Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Aurianna was scared. With shaking hands, she opened the door. "Why?" She asked quietly, his smirk scaring her. "Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?" She didn't want him to send out the pictures.
"Why it's pretty simple I love your body and I want you to be my slave so now if you don't want those picture strip to your underwear" the student said with a smirk as he sits back on the chair.

Kaito heard what was happening and was clenching his fist. He was trying his best to formulate a plane to save aurianna.
Aurianna's heart raced. There were a few tears in her eyes as he sat down. Why did it have to be her? 'Someone help me.' She thought as she hesitated more. She didn't want to do this. She wished that he would just leave her alone. Her hands started to shakily undo her tie. She didn't have a choice. It was either just this guy, or the whole school.
"Oh don't be shy strip to your underwear or...." The guy said as he opens his phone and there was a picture of her in her underwear. "I will press the send button" he said with a lecheroues smile loving the look of her face.

Kaito bit his lip thinking in his head for and idea then he thought of one. He opens his bag and his idea would take a while but it should work.
Aurianna wanted to break down and cry. "Please don't." She said quietly. She didn't want the entire school to see it. Her tie was off and she undid the only button on the blazer. All that was left was her skirt and shirt. She hoped someone would save her before then.
Kaito took a heavy text book out of his Bach and got ready for his plan. Kaito ran into the room and he threw the book at him. The student drops the phone and push the book away. Kaito was able to kick him but he wa still up.

"Ooh you shouldn't have played hero" the student said as he took out a pocket knife. He started to lunge at with the intent to kill him. Kaito starts to dodge but his clothes got a bit cut. Kaito puts his hand where the blade and it cut throught his hand but now he has a grip on him. Kaito takes a good swing on his chin and now the student as unconioues on the ground. Kaito held his hand which was bleeding quite a bit due to there is a knife in it. He but his lip trying to suppress the to cry out in pain.
Aurianna let out a small scream when Kaito came in the room. She held her breath, gasping a little when Kaito was cut. When the student was unconscious, she relaxed. Though only a little. She then moved quickly, her nerves not gone but replaced by something else. She grabbed her tie and wrapped it around his hand. "What were you thinking?" She asked him. "I-I told you to wait at the car."
"Friend should always help each other aurianna" kaito said with a light smile. He looks down at his hand which still had the knife embedded in it. He held his breath and with a quick pull took it off. He but his lip to the point he broke the sking and a trail of blood comes from his mouth, there were also tears coming out of his eyes. He takes the knife and stabs the phone so all the pictures were gone. He just holds his hand that was bleeding with a panting breath.
Aurianna felt so guilty. She tied the tie around his hand tightly to stop the bleeding. "You shouldn't have." She told him. The bleeding was bad. "We should get you to the hospital." She said. "I think you need stitches."
"Yeah call 911" kaito said as he hold his hand to make sure the bleeding would stop. The unconscious kid starts to wake up and kaito kicks his head to knock him out again. He keeps him down as he sits on his chest.
Aurianna gasped as he kicked the kid again. She was still scared by the whole thing. She managed to find her phone an dial 911. As the operator asked questions, Aurianna leaned on the wall. She was still shaking and just wanted this to be over. "I'm sorry." She said to Kaito.
"Don't worry I will be fine okay" kaito said and after a short while the ambulance and police came. They put the kid in the police car and kaito was put on a stretcher. The had allowed aurianna to con I to the ambulance with them.
Aurianna still felt bad. When the ambulance came, Aurianna got in. Her bag and blazer forgotten for now. She still had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said again. "I'm really sorry Kaito."
Kaito looks at her before taking his good hand and using to hold hers. "Aurianna I already told you your my friend so of course I would protect you" he said with a light smile on his face as he looks at her.

(Night ^^)
Aurianna blushed a bit when he took her hand. "B-But if it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be hurt." She said. "This is all my fault." The tears spilled over. "It's my fault."
"Don't cry aurianna I am fine okay" kaito said as they got to the hospital. He got sent to gets some stitches done in his hand but aurianna could go with him. She had to stay outside waiting for himz
Aurianna still felt awful. When she finally got separated from him, she called Amma. She explained a little of what happened and Amma said that someone would get their things from school and then pick them up at the hospital.
Kaito got the stitches and aurianna was allowed in. Kaito was on the bed with his hand in bandages waving at her. "Hey aurianna" he said with his good hand.
Aurianna walked in to the room when she was finally allowed in. "I'm sorry." She said again, fresh tears in her eyes. She knew that he didn't want her crying, but she couldn't stop. This was her fault and she knew it was.
Kaito get a sad smile and uses his hand to wipe away a tear. "Look aurianna I don't regret saving you" he said with a smile as he uses his hand to cup her face to look at him.
Aurianna tried to stop crying. "I know you don't." She said quietly. "And I'm really grateful to you that you did. I just feel so guilty." She looked down. "It's my fault you got hurt and I lied to you about it."
"Aurianna looks before my parents died they told me one thing. In life there is 2 things you should always protect and that's family and friends. You are my friend aurianna so no more tears okay" kaito said softly to her as he wipes away any tears on her face. He didn't want her to feel bad because he got injured.
Aurianna managed to stop crying. Without thinking, she moved to hug him. "Thank you." She said, wrapping her arms around him. She was truly grateful to him. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Your welcome aurianna" kaito said as he returned the hugs with his good hand before breaking it. He laid down on the bed with and quickly fell asleep since the Anastasia was working.

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