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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

they are a catalyst more than anything they speed up the reaction and gathering of power they aren't needed but they make it simpler also they keep the yoma from goign to town on all the humans and screwing the plan over
Karcen said:
If this had been another day and Katja had not been assigned to team up with the other girls she would not tell anyone what her wish was as it could be used against her by a magical girl with less than noble goals as she cared for her father, or at least she told herself she did. " My wish was two fold, i wish for my father to be brought back to life so i wouldn't never be alone" She explained. Some girls might see him being in a coma as Kyubey not keeping up his side of the wish, or not doing what she had wanted at the time, but Katja had learned she had not been specific. " Kyubey did save him but he is still in the hospital almost constantly in a coma, it has been months since he last woke up. I do not blame Kyubey for it he granted my wish it was not specific as i made it in a moment of emotion my first and last for years" She explained not meaning to get her life story but logic said every detail was needed.
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]"I see you are the same as me then. I mean the part about making a love one come back to life." Yui says sadly to katja. Thinking back to what the other girl sad earlier. " are we selfish for not wanting to be alone?" Tears form on the edge of yui eyes. In all the world she didnt want to be wrong for saving her brother but if her wish really was hurting others she couldnt live with the guilt. How could she face her brother knowing she help cause other to turn into monsters.

I would like to point out that Kyubey explicitely states in the story that he cannot revive the dead even with wishes
Okay seriously you do get this isnt madoka pulia magica series it our own world with similar to it but thing are different aka a rp..
Well a death as we define it is diffrent than as he defines it simply more advanced medicine and medical technology could have easily saved both as both were wished back shortly after death think star trek where they can revive a dead person that others with less tech can't and for wishes that are further down if they make a time travel device who says they can't use one then use whatever means needed to save a person making a timeline where they lived at though that event
Only one wish was to rez a dead and buried person and that has been explained as timeline manipulation
Yui brother was save from drowning and freezing to death aka why her powerz are water snd ice related
Lil Shirou] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10555-assailant/ said:
@Assailant[/URL] how about psychic powers telepathic but doesnt affect kyubey and telekinesis
I like telekinesis.
Kyubey the end game that. why we dont want to rush anything on him. Like hints are ok
she got all that info her wish prevented him form hiding such information and i more or less threw in everything from the original wish just no debt stuff, Max is and will be the single smartest human in history because that is part of her wish
@Assailant after we discuess this for 3 days. Your wish is too op. Your forcing kyubey to make a consequences free wish. It out of spirit to the rp. The other is knowing everything is also throwing us out of using kyubey as manipulate us. If you know what he doing then you know how to stop him aka end of the story. It should be self explanatory that we cant allow it.

Solutions: allow wish to be alter so that dont know about kyubey plans or anything yoma and magical girl stuff other than what we know

Weakeness is your choice to decide

Sorry if we are being a pain and if it wasnt what you intented we are only trying to protect the rp and every interest
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[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]this is my place katsu.

Dude, autocorrect . . .
No need to get defensive about it Shirou, I've had way more bizarre "corrections" pop up in posts of my own when trying to use my phone to write.
should i have started the next day with my post.... are any of our characters goign to school or is it summer

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