Raphael's return

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Adriana shook her head, "wait you have no idea how you got here?" she looked down "I first came here for a mission gone wrong. I liked it so I decided to come back," she put her hand on his "Zero I'm sorry, it was on a whim I can't here, I never meant to hurt you"
Zero nodded " its okay.. im just glad your okay " he smiled calmly " yeah its strange..what ever happened im here..strange seeing my father here with the first.. and them having a son.. but hes not my actual father.. " he sighed " he seems very scary
Adriana nodded "Yeah he's a force to be reckoned with" she put her hand up to feel his energies "Zero I think it's important to figure out how you're here and why"
Roxas woke up rubbing his stomach and head " why do i feel like i git ran over by a flying pschotic dragon. " he stood up looking at Zero and adrianna " whos he?

Zero nodded " in due time " he looked over at Roxas and smirked " im Zero.. im from Adrianna's time " he said as he slightly looked down " Jason did a number on you..

Roxas shook his head " im starting to think maybe i should fight succubi instead for at least if i lose i wont be hurting alot " he rubbed his forehead.

Zero looked at him weird " your weird.. " he chuckled
Adriana smiled "if you fought succubi you would be in a very good mood" she giggled "so our plan failed, we got hurt but no one died so that's good"
Roxas nodded " True.. and thats a good thing " he sighed " okay lets not do that again!!! " he smiled calmly

Raphael looked down a bit disapointed " we need to stop them eventually. " he loomed back up at them " we must get everyine we know together and figure ojt a way to defeat them

Roxas " yeah but right now we must rest.. " he smiled calmly as he stretched a bit " is there anything you guys wanna do? Besides going to look for a fight?
Adriana sat there moving so her feet were touching the ground, she always felt more comfortable that way. "I'm starving! After being dead for minutes I could really use some food"
Roxas smirked " same here.. im super starving " he chuckled a bit as he was ready to go eat wondering where there was a great place to go eat at.

Raphael sighed " you mortals are a strange bunch but i dont mind joining you for sime human food " he smiled weakly still thinking about the fight.

Zero nodded and then he felt a voice call to him in his head. It was very sweet and seducing to him like his inner dragon was fighting to get to the source. " yeah... i.. i lets get some food " the voice then stopped as he looked around for a few seconds
Adriana laughed "Raphael you eat why is it weird we're hungry?" she pushed on the ground pushing herself up. "I could say I'm hungry for blood and look at you as food" she smirked "see now that just sounds strange"
Raphael smirked " this is ptobably the longest tjme i had two humans i interacted with. Normally i stay in the runis of what is the heavens now fixing the damage both me and Michael caused..

Roxas looked at him then back at Adrianna " wow okay thats even more strange.. you three are ver unbalanced individuals you k ow that right?

Zero looked at him and smirked " your one to talk...
Adriana nodded "damn" she thought about Raphael of her timeline, he was always with friends. "I'd say I'm very balanced thank you" she smirked "so are we going for food or what?" she crossed her arms
Zero smiled weakly and then the voice came back again this time it was stronger and his eyes glazed over. Her voice was drawing him to her. He then turned as he started to walk away from everyone not saying a word. He eyes showed no emotion as he made his way through the forrest.

Roxas saw Zero start to walk away " hey? Zero where you going? " he walked towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Zero eyes glared as they turned blood red and he kicked Roxas away from him " dont touch me.. mortal scum!! " he then started to run towards the direction if the voice

Roxas held his gut and looked at both Adrianna and Raphael " what was that about?
Adriana couldnt tell his eyes changed, but she could tell he did. She ran after him too, and after he kicked Roxas she definitely knew something was wrong. "sorry" she said as she followed him, she didn't care if he wanted to loose her she would follow.
Zero cintinued to look for the voice and then he stopped as he looked around but behind him a dark portal opened up from behind him. A demonic woman with light silver blue hair came out. She had pitch black eyes and her arms wrapped around Zero's neck and pressed her body against his back

Lilith smiled calmly leaning her head on his shoulder " my very own dragon pet.. your power is sooo tastey.. she then sensed another energy close by and she glared behind her as she leveitated around Zero placing her hands on his cheeks " kill them my dragon boy kill them if they find me they will hurt me..

Zero nodded as he stared into her eyes and he turned around glaring seeing Adrianna as his power surged from him.

Both Roxas and Raphael followed and then Rapahel eyes went wide " hows that possible your dead.. i killed you!!!

Raphael couldnt believe Lilith was alive but could this be the future timeline of her..

Lilith grinned evily " Raphael.. its been awhile.. my dragon boy here will rip all three of you apart..
Adriana shook her head, she felt the presence, it wasn't good, she couldn't tell what she was. "Zero don't listen to her, I'm your friend you could never kill me" she out her hand in her bag, ready to fight she figured it'd get that way.
Zero didnt hear Adrianna's words and he charged at them as he roared sending a blast of huge black fire at them. The flame was so hot the heat turned the grass below it to ash underneath the wave of black flame.

Roxas jumped out of the way of the black flame as he hit the ground he gritted his teeth in pain. His body wasnt healed fully for another fight. " great me and my big mouth.. another demon girl.. why does this have to always happen when im around its insane.. for once can it be just a normal girl thats trying to kill us.. " he stood up as he held his chest in pain " not now!!

Raphael walked up to Roxas. " your still out of it me and Adrianna will handle this.. "
Adriana put up her free hand creating a barrier, the flame went right past it. "who are you? Why are you making Zero attack?" she started to walk closer, she knew Zero's attacks well, she knew she could stop him, be his anchor.
Lilith grinned evily watching Adrianna " Im Lilith Zero here awakened me.. called to me " she starrted to rub her body " his energy taste so good when i had him for the first time " she smirked " hes now my very own dragon pet.. he does my bidding.. i let him do his own thing for time to time but when i get hungry i call to him.. "

Raphael glared at Lilith " your just using him as a food source eventually he will die because of it..

Zero glared at Adrianna and Raphael as he growled black scales forming on his skin as he quickly charged at them again with his claws out
Adriana nodded "your a succubus" she shook her head, what blood was for a vampire is what energy is for a succubus. "Zero is not a pet" she growled "if your hungry you can have me but leave Zero alone" Adriana shifted her feet, widened her stance and reinforced her barrier so Zero couldn't hurt them.
Lilith giggled and shook her head " not interested in a little girl like you.. your energy does smell good but his.. well his is very delicious " she grinned evily.

Zero hit the barrier as he glared at Adrianna. He growled trying to break through to it.. " his anger growing as his power increased even more as his claws started to get through the barrier slowly.

Raphael disappeared and reappeared behind Lilith as he tried to kick her but she caught his kick and slammed im into the ground very hard. She then kicked him hard in the gut being as strong as Zero " mmm pathetic weakling.

Lilith grinned evily as she walked up towards Zero and placed her hands on his neck softly " now why dont you pest just leave me and my dragon pet alone.. im hungry and would like a good meal..
Adriana stood still as Zero was trying to break the barrier, but when Lilith touched Zero, and said it was time to feed she dropped her barrier, she wouldn't let her feed on him. "don't you dare touch him" she grabbed the powder in her bag and blew it in Zeros face, it should knock him out, if he was unconscious she could fight Lilith without hurting him.
Zero got caught off guard by the powder and he started to rub his eyes but he insntantly fell asleep and fell back as his power went down.

Lilith glared at her as she flew back away from her " mmm why so touchy.. he doesnt belong to you.. hes mine " she grinned evily " but fine i will feed on someone else, but i will be back for him for dessert " she licked her lips as a black portal appeared behind her as she entered it closed

Roxas closed his eyes breathing heavily " that was close.

Raphael sighed " this isnt good.. not good at all " he stood up " shes stronger and since Jason destroyed that blade i cant kill her like last time
Adriana shook her head, "who is she? You've killed her before?" she bent down sitting next to Zero. "I don't like someone messing with my friends.
Raphael sighed looking down " shes a powerful Succubus. She normally never shows herself and only attacks in their dreams but she showed herself which is not good.. She must of gotten o Zero when he was asleep and then aquired knowledge of coming here " he looked at Adrianna " im sorry

Roxas looked at Adrianna breathing heavily " everything will be fine.." he stood up " im going to ask someone for advise on this.. " he sighed deeply as he held his chest feeling pressure it wasnt from his injuries.. " i suggest taking him to Octobers castle.. the protection magic there should stop her influence on him if she tries to get a hold of him. " he then vanished to go find Mizore
Adriana shook her head. "I don't know much about Succubi but I know I won't let her have him." she sighed "Roxas you need to relax a little" she said right as he disappeared "Raphael do you have the power to teleport?" she put her hand on Zero.

Mizore was at a bar drinking like usual, expect this time she was sitting in someone's lap. She was stealing their energy.
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