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Fantasy Raven Wing Academy (New and Improved)

Rick smiled brighter while putting his hand down "Guessing you aren't much for contact with others." He observed while nodding at what she said. Using his ability again the boy noticed her looking over at him every so often. Confused by it he just shrugged it off and finished his unpacking after doing that he looked at the pens floating around he chuckled a bit. So instead of saying anything he just sat on his bed leaning against the frame of it and grabbed his guitar and started playing it quietly. Quickly losing his train of thought when the girl started talking again he smiled "Yeah sure sounds like fun!" The boy exclaimed practically jumping off his bed and put his guitar on his back he followed after the girl.
Aptuals eyes sparkled, the girls shy appearance was adorable. "OH MY GOD YOU ARE ADORABLE!!" Aptual giggled as she jumped over and hugged Rea again "WE WILL BE THE BEST OF FRIENDS YOU CUTIEPIE!" She squeezed the girl tightly, Aptual started to pet the girl on the head "So soft..." Aptual's grip loosened as she backed away slightly and petted the girls head "Soft..."

@RealityEntity @Daggora Keket
The ringing finally going away, Daggora giggled at Aptual's response and petting of the other girl. "Come on you you two, are we going to go eat or what?" She began walking towards the cafeteria once more. "Hurry up I'm starving!" She yelled over her shoulder at the other two.

@metalcity @RealityEntity
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Rea's eyes sparkled at Aptual's response. "B-best friends? Okay.." She replied quietly, blushing from happiness and embarrassment on how Aptual kept petting her hair.

"We should go to the cafeteria now.. F-friend.." She smiled at the both them, her cheeks still flushed.

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
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"Yes yes, come along." Aptual held onto Rea's wrist as she dragged her along with one hand, the other continued to pet the girls head. Aptual's face was calm and innocent, smiling happily. Aptual gently pulled Rea's along, following behind Daggora. "What do you want to eat? I bet it will be something adorable, like you. Soft..." Aptual continued to pat her head.

@RealityEntity @Daggora Keket
JayKuro said:

"Nah track's not suited for me." He said giggling at the thought of him doing track. He's never really liked being told when to run and jump. He kept eating listening to the basic gossip girls were talking about finding it more interesting than what the guys had to say. Most of them were talking about who's power was the strongest and personally Aki didn't really care. He zoned out in the cafeteria unconsciously continuing to eat his food, he looked down and saw that he was almost done.

He finished the rest of his food and gulped down his milk getting up from the table and putting the tray he had eaten on away. He walked back over to the table and sat down yawning. After eating he was feeling a little tired, although that feeling would probably disappear soon.​
Akire noticed this and asked "Want me to take us back to the dorm?"
Aki looked over at Akire. "No i'm good it won't last long. It just happens when i'm tired." He said yawning a little, after looking around he saw that more people were coming into the cafeteria. He could feel that more people were coming. "Maybe we can leave after all." Aki said getting a slight headache from all the voices.

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"Im just gonna eat some cheesecake... I love cheesecake.." Rea said quietly, imagining herself in a room full of cheesecakes. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled brightly, "Cheesecake.." She muttered, daydreaming.

"D-do you like to eat cheesecake Daggora? Aptual?" She asked, tilting her head.

@metalcity @Daggora Keket
Aptual gasped in excitement! finally people that would understand her! hopefully... "I love cheesecake, especially strawberry ones. They are all cute and delicious! And small! They can be so small! Which makes them even more cute!" Aptual drawled slightly at the thought of cheesecake, still patting Rea on the head. "Cheesecake..." Aptual muttered as well.

After a few seconds Aptual snapped out of her cheesecake fantasies "
Huh? where was I? Oh yea, your hair is still soft...and smooth...huh? oh yea food! I'm going to get a big sweet salad! With gummy worms and ice cream! oh oh! and chocolate!! And fudge!!! and more! Its going to be great! like your hair..." Aptual continued to be captivated with the feel of Rea's hair. She shook her head and turned her attention to Daggora "What do you plan on eating? Are you going to have a sweet salad as well? We should have a sweet party! That would be fun!" Aptual removed her hands from Rea as she jumped up and down with excitement!

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity
How great this school looked on the inside, Kaido could spend hours wandering the halls while listening to his music. That was the only thing that calmed him when he was nervous, not that he ever got nervous, or having a bad day and most of the time he used it as a means to just ignore people and enjoy himself. He was at the point that he had his headphones on all the time so he eventually learnt how to read people's lips, that way he could listen to music while talking to people. As he walked past the office he continued to take a little stroll around, get something to eat, go to the gym, maybe even take a nap. One of his favorite songs started playing "You're gonna go far kid" by Offspring, a great song that always reminded him of when he was a kid and training with Zen, when all of a sudden a raven flew right by him wearing a top hat! What raven wears a top hat?! Or was it a crow? He didn't care either way and started to runafter the bird all down the hallway constantly shouting out "Hey! Come back Mr. Birdy! I just want to ask ya something!!" Maybe it was dressed up for some occasion and if that were the case then he didn't want to miss it. Wherever the bird led him smelled like food so that had to mean something was up.
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Brooke skipped into the cafeteria, glancing around at all the interesting looking people; She was tempted to go and talk to some of them but ultimately decided not to, not wanting to be rude since they all seemed to be having their own conversations that she didn't want to interrupt.
'I'll talk to them later, Maybe in class! That would be a great place to make friends!' Brooke thought to herself as she brought a sandwich and sat down at a table by herself.



Francis was alerted to how hungry he was when his stomach decided to make some noise.
'I Guess I should get something to eat. The food here can't be that bad' He pushed himself up from the wall he was leaning on and started to make his way to the cafeteria, casually smoking as he did.

As Francis got into the cafeteria, he took one last drag of his cigarette before dropping it onto the floor and grinding it into the floor with his foot, making sure it was out. He then went and purchased a pasta salad before going over to an empty table away from the entrance of the cafeteria to eat his food alone.

[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War]Rick smiled brighter while putting his hand down "Guessing you aren't much for contact with others." He observed while nodding at what she said. Using his ability again the boy noticed her looking over at him every so often. Confused by it he just shrugged it off and finished his unpacking after doing that he looked at the pens floating around he chuckled a bit. So instead of saying anything he just sat on his bed leaning against the frame of it and grabbed his guitar and started playing it quietly. Quickly losing his train of thought when the girl started talking again he smiled "Yeah sure sounds like fun!" The boy exclaimed practically jumping off his bed and put his guitar on his back he followed after the girl.

"You could say I'm not a sociable person." She said with a small smirk. She threw up her sketch book and it stayed floating in the air while she opened the door. She waited just long enough for the boy to exit before shutting it while walking away with her sketch pad and pencil. "I wouldn't think letting others as fun. Though I guess for you it could be." She Said walking slowly so he could keep up with her long strides. "It shouldn't be much further." She said watching the halls and making mental notes of directions as she let her thoughts wonder back to their home in creativity land. She walked with her notebook floating in front of her and pencil moving across the pages forming her thoughts. It seemed to be an out line of a forest if you actually cared to look at what the pencil was drawing.
Daggora immediately started imagining the salad, but with cheesecake. She was so preoccupied with her wonderful thoughts that she ran into the cafeteria doors. Yelping in pain, she held her forehead and took a step back. "Shhiiiiiiitttttttttt......that hurt." She looked back at Aptual and the other girl, who's name she still didn't know. "Pardon my Latin." She said sheepishly before looking back at the door. "Anyway, this is the cafeteria...lets eat." She beamed at the other two and ran inside to get a plate of food. The variety was HUGE. She finally settled on four hotdogs with ketchup and cheese, half a cantaloupe, and five red velvet cupcakes before going to sit at a random empty table and beginning to eat while she waited on her two new friends.

(Sadly, this is soooo something I would do. And I would finish all of it. Food~My first and only love~ *Dreamy sigh*)

@metalcity @RealityEntity
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Her apparently roommate's entrance received almost no reaction from Caroline, who continued to take her things out of her box. He seemed rather unwelcoming, and she figured that he wasn't going to be much fun to room with. Well, at least he could still be tolerable at this point. Once she had removed it all, she began sorting them in one fluid motion, moving straight onto the next phase. Most of her make-up went straight into a basket in a sort of 'no fucks given' attitude. If she needed something specific, it wouldn't take her that long to find it anyway. The rest of her toiletries went straight into a drawer, a nice spot where it would be hidden from the public eye.

With that out of the way, she considered starting to unpack another box, but wasn't sure if she wanted to be in the room at the same time as her roommate. He was already proving to be a less than desirable companion from first impressions alone. She opened the box nonetheless, revealing the same stack of clothes as earlier. She exhaled as she saw the sundress once again, then jerked away from the box altogether.

"I'll be in the cafeteria if you need me," she said simply, scurrying right out of the room. There was no way for her to escape the events of the past, but she sure could try. When she considered it, she really hadn't the slightest clue why she kept the dress in the first pace. Perhaps it was one of the few relics that reminded her of the real world outside the academy and of her reason to discipline herself. If she couldn't protect her people, what good was she?

Without giving her roommate too much more thought, she was already out the door and heading down the hall. She wasn't really all that hungry since she had already eaten. It was always her plan to eat outside of the rush hours so as to avoid the crowds of overly bubbly children everywhere. But she just came up with an excuse to leave on the spot; she didn't feel up for meeting her new roommate in her current state. Perhaps she would be fine after she had calmed herself, but she could never be sure with that attitude of his.

She grabbed a simple cup of raspberry yogurt and a spoon, mainly just to pass the time. The crowd of people seemed rather undesirable, as most seemed to be overly energetic or acting like they were 10. None of these children could have known what it was like to grow up with the life she had. But this wasn't a self-pity party; it was and opportunity.

Finding who she assumed would be the most civil while being the least juvenile, she simply sat at an almost empty table with some guy. Feeling no need to introduce herself, she opened her yogurt and scooped up a spoonful. As she took a bite, she averted her eyes to the window and simply observed the day as it went. Of all days, today had to be the day she was in a mixture of what appeared to her as a gloomy and annoyed disposition. Of all days, today was the one where she had to meet the most people.

[COLOR=#61806A]@Schadenfreudmeh[/COLOR] [COLOR=#61806A]@GingerBread[/COLOR]
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LilyannaGaming said:
"You could say I'm not a sociable person." She said with a small smirk. She threw up her sketch book and it stayed floating in the air while she opened the door. She waited just long enough for the boy to exit before shutting it while walking away with her sketch pad and pencil. "I wouldn't think letting others as fun. Though I guess for you it could be." She Said walking slowly so he could keep up with her long strides. "It shouldn't be much further." She said watching the halls and making mental notes of directions as she let her thoughts wonder back to their home in creativity land. She walked with her notebook floating in front of her and pencil moving across the pages forming her thoughts. It seemed to be an out line of a forest if you actually cared to look at what the pencil was drawing.
(Sorry I was asleep xD )

He looked around the school smiling widely "This place is amazing!" He exclaimed. Only to look back at his room mate confused "I'm sorry? What do you mean by 'I wouldn't think letting others as fun.'?" The boy asked confused while his eyes wandered around some more. Being stuck looking at the notebook and pen he looked in awe "That's amazing!" Rick stated while getting a closer look at it.

Francis looked over at the girl who had decided to sit down at his table. He was confused about why she would choose to sit down with him when they didn't even know each other. 'Is she trying to make friends? Does she want me to start a conversation with her or something? Is this school full of crazy people?' Francis sighed and decided he had either start up a conversation or tell the girl that she wasn't welcome at his table. "You know, if you're trying to make friends, sitting down and not saying anything isn't the way to go. Unless you wanted me to hit on you or something, in which case I hate to inform you, this isn't like the movies and you'd have to be at least slightly good looking for that to work. In either case, I sat by myself because I wanted to be, and this may come as a shock, by myself"

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She kept her eyes on the scene outside, not bothering to give him her time after such rudeness. She scooped some more yogurt and put it into her mouth upside down, then closed her lips around it. Slowly, she pulled it out of her mouth between her lips, removing the yogurt from its grasp. As she swallowed, she started her next scoop in turn. There was no reason to give him the impression that she actually wanted to talk with such an intolerable personality.

"My, my. It's rather hypocritical of you to comment on my looks, is it not?" she commented, taking yet another spoonful. "Now I sat here, and this may come as a shock, because I wanted to be at the table with the least promise to contain a suitable conversation partner. As it turns out, you're one of the few people that captured a table all to themselves, probably on account of that nasty repellent you call a hairstyle," she ventured, not bothering to look at him while she spoke. He didn't deserve such a common decency with that mouth of his.

"And if you haven't figured it out, I would rather not make friends with you at all, much less want you to hit on me. We both know I could do better." And with that, she simply returned to eating the yogurt that she had simply been staring at in order to reply to this vulgar excuse for a man. With everything she had had to deal with in the past, it was no wonder her tolerance was so short. That and her roomy was perhaps just as rude as this man. It was almost like they were entitled, but they had no reason to be.


Francis was slightly hurt by the girl's comments, but didn't show it at all.
"My my, you're feisty. Is that your strategy? Playing hard to get? Because you can insult me as much as you want, it's not going to work or make me any more interested" Francis stabbed his fork into his pasta salad before bringing the fork up to his mouth and sliding the food off with his teeth before starting to chew the food. While he ate, Francis pointed the fork at caroline. "Do you really expect me to believe that you just happened to sit here just because you thought I wouldn't get into a conversation with you? Yet when I did and started to insult you, you still decide to stay." Francis finished chewing his food and swallowed. "Because, to me, that seems a little bit suspect. But anyway, now that I've explained to you, twice now, that your plan won't work, you can leave" Francis dug his fork into his pasta salad again and took another bite.


His response elicited an eye roll from her unamused eyes. Was he really going to try to convince er of her own motives? She would have just left if he hadn't made it a point to command her to do so. Why would she oblige him, by her own motives or otherwise? The very fact that he insisted that she do something was outrageous in of itself, let alone her actually complying with any of his ridiculous demands.

"You're so egotistical that you might just have your own center of gravity to attract even more pride to yourself," she scoffed, still just slowly eating her cup of yogurt. He wasn't about to get the satisfaction of convincing her of her own values; she wouldn't allow it. "If we're being candid, it's amusing to listen to how insane you sound. It's almost like you believe that anyone would be interested in you enough to actively pursue you. You might want to consult either a recording of what you say or a mirror. Either way, you'll most likely receive unfavorable results," she commented, smiling lightly to herself. She wasn't going to leave until she had finished her yogurt, which was, at this point, an undetermined amount of time.


Francis was slightly amused with how this girl was constantly going over that the fact that he wasn't attractive to her. "It's amusing to me, that you lack so much as a basic understanding of mental conditions like insanity" Francis shook his head and went back to eating his pasta salad; After taking another mouthful of the pasta, Francis starting talking again. "I don't really go out looking for people, or go out hoping people will come after me; I did sit as far away from everyone else as I could, on my own, with nobody else around. But then of course, you came along and ruined that, didn't you?" Upon finishing his pasta, he pushed the empty tub away from himself and towards Caroline.

Francis then reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a packet of Cigarettes, before sliding a singular one up from the box.
"Do you mind if I smoke?" Without waiting for an answer, he pulled out the cigarette and put the packet back into his breast pocket as he placed the cigarette between his lips. He then snapped his fingers underneath it, lighting it. Francis took a long drag of the Cigarette before taking it out of his mouth and holding it between his index and middle finger; He blew the smoke over in Caroline's direction, not wanting to blow it directly at her, but close enough to her that she'd leave so he could be alone again.

Kaido Kuran

The raven must have lost him because the room he was now in was filled with students and no matter where he looked he saw no bird. All he saw was a giant mod of students all chatting as loud as could be and walking over to the long tables from ordering their food. That could only mean he was in the cafeteria. Jackpot! Turning up the volume on his phone he let the sound of music fill his ears and drown out any and all sound around him. Enemies by Shinedown was the song playing now and he couldn't resist dancing along to it, it was impossible for him not to. Any good song that began to play he danced to it. He started pretending to play a guitar and started walking around, with his eyes closed and bobbing his head. Lots of the students around him began to stare at the sight of his dancing and air guitar playing, seeing just how free willed he was that he didn't even feel worried of the eyes watching him. When he opened his eyes to see the crowd he gathered he just smirked and continued dancing even more. They seemed to be amused by it so he was glad to bring them joy.

He stopped dancing for a moment and looked in the direction of the line up for getting food, something he was dying for right about now. Can't be dancing on an empty stomach now can I? He ran at one guy and just as they moved out of the way, seeing that he was going right at them, he put his hands in front of him and did a front spring and continued to do a few more, ending with an almost perfect front flip right at the ordering area. He waved back at the crowd he just was dancing for who were a bit upset that he stopped, grabbed a coffee and stuffed a couple muffins in his pocket as he walked into the whole other mob of kids at tables now. It would take him a while to find a group of students to fit in with but something, someone, caught his eye. A girl with some guy talking about some stuff. There wasn't a thought in his head that told him not to go and sit down next to the girl and guy so he did just that and walked over to her table with confidence. Then he noticed the other guy there at the end of the same table saying something about a smoke and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He didn't hate people that smoked, hell his own mentor used to smoke a pack of day and always joked about how he needed on to calm himself from the stress of having to train him from the time he was a kid. Oh well, that wouldn't stop him from sitting at there table that just meant he'd have more people to talk to then. Kaido sat down across from the girl and on the side of the table with the guy smoking and greeted them both. "Heyooo! How you two doing today? Mind if I sit with you?" He asked them both with a big grin on his face saying he was happy to be sitting with to new people.

@GingerBread @Kazehana
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"It's amusing to me that you lack the analysis to discern literary devices in their most basic form," she retorted. She saw the smoke coming from both her peripheral vision and context clues of sound. Carelessly, she swatted it away like a fly, almost as if it were an actual nuisance rather than a carcinogen. She took another long, drawn out spoonful of yogurt to portray her lax disposition to his 'barrage' of 'insults' meant to 'belittle' her.

"I'm so glad that you think a little bit of smoke is going to bother me. Sweety, I can produce more smoke in one minute than you could in three days," she commented, satisfied with herself. In battle, she practically lived in a shroud of smoke, so why would this bother her in the slightest? It didn't. In fact, it almost showed how he was more talk than anything. Sure lighting a cigarette isn't exactly the best thing he could do, but she thought it was superfluous to their circumstance. It was fairly obvious that he was just trying to get rid of her by any means necessary. To her, it was nice to know that he felt so strongly about her to do that.

The arrival of someone who was clearly not a friend of the moron she was conversing with was unexpected. Oh joy, another overly excited freshman that didn't understand how the world worked at all. On one hand, this was the perfect opportunity to leave. On the other, this could prove amusing. "Oh would you look at that. It appears as though someone else is attracted to the exceptionally handsome garbage can." With that, she sat back in her chair and waited for chaos to ensue.

[COLOR=#61806A]@GingerBread[/COLOR] [COLOR=#61806A]@Veyd Sahvoz[/COLOR]
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"I'm sure you can produce more crap than me too, since it seems to come out of your mouth every time you open it"
Francis leaned over and tapped the ash from his cigarette into Caroline's yogurt before taking another drawn out drag of the cigarette before once again blowing the smoke over in Caroline's direction, still not acknowledging the boy who had just appeared. "Do you really think I'm just smoking to annoy you or to get you to leave? Not everything has something to do with you. Oh, and you shouldn't put yourself down like that; I'm sure you do a great job as a garbage can, You are full of crap after all" Francis flicked the still lit cigarette at Caroline before turning his attention towards the boy.

"If you're looking for friends, I'd go somewhere else. I don't need any friends and well she's" Francis motioned over to Caroline with his thumb. "Is stuck in a romantic movie; She thinks that playing hard to get will get her all the friends she wants. Though I could be wrong, cause I would've thought she'd put more effort into her appearance if she was going down that road. But who knows, maybe she thinks she looks good like that." Francis leaned back in his chair and kicked his feet up onto the table. "Anyway Friendo It's best that you leave and go find some other people to bug"

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz
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Emma Emma hummed happily as she stirred the contents of a small black cauldron in her dorm room. "I got the recipe, and it's called black magic!" She sang happily, right along with Little Mix. The pop group had inadvertently made the perfect witching song, and, since Emma didn't like the classics with eyes of newt and the like, this is what she brewed to. Thankfully her roommate was it, though, since this batch didn't look so good. "Where's that damned lizard?" She cursed under her breath, reaching under the counter for her newt jar.

Her hand bumped into the glass jar, sending it toppling over and releasing the lizard inside. "Curses," she hissed, and dove for the newt, totally abandoning her brew. The newt only gave her a confused look and flicked it's tongue before darting under the desk, leading Emma on a wild goose/newt chase. After five minutes, Emma emerged, panting, with the newt in her hands. She was even about to congratulate herself before she realized that she left the cauldron unattended...

After half and hour, Emma entered the cafeteria looking like an utter mess. Her hair was askew and frizzled, she had cuts all over her arms, and a mysterious smoldering orange liquid dotted her sweater. She sat down next to Brooke looking utterly defeated, before falling face first on top of the table. Her hand slowly came up, clutching the newt. "Want a dumb lizard?" She asked.

@GingerBread I hope you don't mind, you're the only person I can remember =P
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"Coming!" Aptual cheerfully called out as she started to giggled, skipping towards the food hall. She looked at all the different foods but there was no sweet salad "Oh darn! looks like they don't serve it here as well. Why does no one serve a sweet salad. Guess I have to make my own." Aptual sighed but quickly smiled again, her eyes sparkled as she look at all the sweets. They had cheesecakes, cup cakes, packets of gummy sweets and more! Aptual giggled as she scooped up a mixture of the sweets, she grabbed a plate and paid for the food. She ran over to Daggora with excitement! "Yay! this is going to be great!" She giggled again as she laid out the gummy worms on the bottom of the plate, then stacking the rest of the gummy sweets on top. Aptual removed the casing around the cup cakes and ripped them up and placed them on top of the gummy sweets. After that she smeared the cheesecake on top and topped it off with a fudge sunday! "bonappetit!" was the last thing she said before starting to devour the sweet salad.

@Daggora Keket @RealityEntity (I didn't get a notification that you posted Daggora ;-; rip)

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