Raphael's return

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Zero looked down still blushing a bit " i know just a sudden question that caught me off guard " he chuckled then he sighed knowing he liked her alot but she was stuck at age 12 " im just going to wait and see what happens.. alot can change in the future.. i can see alots changing in this workd even for us..

Riku smiled calmly " thanks i hope you two are having some fun.. it seems this is all new to you both and its ok " he smiled calmly

Saxis nodded " yeah it is but its strange everyone is happy especially when my parents and Michael and Ilyeria are out there..

Zane looked down " well he has his friends were here to help
Adriana felt his heart rate increase when she asked him. She blushed, and looked confused. "what do you think will change for us?" she turned back to face him. She was curious how he said 'us'.

Akina smiled and sat down across from them. "yes, evil is out there, but today isn't a day to think about that." she smiled "today we celebrate love, friendship, family."

Lily looked down when they sat across from them, she was uncomfortable. She looked up at Saxis when he mentioned his parents, she was scared he would attack her again if they came to fight.

Shikoku nodded "yeah we will always be here to help"
Zero looked over at her " well this world is different than the one were from.. and i believe so is the magic.. there might bew new magics out there we dont know about that can really help. " he smiled trying to be optimistic

Saxis held Lily's hand and smiled calmly " yeah but evrn if they came i will fight against them to make sure no harm comes to Lily or any of her firends
Adriana smirked and turned back away, laying her head in her knees. She wondered if he thought the same thing she did. She sighed, "the world might be different but I haven't come across any new magics I didn't know that existed in our world."

Lily smiled hearing his words, it made her happy to think he cared about her.

Akina smiled at Saxis, "well that's nice of you Saxis" she looked towards the dance floor "have either one of you ever danced before?
Saxis shook his head " no never danced a day in my life " he loomed down a bit.

Riku smirked " you and Lily should go dance or at least try. Me and Akina will join you " he smiled happily

Zero nodded " yeah true.." he looked down sadly he didnt want to give up hope.. he looked over at Adrianna " we will find new magics..again there are huge differences in this world along with similarities
Lily looked at Saxis "did you want to dance?" she was unsure if she even wanted to dance herself.

Akina stood up and headed to the dance floor with Riku. The music changed to a slow song.

Adriana sighed "yeah you at least have a counterpart here, I mean different mother but I..." she trailed off. She felt the energies darken, she shook her head. "I'll take you up on that offer to dance now." she stood up and held out her hand to him.
Saxis looked over at Lily and blushed " sure if you want to " he dmiled calmly

Riku smiled and then held Akina close to him dancing slow witb her and looked at her " i love you Akina..

Zero nodded and took Adrianna's hand walkjng with her and he blushed lightly as he hled her hand dancing slowly with her looking at her blushing
Lily nodded and followed Akina and Riku to the dance floor, and awkwardly put out her hands to dance, unsure how she was supposed to do this.

Akina leaned her head on Riku's shoulder dancing. "I love you too Riku"

Adriana led him to the floor and made him place a hand on her waist, and she took his other hand in hers, as she started to dance. "Zero can I ask you something more personal?" she sighed, keeping a little bit of space between them, she wasn't sure how weird he felt dancing with her.
Saxis followed Lily and took her hands and looked at Riku and Akina and began to reach out to Lily taking her hands placing one of her hands on his shoulder and his left on her waist his other holding hers as they moved in during the song

Riku smiled hapily holding her close to him never wanting this day to end.

Zero looked at her and tilted his head to the right " you can ask me anything Adrianna " he smiled calmly " he smiled dancing with her slowly was blushing still dancing with her
Lily let him place her hands, it felt weird, she tried to move along with the music but kept stepping on his toes, "I'm sorry" she had no rhythm and looked down, but she couldn't get herself to move like everyone else.

Akina smiled watching Lily and Saxis, she felt bad for how they were raised, she knew her life wasn't perfect but she learned basics.

Adriana nodded "how old are you now? or well how old do you look?" she shook her head, "I know with time travel and being a demon and well I.." she just started rambling
Saxis looked down and shook his head " its okay its our firsf time " he was so out of it he didnt know what to do.

Riku looked over and then movdd towards both Lily and Saxis. " follow his lead Lily. Saxis mive like this " he smiled calmly as he started to show them the basics

Zero looked at her " i look 16 but my real age is 18.. im a year older than you " he smiled calmly
Lily nodded "I'm sorry I don't seem to get this at all." she leaned into him taking a step almost loosing her balance, knocking him over. "sorry," she started blushing, and turned to Riku.

Akina smiled and moved slowly so it was easy for Saxis and Lily to follow their lead.

Adriana nodded, she hung her head as they continued to keep dancing. "I'm sorry I can't" she pulled away from Zero and turned to run, away from the reception, down the beach. She couldn't 'see' but she had to get away, she couldn't stand being near him. Once she felt far away she found a rock and sat on it beginning to cry.
Zero saw her run away and he looked down slightly and he scratched the back if his head. He decided to go after her and saw that she was crying. " Adrianna..

Riku smiled calmky watching them " it takes practice dint worry imyou two will get it in time.

Saxis smiled and chuckled " its okay Lily " he then trued again slowly improving with her.
Adriana had her feet planted on the rock, she couldn't feel how far away Zero was, but the sound of his voice sounded close. She wiped the tears away. "Zero I can't okay. I couldn't say in our time, I had to get away from you." she buried her face in her knees.

Lily glared up at Saxis she didn't like that he laughed at her. She kept trying to dance well but was still messing up
Zero looked down and when he heard that he stopped walking towards her. He sighed as he walked towards her " so you run away to get away from me.. with out even trying just thinking it will never happen.. honestly i think your surpassed your own mother the only one holding you back is yourself.. " he sighed not realizing how harsh his words he then vanished beading towards his father.

Saxis continued to dance with her still slowly improving " were getting there Lily
Adriana kept her faced buried hearing his words, but she no longer heard his voice. "Zero?" she asked raising her head. She realized he was gone, and she buried her face again.

Lily shook her head, "no you're getting this not me" she sighed "it's useless I suck at dancing"

Shikoku turned towards Zane "do Zane and Adriana have feelings toward one another?"
Zane nodded " yeah it seems they do. Zero and Adrianna always been close.. just Zero is aging and shes not.. but Zero diesnt want ti give up hope that ine day she will be old enough to be with him. Again Were immortals

Saxis looked at her and smiled " Lily its okay.. jist follow my lead okay " he kissed her on the lips deeply as he moved slowly
Shikoku sighed "why is her time stopped?" she shook her head "she is immortal too, but somehow stuck to forever be 12, it doesn't make any sense."

Lily closed her eyes as they kissed and she let him guide her, finally starting to get the hang of it.

Adriana sighed, she had no idea where she was, she wanted to head to October's castle, but she had no idea how to get there, she was on her own island on that rock no idea where to go she was terrified.
Roxas walked up seeing Adrianna by herself and he placed his hand on her shoulder " hey whats wrong? " he asked looking at her

Zane shrugged " i have no clue i wasnt there when she was born. " he looked down sadly.

Saxis smiled calmly " okay thats it love " he smiled happily seeing her get it
Adriana jumped a little feeling him, she didn't even sense him come close. She thought it was her father at first, but she realized it was Roxas. "I'm a powerful witch, so was my mother but neither one of us could figure out why I stopped aging, why no matter what magic I try I can't see." she shrugged "well see in the way you all see"

Shikoku shook her head "I don't remember that time, I don't know if I was there, I don't remember what happened surrounding her."

Lily smiled "thanks Saxis"
Roxas nidded and looked down slightly as he sat down leaning on the Rock " maybe its not magic related.. maybe its something along your father's side.. " he looked at her " you always focused on magic but never truly your father's ability.. even if the timeline he studied ninjutsu he had different form if powers.maybe if you meditated the answer will be much more clear..

Zane nodded " i just wish i could help her shes done si much " he sighed " she deserves ti be happy too

Saxis smiled still dancing with her smiling happily
Adriana shook her head "I've meditated many times, but I've never found the answers I seek." she sighed "you told me you could help me unlock the god power right?" she tilted her head "do you think unlocking that I could find the answers I seek?"

Shikoku looked down "my time magic wouldn't be able to help her." she sighed
Roxas nodded and took her hand standing up " yes.. i can help you learn transformation using your ki.. " he sighed " your first transformation you must experience the loss of a love one.. who do you care about more than anything in the world.?

Zane sighed " sometimes the mose wisest beings dont have all the answers
Adriana took his hand and stood up "I'm sorry but can't we not do this here?" she shook her head "I hate the sand it's really hard to get a grip out here" she hung her head thinking on his question, she loved her family, she lost them when she left she wondered if that counted.
Roxas nodded and teported them to a location deep in the mountains no where near civilization. He sighed calmly " ok focus on one person. " he would then walk up to her and look down " what your about to see in your mind will be the most painful experience of that person being gone and taken from you by someone or something.. that lose that you will never see them again so forgive me when i show you that mental image.. " he placed his hand on her forehead as he sent energy into her mind a mental image started to form
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