Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Aurianna had never been good with poetry. When Kaito read his, she listened intently. Not that many others did. She was a bit shocked by it. So was everyone else. When he finished, no one clapped. Aurianna started to clap and slowly others joined.
Kaito blushed a bit and rubs the back of his head sheepishly as he sits back down. "That was very good kaito" the teacher said with a smile as she impressed by his poem.
Aurianna nodded. She had to agree with the teacher. "Really good." She whispered to him.
"Thanks" kaito said as he stilled had the tiny blush on his face. It was a bit weird of getting this kind of praise.
Aurianna couldn't help but think that the blush was cute. She smiled a little more. "You're welcome." She said.
Kaito paid attention to the class and then the day ended. He stood up and waited for aurianna to go to the car with him. "Hey aurianna why don't I make you some dinner tonight since you have helped me so much" he said as he did do a cooking job a while back and they said he was good.
Aurianna smiled a bit. That was an offer she couldn't refuse. "Sure." She said with a smile. She packed up her stuff and fished her keys out of her bag.
They got to her car and kaito move to open her door. He was thinking what he could cook for her tonighty. "Hey aurianna is there any food you want specifically" he said as he kept the door open.
Aurianna smiled as she got in. She buckled her seatbelt and put the keys in the ignition. She thought about his question. "Hmm." She shrugged a little. "As long as it's not seafood, I'm okay, I guess." She said.
"Okay then I will make you a great dish for tonight" kaito said as he closes her door before entering himself into the car. He had the perfect dish for her to eat tonight.
Aurianna smiled more. "Can't wait." She said. She pulled out of the parking lot and started for her house again. She was ready to do her homework and just relax.
They went home and kaito opened the door for aurianna. Once he was done he change into his butler uniform and he starts to try to make the food. Eli came to school and the kitchen and she gave his leg a hug. "So how was school" he said with a soft smile.

"It was good so why are you making food" she said as he kept making food for aurianna.

"It's for aurianna since she helped me a lot" he said with a smile as he continues to make the food.
Aurianna smiled and thanked him again. She went upstairs and changed out of her uniform and hung it up. Now she was wearing jeans and a purple shirt. She didn't really try and make herself look amazing, she was fine being comfy. She sat at the desk in her room and started on her homework.
Kaito happily did the cooking and Eli was doing her homework in a little table in the kitchen. She was humming a little song as she did her work and kaito hummed as well. He was almost done with the food so he decided to get aurianna. He took a phone which was link to a speaker in her room. "Aurianna the food should be done in 10 min" he said as he continues to do the cooking.
Aurianna had just about finished her homework when she heard Kaito. So she stood up and went to the bathroom that connected to her room. She quickly washed up a little. Then she headed down to the dining room. She knew that she would probably be eating alone again.
Kaito had finish the dish he made for aurianna and put it on her chair. It was a surprise for her and he made some desert to but that would be for later.
Aurianna made it downstairs and looked at him when she walked into the dining. "So, do I get to know what I'm eating?" She asked him.
Kaito gave her a smile as he opens the dish. "It is chicken Parmesan with angel hair. The sauce is made from scratch" kaito said as the dish look good with the sauce dropped on the angel hair.
Aurianna smiled and sat down. "It looks and sounds delicious." She said. She picked up the fork and started to eat. "And tastes better, thank you Kaito." She said.
"Thanks I learned how to do it in my old job" kaito said as he worked as a cook. He was so young but he had lived such a long life.
Aurianna smiled more. She continued to eat, she was hungry. Then she looked up at Kaito. "Oh, for the homework, you can borrow my books until we get you yours." She told him.
"Thanks I will use it" kaito said as he just stands by her watching her eat. It was nice seeing someone enjoy the food.
Aurianna smiled again. She continued to eat the meal, it was really good.
Kaito made some meal for Eli and she joined the table with aurianna. She had a small blush on her face as she are his food.
Aurianna smiled at Eli. "Do you like it here?" She asked her. She kind of wanted to get to know Eli too.

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