Raphael's return

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Roxas walked around a town following leads of strange deaths of both women and men with smiles on their faces. It was night and people out partying. He was able to walk normally but there was still the sharp pressure on his chest which he rubbed his chest with his hand thinking Jason punch did this to him not knowing it was a heart virus that was slowly killing him. He finally caught the familiar energy and he took a deep breathe " dont kill me today.. dont kill me today " he slapped his face " as he walked inside of the bar there was smoke all around and the smell of booze every where " wow.. easy orey fo her..

Raphael nodded as he teleported them both to the castle " where did Roxas go? Who does he know that can help
Adriana shook her head "another succubus" she sighed "I'm going to wake Zero up and hopefully he won't attack." she chanted a few words lifting the sleeping spell.

Mizore felt the presence of someone she knew and stopped and turned around. "Roxas what are you doing here?" she smirked and pushed off the man walking slowly over to him "here to give yourself to me?" she laughed
Zero opened his eyes and looked over and Saw Adrianna and sat up quickly " what happened.. i blacked out and now im here whats goin on?

Roxas looked over at Mizore and sighed " if you help me out than i will give you a taste of my limit breaker form.. just dont kill me.. i know the whole two weeks thing and how i offended you.. im sorry about that.. not going to lie anymore i really enjoyed it..but its not what i truly want so will you help me out its just a few questions
Adriana smiled "Zero do you know someone named Lilith?" she sat back, the magic of the castle was working that made her happy, although she was worried for him.

Mizore shook her head "offended me? Roxas we were going to fight, I saved your life, you saved mine I'm not keeping score here" she crossed her arms looking him up and down. "what do you want to know?" she turned back and grabbed the bottle she was drinking putting it to her lips.
Roxas looked at her and smirked " Do you know of a Succubus named Lilith.. shes attacking a friend named Zero.. shes attached to him..Shes from a different timeline but the arch Angel Raphael killed her in this tine line..is there anyway we can break that bond between them?

Zero looked at her confused " whos Lilith? Why do you ask.. is she a friend your looking for? " he looked worried not remember anything or anyone by that name. He saw the worried look on her face feeling concerned " did she cause me to black out?
Mizore shook her head, "woah slow down there" she smirked and turned back to face him. "why should I care? She's hungry she found someone who tastes good leave it be."

Adriana shook her head, "Lilith is not a friend, Zero she is a succubus who was trying to feed on you, and make you attack us." she hung her head "I knocked you out so she couldn't influence you anymore."
Roxas shook his head " she used him to attack us.. we almost died because of it.. were just trying to break that bond if her able to control him thats it " he crossed his arms " so will you tell me how to break that bond?

Zero looked at her his eyes widen " i.. what? " he looked down " why me.. why did she make me attack you
Mizore shook her head "breaking a succubus bond." she leaned closer to him and wrapped her arm around him. "kill him" she smirked "you can't expect me to help you play with another succubi food" she shook her head "not without some of my own" she whispered in his ear and rubbed his neck sending him energy. She suddenly pulled away looking at him she could feel the change in his energies, that he was in pain, that he was dying.

Adrianq shook her head "can called you her dragon pet, your energy must taste good so she's using you." a Adriana thought about it "she's from our timeline so she probably brought you here although I don't know why"
Roxas looked at her as she wrapped her arms around his neck a d felt her send the enegy into him. His eyes slightly glazed over but was able to control himself like he was able to resist ber better. Then raized an eyebrow sssing her pull away not knowing why. " if you want to have my energy we need to leave the area my limit breaker form will kill everyone here.

Zero looked down slightly as he felt so disgusted and was silent not saying a word for a few minutes " we have to stop her
Mizore stared in awe at Roxas. "what is wrong with you?" she shook her head "why are you worried about them, you should be worried about yourself."

Adriana nodded "it's why I brought you here" she smiled "Roxas is off trying to find someone who can help us with her."
Roxas realized maybe she knew about what was happening to himself " i know.. but since i have little time left and my body is still able its best i help out my friends as much as possible " he stood up and grabbed ber by the hand " also let me feel amazing again too one more time " he smiled

Zero nodded and looked down " i hope Roxas knows someone that can help i dont want to hurt any of you
Mizore shook her head, he was foolish, dying and not even worrying about himself. She glared at him. "no your energies won't be amazing unless your well. So first I'm going to fix you, fuck you, then fight you." she smirked, she was playing it off, she cared for him but wouldn't admit it. "the other he looks like you are you related?"

Adriana smiled "Zero you know I'd just kick your ass" she shook her head "if not Roxas we have others who can help you"
Roxas smirked and shook his head " well then fix me.. than i will you can have me after we have a fight.. more fun that way.. " he grinned winking at her as he took her hand and grabbed the bottle walking out of the bar with her. He then took a huge sip of it and smirked heading to a much safer distance out of the town.

Zero smirked " i know.. Izumi made you super scary " he smiled and placed his hand on her cheek softly " im just glad i found you and that you are okay..
Mizore looked down when he grabbed her hand, that's not what she wanted, they weren't a couple or anything. "that friend of yours where is he?" she sighed "I'll help with his problem."

Adriana smiled, but blushed when he touched her cheek. "I'm okay I'm okay" she pulled away a little "I'll feel a lot better when we stop this succubus though"
Roxas looked at her and nodded " hes at a castle tmwith special protection magic that will protect him from her. " he stopped and looked over at her " you ready? Sorry for grabbing you so suddenly just its safer out her when i power up if i were in the bar the building would of collasped and killed everyone but us.. im no killer..

Zero smiled calmly and nodded " we will stop her now that we know about her
Mizore rolled her eyes "take me to that castle then" she sighed "I don't care who dies here okay? So don't let your friends get in my way" she sounded a bit mean when she said it, but it was true. Besides he wanted her to stop another succubus from feeding which is a very taboo thing to do.

Adriana nodded "where is he? He should have been back by now." she sighed
Roxas nodded and he placed his hand on her shoulder and he teleported with her. Outside of the castle he stood looking at it. He walked up knocking on the door " hey were here..

Zero looked over and smiled chuckling a bit " well looks like they are here " he stood up and walked towards the entrance opening the door
Mizore looked due at the castle and stroked the wall. "the power coming from this place is massive" she smirked, but suddenly the castle shocked her "of what the fuck was that" she said as they opened the door.

Adriana laughed "that was the castles defense, you must of thought about stealing the power of the castle" she smirked "Roxas this is whose supposed to help?"
Roxas looked at Adrianna and nodded " yeah.. shes here to help.." he smiled calmly and then looked at Zero glad that bothing happened while he was gone " so what do we have to do to break that bond Mizore " he said walking inside of the castle.

Zero looked and his eyes went wide " you? I remember you.. youe the girl that was with Lily when Saxis attacked us.. your a succubus too.. " he looked over at Roxas " how do you know her?

Roxas smiled " were friends.. saved her life she saved mine.. the rest of the details about that is a distant memory so dont ask.. " he walked towards the couch as he reached into his pocket pulling out his last green bea the monks gave him and he ate it as his energy surged fully recovering him after the fight with Jason
Mizore glared at Adriana as she said the castle had a defense, she was planning on taking its power. She walked inside, so he was the one who a succubus was attracted too. She smirked and laughed as Roxas said it was a distant memory. "we fucked before, don't try and brush me off"

Adriana shook her head, "whatever just help us Yeah?" she said a with a scowl.
Roxas sighed " why do you have to say it like that.. " he shook his head. He went towards the wall and leaned up against it. His back against it standing and watching her " so what do we have to do to break that bond? " he asked looking at Mizore.

Zero looked towards Roxas and then back at Mizore. He was a bit scared but knew whatever he had to do to break the bond he was ready.
Rias shrugged and smirked at him. "Well it's the truth, your a good guy remember lying is bad" she said in a mocking tone. She crossed her arms, "watch your tone girl I don't have to help you know."

Adriana sighed "your right, but please help," she gave a weak smile forcing it. "what do you have to do anyway"

Mizore smirked, now that was what she was hoping for. "it's easier to show you, but first he needs to leave the protection of the castle. Once I'm done she'll be here and she'll be pissed"
Roxas smirked " true but still didnt have to bring that portion up. " he sighed shaking his head then looked towards both Zero and Adrianna " lets head back outside. " he said walking towards the door and opened it.

Zero nodded but hoped Adrianna was ready to knock him out just incase. He sighed walking behind Roxas and looked up at him. He could smell it now his blood smelled horrible. He loomed at him with a worried look but knew once they were done they could help him

Roxas walked outside and when he stepped outside he turned around looking at them all
Mizore followed behind outside and once outside she started humming, making them relaxed and not in the mood to attack, she needed to make sure they didn't get in her way. Once they relaxed she went up to Zero she touched his cheek sending him her energy, it wasn't sexual it was a bond a connection so he trusted her, he'd protect her. Then she pulled him close taking his energy. She knew the other succubus would come, they hated when others played with their food, their toys
Roxas felt calm but he trusted Mizore even wighout ghe humming. He satched carefully as she did her work.

Zero eyes went wide feeeling his energy being takened then suddenly a black portal appeared as a force pushed Mizore away from Zero.

Lilith glared walking out " excuse me but hes mine sister.. find your own " her eyes glowing brightly as she hissed at Mizore angry that she took his energy

Zero eyes were glazed over but he didnt move at all
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