Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Aurianna felt hot when he touched her. She didn't liked it when he removed the blanket though. She definitely didn't feel good. "Think I'm sick." She mumbled quietly. She grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her again. She was too cold without it, but felt hot with it. So she decided to leave it on.
"Yea it looks like you have a fever wait here" kaito said as he goes down stairs and grab a bucket of water with a towel. He goes back to her room and puts the soak towel on her head. "Do you want any type of medicine." He said as he stood beside her.
Aurianna felt better with the towel. Even though it seemed like he'd been gone forever. She shook her dizzy head lightly at the medicine concept. "Hate medicine." She muttered. If this went on very long, Amma would force her to take something. But for now she could get away with taking anything.
Kaito felt indifferent and knew she needed the medicine. "Wait I know how to help be right back" he said as he went fast down stairs and went to work. He got some indgridients together and whip up some tea. The tea he made is his own recipe and it always helped when Eli got a cold or a fever. He runs back up stairs with the tea in hand. "Aurianna try this it will help with the fever" he said as he showed the tea to her.
Aurianna slowly opened her eyes. She didn't see a problem with drinking tea. Slowly, she sat up. It made her dizzy and she felt like the room was spinning. When it finally stopped, she took the tea. "Thank you." She said quietly.
"It's no problem but still rest the tea will help you but it doesn't stop it" kaito said as he took the tea cup and put it on a desk near her bed. "You feel better now right" he said as he looks at her with a light smile.
Aurianna laid back down. She heard him ask how she was. "Hot and cold." She said, pulling the blanket up higher. She wanted the fever to go away.
"Well your just going to have to let it runs its course aurianna" kaito said as he sits beside her giving her and change the towel on her head with a new one.
Aurianna tried to nod, but it made her dizzy again. She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep. She curled into a ball and eventually went back to sleep. She hated being sick. If this kept up, she'd have to miss school tomorrow.
Kaito stood beside her bed most of the day changing her towel periodically. He also made sure to wipe away any sweat he sees to make her more comfortable.
Aurianna, though asleep, was aware of Kaito's presence. Maybe it was because she didn't feel as crappy as she usually did when she was sick. She moved around a lot though, trying to stay comfortable. One of the times he changed the towel, she was sort of awake. "Thank you." She mumbled softly.
"It's not problem it's my duty to make sure your healthy" kaito said softly as he continues to change the towels. He saw some sweat on her neck and rub it gently off for her.
Aurianna felt happy, but she couldn't say why. Maybe it was because it felt nice to know she wasn't alone. Even if the only reason she wasn't was because of his job. She fell asleep again soon after, sleep being the only time she felt sort of comfortable.
Kaito smiles seeing her asleep and decided to go down stairs. He whips her up some chicken soup so she could have some food in her stomach. He comes upstair to see she was still sleeping and waited for her to wake up.
Aurianna grew restless again. She woke up and kicked the blanket off. It was too hot. Now she cold though. She figured she'd have to deal with it. She turned her head and saw him. "What's that?" She asked quietly, meaning the bowl of soup.
"It's some food for you I'm thinking that your probably hungry" kaito said as he sets the food on her bed. She needed food since she hasn't ate anything for this whole day at all.
Aurianna didn't feel hungry. That was just because she was sick. She took the bowl and ate it slowly. Food would probably be helpful. When she finished, she looked down. "Thank you." She said again. She put it aside and laid back down.
Kaito looks at her with a soft smile as she laid back down. "So aurianna you know I just want to ask but where were your parents they weren't there at dinner last night" kaito said as he was quite curious about that little fact.
Aurianna closed her eyes, but she didn't sleep. "Dad's always working." She mumbled. A small tear fell from her eye. She curled into a tiny ball as she continued. "Mom's always watching." That's what she always said. It hurt less than saying she was dead.
Kaito felt a bit sad for her and gave her a soft sad smile. He took her hand and held it in his. "My parents are watching over me too from up there" he said as a small year fell from his eyes as he just held her hand.
Aurianna saw the tear and felt sad. She reached up and wiped it away. "They wouldn't want us to be sad." She said quietly before closing her eyes again.
Kaito gave her a light smile and wipe away the tear from her. "Your right that's why we must be happy" he said with a soft smile to her as he continued to hold her hand.
Aurianna nodded a little. "Unfortunately, it's hard to be happy when you're sick." She added. She tried to fall asleep, but she was still cold. She pulled the blanket over her again. "Stupid body." She muttered.
Kaito chuckles a bit and looks at her. "It's normal but don't worry by tomorrow the cold should be completely gone" he said as the fever should be gone and she should be fine.
Aurianna nodded a little more. She still held his hand as she fell back asleep. It was really nice to have someone there for her. She never liked feeling alone, which sometimes happened too much in the house.

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