Project Black IC

DJ looked at his room with wide eyes, "Wow, thank you. This is the best room I've had since... well... Since I left home." He couldn't believe the space and the quality the bed. In fact the room was so nice, he bet that there was little to no parasites living in the mattress. He nodded pleased with the way today was working out. Even though he was always optimistic about trips, he felt that this one was going to be great.

"Right, I can jazz it up with the many belongings that I own. In fact, I think I might have too much stuff." He said hopelessly as he walked into his room. He threw his bag on the bed and sat down before looking at Charlie as she said her farewells.

"It certainly does." He laughed as he recalled their strange, but pleasant, conversation. "I'll be sure to not disturb the other passengers with the angelic sounds emitting from my air guitar. But don't worry about me, I have plenty of stories and if people don't like me at first, then I will suffocate them with love and positivity until they do." He confidently returned the thumbs up. "It was nice meeting you, Ms Gardener, I'll see you at dinner then."

He watched as the girl left and sat on the bed a few minutes trying to come up with an excuse to go and talk to her again, but after a while he decided against it; she probably had more important things to do than talk to him. However it was tempting, he had so many questions to ask her, she was a very unique person. This made him very excited to meet the rest of the crew and other passengers on board. He had only met one person and already his expectations had been surpassed by a long shot, he couldn't wait to see who he would encounter next.

Standing up, DJ rifled through his bag and pulled out the few amount of belongings he owned. He put his clothes in the drawer next to his bed and rested his goggles on top. The ordeal took a solid thirty seconds. "Ta da, I'm unpacked." Satisfied with his work, he jumped and stretched out on his bed. Only his feet were hanging off the bed, something he had grown used to, but the fact that it was only his feet was a miracle. Usually his entire calf is hanging off. Another reason why this ship was superior to others. Charlie seemed very nice, and she vouched for the others and made it seem like everyone was very close knit. He contemplated staying on the ship longer than he intended. It would be nice to feel like part of a family again.

'I probably shouldn't be making life changing decisions right now' he thought. After all, he had endured a long day and was very tired. With that he shut his eyes and took a nap.

@Lokipi yeah that makes sense, don't worry about it :3
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NovaNovass said:
Ross got out of her chair as the Remington brothers did the same. She looked to Emma and shook her head. "We will be using the same ship to transport them on the next planet. No need on moving anything." She stated. She turned to the main screen on the console and pressed a few buttons. "Hey Shin?" She questioned. The wait for his reply brought a frown to her lips. "Shin?" She questioned again.
Meanwhile Shin was still in on the bridge with Caine when Ross' voice beamed from his tablet. He was waiting very impatiently for Caine's answer when Ross called him a second time. "Look this will have to wait..." Shin told Caine as he picked up his tablet.

He hit the open com button, "Back already?" Shin asked.

Ross smiled a little, "And with a few things to add onto your list."

Shin grumbled a little before getting out of his chair and making his way off the bridge. He hit the mute button on the com and turned to Caine. "You might want to make your way to the passenger quarters or common areas. The crew and myself don't take well to those that wander around." Shin stated to Caine before leaving.

While they waited for Shin, the three brothers started to open crates. Ross would peek into some while others she dug around in a bit. It wasn't anything strange, more so just a bunch of parts or resources from other planets that the inner and core planets didn't have.

By the time Shin had gotten there Ross and the brothers had gone through just about all the creates. "So I'm guessing the cargo is tainted by Union spies." Shin mocked as he saw how many were open. Ross just shot him a warning look. She pointed to Emma. "Register her as a new crew member, I have three more after her." Ross looked over to the brothers as they opened up a new create.

Shin watched Ross and the three brothers work for a few seconds before turning back to Emma. "This way." Shin motioned for her to follow him off the drop ship. He didn't take her far... More like three feet out the door.

He fiddled with his tablet for a minute or so before handing it over to her. "Read and sign at the bottom. Once you're done, I'll need to do a finger scan and Val will need to do a full check up." He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her.

Also mentioned....


Emma smiled and nodded, "
Okay Captain." She replied, not bothering to question it. She couldn't help but wonder what was actually in the shipment though. Weapons? Food? Minerals? Electronic scrap? She'd definetely sneak a peek if she could do so without getting caught or it being too obvious, if at all possible. She watched and listened as Ross opened up a comm-link with Shin. He seemed as cheerful as ever, which brought a small amused grin to her face. Poor guy, having to run back and forth everywhere all day it seemed. She hoped it'd get easier for him once they left the moon they were on, the guy deserved a break in her eyes. Though Ross was lucky to have such loyal crew.

She followed Ross to the crates, managing to peek into one of the crates and ascertain that it was infact just parts and junk. Kinda meh, but she guessed transporting a mass shipment of weapons was probably illegal..even if it was more interesting. At that point she kind of just sat back and helped minorly when needed. It was either that or sit there and watch, and watching was boring. She pretty much instantly perked up when Shin arrived and Ross told him to register her as a crew member. Finally, it was time to make everything official. She followed him the extremely short distance, watching him poke on his tablet once they were outside. She nodded at what he said and took the tablet from him, she didn't even read what was on the tablet before signing her name and scanning her fingerprint.

Anything on it was worth her safety. "
Awesome, here you go! I look forward to working with you Shin." She replied. "Where should I go for my check-up?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Emma smiled and nodded, "
Okay Captain." She replied, not bothering to question it. She couldn't help but wonder what was actually in the shipment though. Weapons? Food? Minerals? Electronic scrap? She'd definetely sneak a peek if she could do so without getting caught or it being too obvious, if at all possible. She watched and listened as Ross opened up a comm-link with Shin. He seemed as cheerful as ever, which brought a small amused grin to her face. Poor guy, having to run back and forth everywhere all day it seemed. She hoped it'd get easier for him once they left the moon they were on, the guy deserved a break in her eyes. Though Ross was lucky to have such loyal crew.

She followed Ross to the crates, managing to peek into one of the crates and ascertain that it was infact just parts and junk. Kinda meh, but she guessed transporting a mass shipment of weapons was probably illegal..even if it was more interesting. At that point she kind of just sat back and helped minorly when needed. It was either that or sit there and watch, and watching was boring. She pretty much instantly perked up when Shin arrived and Ross told him to register her as a crew member. Finally, it was time to make everything official. She followed him the extremely short distance, watching him poke on his tablet once they were outside. She nodded at what he said and took the tablet from him, she didn't even read what was on the tablet before signing her name and scanning her fingerprint.

Anything on it was worth her safety. "
Awesome, here you go! I look forward to working with you Shin." She replied. "Where should I go for my check-up?" She asked.
Shin took back his tablet and looked everything over. He heard a loud noise come from the drop ship only to be followed by Ross now yelling at one of the brothers. Shin blinked a little at the sound and let a small smile cross his lips. "I'm sure they will be a while." Shin motioned for Emma to follow him. "I'll take you to the med bay." Shin didn't really ignore her words towards working with him, but working with him and being apart of the crew seemed to be two majorly different things.

While the crew consisted of Riders and hired guns... The most they had left was a navigator and a Val.....

So Shin simply waved off her words for the moment. As the two walked Shin kept his eyes on his tablet. He didn't have to look up once to know where he was going or even look up to see if he would trip on something. Shin would effortlessly step over things or move around them as if he was walking a straight line. The closer they got to the medic bay the more one could hear sounds of others talking.

The med bay was set not too far from the passengers area, this was meant for the crew and passenger's safety.

Shin stopped at the door leading into the med bay. He finally looked up from his tablet and peeked inside the room. When he didn't see Val he slowly made his way inside. He stopped almost half way through when he noticed Jack. This man was new to Shin. He looked him over before speaking up. "Where's Val?" Shin asked.
Jack had been busy wiping down a particularly large syringe when Shin’s voice broke his concentration. Putting down the tool and gently wrapping it in cloth, Jack turned, wiping his hands free of alcohol on a pocket napkin as a smile worked his lips. He had seen both before, Shin and Emma, when boarding, however introductions had been somewhat lacking. So in an attempt to bridge this, Jack bowed his head a little, nodding to each person in turn, before answering Shin’s abrupt question.

“She is currently helping a patient with some physical therapy. Or at least she was last time I saw her. As for where, your guess would be better than mine.” Jack offered, his cool voice held steady as his held a relaxed grin. “However, may I help? Val only just hired me, but I can assure you, I am quite capable of dealing with a common cold.” Jack offered, as he straighten and nodded to Shin’s sickly complexion.

However, before Jack could continue, a laugh erupted from the doorway.

“Shin? Take medicine and listen to a doctor?” Charlie giggled, as she squeezed past Emma, whilst mouthing ‘sorry’ to the girl as she almost stepped on Emma's foot, before glancing back at Jack. “You really must be new.”

The small rider surprisingly looked pale, even when she came to a stop next to Shin, who she patted gently on the shoulder. “Something tells me you are barking up the wrong tree, Doc.” She beamed this last bit, as she returned Jack’s grin with raised eye brows. “So what’s happening here then? And where’s Val?”

“Well I had assumed your friend needed help?” Jack asked, confused and a little taken aback at Charlie’s sudden appearance. She was so close to him now, just a few steps away, that Jack could feel his heart beat a little faster. “As for Val. She’s currently off working with a patient.”

“Ooooh. Well don’t mind me then. I’ll wait my turn.” Charlie offered, as she stepped back and nodded to the newbie, Emma. “Val already knows my order to go.” She winked.
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NovaNovass said:
Shin took back his tablet and looked everything over. He heard a loud noise come from the drop ship only to be followed by Ross now yelling at one of the brothers. Shin blinked a little at the sound and let a small smile cross his lips. "I'm sure they will be a while." Shin motioned for Emma to follow him. "I'll take you to the med bay." Shin didn't really ignore her words towards working with him, but working with him and being apart of the crew seemed to be two majorly different things.
While the crew consisted of Riders and hired guns... The most they had left was a navigator and a Val.....

So Shin simply waved off her words for the moment. As the two walked Shin kept his eyes on his tablet. He didn't have to look up once to know where he was going or even look up to see if he would trip on something. Shin would effortlessly step over things or move around them as if he was walking a straight line. The closer they got to the medic bay the more one could hear sounds of others talking.

The med bay was set not too far from the passengers area, this was meant for the crew and passenger's safety.

Shin stopped at the door leading into the med bay. He finally looked up from his tablet and peeked inside the room. When he didn't see Val he slowly made his way inside. He stopped almost half way through when he noticed Jack. This man was new to Shin. He looked him over before speaking up. "Where's Val?" Shin asked.
(Should we post us walking back to the medbay?)
NovaNovass said:
Shin took back his tablet and looked everything over. He heard a loud noise come from the drop ship only to be followed by Ross now yelling at one of the brothers. Shin blinked a little at the sound and let a small smile cross his lips. "I'm sure they will be a while." Shin motioned for Emma to follow him. "I'll take you to the med bay." Shin didn't really ignore her words towards working with him, but working with him and being apart of the crew seemed to be two majorly different things.
While the crew consisted of Riders and hired guns... The most they had left was a navigator and a Val.....

So Shin simply waved off her words for the moment. As the two walked Shin kept his eyes on his tablet. He didn't have to look up once to know where he was going or even look up to see if he would trip on something. Shin would effortlessly step over things or move around them as if he was walking a straight line. The closer they got to the medic bay the more one could hear sounds of others talking.

The med bay was set not too far from the passengers area, this was meant for the crew and passenger's safety.

Shin stopped at the door leading into the med bay. He finally looked up from his tablet and peeked inside the room. When he didn't see Val he slowly made his way inside. He stopped almost half way through when he noticed Jack. This man was new to Shin. He looked him over before speaking up. "Where's Val?" Shin asked.
The doctor led the winged humanoid back through the twisted maze that is the Gallion. Aeva committed the path to memory once again. He already remembered the path from their walk and from the blueprints but sometimes the paths look different in reverse. It didn't prove to be much of a challenge, as he had expected. Aeva stuck close to Val and had started to notice the life that had begun to take the ship. People were moving around with a greater sense of urgency then before and it had started attracting his attention. It took him a moment but he eventually recalled Val's words about how the ship was going to take off soon and that's why everyone was in a rapid stur.

"What are we going to do once we reach the med bay?" The scarlet eyed avian asked before they got to their destination .
Lokipi said:
Jack had been busy wiping down a particularly large syringe when Shin’s voice broke his concentration. Putting down the tool and gently wrapping it in cloth, Jack turned, wiping his hands free of alcohol on a pocket napkin as a smile worked his lips. He had seen both before, Shin and Emma, when boarding, however introductions had been somewhat lacking. So in an attempt to bridge this, Jack bowed his head a little, nodding to each person in turn, before answering Shin’s abrupt question.
“She is currently helping a patient with some physical therapy. Or at least she was last time I saw her. As for where, your guess would be better than mine.” Jack offered, his cool voice held steady as his held a relaxed grin. “However, may I help? Val only just hired me, but I can assure you, I am quite capable of dealing with a common cold.” Jack offered, as he straighten and nodded to Shin’s sickly complexion.

However, before Jack could continue, a laugh erupted from the doorway.

“Shin? Take medicine and listen to a doctor?” Charlie giggled, as she squeezed past Emma, whilst mouthing ‘sorry’ to the girl as she almost stepped on Emma's foot, before glancing back at Jack. “You really must be new.”

The small rider surprisingly looked pale, even when she came to a stop next to Shin, who she patted gently on the shoulder. “Something tells me you are barking up the wrong tree, Doc.” She beamed this last bit, as she returned Jack’s grin with raised eye brows. “So what’s happening here then? And where’s Val?”

“Well I had assumed your friend needed help?” Jack asked, confused and a little taken aback at Charlie’s sudden appearance. She was so close to him now, just a few steps away, that Jack could feel his heart beat a little faster. “As for Val. She’s currently off working with a patient.”

“Ooooh. Well don’t mind me then. I’ll wait my turn.” Charlie offered, as she stepped back and nodded to the newbie, Emma. “Val already knows my order to go.” She winked.
shadowz1995 said:
The doctor led the winged humanoid back through the twisted maze that is the Gallion. Aeva committed the path to memory once again. He already remembered the path from their walk and from the blueprints but sometimes the paths look different in reverse. It didn't prove to be much of a challenge, as he had expected. Aeva stuck close to Val and had started to notice the life that had begun to take the ship. People were moving around with a greater sense of urgency then before and it had started attracting his attention. It took him a moment but he eventually recalled Val's words about how the ship was going to take off soon and that's why everyone was in a rapid stur.
"What are we going to do once we reach the med bay?" The scarlet eyed avian asked before they got to their destination .
Oh how Shin desperately wanted to poke Charlie in the ribs at this point. It was one thing that she was hurt... But it was another when she was up and running around after he helped her to go get rest. He went easy on her and this is how she pays him back. With snickering and an energetic personality.

Shin let a sly smirk cross his lips after a while, while Charlie was lighting up the room with her up beat aura. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. Yeah, she was in pain but she was ignoring it along with Val's request for her to rest.

"Form the looks of it..." Shin forced a fun smile at Charlie, "It seems that you are feeling better?" Shin may have asked a question but really he was just stating the obvious. Charlie was trying to be tough like always. "And from what I can remember is that you, Wade and Raven are on my duty call for the next twenty-four hours."

Yes Shin was going to enjoy this and make it hurt even more. "You already missed out on so many hours...." Shin placed a hand to his chin as he thought. "Actually since you never started work... You still owe me twenty-four of them." He tilted his head to one side as he watched her reaction. He unfolded his arms and started to tap away at his tablet... The tablet of death to all on Shin duty.

"Why don't you go find Raven... Seeing as she isn't doing what I asked either... And then help her clean the rails." The rails were a pain in the ass to clean.. Worst then scrubbing the side of the ship. They really didn't need to be cleaned often, but this was the kind of stuff Shin would assign when he had a lot of things on his plate and he couldn't babysit the crew while asking them to do things that needed more attention. It was like he didn't trust them messing with repairs and such...... But then again the ship at first glance would look like a wreck to mechanics or even programmers. It was Shin's design, and his design was meant to be seen as a jumble of nothing.... But somehow work.

Val looked to Aeva as they walked. They were getting close back to the med bay. She smiled to him. "When we get back I want to do another check up. See if there was any improvement on your wings." She smiled. "If so, then for the rest of your time on this ship I would like to continue the therapy. Although I will need to get clearance from Shin or the Captain so we can use that bay area." Val shrugged a bit. Her request could go fifty-fifty. She just needed to get wither one of them in a good mood and than ask.

As they walked into the medic bay Val was a little surprised to see so many people. She figured Jack would be there still but to find Shin, Charlie and another girl... This baffled her a bit.

"What's going on here?" She asked calmly.

Shin finally took his eyes off Charlie and his tablet to look over at Val. His Sly smirk made the Doctor frown a little. "Charlie here was just checking in to see what kind of work I have for her." Shin waved at Charlie as if telling her to run off and go do what she was asked. He turned to Emma and moved the girl over to Val. "Emma this is Val... Val this is Emma. She is joining the crew by Ross' orders and she will need a full check up before reporting for full duty." Shin watched Val closely before his somewhat smile ran away and his eyes narrowed at the woman. "Don't even think about it....." Shin uttered to the doctor.

If you knew the crew, you already knew what Val was thinking. She wanted to touch Shin and Charlie to find out their health status. This woman was impeccable for this thought and habit. Shin never liked it, but really he was the only one on the Gallion that hated it with a bitter passion.

Val frowned and let her shoulders drop. "Shin you look like you're burning up." Val complained in a low volume. She only got a cold stare form the navigator.

"Check up." He motioned to Emma. "We have three more after this, but I will bring them to you after we leave moon side." Shin stepped away from Emma and went to leave... Val of course tried to reach out to him only for Shin to dodge her hands. "I have too much to do right now Val." Shin stated before leaving the medic bay.

He paused for all of two seconds, spinning around and pointing to Charlie. "Get Raven... Clean rails." He said quickly.

Val grumbled a bit as Shin had gotten away from her once more. She let out a huff of air at the spot where she had last seen him. She hated it when he did this. He would literally run himself in exhaustion before listening to her and taking some rest.

But she too now had some work to take care of. She looked back to the others in the room. She looked to Aeva, "If you want you can come back after launch. I'm sure I will have my plate full until we hit space." She didn't want to tell Aeva to go, but she had to give the new crew member Emma a check up and soon she will have three more on top of that.

She glanced over to Charlie and noticed the girl was looking a bit under the weather. Not so much a cold.. But she already knew about Charlie's bruised ribs. The girl should really be resting....... But this was indeed Charlie she was talking about.

Also mentioned @Mitchs98
Oh you dick…. Charlie found herself thinking, as her jolly mood dissolved right before Shin’s very eyes. With Shin’s tablet appearing, Charlie discovered that the bottom of her stomach was not the final floor her heart could sink to. With very finger tap, it inched right past her hips and began to make its way down to the floor. Yep. Of course Shin was going to do this. Why had she thought differently? Hope? naivety?

To begin with, Charlie tried to interrupt.

Why don’t you find Raven…


Seeing as she isn’t doing what..”

“Hey, just stop and lis..”

But nothing worked. Shin’s revenge was cold. Unlike his fever. Giving up, Charlie narrowed her eyes as Shin gave the orders to clean the rails. Oh how Shin could make her blood boil. So much so, that Charlie would have welcomed the cool hand of Val to her shoulder, regardless though Charlie never took her eyes off the navigator. Before, as it always did, her spikey personality bubbled up in the weirdest possible way. Raven was going to hate her even more after this, but what was done was done.

Her narrowed eyes were replaced with a smile as Shin turned to leave. Charlie’s mind settling on a plan. Meeting Val’s gaze, Charlie held up her hands in surrender.

“I know, should be resting.” Charlie offered, guilt layering her tone. “But the crew was thinly spread as it is.” She sniffed at this, “I couldn’t let you guys work so hard, while I could be helping. Figured I’d take a leaf out of Shin’s book.” At this she shrugged. “Anyway. I came just to get a top up on pain killers, not to see Shin, as my ribs are really starting to burn. But again, SHIN,” Charlie’s voice lifted a little as the man’s back disappeared through the door way. “Has other plans. All I was doing was watching the ramp and logging a single passenger. But it’s getting a little hot under the skin.” Charlie gingerly gestured to her injured ribs.

“I was gonna head to the kitchen, but something cropped up.” She gave a grim smile but you could bet your last breathe, Charlie was going to do both duties on her list now. With or without pain killers. Orders were orders.

Jack on the other hand, stood baffled as Charlie suddenly began to smile, despite Shin’s orders. In fact Jack could feel the cool breeze Shin was giving off from back where nurse stood. Nodding in greeting to Val, although a little perplexed as to why she greeted both of her crew mates by touching them, Jack stepped forward.

“I don’t think you should work.” Jack offered directly to Charlie when she paused talking to Val. Although Charlie’s response took the nurse by surprise.

“It’s sweet that you are already taking an interest in your patients” Charlie began, her tone turning soft and gentle as she eyed the perfect stranger addressing her. Val had chosen well. “But that’s a little late.” Despite her tone, her lips and eyes still offered a cheery look. “I promise I will take it easy though." As easy as I can while scrubbing... "However, I think it would be worse for my health to ignore my captain and Shin’s orders.”

Charlie again held up her hands in defeat, before turning back to Val. The next couple of hours pain depended on the doc's decision. After all, she too could also scold Charlie for not resting by not giving her pain killers. Although Charlie really hoped that wouldn't happen.

"What do you think, Val?" She asked, "Either way, I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for the hold up." Charlie added at the end as she nodded to Emma.

@NovaNovass, @Mitchs98
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NovaNovass said:
Oh how Shin desperately wanted to poke Charlie in the ribs at this point. It was one thing that she was hurt... But it was another when she was up and running around after he helped her to go get rest. He went easy on her and this is how she pays him back. With snickering and an energetic personality.
Shin let a sly smirk cross his lips after a while, while Charlie was lighting up the room with her up beat aura. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. Yeah, she was in pain but she was ignoring it along with Val's request for her to rest.

"Form the looks of it..." Shin forced a fun smile at Charlie, "It seems that you are feeling better?" Shin may have asked a question but really he was just stating the obvious. Charlie was trying to be tough like always. "And from what I can remember is that you, Wade and Raven are on my duty call for the next twenty-four hours."

Yes Shin was going to enjoy this and make it hurt even more. "You already missed out on so many hours...." Shin placed a hand to his chin as he thought. "Actually since you never started work... You still owe me twenty-four of them." He tilted his head to one side as he watched her reaction. He unfolded his arms and started to tap away at his tablet... The tablet of death to all on Shin duty.

"Why don't you go find Raven... Seeing as she isn't doing what I asked either... And then help her clean the rails." The rails were a pain in the ass to clean.. Worst then scrubbing the side of the ship. They really didn't need to be cleaned often, but this was the kind of stuff Shin would assign when he had a lot of things on his plate and he couldn't babysit the crew while asking them to do things that needed more attention. It was like he didn't trust them messing with repairs and such...... But then again the ship at first glance would look like a wreck to mechanics or even programmers. It was Shin's design, and his design was meant to be seen as a jumble of nothing.... But somehow work.

Val looked to Aeva as they walked. They were getting close back to the med bay. She smiled to him. "When we get back I want to do another check up. See if there was any improvement on your wings." She smiled. "If so, then for the rest of your time on this ship I would like to continue the therapy. Although I will need to get clearance from Shin or the Captain so we can use that bay area." Val shrugged a bit. Her request could go fifty-fifty. She just needed to get wither one of them in a good mood and than ask.

As they walked into the medic bay Val was a little surprised to see so many people. She figured Jack would be there still but to find Shin, Charlie and another girl... This baffled her a bit.

"What's going on here?" She asked calmly.

Shin finally took his eyes off Charlie and his tablet to look over at Val. His Sly smirk made the Doctor frown a little. "Charlie here was just checking in to see what kind of work I have for her." Shin waved at Charlie as if telling her to run off and go do what she was asked. He turned to Emma and moved the girl over to Val. "Emma this is Val... Val this is Emma. She is joining the crew by Ross' orders and she will need a full check up before reporting for full duty." Shin watched Val closely before his somewhat smile ran away and his eyes narrowed at the woman. "Don't even think about it....." Shin uttered to the doctor.

If you knew the crew, you already knew what Val was thinking. She wanted to touch Shin and Charlie to find out their health status. This woman was impeccable for this thought and habit. Shin never liked it, but really he was the only one on the Gallion that hated it with a bitter passion.

Val frowned and let her shoulders drop. "Shin you look like you're burning up." Val complained in a low volume. She only got a cold stare form the navigator.

"Check up." He motioned to Emma. "We have three more after this, but I will bring them to you after we leave moon side." Shin stepped away from Emma and went to leave... Val of course tried to reach out to him only for Shin to dodge her hands. "I have too much to do right now Val." Shin stated before leaving the medic bay.

He paused for all of two seconds, spinning around and pointing to Charlie. "Get Raven... Clean rails." He said quickly.

Val grumbled a bit as Shin had gotten away from her once more. She let out a huff of air at the spot where she had last seen him. She hated it when he did this. He would literally run himself in exhaustion before listening to her and taking some rest.

But she too now had some work to take care of. She looked back to the others in the room. She looked to Aeva, "If you want you can come back after launch. I'm sure I will have my plate full until we hit space." She didn't want to tell Aeva to go, but she had to give the new crew member Emma a check up and soon she will have three more on top of that.

She glanced over to Charlie and noticed the girl was looking a bit under the weather. Not so much a cold.. But she already knew about Charlie's bruised ribs. The girl should really be resting....... But this was indeed Charlie she was talking about.

Also mentioned @Mitchs98
Lokipi said:
Oh you dick…. Charlie found herself thinking, as her jolly mood dissolved right before Shin’s very eyes. With Shin’s tablet appearing, Charlie discovered that the bottom of her stomach was not the final floor her heart could sink to. With very finger tap, it inched right past her hips and began to make its way down to the floor. Yep. Of course Shin was going to do this. Why had she thought differently? Hope? Nativity?
To begin with, Charlie tried to interrupt.

Why don’t you find Raven…


Seeing as she isn’t doing what..”

“Hey, just stop and lis..”

But nothing worked. Shin’s revenge was cold. Unlike his fever. Giving up, Charlie narrowed her eyes as Shin gave the orders to clean the rails. Oh how Shin could make her blood boil. Welcoming the cool hand of Val to her shoulder, Charlie never took her eyes off the navigator. Before, as it always did, her spikey personality bubbled up in the weirdest possible way. Raven was going to hate her even more after this, but what was done was done.

Her narrowed eyes were replaced with a smile as Shin turned to leave. Charlie’s mind settling on a plan. Meeting Val’s gaze, Charlie held up her hands in surrender.

“I know, should be resting.” Charlie offered, guilt layering her tone. “But the crew was thinly spread as it is.” She sniffed at this, “I couldn’t let you guys work so hard, while I could be helping. Figured I’d take a leaf out of Shin’s book.” At this she shrugged. “Anyway. I came just to get a top up on pain killers, as the ribs are really starting to burn. But SHIN,” Charlie’s voice lifted a little as the man’s back disappeared through the door way. “Has other plans. All I was doing was watching the ramp and logging a single passenger. But it’s getting a little hot under the skin.” Charlie gingerly gestured to her injured ribs.

“I was gonna head to the kitchen, but something cropped up.” She gave a grim smile but you could bet your last breathe, Charlie was going to do both duties on her list now. With or without pain killers. Orders were orders.

Jack on the other hand, stood baffled as Charlie suddenly began to smile, despite Shin’s orders. In fact Jack could feel the cool breeze Shin was giving off from back where nurse stood. Nodding in greeting to Val, although a little perplexed as to why she greeted both of her crew mates by touching them, Jack stepped forward.

“I don’t think you should work.” Jack offered directly to Charlie when she paused talking to Val. Although Charlie’s response took the nurse by surprise.

“It’s sweet that you are already taking an interest in your patients” Charlie began, her tone turning soft and gentle as she eyed the perfect stranger addressing her. Val had chosen well. “But that’s a little late.” Despite her tone, her lips and eyes still offered a cheery look. “I promise I will take it easy though." As easy as I can while scrubbing... "However, I think it would be worse for my health to ignore my captain and Shin’s orders.”

Charlie again held up her hands in defeat, before turning back to Val. The next couple of hours pain depended on the doc's decision. After all, she too could also scold Charlie for not resting by not giving her pain killers. Although Charlie really hoped that wouldn't happen.

"What do you think, Val?" She asked, "Either way, I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for the hold up." Charlie added at the end as she nodded to Emma.

@NovaNovass, @Mitchs98
The scarlet winged being watch the interactions between the humans with mild interest before completely losing prolonged conversation that didn't interest him at all.

"Is it just me or is he more prickly then the time I met him?" Aeva asks Val since she seems to know him best. Not that it really mattered because Aeva wasn't going to change anything real.

As the conversation Continued, Aeva heeded Val's advice even though he was simply losing interest in it entirely." Straight up lmao
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NovaNovass said:
Shin took back his tablet and looked everything over. He heard a loud noise come from the drop ship only to be followed by Ross now yelling at one of the brothers. Shin blinked a little at the sound and let a small smile cross his lips. "I'm sure they will be a while." Shin motioned for Emma to follow him. "I'll take you to the med bay." Shin didn't really ignore her words towards working with him, but working with him and being apart of the crew seemed to be two majorly different things.
While the crew consisted of Riders and hired guns... The most they had left was a navigator and a Val.....

So Shin simply waved off her words for the moment. As the two walked Shin kept his eyes on his tablet. He didn't have to look up once to know where he was going or even look up to see if he would trip on something. Shin would effortlessly step over things or move around them as if he was walking a straight line. The closer they got to the medic bay the more one could hear sounds of others talking.

The med bay was set not too far from the passengers area, this was meant for the crew and passenger's safety.

Shin stopped at the door leading into the med bay. He finally looked up from his tablet and peeked inside the room. When he didn't see Val he slowly made his way inside. He stopped almost half way through when he noticed Jack. This man was new to Shin. He looked him over before speaking up. "Where's Val?" Shin asked.
Lokipi said:
Jack had been busy wiping down a particularly large syringe when Shin’s voice broke his concentration. Putting down the tool and gently wrapping it in cloth, Jack turned, wiping his hands free of alcohol on a pocket napkin as a smile worked his lips. He had seen both before, Shin and Emma, when boarding, however introductions had been somewhat lacking. So in an attempt to bridge this, Jack bowed his head a little, nodding to each person in turn, before answering Shin’s abrupt question.
“She is currently helping a patient with some physical therapy. Or at least she was last time I saw her. As for where, your guess would be better than mine.” Jack offered, his cool voice held steady as his held a relaxed grin. “However, may I help? Val only just hired me, but I can assure you, I am quite capable of dealing with a common cold.” Jack offered, as he straighten and nodded to Shin’s sickly complexion.

However, before Jack could continue, a laugh erupted from the doorway.

“Shin? Take medicine and listen to a doctor?” Charlie giggled, as she squeezed past Emma, whilst mouthing ‘sorry’ to the girl as she almost stepped on Emma's foot, before glancing back at Jack. “You really must be new.”

The small rider surprisingly looked pale, even when she came to a stop next to Shin, who she patted gently on the shoulder. “Something tells me you are barking up the wrong tree, Doc.” She beamed this last bit, as she returned Jack’s grin with raised eye brows. “So what’s happening here then? And where’s Val?”

“Well I had assumed your friend needed help?” Jack asked, confused and a little taken aback at Charlie’s sudden appearance. She was so close to him now, just a few steps away, that Jack could feel his heart beat a little faster. “As for Val. She’s currently off working with a patient.”

“Ooooh. Well don’t mind me then. I’ll wait my turn.” Charlie offered, as she stepped back and nodded to the newbie, Emma. “Val already knows my order to go.” She winked.
NovaNovass said:
Oh how Shin desperately wanted to poke Charlie in the ribs at this point. It was one thing that she was hurt... But it was another when she was up and running around after he helped her to go get rest. He went easy on her and this is how she pays him back. With snickering and an energetic personality.
Shin let a sly smirk cross his lips after a while, while Charlie was lighting up the room with her up beat aura. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. Yeah, she was in pain but she was ignoring it along with Val's request for her to rest.

"Form the looks of it..." Shin forced a fun smile at Charlie, "It seems that you are feeling better?" Shin may have asked a question but really he was just stating the obvious. Charlie was trying to be tough like always. "And from what I can remember is that you, Wade and Raven are on my duty call for the next twenty-four hours."

Yes Shin was going to enjoy this and make it hurt even more. "You already missed out on so many hours...." Shin placed a hand to his chin as he thought. "Actually since you never started work... You still owe me twenty-four of them." He tilted his head to one side as he watched her reaction. He unfolded his arms and started to tap away at his tablet... The tablet of death to all on Shin duty.

"Why don't you go find Raven... Seeing as she isn't doing what I asked either... And then help her clean the rails." The rails were a pain in the ass to clean.. Worst then scrubbing the side of the ship. They really didn't need to be cleaned often, but this was the kind of stuff Shin would assign when he had a lot of things on his plate and he couldn't babysit the crew while asking them to do things that needed more attention. It was like he didn't trust them messing with repairs and such...... But then again the ship at first glance would look like a wreck to mechanics or even programmers. It was Shin's design, and his design was meant to be seen as a jumble of nothing.... But somehow work.

Val looked to Aeva as they walked. They were getting close back to the med bay. She smiled to him. "When we get back I want to do another check up. See if there was any improvement on your wings." She smiled. "If so, then for the rest of your time on this ship I would like to continue the therapy. Although I will need to get clearance from Shin or the Captain so we can use that bay area." Val shrugged a bit. Her request could go fifty-fifty. She just needed to get wither one of them in a good mood and than ask.

As they walked into the medic bay Val was a little surprised to see so many people. She figured Jack would be there still but to find Shin, Charlie and another girl... This baffled her a bit.

"What's going on here?" She asked calmly.

Shin finally took his eyes off Charlie and his tablet to look over at Val. His Sly smirk made the Doctor frown a little. "Charlie here was just checking in to see what kind of work I have for her." Shin waved at Charlie as if telling her to run off and go do what she was asked. He turned to Emma and moved the girl over to Val. "Emma this is Val... Val this is Emma. She is joining the crew by Ross' orders and she will need a full check up before reporting for full duty." Shin watched Val closely before his somewhat smile ran away and his eyes narrowed at the woman. "Don't even think about it....." Shin uttered to the doctor.

If you knew the crew, you already knew what Val was thinking. She wanted to touch Shin and Charlie to find out their health status. This woman was impeccable for this thought and habit. Shin never liked it, but really he was the only one on the Gallion that hated it with a bitter passion.

Val frowned and let her shoulders drop. "Shin you look like you're burning up." Val complained in a low volume. She only got a cold stare form the navigator.

"Check up." He motioned to Emma. "We have three more after this, but I will bring them to you after we leave moon side." Shin stepped away from Emma and went to leave... Val of course tried to reach out to him only for Shin to dodge her hands. "I have too much to do right now Val." Shin stated before leaving the medic bay.

He paused for all of two seconds, spinning around and pointing to Charlie. "Get Raven... Clean rails." He said quickly.

Val grumbled a bit as Shin had gotten away from her once more. She let out a huff of air at the spot where she had last seen him. She hated it when he did this. He would literally run himself in exhaustion before listening to her and taking some rest.

But she too now had some work to take care of. She looked back to the others in the room. She looked to Aeva, "If you want you can come back after launch. I'm sure I will have my plate full until we hit space." She didn't want to tell Aeva to go, but she had to give the new crew member Emma a check up and soon she will have three more on top of that.

She glanced over to Charlie and noticed the girl was looking a bit under the weather. Not so much a cold.. But she already knew about Charlie's bruised ribs. The girl should really be resting....... But this was indeed Charlie she was talking about.

Also mentioned @Mitchs98
Lokipi said:
Oh you dick…. Charlie found herself thinking, as her jolly mood dissolved right before Shin’s very eyes. With Shin’s tablet appearing, Charlie discovered that the bottom of her stomach was not the final floor her heart could sink to. With very finger tap, it inched right past her hips and began to make its way down to the floor. Yep. Of course Shin was going to do this. Why had she thought differently? Hope? naivety?
To begin with, Charlie tried to interrupt.

Why don’t you find Raven…


Seeing as she isn’t doing what..”

“Hey, just stop and lis..”

But nothing worked. Shin’s revenge was cold. Unlike his fever. Giving up, Charlie narrowed her eyes as Shin gave the orders to clean the rails. Oh how Shin could make her blood boil. So much so, that Charlie would have welcomed the cool hand of Val to her shoulder, regardless though Charlie never took her eyes off the navigator. Before, as it always did, her spikey personality bubbled up in the weirdest possible way. Raven was going to hate her even more after this, but what was done was done.

Her narrowed eyes were replaced with a smile as Shin turned to leave. Charlie’s mind settling on a plan. Meeting Val’s gaze, Charlie held up her hands in surrender.

“I know, should be resting.” Charlie offered, guilt layering her tone. “But the crew was thinly spread as it is.” She sniffed at this, “I couldn’t let you guys work so hard, while I could be helping. Figured I’d take a leaf out of Shin’s book.” At this she shrugged. “Anyway. I came just to get a top up on pain killers, not to see Shin, as my ribs are really starting to burn. But again, SHIN,” Charlie’s voice lifted a little as the man’s back disappeared through the door way. “Has other plans. All I was doing was watching the ramp and logging a single passenger. But it’s getting a little hot under the skin.” Charlie gingerly gestured to her injured ribs.

“I was gonna head to the kitchen, but something cropped up.” She gave a grim smile but you could bet your last breathe, Charlie was going to do both duties on her list now. With or without pain killers. Orders were orders.

Jack on the other hand, stood baffled as Charlie suddenly began to smile, despite Shin’s orders. In fact Jack could feel the cool breeze Shin was giving off from back where nurse stood. Nodding in greeting to Val, although a little perplexed as to why she greeted both of her crew mates by touching them, Jack stepped forward.

“I don’t think you should work.” Jack offered directly to Charlie when she paused talking to Val. Although Charlie’s response took the nurse by surprise.

“It’s sweet that you are already taking an interest in your patients” Charlie began, her tone turning soft and gentle as she eyed the perfect stranger addressing her. Val had chosen well. “But that’s a little late.” Despite her tone, her lips and eyes still offered a cheery look. “I promise I will take it easy though." As easy as I can while scrubbing... "However, I think it would be worse for my health to ignore my captain and Shin’s orders.”

Charlie again held up her hands in defeat, before turning back to Val. The next couple of hours pain depended on the doc's decision. After all, she too could also scold Charlie for not resting by not giving her pain killers. Although Charlie really hoped that wouldn't happen.

"What do you think, Val?" She asked, "Either way, I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for the hold up." Charlie added at the end as she nodded to Emma.

@NovaNovass, @Mitchs98
shadowz1995 said:
The scarlet winged being watch the interactions between the humans with mild interest before completely losing prolonged conversation that didn't interest him at all.
"Is it just me or is he more prickly then the time I met him?" Aeva asks Val since she seems to know him best. Not that it really mattered because Aeva wasn't going to change anything real.

As the conversation Continued, Aeva heeded Val's advice even though he was simply losing interest in it entirely." Straight up lmao

Emma nodded and followed after him. She wondered why he seemingly ignored her, but decided it wasn't worth mentioning. Not to mention risking her new job whining to superiors over something so trivial. Nevertheless she kept silent the entire time, glancing around the halls of the massive ship. Despite it being completely official she still couldn't believe it. She was really excited to meet the rest of the crew. Ross and Shin were both very nice in their own ways, definetely kinder than some people she'd dealt with by far. She was sure the others couldn't be that awful, even if they weren't exactly nice. She'd glance back over to Shin ever so often, impressed that he could walk like that and not trip. If it was her she'd trip over literally everything on the first try. Soon enough they reached the medbay and Emma followed Shin inside, glancing to Jack and Charlie briefly; though she remained silent as Shin and Jack spoke about this 'Val' she'd been hearing about.

Emma assumed that Val was the doctor, or the head doctor..whatever her title was onboard this ship. Jack and Charlie seemed nice enough, though she was a bit confused about what she meant by 'her order'. Was she a druggie or something? It was unclear, but she wasn't really going to question it. Shin didn't seem all to happy with Charlies' attitude, though Emma found it pretty amusing. Although her punishment wasn't exactly that major, it made Emma make a mental note never to piss Shin off. Ever. There was no telling what they'd have her do once they found out about her abilities, which she was thoroughly sure they would after this check up. Not that she minded, of course, she'd be more than happy to be as useful as she possibly could be. Soon enough Val herself came back with some kind of Avian in tow, his wings seemed injured or something just from the way he carried them, so Emma guessed he was another of Val's patients. And that was soon confirmed. She waved at Val accompanied by a small friendly smile when Shin spoke of her snd her check up.

Soon enough Shin left and Charlie spoke of what she'd meant. So, she was injured..and yet Shin continued to make her work. Though from the way she was carrying herself she could understand why, Emma hadn't guessed she was injured whatsoever. Though bruised ribs weren't all to serious, she guessed. Medical knowledge was basically an alien language to her, so she wasn't going to make any assumptions off of simply hearing 'bruised' and not 'broken'. Emma smiled and shook her head when Charlie spoke of delaying things, "
No, no it's fine! You're the injured person here, I'm just waiting for a routine check up. I don't mind waiting." She assured her. "I'm Emma, as Shin said, nice to meet everyone." She told them. Honestly she was excited to meet everyone, but she was kind of nervous, which was the main reason she stayed silent. Big crowds of strange people were not her forte.
DJ's eyes slowly fluttered open as he awoke from his nap. He sat up dazed and confused, forgetting where he was for a second. He found a new ship. Right. The Gallion. He was an official passenger on it now. This was his temporary home. After getting his bearings on where he was, he sat up. He stretched and yawned until he forced himself to become fully awake and aware.

A slight growl from his stomach made him realize why he woke from his nap. Truthfully, he had been hungry before he found the Gallion, but he was to concerned with finding a ship to acknowledge it. When he had encountered Charlie, he had decided he wouldn't ask for a spot on her ship and then ask for food thirty seconds after. And when he had arrived at his room, he was too tired to even think about food. Apparently he had experienced a very exhausting day. Or you're just getting old, he joked to himself and a wide smile spread across his face.

DJ stepped out of bed and looked in the mirror that hung in his room. His hair looked like it had been licked by several cows, something he had experienced on one of his many trips. He spent several minutes trying to pat the hair down and at least making it go in a similar direction of the rest of the hair before finally giving up and settling with looking like a homeless person. The people on the ship were just going to have to deal with his new and unintentional fashion statement.

He exited his room and looked left and right, down the hallway. He had no idea where the kitchen was. He couldn't remember if Charlie had given him directions, so he was going to have to wing it. He had come here from the right side of the hallway, and he didn't recall seeing the kitchen coming from that way. After no further contemplation, DJ turned left and hoped for the best.

After a series of many turns and incredibly long hallways, he finally reached what he believed was the kitchen. It took him nearly twenty minutes to arrive at his destination, which he thought seemed inconvenient but then changed his mind as he realized there was probably a shorter way tp get here. After all, he was pretty sure that he had missed a few turns and ended up going in circles a few times. He thought this strange: you'd think a pilot would have good sense of direction. But then again, he was used to finding his way through space, not an endless labyrinth of identical hallways. He found the latter much more difficult.
Searching through the cupboards and fridge, he managed to find enough ingredients to form a makeshift sandwich. Satisfied with his work, he marched his way out of the kitchen and began wandering around again. DJ felt rather stupid as he stared at the walls of the ship. Apparently he was too hungry to remember the route he took on his way there. With a sigh he began the process again and turned right.

Wandering through the endless corridors he heard the welcoming sound of voices. He followed the sound until he reached the doorway where the voices were emitting from. He wondered if he was in a restricted area that would cause him to be violating the rules that Charlie recited to him. He didn't want to get kicked off the ship. However, if he continued his wandering, he might end up in an even more taboo area. Swallowing his pride he slid the door open.

His eyes set on a group of strangers and one familiar face. It seemed he had found his way to the medical bay.

"Umm... Hey Charlie. I seem to have lost my way on the way back from the kitchen." DJ said sheepishly and brushed his hair back, "But where are my manners, I'm DJ." He smiled brightly at the others in the room.

@Lokipi @Mitchs98 @NovaNovass @ anyone else I missed
(If you don't mind, I am going to be heading to the Docking Bay @NovaNovass)

As he walked down the large corridors of the Gallion Braxtes found his way to the docking bay at last, hoping that Corey had followed his quick pace. When he entered though it appeared empty to him, which was quite damning. "Hello? Is anybody in here? I was wondering if I could be logged in to the system." Braxtes called out, using his augments to try and find someone within the area.

(Sorry if that is short, I can't think of anything else at the moment.)
The crowded bank drew to a hush as the manager berated the poor teller in the loose-fitting shirt and vest, tie pulled a little too tight. The man hunched over his station, face scrunched together in an expression of great long-suffering as the boss-man raged behind him. Some customers glanced over at him in sympathy, but that didn't stop the discomfort of spittle soaking through his clothes. The teller's nametag read Isaac and its namesake gripped a pen while his finger rapped surprisingly sharply against the desk.

The spew of rage continued. Until-

"And I don't want you bringing that DAMNED runt of a daughter to work anymore!" The portly manager hollered. "The little tramp is a troublemaker and she bothers the customers-"

The pen snapped in half as the tirade continued on. After a moment, Isaac set a "Window Closed" sign in front of him, his face breaking into an apologetic smile that never reached his eyes.

"I'm sorry," He said, standing up. "I'm not going to be able to complete your transaction at the moment."

Seeing his expression, the customer nodded mutely and stepped back. At that, Isaac spun around, his fist clenched, causing the manager to flinch back, bracing for a punch that never came. Isaac breathed long, heavy breathes as he unclenched his fist and lowered it, relaxing his right arm with visible effort.

The manager sneered, confidence restored now that Isaac apparently wasn't going to hit him. "Heh. That's right. You know where that would leave you, behind bars, with no way to pay for that snot-nosed-"

Isaac's left fist collided solidly with the man's gut and he doubled over, gasping for breath. In one motion, the bigger man hefted up the manager by the front of his shirt and carried him into the back office. Kicking the door closed behind him, he whirled around and pressed the manager high up against the wall with one arm.

"I never got last week's pay." Isaac growled in a low, dangerous tone. He held out his left hand, "I want that, and what I've worked this week, in my hand. Right now. And you'll never have to see me again."

He grinned broadly, his larger under canines now very pronounced. "How does that sound, Sir?"


Isaac counted the bills in his hand one more time outside the door to the little, dark apartment. Two and a half week's pay. Not a small amount.

"But that won't get us that far either," He sighed aloud as he fumbled with his keys.


Sarah looked up from the storybook she was reading as her dad closed the front door and stood there loosening his tie. She glanced to the clock then back at him.

"You got fired again," She said, her little voice breaking the silence. It wasn't a question and she didn't sound sad or disappointed, just apparently stating the obvious.

"Laid off. Laid off is usually what happens. There's a difference." Isaac said as if explaining a concept for the fifth time while he kicked off his shoes. "And no, for your information. I quit."

Sarah didn't look convinced "I'm not sure if that's much better..." She said quietly.

Isaac sighed and tossed away his vest and his button-up shirt. His sleeveless undershirt not hiding the mechanical right arm. "I'm not really sure either." He walked to the sofa she was sitting on "Well I'm home, gimme a hug,"

Sarah grinned and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Isaac lifted her up effortlessly and looked around the apartment wistfully. He struggled internally for a moment then seemed to come to a decision.

"I think I've tried just about every job available on this rock.... Pack your things,"

"Okay, Daddy"


The dock yard was full of ships of all different shapes and sizes. Isaac strode though the crowds, side-stepping venders trying to sell their useless looking wares or exotic foods. Sarah rode up on his shoulders surveying everything around her, eyes picking out all details that caught her attention.

With his right arm, Isaac gripped a bag nearly half his size over his shoulder, his left hand holding onto one of Sarah's feet to keep her secure. For the trip she was wearing blue overalls and a plaid shirt. Isaac wore heavy work boots under tan pants, over everything he wore a longish, brown coat, buttoned up.

"Well? Which one?"

This was their tradition. No particular destination in mind. He let her choose the next ship that would carry them somewhere in the Verse.

Sarah didn't respond for a while. Her face grew very serious as she considered every ship in view. Then she looked up and smiled, "That one."

Isaac's gaze followed where she was pointing.

He chuckled as he looked up at the big ship, "I don't know... Are you sure? Looks kind of old. And run down."

One of the largest ships he's ever seen.

Sarah pulled at his beard, "Then fix it."

"Yeah, yeah, alright. Have it your way," He squeezed her foot affectionately and made his way towards her ship of choice.

Within minutes, he was taking his first steps into the docking bay of the Gallion.
Braxtes spun on his heel, staring directly at a man making his way into the Docking Bay. His bioptics spun and whirred as they analyzed this stranger, revealing to Braxtes a bit of his basic information ++Name: Isaac Decker. Age: 32. Species: Human/Dorojji.++ Didn't seem like that much information, but then again it at least told him a bit about what the guy was. "Greetings, I take it you too want to be logged in to the ship?" Asked Braxtes while putting away his motion sensors and lowering his cybernetic arms as to not show a sign of hostility.

Isaac took a moment to run his eyes over the mechanical being addressing him. Probably one of the stranger people he's come across while traveling. Above his head he heard a whispered 'woooooaaah' from Sarah. Her wide grin eyes sparkling and a huge grin splitting her face.

Isaac recovered quickly and offered his hand to Braxtes.

"Yeah, it's time my daughter and I left this rock" He chuckled "We haven't had the best of luck here."

"Can you shoot lasers out of that?" Sarah chimed in, pointing to the larger gun up on the cyborg's shoulder.

"Don't point," Isaac lowered her her hand with his. "My name is Isaac. Isaac Decker. Up above me here is Sarah."

He glanced around, not seeing too many others. Sort of strange. During his time in and around larger ships like this, he would have expected to see more people.

"Are you part of the crew? It's a heck of a ship, if not a little old."

@Veyd Sahvoz
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He shook the man's hand and then stood back a bit, answering only a couple of the duo's questions "Braxtes Nexxemexis. As much as I wish to repair the flaws in this ship I cannot because I'm not a crew member, the damned crew is now somewhere else apparently." Said Braxtes, trying not to say too much at one time. If he began talking too much others would get the impression that he was actually sociable and he preferred to be left alone to do his experiments than to be annoyed by people. "Sarah and Isaac Decker, can't recall I've ever heard any of those names before."

Isaac laughed and laid down the bag he carried before crossing his arms.

"Yeah, I've been here for only a minute and already have the feeling this ship is maybe a bit under-staffed. Should make for a quiet trip, I suppose."

He set Sarah down on the bag, who continued watching the other man in fascination.

"I wouldn't imagine you have. We keep things pretty low profile. Makes it easier to leave if I have to leave to find a new job... we've been on this here moon for just shy of a year- Verse Standard Time. Really thought I could make something work here."

He scratched is beard thoughtfully. "Any idea where this tin can's next destination is?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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That must have been disappointing Braxtes thought, to go from place to place every time he had a loss of a job, at least that is what he had assumed was the case for Isaac's reasons. Especially with a child too. He could hardly compare because he had no need for switching jobs since he was a full time worker on a massive industrial planet, whenever he woke up he knew he had a job calling him to the repair hanger's, or the armory, labs, etc. Life had been set out for him from the time he was a young boy and his destiny as a machine work was inevitable, or so he thought. There must be a whole lot about other worlds Braxtes had no idea of and the hardships that came living there. He had no need to worry about that though, it wasn't something he thought about a lot, but soon he found himself having a flashback from just thinking about it all and the memory that replayed in his mind was one that reminded him of his own past. Before he was the person he was.

It was 3 a.m., he could already hear the calls of his superiors and co-workers speaking in their mechanical language, a mandatory part of their job used to speak to each other through all of their respirators that made any other language nearly impossible to communicate with. Every one of the mechanics and technicians woke up at the same time in the mornings, no days off, no sleeping in, just get up and work. As much as it all seemed like a prison it didn't to them, maybe it was just their lack of emotion or the fact that they lost all care for their working hours or pay when they joined. They were some of the best in their field in that section and they were being treated as robots, which they partially were being cyborgs and all. All except for a select few that were too stubborn to get these 'enhancements' as their superiors referred to them by. It was just another way to make them all more efficient because they were displeased with their human flaws and incapabilities to stay awake longer and to work without sleep or breaks for food. Braxtes happened to have been one of them <"When the day comes that I will need your modifications I'll have already been crippled by the machines I work with!"> He had told them when they spoke to him that morning. He spoke out against them once before when it was not his place to speak and he had payed for it but now he saw no harm in doing so again because it was ludicrous! They were perfectly capable of working with the hours they had, <"They want us to have these new enhancements only because we won't work all the time 24/7 but why should we? We still need sleep, food-" He was cut off by his friend Razael attempting to explain it to him.

<"They have a solution for that, with the modifications they have tubes that go into your stomach and inject-">

<"Bah! I don't want to hear it Razael!"> He beamed, slamming his fist on the long table breaking a piece of it off. His anger didn't subside, he wanted to show them all that he didn't need what they all had, that he could work just fine without it but they knew he wouldn't last a couple days of straight work. Just the the idea of him needing to rid himself of the need for sleep and other humanly functions just so he could show more productivity was insane and he refused to stand for it, even though he might not have lastes.

He soon snapped back into reality and the memory faded away. "No idea. I recently just got here myself, looking for somewhere else to go than laying waste to my life on a factory planet." Said the cyborg, preferring to stand, more like hover, around and wait for a crew member to log them in. Just got here...And I'm alread thinking too much. He thought. Looking down at the girl he thought about answering her question before but she would only likely ask more questions, questions he would have to then again answer. There'd be no harm in it I suppose. "No it fires concentrated beams of plasma, which is something I need to adjust to give it more power." He explained while not trying to sound harsh or that annoyed. It was difficult for people to tell his emotion and attitude due to his respirator making him sound so cold, to think one piece of technology could change the way you expressed yourself made him wonder sometimes why he even spoke at all.

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Val looked to Charlie with great sympathy. She wished the lead rider had taken her words more seriously about resting. Bruised ribs didn't seem like much, but she was one of their fighters. And if a fighter wasn't in top condition... Not to mention the Gallion's lead rider, then they might have a problem if they ever got attacked.

Val went over to her medical cabinet and pulled out a bottle. She opened it up and placed two pills onto the lid. Walking back over to Charlie she held out the cap and pills. Val looked a bit upset over the situation. "Take these." She offered the pills to Charlie. "If you start to feel drowsy or feel like the pain is coming back... Come and see me to get more."

Val went to place the bottle back into the cabinet when a new face emerged into her medical bay. The man announced his presence and his name. Dj, struck her as a bit interesting, but not so much like Avea. She smiled to the other, "Is there anything we can do for you Mr. Dj?" Val asked.

Val's eyes scanned her med bay. She still had to get Emma in for a full check up to finish getting her logged into the ship's computer and to officially be apart of the crew. She felt a bit over whelmed with all that was going on, but she did feel a bit happy when it came down to actually having something to do. Most of the time, the ship seemed like a ghost town. Not many people on board and other times when they did have passengers, it was never this crazy. Val planned on taking her time with everyone as much as possible.

Meanwhile Shin had made his way back to the docking bay. He needed to finish up with logging in other passengers and also to close the doors to the ship. They had more than enough passengers at this point. Shin was not a fan of having too many. Too many meant that they could take over the ship if they all banned together. He wasn't much of a fighter in any sense, but he wouldn't let the Gallion be taken over so easily either.

Shin paused with a light blink when he noticed the new faces in the docking bay. Again more passengers.... Shin walked past them quickly heading over to the door's panel. Pressing a few buttons the doors began to close and then lock. He felt a little relieved once the doors were closed. But now he had to deal with the passengers.

"Alright..." He breathed. "All those who have yet to pay, or get logged in.." He motioned them towards him. "Lets get this done so we can head out." Shin's eyes and attention went to his tablet. "Have your papers and cash ready.... And if you have any guns or weapons... Hand them over." Shin tapped away at his screen before looking up at those still needing to be logged in.

(If I missed anyone please let me know.)
Charlie nodded in return to Emma’s introduction, however, before she could ask what position the new girl was taking, Charlie’s tongue tripped. At the door to the med bay stood DJ, looking sheepishly in at the odd group before flashing the smile Charlie had already began to associate with the man. Waving at him, Charlie raised a single finger before miming, ‘one minute’ whilst her attention was grabbed by the doctor.

Val had the same worried and disapproving look which Charlie has admittedly grown to expect. It should be stated now, that this expectancy was not due to Charlie simply not respecting her crew mate’s opinions, but rather the exact opposite. The girl cared, and the thought of leaving her crew mates to pick up the slack she left when she managed to injure herself… well Charlie couldn’t bare it. Plus making people worry over her? Not a chance. Better to smile and wave then sulk and brood. Although Charlie also liked to keep an eye on things. Shin took on so much that Charlie always tried to help lessen the burden. As to whether Shun noticed these things, well that was a different matter. Difficult to tell while scrubbing the rails anyway.

Hanging her head in response, Charlie took the pills from Val with a nod, swallowing the tablets with one quick gulp.

“Cheers, Val.” Charlie said, making sure to keep her tone gentle as to reassure the doctor that she really was listening to her instructions. “You’ll probably hear from me just before dinner is ready.”

This came with a slight sigh, before the girl stood and the happy demur returned to her features.

“Right. I have rails to clean.” She beamed, nodding to each person. First to the new girl, Emma, then to the angle man, Val and Jack. Charlie finished this little gesture when her gaze came to rest on DJ.

“I’ll take this one off your hands, Val.” Charlie offered as she crossed to the door way, shaking her head at DJ. “You only had three rules to follow and you’ve already broken the second.” Charlie began as she eyed DJ, sweeping her gaze up and down before shrugging with a laugh. “You’ll fit in nicely… but don’t tell Ross I said that.”

Squeezing by the man, Charlie waved back at Val and the others, before stepping out of view.

“Although we’ll have to work on your navigation skills a little.” She stated as nudged the man with her elbow... although technically DJ getting lost was more Charlie’s fault than his. But that was ignored for the time being, she would apologise in a bit for her poor hostess skills.

“So what’s with the bedroom break? Bored? As I mean I could totally put you to work if you are really itching for something to do. ” This last bit was said with a chuckle and was not at all meant seriously, but then again, the rails were a real pain to clean and an extra set if hands would be nice to have.

Jack on the other hand, had remained silent as Val gave Charlie her pills and the girl got on her way. Watching her go with only a tiny wave, the man gave an internal sigh, before flicking his attention back to the doctor, who was now serving the group with a daunted expression.

Recognising this was his chance to make himself useful, and eager to earn the trust he so badly needed for this trip, Jack stepped forward. Clasping his hands together, Jack nodded to the remaining group.

“So, what’s the next course of action, Doctor?” he began, as he nodded to Emma. “Would you like me to begin the examination?”

@NovaNovass, @Khaz,
Isaac nodded his head in understanding at Braxtes' statement. Working life was hard and monotonous more often than not.

"Coooool!" Sarah said quietly. She looked like she was about to ask another question when the main door started closing and she went quiet to let her dad deal with setting up their trip. Routine stuff.

Isaac watched the door close and the rounder man with the tablet as he made his way towards them. He seemed a little abrasive but that definitely wasn't the worst Isaac had heard that day. Thankfully, he was well versed in the procedure for buying passage. He opened a zipper on the bag and procured his and his daughter's traveling papers, a revolver and a small box of ammo; the latter two he set down on the bag next to Sarah who jumped up to stand by his side.

The revolver was a rather high caliber, with a five round capacity. It looked clean, but probably more from lack of use. Similarly, the ammo box was missing a couple rounds but it was entirely assumable that a few of the rounds had been put back. In fact, the missing rounds had actually been lost in various moves.

He held out the papers for Shin to review. The younger man seemed worn out so he didn't want to hold things up too much.

"My name's Isaac Decker. This is my daughter, Sarah. We're not bound for anywhere in particular. Just whatever rock this boat's heading for next."
hootie0813 said:
Isaac nodded his head in understanding at Braxtes' statement. Working life was hard and monotonous more often than not.
"Coooool!" Sarah said quietly. She looked like she was about to ask another question when the main door started closing and she went quiet to let her dad deal with setting up their trip. Routine stuff.

Isaac watched the door close and the rounder man with the tablet as he made his way towards them. He seemed a little abrasive but that definitely wasn't the worst Isaac had heard that day. Thankfully, he was well versed in the procedure for buying passage. He opened a zipper on the bag and procured his and his daughter's traveling papers, a revolver and a small box of ammo; the latter two he set down on the bag next to Sarah who jumped up to stand by his side.

The revolver was a rather high caliber, with a five round capacity. It looked clean, but probably more from lack of use. Similarly, the ammo box was missing a couple rounds but it was entirely assumable that a few of the rounds had been put back. In fact, the missing rounds had actually been lost in various moves.

He held out the papers for Shin to review. The younger man seemed worn out so he didn't want to hold things up too much.

"My name's Isaac Decker. This is my daughter, Sarah. We're not bound for anywhere in particular. Just whatever rock this boat's heading for next."
Shin looked over Isaac before taking the papers from the man. He looked them over without really looking down at the young girl. Shin was never a fan of children being aboard the Gallion. Most of the time the little freeloaders (Had to.) ran about and making it very hard for Shin to keep the ship operable. Or in other words, kids drove Shin insane.

Shin saw that the papers were all in order, nothing out of the ordinary. He looked down to the man's gun and ammo. He picked the items up before placing them into a bin. Before doing so he wrote on the gun and ammo box with a style pen from his tablet. This left an electrical number on the gun and ammo. "You will be staying in room four." Shin handed back the papers to Isaac.

At this point in time Shin did however glance down at Sarah. His eyes narrowed slightly as he got a good look at her. He hid a small frown before quickly looking back to his tablet and began to tap away once more. There was only one more passenger left to log into the computer. His eyes slowly drifted up to the mechanical man. He made a sharp tsk sound through his teeth as he studied the mech. "Can you disarm that think?" Shin asked as his eyes settled on the gun on Braxtes' shoulder.

If the gun wasn't able to fully be disarmed Shin had some ideas. This was not the first time he came across people who had weapons latched onto their bodies. Most of body weapons could be disarmed just by handing over the firing pins, or other small parts from the chambers. And then there were weapons where Shin would have to put locks on. He hated it when passengers wandered around with weapons. It was like letting a stranger into your house and then letting them keep their guns just to kill you in their sleep.

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