Raphael's return

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Roxas sighed and shook his head " no im just saying theres more magic for you to learn " he smiled calmly " im confident we will win
Adriana sighed "well after we kick their asses' you can teach me" she smirked "so did you want me to break this barrier or not?"
Roxas looked at her and then Raphael " go ahead and break it draw them out.. " he said as he then transformed into his god ki form his blue hair and blue eyes with blue and white aura around him

Raphaels eyes went wide " never seen a mortal able to use god power like that before.. glad you and Riku are on our side
Adriana nodded "you two should hide, let's make them think I came alone." she smirked "mask your presence if you can." She moved a few steps forward and crossed her ankles dropping to the ground sitting crossed legged in front of the barrier. She put her hand up, it was like touching an invisible wall. She licked her finger, "Scar I expected more from you" she shook her head smirking and she closed her eyes starting to chant, she reached into her bag and pull out a powder and blew it at the barrier dispelling it easily. "we have two seconds." She opened her eyes, but stayed sitting there.

Scar appeared minutes later glaring at Adriana, "it's you" she smirked "I've been looking for you, and here you are showing up at my doorstep."
Both Roxas and Raphael hid in the shadows wa0iting for Jason to show himself. The power from Scar was scary enough it sent a chill down Roxas's spine to see her again but he trained harder to face them

Raphael watched carefully and then he saw Jason appear next to Scar.

Jason grinned evily " oh wow. So you came to us.. been wondering how i was going to bring you here.. been wondering how i was going to make you scream in pain " he laughed. " so.. why did you come to us.. did you want to die knowing you will fail eventually
Adriana shrugged "I didn't know I was coming to you." she shook her head still casually sitting down. "I just happened to stumble across a barrier, I had to know what was behind it, I expected a barrier by you two to be much stronger it only took me 30 seconds to dispel it."

Scar glared at Adriana, how was she able to dispel it, that was one of her more powerful barriers, it should of taken weeks. "you hide yourself from me well, but now it'll be your time to die." she put out her hand the scythe appearing, "do you know what I've noticed about you? you use the ground to see" she raised her scythe "but what if there is no ground." she laughed as she made Adriana start to levitate off the ground
Roxas looked over at Raphael " i will take on Jason i will push him back.. " he quickly disappeared as he reappeared infront of Jason slaming his shoulder into him than kicked him sending him flying into the ground away from Scar.

Raphael then charged in appearing behind Scar as he kicked her very hard from behind. He glared at her as he made a very ancient angelic blade appear. It was known as the demon blood blade which devoured any demon that it came across " shes not alone.. you and Jason.. need to be destroyed
As Scar got hit, Adriana fell to the ground, she quickly recovered and stood up standing on the other side of Scar. She felt the presence of the demon blade, she was shocked, she heard only rumors of it before. She didn't want to go near it, it could be fatal if she did, so she hung back and decided to be support. She smirked and started chanting, soon Roxas and Raphael started to glow as Adriana was giving them a strength boost.

Scar got kick dropping her focus from Adriana, she looked and saw Raphael. She glared down at the blade, "where did you get that?" seeing it made her nervous, but she didn't show it, she was well aware that blade was made to end her life, end all her creations. "you really think you can destroy us?" she laughed
Jason smirked " the boy who was with that pathetic succubus girl.. she tried to lay with me but her power is weak and i didnt succumb to her attempts .only my loving Scar is worthy.." he popped his neck " i will end you quickly..

Roxas felt a huge boost of power as he smirked " you did something to her.. and well its pay back for what you did for almost killing her and all my friends.." he glared as he charged at Jason faster than he was..the boost made him alot stronger in this form.makimg him dead even with Jason their battle could be felt from all over. Not one letting up but Jason still could go further but the worlds limititation was to dangerous

Raphael glared at Scar " with your death the world will be safer alot safer.. both you and Jason die!!! Today!! " he charged at her as he swung the blade a wave of energy was quickly sent at her if she got hit by it. It would consume her until fully destroying her
Scar shook her head, "the only ones dying today will be you" she said as she disappear in a cloud of smoke reappearing behind Adriana, grabbing her by the back on her neck. "I'm not stupid girl I go after the support, I won't sit back and let you make them stronger and faster" she smirked and looked at Raphael "you want to swing that blade one more time? You attack me, you kill her in the process, afterall shes a demon."

Adriana tried to break free of Scar's grasp but couldn't so instead she would use it to her advantage. She pulled a small dagger out of her bag and thrust her arm backwards cutting Scar in the leg, she was stupid to hold her that close to herself. Immediately she put the dagger to her lips tasting Scar's blood.
Roxas continued his fight with Jason. He was starting to reach a point being evenly matched was not good.. seems like his mortal stamina was getting to him. Jason seemed like hd had an unlimited amount of it.

Jason grinned evily " your stronger i give you that but eventually you will tire out before i do " he grinned evily as he then looked over smelling Scars blood " no!! " he glared as he was about to charge over Roxas hit jason with everything he got punching through him as he exploded into a huge burst of energy his signiture vanishing

Roxas eyes went wide breathing heavily " i did it!! " he tgen headed over to wher Scar was and he appeared next to Raphael " Jason is dead..
Scar still had Adriana in her hands, the cut was merely a flesh wound, although she didn't like the idea of her having her blood. Scar gripped Adriana's neck snapping it, letting her limp body fall to the ground. "and so is she" she glared looking over where Jason was, he wouldn't just vanish, he had to have a trick up his sleeve. She looked down at her leg, the wound already healed, she raised her scythe casting lightning down, aiming to strike both of them with the hit.
Roxas was still weak from fighting Jason and he saw what she did to Adrianna he exploded as he charged at her his power surged knocking the lightning back at her a

Raphael then appeared to behind Scar with the blade attenmpting to thrust it into her but a force pushed her out of the way and Jason appeared getting stabbed an evil grin formed on his lips as he grabbed both Raphaels wrists and snapped them

Jason glared at Raphael kicking him away " you three are fools he pulled the blade out of him and using his own energy the blade was destroyed.
Scar spun her scythe in her hand making the bounced back lightning deflect and go all around them, not once hitting her. Scar turned to face Raphael after hearing his wrists breaking. She smirked watching Jason destroy the blade. And turned back to look at Roxas. "you still think you're a match for us?" she laughed "you haven't even managed to hurt me."
Raphael fell to his knees looking down " i failed. This cant be. " he was ready to accept his fate ready to die knowing there was nothing he could now.

Roxas glared his energy gone he had to think of something fast or else. He had one option an energy blast with everything he got in it but he needed time to charge it which they wouldnt allow him. " You pay!!!! For what you did to Adrianna!!! " he charged at Jason but then Jason quickly grabbed him by the throat. " im gking to torture you before i kill you.. two. " he then punched Roxas so hard in the gut he transformed to his normal self and went uncouncious.
Scar laughed, "so easy the weak go down" she smiled and walked over to Jason "what shall we do with them?" she kicked Roxas in the gut "oh I forgot you're still here" she said looking at Raphael. She pointed her scythe so it was right under his chin. "you die now" she said as she sent lightning straight at him.
Raphael gritted his teeth feeling the lightning go through him. He was dying feeling his life slip away but suddenly another presence came by as he sent a shockwave knocking them both back. He grabbed Raphael,Roxas and Adrianna and teleported them away far away hiding their presence

Zero eyes were wide has he saw Adrianna lay there motionless his hands were shaki g Adrianna.. " he walked up and looked at her " no.. dont be dead.. please.. " tears in his eyes he bit his wrist and focused all of his energy into his blood leaning her against him " dong be dead.. please he forced all of his blood into her mouth hoping he could save her
Scar watched them all disappear and turned to Jason "who the hell was that?" she crossed her arms.

Adriana lay there motionless, she didn't take the blood, she didn't move, her body was limp, unmoving.
Jason glared shaking his head " that kid is watching us but no matter that little girl is dead " he grinned evily

Zero stopped nothing was happening " please.. please " he felt useless he gave everything he had to revive her. Tears ran down his eyes" Adrianna.. dont leave me.. you were my first friend..

Raphael looked down ashe couldnt do anything she was gone snd he felt terrible " this cant be happening

Zero eyes turned blood red as a demonic energy took control.. " this is all your fault " he glared asa greater surge of energy shot through him as he hekd Adriana close to him his black scales forming on his skin his tears turning into steam
you would hear a loud poping noise as Adriana's neck snapped back into place, she sat upright so fast, as she took a deep breathe. She put her hand to her head shaking it. "what the fuck happened" she stopped, she realized there was a different presence here, at first she thought it was Jason still, but realized it wasn't "Zero?" she asked with uncertainty
Zero eyes went wide as his demonic energy went away. Be wipped his tears and rushed yowards her hugging her " i thought i lost you.. " he smiled tears still dropping from his eyes

Raphael sighed in relief glad that she was okay

Zero looked down " when i got there i saw you three and you were on the floor i thought you were dead.. i thought they manahed to kill you.. " he wiped mkre of his tears.. im so happy a d relieved your Okay
Adriana smiled and hugged him. "not a thing vampires like to advertise, but snapping our necks only leaves us unconscious for a few minutes" she shook her head "it doesn't kill us." she sighed "how is everyone else? Roxas?"
Zero looked over at Roxas that was knocked out " hes ok just glad i was near at the time. Ive been trying to get inside that castle luckily i was there. They were going to torture Roxas and straight kill Raphael.. " he sighed "

Raphael snapped his wrists back into place and healed them both " Roxas defeated Jason there bjt just seems he never dies " he looked down " the only sword that can destroy the first.. well thats gone were going have to come up with a different plan..

Zero shook his head " yeah stop attacking them let them come to you we got alot of friends so lets just wait besides.. going head on at them is not tge smartest thing to do..
Adriana nodded "Zero what are you doing here?" she hugged him, she knew they already did that but this was for him. "how did you even get here?"
Zero shrugged " i dont know one moment i was laying down in my bed asleep the next well i woke up here " he looked down " i was really broken when you left.. with my parents gone and then you i was left alone.. then that night went to bed and woke in the forest
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