Raphael's return

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Adriana shrugged and turned back towards him "I'd have to learn to read first." she sighed and held out the book in her hand. "what does this say? because I'm sure whatever this book is will be able to help me." she gave a weak smile
"curses?" she shook her head "I don't know why a book about curses would come up. I've never done a curse before I stay away from them." she sighed and slumped down on the ground. "I don't know what I can do." she sighed "I don't even know what I'm really looking for."
Zero smiled calmly " well the answers your looking for is there somewhere " he smiled calmly " maybe follow your instinct.. open it see what we find.
Adriana nodded and closed her eyes opening the book. It fell on a page about ending life. She handed the book to Zero. "you're going to have to read it." it was a curse to take a life. If Zero read it he would learn that in order to take a life you have to create life, but the life would forever be cursed it would be a half life.
Zero looked down at it " in order ti take a life you ha e to create a life.. but the life would be forever cursed.. it would be a half life " he looked up at her " what does that mean?
Adriana looked down. "a life curse" she shook her head, "this has my mom's name written all over it." she sighed. "Stupid cryptic spells," she closed her eyes "if it was my mom then I have the cursed life before she took someone's life"
Zero looked down sadly " so is that the reason your not aging? " he looked at her confused " is there a way that we can give you a full life?
Adriana sighed "only way I know how to break a curse is to reverse the curse," she looked up "and in order to do that I'd have to know who was killed, and bring them back which isn't even possible so no" she laid down looking up at the ceiling.
Adriana sighed "maybe, but I really should learn to read first, it'd be bad to mess up a curse." she glanced over at Zero. "I have a lot to learn now"
Zero looked at her and smiled calmly " i can teach you. Its not hard to learn " he stood up stretching a bit " well lets go sit at a tabke and get started
Adriana shook her head, "sounds like a bore, and time consuming." she sat up, "there has to be some sort of magic to read. I already had to learn two languages the slow way, and to read brail, but I don't think I can learn to read that slow again."
Zero smirked " well theres a faster way " he chuckled a bit " i can loan you my knowledge on reading words.. but it will feel a bit weird at first
Adriana looked at him intrigued. "you could do that?" she tilted her head thinking it over. "if I knew how to read then I could find the answer about the curses a lot easier."
Zero nodded " yeah again hold still it will feel weird " he smiled calmly and placed his hand on her forehead and his hand started glowing as he sent kniwledge how to read i to her mind.
Adriana closed her eyes and felt the power, the knowledge or reading enter her mind. She was used to spells similar to this, so she sat still letting him give her the knowledge.
Adriana opened her eyes and looked around the room, she was ready to read every book in the library. She looked down at the book in her hand and starting reading the book. "thank you Zero" she smiled. "so now that I can read I'm going to find a way to break my curse" she sighed "but for now, can we go out? I want to see everything"
Adriana shook her head trying to think, she had no idea what anything was, what it looked like. "take me somewhere that is beautiful to look at. I want to see something I couldn't before"
Zero nodded and took her hand " okay i got an idea " he teleported them both to a waterfall in the forest. " he looked up seeing it " next i will show you the beach
Adriana looked around seeing the waterfall, she closed her eyes imagining how she always saw it. She walked up to the edge of the water and looked down, wondering how deep the water was, she never imagined it was like this. She looked up at the waterfall, putting her hand under it. "the beach?" she looked back at him, "will it be as hard to navigate as it was before?"
Zero nodded " yep i think you will be shocked on how the beach looks " he grinned seding her take in the view for the first time. He was happy that she got to see everything
Adriana looked back towards the waterfall, "it's a lot different than I pictured it would be" she looked up and pointed "what is that?" she was pointing at a rainbow. "there's so many colors but they're see through"
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