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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Aptual spun around to face Daggora "Cool name! it sounds like dagger! does that mean your like an assassin going on deadly missions to smite down evil doers and such?" Aptual smiled up at Daggora, she was bouncing with excitement. I might have actually met a real life assassin! how cool! I might even be able to convince her to take me on some cool missions! I'm pro at being stealthy and blending in with the night! She giggled to herself when she thought of that.

@Daggora Keket
Daggora laughed at the girls enthusiasm, how adorable. "No, I'm not assassin, sorry." She stopped and tilted her head, thinking. "Well, unless being a master of pranking counts..." She mumbled to herself, and shrugged "Hey, by the way what's your name?" She perked up and looked expectantly at the other girl, having forgotten to ask earlier.
Akire sighed walking through the halls looking for his dorm 'I have the dorm 117.... oh here it is.' He thought to himself as he unlocked the door with the key he was given. The paper that had his schedule on it also stated that his roommate was a neko, that was all he know at the moment. Feeling lazy, he just threw his bags on the bed, before leaving to explore the school
Aptual sighed in disappointment "Gosh darn it, I was really excited and everything. Was even going to get your autograph." She looked in her notebook and saw a page labelled with 'Assassin autographs' and this made her sigh again. Aptual shook her head and looked up at Daggora and started to smile again "Any whooos! I'm Aptual! and it is amazing to meet you! I'm new here as well. Actually, I kinda woke up by a tree, I don't remember entering here. So I am now here to stay!" Aptual giggled as she started to skip to the canteen again.

@Daggora Keket
"Don't jinx it, the last one had a phobia of birds. Not that I take offense to it because it was understandable but I did feel quite awful afterwards..." He reminded Albert, taking off his hat as he remembered exactly what happened and what was said to him. The student was pretty scared but that was the past and he mustn't dwell in the past for if he did that with everything that happened he wouldn't get over anything. He began to feel a sudden chill and shook his head a bit "I don't know about you but I'm going to head inside for a bit, care to join me? I have some paranormal research I think you might find interesting."

Ingrid struggled with her things. She balanced her two suitcases precariously on her head whilst trying to carry her keyboard, her acoustic guitar, and the envelop that had her room number on it. Room 108... she thought. Ingrid traveled down the corridors, dodging other students and trying not to fall. She searched for her room, though doing so was difficult when she could barely see over her own things. Perhaps she shouldn't have brought so much stuff but her music was one thing she wasn't willing to give up.

Just as her arms were starting to feel like rocks, Ingrid stumbled across a room labeled with the number 108. Finally... Ingrid thought, testing the door to see if it was open. To her surprise, it was, and she promptly lost her balance, toppling through the doorway. Her things went flying and she landed on the ground with a loud thump.

@Embaga Elder
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Aki headed towards his dorm room. '117..... i wonder who my dormate will be... I hope he's not mean.' He thought to himself taking out his key, unlocking the door and opening it. He noticed that his roomate wasn't in the room and was slightly relieved. He didn't think he was yet ready to meet his roomate. his put his stuff on the other bed that wasn't taken and sat down. he took off his beanie and took his tail out his pants sighing with relief once they were out. He hated having to confine them.

Aki decided to start unpacking his stuff and opened his suit case. He didn't have much and started unpacking, about halfway through he heard the door unlocked and perked up his cat ears still looking towards his door. 'this must be my roomate... I hope he likes cats....'
Daggora felt a little bit guilty as she saw Aptual get sad, and sigh a few times, but that was wiped away when Aptual smiled once more. "Sorry, to disappoint you about the assassin thing, and it's really amazing to meet you too." She said as she fell back into step with Aptual on the way to the cafeteria. "Also, I've actually gone to school here for the last two years. I was always friends with the upperclassmen though so I don't know many people here anymore, since they all graduated last year. Next year will be my last year though!"

(I'm going with this in like American college/high school years, the average is 4 years, but if you need to stay for less (2) or longer (6), than you can do that too.)

She smiled. It was hard having her friends leave her behind like that, but she didn't let it get to her. Meeting really cool people like Aptual helped a lot. She frowned when she remembered how the shorter girl had mentioned not remembering how she got to the school though. "Hey, what did you mean when you said that you don't remember coming here? Aren't you worried about a blank in your memory?" She asked, worried about her new friend.

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Akier walked in, not paying the other boy any attention yet, as he took off his shirt in order to stretch out his wings

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"Wow! that is so cool!" Aptual jumped up and down with excitement "So your like, pro! that is so cool the first best friend I make is head of the school! That is soooo cool!" Aptual squealed with excitement again, "And being pro at school is just as cool as being an assassin!" Aptual giggled as she took out her notebook again and crossed out assassin autographs' and wrote 'school pro autographs'.Then Aptual offered Daggora the notebook with a pen and a innocent smile and slight puppy dog eyes, hoping that Daggora would sign the notebook. "Please sign it! That would be amazing!" Aptual giggled slightly, breaking the puppy dog look. "And I'm sure I will find out more about the memory later! So it doesn't matter!" Aptual continued to giggle innocently, with a huge smile.

@Daggora Keket
Rea walked through the ston hallways, 2 suitcases in her hand. She searched for her room.

'123..123... Nope, thats 108, 123... Ah there it is! Home! For now..' She thought as she opened the door. She looked around and saw that there was no one in the room yet.

"I call dibs on the bed nearest to the window..!" She said quietly as she placed her suitcase on the floor. After staring at her room for a while, her stomach begins to rumble.

"Welp, I hope they have good food." Rea said as she walked to the cafeteria, her head down. Her shy demeanor coming back.

As she looked down at her feet she didnt realize 2 people heading towards her and she bumped into one of them.

"Sorry... I should have looked.." She said quietly, a blush covering her cheeks. That was embarrassing.

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
Aptual fell to the ground again due to unexpectedly being knocked into, she gasped as the notebook flew out of her hand. In her head it was like an action film and everything slowed down "Noooooooooooo" At the start a single tear ran out of her eye as the notebook exploded and was engulfed in flames, the new girl was evilly laughing at Aptual's misery "How could you! Why does everyone I meet knock me over! and now you! look at my book! Do you see those flames?! It is completely destroyed!" However that was the action film in her head, in reality the girl continued to stand there and the book had a slight scratch on it, it laid neatly on the ground as well. More tears flooded out of Aptual's eyes.

@RealityEntity @Daggora Keket
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Rea's eyes widened at the crying girl before her.

"I-im sorry! I-i didnt mean to! U-uh.."

Rea felt like she was dying. She hastily picked up the book and gave it to the girl, her eyes still wide.

'What did I do?! Did I accidentally hurt her?! Oh no... What do I do?!' A million thoughts ran through Rea's head as she panicked over what she did to the girl that made her cry.

"I-im Sorry!" She said, bowing her head, fiddling her fingers nervously.

After stretching, Akire looked at the other boy "So I take it your my roommate, well, since I prefer to get the introduction stage over with, I'm Akire."

"Oh umm... I'm Aki." He said looking up from his suite case, taking in more details trying to remember everything.

Aki turned and looked back at his suite case deciding what to unpack next. He didn't feel like unpacking at the moment but it was better now than later. He grabbed a few books and put them on the shelf standing on his tippy toes to do so, he tried to do so quietly to not disturb whatever Akire was planning to do.

"Thank you" He said before he went back to his suite case and pulled out a few more books, regretting being short. He shyly handed them to Akire hoping he would put those on the shelf too.


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