Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Kaito was about to let go of her hand but she looked peaceful holding onto it. He just holds her hand and rubs the top of it with his thumb. He gives a soft smile as he moves a piece of her hair away to reveal her beautiful face.
Aurianna was comforted in her sleep by his hand. It reminded her of her mom, from years ago. Whenever Aurianna got sick, that's what her mom said. She slept for a few a hours.
Kaito yawned a bit and decided to take a small nap. He rest his head on the side of the bed and holding onto her hand. He had a light smile as he holds her hand.
Aurianna woke up when Kaito was sleeping. She felt bad that he had stayed the entire time. She carefully moved and took a small throw blanket and placed it over his shoulders. Then she closed her eyes again and tried to sleep.
Kaito felt something had touched him and he woke up. He looks up to see the blanket on him. He looks to see she was a sleep and just gives a light smile. "Thank you" he said as he just held her hand.
Aurianna subconsciously heard his thank you. She smiled a bit in her sleep and curled up more. She wanted him to just be her friend. Though she knew he needed this job. Not just for him, but for Eli. So she could live with him being her butler for now.
Kaito took off the blanket and let go of her hand to stretch for a bit. He changes the towel on her head again to make her a bit cooler and he still thought she was asleep.
Aurianna felt the cooler towel and felt better. She was still sleepy and rolled over carefully. She didn't want to knock the towel off. Her dreams were chaotic and confusing to her.
Kaito looks over to see she had a bit of a scared. He then was thinking of a way to calm her down. He took her hand and hummed a small lullaby it was one his mom used when he had a hard time to sleep.
Aurianna smiled a bit hearing the song. It was nice and soothing. She fell back asleep sooner than she would have thought she could.
Kaito felt her relax and that was good the whole day was coming to a close since it was already night time. He just looks at her and gives her a light kiss on the fore head before getting up to exit the room.
Aurianna blushed at the kiss. Not that he could tell, she was still flushed from the fever. When he left, she stirred again until she found a comfortable position.
Kaito went back to the small house and he had some dinner with his sister. He slept knowing that tomorrow would be the first day he would be going to school but he had to go also as her butler.
Aurianna woke up the next morning to her alarm and did feel better. She took a quick shower and changed into her school uniform. She wore a plaid skirt, white button-down, red blazer, and a black tie. It wasn't the coolest uniform, but she didn't mind it so much. She slipped on the white knee-high socks, though she had them bunched around her ankles and the black shoes too.
Kaito started the next day and it would seem amma would take Eli to school. He gave Eli a hug before putting on the butler uniform. He waited in the front door of the house for aurianna to come so they could go to school. He didn't know what school though but it had to be some really expensive private school.

(Night ^^)
Aurianna had Amma enroll Kaito into the school. She grabbed her backpack and her car keys. She met Kaito and she smiled a little. "Morning." She said. She was definitely feeling normal again.
"Morning aurianna do you want me to drive you to school" kaito said as he got his driving lisscence by just doesn't have a car to use it. He holds out his hands if she wanted to give him the keys.
Aurianna smiled a bit. "That's okay." She said. "Driving is one of the things that I actually get to do." She added as she got in. She threw her bag in the backseat. She was sure that school with her 'butler' would be a bit awkward, but she'd have to get used to it.
"Okay then" kaito said as he got into the passenger seat in the front of the car. He buckles himself in and was a bit amazed that the car looked to be expensive. "So what the name of the school" he said as he just wanted to see what it would be like at first.
Aurianna smiled a little. "Covington Preparatory for the Elite." She said. "Everyone just calls it Cove though." She started to pull out of the long driveway and headed to the school. "First thing we're going to do when we get there is get you a uniform so you don't stand out so much." She told him. She didn't want people to be mean because he was wearing something different.
"Are you sure I mean I don't eve have supplies. I wouldn't mind just wearing this uniform" kaito said as he didn't want to be too much of a bother. He also didn't mind wearing the butle unifor.
Aurianna nodded a little. "Well, we're gonna have to fix that too." She said. She really didn't mind getting the stuff he needed. "Besides, I'm making it my mission to make you graduate and that, for some reason, starts with the uniform." She told him. "That and it'd just feel weird if you weren't wearing the uniform."
"Thanks a lot aurianna for what you are doing I'm extremely grateful" kaito said with a smile as they make it to the school. Kaito was amazed that the school looks so fancy and expensive. It did make him feel a bit uncomfortable but the only reason why was that he only went to a public school before. He only went to the first month of high school before he drop out to help support his sister.
Aurianna smiled again. "You're welcome." She said. She parked close to the main building and put her keys in her bag. "Come on. First stop, the main office." She opened her door. "That's where you'll get your uniform and locker assignment. Your schedule is the same as mine, so that's not an issue."
"Okay" kaito said with a smile as he walked out of the car and open her door. He looks at the grand school and the student roaming around it did made him feel a bit unsecured.

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