Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Kaito finished it and looks over to see aurianna was sweating and a bit panting. He got her towel and water as he goes over to her with it. "Here aurianna" he said as he held then out to her.
Aurianna had just flipped off the beam and landed on her feet. She looked up Kaito as he came over. "Thanks." She said, grabbing the towel. It was still weird, but she didn't mind it so much.
Kaito smiled as he took his own to drink and used his towel. He sits down a bit resting since he was a bit tired after all that exercising.
Aurianna smiled a bit. She patted herself off and then got back on the beam. There was one part she was struggling with and she wanted to fix it.
Kaito stood up and started to do some pull ups. He then switch so he was using his legs for the pull up working out for his abs.
Gym would be over soon. So Aurianna got off the beam and looked at Kaito. "It's time to change now." She said. She went to the girls locker room. When she got out, it looked as if she hadn't gone to gym at all.
Kaito gave her a nod before he jumped down the bar and goes to the changing room. He comes out in his normal uniform. He looks around to see that student were heading to the cafeteria. "Is it lunch now" he said with a confused experssion.
Aurianna looked at him and nodded a little. "Yes it is." She said with a smile. "Don't worry about paying, either." She said. "We've got it. It's kind of like a job expense."
"Okay then lets go" kaito said as they went to the cafeteria. All the food look expensive but kaito got the cheapest food. It was just one hotdog. He sits on the table and ate the hotdog.
Aurianna got a salad, an apple, and a water. She wasn't really that hungry. "That's all you're eating?" She asked. "You really don't have to worry about the lunch money thing." She told him.
"It's completely fine it enough" kaito said as he was lieing but he didn't mind. He usually eats less then his sister since he wants her to get the most food. He didn't really mind just eating a bit and already finish the food.
Aurianna sighed to herself a little. "Okay." She said. "So, any questions so far?" She asked him. School could be confusing to anyone and she didn't want him struggling alone.
"Not really I feel a bit awkward but other than that I'm fine" kaito said as he gave her a smile as he looks at the cafeteria. He notice groups of friends talking to each other but he notice aurianna was only with him. "Hey aurianna don't you have a group of friends like everyone here" he said as he though maybe she not sitting with them because she was helping him.
Aurianna smiled. "Everyone feels that way at first. You'll get over it." She told him. When she mentioned friends, she shrugged. "I have Lucy, but we don't share the same lunch period, she's the period after us." She told him. "I guess aside from her, not really. I just don't like getting caught up in the drama."
"Okay I just thought theat you know your a sweet and carrying person so I thought you would have a good bit of friends" kaito said just the truth when he told her that. She to him was a very generous person since she's going out of her way to help him back to school.
"Aww, thank you." Aurianna smiled more. "I forgot." She smiled again. "I have another friend, but he moved to Germany, so we're just kind of penpals now."
"Okay that's sounds nice" kaito said and then a group of teenage girls came up to him. They look to be a bit of the snobby type but kaito couldn't really tell.

"Hey you are the new student what you did in gym class was so awesome. We are having a party this weekend it would be awesome if you could come" they said and they handed him a flyer. They look at aurianna for a second before just going away.

Kaito looks down and read the paper a bit surprise he got invited to a party so quick. He then looks over to see they didn't give aurianna a paper.
Aurianna looked up as a group of girls came up and started talking to Kaito. They didn't like Aurianna much. So when they were talking to him, she rolled her eyes. Not that they saw it. When they looked at her, she smiled politely and waved. When they walked away, she relaxed. "And that's the drama I was talking about." She said.
"I see what you mean" kaito said as he took the paper and just threw it away. He didn't want to go to the party anyway. "Hey aurianna thank you for all that you did" he said with a smile to her from where he was at.
Aurianna smiled more. "I don't think I've done that much." She said. "But you're welcome." She added. It clearly meant a lot to him, so she wasn't going to downplay it much.
Kaito smiled and the bell ringed. He stood up and waited for aurianna to finish her lunch. He wonders what the next class would be some it was going to he the last class for today.
Aurianna took care of her tray and turned to him. "Now we have English." She said. It was her favorite class. Call her crazy, but she loved reading and writing.
"Okay lets go" kaito said as they went into English class. He sat down on the chair waiting for the professor to come in.
Aurianna walked to English. She sat down and waited. They were starting off the class with a journal entry. She ripped out a sheet of paper for him to borrow and handed him a pencil. "Here." She said. "Use these."
"Thank you" kaito said as he took the paper and wrote on it for the journal entry. The teacher apperantly was big on poverty so for a little first assignment they had to write there own.

"Kaito do you want to share yours with us" she said with a light smile as she pointed at him.

Kaito gave her a nod before he stood up and decided to read his prom to the class.

"You may see me struggle

but you won't see me fall.

Regardless if I'm weak or not I'm going to stand tall.

Everyone says life is easy

but truly living it is not.

times get hard, .........."

He said as he used a lot of conviction into his poem.

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