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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

Wow first not defensive second it fix . All i said was tired. It nothing like you both calling me yuuki
oh yeah your the oldest i forget that we both want to be Yuno come on Yuuki
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I had two characters name yuuki one as a first name and one as a last name.
I do nt think i did it with you karcen one was soul eater and i think the other was a sao
Can the wish be the same, but take out the Yoma? So Max understands Slipspace and Kyubey, but NOT the Yoma? This still sticks closely to my original wish, it allows Max to be privy to Kyubey's motives, but it doesn't make her aware of the OFF switch.
If you want her to know that bad have her ask arashi these meta ish wishes are to much trouble and if you do it thete I'd still no way to back lash you have to remove the rules lawyer protections
Karcen said:
In other words you want this I have to be allowed to mess with her mind
I'm confused though, I'm getting mixed signals on what the problem is. I thought the problem was that her knowledge of the off switch would screw up the suspense and plot.
I get it your proud of your perfectish meta wish but it violates the spirit on the rp and series and your protections make it annoying to have small scale back lash in east of back lashing on something like how by fouling this she could become the most important person in history and killing off humanity as backlash
So can you please not make a meta wish with rules lawyerness and just make a simple wish
Knowing about kyubey goals and knowing yoma off switches is problem with the wish you want. If the knowledge is just human world related it be better. If you knew everything the world knew scientific, historical, and whatever else it be okay.
Okay, let's try rephrasing this. Didn't come here "seeking drama" and I'm not gonna rage at anyone. I came to help my friend assailant with this whole stupid wish problem. And before any of you say it's none of my business, which I know, I'm not the type of guy to just let things like this go when it bothers my friends. I just wanna talk.
First off i am not discuessing this anymore. The wish is op two levels. Knowing the weakeness of every yoma before we see it is op. Also knowing everything about kyubeys goals and plans for us it op. Our characters are not supposed to know everything about kyubey, magical girls and yoma. If we grant the wish it kills the rp. The other issue is no karmatic debt is out of spirit with the rp. We all have this flaw. I am done arguing this. It been four days. I am not changing it. I offer suggestions and so has karcen. If this continues i delete the character myself. There no reason why me and karcen have to deal with this. You are lucky we are nice and try to help other gms wouldnt.

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Fine... I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble for you guys.

I'm leaving. I may return some day with another character, but for now if I stay any longer here there are going to be very negative consequences.
Hmm I think the issue we are facing isn't the design of the wish itself, but how wishes work. Generally, in the story, wishes are limited to a single, simple sentence. From my viewpoint, the girls get one sentence to express their wish. The extent of that wish, without becoming a runon sentence, could include anything. But it cannot encompass an essay of demands. The concept is well thought out and deserves a chance to be used. But wishes by nature shouldn't be that detailed. The issue isn't that the idea is bad, it's that the wish encompasses too much for simply one wish as per how they were meant to be used.

In short, one wish = one event, of course with a modification or two. But I believe what they are trying to say is that your wish may be a bit much for one magical girl to be able to wish for.

The wish itself is well thought out and deserves to be implemented within the rp, but not at the extent you have presented it. While looking for a way out of every loophole is a good idea, it simply cannot happen within this type of universe. If the idea of the wish could be cut down to a smaller phrase, it would be more likely to be plausible.

However, having said that, most girls in the story make their wish on a whim or out of necessity. Those who have time to think about it even make theirs recklessly. Thinking through and proofreading what you want is inherently brilliant, especially for this rp. Unfortunately, wishes cannot come in the form of a list. If they did, magical girls could wish for everything instead of one fantastical event. Again, the idea is good, but in theory it wouldn't be possible to implement.

While I am disappointed that the discussion has turned into an argument, I can see why both sides believe the other is wrong. None of you are communicating very well, to be honest. I am sad to see you have had to resort to leaving the rp because of this.

Good luck on your roleplaying endeavors!

i was willing to give her the wish willing to let her have all the knowledge and the telekenisis i had moved past it i was just the back lash which i could never get @Lil Shirou to get away from personal backlash and instead focus on clobal backlash . to me @Assailant can have the wish exactly as wished minus the karmic debt stuff she can know everything about magical girl, kyubey, yoma, and slip space but as i can't do personal backlash i have to do it against the rest of the world
Karcen said:
i was willing to give her the wish willing to let her have all the knowledge and the telekenisis i had moved past it i was just the back lash which i could never get @Lil Shirou to get away from personal backlash and instead focus on clobal backlash . to me @Assailant can have the wish exactly as wished minus the karmic debt stuff she can know everything about magical girl, kyubey, yoma, and slip space but as i can't do personal backlash i have to do it against the rest of the world
That's what made me the most frustrated. That's why I was so confused. One mod would come and say "okay, you're fine," then another would come along and say "no, change everything," then another would come back and be like "modify it a bit," and all the mods kept saying different things.
Kazehana said:
Hmm I think the issue we are facing isn't the design of the wish itself, but how wishes work. Generally, in the story, wishes are limited to a single, simple sentence. From my viewpoint, the girls get one sentence to express their wish. The extent of that wish, without becoming a runon sentence, could include anything. But it cannot encompass an essay of demands. The concept is well thought out and deserves a chance to be used. But wishes by nature shouldn't be that detailed. The issue isn't that the idea is bad, it's that the wish encompasses too much for simply one wish as per how they were meant to be used.
In short, one wish = one event, of course with a modification or two. But I believe what they are trying to say is that your wish may be a bit much for one magical girl to be able to wish for.

The wish itself is well thought out and deserves to be implemented within the rp, but not at the extent you have presented it. While looking for a way out of every loophole is a good idea, it simply cannot happen within this type of universe. If the idea of the wish could be cut down to a smaller phrase, it would be more likely to be plausible.

However, having said that, most girls in the story make their wish on a whim or out of necessity. Those who have time to think about it even make theirs recklessly. Thinking through and proofreading what you want is inherently brilliant, especially for this rp. Unfortunately, wishes cannot come in the form of a list. If they did, magical girls could wish for everything instead of one fantastical event. Again, the idea is good, but in theory it wouldn't be possible to implement.

While I am disappointed that the discussion has turned into an argument, I can see why both sides believe the other is wrong. None of you are communicating very well, to be honest. I am sad to see you have had to resort to leaving the rp because of this.

Good luck on your roleplaying endeavors!

Thank you. I'd love to stay, but this seems to be going nowhere. I keep getting mixed signals and it's becoming infuriating. If this can be sorted out, I'd LOVE to stay, but it seems it isn't in the cards.
let me just ask one thing just let me make max's memories unstable that is the back lash shirou wants it isn't exactly equivalent and honestly you control the instability so you won't even have to play it just say yes and we can all be in agreement with your wish letting you have everything at the price of minor mind scrambling

Karcen said:
let me just ask one thing just let me make max's memories unstable that is the back lash shirou wants it isn't exactly equivalent and honestly you control the instability so you won't even have to play it just say yes and we can all be in agreement with your wish letting you have everything at the price of minor mind scrambling
So we're saying unstable memories for... what did we decide on? Yoma + Kyubey + Slipspace, or no Yoma, or what?
as far as i care you can have it all just take the unstable memory as shiro suggested that alot but yeah just take that and it shoudl be fine
We arent giving you mix signals we are saying the same thing or would you prefer i link you to it . Karcen told as kyubey wishes always have backlash several people in character told you that. The bigger the wish the bigger the backlash to it. The other is karcen mention it several times as well. You the weak points of kyubey plans negates kyubey from planning to betray us. I have never said change the wish entirely and neither has karcen. We are asking for minor changes and we are trying to help.

Telekinesis is fine

Knowledge of anything with unstable memory
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