Raphael's return

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Mizore stopped and looked the girl over, cute she thought. She smirked "oh he's yours?," she said with a sarcastic tone. "sorry but I'm taking him from you." she laughed. "I can tell you someone with better energy though but this one is no longer yours" after talking she started to hum to use her siren powers on her, to ease her and make her give more easily
Lilth glared at her and then she heard the humming it calmed her but she was able to still move " oh.. who is this you speak of. " she asked with a curiouse tone in her voice she moved closer towards Mizore and placed her hand on her cheek pressing her body against hers " please tell me " she runned her cheek softly giving her energy

Roxas watched as he remained still he looked over at Zero then Adrianna didnt want to move unless provoked to
Mizore smirked, her plan was working like a charm. She watched as she moved closer, Mizore was taken back by her touching her. She never messed with another succubi energy before. Mizore put her hand on liliths lower back and pulled her closer. "I'm only going to tell you if you leave this dragon alone." she said looking into her eyes. She rubbed the back of her neck sending her energy
Lilith thought about and she grinned " sure its done.. now whos the one with better energy? Mmm i really want to know? " she grinned feeling excited and very curious about the taste of their energy. She leaned forward " tell me " she whispered as kissed her neck sending even more energy into her.

Zero eyes didnt glaze over as much as he regained control happy that it worked.
Mizore smirked, that was easy she thought, and she tilted her neck to the side letting Lilith kiss her. "his name is Jason, he is a forgotten one, his energy is a million times better than that foolish boy." she grabbed Lilith by her hair pulling it to the side so she could kiss her neck, she scratched down her back sending energy straight into her wounds.
Lilith grinned as she arched her back a bit from her scratching down her back " mmm well i will make a bond with him and make him my pet if hes strong.. if your lying to me i will retake my bond with Zero..she quickly stepped back " now since we have come to an agreement.. im very hungry it wont help me if i feed off you, but why dont we have a big orgy with the three that are here with us
Mizore looked around at the others, and shook her head. She then whispered in her ear. "A kid, a dying person, and the one off limits, no orgy today." she bit her ear. "I'm not a full succubus so feeding off me will satisfy your hunger. Or we could go to town together"
Lilith shook her head and sighed " well lets go feed " she looked over at Zero and winked " it was fun having you sweetie but im going to enjoy this Jason.. he sounds so much better..

Roxas slightly looked relieved it was over and he moved towards the wall and leaned up against it sitting down breathing heavily " thanks for the help Mizore " he smiled calmly " see ya around..

Zero looked over Roxas his energy drainning fast just from exhaustion.
Mizore smiled and turned so she was grabbing Lilith's hand and looked at the others. She looked at Adriana and in her mind, 'I saved Zero, so you save Roxas.' she smirked "bye bye" she said and they vanished in a purple cloud heading back to the bar Roxas found her at.

Adriana shook her head, "that was one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced." she sighed "Roxas what is wrong with you? and don't give me crap about your form, your blood smells awful, I thought maybe it was just you but Mizore told me to save you, save you from what?" she crossed her arms.
Roxas looked down breathing heavily " heart Virus.. " blood coming down his lip as he fell to the side holding his chest in great pain.

Zero looked at Roxas feeling His energy dropping fast " his life force is weaking rapidly!! " he rushed towards him as he stopped and placed his hand on his chest giving hjm energy to keep him alive " its happening now.. if we dont find a way to cure him he will die..

Lilith grinned evily appearjng back at the bar with her so she could feed. It was disappointing not much good tasting energy here but it would hold her over
Adriana went over to Roxas and she started to heal him. "my dad had the same problem, this won't cure you but it should help." she sighed "I don't know who cured him but we need to find a cure for this."

Mizore looked around at the bar, "they're not super tasty but all of them, and each other, we will be held over." she started humming having the entire room focus on them two. "let's have that orgy now"
Roxas pain subsided as he breathing became calm and the color in his skin returned. " im sorry for not speaking up sooner thought i had time to help with Jason and scar.

Zero looked down and shook his head " you should of told us si we had time to find the cure. Riku had this in me and Adrianna's timeline.." he sighed " we almost lost him..

Lilith grinned and nodded and walked up to her pulling her close and forcefully kissed her on the lips " yes lets have our fun "
Shikoku and Zane appeared "the Riku of this time had it too, and Jase made a cure for him." she looked at Zero "your father, although I can't find him, so Adriana I was hoping you can try a locator spell."

Adriana shook her head, "a locator spell" she sighed "I'll need some supplies, they should be inside, but I'll need someone else to help me, locator spells are impossible for me because I can't see, it's not really something I can feel." she sat down "I need a crystal, string, an athame, and a map."

Mizore kissed her and looked around, that's when the fun started, they had fun, playing with the people as pets, in the end they were surrounded by dead bodies with smiles on their faces. Mizore and Lilith had they're way with them, with each other, feeding and taking energies. They shared each others energies as well.
Zane nodded " Zero go help them i will stay with Roxas. " he smiled calmly as he crouched down next to him and looked at Roxas " if i knew what Jase did i would use my energy to make the cure..

Zero nodded and walked towards Adrianna " lets do this. " he smiled as he looked at them glad that is father did something good for once just hope he wouldnt mind doing something good again

Lilith grinned after their fun and looked at all the dead bodies " mmm that was so much fun.. now when i get hungry again im goong to want that Jason you spoke of " she was getti g horny just thinking about it.
Adriana sat with Roxas still healing him to ease his pain.

Shikoku walked inside the castle to search for the items Adriana needed. She spent a few minutes but returned outside with them. She set the supplies down in front of Adriana.

Adriana grabbed the crystal and tied the string to it, she wrapped it around the dagger. "Zero, I'm going to need your blood, since you're related to Jase you're the closest connected we have to him." she said she sliced his palm soaking the crystal in his blood. She then started to spin the crystal, once the energies found him the crystal would land, that's where the others come in she couldn't see where it landed, if it landed.

Mizore nodded "I can't tell you where to find him, because he's very mysterious, but his energy is great. He has a son too, Saxis." She smirked "they are a delicious bunch." She looked at Lilith and brushed hair out of her face, stroking her face as she went. "Lilith if you ever want to do this again, come find me" she smiled
Zero held his hand out as she cut it and then stood by the map he watched the map carefully and then he saw it drop. He grinned seeing the location was at a lake. " a lake? Well it says hes there " he looked towards Zane and Shikoku. " whos coming with.. i really dont know how hes going to like us finding him.

Zane looked over at Adrianna " Zero, Adrianna and shikoku you three go i will stay here and keep him alive "

Lilith grinned and nodded " oh i will see you again.. we will have so much fun together. " she pulled her close and kissed her once again then teleported away
Shikoku grabbed Adriana and Zero and disappeared reappearing next to the lake. "keep him safe, hopefully we won't be long."

Faye was there she was on top of the lake, the water was ice and she was skating on top having fun. She didn't even look up when the others arrived, although she smelt them, knew they were there.
Jase sat diwn at the edge watching Faye and then he came across familiar scents and he glared at them " what are you three doing here? " he stood up and made his way to them and crossed his arms.

Zero looked at him and sighed " we need your help.. we need the cure for the Heart virus that used to save Riku.. he has a twin brother whis dying from it..

Jason looked at Zero then shook his head " not my problem. I helped once and thats it.. " he crossed his arms
Faye stopped skating and went and stood by Jase. "who are these people?" she tilted her head and looked at Zero, he smelt familiar, he reminded her of Jase.

Adriana "Jase I know we've never seen eye to eye, but we need your help please" she shook her head

Shikoku looked between the two of them "we've left you alone, we won't even ask for your help in the upcoming war, but we just need your help with this."
Jase looked over at Faye and took her hand softly " people i know from my timeline and the boy there.. hes my Son.." he looked kver at Faye " fine.. just tell me about this upcoming war while i prepare this cure.. because if it puts Faye in danger than i will help with that too

Zero smiled and waved at Faye " hi and thanks dad for helping us out "

Jase kissed faye on the cheem and he walked towards a tree and placed his hand on it the trees energy he absorbed as the tree withered and died turning into ash. He then walked towards a small blue flower and picked out a petal as he fused his energy into with the life energy of the tree. " here.. just grind it up and put it into water and have him drink the whole cup.. " its more potent and hes going to be out of commission for a few days.. now tell me about this war
Faye looked at Jase when he said his son. She thought he was in the other timeline, he said that part of his life was over, should she expect his old wife to come here too? She shook her head, looking back at them not saying anything.

Shikoku took the flower, "we're gathering everyone we know to stand up to the Jason and Scar of this timeline."

Adriana crossed her arms, "we figured you wouldn't be interested"
Jase looked at them and he shook his head. " im not interested just seeing if there is a threat to Faye.. i think you guys can handle it " he walked up towards Faye and wrapped his arms around from behind her " besides i dont want anyone bothering me and Faye unless we decide to come to you guys.. so dont try to locate us again " he said leaning his head on her shoulder.

Zero looked at him and smiled seeing his father more at peace when he was with his mother " well i hope you two are happy.. we wont bither you two again promise.. thanks for helping dad..
Shikoku nodded in respect to Jase and they disappeared heading back to the castle, in a white light.

Faye turned to Jase "what the hell was that?" she shook her head, "your son is here?" she looked concerned and pissed off.
Jase looked at her and shook his head " i dont know how he got here. He doesnt have the powers to get here.. someone brought him here i just dont know who.. dont worry love.. nothing will take me away from you especially my old family " he rubbed her cheek siftly and kissed her siftly on the lips

Zero sighed as the returned to the castle and looked at Zane and Roxas " were back and got the cure but he will be in bed for awhile though
Faye kissed him, but she was a little distant. "and if your old wife shows up, what then?" she shook her head, "this is the first you've seen your son in how long, and that's how that plays out, telling him to leave you alone?" she raised her eyebrow "Jase are you being distant for me, or for yourself?"

Shikoku smiled "Zane go take him up to a room I'll be up shortly with a cure."

Adriana sighed and was moving her feet a bunch, she wanted to talk to Zero. It must of been hard for him to of seen his dad like that.
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