty obvious.

"Well,tomorrow's gonna be fun.." He mumbled sarcastically referring to the fact that they had to find their classes. Akire already knew he's gonna be late for the classes
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"It'll be interesting looking for out classes." he agreed not really paying attention. He enjoying the feeling of flying for the first time. Everyone looked so small to him, almost like tiny ants.

Lily entered her dorm, since she needed to drop her stuff off. She claimed the right bed by simply throwing down her stuff, then opened the window it self to let air in. She let her pen float outside while she thought of something to do. She stared at the metal pen lazily as it darted back and fort, reflecting brightly in the sun. Sighing, she let the pen float there as she turned her attention to the unpacking she needed to do. She placed her Black and Grey Laptop on the closes desk, then a note book with it. Sighing, she placed all her books, Note pads,and sketch pads on the shelf. She left her clothing where it was, putting her paints, and other art supplies way with her pencils. She called her pen back inside, It landed in her hand, and she out it on her pocket.

@Yaboku God of War

(Mentioned, Since we share a dorm)

@Kild Kannuk

(If you want to see her metal pen floating around, since it would have reflected the sun, then go ahead xD )
"So I take it this is your first time flying, right? Akire asked, trying to make small talk with the other boy. He figured their roommates, might as well try to be friends too.


@LilyannaGaming (What the heck, why not?)
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"Yes this is my first time." He replied looking around at the room he had just come from. Aki knew Akira was trying to make small talk, they were roomates. It would be weird if they never talked. "Do you fly like this a lot?" he asked the question pondering his mind for a while now.

"Yeah,it helps clear my head." Akire responded blinking as the sun reflected off of a floating object, momentarily blinding him "What the heck...?"
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The sun reflected of an object momentarily blinding Aki but he quickly closed his eyes so it didn't really hurt. "Is there a limit to how high you can go?" He asked the second question on his mind. He didn't know why but fior some reason flying had always interested him.

Aki reached in Akire's left pocket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses reaching up to to hand them to him. "These ones?" He asked, he knew it was a stupid question but he just wanted to make sure. He had known somebody who carried two pairs of sunglasses at all times.


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