Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Aurianna could tell he was a bit nervous. That was expected though. "Just stick with me and you'll be fine." She added. She led him to the main office where a woman handed him a uniform.

"You can change in there." She said politely, pointing to a closed room.
Kaito gave her a nod before going into a room and change into the uniform. He put the butler uniform into a bag and put it into the car. He comes back to aurianna wearing the uniform. "So how do I look" he said as he looked at himself Ina mirror.
Aurianna smiled as he returned. "You look like you'll fit in just fine." She said. The warning bell rang and she looked to the door. "Come on, don't want to be late to our first class." She paused a moment. "Our teacher is kind of a stick-in-the-mud. Even for teachers." She told him as she started walking.
"Okay so what is our first class" kaito said as he followed close to her as they walk the hallways of the school. He see that students were there and chatting up with thier friend.
Aurianna wove her way through the students. "We have Physics." She said. "It's still pretty easy, so you should be able catch up." She'd help him too. She wanted him to at least graduate, or want to graduate anyway.
"Okay" kaito said as he goes into the room with her and looks to see it was filled. There were 2 empty seats net to each other and sat on one. He then rember he didn't even have a notebook for the class.
Aurianna sat down and looked at him. "I have extra stuff at home you can have." She told him before class started. "Then you can copy the notes I already have for our classes."
"Okay thanks you again" kaito said as he scratch the back of his head sheepishly. He felt a bit bad she was using all these resources on him.
"You're welcome." Aurianna smiled a bit. Then the teacher started talking. It wasn't the most exciting way to learn. He put note on the board and talked at the students about them. He expected them to write it down quickly and that's what Aurianna did.
Kaito looks at the board and was able to remeber most of the notes just by looking. He had a good amount of photographic memory.
Aurianna had about two pages of notes when class was over. She packed her notebook away and turned to him. "And now we're off to calculus." She said. "That class might be harder to catch up on, seeing as it deals with all the math you learn in high school. Or most of it anyway." She was going to make sure he passed though.
"I will try my best" kaito said as he rember most of what they did in physics. He was smart and a natural genius but because of his jobs he just never went to school. He walked in the hallways and see the friend of aurianna that was thier at the house a few days a go.
Aurianna again managed to start weaving her way through the halls. Then she saw Lucy and smiled. "Hey Lu." She said as she joined them. Lucy, without missing a beat, dove into a recap of her weekend. Aurianna listened and nodded when needed. She didn't think about bringing up Dante. Lucy didn't need to know that.
Kaito just stood there beside her feeling a bit awkward just listening but it was his job. He was a student but he was her butler first. It was his Kobe to make sure she was safe and happy.
Lucy split off to go to gym and Aurianna made sure that they made it to calculus on time. She sat down in one of the desks and turned to Kaito. "Okay, so this teacher is really nice." She said. "She takes time to actually explain stuff, so if there's anything that confuses you, just ask."
"Okay thanks" kaito said as he sits beside her and looks to the class. He watches the teacher come in and starts the class. She wrote all the numbers on the wall and he rembered it but still doesn't understand the process on how to get the answer.
Aurianna started writing down the notes and more side-notes on how to remember stuff easier. She liked making things simpler anyway and it was easy to do in math.
The classes ended and kaito waited for aurianna to get all of her stuff. "So what the next period" he said as he was enjoying school even though it felt a bit odd.
Aurianna smiled a bit. "The class I hate most, that's what." She said. "We have gym next." She smiled just a little more. "Except the teachers still insist on us calling it P.E." She paused a moment. "Speaking of which, I forgot, the office gave me your gym uniform too." The school was all about uniforms.
"Okay wait let me change" kaito said as they went into the changing room and he changes into the uniform. He comes out and the shirt was a bit tight to show his pretty good built body. He stands there waiting for the coach to tell them what to do
Aurianna went to change too. With her small frame, the shirt was kind of baggy, but she didn't mind. Today they were working on tumbling stuff. Aurianna wasn't sure why, but she didn't care. It was the one thing she was good at.
Kaito did the exercise and the running to. The exercise were fun for him since it felt good to exercise. He also did some pole vaulting just for the fun for it.
Aurianna watched Kaito for a bit. He was amazing. Then she took a running start at a rather long mat. She flipped all the way down it and landed on her feet. She loved flipping, it felt freeing.
Kaito did the physical abilities with a smile and it was time for vaulting. Kaito ran up to it and jumped but puts his hand on it before using his momentum for a awesome flip over.
Aurianna smiled as she watched him. She couldn't vault. So she managed to get out of it but doing a routine on the beam. After Kaito had vaulted, she gracefully pulled herself onto the beam. Then she did a series of flips.

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