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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Qᴜᴀʀʀʏ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴡɴ, 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧. [IC]

  • rowan







    • home (filler tab)


    push it

    Rowan had a hint of a smile as his friends acknowledged him, a comfortable familiarity he hadn’t realized was absent in this past year. He had friends at college, but that chapter was soon coming to an end and it was nice to have at least a couple people who were consistently in his life, even if they didn’t talk all the time. He’d see them every summer, at least for now. Some of them, anyways. Whatever smile he’d managed had faded quickly as Jonathan began addressing the crowd.

    It seemed a bit optimistic to open the camp and Rowan’s gut twisted in irritation at the mention of the police department, remembering the bumbling manner in which they handled the case last year. Questioning everyone at the camp and yet not finding a single suspect? He glanced around at the other campers, seeing several people he’d put at the top of his suspect list… if the suspect was in camp, what would the police department of the neighboring town do? Be there twenty minutes late to clean up their bodies? What good does security that shows up late do? If someone wanted to repeat last year's crime, Jonathan just gave them the perfect timeline to make it happen.

    Every time he remembered the police thought it'd been an environmental hazard that caused the sisters to disappear overnight, he wondered how many of the people in Fairview actually had a coherent thought in their lives. Oh, so the Evergreen sisters, who had been going to camp since they were children and were good counselors just disappeared to a mysterious hazard that also caused their bodies to completely disappear? He didn't like Renee, but she had enough survival sense in her bitchy head to survive anything the woods could have thrown at her, but sure. Not to mention Paige, who could do anything she set her mind to. The woods would have been the last thing to take the two of them down.

    But what did Rowan know? He was just a dumb jock, the little puppy that followed Paige around when they weren’t fighting. He was sure some people thought it had been him. How couldn’t you? The boyfriend was always the suspect, and with the fights he and Paige had… he shuddered at what people might think.

    He never tried to be angry with her, and he was certainly never violent, but he felt like sometimes when they were angry, they reached decibels that had yet to be invented.

    As Jonathan made his way off of the stage, Rowan patted Marquis on the shoulder.
    “Did you see who’s in our cabin?”

    He shook his head and glanced at Lou before shifting his gaze to Riley.
    “They put Lou in there. Who the hell had that idea?”

    He was trying to not be irritated by the decision, but the mere presence of Lou (and occasionally some of his other cabinmates) raised his blood pressure to a dangerous level, even when he was trying to get along with him. Lou pushed his buttons in a way many others couldn’t -- it was almost impressive. It seemed like any time they tried to get along, something happened and it caused Rowan to snap.

    “Wanna swap with me, Riley?”
    he joked, bumping her shoulder with his elbow, knowing that a cabin full of boys was certainly not her first choice.

    ♡coded by uxie♡








zarina irregular-neptune irregular-neptune , // rowan, riley mi casa mi casa , marquis Wyll Wyll , levi anyasjoy anyasjoy


the runaway

At the girl’s clarification, he picked up on an accent he’d heard only very scarcely throughout his life. Definitely not anywhere near his home county. Seldom did he meet many tourists in this sleepy town–mostly European or Canadian climbers traveling through towards ambitious peaks elsewhere.

India, a mental note–he was curious to how long she’d been in the area and what she brought her to Fairview in the first place.

By the grace of Jonathan’s voice, Lou pulled away from his intrigues–clearing his own throat at his utterance. He felt himself tense at these opening statements.

He missed Paige for his own reasons, but no one could fill the crushing vacancy of a missing daughter–two of them ripped away with none to answer. It must be an unforgiving pain, he imagined. Lou admired Jonathan’s iron will despite the nightmare he was living through. And he did appreciate practically being handed the job when Jonathan knew a decent bit of why he disappeared himself those years ago. After all, it was Jonathan who urged him to apply after Lou had offered his condolences in person.

A near tearful conversation, the two on the brink of choking up yet neither truly breaking in each other’s presence.

After he’d accepted and filled out the application in front of him, Jonathan shook his hand–the firmest handshake he’d ever received from the man. Something in his eyes spoke a thousand words, but all he offered Lou was an 'I’ll see you back here come summer then. Take care of yourself, Lou.Guilt and unclarity walked out that door.

Whether or not Jonathan ever suspected the young boy he saw so frequent growing up to have been even an accomplice in the disappearances, Lou felt almost like a child who’d disappointed his father–coming back to mend what never really had a chance. It wasn’t his fault, but faults were made with Paige he wasn’t proud of being a catalyst to. Perhaps this was partly a driving force behind his volition to stay connected–try his hand at being apart of the community again. There was an unspoken urge of his to stay within the respect of Jonathan, but now maybe all he wanted to do was give back. Something, anything. Other than this, Lou could barely place his purpose of being back here. Lost with no direction, forcing him to confront his past with new perspective.

He closed his eyes, breathing in slow–quiet, but deep. He wanted to steady himself before he completely blacked out the entire opening ceremony in a swift careen like often did when he was stressed. He kept his eyes just above the loge roof, searching for a cloud but finding only blue upon blue upon blue.

Not even a bird to satisfy the rising desire to fly away again.

After Jonathan exited the stage, a bit of shuffling moved the crowd like waves of an ocean. In the movement, he caught a turn of heads.

Rowan mumbled something over his shoulder–a stare Lou could feel heat from all these rows back. That can’t be good. He stared back blankly, maybe a little too long, as Riley and Marquis removed their glimpses. Riley–he hadn’t seen her in awhile. To be fair, the times he mostly saw her were in the dark or under the low hum of some neon fluorescence of a dive bar. He remembered some things. She liked horror movies. She pointed out when Mazzy Star played over the speaker. Unfortunately, the discomfort from Levi and Riley’s inevitable tensions whatever night they went out together were more so on the forefront of his spotty memory. Marquis, he’d had a good-standing relationship with his days at camp. However, it’d been awhile since they’d really talked.

Two cabin mates who potentially hate his guts and a girl who’d solely noticed him upon the most drunken outings she’d probably ever witnessed in her life having a word in about him. Not a sure start. Lou scratched the back of his head.

If a train hollered in a destination to nowhere and lumbered straight through this crowd, he’d have hopped into the conductor’s cab and told him to step on it.

“My name is Zarina, by the way. You said it’s been a while. Have you worked here before?”

Snapped out of daydreams again, Lou covered his neurotics deftly–returning a nervous smile back. “Uh, not really. I used to come ‘round here when I was young. It’s been about 4 years since. Thought I’d…” Lou looked off to the side, trying to find how to articulate something complicated into something easy to swallow. “exercise my knowledge in farming...y’know--put it to good use.”

He returned his eyes, “--Mind if I ask where you’re from? I can tell you’ve an accent, but I can’t say we get many foreigners out here. I was wondering how you ended up in Fairview.”

♪ i've been let down - mazzy star ♪


♡coded by uxie♡

Last edited:


temperance / the green thumb




camp evergreen, amphitheater.


clarisse & billy.


juliette & ricky.

Waiting for Jonathan to begin his opening speech triggered a level an impatience in Connie that she never had before. Normally, she didn't mind it. In fact, she could even admit that part of her didn't want any formality to begin so long as Paige was right beside her. In the shadows of the dining hall or tucked away under a shady tree—mindlessly giggling with one another—it was easy to forget that Connie had a job to do while at camp.

But now, the feeling washed over her abundantly—the empty seat beside her mocking her longing for her friend and grief coming to snare its ichor tendrils around her throat to swallow her whole. She'd give anything not to be alone right now.

And as if they had deciphered every expression upon her face, had uncoded the emptiness that Connie often tried to mask with a nonchalant demeanor, a person had found themselves occupying the empty space. Slowly, Levine would drift back into the real world. Turning to face her new company, Connie's eyes widened ever so slightly—enough to display faint surprise—before she found herself relaxing again.

"Clarisse.. hey," she heaved, the tone of voice hinting at a sigh of relief. It wasn't often that Connie found herself being so transparent or vulnerable, but perhaps that was another aspect of her personality that the circumstances had changed. Hopefully not for good.

Before speaking again, she took the time to gather her feelings and mull over the rest. There was one thing that they both could agree on: Connie didn't know what exactly she was doing back either. She could have gone off to college, maybe poke interest in her uncle's career as a doctor at Fairview's General Hospital. But instead, she found herself back at the one place she should have thought to avoid.

"Yeah well, I made it.," it was simple yet it was all she could muster. But at the very least she could say:

"I'm glad to see you here too though. Really...," it sounded sincere enough because it was true, and it would be the only time Connie braved it out long enough to make sure Clarisse knew it by actually looking at her rather than ahead. If the disappearance of the Evergreen sisters taught her one thing, it was to never let anything go unsure with anyone. Good or bad, Connie would make sure people knew their standing in her life.

An amplified voice managed to pull Connie out of her somber mood as she immediately turned to Jonathan. Even with his best clothes on and his impressive ability not to break down right behind the podium, the loss of his daughters was clearly aging him from the year prior. There was no life to his eyes nor even a fake smile to show for the kids and their respective guardians. She watched his face sour with impatience as the crowd diluted safety protocols to ridiculous ways to ruin their fun. It pained something in Levine to see him try, and when his eyes landed on her momentarily, her lips tightened into what she attempted to morph as a smile.

She failed at that too but it was the intention that counted for something.

Connie was an intense listener, seemingly memorizing everything he had to say before exiting the stage. All things considered, she respected the man more than she could possibly describe. Not just for recognizing her as an ally to his daughter, nor to just allowing her another year of work, but to the fact that he held more patience and bravery than she ever would.

Just as she began to turn back to Clarisse, another counselor joined them on the seat above. More specifically, Billy Sheridan. She didn't have much of an opinion about them—the two never interacted enough for her to gauge whether he was worth talking to or just good for turning her back towards. But in this moment, she was feeling particularly friendly. Fueled solely by the fact that she wasn't ready to disperse to their next destination and start all over again.

"It's Billy, right?" she asked, looking over him in curiosity and with a keen eye of an observer. "Welcome back."

Where the fuck did this attitude come from?

Although brief, Connie caught a glimpse of another crowd over his shoulder. She immediately recognized Ricky—a face so painfully familiar that she would rather not narrow in on for too long. But, she'd quickly regret that decision when she saw a head of blonde hair from the back. Delicately tousled and shining so familiar that it was almost enough for her to react before Connie realized who it really belonged to.

That was not Paige and it would never be Renee. How pathetic can one person truly get?

Enough to dye their hair to match a dead girl, obviously.

Connie's attitude immediately soured, eyes darkening in blinding fury that was doused as quick as it flared by the reminder that she was in the presence of company. Save your energy for someone who actually matters, she had to remind herself before turning her head fully away to return to Clarisse and Billy.

"You two wouldn't happen to be in Cabin 3, right?" she asked, narrowly through gritted teeth as she worked the flared anger that her jaw liked to hold. Please let either one of them be.

♡coded by uxie♡
Mm, still no last name to that first one - but that was all right, seeing as Morgan was sure that he would be getting it soon enough... From the official lists, if not directly from a living person. He still nodded his head just once, accepting the outstretched hand and giving it a bit of a shake - nothing too weak, but also not bothering to make it stronger than what was necessary...

... And that was about all the socialising that they managed to do - because in the next moment the actual opening speech finally began.

Its start wasn't that bad; this place was meant to be fun, after all, so a joke went well with that idea... And mister Evergreen had Thomas to thank for that material - even if Morgan wasn't sure that helped his fellow counsellor's case in the owner's eyes.

Then again, what could mister Evergreen really do about that now?

Without seeming absolutely petty, that was.

The speech quickly shifted towards business after that, though - and Morgan focused, watching and listening closely. The promise of safety was nothing surprising, of course - though perhaps slightly redundant, since the man was talking to people that had already decided to join or bring their children there. Still, he supposed such things needed to be stated - to sound good and reassuring...

He had certainly been listening to his father and his colleagues long enough to know that.

And so... No new information about the sisters - because of course there wasn't - and Morgan felt... Just the tiniest bit guilty about that. He had mentioned some of what Renee had once told him to the police last year, though not enough to let them come to the mental illness conclusion just based on his account. He hadn't... And still didn't believe that to be the case, and there was no proof for it - but he was certainly aware of how law enforcement and the media often worked. Neither the girls' memory nor mister Evergreen deserved for that explanation to be spread and widely accepted.

Still... He did sometimes wonder if perhaps he should have told the grieving father more about what he knew. There was a chance that mister Evergreen wouldn't have even listened - accepted it - but... Morgan himself would have preferred to know everything, he thought, no matter how unpleasant.

He didn't know if it was selfish or kind of him to want to investigate a thing or two first.

The mention of security suddenly brought him out of his musings; that was... Honestly, a good idea, one that he approved of. It was the delay in their arrival, however, that didn't sit well with him... And the familiar sense of something more than just mere anxiety - a heavy, tangled bundle of it within his chest - told him everything he needed to know about that.

He had learnt to listen to his feelings a long, long time ago.

The curfew and the limitation of trails could become a problem as well... But then again, Morgan hadn't actually been planning to go out much at night. As far as he was concerned, there was something dangerous in those woods - and while he couldn't be certain that it wasn't active during the day at all, his chances were still better then, for multiple reasons.

He could work with this.

The speech finally ended soon after that - and Morgan watched in thoughtful silence as mister Evergreen stepped back. It didn't take long for Juno to speak afterwards - and the sound of her voice made him slightly turn his head in her direction first, his eyes lingering on the stage for just a moment longer... Before he actually looked at her.

"I wouldn't worry too much about him, probably," he murmured, even though he wasn't absolutely certain of that... But he didn't get to explain what he meant further than that - because the girl was already changing the topic either way, speaking louder... Focusing on food.

Well then.

Morgan's expression didn't really change - but he did glance up at Thomas between them as Juno stood up and simply... Left them there. To be fair, they couldn't exactly call each other friends after about five minutes of knowing each other... But it was still interesting behaviour, and one that Morgan had to actively stop himself from analysing too much. It would have been... Unkind, perhaps.

"And she is gone," he only said, no longer whispering, but not speaking too loudly, either - allowing his gaze to follow Juno for a moment... As she approached a small group of counsellors - all of them at least familiar to him... Though some certainly more than others.

... Maybe he would ask Leon about her later.

For the time being, his gaze slowly drifted away from that gathering - and moved over the amphitheatre as a whole, as much as he could see of the seats and the stage... The woods around. Everything had been cleaned, he was sure; the police must have been here, certainly, during their investigation... But he was already there - so what was the harm in looking around a bit?

"How about we step to the side for a moment - to let everyone leave first? Crowds and heat are a great match, after all," he said, and, to be honest, he wasn't even lying about that; he didn't particularly enjoy the idea of accidentally brushing against sweat-covered bodies.

That didn't mean he wasn't trying to get some company for his investigation, though; he was fine doing it on his own, but... Two pairs of eyes, two minds, were always better - and there was strength in numbers.


Wyll Wyll Jupiter_South Jupiter_South
Her shoulders relaxed after her presence was received with some positivity. She turned to Connie this time around and returned her small smile with a more lopsided one. It quickly dropped though as she shook her head. "I don't think I can leave this place even if I tried." She muttered. She wondered idly if Connie felt shackled to the place too— or if she was searching for the warmth familiarity of someone who had since disappeared.

She turned back to Mr. Jonathan when he began speaking. He had been better at pretending when she was younger, she remembered. The disappearance had changed everything about the man; then again, who wouldn't be forever scarred by the loss of your own children? She shifted in her seat as he rattled off on new rules with the curfew being received negatively by most of the campers. She imagined the counselors weren't all too happy with it either. She remembered the amount of times they would sneak out once the kids were all in bed to have their own fair share of fun.

Then Clarisse would simply have to apologize to Jonathan. If things went according the plan, then she would have to break those curfew rules more often than she wouldn't.

For a moment, she wondered if she should swing by to check on him. Clarisse hadn't spoken to him since their last discussion about the camp being reopened and she felt like she should try to clear things up now before it was too late. But... well, surely he would stay around for a bit longer anyway.

Her time spent contemplating whether to approach Jonathan had made her completely miss Billy approaching them until Connie began speaking. She turned around before a smile caught up to her face. They hadn't been speaking recently but Billy had been one of the good memories of her camper days. "Billy. Welcome back." She reached forward to pat his shoulder before moving back. "We have a curfew now at 9:30 but..." She shrugged as she scratched the side of her neck. "Doubt people will follow it."

Connie's mood seemed to have fallen off all of a sudden and Clarisse tilted her head, eyebrows furrowed as if trying to search for an answer in the silence. After a short moment, she shook her head. "Cabin 2. As usual. Why?" At the same time, she looked around to see what the cause of Connie's agitation was. There were a couple of groups of counselors who still milled around the amphitheater mostly due to how many campers were leaving the area. Aside from a few unfamiliar faces that she assumed were new counselors chatting with some old and familiar faces, there weren't really any—


Her entire body tensed in response. A familiar sight. Sickeningly so. It took her a second or two to realize what exactly the discrepancy was— who exactly was trying to mimic someone near and dear to her own heart. Clarisse muttered a short "Oh." for only Connie and Billy to hear. Something coiled in her stomach and the familiar heat of anger was starting to settle into her. No, no, no, shift it somewhere else. Move. Anywhere but here.

She stood up from her seat and tore her eyes away from Juliette and the group. Alton was there too and that seemed like a recipe for trouble. Her mind began piecing together the puzzle of Connie's current predicament. Her eyes landed back on Connie, a little bit of sympathy showing. "That's... uh, unfortunate. I'm sorry."

"We should probably go, right? I think it might-" Her gaze turned to Juliette and the others and she looked worried for Ricky and Leon for a moment but seemed to shrug it off. "Yeah, we don't want to be here. Maybe. Probably."

LOCATION: Amphitheater


TAGS: minajesty minajesty @Midrick
code by valen t.


  • mood

    curious & stressed

This year’s opening ceremony promised to be a memorable one—a sense of unease hung in the air as the counselors readied for the droves of campers that were set to arrive at any minute—a few of them had already trickled past the tree line and into Evergreen Camp’s boundaries. Even the chickens were unusually quiet. All signs pointed back to the disappearance of the Evergreen sisters, and while Ramona could agree that any such event was a tragic one, she couldn’t quite grasp why, even now, they were walking on eggshells. Statistically-speaking, people vanished and died all the time, yet the world kept spinning. Why should the case of Renee and Paige be treated any differently? They had more pressing things to worry about than getting lost in the past—like root veggies, for instance.

While the other counselors had gathered at the amphitheater, Mona had soil caked beneath her fingernails, mulch itching at her bare knees as she crouched at the edge of a plot in the garden. Some may have viewed her task as having drawn the short stick—digging out the carrots planted months ago, during the camp’s off-season, by Hugo Burns in preparation for the many camp meals ahead of them—but the girl preferred it to feigning remorse for the Evergreens’ loss. She didn’t think she had it in her—whatever sympathy Ramona may have had had been milked dry the summer prior.

Damp bangs clung to her sweat-slicked forehead, and Mona reached up a hand to shove them aside with little regard to the dirt she smudged onto her skin in the process. Despite how early in the summer it was, the sun was already unforgiving, trees overhead doing very little to stifle the heat as bright rays filtered between the leaves.

Eventually, the chickens livened in their coop—a natural response to the sudden rise in numbers of the people in their midst as more and more campers passed, guided towards the amphitheater for Jonathan Evergreen’s big speech—and perhaps Ramona was imagining it, but a familiarity—an air of normalcy—settled over her hunched shoulders. She’d lived through this very moment several times before, it seemed, and she could almost pretend that there was no need for anyone to be on edge.

Really, was there?

Ramona got to her feet, dusting her hands off on the front of her shorts before taking hold of the bucket on the ground beside her. Inside, the carrots rattled, bouncing against their plastic prison in rhythm to the girl’s footsteps as she lugged them to the kitchen’s back door. She doubted anyone would be there to receive them—Jonathan could be long-winded when he wanted to be, and it was easy to get lost in the sea of campers even if he was done listening to himself talk—but even so, that entrance was typically left unlocked, so Mona would have no problem depositing her load.

Aside from herself, the kitchen was deserted. The counters lacked their typical clutter—a mark of the first day back and a hint that Juliette may or may not have been running behind schedule.

Ramona didn’t bother to flip the switch to its ‘on’ position as she entered—the dusty beam of light filtering in through the window was more than enough to illuminate the cramped space. With a sigh, she strode to the sink and dumped her harvest into the basin, dropping the now-empty bucket on the floor, then turned on the water. At the very least, she could give the carrots a good rinse while Juliette was distracted with God-knew-what.

A steady stream splashed from the faucet to the pile of vegetables below. Mona shuffled the carrots around, allowing water to seep through from all angles, before plugging up the drain and leaving them to soak in favor of locating a towel to spread out for them to dry on.

Ramona may have often found herself spending time in the kitchen each year, but she was still a stranger to the map of its various compartments. After a few spoons too many, she’d nearly exhausted all her options when she at last discovered where they’d stowed away the dish cloths—shoved to the back of a drawer behind a muffin tin.

They were in dire need of a new organization system.

Mona snatched the towel loose from its hiding spot, but as she was moving to shut the compartment to return to her initial task, a flash of well-worn leather stopped her in her tracks.

Old as she was, Ramona should’ve known better than to go snooping through someone else’s belongings, but the mystery books she consumed by the dozen told her that the journal wasn’t there by accident, no matter how badly the kitchen was sorted otherwise. The way the towels had been carefully tucked around it so as to keep it concealed—whoever put it there clearly didn’t want anyone else to stumble upon it, but they must not have been counting on someone like her needing a dish cloth.

Before she could think twice about what she was doing—or the consequences it might bring—Mona’s hand lurched forward as if it had a mind of its own, plucking up the diary and thumbing eagerly through its pages.

She hadn’t realized her heart rate had picked up until it dropped again as she realized with disappointment that the book was nothing but an old nature journal. The scribblings on the pages documented the usual things campers were asked to—plants, wildlife…


One particular entry under wildlife—scrawled messily, as if written in a hurry—mentioned hearing a pack of wolves at night, in the woods at the edge of camp.

That couldn’t be right, could it?

Outside, the sound of voices grew nearer, and Ramona snapped the journal shut, glancing up to see that Jonathan’s opening speech must’ve ended at last, and campers and counselors alike were returning from the amphitheater.

And the sink was overflowing.


In a singular, swift motion, Mona shoved the small book into the back pocket of her denim shorts, grabbed the rest of the towels from the drawer, and sprinted back across the kitchen to clean up the mess her curiosity had created.

nocturnal me

echo & the bunnymen

♡coded by uxie♡

((Note: Thoughts will be crimson and italicized while speech will be crimson and bolded.))

Thomas posts.jpg

The Entertainer


He chuckled at Juno's comment. Me being the drama teacher makes sense, huh? I wonder why. Surely not because she thinks I'm dramatic, he sarcastically mused to himself. She seemed easy enough to get along with. Hopefully that didn't change - he'd hate to add another person to his list of haters.

Hearing Morgan's self confidence in confirming how cool he was, tickled Thomas a little.
Morgan, huh? Who's have thought. He'd realised from the day he decided to come back that he'd need to form a squad and quickly. He anticipated a lot of heat coming his way and while his personality was strong enough to take it, he also was willing to bet that getting people on his side quick would make the others less...fiery. So far, Morgan was looking like a prime candidate for that squad. And Juno?

Just as her name crossed his mind, she reached across him to shake Morgan's hand, causing Thomas to raise a brow. That's...certainly one way to go about it. He noted it but didn't think much of it. She was interesting enough for him to let it slide this time. Plus, Jonny had started speaking and Thomas wanted to at least pretend that he was paying attention. I guess the Jury's still out on her place in all this.

The information about the curfew caused Thomas to roll his eyes. In truth, he didn't have much reason to be outside past 9:30 anyway. Well, maybe to torment Leon. But that's fine because curfews don't count if you're with management. At least, that's the excuse he had prepared himself to give.

The whole speech caused some irritation to bubble within him. He didn't care about them having additional security or the stricter rules. All that was well and good - Thomas wasn't by default a trouble maker, after all. But he was mainly irritated because he'd have expected Mister Evergreen to do more. His daughters were gone and he was just expecting everyone to move on? Who does that?

And what did you do, O righteous one? Pretend not to care and cause everyone to hate you more?

His own thoughts caught him off guard, but the annoying part was that he couldn't deny it. He had his reasons but he had chosen to pretend like the incident hadn't gotten to him; to act as if he didn't have the biggest crush on Renee; to move on however he could. Hm. Perhaps Jonny Boy has his reasons too. Whatever, it's not my business anyway.

By the time he was out of his thoughts, the speech was over and Juno was speaking again. And then she was...gone. Hmm, suddenly not so sure about that Squad spot. But maybe. We'll see how she gets along with the others first. Perhaps she'd respond to compliments? She seems like the type to enjoy a blowing up of her ego.

He looked back to Morgan, whose eyes followed Juno as she walked. A mischievous glint twinkled in his eye as he came to Morgan's side and threw his arm over the other counselor's shoulders. He gestured as Juno with his head before looking back at Morgan. "Seems like you like what you see, brother? Someone planning on taking extra music classes this summer?" He teased.

He also wasn't opposed to the idea of letting everyone leave before them. He locked his hands behind his head and casually stretched, squinting slightly as he looked up at the sun.
"I'm in no rush to go anywhere. Can't say there are very many people for me to say hi to," he commented, letting his arms dangle loosely and casually from his neck.

"Plus," he added as people began making their way out the amphitheater, "I was also hoping to check out the lake before it gets crowded with kids."

Mentions: Juno ( Jupiter_South Jupiter_South ), Morgan ( Letho Letho )

Morgan... Wasn't actually all that used to people just touching him. Oh, it did happen from time to time - and he had no reason to... Dislike it, no. It simply never failed to surprise him the tiniest bit that someone felt the need or wanted to do so - especially when his own touch generally had a deeper purpose, like a sense of reassurance or an expression of honesty.

Then again, he supposed being friendly held a significant meaning as well.

And so he didn't outwardly react to that arm going around his shoulders now - not beyond glancing at Thomas, that was... Though he had to actively stop a confused frown from forming on his face at the comment about Juno that followed. Well... Maybe he shouldn't be so shocked, really. He had been looking, after all - and people generally weren't mind readers.

But before he could respond to that - other than by raising one eyebrow - Thomas was already talking about something else, agreeing to his suggestion, and... Well, that was the priority there, wasn't it? What interested Morgan even more was the idea to check out the lake next... Oh, yes; he could certainly work with that, too. He definitely wished to get as much done while he still had the time.

"I would not mind going there at all," he said, already planning that trip - wondering how to best approach his research there, where to look... Oh. But he should probably respond to the other matter as well - it was only polite, was it not? "... And while Juno is certainly very pretty, I might already be interested in making music with someone else. And I prefer duets over orchestras."

Which was more or less all he was willing to say about that.

Turning his head once more to glance at the people leaving the amphitheatre - and at some still staying nearby - and certainly not allowing his gaze to linger anywhere, Morgan shifted a bit in his spot... And as his boots dragged over the stone beneath him, he realised that one of them... Had pulled something out from beneath the bench, apparently?

Looking down was an instinct; it was probably just a piece of trash, realistically speaking, of maybe a leaf from one of the trees surrounding the area, and yet... Morgan had never been one to stop himself from doing things that felt right to him.

When his gaze fell upon a dirty sheet of paper, his interest suddenly grew.

That it had somehow survived there... He could see stains on it, marks left by water, no doubt - but the bench must have protected it at least partially... And that was a huge coincidence. Without thinking about it much, Morgan almost instantly leant down to grab it, careful not to get his fingers dirty as he turned it and unfolded the random creases...


"Well, would you look at that," he said, his voice lowered now, though not enough for it to be inaudible to Thomas. An old list - from the previous year, it seemed... "Performances and plays. Seems like Paige wanted to play the wolf to her sister's Little Red Riding Hood."

And wasn't that... Curious.

Morgan knew that sometimes things just happened - and there wasn't much reason for them, nor a good explanation. But he also trusted his instincts - his feelings - and... After everything that Renee had told him the year before... He could not bring himself to consider this piece of paper absolutely unrelated to his quest.

The question was, then: had Paige really been the big, bad wolf by nature or choice - somehow hidden like the one in the fairytale, pretending to be someone else... For herself or for her sister's sake in some way... Or had Renee wanted to make her into the wolf?

... Was Renee, perhaps, pointing towards her from beyond the grave?

Wyll Wyll
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Eva Twine’s office is away from the others. The door is most certainly locked, but there is likely something to be found inside.

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 proceed to discord for further instructions.

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The Amphitheater’s crowd slowly begins to exit, campers whispering in excitement and counselor’s off in groups of their own making. But something catches your attention behind the stage.

evermoon evermoon proceed to discord for further instructions.
You've received a Fortune Totem.

FORTUNE TOTEM: Deep in the woods, you see Thomas Mode and can't clearly make out if others are with him. He looks up suddenly.
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isla evergreen







  • home (filler tab)

baby bugs


Jonathan crosses the camp at break-neck pace, undoing the top button of his shirt to reduce the feeling of claustrophobia; it felt like the world was closing in and fast. He hadn’t anticipated how hard it might be to come back here, to see parents and all of their children… he supposes he’s fortunate enough to have one child still in his life. However stubborn they may be.

The doors swing open and he comes to a sudden stop as Eva Twine holds the door ajar for him. Her hint of surprise at his approach gives way to a knowing expression, noting the sweat beading on his brows. A parent herself, she understands the pressure and frankly, PTSD of returning to camp; the graveyard of his youngest children.

“You’re not entirely alone, Jonathan.” She steps to the side, revealing his lone daughter.

There’s a jarring adrenaline spike in his chest, his immediate reaction wants to grab Isla and whisk them away back home and away from this hellhole of a camp — let the others suffer their fates, losing another child was not an option. He wouldn’t survive it.

He stares at her from the doorway, bracing both hands on either side of the frame. “You sure I can’t convince you to leave here?”

Isla met Jonathan's gaze, managing a small smile, "I know how much you'd rather I stay home, but you know how much I love teaching art to the kids," Taking a step toward him, she carefully wrapped her arms around him in a hug, "Don't worry, Dad, I promise I'll be safe."

In truth, they were just as anxious about being here as their father was, and that was evident in the way they had to focus to keep their hands from shaking. Isla leaned back to look up at him, their lower lip quivering slightly, "Being here... hurts and I miss them every single day," They took a step back, hands on their hips, "But I'm staying no matter what."

Despite the sadness that lingered, Isla looked determined as ever and it was obvious there was nothing that would change her mind.

Jonathan’s gaze drops to the floor, blinking away the threatening tears behind his eyes. Isla was the spitting image of her mother, had the resolve of Renee, and the compassion of Paige when it came down to family. And he was risking losing her to this camp, too.

Logic failed to keep up with his vivid imaginations; sure, perhaps the girls just so happened to get caught by environmental causes, wandering off onto trails they shouldn’t be on and finding themselves in the dangerous mining caves around the woods. Stumbling off a mountain top. Slipping into the lake at night. There were so many logical possibilities to explain their disappearance… but it did not feel right, not in his chest. Not when Renee made so many enemies here.

“You are staying, I know it.” He lifts his eyes to search their face for any hint of apprehension, that there might be a chance to talk her out still. “Don’t make your sisters' mistakes. There are far too many people here with a reason to despise you.”

Isla knew what he was thinking, and he was right. Renee had made a lot of enemies and that likely put her on those enemy's lists of targets. She was an Evergreen, after all, and she had heard plenty of rumours about herself as a direct result of the trouble Renee had caused.

"Trust me, I won't," Isla took one of her dad's hands in her own, squeezing gently, "I know better than anyone how careful I need to be." Even with the knowledge that this year could be worse than past ones, Isla's resolve only seemed to strengthen.

No matter the severity of the rumours, Isla wouldn't let that stop her from being the best camp counselor she could be. She still fondly remembered the letters some of her campers wrote and gave to her when the session was over in years past. It showed her how much she was able to help some of them, and she wanted to do that again this year.

Isla couldn't hide her excitement any longer and she took her father's other hand, eyes shining, "I promise everything will be alright." Although tears were beading in the corners of her eyes, it was obvious she was going to continue to stand her ground. Isla couldn’t stop herself and pulled her father in for one more hug. 1. Because she felt like he needed it (frankly, they both did) and 2. because she didn’t want him to see her cry.

Jonathan wonders why he hadn’t hugged her more often in this last year and deprived them both of simple comfort. He buries his face into the crook of Isla’s neck, biting back the tears — if he lost them, he’d surely jump into the lake and seal his fate alongside the rest of his family. Greed bought this camp, and here he was, sacrificing everyone he loved to keep it alive.

“I have a reputation, you know?” He pulls away from them, swiping at his eyes with his forearm to quickly remove the evidence of his stress. “Can’t have an old man like me crying at summer camp.” His attempt at a joke is flat, all amusement stolen away from the overwhelming emotions clawing at his throat.

Isla laughed, her smile widening as she quickly wiped her eyes, "I won't tell if you don't." She replied, referring to her own tears that stained her cheeks.

“You’ll do great, kiddo. You always do.” Jonathan takes a chance and ruffles Isla’s straight hair, disturbing the perfectly neat strands — how he used to. He catches sight of his watch, stopping his playful attack on them to sigh. He had someone to meet in town. “Give them all a new way to perceive Evergreen’s this year… and please don’t go anywhere near the lake at night.”

When he ruffled their hair Isla leaned into his touch and they had to fight back more tears that threatened to escape. He hadn't done that in so long and they felt as though a knot in their chest had come undone, even if only slightly. Isla hadn't realized how much they had missed this.

"Thanks, Dad," Isla didn't fix her hair, choosing instead to clasp her hands behind her back and rock on her heels, "I won't go near the lake, I promise." She was making a lot of promises, but she was determined to keep them. The last thing she wanted was to cause any more unneeded stress for her father.

Rocking forward onto her toes, Isla placed a light kiss on his cheek, "I can tell you have somewhere to be so you should probably get going, but I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

Jonathan presses one last swift kiss to Isla’s temple and strides for the door, not able to meet their eyes. He’ll surely stay if he does. “See you, angel.”

Every step is heavy as he leaves the Lodge, making his way down the steps. It was nearing 3:00pm and he had some business to wrap up in Easthallow before departing for good. He casts a quick glance around for any counselors who may need his attention, but had every intention of leaving as soon as possible.

♡coded by uxie♡
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riley kelson







  • home (filler tab)



All the hard work Riley had done to ease her nerves seemed to vanish the second Johnathon began his speech. A large part of Riley still couldn't understand why he had even decided to reopen camp in the first place. Had it been out of love for it? Love for his daughters and wanting to keep their memory alive by keeping this place up and running? Perhaps it was neither and Johnathon had his own selfish reasons for not wanting to shut camp down. She crossed her arms over her chest at the thought. Even if that were the case the bigger question would be why. Why even come back to a place that two of his daughters disappeared from?

As Johnathon stepped down from the stage and into the crowd, low whispers and chatter began to take his place from all the campers who started to complain about the strict rules he had just put into place- not that she could blame them, the idea of a curfew wasn't fun to her either, but as she stared at Johnathon Riley settled on what she believed the answer to be. Guilt.

In retrospect what parent wouldn't be? It was clear how much Johnathon Evergreen had loved Paige and Renee but had he ever truly parented them? If he had maybe Renee wouldn't have been as terrible as she was and both girls would still be here. The years of being their family's golden child, of Johnathon ignoring the way his daughters treated those around them finally caught up to the two. The grim expression on his face made Riley want to ask him- was it all worth it in the end?

This is almost exactly like Heathers with Renee staring as Heather Chandler. Riley realized. Even in death, they weren't free from her or her influence over the camp. If anything it seemed like going missing and being presumably dead only increased how much attention the two were getting. Wherever she was Riley was sure Renee took joy in that fact.

As she looked away from Johnathon her dark eyes met Leon's. Sleeping with her ex's friend definitely wasn't Riley's greatest moment. Even if it had been nearly a year since she'd broke things off with Levi it didn't change how fucked up the entire thing was. The fact that she had no feelings for Leon either made it feel even more messy in retrospect. What would Levi say if he found out? Did Riley care if he found out?

Her gut twisted as the answer came barreling towards her almost immediately. Yes. Not because she still harbored romantic feelings for him, that ship had sailed months ago, but because Riley knew deep down that a part of her still missed him- at least she missed the friendship they'd once shared before they fucked it up by getting into a relationship.

Not that she would be telling him that. It was awkward enough having to see him every day again no way was she going groveling back like a lost puppy.

She gave Leon a small smile and a semi-awkward wave back. This is about to be the longest summer of my life. She thought with a huff, before turning her torso to face Rowan.

Her face turned into a look of disgust at his suggestion, "Yeah absolutely not." The smell from being in a cabin full of boys would be enough to put her into a coma. Riley was actually pretty happy that everyone in her cabin was all girls this year, she rarely ever got this lucky with the cabin assignments, "You and Lou though? Wonder who's bright idea that was." Riley never got into the middle of...whatever it was Rowan and Lou had going on and she would like to keep it that way. She looked to Marquis with a look of faux pity, "Good luck dealing with those two all summer." Riley certainly didn't envy his position.

She looked away, deciding to just glance around to see if there was anyone else she could spot in the sea full of people. Perhaps it was just a force of habit, or maybe even unfortunate luck, that her eyes drifted to Levi. Thankfully he wasn't looking at her, preoccupied in a conversation with Liberty. Feeling a mix of emotions Riley darted her gaze away from him and back to Rowan and Marquis, suddenly very in the mood for a smoke. Riley wasn't going to talk about it though, especially not with Rowan. Speaking about her ex who was very much alive while Rowan's girlfriend was dead and he was clearly still dealing with it would be an ass move on her part.

"Speaking of cabins I want to head back to the village. You guys want to come with or..?" Riley moved to stand, reaching her hands above her head and stretching her body out before allowing them to fall back to her side. Honestly Riley wouldn't have minded the time alone but she also didn't want to just ditch them and go off on her merry way so she only began the walk back after getting confirmation that the two were coming with her.

As they walked Riley made sure to not bring the Evergreens up for Rowan's sake. She was sure he'd want to talk about it all and how he was feeling at some point, but Riley didn't want to push him into doing so. Instead, she asked Rowan and Marquis what they were excited about this summer, and Riley talked about how excited she was to start taking the kids on hikes again as well as teaching archery. Even if Kayden was technically supposed to be the main teacher this year there was no way Riley wasn't teaching a lesson or two herself.

Eventually, the three of them reached the village and Riley glanced at the folder Rowan had found at the amphitheater that he held in his hands. I wonder what that's about. She wondered, while walking up the stairs that led into cabin four. "I'm not walking into a mess in here am I?" She asked, looking over her shoulder with a playful look before opening the door and heading inside.

When in she immediately located the bed that had Rowan's belongings and fell onto it. "God I feel like I could sleep for a week." She groaned before rolling over onto her back. As she did so something shiny caught the corner of her eye. Riley's eyes squinted a bit before she sat up a bit, using her forearms as support. "What is that?" She spoke her question out loud, before gesturing towards the fireplace. Inwardly she felt herself groaning. She had just gotten to lie down and now she was getting back up to investigate something that probably wasn't even important.

Riley considered leaving it alone, after all, she wasn't even in her cabin so was it even her business to be snooping around like this? No. Was she going to do it anyway because her curiosity got the better of her? Absolutely.

Riley climbed off of the bed and walked over to the fireplace before bending down and picking something metal and cold up. "A poker stick?" She examined it over in her hands, her brows furrowing in confusion as she turned and faced Rowan and Marquis before holding it up for the two of them to see. "I thought they got rid of all of these before camp started." It was a massive safety issue. The Evergreens didn't want some poor kid's parents suing them because they got their eye poked out while away. They were always taken away before the kids got to camp so what was one doing here?

♡coded by uxie♡


irregular-neptune irregular-neptune CONGRATULATIONS!
You've received a random Guidance Totem.

One of the Cabins' windows are not closing properly, something must be stuck in the middle.



mi casa mi casa CONGRATULATIONS!
You've received a random Guidance Totem.

Medicine cabinets line the back wall, one in particular is for campers and counselor's prescription medication.



You've received a random Fortune Totem.

Inside what appears to be a safe, you see a wad of money, what looks to be a receipt of sorts and jewellery.


liberty f.







  • home (filler tab)

think up anger

smells like teen spirit

Snapping at others wasn't necessarily Liberty's favourite past-time, but if it needed to be done then so be it. Her sage green eyes burn holes in JC's back as her temper simmers down in response to Levi's long whistle.

"I smoked this at the dock, by the way," he tells her and discards the smoked cigarette into the bin. "The Fairview dock, this morning."

When Levi tilts his body towards her, Liberty does the same — a mirror to his movements, her body acting without catching up to her thoughts. And when he breaks into that boyish grin of his, the corners of her mouth twitches into a reluctant smile. "Gonna write me up for not throwing it away earlier or what?"

"Hmm," she glances upwards — above his towering height — and purses her lips playfully. "Might beat your old record of how quickly a complaint was filed against you. Want to risk it?"

Levi chuckles his response, "you remember that, hm?"

With an arched brow and bemused smile, Liberty nods in confirmation. Both of their attention is captured by the commotion around them, reacting to the news of a curfew and the very real threat of Jonathan's speech. Her brows furrow in thought as she catches the tail end of his warning: haven't ruled out the threat of a person. Hm. She half-expected that the sisters' bodies still hadn't been found, especially over the winter. Harsh environments such as Oregon's wilderness was sure to have concealed their remains as well as possible, if they had died to exposure. Not ruling out foul play meant something even more troubling.

She looks to Levi, about to question him when she notices his gaze on Riley. There's a twist of something in her abdomen. Hurt? Guilt...? Her face threatens to fall at the memories of their first summer and she shakes herself out of it; there's nothing productive about living in the past — the thought makes her want to laugh, since history is where she finds most comfort... just not where it concerns Levi.

"What do you think about all of this?"

Liberty snaps her eyes back to his face, noticing he's watching her.

"About the curfew?"

Folding her arms over herself, she shrugs her shoulder and takes a leisurely glance in the direction of his gesture. "Probably best to be safe. Not everyone has common sense... you included." She's about to throw him another smile, to fully shake off her earlier slip up of her number one rule: don't think about that when—

"Hey, Birdie."

Liberty swallows back a biting remark and returns JC's courteous nod as he approaches them.

"Listen, since you wanna start barking at me for picking up after others, let me get this out of the way now." Liberty's about to open her mouth and retort when his voice takes on a new edge, one she hasn't heard from him in a long time. "Just leave me alone. Ok?"

There's a tick in her jaw when she responds, arms still folded over herself. "I'm not the one barking out here, JC. Causing a scene in front of campers before the session officially begins is a new low, even for you."

Truth be told, Liberty had never wanted to write up or submit any of the complaints against him last year... but his behaviour had spiralled terribly, and they simply weren't close enough — never had been — to warrant her coming to him as anything more than an advisor. Liberty planned to take her job seriously, especially this year in the light of everything people had lost. Regardless that it was some people's gain.

She jerks her head in the direction of the Lodge, where Jonathan is waiting. "Go ahead and tell him you're resigning now if this is how you're going to act all session. Saves me the trouble of writing another report."

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Play it cool, Lei

OUTFIT: somethin cute, probably with paint stains


INT: Josephine ( monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 )

TL;DR Leilani found a VHS tape that had footage of both Paige and Renee, but she's too emotional to reveal that at present time.
better run for the hills, run for the hills, run
Finally, the much needed breath of fresh air was just waiting to breeze in and fill up Leilani's lungs. A brand new session of Evergreen Summer camp was about to begin, in fact this would be Leilani's fourth year being a counselor. Ever since Leilani could drive, like clockwork, she'd hop into her car and make the four hour drive all the way to camp; all her own art supplies in her trunk, a boat load of candies and snacks to stow away in her cabin with her bunkmates, and sure all the normal camp supplies like clothes and her toothbrush happened to find space in her overcrowded suitcases and duffle bags.
However, this summer camp session had grey overtones all over it, almost like a sweet treat that was sat out for too long; all gone bad and bitter. Leilani did her best to keep her mind on something, anything else; the passing trees, the songs on the radio, even the few spare cares she passed on her lonely road. But to no avail, like a magnet, her mind returned to the Evergreen sisters, time and time again. The namesakes of the Evergreen Summer camp themselves had gone missing at the end of last session. Leilani remembered thinking nothing of it at first, but as the public concern grew, she had no choice but to match that level of concern.
Leilani's fall, winter, and spring were filled with worrying about Paige and Renee. Had they got lost in the woods? Maybe wandered into the old miner's caves and found themselves stuck somewhere? Maybe a more nefarious act had happened and someone kidnapped them right from the grounds of their home. Being in somewhat close contact with Sheriff Jones, Leilani had been on almost every search party, making the same drive countless times over the past year. But they never found anything. For the longest time, Leilani was anxious and dreading going back to Evergreen Summer camp; hell she was surprised there was enough interest in the session for them to open once more after the said Evergreen sister disappearance of 2001.
So why, then, was she driving her beat up little '91 honda civic up through the mountains again? Because in the back of Leilani's mind, and probably every returning counselor's mind, maybe there was a chance this was all a bad prank. Maybe when they all returned to camp, there would be Paige and Renee, claiming their bunks before anyone else could and ready to start the new summer session.

God, I miss you Renee... Please come back to me...

Leilani had settled in to her cozy cabin 3, and had even been talked into not skipping the "opening meeting" at the amphitheater no matter how much she wanted to go set up her art supplies in the lodge. With a rolling of her eyes, Leilani stuffed all her desired brushes, pallets, and paints into her shoulder bag and stood on the outskirts of the amphitheater.
It was hard to watch Jonathan try to act like everything was normal, like this summer session was normal, but Leilani related to the mixed feelings. She too, had to act like everything was normal. There was no way to gauge how her friends would react to finding out that she and the one and only Renee Evergreen had been sleeping together for the past several years; especially considering the fact that the two had been keeping up the public facade of hating each other.
The moment Leilani felt Jonathan was wrapping up, she made a b-line for the lodge. She couldn't keep up her facade that much more, she needed her alone time to think, to catch her breath and regain her composure. It was only right as she closed the Lodge door behind her that everyone started dispersing away from the amphitheater, and Leilani let out a sigh of relief. Breathing in the smell of wood, paint, and even some nail polish remover (used to try and get paint out of the wood), Leilani had found a fragment of her peace.
Her feet fell in step naturally, walking over to the corner of the Lodge where all the Arts & Crafts took place. Before she reached her destination to unload her bag, she saw a stray VHS tape on the floor. It looked like it had fallen off a nearby table, one that sported dozens of other case-less VHS tapes. Leilani squatted down and picked it up, ensuring there was nothing else around that could be paired with it. There was no name on the tape, no sticky note or paper taped to the tape, just a blank VHS tape. Leilani looked around to find a television where she could pop this in and possibly identify what movie it was. If anything, she could just label it whatever movie it was and go about her day.
On the other side of the room Leilani found a television with a VHS reader hooked up to it. She mindlessly walked over, her hands moving without much thought to turn on the TV and pop the VHS in. When there was no advertisements at the beginning of the film, Leilani figured this was a home-made movie of some kind. Maybe left behind from a previous year from a camper or counselor with a camcorder? As the tape started rolling, there were shots of various campers participating in different activities throughout the camp. A small smile crept up on Leilani's face, trying to grasp at how camp used to make her feel. However, a shot of Paige in the kitchen came on screen and that slow-grown smile was quickly erased. This was filmed and put on tape before the sisters disappeared. Leilani tried to focus on something that looked like it had "flopped" to the ground out of the freezer, but the next clip came up too soon. The next clip was just outside the Dining Hall, a few campers talking about fishing, but Leilani's eyes were no longer on them as a certain blonde was seen exiting the building with a paper in her hand.
Leilani felt a lump form in her throat, tears prick at her eyes. There was a chance that this VHS tape could have recorded the last few moments Renee Evergreen was alive on her own campgrounds. She paid little attention to the last clip, somewhere at the camp gardens where the chickens were, as a fear tears fell from her eyes. Leilani hadn't ever let herself feel Renee's absence. She couldn't explain to her parents why she was crying over someone she supposedly hated, and it was that same reason she couldn't tell any of her friends. Even when Sheriff Jones questioned her efforts on search parties, Leilani had to lie through grinding teeth that she just wanted the Evergreen family to be reunited again, coming up with a touching monologue of how much the camp meant to her, how this was the least she could do.
Without thinking, Leilani ejected the tape and shoved it to the bottom of her bag, under all her other items in her bag. She had to figure out who made this tape, who was recording and when were these clips shot? But she didn't want to think about it right now. She wiped her eyes of the teardrops and made her way back to the arts and crafts area.
As she approached the tables, Leilani jumped a bit to see another counselor in the lodge, dusting off the books on the other end of the room.

"Hey Josephine!" Leilani was quick to shift her mood from before to her regular, cheery camp-counselor self, I didn't even here you come in! Are you also helping get ready for the first wave of arts & crafters?" Leilani pulled out some brushes from her bag and playfully wiggled them at Josephine.
code by valen t.


Eva Twine’s office is away from the others. The door is most certainly locked, but there is likely something to be found inside.

sunshineysoul sunshineysoul proceed to discord for further instructions.


((Note: Thoughts will be crimson and italicized while speech will be crimson and bolded.))

Thomas posts.jpg

The Entertainer


Thomas raised a brow, sensing some hesitation from Morgan when he threw his arm over his shoulder, however, not enough for Thomas to be able to act on - it was just something he took note of. Whatever thought passed his mind was quick and didn't get the chance to live very long as the conversation was now on going to the lake.

He didn't have much reason to want to go there, except for the fact that that was his "delete the world spot". He knew well enough that people didn't hang around the lake after dark, so when he needed a second, he'd sneak to the lake so he could have some time to recollect his thoughts. Thomas wondered how much he'd really care about the curfew if he needed to sneak to the lake to clear his mind. He already was practicing excuses he'd give Mister Evergreen. "Hey, a counselor in a healthy state of mind is always going to be better than a grumpy, mean counselor. I did it for the kids." was currently the most convincing argument.

Yet another thought that was snatched from his mind before Morgan said something else more entertaining. "Oh-ho-ho? Morgan already got his eye on someone?" His voice was dripping with intrigue and playfulness. "Well go get 'em tiger. They don't stand a chance against you," he wiggled his eyebrows, smiling playfully yet benignly at the other counselor. His gut wanted him to say more, to ask more questions, but he got the feeling that he wouldn't be getting much further down that line of conversation, so it was probably best to move on.

I'll need to watch out for that, he made a mental note. Would be interesting to see who stole this ones heart. Might be able to use that later. For now, he was cool enough with Morgan that he didn't need to have anything planned to use against him. But having a contingency plan never hurt anyone.

As they moved on, Thomas had to force himself not to bump into Morgan as the other counselor came to an abrupt stop. A curious brow was raised as Thomas watched Morgan pick something up. Was he in the habit of picking up random things he saw lying around? A curious person, perhaps. Thomas wasn't one to judge.

However, as Morgan's interest grew, so did Thomas' confusion. For some reason that was foreign to Thomas, Morgan seemed to find it peculiar that the Evergreen sisters had taken part in plays at camp. "Uh...yeah. Little Red Riding Hood is fairly common for a play."

Thomas wasn't sure what else to say. He was able to mask his confusion as mild disinterest, his tone coming off dismissive, rather than judgmental. He supposed that was probably the better vibe to give off between the two - and more in character for him anyway. Last year, he'd pretended like he didn't care and that had upset some people. It would make sense if he continued with that energy this year.

However, there was something else under than, something new. While he did hide his feelings for Renee and he did want her back, he wasn't loving how people were trying to play detective to figure out what had happened with the sisters. They had disappeared and died. And if something truly malicious had happened to them, looking into it was only going to guarantee that you suffered a similar fate. And that was an experience he was perfectly fine without. He had a crush on Renee, but he wasn't trying to put his own life on the line just to figure out what happened. He valued his life a little more than that.

And so, disinterest it was. He refused to play this game of Scooby Doo.

He kept walking past Morgan even as Morgan contemplated the paper and his "findings" more. However, he didn't leave Morgan behind - simple walked slowly behind others exiting the amphitheater until Morgan caught up, at which point, he pick up the pace.

The two of them made quick progress heading toward the lake and arrived there within a few short minutes. As soon as he got to the lake, he closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the familiar feeling of sanctuary that came with it. However, most people would be able to tell you that closing your eyes and walking was typically an idea left for those who were looking to get hurt.

Something snagged his foot.

A stumble.

He recovered his footing and balance before he actually fell but whirled around, ready to confront Morgan for trying to trip him...until he realised that the other counsellor was nowhere near close enough to trip him. Only then did he look down and find what initially looked like a metal bar. In his annoyance, wanting to know who to blame for him almost making out with the dirt, he reached down and dug around it until he was able to pull it out, revealing a shovel.


He looked over his shoulder at Morgan, held up the shovel and shrugged. "Who's out here misplacing shovels? This thing looks old enough to be my dad." Thomas tried messing with it and saw that it was still sturdy and so he figured it wouldn't hurt to keep. A shovel could come in handy at a camp and could definitely help him pull some curious pranks. "I wanna keep 'em. I'll name him...Vel."

Before giving it much thought, Thomas stuck Vel into the lake and waved it around in the water until the dirt and grass came off it and he was left with a relatively clean shovel. The plan was to wait until most people were in their cabins and then sneak to his cabin and leave it outside, bringing it in when his other cabin mates had gone to bed.

Mentions: Morgan ( Letho Letho )

((Note: Thoughts will be green and italicized while speech will be green and bolded.))

Marquis posts.png

The Caretaker


Marquis looked around as Mister Evergreen finished his speech. He watched Riley zone in on him and frowned a little bit, there was clearly something on her mind. Is this a good time to step in and be encouraging? Probably. That's what feels right in this situation, at least. How though?

He didn't know Riley enough to be able to take a guess at what she was thinking and, without knowing what she was thinking, he couldn't say anything that he was sure would make her feel better. Quiet reassurance then? That was probably the best bet. Hesitantly, Marquis put a hand on her shoulder, not sure whether this was a breach of personal space and not sure whether she'd mind or not. He offered a small smile that was meant to be encouraging and hoped that the smile would be enough to get her mind off of wherever it was.

He couldn't remember his jealousy of her right now, his need to be empathetic was taking precidence and all he saw now was somebody in need of support. The smile had no ulterior motive, no dark intentions, it was just simply to say "You're not alone." It was a similar smile he'd had to give to several people - campers and counselors alike - whenever they came into the med bay for treatment.

Before long, conversation moved on and there was Rowan asking to swap rooms with Riley. He chuckled at the idea even though sharing rooms with Riley would be his greatest nightmare. It would be like waking up everyday to someone who was better than you in everything you were good at and also just so happened to be everything you wanted to be. The pressure would drive him mental, waking up every day and just seeing her be a better him.

Thankfully, she pushed the idea down and even managed to crack a joke at it, to which he laughed again - more genuinely this time. "What? I'm sure they'll find a way to get along long enough for things to work out alright. We'll just have them working rotations on who's allowed in the room and when." He chuckled at the thought and then shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll stop the two of them from ripping each other apart. I like Rowan a little too much to let him get in trouble for getting in a fight."

He shrugged at the thought of heading back to the village. He didn't have much of an opinion on it either way, but he'd found a group and wanted to stick with them, so he figured he'd go to The Village together with them. "Sure, I'll tag along. You two seem like where the fun is at anyway." He smirked as he stood up with Riley.

He stayed quiet for most of the walk, just watching the campers engage and interact with each other, watching the counselors go about their business before things got crazy. Camp seemed...normal. And he was glad for it. It made him smile. so many of his memories of this camp were positive ones - this camp literally shaping him into the person he is today - and he was glad that one messy camp year didn't completely ruin things.

However, he snapped to attention as he noticed her walking toward his cabin. Wait, stop, hold on. Why are you going in there? Stop. What are you doing? No. Had she changed her mind about switching cabins with Rowan. Please, God, no. Did he miss that part of the conversation?

Through his internal panic, he managed to keep a smile up, not letting his near mental breakdown show on his face. "Excuse you," he retorted at her joke. "You just watch Cabin 4 be the cleanest, neatest, tidiest cabin you ever did see." he teased. He wasn't sure if the other cabin members - especially with Lou and Rowan in the same room - would make that a reality. But words were free.

He watched as she flopped on Rowan's belonging and made a quiet note that the two must be pretty close - far closer than he'd originally thought. That probably meant that he was going to be seeing a lot more of Riley in his personal space than he'd have liked. He'll need to make his peace with that quick.

He was taken out of his thoughts when Riley spoke again and his eyes followed her gesture, his gaze landing on the fire place. She'd moved to inspect the item before he could and so he simply caught up to her, the same thoughts running through his mind as she spoke. But then something more dangerous crossed his mind.

Lou + Rowan + Fire Poker + Same Room = Disaster Waiting to Happen.

He could see it now. Rowan would say something; Lou would say something back; Rowan would shove Lou; Lou would shove Rowan back; rowan would trip and end up near the fireplace; Rowan would see the poker and pick it up and attack Lou with it; camp would be canceled because a counselor is suddenly missing an eye.

"Yeah, no. Uh-uh. Rowan, turn around and close your eyes. I'm hiding this. I'm not going to let you and Lou poke each other's eyes out."

Mentions: Riley ( mi casa mi casa ), Rowan ( irregular-neptune irregular-neptune )


juliette yorkes







  • home (filler tab)

lana del

jealous girl

Although the morning dragged on, Juliette didn't seem to mind in the slightest. Her eyes were fixed on Josephine, a warm and familiar smile playing on her lips as she allowed herself to ease back into the comfortable rhythm between them, oblivious to the foul mood Josephine was currently in. For a fleeting moment, she could almost pretend that this was just another ordinary day, that they were simply co-workers again, lost in their usual routine. Just as she was about to respond, a gentle voice pulled her attention away, her eyes snapping to the familiar face of Leon.

"Oh, Leon," Juliette mumbled, letting a fleeting wave of jealousy wash over her as she took in the sight of their new Supervisor—unfortunately something he now had in common with Renee, isn't that just sweet? With a bright smile, she shifted her focus entirely away from Josephine, "how are you holding up with the new, uh—job?" Her tone was light, but it wasn't hard to notice the tightness in her voice, the forced cheerfulness barely masking her true feelings. She held still as Leon reached out, pointing out the obvious change in her appearance, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at finally being noticed. "Aw! I just felt—"

The strands of hair caught the sunlight, the blonde gleaming with an unmistakable hint of orange, and for a brief moment, Juliette felt a cold shiver run through her entire body. Blonde, it’s blonde now. Quickly snapping herself out of it, she loosened her clenched hands, slowly drawing her arms behind her back as she shifted slightly on the heels of her feet. There was no need for anyone to notice the tiny half-moon indentations pressed into her fingertips. Juliette quietly cleared her throat, averting her gaze for a second before letting her eyes meet both Josie's and Leon's, a smile firmly back in place. "J-Just felt like a change was needed, that's all." Her hand moved on autopilot, fingers running through the strands that touched, smile plastered in place.

And she stayed like that for a while, deeply lost in thought as she let Josephine have her moment with Leon before a question was directed at her. "What? Oh! Yeah, I'm on kitchen duty now. Wouldn't mind the—"

"Hey guys!"

The atmosphere around them seemed to brighten, as if Ricky himself were the very sun. Juliette's stiff smile softened just a fraction as she wondered if the little ball of energy before her had already spoken with Connie Levine; she knew exactly where his loyalties lay. Instead of replying, her eyes wandered around the area, taking in the sight of everyone else. She spotted a few familiar faces—Morgan, Marquis, Liberty, and—huh, speak of the devil, and they shall appear. Connie was easy to spot, her dark eyes boring straight into her very soul. Unable to resist, Juliette gave a slight wave before casually forming the number 3 with her fingers, remembering the conversation she had with Mr.Evergreen warning her beforehand about sharing a cabin. Maybe having a bunkmate wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Wow. I guess you didn’t want the absence of Renee to be felt at camp, so you decided to cosplay as her. I hate to say it, but you’re not as big a bitch as she was. Good effort, though.”

Juliette froze beside Josephine, her head snapping to the side to see Alton Chambers waltzing into their little circle, not even the slightest bit surprised to see him back after the shit show he did last year. Staring at the man in mild annoyance, she noticed the same color tone of his hair, her mood declining even more. She bit her tongue, not wanting to start this morning with even more drama when she knew the day was surely going to be filled with plenty. Once Josie left, Juliette took her cue to do the exact same thing. "Nice to see you too, Chambers, but not now: I have cooking to do with. . .Leon! So politely screw off."

With swift movements, Juliette reached out and grabbed Leon's hand, dragging him along toward the dining hall, her mind already spinning with frustration. "Can you believe he's back after the drama he caused before?"

♡coded by uxie♡


Thomas is too captivated by the shovel, and misses the obvious submerged… something.

Letho Letho proceed to discord for further instructions.








  • home (filler tab)


bad moon rising

As the gathering in the amphitheater began to disperse, Kayden could hear the other counselors begin to talk amongst themselves. He could pick out little pieces of chatter here and there-- returning staff greeting their friends from past years, people crowding the new staff to introduce themselves, a few whispers of things about the Evergreen sisters and the new curfew. Save for the last one, it seemed almost normal for Evergreen. If he could just tune out the sound of Renee and Paige's names, maybe he could pretend this would be a regular summer for everybody, as if 2001 had never gone off the rails in the place.

He glanced around the space, eyes sweeping over new and old faces alike. As people broke off into small groups, he had the urge to join some them. Maybe the scare of last summer had softened him or something, but he was glad to see so many people he recognized. Kayden had never been the most social guy. He might not be getting into constant fights with the other staff, but there were plenty of people who didn't have positive things to say about him. Not a big surprise; he could say the same about several people himself. His eyes drifted past Clarisse, standing from her seat-- he was surprised to see her back. Maybe even more surprised, in all honestly, by the passing wave of sympathy he had for her. After all, she had always been Renee's lapdog. What was she going to do without somewhere to sit?

There were a few other people he took note of across the space. Connie, Leon, Liberty, the list went on. More people returned that he would have expected. He thought more people would have been scared off by last summer. The hours they spent searching the woods, the time some of them spent being interrogated by the cops, the fear that had settled over the camp? It'd been enough that Kayden'd considered not coming himself, and he knew others hadn't gotten off as well as he did. He might not look great on paper, but he was sure he hadn't been the cops primary suspect, nor had he been close to them. As much as last summer's abrupt turn had sucked for him, there were plenty of people it was much worse for. To be honest, he was more surprised that Jonathan had chosen to open camp for the summer than anything else. This place had cost him two daughters, and he still wanted to open for the 2002 summer?

Speaking of worse loads, he took note of Riley and Rowan making their way out of the amphitheater. Riley was someone he was glad to see. They might not be close, but he liked her well enough. The two of them had done enough archery together that he could say with confidence she was a good person to work with. She was honest and good at her job; Kayden had to respect that. Rowan wasn't awful either, but Kayden would be lying if he said he'd been jumping for joy at his cabin assignment. Sharing with Rowan? That was fine. Rowan could be chill. But sharing with Rowan and Lou? Something was bound to go down between them, and he did not want to end up being the one caught in the middle.

As he looked around again, something else caught his eye. Not someone in the amphitheater, but something behind the stage. He's only skimming the area with his eyes, and he looks past so fast there's a moment where he doesn't even register he saw something. He's not even sure what he saw in the first place-- just that he noticed something. Something like a bolt of lightning jolts down his spine for a second before it's gone.


Kayden glances around, like somebody else has seen it-- not that he even knows what it is. When he glances back there again, he can't see whatever caught his attention. But when he looks around, everyone is talking amongst themselves the same as before. Nobody's looking where he was, nor are they looking at him. Not that they have any reason to, but...

He's not sure. Something is weird today.

Despite that feeling, Kayden has never been one to ignore things, and it wasn't like this was the year he would start. He slipped past a few of the other counselors, picking his way across the amphitheater to the bank of the river. The water was as clear as ever, trees and sky reflecting off it's mirror-like surface. For a moment, he was reminded of how beautiful it really was out here. He had the strangest urge to lean over the river and run his fingers through the water.

When he bent down, though, his eye caught on something. Stuck in the mud just a few inches from the waterline was... a piece of wood? It was maybe just a bit longer than a foot, and felt light than it should in his hands when he tugged it out of the ground.

Once it was free, he gave it a closer look. He'd thought, at first, that it was a piece of a branch. But giving it a once over, it was clear that this was hand-made, and whoever had made it put a lot of effort into doing so. The top and bottom of the piece had been rounded off, and it was covered in white paint and intricate carvings. It looked like a bird, actually.

He flipped it over in his hands to inspect the back. There was a hole carved on the back outlined in white paint, and he could see that whatever this was, it was hollow. Before he had time to notice anything else though, the world around him disappeared.

Maybe disappeared wasn't the right word. When he looked at the hole, it was like his vision was sucked into it, taking over everything he could see. In a single moment, he was no longer standing on the bank of the river. He was somewhere deep in the forest, where the trees seemed so thick even Kayden had trouble finding his way around. As familiar as he often was with the woods around Evergreen, he wasn't sure where they were at all.

In front of him, though, was something he did recognize. Thomas, staring at something he couldn't see. Actually, Kayden couldn't see much besides Thomas. It was if there faces were only a foot apart, close enough that they could be breathing the same air. Closer than they'd ever been, probably.

Thomas, Kayden tried to say, but nothing came out. He couldn't even open his mouth. He couldn't feel his body at all. It was like he was nothing more than a pair of eyes, watching what was in front of him. As if he was heard, though, Thomas's head snapped up. It was sudden, as if something in the distance had caught his attention. For a moment, Thomas was looking right at him-- or through him, it felt like.

As quick as this... vision had started, it ended, sucking him back out. In less than a second, he was back on the bank of the river, feet in the mud and the water lapping up towards his shoes. The piece of wood was still in hand, looking exactly as it had before. On instinct, he slapped his other hand over the hole, as if looking at it might suck him back in. When he glanced over his shoulder, the amphitheater was just as full as it was before, people clumped together and talking about how the next few weeks would look.

What the fuck?

Kayden swallowed. He could hear the beat of his own heartbeat echoing in his ears, feel in thumping against the skin of his chest like it might break out. When he looked down, he could see the wood shaking. It took him a moment to realize that it wasn't the carving-- it was his hands. Running on instinct, he shoved it deep in the pockets of his cargo shorts and turned away bank, making a hasty exit from the amphitheater in entirety. With no idea of where else to go, he started back up the path to Cabin 4.

mentions: riley kelson [ mi casa mi casa ], rowan bishop [ irregular-neptune irregular-neptune ], thomas mode [ Wyll Wyll ]
interactions: n/a
Last edited:
Mm, Thomas was correct there - the sisters' choice certainly was a popular idea for a play... And perhaps it really was just that, a strange coincidence and nothing more. Morgan couldn't prove it wasn't, he couldn't deny that possibility - realistically speaking, at least. And yet...

A couple of times in the past, Morgan had tried talking with his father about his... Special talents. About the feelings he sometimes got - about randomly getting a thought that something would happen soon, and then it coming true. He had quite literally predicted small things for his father to show him - not on purpose, because he couldn't force it, of course, but whenever there was an opportunity.

And his father... Had always tried to believe him, Morgan knew. He appreciated the effort - even if the explanation he had been offered for this was that... That his mind simply connected tiny details subconsciously on such a level that it only seemed like he was having those supernatural premonitions - when, in fact, he was simply making really good guesses based on facts.

Technically, he couldn't prove that, either - but he just felt like the mention of a wolf had to matter in some way.

"I suppose so," he simply said instead of all of that, though - because while he didn't mind talking about his experiences at all, he wasn't yet certain how many people he should tell about... Renee's. Not until he knew for sure it was necessary for someone's safety - and not when it could lead to...

Well. Perhaps not ruining her image, because she had done a lot of that herself, but... To adding a mental illness on top of everything else.

And her remaining family and friends, at least, didn't deserve that.

All right; he couldn't do anything about this now - and so Morgan kept walking, slowly at first, still looking down at the paper in his hands as he carefully folded it and slipped it into one of his pockets. He was aware that Thomas had already passed him, of course, and was just about to speed up to reach him again...

As he raised his head, automatically letting his gaze roam the seats of the slowly emptying amphitheatre once more, his pale eyes found and definitely lingered on a familiar figure... Doing something similar to what he had just done mere moments before.


He had to actively make himself tear his gaze away - to focus on the ground in front of him, uninterested in tripping over something and falling, especially not right there and then. And... They had a small trip in front of them, after all - so that was exciting.

And as he followed Thomas's lead, Morgan... Wondered.

Not about the wolves for once. Not about the sisters. Not even about... What he had just witnessed, exactly. No, his mind went back to what his companion had said - before he had found that piece of paper. And... That was actually rather curious as well.

They, Thomas had told him.

The Fairview Lake looked beautiful as always, large and powerful in a way only nature could be. The view actually made Morgan slow down a bit once more, just taking it all in. The water - despite being reflective - seemed so... Dark... So terrifying, in a way, so overwhelming - and yet he couldn't wait for a good moment to go swimming. Perhaps tomorrow...?

A sudden noise caught his attention - and Morgan's head immediately turned, his eyes falling upon... Thomas' swaying form? A part of him tensed up, ready to step closer to help as his brow furrowed - but no, there was no need to, as his companion easily caught his balance either way...

And instantly turned towards him.

There was a look of... Annoyance... On Thomas' face - and Morgan didn't really need to think about it too deeply to figure out exactly why. Well - that... Probably said more about Thomas' lack of trust than it did about him, so he did not take that personally... But his own expression still instinctively shifted towards something more neutral.

Fortunately, Thomas seemed to quickly realise what actually had happened - and that led Morgan to glancing down as well... At the shovel Thomas was already starting to make friends with. Slowly, Morgan let himself relax, watching him test it out and listening to him speak about it - at first responding simply with a quiet, thoughtful hum...

And yet he did take a couple steps closer once Thomas got to cleaning his find.

"Lovely name," he commented at that point, his gaze rather mindlessly following the shovel into the water - just for something to focus on...

... And what was that?

There seemed to be something sticking out of the ground, and - curious - Morgan crouched down to get a better look. Furrowing his brow once more, squinting a bit, he tilted his head to the side... But no, he couldn't tell - and so one of his hands followed his gaze, fingers slipping into the water and gently brushing the dirt away.

Something... Wooden, perhaps?

Had someone... Buried it there with that shovel? Or were the two completely unrelated somehow? Mm, no, he wasn't sure; his senses were telling him nothing about that. Speaking of the shovel, however...

"May I borrow that shovel for a moment, please?" He sounded distracted even to his own ears, but - really - Thomas was right there beside him and could clearly see what he was doing. Surely, he understood...

And, apparently, he truly did - or was at least nice enough to humour the idea - because soon Morgan had the shovel in his hands and could carefully dig out whatever had been hiding in the shallow water by the shore.

A... Tribal totem?

It really seemed to be made out of some sort of smooth wood - and relatively large, actually, carved, with a... Hole of sorts in the middle... That he found as he turned it around in his hand, at the same time carefully passing the shovel right back to Thomas. His gaze - his entire attention - seemed drawn to it; not just to the item as a whole, but to that dark, empty space, and so he let himself focus on it...

Morgan was used to premonitions - to prophetic dreams at times, even... But he had never experienced anything like this while awake.

An image seemed to just suddenly expand in his mind - a vision of... Himself... Picking up what appeared to be a clearly damaged video camera - with dents and cracks along its surface. He couldn't tell much about the environment; he didn't have enough time to even register it - and then, with a peculiar sensation of white butterflies, merely a suggestion of them, really...

Everything was gone.

Morgan blinked a couple of times, still staring down at the totem in his hold. Well, that had been... Unusual. Not the way those generally went for him. And... A camera? When he had been planning to find Juliette sooner rather than later - to talk about a particular rumour related to her and Renee...?

Oh, yes; he was on the right track with it, then.

"... Thank you," he said, still sounding rather distracted - consumed by his musings. A totem suggested something native, most likely; butterflies, on the other hand... A symbol of reincarnation, of change - metamorphosis... But - going specifically with the native beliefs - were they not also meant to carry wishes and dreams? And even... Messages from the dead? Mmm, he needed to take another look into those books he had brought with him - but this... Changed things.

No, it helped - it narrowed things down.

"I don't suppose you believe in... Getting a sudden feeling? That something is right, or wrong, or about to happen?" As he spoke, Morgan finally stood up - and turned slightly towards Thomas. There really was no easy way to convey what had just happened. Normally, he didn't care much about the strange looks and the general disbelief; it was every person's own choice, after all... But in this case - with the camp potentially still being a dangerous place - he had to think how to warn people without... Well, without just making them think he was crazy - and thus disregarding his words completely.


Wyll Wyll


sunshineysoul sunshineysoul CONGRATULATIONS!
You've received a random Danger Totem.

Renee bends underneath her cabin bunk and pulls out a piece of paper that reads: "Your time is up." Her head falls back, despairing - this clearly isn't the first note she's received.

Ricky Sanford
Mentions: monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 anyasjoy anyasjoy lostbird lostbird blue UP blue UP
Interactions: Jupiter_South Jupiter_South

Ricky nodded as Josie answered his question, glad to be reunited with old friends so soon. Though he had no particular love for Juliette, he was certainly glad to see both Leon and Josephine. In fact, even after his near-sleepless evening the night before, he found himself beginning to relax. Though of course the disappearances (he still didn't have the heart to think of them as deaths, as likely as it was) were a tragedy, maybe this camp could still be home for him one last time. Perhaps it was selfish of him, but he really did want to have a good time, and he wanted the others to as well. Some of them really needed it. He couldn't help himself from glancing around at the others, most notably Clarisse and Connie. Two people he had a long history with; both of whom had been close with one of the Evergreen sisters in one capacity or another. Before he could dwell on that thought, he was interrupted by another familiar person.

"Yeah—apparently your one braincell." Ricky blinked, taken aback by the sharpness of Alton's tone. He hated when people came for his intelligence. He knew he was no genius, but that didn't make it any better. Whatever. It wasn't as if it was the worst thing he'd ever heard people say about him. Alton quickly moved on to Juliette with his insults. “Wow. I guess you didn’t want the absence of Renee to be felt at camp, so you decided to cosplay as her. I hate to say it, but you’re not as big a bitch as she was. Good effort, though.” At that, Ricky frowned, glancing at Juliette for a moment. Her new look was...eerily reminiscent of the girl he had disliked. He hadn't noticed at first, but he had been focusing more on trying not to look like he'd had a rough sleep the night before. Now that he was looking, the likeness was almost uncanny. He held back a shudder. That hadn't been the intention, had it? There was no way Juliette would dishonor a dead girl by attempting to reconstruct her appearance, no matter how awful Renee had been.

The confrontation shifted the mood in the space to a sour discomfort, and Ricky wished he had a well-timed joke right now to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. Before he could say anything, Josephine excused herself hastily, clearly wishing to get away from the confrontation. Part of Ricky wondered if he should have followed. He gave her a quick wave as she left, adding a friendly "see you!" to the end in an attempt to offset the suddenly heavy atmosphere. Unsurprisingly, Juliette also decided to make an escape, dragging Leon with her as she left. That just left Ricky and Alton. He glanced awkwardly at his new companion, giving him an uncomfortable smile.

For once in his life, Ricky wasn't sure what to say. Before the last summer, he would have made small talk, been friendly even if he wasn't necessarily close to the other guy. But now, after Alton had said so many out-of-pocket things about Ricky's friends, he wasn't sure what to think. At least he wasn't alone with Alton, though; there was a girl he didn't recognize nearby. A new counselor, probably. He might as well introduce himself now; it would be better than stewing in awkward silence. He turned towards the new girl, giving her his trademark charismatic smile. He really was happy to meet a new person.

"Hey! Sorry, did you say something?" he asked, having caught what seemed like the end of a question from her. She was pretty, and fairly memorable, so Ricky was fairly certain that she hadn't been at the camp in any of the years previous. Belatedly, he realized he should probably introduce himself. "Oh, I'm Ricky, by the way! Sports counselor." He grinned.

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