Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Kaito opens the bag and was amazed at all the stuff she gave him. He went over and gave her a hug as he said thank you over and over again.
Aurianna smiled and hugged him back. "I figured as long as you went to school, you might as well feel like a normal kid." She told him. "And you should get all your textbooks today too."
"Thanks a lot aurianna" kaito said as he broke the hug. He took the bag and put it on as he was ready for school. He felt like a real student now.

(Night ^^)
Aurianna smiled more and swung her own bag over her shoulder. "You're welcome." She said. She locked her car and started for the entrance. School could be kind of boring, but she figured it wouldn't be anymore. Mainly because of Kaito.
Kaito followed her into the school with his bag slung over his back. "Hey aurianna I know this sounds a bit weird but how much did all this cost" he said as maybe he could repay her for it.
((Sorry for the delay...my computer was being ridiculously frustrating...))

Aurianna looked at him and smiled a little. "Don't worry about it." She told him. She figured he was thinking about repaying her somehow. She didn't want him to have to worry about the money thing at all. She knew it wasn't a big deal for her, but money was harder for him.
"Okay aurianna thanks a lot" kaito said as they go into the school. In the locker for aurianna was a picture of aurianna in nothing but her underwear. There was also a letter inside and on it was "I have other and if you don't want me to release them meet me after school alone".

(Its fine I understand)
Aurianna opened her locker and started in confusion as something fell to the floor. Picking it up, she hid the picture. She got scared. Who would even think of doing something like that? She read the note and fear flashed across her face for a moment. What was she supposed to do now?
Kaito was looking away and didn't see the picture or the note. He looks back and see that aurianna has a scared look on her face. "Aurianna are you okay" he said in a worried tone as he put his hand on her shoulder. He was behind her so he didn't see the note at all.
Aurianna quickly hid the note and picture, making sure he couldn't see. "What? Yeah, I'm okay." She said rather quickly. She closed her locker swiftly, producing a large bang. "Let's just go to class."
"Okay..." Kaito said as he follows her. She looks to be trouble but he didn't want push the subject. He was a bit confused why she just slammed the locker. There was a figure down the hall and it had a smirk before the figure disappear.
Aurianna made it to class. Though she couldn't focus. Her mind kept going to the note. How did the person get the pictures? She didn't think she gave anyone an opportunity to do such a thing.
It was lunch time now and kaito just was eating the snack in the bag. He looks over to see that aurianna had a bit of a distress look on her face. "Are you sure everything's okay" he said as he was concerned for her.
Aurianna looked up from her tray. She hadn't eaten anything, just pushed it around. "What?" She asked. "Oh, yeah, everything's fine." She said. "Don't worry about it." She hoped he believed it.
Kaito gave a sigh at her response and just watch over her. He was worried about her since she is his friend. "Hey aurianna are we friend" he said in a bit of a confused tone. He never really did have a friend and the subject a bit weird for him.
Aurianna looked up at him again. His questioned confused her for a moment. "I want to be." She said, glad for the distraction. "That is, if you want to be too."
"I never really have friend so I don't know how friend act" kaito said as he rubs the back of his head. He wanted a friend because he remembers that people would always talk about thier friends but for him he never had a story.
Aurianna smiled, just a little, at that. "Just be yourself." She told him. "That's all you have to do. I promise people will like you for being you. It may take awhile to find them, but it's worth it."
"Thank aurianna and yes I would love to be your friend" kaito said with a smile. He puts his hand out do her as he thought of her being his friend.
Aurianna smiled just a little more. "I'm glad to be your friend." She said. She took his hand, just thinking back to the note. She couldn't tell him about it. Not yet.
Kaito smiles and it was the end of lunch. "Well we better start to go to class" he said as he got up getting ready to go to class. There was a figure leaning on the wall watching aurianna but he was out of sight.
Aurianna nodded a little. She took her still-full tray and emptied it. She moved on to her next class, wanting the day to be over with. She didn't know where this person wanted to meet her, or how she'd get along, but she'd figure it out.
"It was the end of the day and kaito was getting ready for them to go back home. Thier was another bit in aurianna locker and it said "meet me in the music room now and rember come alone" the note said in her locker. Kaito was waiting at the front door waiting for aurianna.
Aurianna quickly read the note. She had to put an end to this. She turned to Kaito. "I forgot something." She said. "You can go to the car, I'll meet you there in a little bit." She added. She shut her locker and managed to hide her fear. Then she made her way to the music room.
"Okay..."kaito said as he started to go to the car but his curiosity got the better of him. He fakes going and he followed aurianna making sure he wasn't seen. He followed her as she made her way into the music room. "Why is she going there?" He thought curious why.

"Why hello aurianna" a student said as in his hands were more pictures of her half naked. "I'm guessing your wondering how I got this well you see that I used to be friends with your ex and when your bit looking he took some if these" he said holding them out for her before throwing them to her feet. "You better do what I say or I will send them all out" he said with a sadistic smirk on his face.

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