Project Black IC

NovaNovass said:
The mention about Shin cleared up the air a bit for Val. So it wasn't her mind playing games and he actually id see them. But her attention was brought back to Aeva when he spoke more about Shin being sick. She looked back to him. "How bad did he look?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder towards the angel. She had to forgive the angel when he mentioned Shin's personality. Shin wasn't at all really bad... He was the kind of person that one would get used to through time. She could recall when she first meet Shin. Their meeting was far from pleasant.
But she was drawn back to Aeva and his mention of Shin looking ill. She knew he wasn't feeling well and figured that his little cold might get worst. But with how close they were to leaving moon side she knew it would be impossible to get him to quarters and rest. Shin was stubborn and had a way of getting out of things like taking medicine or resting up.... Hell she could recall a few times where Ross gave orders to Wade and Dax to keep an eye on Shin for a whole week. Their job was to make sure the navigator slept, ate right, and didn't over work himself.

"He runs this ship by himself..." She frowned a little towards Aeva. "The ship was designed to be ran by a minimum of 200 people." Val shrugged. "For the past five years he's been running it all himself." She knew she shouldn't be telling Aeva this, but she couldn't help it as his words came back to mind once more. Mostly the ones about where it was good that Shin was sick and that he was a bastard.
"He ran it himself? But then that means that....." The realization became clear as the dawn of time. The angel scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. He had met the ship's programmer and he didn't even notice. The angel's view on the man changed at that information. He still thought he was a prickly bastard but now Aeva had something for the man that he didn't have before. Respect. And respect was far more important than any friendship for the avalon.

Aeva felt as if he had just found a very interesting video game as a child and he really wanted to play it. For now he suppressed his lust for challenge and responded to the doctor, " My eyesight is very good doctor so whatever he may say don't let it fool you. He was running a fever, may have been having cold sweats, definetly fatigued, and he could have been disoriented or nauseous. It looked like the human flu to me." He responded without much emotion in his voice.
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shadowz1995 said:
"He ran it himself? But then that means that....." The realization became clear as the dawn of time. The angel scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. He had met the ship's programmer and he didn't even notice. The angel's view on the man changed at that information. He still thought he was a prickly bastard but now Aeva had something for the man that he didn't have before. Respect. And respect was far more important than any friendship for the avalon.
Aeva felt as if he had just found a very interesting video game as a child and he really wanted to play it. For now he suppressed his lust for challenge and responded to the doctor, " My eyesight is very good doctor so whatever he may say don't let it fool you. He was running a fever, may have been having cold sweats, definetly fatigued, and he could have been disoriented or nauseous. It looked like the human flu to me." He responded without much emotion in his voice.
Val nodded, "Yup that mean's he's one with the ship." She shrugged as she continued to walk down the hall. She frowned when Aeva pointed out Shin's condition. He was pretty much hitting the nail on the head. "Yeah last time I checked it was still in the early stages of exhaustion and a fever." Val let out a deep breath. "But even if his cold got worst, there's not much I can do. We should be taking off in a few hours or so, so that mean's Shin will be all over the place. What he needs is a bucket of meds and a few good days of sleep."

Once more Val let out a huff of air. Just thinking about Shin's cold and how much work he would be doing made her feel weak and tiered. She turned to Aeva, and looked the angel over. Both of them saw Shin watching them while they were in the bay area. She wondered why Shin didn't say anything. Aeva was a passenger and Val brought him over to that part of the ship. Val wondered if maybe Shin was so sick that he wasn't in the mood to even complain about security breaches or do anything about them. Shin wasn't really the kind of person that would over look something.

Val paused.... What if he was saving this for later.... And might even use it against her?
NovaNovass said:
Val nodded, "Yup that mean's he's one with the ship." She shrugged as she continued to walk down the hall. She frowned when Aeva pointed out Shin's condition. He was pretty much hitting the nail on the head. "Yeah last time I checked it was still in the early stages of exhaustion and a fever." Val let out a deep breath. "But even if his cold got worst, there's not much I can do. We should be taking off in a few hours or so, so that mean's Shin will be all over the place. What he needs is a bucket of meds and a few good days of sleep."
Once more Val let out a huff of air. Just thinking about Shin's cold and how much work he would be doing made her feel weak and tiered. She turned to Aeva, and looked the angel over. Both of them saw Shin watching them while they were in the bay area. She wondered why Shin didn't say anything. Aeva was a passenger and Val brought him over to that part of the ship. Val wondered if maybe Shin was so sick that he wasn't in the mood to even complain about security breaches or do anything about them. Shin wasn't really the kind of person that would over look something.

Val paused.... What if he was saving this for later.... And might even use it against her?
(I feel that if I respond to this it's gonna be a half assed filler post since nothing really happened. So just gonna wait since I hate doing that)
NovaNovass said:
(Just so you know they are still on the moon and they don't need to head out into space just yet. Mostly she would be flying around the skies like a small jet or a plane. ( ^_^ )...)
Ross merely shifted her eyes over to Emma as the girl piloted the ship gracefully. Her words about flying didn't mean much to Ross at the moment. She more so focused on actual skills that she could witness. So far the girl was doing good. Even with her own skills in piloting Ross could say that older ships confused the mess out of her. So for Emma to just pick up and go on different kinds of ships was a big plus. Not to mention that she could use her on her crew as a second pilot.

Shin would be the normal pick for this kind of thing. Her Riders were somewhat more familiar with the bikes and smaller ships. The technology was very much different when it came to bikes and ships. The only other person she knew that could pilot both.... Was Shin. For some reason he was skilled in all aspects of ships and bikes. The motors, the tech, systems, how to fix them and even how to build them. He told her a few times that he was indeed born and raised on Edison. Edison was the ship and bike capital of the verse. With Shin's wide knowledge she concluded that most people from Edison would have similar traits.

Emma didn't seem like she was from Edison. She didn't have the look, the attitude or even the way she carried her self or spoke. Nothing screamed Edison from the girl. But for her to have such skill and knowledge was an even better thing.

"When we get back I'm going to sit down with you and Shin." She said in a mono tone. "I want to make sure you get logged into the ship officially as a crew member..." She paused and looked back to the three brothers. "That goes the same for you three as well."

The three brothers nodded towards Ross with large smiles on their faces. Without others knowing Ross was able to have a chat with the brothers before boarding the drop ship. Well mostly Rem. Rem explained their situation to Ross and Ross had a good feeling about them joining. They were loyal and did their jobs. Plus she felt that they wouldn't cause much problems with the crew.

She turned back to Emma. "I'm not one to really dig into people's pasts." She told her. "Treat others how you want to be treated... So in a more straight forward term.... I stay out of your past and you stay out of mine." Ross had to be clear on this as the only people to know about her past was Dax and Shin. Dax knew more then anyone, and Shin only knew a bit. But still she had to make somethings very clear.

Soon enough they had reached their destination. A large warehouse almost as big as the Gallion. From their Emma would land the drop ship in the designated area and people rushed out with creates, boxes and all sorts of thing.

They filled up the drop ship in a matter of minutes. For as much as they loaded.... It was like a breaking record. Much more then what Emma's ship could have handled. At this point Ross was glade that she made the call to take the bigger drop ship. The weight and load would have killed or even murdered Emma's personal ship.

But once finished and Ross had a few words with one of the men in charge of the shipment, they were heading back to the Gallion. Ross felt a bit odd about the pickup. There was no need for extra hired guns... But then again.... This was only the pickup. The drop off was surely to be the other half where things would become really rough.

But all in all they were soon to dock back in one of the Ship's bays... And they will need to go through the shipment before leaving the moon. She had already done a count... But Ross was the kind of Captain who actually cared about what she transported. This big of a ship was a target to the Union and they didn't need anything illegal on their ship while making a drop to one of the inner planets.

Emma wasn't sure if she struck a nerve with Ross or if she was just pre-occupied. Though a bit of conversation during the ride would of been nice. Oh well, you get what you get she guessed. She was just happy that she was getting hired on as crew and wouldn't have to really worry anymore. That was further solidifed as Ross told her as well as the other three people with them when they got back they needed to be logged as crew. "
Really? Thank you so much Captain! I won't let you down, I promise." She replied excitedly. When she turned to her and pretty much told her she wouldn't worry about her past if she didn't about hers she shook her head. "Don't worry ma'am, the thought of asking you didn't really cross my mind. If you ever wanna tell me that's up to you." She assured her.

Soon enough they reached the warehouse and landed, Emma watched as a ton of cargo was loaded onto the dropship. was a good thing they went with this ship. They'd have had to make several trips, hers never would of fit it all at once and made it back to the Gallion. It was a good ship, but not that good. Soon enough they loaded it up and they were on their way back to the Gallion. Emma had to admit she was curious as to why they had taken along some armed people, but decided against asking. Maybe they were just being cautious, it was a bunch of cargo after all. After a short, un-eventuful trip they were docked back in the Gallion. "
So." She began speaking as she turned off the ship and opened the doors and cargo bay of it. "Want me to help you with the stuff? I might not look it but I'm pretty strong." She asked.
“Cardinal, or father?” Charlie asked, one eye brow cocked curiously as Adrian chuckled over the something. It was true, unless you included bikes into the equation for Charlie’s small team of two, very few of crew held religion close to their heart. There was of course, Wade who loved his guns, Shin with his ship, Ross with her crew, but that was more love than a religion. However, of course, there was Dax. The giant with a temper as big as his muscles. He still carried a vial of water from around his neck from his home world, but Charlie was pretty sure his world’s beliefs varied, perhaps a little, from what Adrian followed. Still, now, with the man in front of her, Charlie had an opportunity to learn.

“Is there much a difference between the two titles?” The sentenced tripped off her tongue with a gentle smile, all the while keeping an eye on the ramp of the ship. A few merchants were thinking of wandering on again, their leader being a man draped in carney yellow jewellery and equally bright twinkle of a hope in his eye. Ships were always good for paying customers. They had the money to travel and perhaps the need for a souvenir. However, once again Charlie ensured his dreams were cut short. Keeping her attention trained on her conversation, the small girl lifted up her hands and waved off merchant, who gave her a scowl and muttered something about her causing trouble in his own world as he backed off.

"Den-ahrasu, miate la gonisa." One of the merchant's languages, which can be boiled down to him calling Charlie a low life gutter-courtesan. Well it means worse than that, but Charlie isn't willing to translate it perfectly.

Of course a few of the words reached her, resulting in her facial expression tightening a little with announce, but that was it. She couldn’t push her position with Ross anymore. Not to mention the fact that if she did do something, Raven would never forgive her. After all, Charlie was on thin ice with her team mate for the time being.

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(@LilyCrusher Would it be alright if Corey and Braxtes bunk together since they're both Mechanic's?)

Braxtes kept getting the feeling they were missing out on something but he continued to try and not think about it, the more he did the more he'd want to find out likely. "Corey, would you care to go get logged in?" He asked her, deactivating his anti gravity shoes and landing on the corridor floor, making a tapping noise from the metal hitting the floor. He had an idea that perhaps they could get along, unlike some of the other passengers she seemed easier to speak to.
((@Veyd Sahvoz yeah, that's fine. I was actually just thinking about that.))

Corey nodded. "Sure, I think I'd like to get some of this unnecessary nervous energy out of my system." She gestured down the hallway for Braxtes to go first, planning to fall into step beside him as he started to walk.

Corey had always had friends that were non-human. In fact, she enjoyed speaking with machines than actual people. As a child, her first toy was a small scanner from her father's toolbox.
He had been on the small moon for only a few days. It was merely a short break in his endless travels, as he had been jumping from ship to ship for some time now. After enjoying his short vacation he realized it was time to move on, after all he couldn't stay here forever. DJ let out a sigh and stood up before making his way to the bay area.

He smiled to himself at this familiar ritual, he couldn't even remember how many times he had walked through docking areas looking for a new adventure. It was actually one of his favourite things about wandering the verse. He enjoyed seeing all kinds of people coming together and interacting. Sometimes he would see people hugging, and sometimes he would see fights, either way he found it very entertaining.

Walking down row after row of ships DJ decided to take a more aggressive solution in finding a ship.

"ANYBODY GOT ROOM FOR A TAG-A-LONG?" He shouted and waited as captains and crew members of other ships gave him a vacant stare.
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Charlie was about to wave away another wash of merchants as she waited for Adrian’s reply when a familiar call echoed out from over the sellers’ calls. The words were muddled, chopped up with other fragmented of conversation but ,thankfully, Charlie had grown up in a port city and her finely tuned ears managed to single out the solitary voice woven in through the city port’s streets babble.


Giving the Cardinal, or Father, she liked the latter more, an apologetic smile she motioned towards the open hanger door.

“To be continued, Father.” She nodded, “I’ve duties I have to quickly attend to. But I will take you up on your offer to drop in to see you from time to time.” She beamed this last bit as she stepped away, running a hard nervously through her hair. Usually this job to fell Val, whose pretty face usually managed to pull in a large crowd, as already shown, so Charlie rarely found herself in this position. Sure, next to Val’s pedigree, Charlie seemed more like the scruffy jackrussell, with bike grease covering her army bottoms and wild hair unfurling into unrulely curls. However, Val wasn’t here. In fact, no one else from the crew was here. So duty called.

Still limping slightly, Charlie edged down the ramp of the ship, steadying herself as best she could against the edge of the hanger door whilst peering out into the bobbing and weaving heads. It only took a few moments to pick out motionless spots in the crowd. A few were merchants, others potential passengers but everyone Charlie laid eyes on from these, didn’t match the voice from before. Mostly because, well, they were all women, with the exception of two.

Ok then. Fifty- fifty. Charlie thought, frowning a little before shrugging it off a few seconds later as she sucked in a breath.

“Tag-along spaces open here!” Her voice rang out, louder than she expected but she hoped it would result in the desired effect, after, of course, ignoring the new burst of pain in her ribs from her attempt to shout. Out of the two guys she had spotted, the one she was looking for was bound to reply. If neither. Well then, she’d have to try a more creative approach. Interpretive dance would sure draw attention….

DJ sighed at the lack of response. The most he drew was awkward eye contact with a few strangers in which he flashed them a friendly smile and they, in turn, dropped their gaze and turned their back on him. His friendly smile turned into a tired smile as he realized that he may be stuck on this moon longer than he planned. Apparently there was competition for space on each vessel, and he wasn't the ideal candidate strictly based on looks. He was a relatively tall guy, standing at 6'5", and while he had muscles, he wasn't roped with muscles. He was too intimidating to join vessels that were looking for nice and uneventful passengers, but not intimidating enough to be hired on as a hired gun. It was quite inconvenient for someone just trying to hop from ship to ship.

Just as he was about to give up his search, a very welcoming call reached his ears. He whirled around and saw a small brown haired woman at the opening of a ship. He smiled widely and weaved his way through the crowd until he got to the base of the ship.

"Hi, I'm DJ. I would love to be a passenger on your ship, if that's alright with you." He threw his bag off his shoulder and rummaged through his bag before pulling out a wallet. "I have money."

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LilyCrusher said:
((@Veyd Sahvoz yeah, that's fine. I was actually just thinking about that.))
Corey nodded. "Sure, I think I'd like to get some of this unnecessary nervous energy out of my system." She gestured down the hallway for Braxtes to go first, planning to fall into step beside him as he started to walk.

Corey had always had friends that were non-human. In fact, she enjoyed speaking with machines than actual people. As a child, her first toy was a small scanner from her father's toolbox.
(Aighy. Sorry for not posting sooner)

"Splendid! Perhaps we could check the docking bay, yes?" Suggested Braxtes as he marched down the hall, his metal boots clanking every time they came in contact with the hall floors. Sometimes, he actually wondered why he wore boots since his legs were cybernetic limbs connected to his nerves. Maybe he could attach his boots to his legs. So much to think about... "Tell me about yourself Corey." Said the cyborg in a desperate attempt to break the silence.

It was the second guy Charlie had spotted who answered her call. He was tall and had just enough brawn to make wading through the busy streets an easy feat, as he turned and beamed towards her. As he reached her, DJ’s introduction tripped so easily off his tongue, as he flung his bag down and mentioned payment. Returning his smile with her own, Charlie shot a few warning glances to a few dodgy looking guys whose ears had perked up at the key word ‘money’. It was like shouting free ice cream in a school, only the kids’ average at 5’9 and had sharp pointy objects hidden in odd places.

“Music to my ears, DJ. I’m Charlie but…” Charlie’s reply was warm, with a hint of deeper meaning when she stepped forward and gingerly bent down to tap DJ’s shoulder. “Let’s step aboard first. I can process you properly there.” She looked back to eyeball the men she had spotted, but her eyes only found an empty spot where three badly shaved men had once filled. They had all moved off. Perhaps I’m scarier than I thought. Charlie happily thought to herself, as the momentary tension which had built in her shoulders rolled off with a light chuckle. I can wait to tell Raven... I mean how long can she stay angry at me? Masking a flinch of pain, Charlie straighten with a step back towards the hanger, swinging one arm open dramatically in the direction of the mottled group hidden in the cool shade of the Gallion.

“It is always a pleasure to welcome a new face.” Charlie offered, running a hand through her scruffy locks. She had actually been able to get a passenger. Sure it was only one, when compared to the flock Val had attracted, but, regardless! One was better than none. Score in her book.

“We’ll be travelling towards the inner planets. Right past Edison.” Although not stopping there. “You heading anywhere in particular DJ?”.

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((That's fine.))

"Well, I skipped a few grades and graduated college early, so I decided to become an engineer who works on starships. Pretty plain and simple," Corey chuckled. "I have three brothers, one who is older than me, one who is my twin but younger, and a younger brother. Grew up on a planet a few systems away from here and moved around a lot. Boarded a small freighter to go to Earth and I applied and went to the Academy." Corey stopped herself, starting to ramble. "What about you? Tell me about Braxtes."
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Mitchs98 said:
Emma wasn't sure if she struck a nerve with Ross or if she was just pre-occupied. Though a bit of conversation during the ride would of been nice. Oh well, you get what you get she guessed. She was just happy that she was getting hired on as crew and wouldn't have to really worry anymore. That was further solidifed as Ross told her as well as the other three people with them when they got back they needed to be logged as crew. "
Really? Thank you so much Captain! I won't let you down, I promise." She replied excitedly. When she turned to her and pretty much told her she wouldn't worry about her past if she didn't about hers she shook her head. "Don't worry ma'am, the thought of asking you didn't really cross my mind. If you ever wanna tell me that's up to you." She assured her.

Soon enough they reached the warehouse and landed, Emma watched as a ton of cargo was loaded onto the dropship. was a good thing they went with this ship. They'd have had to make several trips, hers never would of fit it all at once and made it back to the Gallion. It was a good ship, but not that good. Soon enough they loaded it up and they were on their way back to the Gallion. Emma had to admit she was curious as to why they had taken along some armed people, but decided against asking. Maybe they were just being cautious, it was a bunch of cargo after all. After a short, un-eventuful trip they were docked back in the Gallion. "So." She began speaking as she turned off the ship and opened the doors and cargo bay of it. "Want me to help you with the stuff? I might not look it but I'm pretty strong." She asked.
Ross got out of her chair as the Remington brothers did the same. She looked to Emma and shook her head. "We will be using the same ship to transport them on the next planet. No need on moving anything." She stated. She turned to the main screen on the console and pressed a few buttons. "Hey Shin?" She questioned. The wait for his reply brought a frown to her lips. "Shin?" She questioned again.

Meanwhile Shin was still in on the bridge with Caine when Ross' voice beamed from his tablet. He was waiting very impatiently for Caine's answer when Ross called him a second time. "Look this will have to wait..." Shin told Caine as he picked up his tablet.

He hit the open com button, "Back already?" Shin asked.

Ross smiled a little, "And with a few things to add onto your list."

Shin grumbled a little before getting out of his chair and making his way off the bridge. He hit the mute button on the com and turned to Caine. "You might want to make your way to the passenger quarters or common areas. The crew and myself don't take well to those that wander around." Shin stated to Caine before leaving.

While they waited for Shin, the three brothers started to open crates. Ross would peek into some while others she dug around in a bit. It wasn't anything strange, more so just a bunch of parts or resources from other planets that the inner and core planets didn't have.

By the time Shin had gotten there Ross and the brothers had gone through just about all the creates. "So I'm guessing the cargo is tainted by Union spies." Shin mocked as he saw how many were open. Ross just shot him a warning look. She pointed to Emma. "Register her as a new crew member, I have three more after her." Ross looked over to the brothers as they opened up a new create.

Shin watched Ross and the three brothers work for a few seconds before turning back to Emma. "This way." Shin motioned for her to follow him off the drop ship. He didn't take her far... More like three feet out the door.

He fiddled with his tablet for a minute or so before handing it over to her. "Read and sign at the bottom. Once you're done, I'll need to do a finger scan and Val will need to do a full check up." He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her.

Also mentioned....

DJ was thrilled, it was rare for him to encounter such a friendly person while trying to find transport. He already felt good about this ship and this voyage even though he had only just met only one of the crew. He looked behind him as Charlie gave a weary glance over his shoulder, but he saw nothing.

"Charlie, eh, well it's very nice to meet you." His smile widened as she touched his shoulder. He followed her inside and looked around, it was a quality ship, the best he'd ever been on. It was also one of the largest ships he'd ever been on, he couldn't believe how spacious it was. "I'm not heading any where in particular, just wherever I can get to I'll go. And right now it sounds like Edison, so I guess thats where I'm heading." DJ gave a small laugh and glanced at the group they were heading towards.

"This is a great ship, I'm lucky you heard me." He smiled at her yet again but then noticed her attempt to hide a flinch of pain and his smile faded to a concerned frown. "But maybe we should get you medical attention first..."

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“Oh we aren’t stopping on Edison…just passing by. Not that I haven’t asked in the past” Charlie chirped absentmindedly, with a hint of bitterness following the last bit as she trailed behind DJ, trying her best to keep level with man’s larger strides. It’s tough to be small in a tall person’s world. However, it was nice to meet a fellow cheery person in a world so filled with seriousness. Oh Shin and this guy are gonna get on swimmingly.

"This is a great ship, I'm lucky you heard me."

“Oh yes. Her name’s the Gallion. Pride and joy for our Captain, Ross, and our Navigator and all round handyman, Shin.” Charlie replied, before pausing at DJ’s sudden silence. Noting his concern and eyes fixed onto her cradled ribs, Charlie waved a hand as if this would disburse his worry a little. “Ah the med bay. Home away from home for me.” Charlie offered with a wink, “But don’t worry. Really. Should be more concerned about the other guy. Plus our resident Doc has already given me the green light so long as I ‘rest” She beamed this as she mimed the quotation marks around rest with her fingers, before gesturing to the open hanger and back to DJ. “And welcoming passengers is practically a holiday in comparison to my other duties.” Well at least it was in comparison to Shin’s duty anyway.

“So, no destination in mind, huh?” Charlie started, stopping and motioning to one of the tables which were used for inspection purposes of cargo. “You aren’t on the run, are you?” Here Charlie narrowed her eyes a little, coking an eye brow questionably as her lips instinctively pursed together. Giving the man a sweep up and down with her eyes. It was the perfect the cover for suspicion, or it was, until her giggle broke the illusion.

“Na. I am kidding. But I will need to see payment and travel papers now. As well as ask that you hand over a firearms or weapons. That also includes any weapons which might be concealed in/on your person” She shrugged this last bit with a more relaxed tone. “Sorry to be so specific. But we had a guy before who produced guns from places I didn’t even know could be used as a storage compartment...” A haunted expression briefly whisked across Charlie’s face, recalling the clatter and whir of the man’s animatronic arms at work. It was times like that, that Charlie really did have to marvel at what the world’s ability to surprise her.

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"Well, I guess I'm not heading to Edison then." He awkwardly pushed back his hair before laughing, "I'm guessing you don't have a say in where you stop, huh?" He said, noting the sarcasm in her voice. He'd only known her for a few minutes, but already he could detect that she was one sassy chick. DJ was never one to be sarcastic, but he admired people that were. "Speaking of which, what do you do on the ship?" He couldn't hold his curiosity in any more. She wasn't the captain or the navigator, and she didn't seem like she was a hired gun. In fact, he couldn't quite pinpoint what she was because most of the people he met were miserable no matter what they were doing, where-as Charlie was quite the opposite.

"As long as you're ok. But it would make me feel better if you rested after this. I would hate to be the reason that you're in pain." He shrugged his shoulders and stepped into the hanger. DJ followed his new friend until they reached a table. He slipped his bag off his shoulders and placed it on the surface. Admittedly, his bag had very little contents in comparison to other travellers he met up with. He never had any belongings that he cherished so much that he felt the need to bring with him, with the exception of his goggles that lay at the very top of his bag when he unzipped it. Beneath it were a couple pairs of clothes, extra ammo, and a few snacks.

"Not running from anything, if thats what you're asking. But maybe running towards something, I don't know what yet, though. Maybe adventure, or money, or fame. I haven't decided yet." He laughed with her and pulled out his papers and the money before handing them to her. "No need to worry I only have one pistol, I'm afraid I'm not much of a gun fight person." DJ assured her and pulled his pistol out of the holster that lay on his leg and laid it down beside his bag.

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@Khaz Sorry for the epicly long, poorly written post but just trying to get a bunch of stuff down quickly xD but yay fwends!

“Well we can request stops, it’s just Edison is always swept under the table for some reason.” Charlie sniffed, before arching an eyebrow at DJ’s question about her position in the crew. “Is it not obvious? Clearly I am an assassin. High end, top of the market. But shh. Don’t tell anyone.” She chuckled this last bit before shrugging. “Na, I’m lead rider. Surprised? I think most people picture stoic, big burly bearded men when they think of ‘riders’. But ta da![/color]”

Of course with this, jazz hands followed, but awkwardly the girl then laughed and brushed back her hair. “You?” She was the exact opposite of the stereotype. Well, actually most riders she knew were the exact opposite, although Raven could be stoic when she wanted to be, but like DJ, Charlie was curious of his usual jobs. She wanted to say hired gun but that would be hypocritical of her.

“As for pain. You’ll have to get in line to give me that lecture. The doc, Shin and Raven have already got tickets.” Charlie sighed this before eyeing up DJ’s belongings. She knew guys packed light, but DJ took things to a new extreme. A single pistol too. Huh. Again, the verse had surprised her.

Next she scanned the documents DJ handed her while mulling over the man’s words ‘not running from but maybe towards’. A nice and refreshing outlook Charlie noted, and one she would have to save for later.

“Well adventure sounds good, Mr Kowalic.” Charlie replied, thumbing through the documentation. Everything seemed to check out with the added bonus multiple signatures from a couple of dozen captains to boot. Daniel really did travel around.

However, when Charlie confirmed furthering prying wasn’t necessary, she handed back the documentation, her other hand slotting DJ’s fare into her pocket to give to Shin next time to stumbled into him. Next was the gun, which she picked up, unloaded with a flick of her wrist, before being placed neatly into a storage locker for transport to the armoury later.

“You’re firearm will be returned when we next make port.” Charlie stated, as she straightened a little. The sudden matter-of-fact tone seeming alien to her general persona. However, this next bit required concentration.

Giving DJ a then apologetic look, Charlie then launched into the rules Ross had set.

“Number one: all firearms are to be given to the armoury. Check.

Number two: All passengers must remain in their assigned quarters, unless in one of the common rooms. These include the food hall and… well… the food hall. Every other area of the ship is off limits. Well maybe not the med bay. I think that’s okay.

Number three: Anything Ross, the captain, says. Its law. Obey it. You’ll do just fine.”

Charlie ended it here with a smile, knowing she had elaborated a little on the last one. But it was good advice if DJ didn’t want Ross ejecting him out into space.
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((haha don't sweat it bud :P ))

He gasped and collapsed his hand sarcastically over his mouth at the mention of her being an assassin, but nodded his head and raised his eyebrows in surprise after he learned the truth. He hadn't met that many riders in his time in space, but the ones he had met certainly did not look like Charlie. "I will admit, I would have never guessed you were a rider. Usually they're more.... What's a nice way of saying this..... Aesthetically challenged?" He giggled as he tried to come up with a word for ugly. "But that's amazing, I can't imagine what it must feel like to be on the bike." He wondered if she felt the way riding like he felt the way while flying; an indescribable feeling of flow.

"Myself? I obviously play in a band." DJ said seriously before unzipping his black jacket and revealing a T-shirt of a very popular band on his home planet called the Rogue Giraffes. "I'm just kidding, for the most part I just travel ship to ship, but when money gets low, I take jobs as a pilot. So, obviously my life is pretty interesting." He flashed her two thumbs up and gave her an exaggerated wink.

"And don't worry, I vow to never lecture you ever again for as long as I shall live." DJ stood up straight, looked Charlie in the eye and gave her a firm salute before breaking character and laughing. "Adventure does sound good, seeings as the only person who thinks I'm famous right now is my mother, and I'm not overflowing with cash."

He listened intently to the rules and nodded as Charlie spoke. "Sounds good, I'll be sure to follow those by the book. Now don't let me catch you pocketing that money for yourself." He gave her an 'I'm watching you' gesture before laughing.

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Charlie almost choked at ‘aesthetically challenged’ description, which didn’t help her ribs by any means. “Oh, if you are surprised by me, wait till you see my teammate. Raven. Although this could all be masterful use of make up.” Charlie gestured to her face as she mimed a bountiful beard. But of course, her jokes and compliments to Raven trickled off when her interest was piqued at the mention of her new friend being a pilot as well as a fan of “…the Rogue Giraffes?”

The question was layered with laughter as the girl narrowed her eyes questionably, inspecting DJ’s brandished t-shirt. “I mean, I had such high expectations…and you disappointed. Although I guess you being a pilot is pretty cool.”

Charlie shrugged the last bit nonchalantly before giving a jovial smile with an enthusiastic nod. Similar questions of what it was like to fly ship, flickered through her brain, but she held back for now. Instead she made sure to make a mental note, as her friend had just become more than just a fellow optimist. Things were kinda difficult on Shin by himself, managing so many different roles. But maybe with an actual dedicated pilot things might just ease up on the dark and brooding navigator. Maybe, for once, Shin might actually be able to rest without threat of Val hanging over him. However for now, she allowed herself to be caught up in the fun.

“Hey listen, fame comes in many forms and I mean, if the Rogue Giraffes can make it big, so can you. Bet their mums were the only ones to believe in them too, at first. So you’re looking shiny from my standpoint.” Charlie chuckled this before pointing over her shoulders towards one of the narrow corridors. Time for DJ to become acquainted with the guys’ apartments, although not before she returned the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture with a pointed glance, tapping her pocket with a mischievous look of shock.

“Who me? Butter wouldn’t melt!” She beamed before shaking her head “Come on, I’ll show you were you’re gonna bunk. Just try and keep the fanboy music down.” She winked this last bit as she turned to lead the way.

“So…just how many ships have you flown over your travels?” Charlie finally caving to her curiosity.

DJ nodded and mouthed the word 'probably' as Charlie drew an imaginary beard with her fingers.

"Makeup does wonders. For all I know you could be a squid hiding under layers of the stuff." It was fun to joke around with another person again. Most people he travelled with didn't enjoy his humour and would often ignore him. It was rare to find someone who joked along with him.

"The Rogue Giraffes are the highest calibre of music where I grew up. It isn't just a collection of sounds formed together to make beautiful music, it speaks to you. But you're just a foreigner you wouldn't understand." He told her while playing with a fake monocle. After a moment he smiled, "One of their songs is literally called Handrail Suicide.... So there's a chance that nothing I've said is true, but believe me, they are good."

He smiled at the ground, the point she made was actually very good. It was true and it somehow brightened up his mood even more.

"Are you sure, assassin, because you seem like the thieving type, and I would hate to beat up a girl." He smirked and put his fists up, throwing a few fake punches that landed short from where she stood.

Dropping his fists he followed her to his new, temporary home, "Could you get me a room by the pool?" He asked before laughing at his own, stupid joke. It was something he did often, both telling stupid jokes and laughing at them, and it was something he was proud of.

"Too man ships to count," DJ scratched his head, "If I had to guess it would be close to 70 or 80. I caught a ride with about 6-10 ships a year, depending on my circumstances, since I was 16. I've seen a fair share of the verse this way, though, so I'm not complaining. What about you, is this your first ship?"

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LilyCrusher said:
((That's fine.))
"Well, I skipped a few grades and graduated college early, so I decided to become an engineer who works on starships. Pretty plain and simple," Corey chuckled. "I have three brothers, one who is older than me, one who is my twin but younger, and a younger brother. Grew up on a planet a few systems away from here and moved around a lot. Boarded a small freighter to go apply for an Academy." Corey stopped herself, starting to ramble. "What about you? Tell me about yourself Braxtes."
Braxtes enjoyed hearing her short story about her schooling and family but as quickly as it had begun it ended, right when he was growing curious and was about to ask what exactly she learnt at this academy. Surprised to hear her ask about him, Braxtes stopped for a moment, unsure of what to tell her. There was so much to say but if he told her too much she'd likely grow bored and not want to converse with him. "There's not much to say. I grew up and was raised learning about mechanics and weaponry and all. Back on Dreojedin, a planet not too far from here, where I worked and worked practically my whole life. Building and repairing, destroying and inventing. It's all rather damning in retrospect..." For once, he was actually rambling. That was likely the first time he spoke so much for a long time, he had already forgotten what the main topic of there ducussion was. That is if there even was a topic. "I apologize for my rambles. It is good to hear I'm not the only one on this ship who knows a lot about machines."

Charlie raised both brows at the mention of ‘Handrail Suicide’ before clasping her hands together, her voice becoming shrill as she put on the poshest voice she could muster. “Indeed, Mr Kowalic! Forgive my presumption, clearly someone of my standing would not understand the workings and refined tastes of high society, such as the Rogue Giraffes.” Here she stopped, regaining her old soft voice as she continued “So I guess I will just have to take your word on this ‘soul felt’ music.”

When she didn’t flinch at DJ’s few fake punches, she instead shook her head as she walked away slowly, allowing Daniel to fall into step behind her.

“Who ever said I was a girl? Remember, masterful use of makeup.” She grinned, once more stroking her imaginary beard. “As for the room, sure I can put you in next to Deadpool if you really want. He’s super sweet. Real teddy bear when you get to know him. Just ignore the guns.” Charlie grinned, knowing full well that their hired gun was not what DJ meant when he asked for a room next to the pool.

However, when DJ settled into a stride next to her, switching to the topic to his ships. Charlie, for once, was happy to fall silent and listen as DJ explained the sheer number of ships he had flown in. 70-80? Well that below Charlie’s number clear out the water.

“Must have been amazing.” Charlie began shaking her head partly out of disbelief of the number ships and partly in reply to DJ’s final question. “Oh no, the Gallion isn’t my first ship. I had a few jobs here and there after I graduated from …an academy.” The small rider was not exactly ready to reveal the fact she had attended a piloting academy, or the fact that her past was less than crystal clear. “I hoped from ship to ship for about two years, prior to that I use to take part in races back in my home city back on Thalassa, Dione system. Then about a three years ago, I found Ross… or rather Ross found me. Ever since then, this” Her arms stretched as wide as they could without inflicting more pain of her ribs, to symbolise the Gallion. “Has been my home. It has its quirks, ups and downs, but wouldn’t trade it for the world. Crew is family you know?”

Charlie allowed her shoulders to relax with that statement as she turned another arching corner in the corridor that lead down towards the guest quarters, where Charlie knew quite a few of the other passengers had already settled. It was a relativity large section of the ship, positioned just far enough from the important aspects of ship, such as the crew quarters, engine room and cockpit. It was like a nice little secluded cove within the ship's expansive body. This way, things were easier to control if any of their guests had ideas of 'taking over' and the crew could sleep peacefully without fear of their throats being slit when they slept, as guests were rarely shown where the crew slept. This was also the main reason why passengers weren't allowed to wander around willy-nilly.

Although come to think of it, despite them being logged and assigned to their rooms, Charlie had spotted a number of them just wandering round. A violation of rule two…oh how chaos reigned when Dax was otherwise predisposed with mutant frogs.

@Khaz , also mentioned @Deadpool
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"You will, until one day you have the chance to hear their blessed sounds. Then you will understand." He clasped his hands together in front of his face and gave Charlie a fake pitiful look. "Also, you can call me DJ, or Daniel, or Danny, or James, or Kowalic. Just don't add the 'Mr'. You say 'Mr. Kowalic' and I look over my shoulder for my brother. And you see, I am at a disadvantage because I can't call you Miss, or Mr if you're serious about that makeup thing, in retaliation because I don't know you're last name. It's quite an inconvenience for me." He stated confidently.

He laughed, "Deadpool, eh? Sounds like a pleasant guy. Remind me to sleep with one eye open." DJ pushed back his hair and raised his eyebrows. Deadpool was an interesting name, he wondered how he got it, although he would probably never ask him because it most likely wasn't a pleasant story. This ship was already vastly different than any other ship he had ever been on, he couldn't help but think that there were other strange people on this vessel. Which raised the question, what exactly does this ship do? DJ decided not to press the question on Charlie. After all, he was just a passenger, and it wasn't his place to ask that sort of thing.

"I would like to say it wasn't amazing, but that would not be true. It's ridiculous how different the verse is. There are no two planets that are even close to be the same, yes they have similarities, but it's the differences that define them." He started to get caught up in his own thoughts and hd to force himself to bring his focus back to Charlie. Once you got him started on talking about his experiences, it was hard to get him to stop.

"An academy? Well now I feel dumb, I shouldn't be in the presence of a scholar." He through his hands in the air and took a few steps back, all joking of course. However, this girl kept on bringing surprises. First, that she was a rider, second, that she attended an academy and still became a rider. That usually wasn't a job for the educated.

"Well anyway, good for you. This seems like a good gig you got here, and if it wasn't, I'm sure you would have been long gone." At the mention of crew being family, DJ nodded. He may have experienced a lot with all his travels, but having a family was something he missed out on. Jumping around so much meant that he never stayed on one ship for long and made it hard for him to bond with a group of people enough to call them family. He didn't even see his real family that much anymore. He saw his mother last almost a year and a half ago, and his brother, well, wasn't really family anymore. DJ was almost jealous of Charlie in this moment, but didn't show it.

He stared at the corridor, "So, which one is mi casa?"

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Drawing to a stop with DJ’s perfectly timed question about which room was his, Charlie leaned casually against a door way, as with her good shoulder she pressed the door’s release button. With a quiet ‘swoosh’, the door slid back to reveal a fairly standard room. It had all the necessities needed for sleeping and a comfy trip, although it lacked the character which had come from years of occupation Charlie had grown use to in the crew’s quarters.

Up until now, Charlie had deliberately stayed quiet as DJ had answered all her questions, but had not missed the one-thousand mile stare which had over taken Daniel as he had begun to talk about his travel. He most certainly had tales to tell, and Charlie itched to ask for more details. What held her back however, was the promise of a good story when dinner came around.

The first dinner after launch was always the best in Charlie’s eyes, utilising this prime moment to exchange food for stories. Travelling on a ship usually meant you ended up living in your own bubble, but passengers came with fresh news and perspective which Charlie loved listening too. Although she knew not all of the crew shared her glee in her mini tradition.

“It’s not much right now, but I’m sure you can jazz it up.” Charlie began, breaking her smiling silence as she nodded around the room, still fighting back the urge to ask 101 questions about DJ’s journeys. “Maybe hang up your band t-shirts or something?” She suggested with a hint of laughter, as she folded her arms around herself. “But on another topic. You’re right. Best job I could have ever landed.” She beamed, “You’ll see that when you meet everyone at dinner. Although fair warning. Some take time to warm up.” Mostly Shin and Dax to be honest. Well mostly Shin, although his cold had seemed to soften him up a little recently.

“As for being a scholar. Yeah. Don’t worry, I won’t judge you…much.” Charlie winked, “But perhaps to maintain the proper academic boundaries, you should refer to me as ‘Ms. Gardener’ from now on. Has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think?” She wrinkled her nose a little this time, putting on a snooty look as she attempt to look down at DJ. A challenging feat to pull off when her company was significantly taller than she was. Despite this, she had at least evened the playing field between them now, allowing DJ to know her last name. Charlie had admittedly contemplated withholding the information, but what was in a name?

Straightening, Charlie once more ran a hand through her hair, shooting a glance down at her watch as a frown briefly wrinkled her features.

“Well doesn’t time fly when you are having fun?” She sighed, looking back up at DJ. “I’ll let you get settled in. I’ve gotta scurry off. But try to keep your band practice down and radical air guitar to a low volume.” This was offered with a tiny, thumbs up as she began to walk back down the corridor they had walked through. “I’ll catch you at dinner DJ, be ready to share stories.”

However, this was called over her shoulder as the girl disappeared around a corner. In truth she had wanted to stay and talk more, but her ribs had started to act up more and new pain killers were on her menu this evening. With this in mind, the small rider then began her slowed limping way through the ships hallways, heading back towards the med bay, where she hoped Val would be.

@Khaz, sorry cutting it short but realised we are dominating the posting, figured it would be wise to give others an opportunity to post and interact :)

Also, WOOOO 300th post!
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