Raphael's return

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Adriana nodded and closed her eyes, she thought she'd see her parents, or her dad, but who she saw was Zero. She saw him like she saw in life, with her feet, the outline, the energy signature, the smell, not an actual visual person. "I see someone" She felt him get ripped apart, get torn away from her.
Roxas nodded as he increased the energy output as the laughter of Michael killing Zero in front of her making her feel like she couldnt stop it unless she unleashed all that anger that feeling if losing him unlocking something inside her " now let it out Adrianna!!
Adriana shook her head "Michael" she growled gritting her teeth, tears falling down her cheeks. Adriana was motionless, she couldn't do anything to stop him, Zero fell down in front of her lifeless. "Roxas I can't do this"
Roxas focused on that one image it repeated again " yes you can Adrianna.. its in your blood.. our blood.. the rage the anger.. you have a pure heart. Inside of you it there.. look for it deep unleash that power
Adriana shook her head "no I can't watch this again." she tried to move but couldn't "let me go I have to save him" she started to scream "NOOO" a shockwave of power left her body when she screamed.
Roxas felt the shockwave but he stayed " keep going Adrianna.. keep going!! Its there.. its always been there " he smiled as he felt the first transformation coming
Adriana kept screaming she didn't want to see it, her eyes were clenched closed, but her left eye began to bleed and her hair started changing from white to black. The power surging from Adriana was great, she still looked young but she had more power.
Raphael stopped seeing her tansformation it was powerful and he smiled calmly seeing her new form " now Adrianna you can transform easier now into this form anytime you desire. " he smiled calmly. " once you master using this form the next form will be the same but you will have a much more increase in power " he smiled " also dont hurt me
Adriana shook her head "why would I hurt you?" she sighed and opened her eyes, her left eyes was bloodshot and she put her hand to her face, touching the blood. She closed her eyes, "it hurts" she put her hand over her eye "why am I bleeding?"
Roxas shrugged " i dont know thats never happened to me before " he got closer to her eyes seeing them " mmm strange " he scratched the back of his head " maybe the power had a side effect " he placed his hand on her forehead helping her heal making handsigns
Adriana opened her eyes again, but something was different, it hurt, and she couldn't figure out why. She put a hand over her left eye and it felt better, it didn't hurt. She uncovered her left eye and it started hurting. "what happened my left eye burns when I open it. She kept it closed and faced him.
Roxas looked at her ci fused " i dont know " he svratched the back of his head " lets see. " maybe your using alot kf power for your first time transformation..theres a tree behind you attack it
Adriana turned around dropping her hand from her face, opening her eyes again, it hurt but she couldn't focus on that. She moved closer to the tree and stopped right in front of it before her attack. Her eyes went wide. "Roxas?" she sounded confused and scared "I think I figured out what happened. She stood still shaking, raising her hand in front of herself flipping it over slowly
Roxas looked at her " what is it Adrianna? " he loomed at her windering what happened being a bit curious hoping what ever it was helped her out
"can you come closer please?" Adriana turned back to face him, both eyes were opened, her right eye was it's normal unresponsive cloudy eye, while her left was red, and had a pupil. "I- I can see"
Roxas eyes went wide " wait what? You can see? " he was really shocked on how a transformation with ki could do that for her " hows that possible " he walked closer to her looking at her
Adriana shook her head "I don't know." she looked up at him "it's only the one eye, though." she looked him up and down, excited and nervous to see someone for the first time ever. "nothing like this has happened before?"
Roxas nodded " mmm its strange but its different " he smiled calmly " well im glad i helped out a bit " he grinned, but looked down slightly " well is there anything you want to do now Adrianna?
Adriana looked down, "how long can I stay in this form for?" she noticed her hair, and pulled it, looking at the color, she had no idea what colors were, or if this was even normal for her. She looked down at herself, the dress she was wearing from the wedding was ugly, she hated it. She looked up at him
Roxas looked at her and smiled " aslong as you want but if you lose enough alot of energy you will revert back, but you can transform again omce you have the enrgy again " he smiled calmly
Adriana nodded "I want to find Zero" she smiled "do you mind taking a break and teaching me more later?" she tilted her head giving a weak smile. "you seemed to be distracted at the wedding too."
Rixas nodded a d looked down " yeah.. im free whenever " he sighed crossing his arms and smiled. He did have alot on his mind but was happy to see she was happier " glad your uncle Roxas could help

Zero was at the location of his father and Faye. He looked down a bit sitting by himself seeing his father and Faye together made him happy wanting what they had..though but he wanted it with Adrianna..
Faye sat with Zero just outside a lake. "did you want me to leave you alone with your father?" she tilted her head "you seem to have a lot of your mind"

Adriana looked at Roxas and smiled, then hugged him. "thank you" she pulled away "can you do me one more favor?" she cocked her head to the side, "can you send me back to October's castle? I never mastered teleportation, although I find it may be easier now." she smirked
Zero smiled and shook his head " nah i want you here too.. i just never seen him so happy like this before.. i got to bask in it " he smiled happily

Roxas nodded and hugged her back teleporting her to October's castle. After that he went and headed back towards the rock and sat down
Faye looked over at Jase "your father is a wonderful man." she smiled, "so Zero I want to get to know you better if that's okay?"

Adriana looked around once she was at the castle, she was alone, since everyone was out celebrating the wedding. She made her way down the halls, looking at everything as she went, everything was all new and different.
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