Raphael's return

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Jase sighed shaking his head " ive done evil things.. im tired and for once just want something good to happen for me.. your the greatest thing thats happened to me.. im being distant for you.. because i know if i were by myself my evil intentions will take over.. i just want to be at peace with you and thats it " he took her hand softly " my son doesnt need me in his life and he understands i dont want to be bothered

Zane nidded and teleported Roxas inside to a room with him. He put him on the bed and sat down waiting fir Shikoku.

Zero sighed shaking his head " im happy that my dad found peace..with someone
Faye shook her head "Jase I'm fine if you want to be close to your son, I understand you had a past before me, I will not understand if his mother comes around." she took his hand "Jase I love you," she smiled. "did you want to speak to him more?"

Shikoku walked inside the make the potion.

Adriana gave a weak smile, "Zero you found your dad, you should go back there and talk to him."
Jase smiled and wrapoed his arms around her " i will speak to him later okay " he leaned his fore head on to hers " i love you and if his mother comes then it haooens it wont change how i feel about you because im yours and only yours.. no one nit even her can take me away from you. " he kissed her passionately on the lips.

Zero looked at Adrianna and shook his head " nah i will later.. he seems much happier now and being with her seems like hes more at peace with himself
Faye leaned her head on his and smiled. She kissed him passionately "I will kill her if she tries to take you away from me" she smiled "what is your plan now then? will that flower really help their friend?" she tilted her head.

Adriana nodded "yeah he's definitely not the man we used to know" she hugged Zero "I'm sorry I left without telling you."

Shikoku walked up to the room and gave Roxas the cure. "Sleep this off and you'll be better when you wake up."
Jase smirked and held her close to him " your not the only one. " he nodded " yeah he will be fine but it wint be easy.. the first cure was a bit mire friendly since i had time to fix it.. just seems to me they needed a quick one so this one will be more painful and will keep him in bed for awhile.. " he sighed shaking his head

Zero blushed feeling her hug him and he wrapped his arms around her " its okay.. im not mad i just glad i got to be with you again..

Roxas was given the Cure but once he got fhe cure he gritted his teeth in pain grabbing the sheet tightly. But the felt his energy start to slowly return to normal
Faye nodded "okay" she smiled and stepped back onto the icy water and started skating again. "Jase it seems to need to relax, you seem a little high strung since they came" she stopped behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "come on let's have some fun"

Adriana let go of Zero, "I'm sorry it's just you seemed to need that" she backed away blushing "so what did you do while I was gone, I mean was it the succubus who brought you here?" she shook her head "it doesn't make any sense, why come here?"
Jase smiled and nodded as he started to skate with her on the icy water and turbed around pulling her towards him and wrapped his arms around her " just being eith you makes me happy love "

Zero smiled and then it faded thinking about that Succubus and what she did to him. It disgusted him " i dont know but i remember when i went to your parents house and heard you were gone i was very sad and i left.. i was by myself i stayed at the spot we first met and fell asleep there than i woke up here..
Faye smiled and did a turn before landing in his arms. "you make me happy too." she put her hands on his shoulders and started massaging him. "you need to relax, we're together and no one will change that."

Adriana shook her head, "that doesn't make sense. Why would anyone bring you here without a reason." she sighed "we could find the succubus and question her but that doesn't sound like a good idea."

Mizore appeared back in the castle. She was sending on vibes so people would think of loved ones, rather than notice her. It made their energies go up in levels. She was leaning on the wall of Roxas' room, looking at him, making sure he was okay.
Jase smiled happily and nodded as he held her close to him more like dancing on the icy water with her " i love you Faye more than you know "

Zero shrugged and looked down " i dont know but its scary really not k owing how i got here.. we will ask her later now that she cant control me

Roxas was in bed breathing heavily his eyes shut close unaware she was inside he gripped the bed sheets tightly as there was so much pain and his energy was chaotic. Blood was going down his lip as he finally eased off the sheets and fell asleep breathing calmly
Faye smiled dancing with him, their movements were in sync, and elegant. "I love you too Jason" she kissed his cheek, and then his neck, playfully kissing him. "how much do you love me?" she jokingly said.

Adriana nodded "well can we go out for that food now?" she shook her head "I'm starving much longer and I'll attack anyone standing in front of me."

Mizore watched him struggle, she moved closer to him and softly touched his hand sending him calming energy she wanted his mind to be at ease. She cared for him, and she wanted to taste his energy again when he was better.
Jase smiled and picked her up into his arms holding her close to him " so much when ever you ready to have a child with me i will be ready too " he smiled kissing her back deeply then kissed her neck playfully

Zero smiled and nodded and took her hand relieved everyone was okay " yes lets get some food " he looked at Shikoku and Zane " you guys hungry?

Roxas started to feel calm and he smiled weakly and gripped her hand unaware he was doing it. It helped him ease his mind making it easier to recover. He continued to sleep the medicine slowly killing the virus and repairing the damage to his heart
Faye closed her eyes, did she want children? She did want to get to know more dragons, and having kids would accomplish that. Faye spun in a circle then pushed him on the ground, "for now we play" she smiled and climbed on top of him kissing his neck pulling off his shirt kissing down his chest.

Adriana smiled as he took her hand, and held her stomach. She licked her fang.
Shikoku looked at them, "yeah let's go out for food." she smiled

Mizore went to pull away after giving energy, but he grabbed her hand, she looked down at him, and decided to stay there. She sat on the edge of the bed and started humming a soft tune for him.
Jase grinned looking up at her as she pushed him down and got on top of him. He grinned feeling her kiss his neck and he would wrap his arms around her. " yes lets play " he gsaid as he scratched down her back removing her top.

Zane smiled and softly held Shikoku's hand " Roxas seems to be doing better.. but it will be a few days until he will be at one hundred percent.

Zero smiled happily and looked at them " im ready when yall are.

Roxas was calm the tune he heard made him smile even more and think of Mizore. He didnt realize she was in the room. Suddenly some of the pain started to come back a bit he gritted his teeth as he gripped the sheets but it wasnt as bad and long it only lasted a minuted until it subsided again
Faye smiled and arched her back as he scratched her, she raised her arms as he pulled off her shirt. She leaned back down and kissed his neck and scratched his chest. She was slowing rubbing her hand up and down his chest, slowly teasing him.

Shikoku nodded and they all disappeared in a white light appearing just outside a restaurant.
Adriana sniffed the air, "oh man it smells so good, someone please put food in front of my face now" she started to walk inside the restaurant.

Mizore looked down, she didn't know what else she could do to help. Her hand was still in his as she sang to him She was trying to ease his pain. Although she couldn't say why, just was a creature of emotions, why did she have them, she wanted his energy nothing more.
Jase looked up at her and grinned as she teased him he sat up and rolled over getting on top of her unbuttoning his pants and hers has he started to slide her pants off and his own he then got on top of hwr pinning her hands above her head and kissed her passio nately on the lips. After he kissed her he started to bite her neck (( time skip ))

Zero stomach rumbled it smelt so good and he nooded " yes please.. food!!! " he grinned happily

Roxas laid there as he let go of her hand his life force. Getting stronger. He smiled calmly as he turned over on his side breathing calmly " im.. i..im the greatest fighter ever.. " he spoke in his sleep chuckling a bit
Faye grabbed him around his neck kissing him as he undid his pants, she rolled over and let him pin her down, she kissed him and pulled him closer. After she laid there and raised her hand twirling it and making the lake water front of them dance and move. "I see you're more relaxed now" she smiled

Adriana went inside and sat at an empty table for four. When the waiter came by she asked for an extra rare steak. She could smell this place didn't have blood, but that didn't stop her, she could eat regular food too, it just wasn't as good.

Mizore pulled her hand away, and shook her head listening to him. "see you soon" she said as she disappeared in a purple smoke, she didn't want to be there when he woke up.
Jase smiled and looked over at her pulling her close to him " i am thanks to you love " he kissed her on the lips and closed his eyes breathing calmly.

Zero looked at the menu and order a cheese burger and he sniled happily loving burgers. He sfretched out his arms " it smells so good i cant wait to eat.

Zane ordered Spaghetti and he smiled " Spagehtti sounds great right now.

Roxas smiled calmly and slept for a few hours until waking up. he couldnt move his body felt like he was in a battle that felt like he faught for almost a hundred hours straight. He tried to move but barely could and only turned onto his back. " damn.. " he sighed looking up at the ceiling
Faye smiled and kissed him, leaning into his arms. "Jase I will always be here to make you relaxed."

Adriana started bouncing in her seat, shaking her leg. "seriously can't wait on food."
Shikoku shook her head "just wait a few minutes and your food will arrive Adriana." she smiled and looked around the restaurant.
Jase smiled and held her close to him " im glad i came here.. i probably would be super miserable right now. "

Zero chuckled at Adrianna and smiled very happy that he was with his friends and not alone. He honestly didnt want this night to end. He also wished Roxas was here with them

Zane laughed and tgen saw the waitress come with tgeir food " food is here
Faye smiled "I'll make sure that you're never miserable again" Faye kept making the water dance and play. "without you I wouldn't know about other dragons."

The food finally came and Adriana wasted no time to dig in. Her steak was very bloody, just the way she liked it. She dipped a roll in the excess blood and ate it. "sorry couldn't wait"

Shikoku shook her head and started to slowly eat her pasta.
Zane started to eat and he smiled happiky enjoying the taste it was so good and he chuckled at Adrianna.

Zero started to eat and he smiled loving the cheeseburger. His continued to eat quickly becuase he was extremely hunger and it had been a long day
Adriana finished eating and leaned back in her chair. "that was delicious" she smiled but licked her fang as she was in thought. She was still hungry but she was unsure if human food would cut it. She really should make her pocket dimension here, it'd be easier for her to find food, and to have a safe place to go from everyone.
Zero finished and was full of food. He smiled happily rubbing his belly " mmm that hit the spot.

Zane nodded " yes it did " he looked st them both and smiled calmly " is there anything else yall want to do or call it a night.. mrme and Shikoku are going to be gone for a bit looking for her daughter
Adriana smiled "you're going to find Killolu" she sat up "well good luck you two, I can't wait to see her again."

Shikoku smiled and grabbed Zane'e hand "I'll be sure to bring her around once we find her." she looked at Zane "are you ready to go to your timelline?"
Zane looked at her and nodded " yes im ready and you two stay safe and keep an eye on Roxas.. the first night is just the beginning.. seems Jase made that potion quick there will be nasty side effects.. "

Zero nodded knowing it to after feeling Roxas's energy " ok.. good luck " he smiled calmly
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