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Fandom Qᴜᴀʀʀʏ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴡɴ, 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧. [IC]

girls’ night

cabin 2
s Ramona stepped into the sanctuary of Cabin 2, she was immediately plunged into near-darkness. The shadows of trees outside cast elongated shadows through the open curtains, branches reaching like bony, gnarled fingers across the worn, wooden floor.

Her hand flew to the wall beside the door, running along the paneling until she bumped the switch, effectively illuminating the space.

Heaving a sigh, Mona dragged herself across the room, barely allowing herself the time to kick off her dirty sneakers before flopping onto the bed, the force of the action causing the old mattress to squeak beneath her weight. Her head rested on the pillow as she picked at her nails, body curved somewhat uncomfortably to allow her feet to dangle off the side, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Bright light aside, five more minutes alone and still, and Ramona was sure that sleep would take her into its grasp, creeping in and settling over her tired mind like a thick fog, though she doubted she’d be so lucky—living with five other girls, moments of peace were few and far between.

Riley couldn’t say she was surprised to see that the lights were on and that someone had beaten her back to the cabin already. Seems she wasn’t the only one who was ready to turn in for the night. Her hand lifted to cover her mouth as a yawn forced its way through as Riley climbed the steps.

Pushing open the door she blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the bright light. “Hey Mona.” Riley greeted despite the fact that it hadn’t been that long since she’d seen her friend, dinner had literally just ended, but she also knew that with the way Mona was laying on the bed that she wouldn’t have immediately known who was walking through the door.

Ramona glanced up for the first time since lying down, brown eyes finding Riley where she stood by the doorframe. “Hi, Riley,” she answered, forcing her mouth into a wavering smile.

Kicking off her sneakers Riley bent down to place them next to Mona’s. With this many girls staying in one cabin she silently hoped that they could all be adults and keep their shared space clean. Riley hated when things got messy.

Walking over to the bed she’d claim earlier Riley pulled her suitcase from under her bed. She began pulling out her toiletries and the pajamas she planned on wearing to bed tonight. As much as Riley wanted to crawl under the covers and sleep there was no way she’d be able to comfortably without feeling gross if she didn’t brush her teeth, and take a shower. Plus the other girls still had to come back and get ready themselves, even if she did lay down she wouldn’t be able to sleep with the lights on and people talking around her.

“I’m claiming the bathroom first.” Not having to wait her turn to clean up was a godsend and Riley was disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind her before Mona could respond.

“Be my guest,” Mona murmured.

"Dibs on the bathroom second, then," Isla announced her arrival with the claim as soon as she was through the door, removing her shoes and placing them beside Riley's and Mona's, "Hello, Ramona, it's nice to see you."

They walked to the bunk they had chosen, finding their trunk and pulling it out. Isla deftly hid the totem they found earlier in a little compartment and covered it before pulling out their toiletries and pajamas for the night. They removed any jewelry they wore, carefully placed it back into the box they brought for it, and closed the trunk.

With the trunk closed and put away again, Isla placed her pajamas and case of toiletries on her bed before climbing onto the top bunk and sitting with her back against the wall, long legs hanging over the side of the bed.

At the addition of a third voice, Ramona’s head swiveled toward the entrance yet again to find Isla positioned there now—an easy guess, given their distinctly proper way of speaking.

Mona may not have cared all that much that Renee’s and Paige’s fates had been left open-ended, but she could sympathize with Isla. Out of all of the people at camp, she was the one Ramona could truly believe was pained the most by her sisters’ disappearances—not like the many others using their supposed “deaths” as an excuse to act badly or place themselves on a pedestal, claiming to want to do better in the names of Renee or Paige. They didn’t deserve Mona’s pity, and while she knew Isla likely wouldn’t want any, she was the only person who deserved it, save for Jonathan, perhaps.

“Hi. It’s good to see you, too, Isla.”

Despite her warning against it to Cooper, Ramona was tempted now to go for a walk of her own. Rest had evaded her, forgotten entirely now that she had company, and she needed to do something to calm herself down for the night. Typically, she’d read, but her mind was far too restless for that, and besides that, Riley’s rather noisy shuffling around in the bathroom would’ve made it almost impossible to concentrate.

Mona propped herself up on her elbows, careful to not raise herself all the way up, lest she smack her head on the bottom of the bunk above her. “Do you guys wanna do something?” she asked, loud enough that both of her current companions could hear.

It didn’t have to be a hike around the camp’s borders—Mona would settle for just about anything at this point.

“Do what?” Riley asked, calling out from the bathroom, pulling her hair into a ponytail so that she could brush her teeth and wash her face without worrying about it getting in her way. She wouldn’t mind doing something depending on what it was, she wasn’t sure she had the energy to go hiking right now–hell she hardly had the energy to do what she was doing right now but she’d be willing to push her tiredness aside if what her cabin mates suggested was tempting enough to.

She stuck her head outside of the bathroom, brown eyes looking at Mona curiously. “Whatever it is, you better figure it out before I decide to get in the shower. Once my pajamas are on I’m not leaving this cabin.”

"While I would prefer to stay in the cabin, there isn't much to do here," Isla mused, head tilting to one side thoughtfully, "I do have an idea that could make this first night more fun. Why don't we borrow the TV and a couple of movies from the lodge?" She sat up with a smile, looking down at Mona from her top bunk.

"It isn't like anyone will stop us, and if they do I'll use my charm and Evergreen privilege to get us out of it," Isla hopped down from the bunk, her eyes lighting up with excitement, "Or to distract them while the rest of you grab the TV and movies." She shrugged, twirling a strand of hair with her finger absentmindedly.

“You want to steal the tv?” Riley asked, turning her head to look at Isla. It did sound kind of tempting...

Ramona’s gaze brightened, grin—the first that’d been genuine all day—breaking out across her face as her attention turned to the blonde. Judging by Isla’s enthusiasm, they needed it just as much as she did.

It was the kind of scheme that Mona would’ve taken part in as a child, and though her partners in crime would be different now, she couldn’t help the way her mood lifted at the prospect of familiar antics.

“That’s perfect,” Ramona agreed. “We could get snacks from the kitchen, too. Of course, Juliette might still be there, but we could take her.”

The girl got to her feet, ducking out from beneath the top bunk, and circled her bed to lean against one of the posts as she peered at Riley expectantly. “What do you say? Is it worth postponing your shower for?”

Leaned up against the bathroom door Riley thought for a few moments. It would be nice to watch some movies tonight, they had to wait for the others to come anyway and at least this way they’d be entertained while doing so. Plus with Isla with them what was the worst that could happen? What were they going to do-write up Johnathon’s daughter?

“Yeah I’m down.” Riley nodded her lips lifting into an amused smile. She stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind herself. This better be worth it, if they came back and someone was in the shower and she had to go in when it was already wet and steamy she’d be pissed. “Is your dad still here or did he leave already?” Riley targeted the question towards Isla as she went to put her shoes back on.

If he was then Isla would be the perfect person to distract him while Riley and Mona grabbed the tv and movies.

"I don't think so," Isla followed Riley's lead and pulled their shoes back on, "From what I could tell he had to meet with someone, probably in town if I had to take a guess."

They paused, expression thoughtful, "If by some random chance we run into Hugo or Eva, leave it to me. They're family, so it'd be a nice time to distract and catch up with them." Isla nodded to herself, content with that plan.

“Guess we better get moving then,” Ramona decided, already crossing the room toward the line of shoes. “No telling how long that meeting will last.”

Mona held the door open for the others to follow her outside. There were still quite a few groups of stragglers scattered throughout the village, prolonging their inevitable curfew for as long as the counselors would turn a blind eye to their preteen rebellion. Among those was the girls Ramona had had an awkward conversation with only a few minutes ago—they still maintained their posts by the fire, presumably delved into another bout of gossip, though Mona made a conscious effort to ignore them as she passed this time.

It was a longer trek to the Lodge than Ramona had remembered, something that would inevitably create a bit of an unexpected hiccup as the three of them rolled the TV back to their cabin, though she didn’t dare bring it up and risk putting a damper on their otherwise upbeat attitudes.

Overhead, the sky had turned to a murky blue—not quite nightfall yet but a promise that it would be soon enough.

Riley stepped out of the door, placing her hands into her pockets as she went down the steps. Just as she had predicted hours ago there were still a few groups of kids hanging around, probably more out of spite than anything else. Kids always hated being told what to do, especially at a summer camp when they were there to have fun not be held down by strict rules and a curfew that had never been implemented before.

As they grew closer to the lodge she looked towards Isla, “So what’s the plan when they inevitably notice that the tv is missing?” The dvds probably wouldn’t be noticed right away, they had so many that they weren’t going to miss the handful(s) that the girls took with them but they only had one tv on camp grounds and sooner or later someone was going to realize its absence.

"Leave it to me," Isla smiled, casting a side glance at Riley, "I'll call my dad and let him know we can't find the TV. With it being the start of the session, it shouldn't be too difficult to replace."

“Wow, I’m impressed, Isla,” Mona said, eyebrows raising. “I’ve known you all these years and never noticed you were an evil genius.” Her words may have sounded insulting if not for the way her mouth curved upward approvingly.

Riley shook her head with a small smile. Mona was right, Isla was definitely an evil genius but she was also the only person who could pull something like this off. Even if Johnathon put two and two together he wouldn’t punish the only daughter he had left- especially not for a tv of all things. “If we weren’t friends I might be worried about how big your brain is.” Riley joked, lifting her arm to playfully nudge Isla in the side with her elbow.

Isla laughed as she walked beside them, the corners of her eyes crinkling slightly, "Oh, you're too kind."

After a few more minutes passed the trio finally reached the lodge. Pushing the cart with the tv all the way back to their cabin was going to be a bitch.

“Isn’t the lodge locked at night?” She asked, her tone curious. Riley couldn’t accurately remember, it had been a while since she’d ever had to come here late at night.

"There's a very simple answer to that question," Isla twirled around on their toes and pulled a bobby pin from their hair, holding it out along with a pick, "This is actually the second answer. The first is we try the door to see if it's unlocked because it's possible it still is. It's worth checking."

Ramona stepped forward, peering first through the window to see if anyone inside was close enough to realize they had company, then, upon deeming the coast was clear, tried the knob. As expected, it was sealed tightly for the night. “Second option it is,” she announced, turning back to the others. Her gaze settled on Isla before asking, “Do you want to do it or should I?”

"Would you like to rock, paper, scissors for it?" The corners of Isla's lips quirked upward into a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

“You two have at it.” Riley was content to stand off to the side and act as a sort of referee. Plus she had no idea how to pick a lock anyway so there was no point in her trying to participate in their little game. “I say whoever loses has to help push the cart back with me.”

Mona gave it her best attempt, but Isla was a worthy opponent. Despite multiple ties—proof that the two were fairly evenly matched in terms of strategy—the blonde came out on top. “It’s about time I put my brute strength to good use, anyway,” Ramona said as she looked to Riley, jokingly flexing her arm before breaking out into a laugh and moving aside to allow Isla through to complete her task.

“With those noodle arms, I might be better off just pushing it on my own.” Riley teased as she watched Mona goof off.

Isla couldn't stop their smile from widening, "Don't worry, if you end up needing an extra hand I'll help out," Turning towards the locked door, they worked their magic and swung it open mere moments later, "After both of you~" They took a step back, holding the door for Mona and Riley to enter and bowing slightly as they walked past.

"It doesn't look like anyone is around, but we should still be careful with how loud we are and probably shouldn't turn on any lights," Isla commented as she followed, closing the door quietly behind her.

Standing off to the side along with Mona Riley watched as Isla expertly unlocked the door to the cabin. Silently Riley found herself wondering how often Isla had done this over the years because they did that a little too good for it to just be something they picked up randomly one day. “You’re going to teach me how to do that.” Riley commented as she passed by the blonde and stepped into the dark that was the lodge.

"I'm not sure how well I'll be able to teach, but I'll certainly try my best."

Thankfully it wasn’t completely black and Riley could still see though just barely. It would be smarter to keep the lights off just to make sure no one saw them sneaking around but jeez her eyes were straining to see in here.

“Isla you want to grab some movies while Mona and I get the tv?” It seemed only fair that Isla be delegated the easier task of the two since she was the one who had gotten them in here and the one who would ensure none of them got in trouble if they were unfortunately caught.

"Yeah, I'll grab them," Isla replied, walking ahead and digging through the small library of films they had collected over the years.

“Don’t get any scary ones,” Ramona suggested on her way past. “It’s too late, and I don’t wanna go to bed irritated.” While most people would’ve been afraid of a restless sleep filled with nightmares, she was more concerned with not wanting to keep the neighbors up with her incessant complaints at the characters on-screen who seemed more intent on tripping over air and making as much noise as possible than they were on actually surviving to the ending credits.

As the door at last fell into place—quietly, thanks to Isla—the room was cast immediately into shadows. Mona stood still, listening for signs of any movement from deeper within the Lodge before beginning to pick a path forward, careful to stick to the wall and avoid any loose boards she knew of.

“Definitely get some scary ones,” Riley dropped her voice to a faux whisper, low enough to make it sound like she was trying to be sneaky but loud enough that she clearly intended for Mona to hear. If it wasn’t so dark she might have thrown Isla a wink before following after Mona.

Ramona groaned. “At least get good scary movies,” she called back over her shoulder. “If I have to see another ditzy camp counselor running through the woods half-naked, it’ll be too soon.”

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to get good ones," Isla promised, lips curling upward into a smile the other two couldn't see. Humming softly, they swayed back and forth as they examined the films. They squinted, biting their lip as they tried to decide what to bring and what to leave behind.

Isla sighed a moment later, turning to the girls with a small selection of films, "I wasn't going to share this information, but I did bring some of my movies from home." She hesitated, now biting gently at the inside of her cheek, "As long as you promise not to say anything, I'll add them to the selection of movies."

Mona felt along the wall behind the TV cart for the outlet, stopping just long enough to glance over her shoulder in the direction of Isla’s voice to say, “Your secret’s safe with us.” She could respect not wanting to share personal belongings, to have them fall into the wrong hands and be damaged. Ramona herself was very particular about who she lent books to, and even then, it was a rare occurrence. Not everyone knew how to care for things properly, inanimate object or not.

Finally, Mona found the cord attaching the television to the wall. She gave it a tug before winding the wire up to tuck it safely onto the shelf storing the VHS player. “Ready?” she asked, peering around the TV at where she hoped Riley was.

Riley followed closely behind Mona, doing her best not to trip over any exposed wires or anything else that would cause her to fall face down onto the ground. Standing behind the shelf, Riley peered around to give a nod. “Yeah, I’m ready.” She confirmed, before beginning to pull the cart backwards as Mona pushed. “Just try not to run my feet over please, this tv is heavy and I don’t want to lose a toenail.”

“I’ll do my best,” Ramona promised, slowly beginning to inch the television set forward at Riley’s prompting. “You can set the pace if you want. I’ll just be here to keep it steady and steer.” As if on cue, a doorframe emerged from the shadows, and Mona was quick to veer the TV in the opposite direction with a quick warning of, “Look out,” to her traveling companion.

Somehow Riley managed to not get hit by the door, side stepping as Mona changed the course the cart was going in. “Jesus this is dangerous.” She muttered to herself. From now on Riley she was going to look over her shoulder as she pulled before she gave herself a damn concussion.

It took a bit of time and some finessing but eventually the duo managed to successfully pull the cart back to the front of the lodge.

"Be careful," Isla warned as she walked past them, one arm full of movies, to get the lodge door, "We can replace the TV, but there's no replacing the two of you. I'd hate for either of you to get hurt." She stepped out of the building, moving to the side to hold the door open so Riley and Mona could push the TV out.

“You and me both,” Ramona agreed, swinging the television cart to the side so that it now faced the ramp attached to the porch—a more recent addition to the building to accommodate a wider audience of camp attendees. “I wouldn’t be much use to anyone as a pancake—I’m the only farmer that seems to want to do any work this year, so I don’t know what they’d do without me.”

It was a prideful thing to say, truly, but Mona wasn’t often one to bite her tongue when it came to voicing her opinion. The development had been a key point of frustration that afternoon and now a large factor in why Ramona needed a fun note to end the night on—with one counselor still mysteriously M.I.A. and the other, Lou, to be exact, too preoccupied elsewhere, the brunette had been left with the sole responsibility of tending to the garden plots in preparation of meals and readying them for the campers’ grubby hands as activities picked up for the season. Usually, she didn’t mind extended time in nature, but with it being as hot as it was, an extra hand or two wouldn’t have been frowned upon. Mona could only hope that it wasn’t a foreboding sign of how things were going to be in the weeks to come.

There was a slight jolt as the TV stand reached the end of the ramp, bumping down to the dirt below, but Ramona was quick to extend a hand to stabilize the bulky electronic. “Still good?” she called to Riley.

“Yeah, still good!” Riley even took a moment to raise a hand over the edge of the tv to give Mona a thumbs up. Thank god for the ramp, the idea of having to pick up both the tv and the cart was exhausting on its own. It still felt a bit sketchy with Riley pushing and Mona changing positions but Mona was taller than Riley was so she didn't have to worry as much about being squashed. Honestly, this was all going a lot smoother than she had initially believed it would. No one had been at the lodge to question what they were doing and they had not crashed and broken the tv yet.

Riley turned her head for a moment to glance at Isla. “You mind getting in front of us and making sure we don’t get caught on anything?” One wrongly placed tree branch, or rock, and there was a good chance the cart would tip over and the tv would fall and break before Riley or Mona could catch it.

Isla lifted her free hand and gave Riley a thumbs up, "That was the plan, just give me a second." She took the time to lock the door again, testing it before turning and strolling to the head of the pack.

"Alright, let's get back to the cabin." Isla shifted the movies in her arm to carry them more comfortably, kicking some larger sticks off the path as she went.

Their methodical way of transporting the TV proved to be fairly efficient; save for the occasional stray tree root that snaked across their path, Isla did a good job at keeping obstacles at bay, and the trio arrived back at Cabin 2 with their loot, unscathed and largely left to their own devices—the prying eyes of any nosy campers on their journey were easily dismissed with a quick reminder that it was getting late. In fact, things were going so smoothly that it had lulled Ramona into a false sense of comfort.

“That was so much easier than I thought it’d be,” she remarked as she unfurled the cord and attached it to the vacant outlet on the wall opposite their line of bunks. “Getting snacks will be a breeze.”

Mona straightened and turned toward the entrance again. She was almost outside when the sight of another of their roommates at the base of the cabin’s porch steps stopped her in her tracks, grasp tightening on the door knob as she paused mid-action of passing through. “Oh. Hi, Liberty…” Ramona shifted on her feet, moving as if to attempt to block the television set from view. If there was anyone that’d tattle on their adventure, it was the tightly-wound blonde.

At the sight of Mona—same cabin again—Liberty stills, one foot placed on the porch step. She eyes the girl suspiciously at her futile attempts to block the view from inside the cabin. “Uh, hi? She stresses the word, bewildered by Mona's wariness. What is she trying to hide?

With that thought, Liberty’s hand slips into her back-pocket—the postcard would be nigh impossible to hide without the prying eyes of her roommates. Proceeding up the porch steps, Liberty catches sight of the newly acquired television behind Mona's shoulder and she gives her a look that says seriously?

Too exhausted to argue the particulars of stealing from the lodge, she gives a quick shake of her head and notes. "There'll be some bored campers tomorrow if that television isn't returned to the Lodge before lessons start. You realise that, right?" After her night, Liberty wouldn't mind some television to assist with some sleep so she shrugs one shoulder and makes to push past Mona. "Hope you grabbed something decent to watch."

Ramona’s jaw twitched, eyes narrowing at Liberty’s incredulous gaze. “We’ve got it covered, thanks,” she muttered, glancing down to where the blonde had her hand stuffed awkwardly into her back pocket as she passed. “You’ll have to ask Isla, but I trust their taste.” That was the only explanation that Mona offered to Liberty before making a swift escape to the porch. Then, she looked to the others and asked, “Anyone else coming?”

“Do you guys have to act like this every time you meet?” Riley asked, her eyes scanning over the multiple dvds that Isla had grabbed from the cabin. “We went through all this trouble to bring the tv here and I want to watch them in peace so if you two start fighting you’re getting kicked out until you learn to behave.”

The scoff that escaped Ramona was involuntary, but she held up her hands in defense. “There’s no problem here,” she insisted.

Suppressing an eye-roll, Liberty heads for one of the remaining bottom bunks and kicks her shoes off. "No problem at all."

Isla watched them, an eyebrow raised at Mona's and Liberty's unfriendly exchange, but was quick to disregard it, "Fret not, Little Bird," Isla hummed, gliding gracefully past the group and into the cabin, "I'll call my dad about the TV first thing in the morning." She was confident he'd be understanding, and if he did eventually find out about it she'd be more than willing to pay back whatever the cost. It isn't as though he couldn't afford it, but it was the principle of it.

"Now, I grabbed a few movies from the Lodge," They began, laying them out for the girls to see, "But I do have others." Isla turned, digging around in their trunk and lifting two of the movies they brought, announcing the titles with a smile, "Misery and Beetlejuice."

Liberty heads for her own trunk, where she'd unceremoniously dropped it off with no time to unpack. Bending at the waist, she fishes around for her copy of Fever 1793, intending to flip through the pages as they watch the movie. "I'm voting for Beetlejuice." She didn't mind either way, having just reread Misery during winter. One of her favourite past-times was to observe the differences between the pages and screen.

She crosses the short distance to Riley after closing the trunk—making a mental note of hiding the postcard after changing into pajamas—pulling the girl into a one-armed hug. "Hey Deetz. Glad you chose to return, I was starting to miss you."

“It’s a Beetlejuice night for sure,” Ramona agreed, casting a sideways glance at Liberty from where she still lingered in the open doorway. Then, at the others’ lack of interest in their additional movie night task, she added, “I’ll be back with snacks in a bit,” and started to retreat down the steps.

Riley reciprocated the hug liberty gave her, leaning her head against the blonde’s shoulder. “You’re just trying to butter me up because you want me to say beetlejuice three times in a row, you're not fooling me.” She quipped, playing into the running joke she and Libby had going on. Turning her head she watched as Mona began to leave. “Make sure you get the good chips!”

“Will do!” Ramona promised, sending a thumbs up over her shoulder.

"You're not wrong." Rubbing Riley's back once, she releases her and chucks the book on one of the bottom bunks, effectively claiming her bed. "I'll go with Mona. Someone's gotta be the buffer between her and Juliette."

“Have fun, I'm finally going to take my shower.”

With no intention of rushing after Mona, Liberty leisurely crosses the cabin and follows her down the porch steps. If there was anyone at camp that Mona got on with less than herself, it was Juliette and the exchange would be too amusing to miss out on. Wincing at the humidity of outside, Liberty fans herself briefly whilst giving a stern look to some lingering campers outside of their cabins as they cross the bridge to The Village.

Ramona’s head snapped round at the sound of approaching footsteps, but when she realized who had chosen to join her, she frowned, facing forward again. “I can hold my own with Juliette,” she said. “I’m a big girl. I don’t need your help.” Her tone softened slightly before continuing, “But if you just came to help me carry everything out of the goodness of your heart, thank you.”

Liberty hides a small smirk, turning her face to glower at the crooked lanterns. Going out of the way to help Mona is a cute idea. Inaccurate, but cute.

"Purely selfish reasons, I'm afraid. But I'll let you think otherwise if it means some peace and quiet." Truthfully, Liberty never minded when Mona spoke—it was mildly frustrating how often she found herself agreeing, depending on the circumstances. Between Marquis' outburst at dinner, the long-winded apology that wasn't really an apology, Alton and Connie... With a small sigh, Liberty picks up her pace to join Mona side-by-side, letting her guard drop just slightly to not spook the girl into believing she wants a confrontation. Not now, anyways.

“Whatever. I’ll take it, I guess.” Ramona exhaled sharply, glancing up. It had gotten dark rather quickly, and a handful of stars had begun to twinkle against the inky, blue expanse.

In all actuality, the brunette didn’t find Liberty to be particularly bad company—she always made for intelligent conversation, which was better than she could say for a concerningly large portion of their other fellow counselors.

Take Juliette, for example; she wasn’t dumb, per se, but her idealistic way of viewing the world wasn’t viable at the end of the day.

Mona trudged up the Dining Hall’s short set of stairs and wrenched open the door, holding it for Liberty to pass through before following her inside. Despite the amount of time that had passed since dinner, the clanking of dishes could still be heard coming from the back kitchen, confirming, along with the glow of light emanating from the gaping doorframe, that they would not be left to their own devices during their search.

Regardless, Ramona remained quiet as she ducked into the front kitchen to rummage through the various snacks they had stored there. While the main chunk of selection was of the healthy type—various fruits, trail mix, granola bars—there were a couple of cabinets set aside for occasions such as this, when high salt and sugar intake could be deemed acceptable.

Liberty navigates to the bulletin board, taking the ballpoint pen hanging from a string between her fingers. She looks over at the handful of snacks Mona is gathering—potato chips, chocolate bars, gummies—she jots down the correct amount they're taking, an inventory that Eva can run into Easthallow town and restock for.

"You'd think we're twelve." She quips under her breath, adding a period to the end of gummies and tucking the pen onto the ledge of the board.

From the sounds in the kitchen, Juliette clearly isn't finished. Liberty nods her head in the direction of the noise, "Want to say hi to your ex before we go?" Knowing Mona, and her insistence on never letting Liberty have her way so easily, she purses her lips and heads towards the back kitchen before Mona could say otherwise. "Never mind, we should. Juliette was close with Renee, I should do my job and make sure she's handling the return to camp. Don't you think?"

She'd never be able to guess the reasons for their breakup. She wasn't close to either of them, fortunately. But it was fun to speculate in front of Mona, getting a small thrill anytime Liberty might see herself getting an edge over her. So, Liberty can't help herself when she says, "Or is Renee a sore subject between the two of you?"

Liberty didn't have to be as perceptive as she was to see the way Juliette hung on every word that passed through Renee's lips. She stops at the door frame, one hand gripping the door knob as she throws an expectant look towards Mona, wondering if she'll bite.

“Fun food doesn’t have an age limit,” Ramona insisted, tucking the last bag of chips into her already-full arms and bumping the cabinet door shut with her hip. “We should—”

Mona’s attempt at suggesting they leave before Juliette could notice their presence was interrupted with a question implying the opposite, which the brunette met with a deadpan expression, lips slipping into a frown. She watched as Liberty moved in the direction of the back kitchen anyway, paying no mind to Ramona’s silent disapproval of the idea. “Oh, yeah,” she muttered. “Go do your job, Miss Perfect. Don’t let my lackluster love life stop you.”

At least that makes two of us, Liberty thinks cynically, recalling Levi’s brisk exit earlier that morning.

She didn’t know why she bothered offering her opinion—nothing Mona said would dissuade Liberty from charging onward, leaving the brunette no choice but to shuffle after her.

Ramona’s jaw tensed. “I think Renee’s a sore subject for everyone right now.” She didn’t dare delve into the details of her break-up with Juliette and how the newly-blonde girl’s obsession with the Evergreen sister had played a starring role in it—Mona didn’t consider herself to be high maintenance when it came to requiring attention from significant others, so she’d called it quits when it had dawned on her that she’d have to compete with Renee for Juliette’s time. Judging from Liberty’s coyness, she probably already had her own suspicions regarding the matter, but that didn’t mean that Mona had to confirm it. Not at the moment.

Liberty's jaw tenses as Mona voices her own thoughts. It is a sore subject, why is no one else talking about it? Rather than dwell on that dilemma with Wednesday Addams outloud, she gives her an innocent shrug in response, showing her agreement.

As the pair neared the back, voices could be heard beneath the din of dishes clattering and rushing water—Juliette and…

Clarisse. Yet another person from Ramona’s past that she’d nearly cut out altogether, though not as intentionally as Juliette’s eviction had been. Truthfully, they’d just grown apart as they’d matured—it was a natural tragedy; as people chose who they wanted to become, it sometimes meant that they no longer had need for certain friends in their lives. Mona wasn’t the reckless kid she once was, but Clarisse had stayed on that path. It was simply a matter of differing interests, but the two remained friendly any time they intersected.

It wasn’t long before Clarisse descended to where Liberty and Ramona were, looking more confused than anything. This was a duo she never thought she would see outside of like very professional settings— like meetings or forced proximity because they got paired up. She raised a hand. “Yo, uh… Juliette wanted me to give you guys this.” Though, she specifically moved to Ramona and handed her the note before pulling back upon realizing just how full Ramona’s arms were with snacks. Well, that solved that mystery, didn’t it?

Instead, she switched targets and held out the note to Liberty. “Well, she said she runs the place now. Paige used to let us take some snacks but…” She trailed off. Talking about one of the Evergreen sisters shouldn’t really be the first thing out of her mouth for her first meeting with either of them since the disappearance. Sure, Liberty had heard a lot of her ache during the past year— but never in person after the initial breakdown. Clarisse didn’t want to start now. She had to convince Liberty she was fine.

As Clarisse shifted tactics upon realizing Ramona’s hands were severely lacking in terms of free space, the dark-haired girl still managed to catch a glimpse of the writing scribbled onto the sticky note, and she rolled her eyes. “I’ll do more than think about it,” Mona grumbled, grip tightening around her stash of snacks. “It’s not like she’s gonna come down here and do anything about it, anyway.”


“Well, she’s running the place like someone who wants to clean out a bunch of food that’s gone bad at the end of the summer.” Mona spun on her heel and started back down the steps. “Does that answer your question?” The inquiry was directed at Liberty—she may not have gotten the chance to assess Juliette’s behavior up close, but her attempts at disguising her desire to push everyone away as keeping order were telling from an observant perspective.

Liberty takes the note and bites back a bewildered snicker. Juliette must be fine. Her attention was better focused on the subject before her, anyhow—Clarisse. She scans the girl from head to toe, searching for signs of distress or torment; the way she had sat in the cabin with her after that scene with Renee, deciding that her distaste of the Evergreen shouldn't be taken out on the friend coming to a horrible realisation.

Deciding to not outwardly ask and cause a scene, lest Mona pull a Marquis and admonish her loudly for opening her mouth, Liberty places her hand on Clarisse's elbow—one of comfort and a greeting.

Clarisse gave Liberty a smile of acknowledgment, patting her hand as a response. She cleared her throat to dispel the weird tension that settled between her two new companions and tilted her head. “What are the snacks for anyway? Stew didn’t fill you up?” Sure, dinner wasn’t as delicious as it should be but it was packed with enough nutrients for the night, right? And dinner had just barely been an hour ago, surely they weren’t hungry already?

Ramona’s attention turned to Clarisse again. “We’re having a movie night.”

She conveniently left out the fact that she hadn’t eaten all of her dinner, like a petulant child lying to their parents in exchange for dessert.

"Beetlejuice." Liberty continues where Mona left off, not missing the way the brunette's back stood on end after glancing at the note herself. Like a spooked cat. Guess Renee is a sore subject.

"I could use the movie distraction after today, don't know about you." Dropping her hand from her elbow, nudging her own into Clarisse's side, and headed for the door that Mona lingers by, snacks in hand. She eyes the crinkle-cut potato chips greedily, intending to devour the packet whilst pretending to watch the movie and flip through her book.

“A movie night…? Well, I’ve never watched Beetlejuice before.” Even in the midst of her confusion on how the hell they were going to hole up in the lodge, Clarisse still followed Liberty out before holding the door open for the both of them to leave. Sure, some part of her felt guilty for going against Juliette’s orders but it wasn’t like she wanted to start anything either either Liberty or Ramona. She would just have to ask if she could make a quick trip to East Hallow to buy back the stuff they ate.

“How are you guys even having a movie night? I thought the TV was locked up in the Lodge.” Wisely, she kept her tone down so that no one else would hear about this little conspiracy that seemed to be happening.

“We’re borrowing it for the night,” Ramona answered, shooting a glance toward Liberty. She wasn’t sure how much the blonde had pieced together yet, regarding Isla’s earlier promise to discuss the TV situation with their dad, but Mona would be damned if she would be the one to throw them, along with their well-placed intentions, under the bus.

“What do you- oh. Okay.” Well, if it was being wheeled into the cabin then Isla probably knew about it, right? Therefore, she had this all under control and they wouldn’t have to explain this all to Mr. Jonathan. As much as she was in his good graces, she doubted he would let her slide for “borrowing” an entire television. Isla, on the other hand, was another thing entirely. “Fun, guess no one’s planning on turning in early.”

Liberty kept her mouth shut as they walked, allowing her eyes to wander around the campsite as Mona and Clarisse discussed their 'heist' for the television. It was effectively past curfew now and she can't help the unease crawling along her skin. The same time the girls were last seen. She subtly quickens her pace, eager to get back to the Village and inside with her roommates.

"I doubt anyone from cabin one will be doing the headcount tomorrow." She speaks up, her hands coming together to rub circles into her left palm as she remembers the three men that stalked towards the Sunspot. Her gut tells her none of them will be on time for their duties the following day. Her eyes roll as she realises that means she is one of the few delegated to perform a headcount. "Either of you want to join me and make that task easier?"

“I can, sure.” It wasn’t like she had any pressing duties and being a substitute did mean she had to cover bases whenever someone was lacking manpower. Then, she let out a groan. “Ugh, I promised Ricky I would patrol tonight but I got held up so… I’ll just make up for it tomorrow.” Right, time had completely slipped by while she was with Juliette. Hopefully, he didn’t take it to heart. Maybe Kayden had kept him busy all this time and decided to turn in after their little walk.

Ramona’s gaze slid between the two girls. “I would,” she said, “but we’re short a pair of hands at the farmyard, which means I have to get up and feed the chickens tomorrow.” A subconscious shudder ran down the girl’s spine at the very mention of her looming task. As miserable as headcount could be, she’d take that on over fighting the farm’s brazen birds any day, but much to the brunette’s dismay, her fate had already been laid out for her. “Good luck with that, though.”

Liberty's only acknowledgment of her roommates' words was an understanding nod, keeping her eyes peeled on the tree line. It didn't sit well, this new feeling of paranoia that began setting in from that same morning—used to operating off logic and facts, not baseless theories cemented in the conspiracy surrounding Renee and Paige. She has half a mind to discuss it with Mona but presses her lips together as it would be in bad taste to say so with Clarisse close by. She didn't see the girl as fragile, but Liberty suspected the hurt would surely linger now that she's returned to camp.

"Finally." She mutters as they approach the Village, widening her strides to make for the bridge separating campers from counsellors. She turns, about to offer to carry some of the load in Mona's arms when she sees three distinct figures in the distance. She nods towards them with a coy smile. "Looks like the supervisor might confiscate our find."

Ramona’s brow furrowed as she followed Liberty’s motion, dark eyes trailing across the hazy property line until they landed at last on the trio emerging from the edge of the woods. At first glance, her stomach dropped—in the faded light, she could almost convince herself that somehow, after all this time, the Evergreen sisters had been found, but as her vision focused, she realized the figures were far too tall. Leon, not Renee.

Mona snorted. “He’ll have to catch us first,” she countered, emptying some of her food supply into Liberty’s waiting grasp.

Leon, along with his companions, had adapted a sluggish, unsteady way of walking—intoxicated, by the looks of it. The brunette bit back a comment about how they’d only been there a day and had already resorted to drinking away their problems—really, she had no room to talk. Ramona’s less-than-ideal start at camp had driven her to thievery.

They all had their issues.

With the howling still on his mind, Leon attempts to stay vertical on his own two feet as he, Thomas, and Levi continue their trek from the Sunspot to the Row. The twenty-minute walk has done little to sober him up, the last swigs of the drink only now beginning to affect him as his eyes blur at the edges and he pounds his chest whenever a hiccup slips free.

Through his inebriation, Leon spots the girls loitering outside of the cabins and half-heartedly points towards them when he notices the bundle of snacks in Mona and Liberty’s arms. "I want some."

“Uh, oh. We’ve been spotted.”

Thankfully, the 20-minute walk had helped him sober up a little bit - considering he hadn’t drank much in the first place, he’d just drank too fast. He’d figured that he wasn’t going to miss a beered-up shirt and he was not in the mood to have a shirt that smelled of beer sitting in his laundry for the entire duration of camp. His standards were low, but that was a little too low. And so he walked with Leon and Levi, gaining a little more stability with each passing step. However, when he looked up and saw the girls, a part of him wished that he hadn’t seen anything. Ramona…Liberty…Clarisse…well would you look at that. It’s all my circles of hell in one place. The words didn’t quite come out of his mouth but they were clearly spelled out on his face. He wanted to be anywhere but here right now. However, he needed to stay to make sure Leon at least got back okay. And given that, in the last 20 minutes, his mind seemed to have gone back 15 years, it was starting to look like a taller order by the minute.

"Yeah, that's a no," Levi said, politely putting Leon's hand down and raising a brow at the group as he eyed the snacks piled in Mona's arms. "Looks like we weren't the only ones who got busy." It seemed they were lucky enough to cross paths—the group looked like they were in a hurry. Squinting at Mona with her bundle of goodies, Levi pointed out, "There's no way she let you get away with that." It was common knowledge about the breakup between Juliette and her, and as far as he remembered, those two didn’t end on good terms.

Ramona’s head tilted at the cynical tone in Levi’s statement, her own gaze narrowing to match his as she nodded toward the note in Liberty’s grip. “She couldn’t even be bothered to come out and stop me herself. She’ll live.” Then, the corners of her mouth tilted upward almost imperceptibly. “Besides, I don’t need her permission to have a good time anymore.”

Ditching Leon, Levi moved to catch up with Liberty, the two hanging back a bit from the crowd as they made their way toward the cabin. "How are you holding up? I saw you..." Levi cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting his gaze away to look ahead at the others' backs. "With Marquis."

Thomas couldn’t help but smirk as his ears caught the faintest mention of Marquis’ name as Levi pulled back to talk with Liberty. Had his little jest gotten to the palm tree after all? In his now-tipsy state, he was almost tempted to apologise for the tease earlier, knowing he’d meant nothing by it. But there was still a little too much rebel in him to allow that.

As Levi moved away in favor of a private moment with Liberty, Mona’s attention swapped to Leon. “Here,” she offered, handing him the bag of chips—a spare picked up along with Riley’s request—that he’d been ogling.

A lump in his throat, Leon gratefully takes the packet of chips Mona offers and immediately rips the bag open, overwhelmed by her kindness. "Mona. You're my new favourite." He moves to stand beside her and take in the scene before them, dropping his voice low. "Don't tell Levi that. It’s just 'cause he ditched me."

The smile that Ramona produced now spread across her entire face, amusement dancing in her brown irises. “It’s okay,” she assured Leon, playing along with his drunken confession. “I won’t tell anyone—can’t risk losing my new title so soon.”

It was subtle but Thomas noticed something that caused his brow to raise in discomfort. Levi’s pulled Liberty aside…Leon is whispering to Ramona…I’d rather gargle thumb tacks before talking to Clarisse…damn Mode. You’re surrounded by six other people and still somehow alone. It’s so sad it’s almost impressive. He’d usually be able to keep such thoughts at bay, but with the alcohol doing whatever it felt like in his head, it was hard to suppress the thought…or the frown that came from it as he sunk deeper into his own thoughts.

Isla stopped talking mid-sentence, ears pricking as she turned toward the door at the sound of distant voices. With the towel she used to dry her hair still draped over her shoulders, Isla stepped into her shoes and out of the cabin, standing in front of the door with her hands on her hips.

"What are they doing here?" Isla called out, eyes narrowed and a brow raised.

“What is it?” Riley asked when Isla suddenly stopped talking, peering over the side of her bunk bed to look down at the blonde who was turned towards the door. With a huff of air, Riley pushed away her covers. She had been so comfy under her blanket but fomo was going to kick her ass if she didn’t get up to see what was bothering Isla.

She climbed down the ladder before putting on her slippers and moving to stand behind Isla. “Who’s out there?” Riley asked, peering her head to look beyond Isla and into the relative darkness. At first, she noticed Mona carrying an armful of snacks which took them long enough to get, both she and Isla managed to take their showers before they got back. When she took in the sight of both Leon and Levi walking toward their cabin she pulled back. “Nevermind forget I asked.” She was not dealing with this tonight. Especially not when Leon was clearly staggering as he walked after Mona so Riley was ninety percent sure he was drunk and if Leon was drunk that meant Levi was also drunk. She already didn’t want to talk to him that much and there was no way she was doing it when he wasn’t even sober. “Please do not let them come in and stink up the place.”

Thomas spotted Isla and Riley pop up at the door and couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Ah, guess I was wrong. Ramona, Liberty and Clarisse aren’t all my circles of hell; there’s four and five right there.

"Don't worry, I'd never let them in. Why don't you get everything set up for movie night? I'll stand guard." Isla's tone was playful as she offered Riley a small smile, "We can continue our conversation later."

Liberty ignores the warmth in her chest as Levi bends his head towards her own─she takes his chin in hand, pinched between her thumb and forefinger. She moves his head from one side to the other, searching for any sign of drugs—relieved when there's nothing but the faint scent of whiskey on his breath. Liberty didn't suspect he'd be so stupid as to bring the addiction to camp, his care for the campers one of his endearing qualities. But she was more than aware of what the last year brought him, brought a lot of them. Satisfied it was only a couple of drinks and his concern frustratingly endearing, Liberty drops the quip on her tongue and gives him a half-hearted shrug.


As Isla turned to face the group approaching, her sweet expression evaporated immediately, "Really? It's the first night of camp and you boys are already getting drunk?" She scrunched up her nose, visibly disgusted; the smell alone was vile, but she dreaded their behavior more. Isla planted herself directly in front of the door, clearly determined to keep them out.

Liberty slowly looks away from where Isla is barking orders to face Levi with a look that clearly says Evergreens, huh?

Levi returned the gaze—they had shared that look one too many times before. He jerked his head toward the cabin, a clear sign he had overstayed their welcome. "We’ll catch up tomorrow. Promise."

Isla's gaze flicked to Liberty and they said nothing, but their eyes narrowed further. Their patience was wearing thin.

With a resigned nod and smile, Liberty says, "First thing, Jackson." Don't run away this time.

Ramona didn’t think she had it in her to even begin to question why Thomas’ shirt was notably absent—instead of lingering in the boys’ chaos any longer than necessary, she took Isla’s sudden appearance at the door as her ticket to escape. She slunk away from the ragtag group that had gathered at the base of their porch without another word, slipping past Isla as they took up an intimidating post to block any intruders hoping to get inside their cabin.

“I got your chips!” Mona announced, tossing the bag onto Riley’s bed as she passed before depositing the rest on her own mattress to be distributed once the last of their roommates made it inside.

Riley offered a thumbs up at Isla’s suggestion, more than happy to sneak away and not have to interact with any of the extra guests who decided to follow Mona and Libby. She walked over to the stash of dvds Isla had brought back from their trip to the lodge, shuffling through them until she found Beetlejuice. “Thank you!” Riley gave the compliment over her shoulder as Mona came into the cabin. After putting the dvd into the player she turned, ready to climb back up into her bed. “How long were those two following you guys?”

“Not long,” Ramona promised. “They just got back from the Sunspot, I think.” She shoved the snacks to the end of her bed, making room for herself by the pillow. The brunette pried off her sneakers, allowing the shoes to fall clumsily beside the bunk’s frame before bringing her socked feet onto the mattress, knees tucked against her chest as she reached for the bag of gummies. “Weird timing, though,”

Clarisse stood there damn near frozen when Liberty and Ramona acknowledged the presence of three other counselors— and two of them were people she'd rather not see. Sure, Levi and her had gotten along during dinner and that was nice and she even offered to help him with Liberty but that was over now and she'd rather not see what would happen if they interacted while he was drunk. Then there was Thomas and that same feeling of shame and anger flared up.

This wasn't the time for that. While the group was numerous, she figured no one would notice as she quickly followed after Ramona to retreat into the cabin. The others would understand. This was her own way of peacekeeping as she waved at Riley and Isla before grabbing some clothes to change into for the night and disappeared into the bathroom.

Thomas noticed Ramona and Clarisse peeling off and quickly realised what was happening. They’d all made excuses for themselves to leave and were going to be dropping one by one. As such, Thomas absolutely refused to be the last person left here. After all, he still had a lot to think over - most of them not even willingly. The loss of his shirt; his admission to Levi and Leon; what he’d done to Renee. He let out a sigh, throwing a two-fingered salute over his shoulder at whomever happened to be looking at him. His mind went back to the drink, shaking his head as it hung low. “...I knew you were a bad idea, whiskey.”

Liberty follows the others inside, stealing one last glance at Levi and Leon as the supervisor shoves a greedy handful of chips in his mouth as he enters his own cabin.

Snatching her book from the bunk, she dusts the sheets of her bedspread and mentally thanks Hugo for at least vacuuming inside before the session started. Liberty spreads herself across the bed and props her head up on one hand, as the other opens to her dog-eared page. She's positioned herself closer to the television, close enough to peak at the screen. She says nothing to announce the fact she's ready for the movie to start, already scanning the words before her with rapt attention. I'll put the postcard inside the book, she thinks as she reads the plight of a town riddled with disease.

"Goodnight, boys~" Isla waved at them dismissively, reentering the cabin and closing the door behind her with a click. Removing her shoes and placing them beside the door, she finally climbed onto her top bunk and settled for the night.

The title card flashed across the television screen to a backdrop of Danny Elfman’s jaunty opening tune, but somewhere between the Deetz family moving into the Maitlands’ old house and the dead couple’s extended stay in the Netherworld’s waiting room, Ramona had stopped watching. Her candy lay discarded at her side, eyelids growing heavy, and the last thing she heard before drifting to sleep in a somewhat awkward position—sprawled across the top of her sheets, body still adorned in her outside clothes for the day—was Juno’s husky voice telling Barbara and Adam that she’d almost given up on them.

Hearing that everything was relatively safe, Clarisse emerged from the bathroom in her night clothes. The others had settled in for the movie in their own beds. She put aside her dirty laundry and sat down on the floor in front of her shared bunkbed with Isla and leaned against the bedframe. She reached back to grab a pillow and hugged it to herself for a more comfortable position. The tiredness of the day was beginning to creep into Clarisse’s body as she continued watching until the movie, yet it had intrigued her enough to keep up with its contents. She knew finishing this movie would take a heavy toll on her rest but she kept watching anyway.

cabin 2 & dining hall

Last edited:

/* ------ right side ------ */

/* ------ image 1 ------ */
written with | blue UP blue UP

moods | alton is anxious and connie is exhausted (physically and emotionally).

/* ------ image 2 ------ */
location | various, but mainly medbay.

/* ------ image 3 ------ */
mentions | liberty, marquis, juliette, rowan, ricky, leilani, & ramona.

tags | Wyll Wyll lostbird lostbird anyasjoy anyasjoy

/* ------ left side ------ */

collab post; alton & connie

/* ------ main textbox ------ */
The sun was sinking behind the horizon line, casting a wash of watercolor gold and lavender across the sky as the last of Camp Evergreen finished their dinners. Flocks of birds soared in tight formations like silhouettes against the fading sunlight as they sought out their evening perches. The cluster of occupants from table three had dispersed alongside the others, exchanging half-hearted ‘goodbyes' as they wandered to their respective destinations, leaving Connie to trail behind stragglers who strolled too leisurely, giggling and whispering about Marquis and his outburst with Liberty earlier.

Fortunately for them, however, with her full belly and promised solitude ahead before lights-out, Connie’s usual impatience was dulled. She even allowed herself a small smirk, listening in to their conversations as she drifted past the dining hall’s double doors. Campers never failed to spin wild tales, filling the gaps in their counselor’s lives with vivid imaginations and hyperbole. But her indulgence was short-lived and the amused facial expression went as quick as it came—like a minnow dashing across shallow waters. There and gone.

Pft. I don’t feel bad for her. She probably deserved to get yelled at if Marquis was the one to do it,” one camper snickered, his failed attempt at a whispered remark carrying back to her on the evening breeze.

Connie quickened her pace, stepping ahead of them to turn her head and give them a firm, knowing look—a silent warning that it was time to change the subject. She understood the nature of innocent gossip, though it was a topic she had a general distaste for. Still, she had limits, and she wasn’t about to let them cross a line if she was around to stop it. It seemed to do the trick as she watched any hint of a response die in their throats before scurrying off from her. She watched their retreating figures from the hall’s steps, frowning before taking the last steps down and walking in a different direction.

The brief intermission on her way to the Village hinted that this wouldn’t be the last she’d hear about Liberty and Marquis’ spat. If their hushed whispers were any indication of the mischief brewing after being crammed in the dining hall for over an hour, Connie knew others were likely just as eager to poke their noses where they didn’t belong, itching to further stir the pot or start creating drama of their own.

She could just leave them alone, but she didn’t. She wouldn’t. And before she could even begin to protest, her feet were already taking steps ahead of her thoughts, redirecting her away from the rows of counselor cabins and guiding her toward the camp’s general perimeter in search of any other sly campers who felt the need to test their luck.

Alt, on the other hand, had just remained quiet during the dinner and snuck out the first chance he’d gotten. The awkwardness between him and Morgan was the stuff of legends, and he didn’t want to talk about it. Did he feel bad about calling his “friend” a “fuck boy?” Yes. Did he want to walk back those words and apologize? Not really. His pride was as bruised as his hand.

He moved to his cabin, pausing briefly to herd campers to theirs. When they bitched and moaned about it being too early, he told them that they would say that tomorrow when the dawn came if they didn’t get any sleep. And he didn’t want to hear it.

When he finally reached the cabin, he grabbed the bag that he had loosely thrown on the bed. He unpacked his things in a somewhat frazzled state, wondering how the hell he was supposed to survive camp with a giant sign that said “I AM AN ASSHOLE” over his head? He wasn’t. Honestly, he was surprised that JC or any of the other angry dumb dumbs hadn’t threatened him yet. But it was also the first day. He had time.

His hand brushed the pill bottle at the bottom of the bag, and he pulled it up. No one else was in the cabin, so he could study it momentarily. Without the sudden shock of its discovery weighing the back of his mind, he remembered what that drug was used for. ”Well shit,” he said to himself. Paranoid schizophrenia. What was going on with Renee? Um. What had gone on with Renee? This would explain some things, but not enough. It definitely recontextualized her disappearance. Alt wondered if he had missed anything else in the Med Bay. Or if anyone was missing this bottle? He removed the pocket knife from his bag and pulled out the blade. Quickly, he started anonymizing the bottle. At that time, he heard voices from outside, and he decided to take this show on the road and deposit the bottle back at Med Bay.

So, he quickly scratched at the bottle as he went back in the direction he’d come from, keeping his head down and not letting anyone see what he was doing.

Hey, don’t touch that!” Connie exclaimed, the sudden urgency in her voice causing the camper to jump at its piercing appearance. By the time they had risen to their full height, Levine had already been at their side, throwing a curious gaze at what she had caught them digging at in the loose dirt ahead of them. It camouflaged in its surroundings, easy to miss if she wasn’t so hellbent on making sure that, whatever it was, stayed out of vulnerable hands. It could have been something─or nothing at all─but she wasn’t leaving it up to them to figure it out.

Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Check out the bonfire where it’s warm though, it’s almost time for bed anyway,” she added, leaving no room for them to rebut as she let a guiding hand rest on their shoulder and urge them in that direction. Her gaze never left the back of their head as she watched their departing figure shrink towards the safety of the crowd. The lively sounds of laughter and chatter carried in the wind where she stood, but all of it fell on muffled ears. Something about the spot behind her─the dirt where the camper had been caught about to dig into─gnawed at her consciousness.

Levine told herself that it was probably nothing, her mind already reducing it to another piece of broken glass similar to the one in her cabin, or debris blown in by wind that often swept through Camp Evergreen during its off-season. Still, she felt her feet moving before her mind had fully decided to go, carrying her back toward the wooded area with only the sounds of crunching leaves under the weight of her steps keeping her company.

Why am I doing this exactly?, she caught herself asking, mentally shaking herself. There was no reason to dig deeper, no reason to return. She was letting a camper’s idle curiosity suck her back in until she found herself hovering over the loose dirt again.

As logical as it may seem to do so, Connie didn’t make any move to turn back where she had come from. But instead, she was now crouching down and brushing and digging at the forest floor beneath her. The soil parted easily beneath her fingertips, growing colder and moist when she broke below the surface-level dirt. After a few moments, something solid stopped her fingernails from digging further. She froze, her heart skipping a beat. Whatever it was, it didn’t feel like the glass she had tucked away into her duffle bag earlier.

Her brow furrowed as she dusted more of it away. Decidedly enough digging, Connie tried pulling at it gently, but that didn’t give her any results. Caked by dirt, pulling at its rough exterior harder than before only gave her the jolt of resistance she was aiming for, until the item─much larger than expected─sat loosely in her hand.

Wiping the remaining dirt from the object, she began to uncover what appeared to be an intricately carved wooden sculpture. Her fingers traced through its rough surface, feeling the grooves and patterns etched into the wood. The carvings were strange─symbols and winding designs unlike she’d never seen before spiraled around its cylindrical form. Connie squinted at it, trying to make sense of its images. Some looked like animals, others like distorted faces locked in silent cries of agony. A shiver crawled up her spine.

As she turned the totem over, the air around her seemed to thicken. While she began to shake the clumps of dirt lodged in its hollow center, shadows stretched from the surrounding trees , creeping quickly towards her like tendrils of ink. A soft rattle echoed from within, making Connie pause in her tracks. Something was inside, and as she leaned closer, peering into the small opening, a strange sensation gripped her hostage until the world went black.

Then white. Then orange. Then red.

Panic surged through her veins as she attempted to flee, but she was frozen in place. Ahead of her now, Rowan stared fearfully, the same look that she wore plastered against his own face while the cabin structure that surrounded the both of them was on the verge of becoming engulfed in flames. Oh god.. Oh god, Oh god, OH GOD!, she thought to herself as she watched the plumes of dark smoke swirl into the air around them. Nausea had bubbled up into her throat when all she could do was watch before it registered that she wasn’t smelling the potent burning. Why couldn’t she smell it?

Nothing registered fast enough before the world around her melted back into the dark forest she once was in. Though her surroundings reverted back to the familiar grounds of the wooded area, panic had followed her out─her chest tightening with a rising sense of impending doom. Then, with a sharp gasp, her body kicked into gear finally. As soon as she found that she could move, Connie didn’t need more time to be analytical or to understand that she needed to escape while she still could.

Just as she turned to bolt, her foot snagged on something hard in the midst of her adrenaline. She didn’t have time to process what it was before she lurched forward, crashing into the ground. The impact sent a shock of pain through her knees and elbows as they scraped against the dirt, but it was the sharp sting in her hand that elicited a gasp.

She had landed awkwardly, the wooden sculpture in her hand cutting through the pre-existing wound on her finger, tearing it further. Fresh blood welled up and smeared across her palm and the sculpture’s exterior, mingling with the grime and dirt of the forest. Connie winced, clutching her hand for a brief second, the pain radiating sharp and hot amongst her skin. But the panic that had gripped her throughout the course of the vision hadn’t let go, and her instincts screamed at her to get up─to run.

Pushing herself off the ground with her good hand, Levine’s breath came in ragged gasps as she forced her legs to move. Her feet threatened to slip on the loose leaves and dirt below her, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop. The woods around her felt like they were closing in, shadows dancing in peripheral vision, thick and unnatural. The memory of Rowan’s face─his eyes wide and staring, the flames licking the air around him─burned in her mind. What the hell was that? Branches snapped underfoot, and the cool night air stung her cheeks as she finally broke through the treeline. She could hear voices again, the hum of normalcy returning to the world, but her heart still raced, limbs still ached, and the blood from her hand continued to drip steadily to the floor.

Connie’s ragged breathing slowed and the suffocating pressure seemed to ease once she found her pace slowing as leisurely as the decreasing adrenaline would allow. Though fearful, she had to remain calm now that campers were around─causing a scene given the circumstances wouldn’t do anyone good, especially when she was hired to maintain order. But whatever it was, she hadn’t stopped to look back. Assuming that the threat lingered in her trees─rather than the sculpture still in her hand─she had enough.

Alt exhaled as Libby and Marquis left. His hand tightened around his knife, leaving a nasty indentation in his flesh. He breathed in through his nose and out of his mouth, trying to clear the crackling worry that bubbled in his chest. It always helped to focus on something else, and he had to ask himself, “Why was he here?” What on Earth did he think he was going to find? In the winding, whirling maze of his head, he had decided that he was going to find proof that he hadn’t done anything to the Evergreen sisters. That something was wrong with Renee, and nothing was wrong with him. Well—that was a lie. There was definitely something wrong.

He was by the medicine cabinet when Connie walked in, having moved over there to ensure nothing else was hiding in plain sight. ”Seriously, go to bed. The medbay is closed.” He looked over his shoulder to see Connie. She looked like she had gotten into a fight with a swamp and had lost—horribly. ”Jesus fucking Christ, Connie, what happened to you? Did you try to put the moves on Bigfoot or something?” Alt pocketed the medicine again and closed the medication cabinet. He’d have to do this some other time.

There was a noticeable difference in the air inside the camp’s infirmary compared to the outside where she had come from. It felt safe, she felt safe—the last of the fear still coursing through her body dissipating once she was standing somewhere familiar to her. The comfort didn’t last long before it was replaced by irritability in response to Alton’s words. “Could you just- spare me the shit, please?” Connie snapped, freeing herself from the beige corduroy jacket she wore and tossing it on the leather exterior of the resting bench meant for a camper’s reprieve from the occasional headache. For a second, she had almost forgotten about the bloodied wooden sculpture she brought along with her—tossing it on top of her coat.

As she looked down—really taking in the sight of herself now—she let out something of a defeated sigh at her bedraggled appearance. Forest dirt and grime, along with some smeared streaks of blood decorated the tops of her kneecaps; her hiking boots displayed faint scratches; and dainty twigs freed from fallen leaves stuck to her clothes. She hated how right Alton was. “I just need paper towels and um.. some antiseptic or something. Maybe gauze?” Even though her tone was calmer than before, she listed medical supplies in an exhausted haste. Connie didn’t want to stay longer than she had to and her attempt to begin finding things herself displayed that.

However, in her frazzled state, she hesitated, sniffling silently before her eyes settled on Alton, as if actually seeing him for the first time since entering. “You said Medbay’s closed?” she asked quietly, flicking a gaze down to his pocket where it looked like he stashed something in, before looking back up at him again. “Then what are you doing here so late?

”I work here, Connie. That’s what I’m doing here. Just making sure everything is in tip-top shape for camp.” Alton was lying, sort of. He had ensured everything was in shape previously, but now he was just being nosy. Still, he watched her throw her jacket onto a chair along with a hunk of wood she had dragged with her. That was–unsanitary.

Oh-, right. Sorry.” she replied, shaking her head at her own obliviousness. Of course Alton worked in Medbay during this camp session. Why else would he be here?

She looked rough. He bit his tongue and pointed to the sink, ”Scrub your hands really good with soap and water. Just to make sure we get any debris out. Then come back over here, I’ll get you sorted.” He then moved through the Med Bay, grabbing some alcohol, cotton balls, and forceps. He cleaned the forceps in hydrogen peroxide, making sure they dried off before he would use them on her. He then grabbed a small package of clean gauze and some medical tape. Then he pulled out Tyelonol, but this wasn’t for him but for her. She looked like she’d gotten hit by a wooden bus. ”What happened? If you don’t mind me asking. If you do mind me asking, then: ‘don’t you just want to punch Libby and Marquis in their smug little better than thou mouths?’” He grimaced.

At his directions, Connie made her way to the sink—at a slower pace this time now that she was free of danger. She had to remind herself of that as she turned both the ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ knobs on for warm water, then lathering her hands with the antibacterial soap sitting nearby. She grew quiet, but listened to the shuffling noises he made behind her, ears perking up at the sound of his voice again.

Um..” she began answering, searching for the correct words that wouldn’t make her sound like she had started losing her grip on sanity during the first day back. Transparency wasn’t the answer if she wanted to sound like a sane individual—nothing about seeing Rowan disappear in a fire just before she “landed” back in the woods did. So, Connie opted for a half-truth. “Some kid was somewhere they shouldn’t have been. Digging up that thing over there,” she turned her head in the direction of the sculpture. “I took it just in case some other camper was stupid enough to try the same thing.” she added. Guess that made her the stupid one, in the end.

The burning sensation in her hand started coming back again as the soap soaked into wounds she was discovering as she wiped the grime and smeared blood away. The worst of the bleeding had subsided—turning pink as it mingled with the water consistently streaming on her fingers and pooling into the palms of her hand. A smirk began to play on her lips now as she caught the last of Alton’s sentence.

They bring the drama to you or what?” she asked, remembering Marquis’ brief moment where his balls seemed to have dropped once he yelled at Liberty in the dining hall. Flicking the excess water off her hands, Connie turned off the knobs and grabbed at the roll of paper towels sitting up to rip a few pieces off. She didn’t fully turn to face Alton again until she knew that it was safe without dripping water on the floor. But once she was confident enough, she walked towards him—her gaze meeting his back as he searched for the last of supplies.

Alt had set everything out and looked at her when she approached. He grabbed a clean towel and dried her hand off so coldly that the air around them might have dropped ten degrees. ”Did you not get the memo? I am the drama. I am not supposed to be here. Remember? I blew up at everyone and then told them, ‘see you never’? Came back, looking like this,” he guestered to his heavily scarred face. He used the forceps to pick up a cotton ball and dipped it in alcohol before dabbing it against her finger. ”So, you wanted to keep the kids away from a piece of wood, and so you took it from them for fear they would hurt themselves with it. And then you hurt yourself with it?” He paused. ”Did you piss in God’s Cheerios or something?”

She remembered his explosive nature fondly—having been caught in the crossfire of his spitfire. A tinge of irritation flared but died in her chest as quick as it came. It was old news that Connie didn’t have particular feelings towards anymore. Paige’s disappearance had a hefty hand in ensuring that nothing but losing her stayed at the forefront of her mind. She stayed quiet, sucking the air in through her teeth on occasions when the biting sting got too overwhelming to swallow like a bitter pill. It felt like a swarm of bees each taking a turn at stabbing her in the same spot. At the mention of her bad luck, Connie scoffed—briefly reliving the moment she hit the dirt. “No, I ate shit heading back to camp. Kinda scared myself, I guess,”she added.

Too late did she realize that she got too close to the truth and now she was stuck trying to come up with a reason why. Luckily, Alton’s inhospitable demeanor allowed her to play off the grimace. “It’s dark out… thought I heard something coming from the woods, is all.” Bullshit that she hoped he would fall for—or at the very least didn’t interest him enough to pry any further.

As he continued to dab at her wound, Connie threw a glance at his features, unintentionally taking note of the pink scarring that now decorated his face. Nothing other than a frown lingered on her own, but she knew better than to ask him questions. If he wanted to include her in his business, he would have elaborated.

Alt looked up at Connie when she spoke about how she hurt herself. And he took her in. If he had swung that way, he might have asked her out. She was pretty in a way that could go in two directions–dangerous or spectacular. ”You just ate shit? Connie, for the time I have known you, nothing is ever as bad as you make it out to be because you don’t want other people to worry. You’re too nice.” He sat down the swab, the white fibers a pale red with blood, and fanned over the wound, allowing it to dry. ”So, I won’t prod you about it, but try to be less suspicious. I’m the murderer and don’t want to share that title with anyone. Then what drama do I have going on? Especially considering Marquis is out here trying to steal my throne by yelling during dinner. What happened? Did someone out ‘nice’ him and he took offense to that?”

For a split second as they met each other’s gaze, Connie wanted to tell—the words stuck in her throat threatening to spew. It would’ve been so easy to dump the truth onto Alton and let him get stuck with how to react to the end results of her explanation, but nothing came out. Instead, she broke eye contact and, thankfully, he did the same once he spoke. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, she thought to herself, stealing another glance at the wooden sculpture.

Don’t worry, that crown’s still yours,” she joked in memory of the screaming match. She hadn’t heard much other than Marquis’ fists slamming against the wooden table, but from what she had gathered after dinner, the disappearance of the Evergreen sisters turned into the hot topic of conversation. “Campers were saying that Liberty was talking about Paige and Renee again and it pissed Marquis off. For what exactly? Don’t know, don’t care.” she explained. Nothing relating to Marquis interested her enough to tune in. He was a chapter in her life that she’d rather not look back on, and other than her distaste for the counselor, she hadn’t caught what peeved him. Whether she liked him or not, he was the equivalent to a teddy bear—just plain soft. A temper like that wasn’t normal.

Juliette’s who you have to worry about anyway. She’s coming for the throne and..,” Connie looked over Alton again, a little smile playing on her face at the similarity. “Shit, maybe even your hair.

”What is Liberty doing?” He frowned, setting things aside as he grabbed some Neosporin and dabbed it on a piece of gauze before placing it on the wound. He pulled out a long strand of medical tape and tore it with his mouth. ”She’s either trying to deflect the blame away from her, or just stir the pot. Or both… Maybe I should start a rumor that she’s the murderer. Wait. Fuck. That’s already a rumor. I would say I caught her and Marquis making out, but no one would believe that. As much as he pisses me off, he does try.” He glowered. ”I wish he’d just do it the fuck away from me. I could have sworn he was about to hug me earlier. Ew.

A quiet huff escaped her—an attempt to push a laugh through the overpowering exhaustion at his reaction to the idea of getting hugged by Marquis. Connie found his dramatic flair to be comedic—especially knowing that what he was saying was the sharp truth. He’d rather do anything else than get caught in a snare that was a hug by the other counselor.

He then taped the gauze to her and looked at his work, mildly proud. He then fished out a couple of band-aids and pushed them her way, along with two Tylenol. ”Look. I took inspiration from Malibu Ken. She took inspiration from Renee and decided to ‘Single White Female’ her. Jesus fucking Christ. Why is everyone here so weird?”

Who knows? I would say it’s the grief getting to her but..,” her sentence trailed off with a shrug to end it. There was no concrete or logical way to excuse how Juliette was acting. “Just be thankful that you don’t have to share a damn cabin with the girl.

Her tone grew thick with annoyance again at her own reminder. After an emotionally taxing day with a bandaged finger as the cherry on top of it, the last place Connie wanted to share with Juliette was her only reprieve. A part of her didn’t think she could comfortably sleep at night knowing that she had a personality like hers to wake up to. Especially since they had already gotten off on the wrong foot after Jonathan’s speech at the amphitheater—words weren’t exchanged yet her mocking smile was the only nail hammered into the coffin needed to have her mind made up. Connie wanted nothing to do with her.

Once Alton handed her some Tylenol, she pulled her hand away to admire the handiwork. As long as it wasn’t bleeding—he had successfully stopped it—she didn’t care how haphazardly it looked. They both experienced a long day and she was only grateful that he took the time to bandage her up instead of sending her off or leaving her alone to do it herself. “Thanks for this,” she added, slightly displaying her hand out before moving to pick up her things, starting with the wooden sculpture that had her jacket pinned against the bench still.

”Nope, I just get to share a cabin with Marquis. So, like, I’m sure I’ll get that hug someday. Just wake up with him hovering over me like a serial killer, trying to give me a finger painting he made of us being friends.” He cleaned up his mess as she looked at the job. It was alright. He was probably a little more proud of it than he should have been, considering. It was just lovely to do something where his mind wasn’t embroiled with every damn thing that was going on around him.

Alt finished picking up and started closing everything up for the night. The mystery would have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe he’d feel a little more clear-headed and not like he was practically on fire from the inside out. He tried to lean over Connie to look at the piece of wood. ”You keeping it as a souvenir or something?” He paused. ”Hide it underneath Juliette’s pillow, and then act as if she’s been cursed by the forest. That’ll keep her off your ass for a bit, anyway.”

As fun as that sounds, I’d prefer to avoid Juliette at all costs,” she answered, folding her jacket over her arm before pivoting to face Alton. “I actually have no game plan for this thing. I should’ve just left it where I found it or tossed it further out.” Connie started examining the unfamiliar carvings once more, paying special attention to the depiction of a wolf. She suddenly found herself thinking back to what Ramona had brought up during their dinner hour—about a pack of wolves potentially making their way toward camp. It was too early to tell if there was a correlation between the two, so she opted for the answer that seemed the most logical: There wasn’t any and it was all a coincidence.

Have you ever seen one of these things before?” she asked, finally holding the totem out towards him so he could have a closer look. Something told her that Alton might’ve had the same level of knowledge that she did—slim to none—but it was worth asking anyhow. At the very least, he could reconfirm what she had already reduced it to.

”Not outside of like gift shops.” He shrugged. ”Maybe we have a very private, very scared whittler among the campers—or the counselors. If any of them whittled, it would probably be Lani or Ricky. I think anyone else would just start stabbing with a knife. Present company excluded.” He shooed her closer to the door and moved that way himself, hitting all the lights. ”Let’s get out of here. As much as I feel like being a heel in the camp system, I’m actually exhausted. So, I’ll make curfew for once.”

Connie mirrored Alton’s gesture, shrugging and leaving the sculpture to dangle at her side as she made her way out of Medbay with him trailing behind. She winced slightly at the change of temperature, having gotten used to a warmer room instead of the biting chill that was settling over the camp. “Night Alton,” she spoke one last time before heading to The Village towards Cabin Three to settle in for the night.

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© weldherwings.
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MOOD: positive


LOCATION: walking around camp
TL;DR Ricky and Kayden walked around camp, found a shotgun shell at the survivalist area, put it back together, and made progress in becoming friends again <3
walking around camp
ricky sanford and kayden wade

While it had been warm inside the dining hall, considering all the bodies that had been packed together in there,the air outside was cooling as the day wound to a close. As he pushed open the front door, Kayden relished in the temperature change. He took a moment to appreciate it before he reached back to hold the door open for Ricky.

Ricky smiled at him, though with his easygoing demeanor, a smile was essentially his resting face. The change in temperature from the fresh air felt nice on his skin after being cooped up in the dining hall with a mass of rambunctious campers and counselors who had tried to veil their thinly veiled disdain for each other. He was glad to have been so lucky with the table selection; he didn’t want an evening of awkward maneuvering around that hatred, and he hoped that despite some of his tablemates’ less than stellar opinions of each other, they had all had a good evening. If Kayden speaking to him again was any indication, things had gone pretty well.

“Thanks man!” he said, striding through the doorway and taking a breath of the fresh air. He glanced around the area, taking in the others there and the scenery before looking back at Kayden. “So, lake it is, then?”

“The lake sounds good to me,”
Kayde replied, turning his feet towards the familiar path to the lake. “Knowing everyone else, I wouldn’t be surprised if we have to bust up a party at the lake. Or break up some first-night secret meeting between the kids.”

Ricky nodded at that. “Yeah, that was my thought too. The lake seems like a place where people would want to gather for a party or something. And we can’t exactly penalize anyone for hanging out closer to the cabins this early.” He shrugged, knowing that he wasn’t the best at reprimanding the kids in general, but if it was a matter of safety, he would have to get over it. He knew if one of his siblings was doing something unsafe, he could stop them without feeling bad about it. Part of him wished his siblings were here this year, but he understood his parents’ reasoning for not sending them. Still, someone had to look out for the kids whose parents hadn’t decided to be so overprotective this time around.

“Hopefully there’s not anyone there, but you never know,” he added as he followed Kayden, catching up so they could walk side by side.

“I want to hope they’re not there, but I know that I might be dreaming too big with that one,” Kayden said. “It’s first night, which means someone is sneaking out somewhere.”

Hopefully not to the lake, though— with all the different shenanigans kids at this camp could get themselves into, a midnight swim was a particularly bad choice. The last thing Kayden wanted to find come morning was a body floating face-down in the water. Not only would that be bad for the obvious reasons, but there was no way Evergreen would survive that after everything that happened last year.

Plus, if Kayden were the one to stumble upon that, he was pretty sure he’d never recover. They could be idiotic or annoying at times, but he loved the kids at this camp.

He shrugged those thoughts away, turning back to Ricky. “Better there than the woods, though. They wouldn’t be the first kids to wander off into the trees and get turned around first night, but I think they’d find it a little more upsetting this year than before.”

Ricky gnawed at his bottom lip, nodding. “Yeah, that’s true. Hopefully recent events have, um, made them reconsider running around in the woods after dark.”

He could only imagine the kind of bravery and idiocy required to be the kid found in the woods after dark. After the disappearances, it didn’t seem likely that many kids would be getting up to hijinks in the woods. The lake, however, was another matter. As much as Ricky wanted this journey to end in a tranquil walk near the lake, there always a possibility that some kids had thought it was a good idea to mess around in the lake after dinner. But finding some kids there now was far better than finding them after the fact. The horror of being too late was one of the few things that kicked Ricky’s stricter side into being. Nothing bad would happen at this camp if he could help it. Or at least, nothing dangerous.

But his thoughts were beginning to wander down a dark path with thoughts of kids getting themselves into trouble. Probably better if he changed the subject; he could tell Kayden’s thoughts were likely not pleasant either from the expression on the guy’s face. “The lake is kind of nice at sunset, before everything gets plunged into darkness. I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but there’s something warm about it.”

“It’s beautiful,”
Kayden agreed. Definitely dangerous, he thought, but he kept that part to himself. Ricky’d been here long enough, it wasn’t like he needed someone to tell him that. It was a lot easier to keep a pack of kids alive in the middle of the woods than some people might think, but part of that depended on keeping them away from water. Kids made stupid decisions in the dark.

“There’s way more people back than I thought there would be,” he added. “Clarisse at dinner, and I think I saw Isla earlier. Wasn’t expecting that.”

Ricky nodded at Kayden’s response, mind going back to number of familiar faces he’d already seen just after one day back. Normally there were several of the same people in the mix, but after the disappearances, it was shocking to see some of them back. If he had still been close with Paige right before the disappearances, would he have been able to come back?

But he knew the answer to that. If he knew his friends who were close with one of the sisters would be there, so would he. Someone had to be there for them during an undoubtedly difficult time. Besides, there was still a crop of kids to wrangle and keep out of danger. That was a duty he didn’t take lightly, despite his generally happy-go-lucky demeanor.

“Yeah, a lot of people are back this year,” Ricky agreed. “It’s kind of nice to see so many familiar faces, but I’m also surprised that so many people had the guts to come back. I have a bad feeling that Marquis and Liberty’s spat was only the beginning of a lot of drama, though I’ll do my best to keep things from getting too crazy if I can.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “Well, either way, I’m sure it’ll be a memorable year if nothing else.”

“Memorable is a guarantee,”
Kayden stated, thinking back to earlier. “But I think you’re right about Liberty and Marquis. I mean, Liberty is… Liberty. But Marquis getting into it with somebody on the first day isn’t like him. If that’s how we’re starting, then where we’ll go from here worries me.”

The two of them made their way past the lake, drenched orange with the setting sun. There were a few people milling about, but it seemed like nobody was intent on getting themselves into trouble. Not this early in the evening, at least. With the lake checked off their list, they turned their attention towards following the Hallows Trail.

Ricky would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit apprehensive about being so close to the woods as the darkness was just starting to fall. The orange light from the sunset filtered through the trees, which was a nice scene but not exactly a comforting one. Even as a counselor, he didn’t want to get caught too close to the woods after dark. Not after last year.

“So, the survivalist area before we make our way to the village and the farmyard?” Ricky asked, making sure he and Kayden were on the same page. They had fallen into a comfortable pace together, giving Ricky a warm feeling that their friendship was going to be okay in the end. In a weird way, maybe the disappearances of the Evergreen sisters had brought several of the counselors together–though it had also torn friendships apart as well. But the important thing right now was the kids, and making sure they were safe. Ricky knew they both understood that much.

Perhaps Ricky’s question was a bit redundant, since the duo were already headed in the direction he had indicated. The Hallows Trail would lead them straight there, at any rate.

“That works for me,” Kayden replied. He glanced up at the sky, which had darkened considerably during their walk. After a moment of consideration, he added, “Maybe we should swing back by the lake, too, if we have time.”

Knowing their kids, he wouldn’t put it past the kids to have waited for the sun to set in earnest to sneak out to the lake. They weren’t stupid, after all. They were way less likely to get caught after dark, with less light and less counselors roaming around to see them.

At Kayden’s suggestion, Ricky quickly saw the sense in returning to the lake. It was a favorite sneak out spot amongst campers and counselors alike, so he wouldn’t be surprised to find someone sneaking there after sunset for a little lakeside party. It might not hurt to swing back that way once the sun had set.

“Sounds good to me,” he agreed as they arrived at the survivalist area. It didn’t seem to be occupied by anyone else, which relieved Ricky. No one to reprimand. Good.

But as he looked around the area, he noticed a glint of something shiny on the ground. Weird. The place was a mess from when law enforcement must have torn through it, hunting for evidence to help in the case of the Evergreen sisters’ disappearance. Ricky, almost without thinking, moved towards it, wondering what the object could possibly be. He had gone uncharacteristically quiet as he did so, focused on the mystery in front of him instead of the conversation.

As Ricky picked it up, he noticed that the object in question seemed to be a shotgun casing. He blinked, trying to ensure he was seeing that correctly. There were no weapons allowed in camp, and he certainly hadn’t heard any gunshots in his time there, so why was the casing on the ground here? It was so unsettling and weird. He swallowed, glancing at Kayden to see if he’d noticed before speaking.

“There was a gun casing on the ground over here,” he said, his normally cheerful demeanor abandoned. He was unmistakably a bit shaken. “Do you have any idea how that could have happened?”

Kayden had been trailing several feet behind Ricky, albeit unintentionally, from the moment they really reached the survivalist area. It shouldn’t have been a huge shock; he’d seen what it had looked like at the end of last summer. The cops had really gone through the place without regard for where things belonged or would go back to in the aftermath. He couldn’t fully blame them, considering the circumstances. Between finding the Evergreen sisters and making sure the place was tidy, he understood which one deserved to be a priority.

Still, it stung to see. There was a part of him that expected someone, maybe Hugo, would have had it cleaned up between summers. At least more tidy— there would be campers here soon, and it still looked tossed about. If the staff didn’t need the reminders about last year’s dour ending, the campers sure didn’t.

He was so lost in these thoughts that he didn’t notice Ricky had stopped until he almost walked into him. Kayden stumbled for a second before he recovered, glancing at the shell in Ricky’s hand. “No idea,” he replied, brow furrowed. “I doubt it was the police either; I’m pretty confident that’s from a shotgun, and I don’t think they use thise. And it couldn’t have been us, since we don’t use any guns here at all. Plus, shotguns are loud. If someone fired it last summer, we would have heard it.”

He paused for a second as another thought came to him, one that made him a little uncomfortable. “And if it had been here last year, I doubt the cops would have missed it,” he added. “If it’s still here…”

Ricky frowned, studying the casing as Kayden spoke. He didn’t have much practical experience with firearms, so he nodded along as Kayden talked. What he was saying made sense, though he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. It was good they were uncovering more about the mystery of the disappearance of the Evergreen sisters, but this was only leading to more questions. He thought back to the whiteboard he’d come across earlier. Another potential piece of the puzzle that didn't end up telling him anything. Not that Ricky was really the puzzle type, but these weird little things were making even him a bit curious.

“So it must have happened after the cops went through and wrecked this place,” Ricky surmised, taking in the full extent of the mess now that he had found the casing. As a sports counselor, this wasn’t even his area anyway. But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see reminders of the disappearances. The more reminders he got, the harder it was to pretend that things could be somewhat normal this year. He had known Paige and Renee for a long time, after all. He still felt a confusing, devastating mix of emotions to when he thought about the girls.

But he could dwell on that when he was alone. He bit his lip, trying to keep the sudden flood of emotions at bay. He could handle that later, when he wasn’t trying to have a conversation. He swallowed down the emotions and tried to go back to his normally chipper demeanor. For now, he blinked it all away with some effort and focused on what he could fix.

“Do you think we should tidy this place up a bit? Nothing crazy, just a little cosmetic fixing while there’s still some light left in the sky.” Though it wouldn’t be light much longer. Still, Ricky wanted to do something to help. “I know we probably can’t fix anything major, but at least we could move some of this mess out of the way?”

Kayden glanced around. There was something akin to dread settling in his stomach; for what, he didn’t know. The look of the survivalist area wasn’t helping, that was for sure. Knowing there would be kids here soon, with less time to prepare for the survivalists to prepare than he would like, only served to put him more on edge.

“That would be nice,” he agreed. “At least so it doesn’t scream ‘raided by police’ tomorrow.”

Ricky smiled slightly at Kayden’s agreement, his sunny aura returning. The kids didn’t deserve to see the area like this; even if the counselors seemed to be on edge, the kids should have a good experience. None of this stuff was their fault. Besides, it was clear that both counselors were upset with the current conditions, so hopefully it would boost their moods to be able to fix it up.

“Yeah.” Ricky nodded. “We don’t want the kids seeing it like this.” He put the casing away in his pocket; maybe someone else would be able to figure out more. For the time being, they could both focus their energy on cleaning the survivalist area.

Ricky and Kayden spent the next fifteen minutes putting things back into place, or their best approximation of where things were meant to go— Kayden was a survivalist, sure, but he spent most of his time on the archery range. He might not have been the best to try to figure out where everything went.

When they were finished, it looked far better than it had when they arrived. Maybe not exactly as it had before, but decent. Nice enough that the kids come could through without having to think about the aftermath of last year.

Satisfied with their work, both boys made their way back to the lake for a final check before they split off for the night. The sun had set by now, and only the last bit of light was holding on from earlier. Kayden glanced out over the lake as they approached. It was beautiful during the day, but there was something dangerous about how the light glinted off the water’s surface. People had their opinions about how much more dangerous water could be at night if they were so comfortable letting kids in it during the day, but looking out over it now… Kayden believed it.

Ricky drank in the crisp lakeside air, closing his eyes for a moment as the boys finished their walk to check up on the area around the lake. He felt good about having cleaned up the survivalist area, though as a sports counselor he admittedly wasn’t completely certain whether they had gotten the layout right, deferring to Kayden’s judgment. And now that they were away from the site of the destruction, Ricky let himself relax for a moment. Despite the dangerous undercurrent of the water, the scenery felt almost peaceful. He glanced at Kayden, curious about what was running through his mind at the moment. Though Ricky could talk forever if he wanted to, he enjoyed hearing about the inner thoughts and ideas of other people. Besides, he wanted to subtly check up on the guy. The two had barely spoken in some time, and Ricky was glad Kayden was making the effort to bridge that gap. He would do his part too, wanting to try and be closer to the guy he used to be friends with.

“It’s nice being able to see the stars out here, huh?” he mused, glancing up towards the last fading light as the moon and stars began to take over the sky.

At Ricky’s words, Kayden tilted his head up. Sure enough, the night sky above them was dappled with stars; no wonder he could still see so bright. Even though it looked like this every summer, he still found himself stunned for a moment. After eleven long months, he’d forgotten. It was nice to be reminded.

“It really is,” Kayden replied, his voice softer than usual. “Even with everything that happened last year, it makes me… really happy to be back, if I’m honest.”

And happy to be talking to Ricky, even if he didn’t say that. With all the years of near silence between them– which were Kayden’s own fault, of course– it was nice to talk to each other again. He’d spent a long time thinking he didn’t need any friends at Evergreen, considering how short the time they spent there was, and how quickly the rumors about him seemed to spread in his teenage years. But after everything that had happened with Renee and Paige, he’d been left with a sense of… longing, almost, for the community everyone else here seemed to have.

Ricky smiled; it was nice talking to Kayden again. He hadn’t wanted to push the guy too hard back when they had first drifted apart, especially when he had his own life to attend to. But something must have changed for Kayden after last summer, to not only have a real conversation but voluntarily spend time with him. In spite of all that had gone wrong already, it made Ricky optimistic about the rest of the camp session. The company coupled with the bright starlight made for a good end to the first of camp, that was for sure.

“Yeah, me too,” Ricky agreed. “Even with everything that happened, this place still feels like home. These people still feel like home.” Even people like Marquis and Liberty, he thought but did not add. All of the counselors and campers that Ricky interacted with made up a valuable part of the camp ecosystem, so despite his misgivings, he had been really happy to see so many people he knew back at camp this year.

Even if he wasn’t one to express it out loud, Kayden held similar sentiments. There were plenty of people on this camp that he didn’t get along with, but he was glad to see more of them than he thought he’d be. Considering he didn’t really keep contact with anybody outside of the summer, he hadn’t been sure of who would be back. There’d been a sense of relief that started to settle the more he made his way around and saw familiar faces.

“Exactly,” Kayden said, when a few seconds passed and he realized he hadn’t replied when Ricky’d spoken. For a moment, he hesitated, before he added: “It was cool to hang out with you tonight. I had fun, even if we were just walking around camp.”

Ricky tried and failed to keep himself from grinning at the sentiment. It was a sweet thing to say, and seemed about the most emotional Kayden was willing to get anytime soon, so he was glad that the other guy was warming back up to him enough to tell him that. “I’m glad! I had fun too.” He glanced over at his companion for a moment before looking back at the sky. “I was happy to see you back at camp this year, to be honest. I know we haven’t talked much in a while, but I like knowing that you’re doing okay.”

Hopefully that wasn’t too sappy for Kayden, but if Kayden was going to make an admission, Ricky figured he would too. He didn’t expect Kayden to get very sentimental, but he was fine with that. His honesty had worked out in situations like these before, and he hoped it would work out this time as well. Despite the gap in their friendship, he did value what they had and was willing to rekindle it. And it seemed that Kayden was taking his extended hand this year, metaphorically speaking. It made Ricky quite happy, truth be told.

“Me too,” Kayden replied. As glad as he was to spend time with Ricky, he wasn’t the most emotional guy– especially when he was at Evergreen. He was getting a bit close to his limit for self-expression for the day.

Instead of saying anything else, he shoved his hands into the pocket of his shorts with half a grin. “Good patrol, you’d say?” He asked. “We might not have run into anything going on, so I guess that’s good.”

Ricky nodded, figuring that they were done with the emotional stuff for the evening. He was honestly glad to not have to discipline any unruly campers or find anyone so obviously breaking the rules while they were out, and despite his long history at the camp, the darkness was beginning to make him a little nervous. It was probably just pent up energy combined with leftover thoughts of the Evergreens, but it might be a good idea to start heading back soon.

“Yeah, good point,” he said, smiling back. “It is nice to see that people seem to be following the rules this time around. You wanna start heading back? Now that it’s closer to curfew, we can see if there’s any stragglers on the way to the Village.”

Kayden glanced down at his watch. The time had ticked down faster than he thought, and now it was later than he anticipated. “We probably should,” he agreed. “The last thing we need is for us to be the ones breaking curfew.”

Ricky chuckled. “That would not be ideal.” It was definitely past the time they should have been out and about, but he didn’t regret being out a bit late. It still wasn’t past curfew yet, and he was ready to head up so they could make it to the Village before they were officially out after curfew.

Expecting the other to follow, Kayden turned his feet up the path towards the village. “Have you spent any time in your cabin yet?” He asked. “Because mine seems… a bit like a powder keg, to be honest. Lou and Rowan together seems like a bad choice. I was hoping Marquis would balance them out, but whatever happened at dinner makes me nervous.”

Or maybe that’s the energy we need Marquis to have, to keep those two from killing each other, he thought to himself.

“Yeah, I can imagine,” Ricky responded, thinking back to the scene at dinner. He knew Marquis could be passive aggressive at times, but never confrontational. It was definitely out of character, but questioning Marquis’s actions too much still felt like pressing a bruise. He preferred not to think about the other guy most of the time, if he were honest. The situation with him in the past two years admittedly still bothered Ricky.

“I’m not sure how much better my cabin is, to be honest, since we have Alton, and already the limited interaction I had with him was just him insulting everyone around him. So I’m not thrilled about that. It could get volatile quick if he says the wrong thing and picks a fight.” Ricky sighed. “At least I’m friends with everyone else, though.”

“Well, Alton this summer is certainly… an interesting hire,”
Kayden replied. He still remembered how Alt had ended his time at Evergreen last summer. To be honest, a part of him was peeved about it. The things Alton had said to him hadn’t really bothered him too much, especially when he heard the whispers about some of the more cutting things he’s said. The principle, however, had. He didn’t think the two of them had issues like that, but clearly Alton thought he was worth one last fuck you on his way out. Might not have hurt, but it sure ruffled his feathers.

“I wouldn’t let him get you down,” he added. “He’s been all bark and no bite. Just because that bark is fucking rude doesn’t make him anything worth worrying about. Hopefully everyone else in your cabin will be smart enough to realize that, too.”

Ricky sighed softly before giving Kayden a small smile. “Yeah, I hope so,” he replied. “Morgan’s in my cabin and he’s pretty good at diffusing fights, so hopefully between the two of us we can keep things relatively stable in there.”

Ricky was, if anything, wary of Alton after last summer. The insults he’d thrown Ricky’s way had hurt, of course, but insults to his intelligence weren’t exactly new territory for him. He could get over it. But his vitriol at everyone else, well, that made Ricky angry. He hated when people disliked him, but when he truly got upset was when his friends were under fire, especially if it wasn’t deserved. That alone made him dislike being in Alton’s presence. But he could stomach it as long as the spark of Alt’s cutting words didn’t light a fire with someone more prone to fighting. So his main concern was ensuring the cabin didn’t become a warzone, which, barring something more acidic than his earlier interaction, probably wouldn’t happen. Probably.

The cabins appeared ahead of them as they turned so around the path, a few counselors still up and shuffling about between them. “Morgan’ll help, probably,” Kayden said as they approached. “And if not, Alton’ll tire himself out if nobody pays him attention.”

It sounded almost like he was comparing the other guy to a baby, but hey— Alton hadn’t won any goodwill from him after last year. As they started to reach their cabins, Kayden turned to Ricky. “So… see you tomorrow?”

Ricky nodded, giving Kayden a smile. “Yeah, see you tomorrow. Wishing you the best on your cabin situation.” He chuckled. He was feeling optimistic about the rest of the camp session after their interaction, despite the chaos that was sure to come at some point. But Ricky was sure things would be okay in the end. Things have a way of working out, he assured himself. Despite the heavy air hanging over them, things would be good this year.

“You, too,” Kayden said, offering him one last nod before he started up the path to his own cabin. He paused once, looking back over his shoulder to offer Ricky a smile before heading off in earnest.

Ricky couldn’t help but feel warmth in his chest as Kayden smiled at him. Despite the commotion earlier and some of the negative feelings that had come up, the day was ending on a good note. Maybe he could repair his other now-alienated friendships and give everyone the best summer he could, just like he’d been planning. He was genuinely quite glad that Kayden had a good time, and he’d certainly had a good time as well. He had a way of finding anything fun in the right company.

So he went back to his cabin with a bit of a spring in his step (though of course this was not unusual for him by any means), thinking hopefully that perhaps the people in his cabin would be…cordial with each other tonight, if nothing else.
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    the anxiety


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collab by


pathway in between dining hall and cabins


sorry not typing one, ummm basically JC wants Lou to help him look for Paige and Renee--Lou's stubborn and emo rn so he declines. Lou good day when???/


morgan Letho Letho ; rowan irregular-neptune irregular-neptune


the runaway & the hierophant

The grassy pathway beneath Lou’s steps brought a familiar comfort; the moonlit darkness enveloped him in a peace unique to only these woods. The crisp air was invigorating, a refreshing contrast to the heat that had hung over the day prior. Summers in Oregon had this beauty—a delicate balance between warmth and coolness.

Now walking, he felt the relief of escape–yet still a lingering irritation like a newly torn bandage reminding Lou he’d almost fallen for the trap of getting into it with Rowan again. It was a godsend Morgan had interjected, giving Lou much needed time to cool off.

There was no sense in reigniting childhood rivalries, especially over a girl who wasn’t even around anymore—Paige was gone, and their boyhood squabbles were best left in the past. He wondered if they were even capable of seeing the past in that light. As prideful men with a deeply inamicable past--It was ridiculously juvenile to fall into the trap of ego, Lou knew that. Every time Lou had thought he could turn the other cheek–think of Rowan as just another man like himself, frustrated by the trials of life–the sympathy became absorbed by unrest, a metallic taste in his mouth.

His instinct nudged him toward another cigarette, but he hesitated, lost in this thought. As he’d neared halfway towards the cabins, a sudden movement jolted him from his reverie. He turned abruptly, startled, as a hand clamped down on his wrist.

“We need to talk.”

Lou yanked his arm away, a pang of irritation bubbling beneath the surface. “Do we now?”

JC’s expression was serious. "Thought about a lot, Lou,--About last year. I won't bring up the shit that happened between you and Paige... but it still makes me sick."

Lou waited for the point to his interjection, tension thick in the air as JC continued, "I'm cutting BB off--He's not gonna like it, but I'm done. I'm not his pusher, and I'm finally free from Renee's grip. I'm calling the shots now, got it? And what I say goes. And I say no more drugs. No more booze in camp. Got it?"

Lou scoffed at his orders. Fishing in his pockets for another cigarette and lighting it with a practiced ease.

"I gotta clean up and so do you. I'm gonna need a clear head if I'm going to pick up where I left off before the snow buried this place. Leads are all cold and the police closed this shit up but I'm not done looking for them, dead or alive."

Lou remained silent, taking a long drag as he finally met JC’s gaze.

“...I don’t gotta listen to you. I’m clean, man.” His tone was steady, unyielding. “You’re tryna play hero now?—what makes you think you’ll find them before the police do?”

Lou struggled to figure out what exactly JC was rambling about. He didn’t care about BB anymore, nor was he interested in JC’s attempts to play ringleader. After all, he was clean—counting six months now. Lou didn't want anything to do with this.

There was a moment last year that Lou considered searching for Paige as well, but the thought of wandering through the woods with familiar faces, each weighed down by the grim reality of two girls who had vanished without a trace, filling him with dread. He chose not to. And this onslaught left him reeling. Truly, he didn't appreciate JC’s ambush yet, as he stood there, memories of summers spent fishing on the lake with JC flickered in his mind—cases of beer lined up against the wall, long conversations on the deck. JC had once felt like a good friend, almost like a younger brother to Lou. All too fast, the drugs and the Evergreens wedged a stake between them.

Though unlike Rowan, JC and Lou had never shared a bitter rivalry or any real reason to dislike each other. Trust had been fractured what with Lou confessed to Paige about the source of his supply, but beyond that, there was no reason for animosity. In truth, Lou didn’t hate him at all.

Once more, it was a rather spirited JC–bombarding him with ideas and opinions on how things had 'ought to be.

JC paused for a moment. “Why I’m doing this is beside the point unless you’re saying I shouldn’t look for them,” he frowned, making the rhetorical point before pushing that aside.

Lou shook his head, his eyes plastered on the grass below them--darkness enveloping the ground to make a perfect canvas for his thoughts to vividly unfold. Searching for the Evergreens--that was all anyone had done for the whole year. Contemplating how they might be the ones to crack the code felt ridiculously bleak. What could they do any differently?

Images of Paige muddied his focused doubts, saccharine memories of laying in the meadow--wasting the daylight with her on lazy afternoons. The sunlight draping over them as did the pills and smoke--a warm embrace once familiar to him, now made him sick. His daydream was soon to toy with her; Lou wondered if her body now lay in a similar position--lifeless and cold and rotting away.

It sent a chill down his spine.

“--And I don’t believe for a second you’re clean.” He crossed his arms and looked him up and down. “But if you’re not bullshitting me, I’d like your help.”

His morbid imaginations were absolved after JC’s accusation. Lou’s tongue rested heavily on his bottom teeth. He could claim his innocence, but what did it matter? He took the last hit of his cigarette, narrowing his eyes on the man once more. “‘Don’t think I’d be of any help really.”

A drop of his cigarette and a scuff of his boot over the grass–he picked the butt up and stuffed it back in the paper box.

JC scowled. Something was wrong. Clearly, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. All he knew was that Lou didn’t seem to feel like he owed Paige anything. The way he saw it, the both of them owed her everything. What kind of man would he be if he didn’t honor that?

“So that’s it then? Hang the coat and walk away?”

Lou shook his head. He’d never had a problem with confrontation before, but the conversation was making him feel crazy. “ 'Hang the coat and walk away,' ” he muttered.

JC clicked his tongue with disappointment. “I thought you were better than that.”

Tossing his head to the side, Lou emphasized, “—they’re fuckin’ gone. Even if I did go along with your wild goose chase—”

He halted mid-sentence, feeling his jaw clench with frustration. Lou didn’t want to get into it with JC either, not tonight and more than anything–not about this.

Actually he’d had enough of talking about anything at all.

In that moment, he realized he had no reason to stay. A fleeting rush of guilt washed over him, but he pushed it down before it could settle. Running away again, he craved the solace that came with leaving on his own terms. And he wanted to. Badly.

“Look, y’know–I don’t wanna deal with this right now. You caught me at a bad time.”

And with that, he walked right past him–back onto the dark pathway towards the cabins. Feeling his fists clench, he struggled to release the tension, but his hands felt like lead—his chest like a tight cage around paper thin lungs.

Still, he hadn’t the slightest idea what he should think about JC’s suggestion.

Since being one of the last to know of the disappearances, it’d taken Lou a lot longer to adjust through the stages of grief surrounding the Evergreens. Some days felt more haunted than others—especially during the fall, when relentless rain drummed against the lake and fog hung low, thick like billowing smoke. When the very small few of those Lou would see during the summertime, just weren’t around.

Those were the hardest days. Especially when search parties scoured the woods well into winter, but by then it seemed futile to most. The notion that anyone could survive alone out there in the cold felt increasingly miraculous.

Lou often found himself standing on his deck, gazing over the lake, where shards of icy film gathered and drifted in the waters—his stomach dropping as he recalled how most townsfolk had assumed drowning was the likely culprit.

If he could have done something to prevent their disappearances, he would have acted without a moment’s hesitation. Now, it felt too late, too far beyond his reach. He thought that once winter eased its grip and he had finally taken meaningful steps toward addressing his addiction—conquering the initial challenges of sobriety—he would be able to move on. He tried.

Isolated in his cabin, he fell into a repetitive routine, performing the same tasks day after day. He tended to his small patch of crops, hiked to breathe in the crisp air and fish upstream, cleaned, read, and played guitar—keeping himself busy, striving to fend off the onslaught of thoughts that threatened to overwhelm him; the same that threatened a breach in his commitment to getting healthy again. He faced the sweats and chills and sickness all on his own, holding himself to weaning off bit by bit. Lou was even able to make a little money here and there doing odd jobs around Easthallow, and helping out at the horse race track during season; doing what he could to feel fulfilled.

Though always still stuck wondering about all the worst things that happened in his life, why they happened and what he was at fault for as things went so wrong.

Could it be he was still looking for the easy way out? He wondered this a lot of the time. As he took those angered steps way from JC, a man he’d once spent many well-remembered days together, he fought to suppress the guilt rising in his throat once again.

Tonight, Lou longed for nothing more than to step into the cabin and sink into sleep—an extra dose of his prescription would get the job done.

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elliott smith

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    miniature tigers


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mi casa mi casa CONGRATULATIONS!
You've received a random Guidance Totem.

Ramona suspiciously tucks something away in a cabin, concealing it from the others.

liberty f.







  • home (filler tab)

think up anger

smells like teen spirit

The end credits looped music stirred Liberty from her sleep late in the night, long enough for her to tuck the postcard between the pages of her book and stuff it under her mattress. She gets up long enough to change into a pyjama set and turn the television off, only to crawl under the warm duvet and resume her sleep.

When she awakes the second time, she's surprised how well-rested she feels. The first night typically left her restless and sore, adjusting to the cheap mattress and the incessant sounds of insects outside the cabin. Liberty stretches under the duvet, her hands encroaching onto Mona's bedshe rips them back to her side, refusing to accidentally touch the girl and have to muster up an awkward apology that wouldn't be genuine. She wouldn't allow Mona even that small triumph.

Tip-toeing around the cabin, Liberty readies herself for the day and fishes her book out to shove into her satchel. There was too much risk to keep the postcard in the same cabin as Isla, as if the Evergreen might pertain a sixth sense and sniff it outshe'd rather avoid another confrontation so early in the day. Checking the time on the wall-clock hanging above their door, Liberty notes 6:05AM and turns the light on, hoping it'll stir her sleeping roommates without her having to say a word.

Whisking out the doorand shutting it gently, despite leaving the light onLiberty makes her way down the porch steps and crosses the bridge, intending to drop off her satchel at med-bay, grab the list of campers from the Lodge, and returning to do the atrocious headcount.

On the way, she spots Hugo Burns exiting the med-bay with a packet of Toy Story bandaids in hand. She gives him a quizzical look as they pass and he shrugs, responding gruffly, "It'll do."

Lifting her hand in a half-hearted wave, Liberty opens the door just enough to reach over her desk on the left side and drop her satchel in the chair before retracing her steps and following behind Hugo. Not far enough she can't hear his grumbling as he fiddles with the children-sized bandages. Jogging to catch up, Liberty takes the packet from his hands and peels the strip away from the adhesive. "Shouldn't you be covered in these?" She questions jokingly, gesturing for him to show her where the cut is.

He swallows and tugs the sleeve of his navy sweatshirt up, revealing a surface scratch. "Was gettin' the boats ready. Scratches I can handle, it's the splinters I could do without."

"I'm sure Marquis wouldn't mind freeing you from those."
She smirks and smoothes the bandaid over the scratch. "Any more?"

"I'll handle the rest."
He takes the packet back and shoves it into his back-pocket. He pats her lightly on the shoulder. "Take it easy, Lib."

Liberty watches him cut off the trail and head in the direction of the lake, presumably back to the boathouse. Unlike some others at camp, she found him easy to get along withsurprisingly so, his depth was lacking but he was real. She never had to second guess intentions with him.

She takes the path to the Lodge, grateful for the sweater she pulled on after dwelling briefly on whether it was needed. Crossing her arms to protect the minimal body heat she had, Liberty finds herself at the Lodge minutes later. Eva Twine opens the door for her with a kind smile and checklist in hand. "Prompt as ever, Miss Fallon."

"I aim to please."
Liberty lies, taking the checklist and immediately turning her back. Hugo she could have a conversation with, it was non-committal and simple. Eva was too much like her mother for Liberty to handle at this hourendless questions of how are you, are you holding up, what if the same things happens to you as those girlsLiberty descends the steps eagerly, hoping her keenness to not engage in a conversation can be taken for excitement to get started.

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