Project Black IC

Charlie nodded listening to Raven before the lines went dead. Crow still sounded annoyed, but thankfully it didn’t seem like that annoyance was aimed at Charlie anymore. However, this trail of thought was quickly cut short when Aeva, as he introduced himself, drew level with her. The awe which Charlie had felt just seconds ago was now replaced with curiosity and a small pinch of suspicion. The angel walked next to her, taking turns in the corridor with the same confidence in his movements as she did. The only difference was the fact that Charlie had lived in this ship for years now and Aeva, well he was new. He was a guest, a passenger. How did he know where they going?

As she mulled this fact over, Charlie began to chew on the inside of her cheek, every now and then sparing a fleeting glance towards the tall, winged humanoid. It was so odd and for once, Charlie didn’t like something.

“You must have some memory, Aeva.” Charlie offered, as she broke the silence with the last turn which led her small party into the docking bay. Here the huge rails stood proud…and black.

Ah yes, my old nemesis, we meet again.

Just at the look of them, Charlie had to bite back a laugh. Shin must be real busy to pass this job onto them. It was grunt work to say the least, something that didn’t need his supervision, just hours’ worth of scrubbing.

“Well guys, I offer you one more chance to go relax.” Charlie tutted, as she eyed the objects in question whilst her hands rolled back the sleeves of her jacket. “These things haven’t felt the touch of a living being in a while.”

It was then that Charlie became aware of Raven, off to the side next to one of the store rooms. Just at the sight of her fellow rider, Charlie smiled.

“Sorry I took so long.” She offered "But I brought company."

Dax’s hand connected with Flynn’s face once more, the small frog-like looking creature going limp on contact. As his tiny fist unfurled from their grip on the roof, Dax moved to take the creature down from his high ground. For such a small thing, Flynn had eaten up enough of his time and with Wade off, along with the grim reaper looking guest, Dax assumed that his absence had probably been missed by now.

With a gentle click of his tongue, Dax tucked Flynn under an arm before beginning to stride through hallways up towards the ship’s cargo bay. All the while he kept an eye on the small creature, still weary of its numerous sharp teeth. If he came too whilst Dax was holding him… well the giant did not like to think about the damage those teeth could do if they found flesh.

When he made it to one of the cargo bays, gingerly, Dax lifted the small form and placed it into a reasonably sized, metal crate. The box had seen better days, the remnants of a past job where the transport of livestock had occurred. But the shadows of the past came in useful now. The crate was perfect for keeping the small creature. There were no high corners for Flynn to hide or put up a protest. This way, if Ross wanted to see the stowaway, she could with ease. Flynn was intelligent enough into answer any questions the captain might have. He had been in the engine room after all, who knows, perhaps he was part of someone’s plan to take the ship from the inside, break it. Unlikely, but suspicion paid these days.

Securing the cage, Dax then returned to prowling the corridors, his feet carrying in the direction of Ross’ quarters. He would check there first before reporting to the cockpit, sure that his friend would be one of those locations, after all, he almost knew her better than himself.

“Well not entirely.” The man admitted to himself out loud, lost in thought for a brief moment. He cared for his friend deeply, but Ross still carried secretes, although he would never call her out on that. After all, he did too. They all did.

Movement down a side corridor signalled the giant to stop however, his peripheral vision taking note of another small form wandering through the hall. It was too small to be Charlie at least. Perhaps Flynn wasn’t by himself after all, Dax thought as he turned, pulling himself to his full height as his eyes scanned the shadowed corridor with wary eyes.

“Who’s there?” Dax called, as his hands once more moved towards his twin blades.

@NovaNovass @Khaz, @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
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Darn it.

Sarah had been distracted by a touch panel that was still almost working and hadn't noticed the heavy footfalls coming down the nearby hallway until they were way to close. Her face scrunched into a deep frown not very different from an expression her father is known for. Just without the beard.

She stamped her foot and sighed. There's no helping it. She was caught.

Sarah stepped out from around an outcropping into the middle of the hall. She was surprised at the size of the man who found her, she might have never seen someone that big.

"Escuse me sir, do you work here?" She asked as politely as possible. She didn't want to get her and her dad in trouble. But the was a slight ray of hope in that question. If he was another passenger, she could go back to wandering.

The mutant-talking frog had been a curve ball previously, so Dax truthfully did not know what to expect when he called for the person to reveal themselves. However, it could be safe to say that he did not expect a child. A pirate or mutant or an adult passenger sure but a little girl? Out of everything in the universe, huge beasts of the desert to space mad lunatics, Dax could handle it, but children. That was entirely different ball game. How does one handle something so small? Most definitely not in the same way he had dealt with the frog anyway. At this thought, the man rolled his shoulders’ uneasily, as for a few seconds, Dax stared down at the petite girl. She was practically thimble sized compared to him, as she stared up at him with huge green eyes.

Escuse me sir, do you work here?”

Dear lord it was aborable and that made the man feel slightly more on edge. Quickly removing his hands from his blades, Dax let out a grunt.

“What are you doing here? Who do you belong to?...” He coughed slightly, before shaking his head, “I mean, where are your parents? This part of the ship is out of bonds.” His tone was bordering on a growl, as the giant continued to eye the tiny form in front of him. Did Ross know there was a kid on board? As sure, they were taking on passengers, but did this half pint count? Where’d she come from and why was she mucking around? A ship was no playground. Especially their ship.

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DJ looked at the winged man as he introduced himself. He had seen his fair share of Avalons, but never one with such large wings before. It wasn't even just a small difference, they were significantly larger. His normally trusting nature was starting to falter as something seemed off about the alien, but he pushed the feelings away and convinced himself it was just a miracle.

He walked behind Charlie, and strangely enough Aeva, who seemed to be keeping in stride with the girl. It was obvious that the new member of their party was new to the ship seeings as Charlie introduced herself which made the whole situation even weirder seeings as he seemed to know the route perfectly.

'Damn this dude is impressive.'

DJ walked beside the Cardinal as they followed the leading pair to the rails. When he entered the room he became aware of another new face. He figured that this was the girl Charlie had contacted a few minutes before. He flashed he a smile and a brief wave at the girl before he was distracting by rails.

Apparently Charlie wasn't lying when she said it was a lot of work, which made him glad that there were so many willing to share the load. Seeing how dark and disgusting the rails were should have send the man packing, but instead he felt an overwhelming giddiness. Maybe it was the childish boy in him, but he loved working in dirt, mud, grease, and anything else disgusting. Giving into his urge without hesitation he bent down and touched the rails with his index and middle fingers with both hands before smearing the oil on his cheeks just below his eyes.

Giggling maniacally, he looked up at the others, "Let's do this."

@NovaNovass, @Lokipi , @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
Sarah suppressed a grimace. The giant was definitely part of the crew.

She tapped the toe of her shoe against the floor, thinking as she spoke. "I'm sorry sir, I just wanted to look around before we took off. My dad and me have been on lots of ships but never one as cool as this one,"

It didn't seem like she could get out of this one so Sarah held up four fingers, "We're in room four," She tried very hard to keep the disappointment out of her voice. She had wanted to find an engine room. They were her favorite to look around because of different engine types. Whatever was strong enough to push these huge junks of metal around through space fascinated her. Plus her dad worked on them. Which is super cool.

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Khaz said:
DJ looked at the winged man as he introduced himself. He had seen his fair share of Avalons, but never one with such large wings before. It wasn't even just a small difference, they were significantly larger. His normally trusting nature was starting to falter as something seemed off about the alien, but he pushed the feelings away and convinced himself it was just a miracle.
He walked behind Charlie, and strangely enough Aeva, who seemed to be keeping in stride with the girl. It was obvious that the new member of their party was new to the ship seeings as Charlie introduced herself which made the whole situation even weirder seeings as he seemed to know the route perfectly.

'Damn this dude is impressive.'

DJ walked beside the Cardinal as they followed the leading pair to the rails. When he entered the room he became aware of another new face. He figured that this was the girl Charlie had contacted a few minutes before. He flashed he a smile and a brief wave at the girl before he was distracting by rails.

Apparently Charlie wasn't lying when she said it was a lot of work, which made him glad that there were so many willing to share the load. Seeing how dark and disgusting the rails were should have send the man packing, but instead he felt an overwhelming giddiness. Maybe it was the childish boy in him, but he loved working in dirt, mud, grease, and anything else disgusting. Giving into his urge without hesitation he bent down and touched the rails with his index and middle fingers with both hands before smearing the oil on his cheeks just below his eyes.

Giggling maniacally, he looked up at the others, "Let's do this."

@NovaNovass, @Lokipi , @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
Lokipi said:
Charlie nodded listening to Raven before the lines went dead. Crow still sounded annoyed, but thankfully it didn’t seem like that annoyance was aimed at Charlie anymore. However, this trail of thought was quickly cut short when Aeva, as he introduced himself, drew level with her. The awe which Charlie had felt just seconds ago was now replaced with curiosity and a small pinch of suspicion. The angel walked next to her, taking turns in the corridor with the same confidence in his movements as she did. The only difference was the fact that Charlie had lived in this ship for years now and Aeva, well he was new. He was a guest, a passenger. How did he know where they going?
As she mulled this fact over, Charlie began to chew on the inside of her cheek, every now and then sparing a fleeting glance towards the tall, winged humanoid. It was so odd and for once, Charlie didn’t like something.

“You must have some memory, Aeva.” Charlie offered, as she broke the silence with the last turn which led her small party into the docking bay. Here the huge rails stood proud…and black.

Ah yes, my old nemesis, we meet again.

Just at the look of them, Charlie had to bite back a laugh. Shin must be real busy to pass this job onto them. It was grunt work to say the least, something that didn’t need his supervision, just hours’ worth of scrubbing.

“Well guys, I offer you one more chance to go relax.” Charlie tutted, as she eyed the objects in question whilst her hands rolled back the sleeves of her jacket. “These things haven’t felt the touch of a living being in a while.”

It was then that Charlie became aware of Raven, off to the side next to one of the store rooms. Just at the sight of her fellow rider, Charlie smiled.

“Sorry I took so long.” She offered "But I brought company."

Dax’s hand connected with Flynn’s face once more, the small frog-like looking creature going limp on contact. As his tiny fist unfurled from their grip on the roof, Dax moved to take the creature down from his high ground. For such a small thing, Flynn had eaten up enough of his time and with Wade off, along with the grim reaper looking guest, Dax assumed that his absence had probably been missed by now.

With a gentle click of his tongue, Dax tucked Flynn under an arm before beginning to stride through hallways up towards the ship’s cargo bay. All the while he kept an eye on the small creature, still weary of its numerous sharp teeth. If he came too whilst Dax was holding him… well the giant did not like to think about the damage those teeth could do if they found flesh.

When he made it to one of the cargo bays, gingerly, Dax lifted the small form and placed it into a reasonably sized, metal crate. The box had seen better days, the remnants of a past job where the transport of livestock had occurred. But the shadows of the past came in useful now. The crate was perfect for keeping the small creature. There were no high corners for Flynn to hide or put up a protest. This way, if Ross wanted to see the stowaway, she could with ease. Flynn was intelligent enough into answer any questions the captain might have. He had been in the engine room after all, who knows, perhaps he was part of someone’s plan to take the ship from the inside, break it. Unlikely, but suspicion paid these days.

Securing the cage, Dax then returned to prowling the corridors, his feet carrying in the direction of Ross’ quarters. He would check there first before reporting to the cockpit, sure that his friend would be one of those locations, after all, he almost knew her better than himself.

“Well not entirely.” The man admitted to himself out loud, lost in thought for a brief moment. He cared for his friend deeply, but Ross still carried secretes, although he would never call her out on that. After all, he did too. They all did.

Movement down a side corridor signalled the giant to stop however, his peripheral vision taking note of another small form wandering through the hall. It was too small to be Charlie at least. Perhaps Flynn wasn’t by himself after all, Dax thought as he turned, pulling himself to his full height as his eyes scanned the shadowed corridor with wary eyes.

“Who’s there?” Dax called, as his hands once more moved towards his twin blades.

@NovaNovass @Khaz, @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
As the words left Charlie's mouth, Aeva realized he made a ridiculous mistake. His own memory may have just gotten his previous hacking exposed. Internally, the angel cursed himself over and over but externally he showed no signs of this conflict. He stole a glance behind him and realized that DJ's eyes started to reveal a hint of the same suspicion as Charlie's voice had given.

"After I got logged, I spent a really good amount of time just wandering the entire ship. I'm pretty sure I went into some passenger restricted areas, like here, but no one was around to tell me anything so I just kept going." he explained. "If you didn't know, an Avalon's sight is without any natural rival and so is their memory. I went through.....some training and my own senses and recall is much better than the average Avalon now. That's how I knew the rails were grotesque when I first offered to help." There wasn't a sign on the winged being's face that he was lying. Internally, there were surely some type of signs, accelerated heart rate, maybe slight pupil dilation but his expression nor his eyes betrayed his surprisingly believable deception.

As they arrived to the rails, Aeva easily spotted the female rider in the distance, near the maintenence closet. "Well, the quicker we do this the quicker we will be done." The winged humanoid wasted no time and jogged over to the closet, giving Ravens a small nod of his head in greeting. She didn't look like the friendly type so that's all he offered. Picking up the few essentials he needed, Aeva turned on his heel and with a powerful beat of his wings, took to the air. It had felt wonderful to be using his flight appendages once more. Aeva glided over to one of the harder-to-reach sections of the rails and immediately got to work on them. The oil and gunk sprinkled his radiant face, giving it a strange touch of manliness and as the Avalon continued, he couldn't help but chuckle when he glanced under him to see DJ smearing oil on his cheeks and giggling. At least someone was excited over the task at hand.
Val turned to Emma at her question. She smiled a little to the other and shook her head. "No, this is all that I need for now." Val stated. "At this point Shin will set you up with your quarters." Val went quiet for a moment, "If you can find him....." She trailed off once more. Shin was hard to find.... More than half the time. He was always running about doing practically anything and everything to keep the ship in the sky.

Val looked over to Jack before turning back to Emma. "If you want I can help you find him. I'm sure my new assistant would like to get to know his way around the ship more as well." This was more of a true fact in Val's mind. She had shown Jack around but her tour was only an inch of the ship. And if both Emma and Jack were to now be apart of the crew, they would need to know more about it and how not to get lost. The only other way around this is if they spent a few days just wandering about. Val had done that when she first joined the Gallion..... She was lost for almost three weeks straight.

Raven looked like a deer in the headlights when Charlie and the others arrived at the bay. These were all passengers.... Raven gave a somewhat soft and forced smile to Avea before hurrying over to Charlie. She pulled her aside quickly and kept her voice to an almost whisper.

"Shin is going to have kittens if he finds out we have passengers here......"

Raven paused and blinked at her own words before a sly smirk crossed her face. Yeah she was still a bit upset with Charlie... But making Shin flip out was higher up on her list than staying mad with her lead rider. Shin said he wanted the rails clean, he didn't say they couldn't have any help.

"Never mind..." Raven could see Shin now.... His angered face and the steam just pouring out of his ears. "I'm Raven." She stated in the sweetest voice she could come up with. She gave a small wave only to pause once more. The look on Dj's face with the rail oil under his eyes and the little giggle almost gave her chills. Raven blinked realizing that this job could get messy.... "Imagine the look on Shin's face if everyone showed up at dinner in rail oil." Raven whispered to Charlie. She gave her lead rider a big grin and two thumbs up.

Meanwhile Shin had just finished logging in Devon. He had his own little suspicions about the passenger but the list on his plate was really starting to pile on. He had to get the ship into space and quick. There wasn't even going to be enough time for him to really warm up the engines or the coils for take off.... So in lower terms... This was going to be a rough launch.

Shin moved about the ship with the greatest of ease. Heading to the first three main engine rooms, he would then set all engines to full power. Next would be the two coil rooms... The coils were the main ingredients to his grand scheme of things with the Gallion. They were the gravity sets for the inside.... And outside of the ship.

When entering the coil rooms Shin felt a wave of heat and a new level of confidence. He knew for a fact that the Gallion was the only ship in the verse that had coils not only work on the inside of the ship but outside as well. When he used to live on Edison he worked with a lot of ships.... It shocked him at times to see that no one ever thought about trying to control the gravity around the ships. All only focused on the gravity pull for the crew inside.

Shin looked up at the tall cylinders. They had metal tubes winding up and down them giving off a light blue glow. A ship this size would never have coils like these. Shin had to pull these things together by himself and had to calibrate them to function just right to work with the Gallion... His secret weapon.

He made his way over to the control panel for the coils. Turning knobs and flipping switches were the easy part. He placed down his tablet before doing so. After a few minutes of letting them warm up he made his way to one of them. He opened a panel at the bottom showing three large toggles. He flipped the first two letting them spark on contact. He looked to a digital clock set up by the control panel. It counted down to seconds. After ten seconds he flipped the last switch before shutting the panel.

The Gallion gave off a hollow roar. Everything was online. A low rumble flooded the floors and walls indicating and tell crew and passengers that the ship was now ready for take off.

Shin snatched up his tablet before making his way to the bridge. His mind more focused at this time. Take off and landing were special to him, especially because it was indeed the Gallion.

By the time he got to the bridge it had only been a few minutes. He knew the layout of the ship better than anyone. He could navigate his way from one end to the other faster than the racer Edison. Shin took his seat and looked over the system. After touching a few things on his screen the lights on his panel flashed from red or blue... To all green.

Continuing the flight sequence, it was the true point of take off. He took hold of the controls and flustered the engines to full power.

The Gallion rumbled even more as it started to lift from the ground and hover into the sky.

Those on the outside of the Gallion would look up at it's mighty uprising. The landing gears slipped away and soon the engines gave off another loud roar before it took speed and left the safety of the moon and headed towards the black.
DJ looked at the girl who introduced himself as Raven. He sprung up and walked towards her while pushing his hair out of his eyes. It occurred to him too late that he had oil on his hands and it was now undoubtedly in his hair as well.

"Oh well, It's not like my hair wasn't greasy before." He rolled his eyes at himself and rubbed the rest of the oil off on his pants. He outstretched his hand and introduced himself. "Hello Raven. I'm DJ and I'm a mess, so please don't judge me too harshly based on my looks.," he smiled at her cordially, "and judging by the last few hours, this one will probably judge me plenty." He tilted his head in Charlie's direction and gave her a wink.

He glanced over in the direction of Aeva who had just gotten sprayed with oil. Realizing just how messy this job was going to be, DJ decided to spare his jacket from the atrocities of the job. It was not going to be a casualty in the War Against the Rails, so he took it off and threw it in the corner before turning his attention back to the women.

He was about to say something else to the new face, but he was interrupted by a familiar rumble from deep within the Gallion. It started off relatively soft and then grew as the ship got closer to take off. The feeling soothed him. Soon he would be back in the calming space that made up the Verse. If he had a home it would be the great blackness that held everything together and not some planet. The rumble really started to grow, the ship must be experiencing a rough take off. Again, it was something he was used to and it actually seemed to calm him more. As the rumble grew, so did his excitement because no good adventure ever started out with a clean take-off.

@NovaNovass, @Lokipi , @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
Adrian had been silently watching the others clean for a bit offering a chuckle as the others seemed to enjoy the hard later set before them. Unfortunately even without the religious reasons for not helping Adrian wasn't sure how much he could help with his old body. Sure he kept himself in shape as much as he could and he still had his military training and mindset in the back of his mind, but when one got right down to it his body probably couldn't keep up with the others as well.

So Adrian simply walked up next to Adrian and stood beside her watching the others work with his hands behind his back, " They seem to be enjoying themselves. Hard work purifies the mind and hardens the body. They'll likely look back on today with fond memories." Adrian said almost talking to himself, " My name is Adrian by the way, a pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile to raven as he extended his right hand to a hand shake.

From what he has seen so far this crew seems like more like a family than a crew of professionals, though based on their confidence and passing whispers he knew it was well deserved. If they are a family perhaps he should do something to help this family. They have after all taken him into their 'home' give his lodgings a and offer him food. It would be rude of him if he did not help such gracious people.





Khaz said:
DJ looked at the girl who introduced himself as Raven. He sprung up and walked towards her while pushing his hair out of his eyes. It occurred to him too late that he had oil on his hands and it was now undoubtedly in his hair as well.
"Oh well, It's not like my hair wasn't greasy before." He rolled his eyes at himself and rubbed the rest of the oil off on his pants. He outstretched his hand and introduced himself. "Hello Raven. I'm DJ and I'm a mess, so please don't judge me too harshly based on my looks.," he smiled at her cordially, "and judging by the last few hours, this one will probably judge me plenty." He tilted his head in Charlie's direction and gave her a wink.

He glanced over in the direction of Aeva who had just gotten sprayed with oil. Realizing just how messy this job was going to be, DJ decided to spare his jacket from the atrocities of the job. It was not going to be a casualty in the War Against the Rails, so he took it off and threw it in the corner before turning his attention back to the women.

He was about to say something else to the new face, but he was interrupted by a familiar rumble from deep within the Gallion. It started off relatively soft and then grew as the ship got closer to take off. The feeling soothed him. Soon he would be back in the calming space that made up the Verse. If he had a home it would be the great blackness that held everything together and not some planet. The rumble really started to grow, the ship must be experiencing a rough take off. Again, it was something he was used to and it actually seemed to calm him more. As the rumble grew, so did his excitement because no good adventure ever started out with a clean take-off.

@NovaNovass, @Lokipi , @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @hootie0813
SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian had been silently watching the others clean for a bit offering a chuckle as the others seemed to enjoy the hard later set before them. Unfortunately even without the religious reasons for not helping Adrian wasn't sure how much he could help with his old body. Sure he kept himself in shape as much as he could and he still had his military training and mindset in the back of his mind, but when one got right down to it his body probably couldn't keep up with the others as well.
So Adrian simply walked up next to Adrian and stood beside her watching the others work with his hands behind his back, " They seem to be enjoying themselves. Hard work purifies the mind and hardens the body. They'll likely look back on today with fond memories." Adrian said almost talking to himself, " My name is Adrian by the way, a pleasure to meet you." He said with a smile to raven as he extended his right hand to a hand shake.

From what he has seen so far this crew seems like more like a family than a crew of professionals, though based on their confidence and passing whispers he knew it was well deserved. If they are a family perhaps he should do something to help this family. They have after all taken him into their 'home' give his lodgings a and offer him food. It would be rude of him if he did not help such gracious people.





Raven looked to Dj and Adrian. She first shook Dj's hand as she was not afraid of a bit of oil and dirt. She nodded giving the man a small smile. "Raven." She merely stated before turning to Adrian and shaking his hand without even thinking. Oil rubbing off of her now dirty hand and onto the father's clean hands. Still not thinking she then placed the same hand onto Charlie's shoulder. "Well then..." She lied... She knew exactly what she was doing. She smirked as now both Adrian and Charlie had extra dirt on them. "Lets see if we can push Shin to a new level of insanity?" She stepped away from Charlie and headed back to the storage closet in hopes to find decent tools and more cleaning supplies.

Her eyes glanced up to Aeva before she made focus to the tools. She tilted her head a bit at the sight of his wings and stature. He was indeed different from their normal passengers.

Raven reached down and picked up what looked like a crow bar. But the tool had a flat and wide end that was meant for scrapping off crusted dirt. She made her way to the rails... picking a fairly extra dirty spot and went to work. Her mind riddle with ideas on how she could use this to get her and Charlie out of ship duty.
Charlie’s mouth dropped open in mock shock as Raven suddenly grinned and gave her the thumbs up. Wiggling her brows the girl then wiped away the expression with her own wink as her friend smeared dirt onto her shoulder. That was no accident, but Charlie let it slide for now. Revenge would be hers… in like ten minutes or so.

Reaching up in an attempt to at least get rid of some of the muck, Charlie returned to her default expression. The smile warming her cheeks, crinkling the skin at her nose and eyes.

“Honestly Raven, with master plans like this, I sometimes wonder why yu question my greatest?” She laughed, knowing future Shin’s displeasure. “Think we can make him so angry he might actually stop working?” she giggled, before nodding to DJ’s judging comment. Holding her hands up in surrender the girl shook her head in disbelief.

“Me? Judge? I’d never do such a thing. Besides its not like the additional dirt changed anything. In fact I almost didn’t notice.” Laughing Charlie patted DJ on the arm gently, as her eyes traced the budget Rambo streaks of grease below his eyes. All the guy needed as a headband for the look to be complete. “But one little line isn’t nearly enough. You’ll be covered by the end of this. But..”

Here Charlie nodded her shoulder, smearing a thumb through the grease and reaching up onto her toes to wipe it over DJ's forehead, “Much better.” She laughed, before grabbing a cloth and brush from the store room. An additional rag she found was handed to Adrian, whose hand was now covered in the same grease she had on her shoulder.

“Father.” She nodded, “for your hands.” With that the girl then threw another cloth at DJ as she walked by. “Think you’ll be needing this.” She grinned, before kneeling down at one the rails, inspecting the thick layer of grim which awaited her.

“So Father, I understand you cannot help. But what about story? Anything from your travels?”

True Charlie usually waited till tea for this tradition to be called on, but a story always made the work go faster. Plus now, with the Gallion up in the air, Charlie was fairly certain in the fact that Shin wouldn’t discover them for a good while, not until tea at the earliest, which meant they had time to relax.

As for Aeva, well for now Charlie had settled for being simply being impression by him. His wings were amazing to watch and his memory something to make note of. However, still something in Charlie’s gut nagged at her. It was the confidence behind the Angel’s answer, when she had commented on his memory. Although he was the first of his race that she had met, therefore rendering any idea of what was normal, and what wasn’t useless, Charlie still felt off about it. However, right now, she would wait and comment on it later to the others. See if any of them got the same feeling.

@NovaNovass, @SleepyBuddha, @Khaz, @shadowz1995
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Adrian smiled and thanked Charlie for the cloth and wiped his hand clean. When she asked about a story Adrian made a slight humming sound as he thought, "hmmm..... I have plenty of stories from my travels but almost none of them are exactly interesting." Adrian said finding a stool to sit on while he thought. " I suppose I could tell you about the I tried converting the people of Hart in the Sarania System to the Christian Faith." Adrian thought for a moment trying to remember what had happened.

"There was concern that the indigenous would be violent towards outsiders, I was a Bishop at the time mind you, and received permission from the Pope to mobile a Crusader security force for my and the other men and women of the cloth on board. A preliminary scan of the planet showed us that the planet had a rudimentary space travel program and the planet had yet to unify under one government or global power. So we had a plan. To introduce ourselves to each country as a group without our crusader escorts as we felt that would send the wrong message about our faith." Adrian stopped for a moment to make sure everyone was listening.

@NovaNovass @Khaz @shadowz1995 @Lokipi
Despite the hard shell which coated his arms and legs, Dax was actually soft skinned. When Sarah held up her hand, displaying four tiny digits to show her room number, Dax felt something cripple in him. Keeping a straight face, the man once again rolled his shoulders before nodding.

“Alright, room four. This way.” He motioned to the corridor on his left, which technically lead away from the guest quarters, and in fact lead on of the viewing bays within the ship.

“The ship has already taken flight.” He said rather firmly, before the tiniest of grins cracked his stern features. “So I will accompany you on your ‘adventures’.” The man straightened and waited for the tiny girl to bridge the gap between them. “But only a short one. You’ll have to return to your parents afterwards.” He nodded her, as if to affirm his own decision as he looked around. The other would be busy so the ship should be quiet, so long as nothing went wrong. But Dax always had to take murphy’s law into account. On top of this, Ross would more than likely want time to herself and Dax would give her that, for like 20 minutes anyway.

NovaNovass said:
Raven looked to Dj and Adrian. She first shook Dj's hand as she was not afraid of a bit of oil and dirt. She nodded giving the man a small smile. "Raven." She merely stated before turning to Adrian and shaking his hand without even thinking. Oil rubbing off of her now dirty hand and onto the father's clean hands. Still not thinking she then placed the same hand onto Charlie's shoulder. "Well then..." She lied... She knew exactly what she was doing. She smirked as now both Adrian and Charlie had extra dirt on them. "Lets see if we can push Shin to a new level of insanity?" She stepped away from Charlie and headed back to the storage closet in hopes to find decent tools and more cleaning supplies.
Her eyes glanced up to Aeva before she made focus to the tools. She tilted her head a bit at the sight of his wings and stature. He was indeed different from their normal passengers.

Raven reached down and picked up what looked like a crow bar. But the tool had a flat and wide end that was meant for scrapping off crusted dirt. She made her way to the rails... picking a fairly extra dirty spot and went to work. Her mind riddle with ideas on how she could use this to get her and Charlie out of ship duty.
Lokipi said:
Charlie’s mouth dropped open in mock shock as Raven suddenly grinned and gave her the thumbs up. Wiggling her brows the girl then wiped away the expression with her own wink as her friend smeared dirt onto her shoulder. That was no accident, but Charlie let it slide for now. Revenge would be hers… in like ten minutes or so.
Reaching up in an attempt to at least get rid of some of the muck, Charlie returned to her default expression. The smile warming her cheeks, crinkling the skin at her nose and eyes.

“Honestly Raven, with master plans like this, I sometimes wonder why yu question my greatest?” She laughed, knowing future Shin’s displeasure. “Think we can make him so angry he might actually stop working?” she giggled, before nodding to DJ’s judging comment. Holding her hands up in surrender the girl shook her head in disbelief.

“Me? Judge? I’d never do such a thing. Besides its not like the additional dirt changed anything. In fact I almost didn’t notice.” Laughing Charlie patted DJ on the arm gently, as her eyes traced the budget Rambo streaks of grease below his eyes. All the guy needed as a headband for the look to be complete. “But one little line isn’t nearly enough. You’ll be covered by the end of this. But..”

Here Charlie nodded her shoulder, smearing a thumb through the grease and reaching up onto her toes to wipe it over DJ's forehead, “Much better.” She laughed, before grabbing a cloth and brush from the store room. An additional rag she found was handed to Adrian, whose hand was now covered in the same grease she had on her shoulder.

“Father.” She nodded, “for your hands.” With that the girl then threw another cloth at DJ as she walked by. “Think you’ll be needing this.” She grinned, before kneeling down at one the rails, inspecting the thick layer of grim which awaited her.

“So Father, I understand you cannot help. But what about story? Anything from your travels?”

True Charlie usually waited till tea for this tradition to be called on, but a story always made the work go faster. Plus now, with the Gallion up in the air, Charlie was fairly certain in the fact that Shin wouldn’t discover them for a good while, not until tea at the earliest, which meant they had time to relax.

As for Aeva, well for now Charlie had settled for being simply being impression by him. His wings were amazing to watch and his memory something to make note of. However, still something in Charlie’s gut nagged at her. It was the confidence behind the Angel’s answer, when she had commented on his memory. Although he was the first of his race that she had met, therefore rendering any idea of what was normal, and what wasn’t useless, Charlie still felt off about it. However, right now, she would wait and comment on it later to the others. See if any of them got the same feeling.

@NovaNovass, @SleepyBuddha, @Khaz, @shadowz1995
SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian smiled and thanked Charlie for the cloth and wiped his hand clean. When she asked about a story Adrian made a slight humming sound as he thought, "hmmm..... I have plenty of stories from my travels but almost none of them are exactly interesting." Adrian said finding a stool to sit on while he thought. " I suppose I could tell you about the I tried converting the people of Hart in the Sarania System to the Christian Faith." Adrian thought for a moment trying to remember what had happened.
"There was concern that the indigenous would be violent towards outsiders, I was a Bishop at the time mind you, and received permission from the Pope to mobile a Crusader security force for my and the other men and women of the cloth on board. A preliminary scan of the planet showed us that the planet had a rudimentary space travel program and the planet had yet to unify under one government or global power. So we had a plan. To introduce ourselves to each country as a group without our crusader escorts as we felt that would send the wrong message about our faith." Adrian stopped for a moment to make sure everyone was listening.

@NovaNovass @Khaz @shadowz1995 @Lokipi
Aeva was in the air so he didn't actually feel the rumbling of the ship, as it disembarked from the planet. The sound DID reverberate in his ears and he could actually see hull of the ship vibrate with the effort , particularly in the rails before him and the others. The noises the ship made it sound more like it was going to crash land than actually take off. It was a few moments later when they were still alive that Aeva realized they had taken off successfully. Aeva took this as encouragement and redoubled his efforts on the rails.

The Avalon politely listened to the stories the Cardinal told along with the pseudo apologies of the two female riders. It seemed like they were trying to do something to drive Shine crazy....or crazier.
NovaNovass said:
Val turned to Emma at her question. She smiled a little to the other and shook her head. "No, this is all that I need for now." Val stated. "At this point Shin will set you up with your quarters." Val went quiet for a moment, "If you can find him....." She trailed off once more. Shin was hard to find.... More than half the time. He was always running about doing practically anything and everything to keep the ship in the sky.
Val looked over to Jack before turning back to Emma. "If you want I can help you find him. I'm sure my new assistant would like to get to know his way around the ship more as well." This was more of a true fact in Val's mind. She had shown Jack around but her tour was only an inch of the ship. And if both Emma and Jack were to now be apart of the crew, they would need to know more about it and how not to get lost. The only other way around this is if they spent a few days just wandering about. Val had done that when she first joined the Gallion..... She was lost for almost three weeks straight.

Raven looked like a deer in the headlights when Charlie and the others arrived at the bay. These were all passengers.... Raven gave a somewhat soft and forced smile to Avea before hurrying over to Charlie. She pulled her aside quickly and kept her voice to an almost whisper.

"Shin is going to have kittens if he finds out we have passengers here......"

Raven paused and blinked at her own words before a sly smirk crossed her face. Yeah she was still a bit upset with Charlie... But making Shin flip out was higher up on her list than staying mad with her lead rider. Shin said he wanted the rails clean, he didn't say they couldn't have any help.

"Never mind..." Raven could see Shin now.... His angered face and the steam just pouring out of his ears. "I'm Raven." She stated in the sweetest voice she could come up with. She gave a small wave only to pause once more. The look on Dj's face with the rail oil under his eyes and the little giggle almost gave her chills. Raven blinked realizing that this job could get messy.... "Imagine the look on Shin's face if everyone showed up at dinner in rail oil." Raven whispered to Charlie. She gave her lead rider a big grin and two thumbs up.

Meanwhile Shin had just finished logging in Devon. He had his own little suspicions about the passenger but the list on his plate was really starting to pile on. He had to get the ship into space and quick. There wasn't even going to be enough time for him to really warm up the engines or the coils for take off.... So in lower terms... This was going to be a rough launch.

Shin moved about the ship with the greatest of ease. Heading to the first three main engine rooms, he would then set all engines to full power. Next would be the two coil rooms... The coils were the main ingredients to his grand scheme of things with the Gallion. They were the gravity sets for the inside.... And outside of the ship.

When entering the coil rooms Shin felt a wave of heat and a new level of confidence. He knew for a fact that the Gallion was the only ship in the verse that had coils not only work on the inside of the ship but outside as well. When he used to live on Edison he worked with a lot of ships.... It shocked him at times to see that no one ever thought about trying to control the gravity around the ships. All only focused on the gravity pull for the crew inside.

Shin looked up at the tall cylinders. They had metal tubes winding up and down them giving off a light blue glow. A ship this size would never have coils like these. Shin had to pull these things together by himself and had to calibrate them to function just right to work with the Gallion... His secret weapon.

He made his way over to the control panel for the coils. Turning knobs and flipping switches were the easy part. He placed down his tablet before doing so. After a few minutes of letting them warm up he made his way to one of them. He opened a panel at the bottom showing three large toggles. He flipped the first two letting them spark on contact. He looked to a digital clock set up by the control panel. It counted down to seconds. After ten seconds he flipped the last switch before shutting the panel.

The Gallion gave off a hollow roar. Everything was online. A low rumble flooded the floors and walls indicating and tell crew and passengers that the ship was now ready for take off.

Shin snatched up his tablet before making his way to the bridge. His mind more focused at this time. Take off and landing were special to him, especially because it was indeed the Gallion.

By the time he got to the bridge it had only been a few minutes. He knew the layout of the ship better than anyone. He could navigate his way from one end to the other faster than the racer Edison. Shin took his seat and looked over the system. After touching a few things on his screen the lights on his panel flashed from red or blue... To all green.

Continuing the flight sequence, it was the true point of take off. He took hold of the controls and flustered the engines to full power.

The Gallion rumbled even more as it started to lift from the ground and hover into the sky.

Those on the outside of the Gallion would look up at it's mighty uprising. The landing gears slipped away and soon the engines gave off another loud roar before it took speed and left the safety of the moon and headed towards the black.

Emma nodded. Good, maybe she wouldn't run any in-depth tests..well..ever..and just leave it at that. Though, she'd already somewhat told Ross that she was stronger than she looked by far. And they were bound to find out eventually. Though, she didn't want any of them to find out too soon and consider her a freak or anything. For all she knew some of the people after her could of became passangers on the ship. The last thing she wanted was to be found out. Though, her new friends would more than likely protect her. When she mentioned Shin helping her find her quarters she remembered she actually had passanger quarters, though she figured she meant crew quarters.

When Val asked if she wanted her to help her find Shin she smiled. "
Sure thing! That would be great actually, I'd probably get lost if I tried to navigate this place by myself so soon." She replied cheerfully before standing. "Can we stop by my room first?" She asked, then she figured she should explain to avoid confusion. "I had actually already gotten a passanger room from when I boarded. Sooo, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to change rooms now or not. And if I am I kinda need to get my stuff."
The ship's takeoff didn't seem to phase Sarah, aside from her putting her hand on the console to steady herself. Dax's words took a moment to sink in, she was sure he was about to just lead her off back to the room and she'd have to face her dad. He had warned her about wandering around on her own, especially on a ship they were traveling in. When it clicked though, she broke out in a huge smile below her broad-ish nose. She skipped over to Dax and held out her hand to him for a hand shake. That's how her dad usually introduces himself to people. "My name's Sarah, what's yours?"

She actually had a fair number of questions she was planning to ask. Like what the ship was called? Where is Dax from? Where they were going, where they had come from. It was the same curiosity that had led her out into the corridors of The Gallion in the first place.

Meanwhile, Isaac rolled over on the bed when the ship was taking off. The familiar rumbling not even disturbing his rest.

Val felt a little confused as to why Emma would want to get her stuff now, walk around with it trying to find Shin and then walk all the way back to her new room. She was about to get more into her thoughts when she heard the Gallion starting up. She let her shoulders drop a little. She knew exactly where Shin was at this point... And where he would be for the next three to four hours.

"I have an idea." Val stated as she walked over to a panel on the wall. She pushed one of the buttons and waited for a second or two.

"I'm a little busy here Val." Shin's voice rang from the com.

Val smiled knowing this all too well. "I know, but I was wondering what room you wanted to set Emma up in." Val waited. She could here a mumbled curse come from Shin on the other end. "Put her next to Raven.... I'll log her in once we hit the black." Shin cut the connection to the com as Val spun around on her heels and looked to Emma. "Well that settles that." She told Emma. "We can go get your things and set you up in your room." Val blinked and turned to Jack. "I will just have to wing it and set you up myself.... Then probably before dinner I can do your physical too." Val nodded to Jack.

Val knew that she still had three more new crew members to take care of before dinner. So she needed to get Emma and Jack set up into rooms first and then after she did the physicals for the other three new crew members she could then take her time with Jack. She would even be able to show him around the medical bay and pick his brain to see what he knew and didn't know.

During the time skip......

Val sets up Emma in her new room in the female quarters hall. She sets up Jack as well... Giving both time to settle in. She then does the physicals for the Remington brothers followed by a quick physical and run down to the medical bay with Jack. After that Val would then go to her own room to get ready for dinner.

It had been four good hours since they started the rails... All in which were now spotless with the help of their new found...... She could say friends. Even if they were just passengers. The stories from the priest helped move the job along at a good pace. And the conversations were small... But they all worked together like a team.... Maybe even a crew that had been together for some time. It was weird.

Well weird to Raven. She was use to the small ghost like crew and jobs like this taking forever to even make a dent in the dirt and grim. But by the time they were done, the rails shined... And those that helped.... Well they looked ore like the rails once did. She looked over the large bay area and scanned the rails. A feeling of success and achievement brushed over the Rider.

She let out a deep breath as she tried to whip her oil stained hands. She looked to the others, she wanted to say something to them like good job, or nice work... But instead she looked towards Charlie instead. She was the lead rider and right now she held more of a position to say something in that manner.


Ross had stayed in her office for take off. She let her eyes wander around the room and take in the detail and thought Shin had placed into it. It really did have a Captain feel to it. Like a sanctuary for her and her thoughts. She smiled a little before she took her post. She would wander around the ship keeping an eye out for wandering passengers and for the crew. Surprisingly during her quiet walk... She stumbled on a few things.

A small smirk that smoothed into a smile came to her when she found Charlie and Raven cleaning the rails. But what surprised her was the passengers helping them. She would only watch from a distance for a short while before moving along.

The second was Dax.... And a child... As shocked as she was... She felt her heart warm a bit when she quietly followed the two for sometime. She felt at ease to see Dax take so well to the little girl. She never expected him to be so warm hearted with children. A very nice little surprise really.

As she continued the next thing she found whipped the smile form her face. She could tell the Gallion was well into space as a few hours had gone by. But her sights feel to Shin in the engine room. She could hear muffled coughs coming from the loud, but low rumbling heat traps. Over the years Shin had been very much dedicated to the Gallion. Yes the two had their arguments and words thrown about... But Shin was indeed a very big part of the ship and his health was taken to heart greatly.

She watched as the feverish navigator climbed under one of the wiring boxes by one of the engines. Fiddling with what ever parts that needed to be messed with. Her eyes narrowed when he came out from under the metal box just to cough and then go back to what he was doing. A thought crossed her mind. She would have to talk to Dax and Val about getting Shin to get some rest. If she told him, Shin would protest..... Actually it didn't matter who told him... He would still protest.

She jumped a little when she heard Shin's voice. "Captain?"

She looked to Shin was was now pushing himself off the ground and making his way over to her. "Something wrong?" Shin asked as he studied her face.

Ross shook her head no before looking about the engine room. "Just doing my rounds." She said in a clear voice. She turned on foot and walked away quickly. "Dinner will be served in a few hours.. I expect to see you at the table." She called back to him before turning a corner.

Shin watched Ross leave as a grumpy look settled in. He made a sharp tsk sound through his teeth before heading back to what he was doing.

(We can pick up right before dinner is served if everyone wants. ( ^_^ )....)
DJ stared at himself in the mirror, from head to toe he was covered in grime and oil. It was quite a sight. He had even left boot prints from the rail room all the way to his room. From the stories and complaints he heard while on the job all he could imagine was how freaked out this Shin guy was going to be when he saw the numerous oil drips and footprints that littered the hallways of the Gallion.

He took off his disgusting clothes and threw them in the sink to soak before jumping into the shower. The work they had done was hard, but it was enjoyable. He had gotten to know some of the other passengers and members of the crew and heard some interesting stories from the Cardinal. He also got to spend more time fooling around with Charlie, something he was really starting to enjoy. The girl not only seemed to appreciate his humour but reflected it as well. Overall it was a great way to spend his first day and he had high hopes about this ship.

The newly cleaned, well almost clean he found some dirt hiding behind his ear, man stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before putting on pants, a white t-shirt that said "Hurricane", his jacket and his boots. He slid his goggles in his back pocket and stepped out of his door. DJ had worked up a serious hunger from cleaning the rails, not that that was out of the ordinary he was almost always hungry.

Walking down the halls he was fairly certain he remembered the way, for the most part at least. He made a few wrong turns but eventually ended up at his destination. The majestic kitchen. It appeared he was the first one in there. Apparently the others were still cleaning up.

"Hello?" He tested to see if anyone was being the scenes working.
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Adrian had gone on to tell the crew and his fellow passengers how he managed to convert the planet to Catholicism after 5 years on planet and a few attempts on his life which caused those responsible to feel the full wrath of the Crusaders stationed in orbit. He also shared some stories on how he became a Cardinal after not only converting a planet but helping said planet and the other planet he was bishop over thrive and prosper for many years. Those stories lasted just long enough for the others to finish up their cleaning. Once he could smell food was ready Adrian returned to his room and washed his hands again. It was a habit he had formed after catching a disease of some kind on an alien planet. He got over it eventually, but the experience made him very wary about cleanliness. Adrian had no idea where the kitchen was so he basically followed his nose and after about an hour he managed to find it.

Adrian smiled at DJ, " I'm sure all that hard work has stirred quite an appetite. " with that Adrian clasped his hands together and bowed his head in prayer giving thanks for the meal.
(Just jumping ahead to after the tour)

It was definitely a cool ship. Sarah was still grinning in excitement as she opened the door to the room she was staying in. She waved goodbye to Dax who had walked her back and stepped into the room. Isaac was still asleep, a thing for which she sighed in relief. She kicked her shoes off before climbing up onto the bed and curled up by him and was soon asleep as well.

Some time later Isaac woke up. And instantly regretted that decision. He silently cursed himself for going to bed with his arm attached. Sleeping with it on for some reason caused him muscle cramps in his chest, which for some reason always gave him a splitting migraine.

He moaned as he leveraged himself up to his feet, stopping to clench his head. He shuffled over to the bag and rummaged around until he found a pill bottle. He shook the bottle, counting out the strong pain meds into his palm.

"You're only supposed to take two of those at a time." Sarah's sleepy voice carried over to him. She had just sat up and was staring at him vaguely accusatorily.

"And you're supposed to stay in the room with me." He replied with a level tone and popped the three pulls into his mouth and swallowed. Sarah blushed, mortified. "Just where did you run off to?"

"I just wanted to see the ship," She started, "It's called The Gallion. Isn't that cool? It's reeeeeeaaaally old too."

As she started rambling off what she saw and meeting the first mate, Isaac dug through the bag again and pulled out a book. Seeing it, Sarah slowly trailed off into silence and she was handed a paper and pencil.

"Well I'm glad you had a good time. I'm also glad we're not in trouble. But you don't need to be running off. You know what this means." Isaac said as he cracked open the book to a page marker.

"Double assignments..." Sarah groaned.

"Double assignments. So we've already gone over this chapter. So let's review...."

They spent the next couple hours going over the math problems in the book. Relatively simple stuff. But sort of advanced for a ten year old. They moved too much to enroll her in a school so Isaac did what he could to make sure she stayed learning. At whatever pace she seemed to be able to handle. Doing a little every day, she had moved pretty quickly through subjects.

"Well. Dinner's probably ready. That should be good for today." Isaac closed the math book and rubbed his forhead. The math hadn't helped his headache but at least the meds did. A bit. "Go ahead and wash up."

As she did, he pulled his coat back on and a pair of gloves. For whatever reason, he had always been self concious of that metal arm of his.

They left the room holding hands, Sarah leading Isaac down the hall as she had been told where the kitchen was.

Two people were already there and seemed to both be passengers. Isaac lifted a hand in greeting "Howdy, y'all. Seems like it's dinner time. I'm Isaac. " He managed a smile through his aching head.

"I'm Sarah! What's for dinner?"
"Dinner is roast beef, vegetables and fresh mash with added cheese and herbs.” Charlie said as the small woman appeared through the parting doors to the kitchen. She, like the other two passengers, was now significantly cleaner than she had been, a little surprise to still find her skin below the layers of grease which had accumulated whilst cleaning. It hadn’t taken long though, Charlie cleaning herself so thoroughly before she started cooking that she was certain she had also removed a layer skin with the dirt, although unknown to her, she had still managed to miss some dirt on the back of her jaw. Pain was part of the game though and her speed had paid off. The rails were clean, thanks to the guys and now dinner was cooked. Along with that, the additional time had also allowed her also work on her pet project, which now simmered quietly in a pot back on the stove.

Putting her hands on her hips, she greeted the little crowd that had gathered, her eyes shifting over the cardinal and DJ before lingering slightly longer on Isaac and Sarah. She had heard their introduction from her work station, so rather than waiting for them to repeat themselves, Charlie dived into her own introduction, as she retreated back into the kitchen to collect the first bowl.

“Lovely to meet you Isaac, Sarah.” Charlie said as she reappeared through the partition, arms laden with food. She didn’t usually have to cook for so many. “I’m Charlie, your chef for this evening.” She winked, deliberately sending a flashing grin to DJ. The man knew she was lead rider but not about her second position on the ship and with his recently declared love for food she couldn’t help but wonder how he’d take to this.

“Please, take a seat. You arrived just in time, the others should be here shortly.” Charlie stated, as again she returned into the kitchen to retrieve some more plates and bowls of food. Placing them onto the table, she stood back at grinned at the scene. The mess hall was still massive in compared to their group, but this time they occupied one of the larger tables available and Charlie was looking forward to having a generous meal with everyone.

However, before that could happen she still had a pet errand to run. In her hands, she had kept hold of a small thermal flask with the addition of a small folded note.

“I made extra, figured all the hard work people gave us would have worked up an appetite. But you’ll have to forgive me for a few seconds. I need to drop something off.” She grinned this last bit, the lope sided grin giving the impression of a child keeping a secret. “I’ll be right back, less than five minutes.”

Calling this over her shoulder, the women disappeared through a separate port in perfect synchrony with DAX’s entrance. The tall man studied the room, nodding to the collection of people as he moved towards the table Charlie had set. The food in front him was piled into generous mountains, a delicious scent rising with the heat. The rider had out done herself DAX thought as he selected a seat, before glancing at the others. He knew none of them with the exception of Sarah, who he offered a smile.

The man with same red hair as his new small friend, Dax assumed to be Sarah’s father but the others were a mystery to him. Clearing his throat, he gestured to the surrounding empty places.

“Please join me. The name is Dax, first mate. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

Meanwhile Charlie made her way up to the cockpit, pausing when she reached the doorway. Inside, everything seemed quiet. Shin was off somewhere else fiddling with whatever Shin needed to mess with. However, Charlie knew their navigator. Before he’d come to dinner, he would stop off here to double check everything was in check. She would have to be quick if she wanted her plan to pay off.

Darting in, the girl quickly placed the thermal flask into the navigator’s seat, making sure the object was safely tucked into the padding. When happy with its placement, Charlie added the note, Shin’s name scribbled over the top. The man was sick, so she doubted he would eat much around everyone else, but this way he knew he had something he could sip on in private.

Standing back, the rider admired her handy work before clapping her hands together once, pleased with her work.

“Hope you enjoy it… and complete the check list.” She grinned, before quickly scarpering from the cockpit before she was caught, her keen ears convinced she heard someone moving towards her position.

Jack on the other hand, was still in the med bay. He had remained here, happily going through all the lists he had made when Val had given him a run down. Ah that woman was most certainly accommodating. His position on this ship was perfect for what he aimed to achieve. Glancing over the drugs in one of the cabinets, Jack grinned as he glanced over the vials.

“Ah thank you to whatever god has been watching over me!” He almost laughed, as gently he closed the cabinet doors. Cleaning his hands, the man then turned, glancing down at the map he had drawn from Val’s more comprehensive tour. Following its instructions, the man then made his way up to the mess hall with the slightest skip in his step.

The following is the note Charlie placed on the thermal flask which contains her home recipe chicken soup.

At the end of the note, Charlie comprised a check list and ticked off every one with the exception of the last point. Instead, what she did was leave an empty check box next to the sentence along with an optimistic question mark. She didn't sign her name though... Because clearly she's a badass.

Hey Shin,

Guess I'm not great with the whole face to face 'thanks' thing. But thank you for the help before and for what it's worth. I'm sorry I didn't listen.

Enjoy the soup.

  1. clean the rails (tick)
  2. cook dinner (tick)
  3. make soup and apologise for being stupid (tick)
  4. Shin finally gets some rest (?)

Remember take care of yourself, okay?


@NovaNovass, @SleepyBuddha, @Khaz, @hootie0813 and anyone else.
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Rem and his brothers had all been settled in for some time. Mostly dealing with the Captain and their new medic... It kept them busy from being able to interact with the others of the crew. Or even the passengers. Rem had taken his time unpacking and getting a little settled in. He had also taken a shower so he could be presentable for dinner. It had been sometimes for him and his brothers to be apart of something much bigger then the moon they had grown up on.

There they had made a name for themselves, but now, they could soon make a name in space and on other planets as well. A small smile came to mind when he thought about a brighter future. He thought it was going to be harder to convince Ross to let them join her crew. But the woman seemed a lot more easy going when discussing the matter with good reason. She had listened to his story, thought about it, and by the time the job was halfway done.... She agreed to them staying.

Rem would from this day forth place his best foot forward and do his best to protect the crew and ship as it's newest hired gun. He could tell both Andrew and Micheal felt the same. Already he could hear their voices coming from outside of his door. Claiming the Gallion to be beyond their expectations.

Rem chuckled a little as he walked to his door and opened it before Andrew could knock.

Both greeted their older brother with large smiles. "I smell it from here." Andrew exaggerated.

"They must have one hell of a cook." Micheal added to Andrew's words.

Rem nodded slowly as he left his room, closing the door behind him. "You should never keep a good cook waiting." Rem lead the way towards the mess hall.

Once there they noticed some of the other passengers were waiting for the meal... It didn't take long for the young rider to pop out of the kitchen area with what looked like a feast. They were all soon joined by other members of the crew as well.

Raven and Val both made their way to the mess hall around the same time. Reaching the table they would take their seats and wait for Ross to get there. The meal would never start without her sitting at the head of the table.

Rem and his brothers decided to take their seats near where Dax was sitting. Rem couldn't help but notice more people showing up gradually.

Abigail and Melody entered the hall. They spent little time with other passengers or crew members. Their agenda didn't call for it, so they stayed quiet. Both Nick and Francis were similar to the two girls. Keeping quiet on a ship as big as this normally was a challenge. But seeing that the ship was ran by a ghost crew and the other passengers stuck to... What ever they were doing, their plans would go very much smooth.

(I will cover Ross and Shin in my next post.)
"Ugh....." the Avalon groaned out. Considering Aeva had been in flight when he was cleaning the rails with everyone, the adventurous dirt and grime and had just about covered his entire body (wings and all) in a healthy layer. Once they had finished, he was the first one to excuse himself from the party because he spent the next four hours cleansing himself of the grueling dirty work. Aeva had to scrub his entire body down for quite some time before he finally got it as clean as he wanted. However, it wasn't his body that had worried him so much. On one hand, his wings felt great. He had been using them for so long that he didn't feel the slightest bit of pain and he made a mental note to thank the doctor when he saw her again. Now....on the other hand, cleaning the layer of grime that decorated his crimson wings was a whole 'nother ball game.

The avalon had to carefully clean between each and every individual feather and Aeva had very large wings. He had a lot of feathers. Similar to how birds clean themselves by lacing water in between their feathers, except had to be soaked to even have a chance of cleaning everything. The cleaning of his flight appendages felt more agonizing then the rails he had been cleaning with everyone. The winged man complained, groaned, and bitched every twenty minutes that went by until he had finally finished his bath. The fourth hour he spent drying his scarlet wings, having them fully unfurled and letting the air dry them up.

The smell of the food Charlie made had eventually reached his nose and the sounds his stomach made were borderline unholy. Waiting just a few more minutes, Aeva stood and was on his way to the mess hall. He could still feel his wings retaining some water and when no one was around, he gave his wings a few irritated shakes. The water sprayed delicately over the walls and it looked like a child had come along with a squirt gun, spraying everything in sight. The avalon glanced at water but shook his head and kept moving onwards. He would clean it on his way back but right now he was famished.

As Aeva walked in, he had missed the few self introductions that had been tossed around but he didn't really care. His crimson eyes locked on the few people he was familiar with and he gave each of them a kind smile and a small wave of his hand. On Val, he spent a little longer despite his best efforts not to. She had practically saved his life. If he had lost the use of his wings, Aeva would have developed a death wish.

He wasted no time after that and grabbed a bit of....well practically everything and hunkered down a ways away from everyone. The hunger was apparent in the avalon's features and it only just dawned on him that he hadn't eaten in days. The planet they had been on hadn't exactly been very friendly to Aeva. He had gotten in multiple firefights and skirmishes just because of it. With raw hunger reflecting in his eyes, Aeva dug into the beautiful bounty of food that Charlie had made and damn......Aeva never partook of human food often but he almost she a tear out of how delicious this meal was.
Adrian sat on the opposite end of the head of the table and waited for the captain to arrive before starting the meal. Adrian returned the smile as the Aeva sat down and went straight to eating. Though he didn't think that was very respectable considering everyone else at the table had been abstaining the Cardinal didn't say anything as he could plainly see Aeva was extremely hungry. Adrian watched as new faces filed into the mess hall and offered each of them a kind smile as they took their seats. While he didn't eat yet Adrian did go ahead and fix a very modest portion of food. Once he fixed his plate he waited for the captain to come in before eating but he did go ahead and bless his and everyone's food. " Excuse me everyone but if you would allow me to indulge in a prayer I would like to take this time to bless our food. I don't ask that you join me, but I certainly offer it if you would like to join." With that the Cardinal bowed his head and recited a prayer: "Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen." When he concluded his prayer he looked up and did a cross motion over himself and kissed the back of the crucifix that hung around his neck.

@NovaNovass @Khaz @shadowz1995 @Lokipi @hootie0813
Isaac walked up to Dax and offered his hand. "I have to thank you for giving my daughter Sarah a tour. I hope she didn't cause too much trouble aside from being where she didn't need to be." Sarah stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed. "She's always been a curious one."

Isaac glanced around the hall taking note of everyone sitting down. Some interesting folks, that's for sure.

He took a seat by the bigger man. When Adian began his prayer he bowed his head, a gesture Sarah mirrored after a moment. Isaac barely got out a quick 'amen' before he was forking food into his mouth. It was a relief to find the food on The Gallion to be good.

"Just how old is this ship? I've worked on all different sorts, none quite like this, though."

@Lokipi @SleepyBuddha @shadowz1995 @NovaNovass
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