Raphael's return

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Adriana shook her head. "no he's not our enemy." she gave a small smile, unsure if those words were true or not. It had been a long time since she came across Zero, for all she knew he could be the enemy. "the third presence is a boy named Zero." she sighed "he's from my timeline, he was a friend" she looked down, feeling sad when she said the words was a friend.
Raphael looked at her " we cant have monsters like Jason around.. if hes an enemy than we must destroy him. " he sighed hoping he was a friend he needed stronger allies to help them

Roxas placed his hand on her shoulder if hes a friend hes still a friend. " he smiled calmly then he turned around and started to walk a strange feeling coming over him " mmm weird
Adriana didn't know what to say, she wasn't expecting him to be here, she felt Roxas' hand on her shoulder and smiled "Yeah let's keep loving sorry" she started to walk but Roxas was concerned "what is it, what's wrong?"
Roxas shrugged a bit " i dont know just felt something weird. " he smiled calmly " i guess like a deja vu moment otmr something " he chuckled a bit S they continued

Raphael shook his head " mmm strange but ok.. aslong thats its nothing serious " he grined
"dejavu?" she shook her head "what makes you say that?" she continued to walk, since they were getting closer her guard was up, something didn't feel right..
Roxas looked at her " dont know but will find out i guess. " he said still feeling strange as they came acrouss a town completely destroyed bodies of humans everywhere " what happened here

Raphael sighed " this Michaels work.. jason loves to torture his victims. Michael straight up kills. He loves killing mortals
Adriana nodded "Yeah it has his stench all over it." Adrianas foot pattern changed, she was trying to be careful not to walk on and my of the bodies. "they better not all be together otherwise we'll be in major trouble"
Roxas looked at her confused " why do you say that? " he asked a bit curious. He never met Michael and Ilyeria before so he didnt know whos work this was but it was very brutal. He looked over at Raphael " i see why you want to stop them. This is very very bad.."

Raphael looked at Adrianna " yeah these mortals didnt stand a chance. " he sighed looking down
Adriana shook her head, "honestly this isn't the worst he has done, well at least in my timeline he was far worse." she kept walking "in my time we never could stop Michael, and Scar well we tricked her and made her far less powerful."
Raphael looked at her and sighed " is Michael the same here and the same in your timeline? " he slightly looked down wishing he was ally insread of an enemy he could be very helpful against both Jason and Scar.

Roxas kept walking with them " well either way they got to be stopped. If not this world wont last " he looked down " just seems like evil demons and monsters a ruling this place and were just their cattle
Adriana nodded "yeah very similar, Michael calls himself Jason's brother, they are very close to each other." she shrugged "well if things play out similar to my world, it's not all bad, we have a mutual understanding to not really fuck with each other." she sighed, "but things will change soon"
Roxas nodded " well it be nice if turns out like that bith Jason and Scar very scary.. so does this Michael " he said slightly looking down.

Raphael looked at her confused " how did yall managed to work out equal grounds with them? That sounds very impossible.. especially knowing them like i know them
Adriana shrugged "we all threatened each other so much, we were equally matched that we decided it was best if we let them do whatever as long as they didn't try to hurt us." she sighed "it's not a great solution but it stopped them from threatining us."
Roxas nodded " well if they see how strong we are compared to the maybe we can get the same outcome.. its very possible " he smiled looking at her " its still a giid option none the less

Raphael smirked " i have to agree maybe we can get to that point where we wont be threats to each other. Rhat would be nice
Adriana sighed "how about we hope on destroying them, ending them first." she smiled "we should be there shortly"
Roxas nodded " yeah destroying them is what i truly hope for " he looked ahead seeing the top of the castle feim the distance over the hill and the. He stopped seeing the castle. " damn thats a big castle..

Raphael felt a strange energy coming from it and he sighed " well there goes our plan of sneaking in... once we get close they both will know were here.. " he looked over at them " so we got to be fast and seperate them both
Adriana stopped walking, "what do you mean? how do they know we're here?" she looked confused, she lifted her foot, and stomped it into the ground, seeing how far away the castle was, if she could 'see' inside.
Raphael looked over at her " they are using their energy outlut as a invusible shueld once we step inside it will move like a spider web.

Roxas looked at Adrianna " mmm thats troubling well we can come up with something " how about underground?
Adriana crossed her arms, the castle was out of her sightline. "we can try undergound, I can magic us through it but will take up a lot of magic to get us under and secure a clean pathway without being detected." she sighed "I could break their barrier, and that would send them here for the fight instead of inside their castle."
Roxas looked at her " either way we will have to fight them looks like we must draw them out.. but i will go at one end of the area and you two go at the other who ever we get we face them head on.

Raphael looked at him " I think its possible you two are not normal mortals " he looked at Adrianna " did Riku ever teach you of his transformations?
Adriana shook her head "no I'm not mortal, I'm a half vampire, half human" she sighed "I don't know transformation magic, I was never able to master it." she shrugged "daddy, the Riku of my timeline was a ninja, so I know jutsus, and my mother was a witch so I know many different magics."
Roxas looked at her and smiled " but were the same your father studied ninjutsu but in a way he was the same here " he smiled calmly as he walked up to adrianna " the first transformation comes from experiencing loss.. losing someone you love.. if you can feel that emotion you will transform into that form its not a magic its Ki.. you have Ki i can sense it in you too
"I've never lost anyone I loved." Adriana shrugged "I left my time because I was bored, not because I lost someone." Adriana tilted her head "it's why I was never able to transform, I don't have God ki you must be crazy" she laughed.
Roxas shook his head " the monks found bith me and Riku in a pod when we were kids.. it came from the sky.. were not from this world.. your father it must be the same as him and after all tgat training with ninjutsu it would if helped his ki too so im thinking you can transform juat like us.. " he smiled
Adriana shook her head "and now, now is the time you want me to try a transformation I know nothing about" she started pacing "you must be crazy you're going to get us killed, we're this close to Jason and Scar we don't have time for me to train and master new magic right now."
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