Raphael's return

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Adriana kept staring at the rainbow, it was so pretty. She sat down putting her feet into the water and looked around staring at the trees, the birds, everything looked so different, so bright. "Zero where is your favorite place to go?"
Zero looked at her and he smiled calmly " well " he scratched the back of his head " the spot where we first met will always be my favorite " he looked down thinking about it " did it exist here or was it completely different
Adriana looked down, she wondered if it was here as well. She stood up pulling her feet out of the water. "can we try the beach now?" she smiled at him

((night ttyl))
Zero nodded " yes " he smiled calmly " to the beach s e go " he softly took her hand and teleported them to the beach. They were standing on the sand looking out at the ocean

(( kk nighty night ))
Adriana looked out into the ocean, then down at the sand. She grabbed the sand between her fingers "so this is the reason I couldn't see." she sighed and looked at the ocean, "it goes on forever" she shook her head. "it's unreal"
Zero smiled calmly " it looks like theres no end but on the otherside theres more land " he smiled calmly " maybe sometime me and you can go see it together " he looked over at her
Adriana looked at him and nodded, turning back towards the water. "this place isn't as bad when I can actually see it."
Zero nodded " yeah its not that bad " he smiled calmly then his eyes went wide as he quickly grabbed her and jumped with her out of the way as the explosion happened shere they were standing as he used his body to protect herhis black scales being armor but his shirt turning into ash.

Jason grinned evily as he landed on the ground grinning evily " so look what we got here.. the little girl that caused me and my Scar so much trouble and the son of my future self together..
Adriana was surprised when he grabbed her. She glared at Jason. "what the hell are you doing here?" she widened her stance prepared to fight.
Zero glared at Jason as he ripped his shirt off preparing for a fight " you should leave Jason.. or you will die here today.

Jason smirked " no.. today is not the day i die its going to be your time to die.. " he grinned evily as he sent a huge wave of energy at Zero and Adrianna.

Jase appeared deflecting the blast towards the sky glaring at Jason. " you know trying to hurt my son and his friend there is not a good idea on your part
Adriana looked between the two of them, it was easier to tell the difference now that she could see. She smirked as Jase came to their rescue it was an odd thing too see from him.
Jason glared at him " you know your wasted potiential for helping them.. how cpuld i gotten so soft in the future..

Jase smirked at his remark " no i never gone soft just saw a much clearer picture..i still want to kill everyone its there it begs for me to unleash my rage my anger upon them, but theres two things in this world that is a huge one of them is attacking my son and t he other is someone very special to me.. " he glared as his dark aura began to form around him " your move..
Adriana watched them, she wondered if they knew she could see, after all her entire appearance changed. She'd never seen this side of Jase before. She looked down at her hands she wasn't as scared as she used to be, the blindness was a hindrance. "Zero what do we do?" she whispered
Jason glared as his black aura formed around him glaring at Jase the ground began to quake around them both their power making the earth beneath them crack.

Jase looked over slightly his head turning " Zero take Adrianna and go " he said as he looked back as he started to growl as a huge powerful surge of dark energy shot from Jase it was overwhelming going at the edge of the limit.

Jason charged at Jase as the both vanished shock waves everywhere their speed so fast

Zero put up a barrier blocking the impacts from hitting them " we cant leave him what if Scar is close by watching
Adriana shook her head "I have no intention of leaving." she watched them fight, everything was easier to watch with eyes, but you couldn't rely on it, she knew she was smarter than them. "Jason it's 3 vs 1 you really think you can win?"
Jase glared as he kicked Jason back a bit as he stood levitating her glared at both Zero and Adrianna " leave!!! Now!!!

Jason grinned seeing an opening and he punched Jase hard in the face then grabbed him by the back of his head as he blasted a energy beam straight through him

Jase eyes went wide as his body went limp and he fell back

Zero eyes went wide " father!!! No!!! " he had tears in his eyes as the barrier went away rushing towards him.

Jason then blast a huge a black wave of dark energy slamming into Jase sending him to the ground causing a huge explosion he then glared at the two as he landed jn front of Zero " such a weak future me
Adriana watched Jase fall, he was too worried about them that he failed. She felt guilty, she knew he never could fall so easily. So she appeared behind Jason, and grabbed the back of his shirt as she put a barrier up so he couldn't leave, but it also meant no one could jump in. "Jason you're mine now" she sent a wave of lightning through his body. "you came here for me didn't you?"
Jason smirked and shook his head " no only to kill you both.. were hunting everyone down.. we got to Roxas and Mizore.. they are dead.. " he turned his head the lighning going through him as he gritted his teeth " you know my love his watching you girl..

Zero glared at Jason " you..you two are monsters!!! " he had black lightning formed in his hands "

Jason shook his head as he then unleashed a hige amoubt of energy sending them both nack and breaki g their barrier..

Zero then shot lightning at him but Jason disappeared and reappeared behind them croasing his arms " you two are no match for me
Adriana smirked watching him, he had a few tells she knew what he was going to do. "Jason I'm your match" she crossed her arms. "let's make this fair shall we, have a one on one match."
Jason raised an eyebrow " your my match? You do realize even with your new power Riku and Roxas still are no match against me what makes you any different.. " his power started to rise again as he glared at her laughing " one on one.. you really want to die quickly..

Zero glared at Jason his rage wanting to come out he kulled his father.. " i wanto kill you!! " his eyes glowing bright yellow as dark energy pulsed from him

Jason grinned evily " i will destroy you both at the same time so come on.. give me your best shot
Adriana looked at Zero "be careful don't let your emotions get in the way" she smirked "I am different Jason, and I will defeat you." she smirked looking at him, she didn't wsnt to make the first move"
Zero looked over at her nodded as he glared at Jason ready to defend themselves getting in a defensive stance.

Jason shook his head as he then sent a huge wave if pure dark energy at them both " die!!!!
Adriana put out her hands sending out a wave of light energy acting as a defensive barrier. "got to try harder than that if you want to kill us" she smirked and pushed forward pushing her light as a Shockwave attack
Jason smirked as he charged at them with great speed as he vanished and appeared behind them with abother wave of energy sent at them.

Zero put his hands up as a dark barrier formed getting hit by tge wave of energy as he glared watching Jason

Jason glared at them " its annoying that you two are together.. " he sighed as he started to levitate in the sky as he charged more energy up than before as his scales formed on his scales as he waved his hand with even more powerful energy.

Zero casted up another barrier bht the hit was to strong for him to hold and he sent a shockwave behind him pushing Adrianna away as he got slammed by the powerful attack sending him flying back as he was inside of the crator badly injured

Jason grinned evily " two down one to go..
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