Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

"Yes it's very nice here and brother looks better" Eli said a bit shyly as she ate. She was shy when meeting new people.
Aurianna smiled a little. "He's doing good in school too." She said. Sure, it was his first day, but she was going to make sure he kept doing good.
"That's good brother is always working I'm happy he could have an education" Eli said with a smile since she was smarter than the average girls.
Aurianna smiled again. "That's what I was thinking." She said. It was true. He worked hard for his sister. He deserved this much, at least.
Kaito smiles at his sister. She finishes her food and bid aurianna a goodbye before she went back to the house. "Well why do you think of my sister" he said looking at aurianna.
Aurianna smiled as Eli left. "She's sweet." She told him. "Reminds me of you." She added. He was doing a good job taking care of her all by himself.
"Thanks she can be a bit handful at time but she is my sister and I love her" kaito said with a smile as he stood there beside her. Eli is a nice girl but sometimes she could be a bit crazy and a handful.
Aurianna smiled a bit. "I think that is the same for every kid." She said. "I was kind of a handful until I hit high school." She told him. "Sure I drove Amma crazy most of the time."
Kaito chuckles a bit from her little story and looks at her with a smile. "I know I said it but I want to say it again. Thank you so much" he said as he gave her a little bow even though he knows she said not to do it.
Aurianna blushed at the bow. "You're welcome." She told him. She felt like she owed him after the whole Dante thing. Plus, he worked hard and he should get something out of it for himself. That's what she thought.
"Well are you finish aurianna it is almost bed time" kaito said as he looks over at a grandfather clock. In the dinig room. He did feel a bit bad that she had to eat alone without her dad thier.
Aurianna couldn't help but smile more. "You sound just like Amma." She told him. She finished eating the dinner. "It was really good." She said. "Thanks."
"Well it is my job to make sure you get to bed" kaito said as e took her plate and wash it before going back to her. "Is there anything you want me to do before you go to bed" he said just incase she had anything else she wanted him to do.
Aurianna rolled her eyes gently. Then she shook her head. There wasn't anything she could think of. "Well, do your homework." She said with a smile. She paused. "Great, now I sound like Amma."
Kaito chuckled at her for a bit before he looks at her. "Well then good night aurianna" he said as he open the door and its start to rain hard. Eli was still with him but he didn't think it would be a great idea to go out now.
Aurianna smiled. "Good night." With that, she went up to her room again. Then she got into pajamas and went to bed. She was tired and fell asleep quickly.
Kaito sighed as they couldn't go home at this type of weather. He sets up a little bed at the couch and he gave Eli the blanket and the couch. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and use a bundle of blanket for the pillow as he lays on the floor.
Aurianna slept peacefully through the night. She woke up to her alarm clock and quickly turned it off. Then she got dressed for school like she always did.
Kaito was sleeping on the floor and he woke up as the sun hits his face. He slowly get up feeling his back a bit hurting as he had slept on the floor. He looks over to his sister who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch.
Aurianna packed her bag for school again, having forgotten to last night. Then she started to walk downstairs. She smiled a bit when she saw Eli sleeping on the couch and Kaito there.
"Eli wake up it time for school" kaito said as she woke up and gave him a light yawn. Amma came and took care for amma. Kaito ran into the servant home and got ready as he goes back. He is in his school uniform as he opens the door of her car for her.
Aurianna smiled a bit and got in. "Thanks." She said. When he went to go get changed, she had put something for him in the backseat. She'd bring attention to it when they got to school.
Kaito smiled as he goes into the passenger seat and he buckles his seat. He felt his stomach grumble but didn't mind it. The reason why is because he didn't have any food this morning.
Aurianna drove to school and parked the car. "I have something for you." She said, turning to him. She snagged a backpack out of the backseat that wasn't hers. "I put this together yesterday." It had all of the essentials for school. Even a few snack things for him.

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