Raphael's return

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Adriana nodded "go find your daughter" she smiled.

Shikoku smiled and took Zane's hand disappearing to the other timeline.

Adriana sighed and leaned back in her chair, absentmindedly licking her fang.
Zero looked over at Adrianna seeing her lick her fang he looked down slightly " if you want you can have some kf my blood i will lower my energy down so you wont get addicted to it or anything " he asked wanting to be helpful to her
Adriana shook her head "what?" she smiled "no Zero you know I could never do that, I'll manage don't worry about it." she stopped licking her fang "I was just thinking, I didn't even realize I was doing it"
Zero nodded " oh ok " he smiled calmly looking at her. He chuckled a bit " well if you need any blood in a hurry or anything you can have some of mine
Adriana nodded "thanks for the offer" she smiled weakly, "I try not to feed off people unless I have too, you should know that" she shook her head "Zero what did you want to do now?"
Zero nodded " i know i just want to help you is all and i understand that feeding on people is not good just if it comes to it i can help " he thought for a second lets go check on Roxas make sure hes okay..
Zero nodded and took her hand as they teleported back to the castle. They were inside of it and outside of the room Roxas was in. He opened the door to see Roxas trying to move but his body wouldnt let him. He was caught yelling at himself which was kind of amusing.

Roxas was struggling to get out of bed but his body was temporarily paraylzed due to the cure. " god damn body!!! Move!! " he leaned his head back " ugh..then his gaze shifted to see Zero and Adrianna " hey.. can you help me get out if bed

Zero shook his head " sorry but you stuck in bed for a few days.. the cure isnt finished repairing the damage the virus did to you

Roxas sighed " oh thats great. Just great im stuck here in bed.. " he started to whine a bit and started to sing a small song " stuck in bed.. while my friends went to go get fed... no one to talk to.. just me and you. me, myself and the ceiling
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Adriana took Zeros hand and back at the castle, she started laughing at Roxas. "Well we're here now so you can talk but your not getting out of bed." she shook her head.
Roxas sighed but he smiled afterwards as he stared up at the ceiling. " a few days in bed.. once im out of this bed.. im going on Vacation just saying.. Clear Blue skies and the beach.. and i want a cute girl in a bikini fanning me down with giant green leaf.. " he chuckled a bit " nah im good with just the beach

Zero chuckled " whatever you say Roxas.. " he crossed his arms and pulled up two chairs near the bed. " sk hiw you feeling?

Roxas looked over at Zero his head slightly moving " i feel like my chest is on fire right now.. it doesnt hurt but i can feel it.. " he looked down "
Adriana sat on the chair Zero pulled up and shook her head. "good luck finding a girl to fan you" she laughed, "I bet your hoping it's Mizore huh?" she smirked
Roxas laughed shaking his head " hey now she kick my ass if i asked her do that.. and dont be giving me bad ideas.. because that there is a bad idea.. it was bad enough i had to ask here to break that bond between lilith and Zero.. she probably is more pissed off at me than anything.. " he laid back staring up at the ceiling " i hope i recover in time for Riku's and Akina's wedding..

Zero laughed at Adrianna's remark " see he didnt even deny it.. he wishes Mizore would go to the beach with him..

Roxas gaze shifted towards them " hahaha get it all out your lucky i cant move right now
Adriana laughed "Yeah because he looooves her" she said with a joking voice. "don't worry you'll be better before the wedding" she smiled and reached her hand into her bag, "Roxas just focus on getting better then you can go have fun with that succubus" she shook her head smiling
Roxas was trying to move " hahahaha very funny.. and once i get better im getting back you two.. you'll see.."

After joking with Adrianna and Zero for two more nights Roxas full recovered and was standing looking at himself in the mirror. He looked better the color in his face returned, buf then he noticed a gray hair " what.. no god damnit..wait " he grinned as he went to his first transformation. His black hair now a blonde and he had to admit he looked really good as a blonde luckily with all the trainning this first transformation took no energy to hold. He then went to the closet and grabbed some new gear he put in there for later. He started to put on his longsleeve black shirt covering the strange tattoos that appeared on his arms last night.. The mark of the grand Master shadow monk. Today was his brothers wedding and he wanted to look good but being sick he had no time to get his tux. So he was sticking with his new fancy gear.

He then sat down on the bed leaning forward thinking to himself for a minute
Adriana was in the castle getting ready with Shikoku, while October was helping Akina get ready in another room. The stairs were lined with flowers, and everything was set and in place for their wedding.
Riku walked into the bedroom where Roxas was and he was in his Tux he smiled looking at Roxas. " what no Tux there Roxas.? " he asked as he leaned on the wall crossing his arms " also going with the first transformation look?

Roxas smirked " i was sick didnt have time to get one and well i like the blonde look.. better anyways. " he stood up " you nervous you look nervous.

Riku smiled calmly " i am and no amount of trainning could prepare me for this day " he chuckled " but im ready and very happy that im tieing the knot woth Akina..

Roxas smiled and nodded as Zane walked in with his Tux " you two ready its about to begin.

Riku nodded and walked out to the center of the castle where the hall was where the weddi g was being held. He was followed by Roxas and Zane offered that family be the bestman. Riku agreed and Roxas stood behind Riku and Zane stood behind Roxas as they waites for Akina
((fast forward))

After the wedding, they moved to the beach for the after party. The beach had large canopies and string lights. There were buffet tables set up, with regular food as well as blood. There was a dance floor, that opened up to the beach in case people wanted to go swimming. There were people there to help cater, and make drinks, and serve everyone.

Adriana was sitting on the edge of the dancefloor, she was in a old fashion dress, she hated the beach, it was hard for her to 'see' in the sand, so she was staying on the fake ground.

Akina was smiling her dress was white and flowy, she wasn't wearing anything to cover her horns, she was sitting at the head table.
Zero sat down next to Adrianna and looked over at her and smiled calmly " so umm do you want to dance Adrianna? " he asked scratching the back of his head.

Riku smiled as he sat down mext to Akina softly taking her hand and kissed her on the cheek " this so nice love . " he smiled happily watching everyone.

Roxas was by himself his arms crossed looking out at the ocean. He smiled hearing everyone having a great time. He sighed calmly loving the relaxing view.
Adriana sat up off her arms and smiled, she could feel he felt awkward even asking her, she heard it in his voice too. "do you know how to dance Zero?" she shook her head, not answering him.

Akina smiled and looked around at everyone "I'm glad everyone made it."

Shikoku was sitting down at a table, watching everyone, she was good at watching people, it's how she learned.

Lily was sitting awkwardly at a table in the corner, she felt so out of place, she barely knew Akina and she felt weird watching RIku get married, she was unsure how she felt about all of it.

October was on the dance floor dancing with Zuzu, making sure she had a good time.
Zero shook his head " no but wouldnt hurt to try " he chuckled a bit. He looked down slightly " its up to you though i enjoy relaxing for a bit.

Riku nodded " yes same here love

Saxis sat next to lily and sighed this was all new to him and it was all confusing " strange..

Zane sat next to Shikoku holding her hand softly. He then looked over seeing Roxas by himself he sighed shaking his head " seems Roxas as alot on his mind? Ever sincd he recovered he seems different
Adriana turned away from him, "I don't mind sitting, as long as I don't have to go in the sand." she laughed a little.

Akina leaned her head on Riku's shoulder.

Lily gave a weak smile, she was wearing a black dress, it was simple. "Saxis thanks for joining me, I don't think I could have come here alone."

Shikoku turned to look at him, "did you want to go talk to him?" she tilted her head, "was the succubus invited, maybe he'd be more comfortable around her."
Zero smiled and nodded " yeah.. no Sand.. " he chuckled a bit " we will stay right here.

Riku blushed and held Akins close to him watching everyone still

Saxis nodded " no problem Lily " he smiled calmly " anything for you..

Zane kissed her on the lips softly " be right back love " he walked towards Roxas and he stood next to him " somethung on your mind?

Roxas looked over at Zane snd shook his head " nah just enjoying the view.

Zane sighed " did your succubus friend get an invite? Figure you be im a better mood?

Roxas shook his head " i dont know shes probably feeding and not in a talking mood after asking her to break the bond between one of her sisters and Zero.. but thats not whats on my mind.. my grand masters tattoos were engraved on my skin.. " he looked dow. " the temple is in trouble.. i got a very bad feeling
Adriana nodded "Zero can i ask you something?" she leaned into her knees, "do you ever have the intention to get married?" she wiggled her toes on the ground, she was curious what his answer would be.

Akina looked at Saxis and Lily, "they look very uncomfortable, should we go mingle with them?" she looked over at RIku.

Shikoku kissed Zane and watched him walk away, she could hear their conversation, but she wasn't focusing on it. She was watching everyone, trying not to focus completely on anyone.
Zero blushed at her question and he scratched the back of his head " i.. dont.. know.. iI never really thought about it.. but i think if its someone really special than yes

Riku nodded z nd stood up walkjng with Akina to Lily's and Saxis's table " hey mind if we join

Zane looked at him " i suggest you go " he smiled calmly " they're your family too. Go check on them after the party.

Roxas nodded " i will " he slightly looked down a bit and headed to the bar and sat at the bar stool " one scotch please..

Zane walked back to Shikoku " trouble where he was raised just doesnt want to runi Riku's day so he focusing on being Relaxed
Adriana listened, he sounded a bit flustered. "don't worry it's not like I'm asking" she blushed and turned away. She liked Zero, but she knew it was impossible, she was forever stuck looking like a 12 year old, Zero had to look much older than her by now.

Akina took RIku's hand going towards the table. Lily looked up at them, "oh um sure" she gave a weak smile. "congrats you two"

Shikoku smiled "well I hope everything turns out okay for him." she tilted her head "although I sense he's not the only one troubled here"
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