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Fantasy Protectors

Hunter scowled. Old man. He looked around carefully. "What are you talking about?" he replied tension in his voice.

Tig stood up. She had had enough of the city with these strangers. "I'm leaving. Mina thankyou for the drink, but I have to find a place to stay for the night. And as for you, leave me alone. I can handle myself," She glared at the masked boy. She was going to have to find a safe place for the night. Tomorrow she would head back to camp.

Kydlin shook her head blocking the doorway. "No. You comming back with me to camp. Kids these days..." She shook her head.
Luna growled slightly. Her neon blue eyes flickered slightly but she got it under control. "Tsh." Luna didn't say anything for a moment. "Fine let's go then if your so eager to return." Luna mumbled.
Kydlin stifled a sharp reply and lead the way back to camp. Why did kids have to be so hard! She sighed feeling tired.
SecretRock said:
Mina was uncomfortable with the man watching them from the rooftops, she couldn't stand him sitting with them. She looked around and he was right, no one cared about his costume, though the server, Brian if she remembered right, was suddenly curious as to where he'd come from. Mina looked at him and smiled politely, then picked up her cup and threw the contents at him, labelling him an 'ass' as she did so.
"They care now." She told him in a whisper as all the heads turned in their direction.
Tohoak said:
Tig stood up. She had had enough of the city with these strangers. "I'm leaving. Mina thankyou for the drink, but I have to find a place to stay for the night. And as for you, leave me alone. I can handle myself," She glared at the masked boy. She was going to have to find a safe place for the night. Tomorrow she would head back to camp.
As he got hot coffee splashed on him Sonter laughed, "well, aren't we excitable," he didn't care a bit about what the others thought, so a girl threw a drink at him, happens all the time in the city. But then Tig stood up to go, "look kid, you know that a safe place to stay the night doesn't exist, not in this city." As he talked with them, he carried on the telepathic conversation with Hunter.

Tohoak said:
Hunter scowled. Old man. He looked around carefully. "What are you talking about?" he replied tension in his voice.
"Your charge? The kid you take care of and train? I know where she is, and you've hired me a couple times now, I'll gladly bring her back to the camp by sundown if you make it worth my time, otherwise I'll leave her to fend for herself, overnight, in the city, with no money. I mean, it's your choice, but choose soon, she's planning on leaving soon."
Tig clenched her fist. "GET OUT OF MY MIND!" She snarled. She was fed up with this weirdo! I hope you heard that, she growled in her mind.

Hunter pondered this angrirly. "How can I trust you keep her safe? She is like a daughter to me, let me remind you so if you harm a hair on her head-" he shook his head unable to believe he was going to consider this. "What do you want?"

"You should be glad. Your here and not out in the city. The Deciamtors take delight in terrorizing the streets at night," Kydlin said queitly, the bitterness replaced by tiredness.
'Someone is forgetting I'm part wolf and why can't I be out PROTECTING the people instead of hiding away like a coward.' Luna thought as she went to her room.
Lillian dropped her sword with a loud clang and fell to her knees. She was exhausted, not to mention in pain. She grabbed new bandages from her satchel and started wrapping her shoulder carefully. "Why do they always find me?" She winced and sat down, closing her eyes to rest. Then Lillian was startled by a noise. "Not again... so early? I thought I had gotten a good start!"
Mina looked over at Tig, trying to ignore Sonter.

"Hey, you didn't ever tell me your name." She said to the girl who was leaving. She too stood, stepping around the table. She gave her a smile to apologise for her actions.

Azure pursed his lips as he watched Luna go to her room. He looked down at the cake in her arms again and a smile spread over his face.

"Well, we can all celebrate together tomorrow, huh?" He suggested, before going to knock on Luna's door. It was short pattern that he knocked out.
Luna heard a knock on the door just as she was about to turn on her gaming consel. She walked over and opened it. It was Azure. "Wazzup?" She asked giving a small smile.
Tohoak said:
Hunter pondered this angrirly. "How can I trust you keep her safe? She is like a daughter to me, let me remind you so if you harm a hair on her head-" he shook his head unable to believe he was going to consider this. "What do you want?"
"Calm down Hunter, I don't kill or harm people until I get hired to or they attack me, besides, I don't want much. Let me stay with your group for a bit, and I will bring you're charge back to you. While I stay with you I won't accept jobs from the Decimators, and there is no case in which I will betray either groups location to their enemy. Sound good enough?" Sonter stood and watched after the two girls, Mina would probably be saying goodbye soon, but it was no matter. Sonter switched his sight enhancement for his strength, he might need it.
TheGodSnake said:
"Calm down Hunter, I don't kill or harm people until I get hired to or they attack me, besides, I don't want much. Let me stay with your group for a bit, and I will bring you're charge back to you. While I stay with you I won't accept jobs from the Decimators, and there is no case in which I will betray either groups location to their enemy. Sound good enough?" Sonter stood and watched after the two girls, Mina would probably be saying goodbye soon, but it was no matter. Sonter switched his sight enhancement for his strength, he might need it.
Hunte relaxed just a bit. He need to head back to camp anyway and make sure the other Protectors were reading for the attck on the Decimators. "Fine. Just becareful. She has a strong temper," he warned. Then with a wariy and tired sigh he started back toward camp praying no Decimator would spot him.

"Tig," she told the girl before walking out the door. She wanted soo badly to scream and punch something over and over and over again. Her eyes flared with blue flame. She couldn't even enjoy a night out in the city without Hunter worrying about her and others bothering her!
Mina frowned. The name was familiar, but she couldn't place it. She shrugged it off, figuring that she'd work it out later. Right now, she needed to find Crowne so they could put the plan into action. She quickly pushed it form her mind so Sonter hopefully couldn't read it. She pushed the door open and walked out, looking around. Maybe he was already there? She started to make her way to the city centre.

Azure shrugged, looking past her into her room discreetly.

"You just seemed a little upset. You looked like you needed my amazing humour to cheer up." He joked, pushing his hand through his hair and posing.
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Luna laughed, "Well you got me laughing already." Luna smiled. "Wanna play some video games or something?" Luna asked leaning on the door frame.
Azure shrugged then nodded.

"Thought I should warn you, I have never playing anything other than Monopoly before." Azure smiled as he brushed past her into the room. He looked around. "Nice place you got." He told her.
"Thanks." Luna said and pulled out two large bean bags. "Since you haven't played any video games before we can start with Mario Kart." Luna said and handed Azure a Wii remote. "Hopefully we can play with out Miss grouchy coming back." Luna said and turned on the concel sitting in one of the bean bags.
Azure fell onto the bean bag, taking the Wii remote and figuring out how to hold it.

"Well she was partially right." Azure admitted with a shrug. "There are worse place you can be at night than here." He gestured around the room, though the meaning was obviously the camp, not her room.
"I know but I could be defending people plus, I don't always sleep at night, and I have powers." Luna said. "And I like the night life." Luna kinda mumbled the last part. "Speaking of which, I've been in this form for a long time." The was a sudden dim flash and Luna had white wolf ears, white wolf tail, and white wings. "Much better."
Azure didn't mean to laugh, and he clamped a hand over his mouth after just a moment. He glanced over at her and was a little shocked to see that she'd changed. He looked back to examine the console before speaking.

"Just because you have powers doesn't mean you're ready to defend yourself." He told her. "Trust me."
Luna ignored the sniffled laugh. "I bet she won't even let us out then, she's like an over protective mom." Luna said as the game pulled up on screen. Then to character selection.
Azure moved the selection box over the characters, not recognising any of them. He eventually settled on the green guy with the moustache because he liked his moustache. He glanced over at Luna but didn't say anything. He watched as the race started up and quickly tired to figure out how to move the car. The count down finished and he reversed with a quiet noise of dismay.
Luna gave a small chuckle as she glanced at the other side of the slipt screen to see Azure try to drive. "Press and hold the 2 button to go and tilt the remote to turn." Luna said smiling.
SecretRock said:
Mina shrugged, taking another sip of her coffee. She didn't want to scare this girl away when she didn't even know her name. And even if she didn't get scared off, she still might be a Protector, and starting even a friendship with one of them wouldn't be good.
"Can't I just help a nervous looking stranger?" She asked, a smile playing on her lips. She noticed the sun going down and felt a pang of guilt in her stomach. Crowne would be looking for her. Still, she shrugged it off and pointed to an apartment across the street. "You see that window, in the next few minutes, a cat's going to come out." She told Tig. She came here everyday, and the cat always came out around sun down.

"If you can get me something, I can pay you back at the camp." He told her with a wink, walking towards the shop. He pushed open the door and froze as he remembered that Kydlin was in there. She wouldn't be mad that they were in the city right. He looked across at the cake she was taking. Was there going to be a party?

Selene spotted Blake walking with his new apprentice. She jogged over, tapping him on the shoulder as got close enough.

"Hey Blake, hey new kid." She waved slightly at them both. "We're going on a mission tonight, covert. Want to join in, Blake?" She asked.
Blake looked at Selene and half smiled,"Sure, I'm always up for a mission",he responded,"Think you can find your cabin on your own kid",he asked Aster. "Yeah, I'll be fine",He said confidently and started walking off, almost in the wrong direction. "So what's the mission details",Blake asked.
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[QUOTE="Talia xP]Lillian dropped her sword with a loud clang and fell to her knees. She was exhausted, not to mention in pain. She grabbed new bandages from her satchel and started wrapping her shoulder carefully. "Why do they always find me?" She winced and sat down, closing her eyes to rest. Then Lillian was startled by a noise. "Not again... so early? I thought I had gotten a good start!"

She then listened carefully, and turned to look behind her. There was a tall decimator standing there, electricity crackling through his body. Lillian stood up and grabbed her sword, pointing it at him. "You think I'm too weak? Think again!" She smiled with confidence, but it swiped the sword aside easily with an evil smirk. "Oh... well then... we can surely talk this out..." She backed up slowly.

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