Raphael's return

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Adriana spun to see him on the other side of them, she went to put up a barrier but Zero already did it and pushed her away. When she pushed herself up she saw him in a crater in the ground hurt. She glared at widened her stance, "finally it's one on one, but you will pay for hurting them." She made a few handsigns copying herself making 3 shadow clones, so there were four of her. They moved to surround him in a circle.
Jason glared down at the shadow clones and be growleed watching them carefully frying ti figure out which was the real one. " damn ninjutsu such a pointless power.. " he roared as he blew a black fire at them hitti g two of her clones
Adriana saw two of the clones disappear but she wasn't done, she had a few tricks up her sleeve. Adriana and the remaining clone sent a powerful shockwave at Jason. "you think my power is pointless?" they both asked. "just wait because today you fall, just like Scar did, have you seen her lately?" she laughed
Jase glared at her as she mentioned Scar she wasnt here which scared him a bit. He let out a roar getting hit by the shockwave as the ground quaked underneath her causing her to loose balance underneath her feet as he charged so fast that he punched her sending her flying through a cliff behind her " My Scar cant be killed so easily!!
Both Adriana and the shadow clone fell as the ground quaked, but she could still see, because of this new form. The one Jason punched wasn't the real Adriana it was her last clone. She appeared behind him setting the last crystal down, a white light encompassed Jason and he was in a crystal barrier. "don't be so sure, you two are joined at the hip yet she isn't here." she laughed, "you're trapped Jason."
Jason glared at her " where is she!!! " he roared loudly the power inside the barrier containing Jason was getting massive and massive like he was ready to destroy everything " you know i will destroy this world if shes dead!!!! " he yelled out to her everyone loses except for me and my son .." he growled at her
Adriana smirked and made the barrier shrink, she planned for him to blow up like a bomb, the barrier acting as a shield to repel his own magic on himself. "She's not dead yet, she's safe." she shook her head "we're the good guys remember, we don't kill I came up with my own plan for you guys." she held the barrier making sure it didn't break.
Jason glared at her " noticing the barrier getting smaller and smaller " i will kill you!!! " he growled

Michael appeared behind Adrianna and slashed at her slashing her back long enough to distract her and release Jason to get him out of there and they teleported away..

Zero eyes opened and breathed heavily " Adrianna... " he started to crawl out breathing heavily
Adriana shook her head "she had him and she just had to wait for Shikoku to finish the rest of their plan, but everything changed when Michael appeared. She fell when she got slashed, falling on her face. She looked up to see Jason gone. "damn it" she shook her head. Adriana looked up to see Zero awake. "Zero don't move" she pushed herself up wincing a little and went over next to Zero and started a healing spell on him.
Zero sighed calmly seeing she was okay but he knew his father was down. " hurry to my father.. please.. " he said after he was healed from such an attack he could move but he didnt know if his father was alive..

Jase laid there not moving and not breathing
Adriana nodded stopping healing him as she went over to Jase, she didn't hear him breathing, but she tried anyway to heal him. She didn't use a lot of magic against Jason so she was fine, although her back was in pain. "Jase please wake up" she said
Zero started to move towards the crator and saw his father laying there it hurt alot to see him like that he was so powerful and he felt so guilty.. he told them to leave but they didnt listen " its our fault hes like this.. " he had tears in his eyes..

Jase didnt move still wasnt breathing as he laid there..

Zero looked down and placed his hand on Adrianna's shoulder " hes gone.. Faye is not going to be so upset " he looked down still crying
Adriana shook her head "no the Jason I know wouldn't go down so easy." she looked back at Zero "he's not dead, Jase didn't go down that easy" she had to stay strong for Zero's sake, but she didn't hear a heartbeat anymore.
Zero looked down rubbing his tears looking at Adrianna " he cant be defeated so easily.. father please.. get up.. if you dont... they will kill us all.. kill everyone including Faye.. please " he looked down
Adriana dropped her hands, her magic not working on him, she looked at Zero. "we have to contact Faye." she looked down "Zero I'm sorry I can't do anything else."
Zero nodded " i.. i dont know what to say to her.. " he looked down sadly knowing she was going to be in alot of pain.. can you go get her please
Adriana nodded "yeah I'll be back, please be careful." she smiled and did a few handsigns appearing where she thought Faye would be. "Faye?" she looked around. "Faye?" she called out

Faye peaked around the corner and saw Adriana. "hello what's wrong?"
Adriana looked down unable to speak, unable to tell her. "the war started" she said, "it's Jase"
Faye's eyes went wide and then turned into a glare, she walked over to Adriana. "take me to him" Adriana nodded and reappeared by Zero and Jase
Zero stayed there looking at Jase running his tears and looked down " father.. i will be strong like you i promise that no one will hurt Faye no one will hurt our friends..
Faye appeared and saw Jase, she casually went over to him and kissed him on the lips. "the threat is over with you can wake up." she smiled, she knew he wasn't dead, his dragon sense of him could tell he was in a dragon slumber.

Adriana sat down next to Zero, she was in pain because of Michael. She was so mad at herself, she had Jason on the ropes and she let him get away.

Back at Jason's castle Scar wasn't there, Adriana wasn't bluffing when she said Scar was missing
Jase eyes opened as his energy surged and he looked over at them his power even stronger than before. " hello love. " he sat up and popped his neck and he looked over at them " next time i tell you both to leave.. i was going to use my trump card i needed it to be just him and me here..

Zeri eyes went wide "what? But how.. we saw you die

Jase Smirked " it will take more from him to kill me..

Jason got home and looked around for Scar and he was worried she did something to her " Scar!!! " he rushed through the castle wondering where she was
Adriana smiled seeing him wake up, she knew he couldn't go down so easily. "we have to leave now. Shikoku will need our help" she smirked "hopefully she is having more luck with Scar than we had with Jason."

Faye looked between them all "love I came to make sure you were okay but I mean it when I said I'm staying out of your war."
Jase nodded and stood up walking towards her wrapping his arms around her " i know my love " he leaned his forehead on hers olacing his finger underneath her chin " i love you Faye.. and when i get home the world will be safe and nothing can stop us from giving our dragons a new start. " he kissed her passionately on the lips " i will see you at home tonight my love..

Zero smiled happily " we will win this
Faye smiled and kissed Jase, "be safe" she said as her whole body turned into water and came crashing down into a puddle, she was gone.

Adriana stood up, and looked between them. "come on we don't ave time to waste." she sounded in a rush, "Jason will be back when he figures out we have Scar. Shikoku is going to need our help to make sure she is contained.
Jase nodded " okay lets hurry " he will sense for her energy " he took their hands and he teleported with them and he appeared near Shikoku as he saw Scar glaring at her " you got her?

Zero appeared with them and glared at Scar " time for you to pay for everything
Shikoku didn't look back at them as they appeared. They were in October's castle in the basement, Scar was suspended in the middle of the room, off of the ground. It wasn't chains or ropes holding her it was lines of time, Shikoku had her suspended in time literally. "it's almost done" Scar couldn't move and couldn't use power.

Adriana smirked, her plan was working, she didn't tell anyone about the plan other than Shikoku, she was glad Shikoku was able to pull through with it
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