Project Black IC

Adrian had returned to his room after he realized his search for the captain was a fruitless endeavor. Adrian looked over his room and noticed it wasn't as orderly as he would like so he spent several hours cleaning his room from top to bottom. Once clean Adrian organized his few belongings into the cabinets and the single closet within the room. Adrian placed the more important and more holy robes inside of the closet making sure there wasn't a single twinkle on them. The more casual clothing more a cardinal he placed in small cupboards. Lastly Adrian placed a Crucifix on a normally empty wall. Making the sign of a cross over himself Adrian bowed to the cross and prayed.

(The white and red set are considered more ceremonial, the black with a red sash is what he is currently wearing, the pure red shown in the older pictures is slightly more formal)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/220px-Vetements_cardinal_Gamarelli.jpg.84ba4999b63aab4e87b46f9b0c0b48b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/220px-Vetements_cardinal_Gamarelli.jpg.84ba4999b63aab4e87b46f9b0c0b48b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cardinal_George_Pell.jpg.a73a6b180ee98f4ff21efec92fc4d5dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Cardinal_George_Pell.jpg.a73a6b180ee98f4ff21efec92fc4d5dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Wolsey.jpg.7b2cf105e170c83b41c08f52c53aeb9d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Wolsey.jpg.7b2cf105e170c83b41c08f52c53aeb9d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Isaac reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money from which he counted out the proper amount of money before handing it to Shin in a neat stack. Stuffing the rest back in his pocket he listened to Shin tell him their room number. Isaac then grinned and saluted with two fingers before picking his bag up again. "Room four, Roger that. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around before the trip's over."

He held out his hand towards his daughter. "Let's go, Sarah."

He nodded to Braxtes before leaving.

Sarah broke out in a 'perfectly innocent' smile when Shin glared at her and saluted him as well. She took Isaac's hand and followed him further into the ship.

The two found their room with no difficulties. Isaac tossed their bag into a corner and threw himself onto the bed. It had been a long day. Sarah went to the bag and pulled out her book and sat by him.

"We're on our way again Sarah."

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"Funny you should ask, I have already cleaned it out. The power cell is shut off and," he fumbled through his robes for the power cell of the chain gun and hand it over to Shin "Here it is." After handing it over for the man to take, one of his cybernetic arms brought out his travel information and another one held some money, hovering right next to his free hand. "Also here is my travel info. Anything else you need?" Asked Braxtes once he'd given up all of his weapons without any fuss like some of the other passengers. He had considered asking the captain if she needed a mechanic on the ship when she had came by but since she wasn't around at the moment he saw no harm in asking the man in front of him, despite how tired or bored he seemed already after logging in Isaac and Sarah. "Might I ask if you are in need of a Mechanic? If so I'd take the position, this ship could use someone of my skill." If they had no need for a mechanic aboard that was fine by him, he could've cared less, but it was worth a shot to ask and see. If he were declined then that would just mean more relaxation for him sitting in his room going through his implants database or modifying his cybernetic parts to be more efficient.
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"Nothing in particular, just a little lost." He responded to who he presumed was the doctor on board. He heard Charlie call he Val, so he assumed that was her name. He waited patiently after Charlie flashed him a 'one minute' signal and silently observed. The Doctor, Val, seemed concerned with Charlie's condition, but settled for giving her pain pills and setting her on her way. He guessed that the stubbornness he sensed from her during their earlier meeting was universally renowned on this ship.

DJ gave a little wave to the others and turned to follow Charlie who had elected to take him out of the hands of the others. Figures, he had been on the ship for a short amount of time and he had already become a burden on the others. With ease he caught up to Charlie and slowed his pace, falling in stride with the girl.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't know I was breaking any rules. I thought I was heading back to my room until I stumbled across the party you guys were having." He said truthfully, "I was just glad I heard voices before I got myself even more lost and ended up in the airlock."

The man gave a questionable look when she told him he'd fit in nicely. Apparently he wasn't the only passenger who wandered around. This gave him a small chuckle. He of all people knew it was hard to stay in one place for a long time, it was fun to get out and explore.

"Well I'm sorry I haven't memorized every corridor in the short time I've been here, I'll be sure to do that ASAP." DJ gave a false look of hurt and rubber his arm after he nudged her. "Although maybe I should memorize the route from the kitchen to my room, after all food is my favourite hobby. Eating not cooking," He clarified.

"Honestly work sounds like fun, just don't leave me alone again who knows what will happen to be this time. Besides, anything is better than 'fanboying' out in my room, right?" Unaware that she was joking he winked at her shot finger guns up at her before blowing away the imaginary smoke.

"So what kind of work will we be doing, my lady?" He stood as tall as he could and salted the small woman.

@Lokipi @NovaNovass
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Adrian spent about an hour in prayer and meditation knelt down before the Crucifix. He had quite a lot on his mind with coming aboard the ship and wanted to ask the Lord the bless the ship and the crew on their many travels as well as the passengers for a safe journey while on the ship. After Adrian finished his prayers he once again made the motion of a cross over himself and kissed the back of the cross he was already wearing. Adrian then got up and exited his room going off to see if he could make himself useful or if it would be better if he just stayed out of the way.

@Khaz @NovaNovass @Lokipi (going to have him run into DJ )
“So food’s your favourite hobby huh? ”

Another food enthusiast, Charlie was warning up to DJ quickly. She’d have to somehow figure out how to organically introduce the idea of hiring DJ to either Shin or Ross. They needed pilot anyway, it was just an added bonus that the guy was pretty cool. However, perhaps fate would always have a hand in this. Whichever comes first I guess.

“Well I can draw you a map if you like? Or alternatively we can just walk back and forth from your room to the kitchen until you remember?” Charlie giggled at this, before adding with shrug. “You have good taste though, the kitchen is the second ‘coolest’ place to relax on the ship.” She would let DJ find out she was the ship’s part-time cook by himself later.

After this though, Charlie had to hide her surprise at DJ willingness to help with her work. Although after a few seconds reflection on the matter, the small rider put this down to DJ never being exposed to hours nonstop scrubbing of rails. Oh the sweet summer child. He did not know, but who was Charlie to say no? Besides, on almost every level she would be grateful for the company and an extra pair of hands would mean that she would be able to get the rails clean as well as cook dinner.

Clutching at her chest where the finger gun bullets would have hit, Charlie feigned pain before nodding in response as she gave a curtsy, leading DJ around a corner in the corridor.

“Well, kind Sir, if you are sure this is what you wish, I will be heading down to hanger to scrub the rails and would love some company.” She stood up straight as she said this, “Although. Fair warning, the job isn’t fun. Kinda boring actually. Hurts after a while too.” Rubbing her forearms at the memory of past Shin duty muscle ache, Charlie smiled to DJ.

They were nearing the passenger quarters now, the longer route to get back to the hanger from the med bay. However, Charlie figured that the time spent walking to let DJ decide as to whether he really wanted to trap himself into physical labour. Yet as they grew closer, Charlie’s steps faltered a little as she spotted a figure moving up a head.

“Cardinal!” Charlie offered with a wave as her eye brows arched a little. Really did seem like all the passengers had skipped rule two. “What brings you out into the dark, dingy corridor like this?”

@SleepyBuddha, @Khaz
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He smiled at her, "Food is the only thing thats truly pure in the Verse. It never lies to you, and it never stabs you in the back. It's always been there for me. So yes, it holds a very special place in my heart." He could barely contain his laughter.

"Well drawing me a map certainly wouldn't teach me a lesson, so I might as well just do option B, don't you agree." An image popped in his head of the hallway floor being worn down from his bedroom to the kitchen because he would go there so often. He wondered if he should warn the crew about his eating habits so they don't run out of food. He ate a deceivingly large amount of food for a slimmer guy. He laughed and figured he was going to have to pay extra for the ridiculous amount of food he was going to eat on his voyage.

Charlie must not have been expecting him to reply with such an optimistic answer because she seemed rather surprised that DJ would want to help her with her work. He didn't have that many belongings with him which meant he didn't have much to do. He would rather spend his time helping out than laying in bed staring at the wall.

'I should probably invest in a book or something. Also probably some clothes.' He thought to himself, momentarily distracted. He would have to remind himself to do that the next time they stopped.

"Work is only as boring as the company you are with, and I am quite certain that I am a delight." He pushed back his hair and gave his toothiest grin, "and if there's no pain then its not really work, right?" DJ's prided himself in his optimism about everything, including gruelling work. If made him feel better about the job at hand and it always seemed to make the time go by faster.

DJ's eyes dropped and noticed that the girl was in pain again, "So... Uhhh... How exactly did you end up getting hurt, and what the hell did you do to the other guy?" He raised his eyebrows out of curiosity. He decided not to tell her that she should be resting as he had, after all, promised to not lecture her again only a few hours ago.

"Cardinal, eh? I had no idea there was a religious figure on the ship." Then again, he really didn't know anything about the people on this ship. He bowed his head at the approaching figure, "DJ, at your service," he looked up and smiled warmly.

@Lokipi @SleepyBuddha
Adrian smiled warmly at the two of them and bowed slightly to them both he then patted Dj's shoulder and said, " My name is Adrian. I'm a cardinal of the Catholic church. It is my pleasure to meet you DJ. " Adrian dropped his artificial hand and looked to Charlie with the same saintly smile, " I'm glad to see you again Charlie. I heard that you were hurt recently and I wanted to check on you." Adrian put both his hands on Charlie's shoulders in a concerned manner. " I prayed that you would be alright and I'm glad to see you're doing well." With that Adrian put his hands behind his back and took a step back to respect their space, " I also wanted to see of I could make myself useful after I checked on you. I've already done my afternoon prayers so customarily I should be doing to Lord's work and help others." Adrian explained not realizing he was rambling on a bit.

@Lokipi @Khaz
Charlie was about to answer DJ’s questions, still giggling over the man’s declared love for food, when Adrian approached. For the briefest moment Charlie’s smile faltered as she hesitated, unsure how to take the Cardinal’s hands which clasp at her shoulders. However, the words which accompanied the gesture were kind and relaxed the rider a little. As her nose crinkled, a smile working her lips, the woman nodded to Adrian, withholding her thanks as she silently watched the introduction between the cardinal and DJ.

When the cardinal’s attention returned to Charlie, the woman motioned in the direction of the hanger.

“You have my thanks for the prayer, Cardinal.” She began whilst she crossed her arms, gently testing to see if the pain killers were beginning to take effect. “It looks like I am going to need all the help I can get.” She chuckled, “But as for something to keep you occupied, DJ has so kindly offered to help me with some manual labour. About to scrub the rails, you are more than welcome to join.”

Once the invitation slipped over her lips, Charlie felt a twang of guilt pull at her conscience. The rails were to be cleaned as a way to punish her little escapade back at the bar and inviting the others along felt wrong. They were passengers, they should be in the rooms or relaxing in one of the common rooms, preparing for their next adventure on another planet. They shouldn’t be bent over double scrubbing miscellaneous gunk off metal.

In fact, within a few seconds Charlie’s guilt had knotted itself around her heart to a point that the girl was forced to quickly act. Her hands uncurled from their position as she looked from both males in front of her.

“However, you should be told. Cleaning the rails is technically meant to be a punishment. I over stepped a few rules of my own.” Well no I didn’t. I was falsely accused and technically didn’t even get into the fight…with the exception of the barman. “It’s pretty gruelling, but it does guarantee a good few hours of… ‘entertainment’?”

“But if you do fancy skipping, you are also welcome to help prepare dinner later on.” Charlie offered this without thinking, but again she didn’t feel right dragging both DJ and Adrian down to the hanger. Although DJ’s company, as he said himself, would be shiny.

@SleepyBuddha, @Khaz
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Lokipi said:
Charlie was about to answer DJ’s questions, still giggling over the man’s declared love for food, when Adrian approached. For the briefest moment Charlie’s smile faltered as she hesitated, unsure how to take the Cardinal’s hands which clasp at her shoulders. However, the words which accompanied the gesture were kind and relaxed the rider a little. As her nose crinkled, a smile working her lips, the woman nodded to Adrian, withholding her thanks as she silently watched the introduction between the cardinal and DJ.
When the cardinal’s attention returned to Charlie, the woman motioned in the direction of the hanger.

“You have my thanks for the prayer, Cardinal.” She began whilst she crossed her arms, gently testing to see if the pain killers were beginning to take effect. “It looks like I am going to need all the help I can get.” She chuckled, “But as for something to keep you occupied, DJ has so kindly offered to help me with some manual labour. About to scrub the rails, you are more than welcome to join.”

Once the invitation slipped over her lips, Charlie felt a twang of guilt pull at her conscience. The rails were to be cleaned as a way to punish her little escapade back at the bar and inviting the others along felt wrong. They were passengers, they should be in the rooms or relaxing in one of the common rooms, preparing for their next adventure on another planet. They shouldn’t be bent over double scrubbing miscellaneous gunk off metal.

In fact, within a few seconds Charlie’s guilt had knotted itself around her heart to a point that the girl was forced to quickly act. Her hands uncurled from their position as she looked from both males in front of her.

“However, you should be told. Cleaning the rails is technically meant to be a punishment. I over stepped a few rules of my own.” Well no I didn’t. I was falsely accused and technically didn’t even get into the fight…with the exception of the barman. “It’s pretty gruelling, but it does guarantee a good few hours of… ‘entertainment’?”

“But if you do fancy skipping, you are also welcome to help prepare dinner later on.” Charlie offered this without thinking, but again she didn’t feel right dragging both DJ and Adrian down to the hanger. Although DJ’s company, as he said himself, would be shiny.

@SleepyBuddha, @Khaz
"Alright. Well, contact me when you can Doctor. You have you hands full here. I'll go exploring a little more. The crew should have my information so again, let me know when you want me back." The avalon gives a nod in the direction of the medical and leaves the med Bay behind. Aeva was truly thankful for the treatment he was given by her. Whether it be because of her gift or because of her medical knowledge, he did feel much better. His left wing burned with the sweet ache of muscular activity. It was just the medicine he needed. He held his wings loosely now, making them appear much bigger than they were previously. If he didn't fold them in tight he could probably take up most of a hallway. Luckily for the winged humanoid, nobody was walking in these particular halls and he could keep them relaxed just fine.

Aeva thought back to the prickly human he had met before. Shin. Val had said that was his name. The creator of the software the ship operated on and probably the ship itself. The man he had battled against in the cyberspace. A dark smirk played on his lips as he remembered how close he had gotten to the core of the ship and all the information he potentially could have found out. As deep as he got, the blueprints he secured were worthwhile as Aeva now could navigate to any part of the ship without any real trouble.

In his musings, Aeva actually stumbled upon the crew member who was just in the sick bay. Charlie, he recalled. The priest was here along with someone he wasn't familiar with. It clicked then that this crew member was in some sort of trouble and had to clean the rails as punishment. Scarlet eyes locked onto the people ahead and he gave a slight incline of his head in the greeting. They were in a much more open area so Aeva relaxed his wings a little further here. "Hello. I heard you got in trouble with the prickly human. Anyway I can help with the.....rails? I think he said? I hope he didn't say that. The rails are....quite grotesque." he said with a playful grin. This girl was a crew member and Aeva didn't want to leave this ship just yet. It was far too interesting to just leave. What better way to continue aboard then to join the crew? What better way to join the crew than to befriend them?

@NovaNovass @SleepyBuddha @Khaz
Adrian nodded in an understanding manner, " I see, if it is a punishment for you then I'm afraid I can't help you do the physical part, but I would be more than happy to come with you and help understand the situation. I haven't heard much being in my room, but I would like to understand and possibly help in that way." Adrian explained not missing a beat. If course he would probably end up helping clean the rails anyway because while it may be a punishment for her it would help him to help the ship and it's crew while on the ship. Adrian turned when he heard a familiar voice behind him. He was surprised to see it was the false angel. Adrian kept silent as Aeva talked and merely waiting to here what Charlie was going to do

@shadowz1995 @Lokipi @Khaz
"Well, nice to meet you Adrian... Cardinal... Father... forgive me I don't know how to refer to you. I haven't met many folk high up in the religious ranks in my travels." He smiled sheepishly at the man. He felt oddly comforted by the hand rested on his shoulder, and DJ was never one to turn down a hug or a pat.

"Are you a passenger on the ship, or are you the Chaplain here?" He asked Adrian curiously. It was true what he had said earlier; on all his ships he had only come across a few men and women of god but he never really interacted with them. DJ was not a particularly religious man, the last time he had practiced was before his father died. His mother stopped going because the recent death had caused her to lose faith, his brother never really cared for it, and DJ was too young to get there and go by himself. By the time he was old enough the thought of going to church never crossed his mind. He promised himself that he would try to talk to Adrian, he had done some things in the past that he found hard to forgive himself for. So if he couldn't forgive himself, maybe God could.

His mind drifted back to the present and laughed as Charlie admitted the real purpose of the manual labour.

"Punishment work is the best kind of work. It usually means that there's a story behind it, and it seems we'll have a lot of time to talk about it." An amused smile spread across his face. The Cardinal, however, could not help due to religious reasons.

"Your company would be greatly appreciated," He looked over at Charlie, "not that I don't not want to spend time alone with you. It's just now we can play games." DJ winked and shot the girl a thumbs up.

Just then another figure wandered down the hallway the trio was in. He had wings, very large wings, and seemed to be offering his help with the rails.

"Well now it's a party!" He outstretched his hand for a handshake to the newcomer, "I'm DJ, nice to met you." The greeting came with ease. It was second nature to him to introduce himself to others. He barely even noticed he did it anymore it was merely a habit, although it was always sincere.

"At this rate we'll be done in no time at all."

@Lokipi @shadowz1995 @SleepyBuddha
NovaNovass said:
Val looked to Charlie with great sympathy. She wished the lead rider had taken her words more seriously about resting. Bruised ribs didn't seem like much, but she was one of their fighters. And if a fighter wasn't in top condition... Not to mention the Gallion's lead rider, then they might have a problem if they ever got attacked.
Val went over to her medical cabinet and pulled out a bottle. She opened it up and placed two pills onto the lid. Walking back over to Charlie she held out the cap and pills. Val looked a bit upset over the situation. "Take these." She offered the pills to Charlie. "If you start to feel drowsy or feel like the pain is coming back... Come and see me to get more."

Val went to place the bottle back into the cabinet when a new face emerged into her medical bay. The man announced his presence and his name. Dj, struck her as a bit interesting, but not so much like Avea. She smiled to the other, "Is there anything we can do for you Mr. Dj?" Val asked.

Val's eyes scanned her med bay. She still had to get Emma in for a full check up to finish getting her logged into the ship's computer and to officially be apart of the crew. She felt a bit over whelmed with all that was going on, but she did feel a bit happy when it came down to actually having something to do. Most of the time, the ship seemed like a ghost town. Not many people on board and other times when they did have passengers, it was never this crazy. Val planned on taking her time with everyone as much as possible.

Meanwhile Shin had made his way back to the docking bay. He needed to finish up with logging in other passengers and also to close the doors to the ship. They had more than enough passengers at this point. Shin was not a fan of having too many. Too many meant that they could take over the ship if they all banned together. He wasn't much of a fighter in any sense, but he wouldn't let the Gallion be taken over so easily either.

Shin paused with a light blink when he noticed the new faces in the docking bay. Again more passengers.... Shin walked past them quickly heading over to the door's panel. Pressing a few buttons the doors began to close and then lock. He felt a little relieved once the doors were closed. But now he had to deal with the passengers.

"Alright..." He breathed. "All those who have yet to pay, or get logged in.." He motioned them towards him. "Lets get this done so we can head out." Shin's eyes and attention went to his tablet. "Have your papers and cash ready.... And if you have any guns or weapons... Hand them over." Shin tapped away at his screen before looking up at those still needing to be logged in.

(If I missed anyone please let me know.)
Lokipi said:
Charlie nodded in return to Emma’s introduction, however, before she could ask what position the new girl was taking, Charlie’s tongue tripped. At the door to the med bay stood DJ, looking sheepishly in at the odd group before flashing the smile Charlie had already began to associate with the man. Waving at him, Charlie raised a single finger before miming, ‘one minute’ whilst her attention was grabbed by the doctor.
Val had the same worried and disapproving look which Charlie has admittedly grown to expect. It should be stated now, that this expectancy was not due to Charlie simply not respecting her crew mate’s opinions, but rather the exact opposite. The girl cared, and the thought of leaving her crew mates to pick up the slack she left when she managed to injure herself… well Charlie couldn’t bare it. Plus making people worry over her? Not a chance. Better to smile and wave then sulk and brood. Although Charlie also liked to keep an eye on things. Shin took on so much that Charlie always tried to help lessen the burden. As to whether Shun noticed these things, well that was a different matter. Difficult to tell while scrubbing the rails anyway.

Hanging her head in response, Charlie took the pills from Val with a nod, swallowing the tablets with one quick gulp.

“Cheers, Val.” Charlie said, making sure to keep her tone gentle as to reassure the doctor that she really was listening to her instructions. “You’ll probably hear from me just before dinner is ready.”

This came with a slight sigh, before the girl stood and the happy demur returned to her features.

“Right. I have rails to clean.” She beamed, nodding to each person. First to the new girl, Emma, then to the angle man, Val and Jack. Charlie finished this little gesture when her gaze came to rest on DJ.

“I’ll take this one off your hands, Val.” Charlie offered as she crossed to the door way, shaking her head at DJ. “You only had three rules to follow and you’ve already broken the second.” Charlie began as she eyed DJ, sweeping her gaze up and down before shrugging with a laugh. “You’ll fit in nicely… but don’t tell Ross I said that.”

Squeezing by the man, Charlie waved back at Val and the others, before stepping out of view.

“Although we’ll have to work on your navigation skills a little.” She stated as nudged the man with her elbow... although technically DJ getting lost was more Charlie’s fault than his. But that was ignored for the time being, she would apologise in a bit for her poor hostess skills.

“So what’s with the bedroom break? Bored? As I mean I could totally put you to work if you are really itching for something to do. ” This last bit was said with a chuckle and was not at all meant seriously, but then again, the rails were a real pain to clean and an extra set if hands would be nice to have.

Jack on the other hand, had remained silent as Val gave Charlie her pills and the girl got on her way. Watching her go with only a tiny wave, the man gave an internal sigh, before flicking his attention back to the doctor, who was now serving the group with a daunted expression.

Recognising this was his chance to make himself useful, and eager to earn the trust he so badly needed for this trip, Jack stepped forward. Clasping his hands together, Jack nodded to the remaining group.

“So, what’s the next course of action, Doctor?” he began, as he nodded to Emma. “Would you like me to begin the examination?”

@NovaNovass, @Khaz,

Emma once again remained silent as everyone spoke, came, and went. She had far to much on her mind right now to pay to much attention to anything. Most of the thoughts being what the exam would uncover. She knew she wasn't exactly a normal human, but she wasn't sure how so. She knew she could lift way to much and run way to fast to be classified as a human. Not only that, she could heal abnormally fast. Would they find out why? Or just find out her abilities and call her a freak or something? Or even worse, experiment horribly on her.

She was becoming increasingly nervous as she thought it over. She debated bolting out of the door and off of the ship, but decided against it. She needed this, to be a part of the crew. It was the only way she could be safe, the only way she could feel safe. She had to trust these people not to do anything harmful to her. They were her fellow crew, after all. These people were meant to help her and her them, not hurt her.

When Jack asked about starting the examinatiom she snapped out of her thoughts, blinking slowly and looking between Val and him somewhat confused. "
Umm. I'm ready whenever you guys are." She replied, somewhat nervously. "Just tell me what you want me to do." She added.
Just like that, in DJ owns words, Charlie had assembled a party. Of course this had never been the plan but was rather a happy turn of events. Turning to greet Ava and resisting her urge to ask hundred and one questions about his wings, Charlie finally shook her head.

“Alrightly then.” The rider offered as she clasped her hands together. Shin wanted the rails cleaned, and that was exactly what he was going to get, through the power of friendship, which Charlie was fairly certain was Shin’s kryptonite equivalent.

“Lets get this adventure under way, I guess. Cardinal, you’re company would still be a pleasure. “ She confirmed before glancing back at Avae, who DJ was introducing himself to. For a second she marvelled again at Aeva’s wings as well as DJ ease with introductions, before with her own hand thrust out she offered her own name.

“The more the merrier as far as I am concerned. But if the captain asks, you all came willingly.” Returning Aeva’s wink. “I’m Charlie, lead rider.” This statement came with a flourishing flick of the wrist, as the girl gave a shallow bow towards the new comer, before she took a step back and turned on her kneels. She knew that Aeva would reply with his own name, but it was something that could be relayed as they walked towards their destination. Standing in the corridor was all well and good, but it achieved very little and the rails needed seeing too. The sooner that was done, the sooner she could move onto dinner, as well as her pet project.

Furthermore, Charlie first had to call in Raven. As much as she wanted to shield her friend from the horrific work of scrubbing, Shin would know if Charlie had let her off and would only force her to do something even more gruelling in return. So this way, even though Charlie was being cruel, she was doing it to be kind.

Reaching up to her ear, where the coms piece still remained, Charlie pressed, the familiar sound of the channels opening up with the faint buzz of static.

“Hey Raven, you there?” Charlie began, her voice a little more hesitant than usual. “Someone squealed on you. Ran into Shin, he knows we’ve not been doing work. Got to report to clean the rails now. ” Her voice trailed off here, waiting for the reply. After all, they had been back in the ship for a while, so Charlie wasn’t sure if her fellow rider also kept her comm on her. Especially if she wasn’t in the mood to talk. If not though, Charlie had a pretty good idea as to where to find Raven.

She would be in the coolest place in the ships, right where Charlie ought to be, with their bikes.

@Khaz, @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @NovaNovass
Adrian smiled when he heard his company would still be appreciated, " Then let's start our merry party by heading down to the rails. The sooner those are clean the sooner we can all simply enjoy one another's company." Adrian followed the others down to the rails. Though he fully intended to help with the rails he would do so ' on his own' rather than help Charlie who was supposed to be punished. Adrian would stay silent as they made their way to the rails. He preferred to silently listen to others and then comment on the subject rather than start up conversations.

@Khaz @shadowz1995 @NovaNovass @Lokipi

(Sorry for short post at work)
Sarah sat and read, listening to her father's breathing. It wasn't long before it slowed and deepened, turning into the occasional light snore. She carefully marked her page and closed her book. Keeping her eyes on Isaac she lowered herself from the beD and tiptoed to the door, which she opened quietly. She loved to explore and this big ship was just asking for it. And her dad should be asleep for at least a coup hours. So no harm done. Right?

She made her way down the other direction in the hallway than they had come, deeper into the Gallion. She heard voices from a group of people ahead and cut down another corridor. She had been on plenty of ships, large and small, but this one definitely felt special. Older. Way cool.

Not hearing anyone, she strolled down the hall, stopping now and again to examine devices that no longer seemed to be doing anything or trying to peek through windows higher up on some doors.
Shin blinked as the cyborg handed over all that was needed for passage. Taking the info and the money first, Shin looked over the papers before shoving the money away. As he looked over the papers he wrote on Braxtes' weapons with his electric pen before placing those away in a bin to be taken away to the armory. His eyes drifted back over to Brax when he asked if the ship was looking for a mechanic. At first Shin would just say no to the man in a somewhat calm demeanor but Brax's last words poked at him.

Shin handed back the papers roughly to Brax. For a long time the Gallion had sat on an unknown lost planet with no attention towards it what so ever. Once he found it he did something he thought he would never do. Shin not only worked on the ship day and night, but he really put his own blood, sweat and tears into the Gallion. It was indeed his Gal. On top of it all.... The Gallion may look like a mess to others... A wandering eye or such, but he had yet to come across anyone who could honestly pin point what the navigator was truly doing with the ship. Even Ross had no idea.

"Your skill?" Shin looked to the other as if Brax's words were more than just insults to his work. The ship inner lining of motor parts and wires were nothing more than a mess to those around him. Any where you look there were parts clearly in the wrong place...... But somehow the ship was seemed to be doing well when it came to flying and other such operations. "When I die..... You can apply for a mechanic's spot on this ship." Shin said roughly.

Val turned to Jack and Emma after all the others had left. Her once loud med bay, was once again quiet in some way. She turned to Emma mostly and smiled to the young woman. "It shouldn't take long." She nodded to the other. "I'll start off with taking a few samples of blood." Val moved over to her work table and pulled out the new tools she would need. She then removed a tablet from her computer station and handed it off to Emma. "If you can fill out your information and answer the questions honestly." A simple bit of paper work followed by a quick body scan. The scan was the easy part. All she had to do was touch Emma and she could tell if the girl was in top shape and condition.

Val walked over with the needle and small viles. She was quick to get the blood samples and while doing so she would do her scan. She was actually shocked a little at the girl's condition. Nothing what so ever wrong with her... But she noticed a few things that intrigued her senses.

It was like Emma had some kind of enhancements in her system. She couldn't be sure just by the scan, but with the blood samples she was taking.... She would be able to dig a bit to see what was going on with the girl.

Once done with the blood samples she took them over to another station where she placed them down for now. She would wait until Emma was done with the paper work before doing anything further.

Raven had been flustering away at her bike parts when she heard a voice come across her com that was still on the table. After the small run in with the passenger, she could still feel her blood boiling. She picked up the com at the sound of Charlie's voice. She grumbled a bit when she heard that someone told on her... And about them not taking care of their ship/Shin duties.

With a deep huff of air she responded back. "I hear ya." She placed down her tools before looking about at the mess before her. "I'll meet you at the rails in a few.... I at least have to clean up some of the mess I just made.... I really don't want Shin to nag about something else besides his ego." With that Raven turned her com off. She took her time a bit with her cleaning up her tools and bike parts. It was a good thing they had more than one bike for each rider. If she left her bike like this..... And they got attacked.... Yeah she would be leaving the ship and crew in the dark.

After a few minutes she was done and was already making her way to the rails Shin so desperately wanted clean. Rails on the Gallion were much larger that other rails on smaller ships. The rails in question were large metal poles placed on the ground in the main docking bays. They were meant to switch out motors or larger (Very Large) pieces of equipment.

At the looks of it, Charlie had yet to show up. Raven didn't even know that the lead rider was bringing some friends either.

Normally the rails would be silver and shining, but these ones were almost black and covered with old oil. Scrapping and polishing were the only keys to this project. She let her shoulders drop.... The rails seemed to go on for miles. Almost covering half of the ship's length.

Raven moved herself over to some storage areas where they kept most of the tools and other supplies for the large bay. There she found a few scrapping tools and some polish. She would ignore the polish for now.... Getting the black crusty oil off was the main objective.
Devon peered into the emptiness of space. Stars, planets, gas clouds, asteroids, to him it was all the same empty. His continence held no expression leaving it anyone's guess as to what was running through his mind. Boarding yet again another ship headed for the inner planets of some

over-exaggerated freighter called the "Galley", or "Gellier" something of the sort. looking at the ship it was very apparent that there was little more then a skeleton crew running the husk. It's Numerous dim lights and degraded exterior giving it away. All things considered in the past Devon would have been busy watching and waiting making up the perfect plan to take the ship for himself. A detailed plot of skill and cunning maybe add some suspense in the mix so that he could have some fun with the crew. A smile grew on his face as he reminisced about his "Good'ol Days". He looked down to his side reaching for his bag taking out a small blade he slipped it into his side holster and threw the rest of his bag onto his shoulder. He looked at the docking master and handed the young man the papers for passage.
NovaNovass said:
Shin blinked as the cyborg handed over all that was needed for passage. Taking the info and the money first, Shin looked over the papers before shoving the money away. As he looked over the papers he wrote on Braxtes' weapons with his electric pen before placing those away in a bin to be taken away to the armory. His eyes drifted back over to Brax when he asked if the ship was looking for a mechanic. At first Shin would just say no to the man in a somewhat calm demeanor but Brax's last words poked at him.
Shin handed back the papers roughly to Brax. For a long time the Gallion had sat on an unknown lost planet with no attention towards it what so ever. Once he found it he did something he thought he would never do. Shin not only worked on the ship day and night, but he really put his own blood, sweat and tears into the Gallion. It was indeed his Gal. On top of it all.... The Gallion may look like a mess to others... A wandering eye or such, but he had yet to come across anyone who could honestly pin point what the navigator was truly doing with the ship. Even Ross had no idea.

"Your skill?" Shin looked to the other as if Brax's words were more than just insults to his work. The ship inner lining of motor parts and wires were nothing more than a mess to those around him. Any where you look there were parts clearly in the wrong place...... But somehow the ship was seemed to be doing well when it came to flying and other such operations. "When I die..... You can apply for a mechanic's spot on this ship." Shin said roughly.

Val turned to Jack and Emma after all the others had left. Her once loud med bay, was once again quiet in some way. She turned to Emma mostly and smiled to the young woman. "It shouldn't take long." She nodded to the other. "I'll start off with taking a few samples of blood." Val moved over to her work table and pulled out the new tools she would need. She then removed a tablet from her computer station and handed it off to Emma. "If you can fill out your information and answer the questions honestly." A simple bit of paper work followed by a quick body scan. The scan was the easy part. All she had to do was touch Emma and she could tell if the girl was in top shape and condition.

Val walked over with the needle and small viles. She was quick to get the blood samples and while doing so she would do her scan. She was actually shocked a little at the girl's condition. Nothing what so ever wrong with her... But she noticed a few things that intrigued her senses.

It was like Emma had some kind of enhancements in her system. She couldn't be sure just by the scan, but with the blood samples she was taking.... She would be able to dig a bit to see what was going on with the girl.

Once done with the blood samples she took them over to another station where she placed them down for now. She would wait until Emma was done with the paper work before doing anything further.

Raven had been flustering away at her bike parts when she heard a voice come across her com that was still on the table. After the small run in with the passenger, she could still feel her blood boiling. She picked up the com at the sound of Charlie's voice. She grumbled a bit when she heard that someone told on her... And about them not taking care of their ship/Shin duties.

With a deep huff of air she responded back. "I hear ya." She placed down her tools before looking about at the mess before her. "I'll meet you at the rails in a few.... I at least have to clean up some of the mess I just made.... I really don't want Shin to nag about something else besides his ego." With that Raven turned her com off. She took her time a bit with her cleaning up her tools and bike parts. It was a good thing they had more than one bike for each rider. If she left her bike like this..... And they got attacked.... Yeah she would be leaving the ship and crew in the dark.

After a few minutes she was done and was already making her way to the rails Shin so desperately wanted clean. Rails on the Gallion were much larger that other rails on smaller ships. The rails in question were large metal poles placed on the ground in the main docking bays. They were meant to switch out motors or larger (Very Large) pieces of equipment.

At the looks of it, Charlie had yet to show up. Raven didn't even know that the lead rider was bringing some friends either.

Normally the rails would be silver and shining, but these ones were almost black and covered with old oil. Scrapping and polishing were the only keys to this project. She let her shoulders drop.... The rails seemed to go on for miles. Almost covering half of the ship's length.

Raven moved herself over to some storage areas where they kept most of the tools and other supplies for the large bay. There she found a few scrapping tools and some polish. She would ignore the polish for now.... Getting the black crusty oil off was the main objective.
Braxtes paid no attention to the newcomer, worried only about getting to a room and not having to worry about others. "Hmm, I seem to have offended you. My bad. I meant no offense by it." Said Braxtes, not really worried or affected by what the man had said. He boarded the Gallion to see beyond his home, to know of how vast the Verse was and remember that for the rest of his life while hopefully not having to go back to Dreojedin until his dying days. The last line he said led Braxtes to presume he were the current mechanic on the vessel but the way he said it led him to think more of it. Perhaps there was a reason the ship was so...different. Braxtes had seen worse ships and by far the Gallion appeared alright, beside the few flaws it had, and he longed to see how it worked. Maybe that was the reason he said what he said? He worked vigorously to try and make this ship the way it was and doesn't want to see its maintenance and repairs go into the hands of another? He hadn't the slightest clue why or how he had come up with that thought or why he was even thinking anything of what the man said but for now he would keep his thoughts in his head and be careful not to offend one of the crew members again so early in the journey.

"I must say I'm interested to see how a ship of this model works. One last question before I take my leave then: Where might my room be?" Asked Braxtes, trying not to be rude or anything of that sort, he wasn't looking to tick off one of the crew members. He asked and got an answer, now he just wanted to relax and not have to worry about working for a long while. The things he could do while on this trip, it made him actually relieved to not have to worry about working in a hot hanger or shipyard and just sit back and read or write, maybe study some things. The possibilities were vast just like he had hoped the Verse would be like.

DeeDiebS said:
Devon peered into the emptiness of space. Stars, planets, gas clouds, asteroids, to him it was all the same empty. His continence held no expression leaving it anyone's guess as to what was running through his mind. Boarding yet again another ship headed for the inner planets of some
over-exaggerated freighter called the "Galley", or "Gellier" something of the sort. looking at the ship it was very apparent that there was little more then a skeleton crew running the husk. It's Numerous dim lights and degraded exterior giving it away. All things considered in the past Devon would have been busy watching and waiting making up the perfect plan to take the ship for himself. A detailed plot of skill and cunning maybe add some suspense in the mix so that he could have some fun with the crew. A smile grew on his face as he reminisced about his "Good'ol Days". He looked down to his side reaching for his bag taking out a small blade he slipped it into his side holster and threw the rest of his bag onto his shoulder. He looked at the docking master and handed the young man the papers for passage.
(Had some extra time. lol)

Shin still had some or most of his attention on Brax when Devon made his way over handing him his papers. Shin merely narrowed his eyes a little at Brax before pointing towards the passenger area. "Room thirteen." He uttered before giving Devon his full attention. Shin's eyes ran over the paperwork quickly as he held out his hand for the payment for the trip. "All weapons will be held in the armory for the duration of your stay...." Shin slowly looked up over to Devon. His paperwork was all in order... But something about the man made his thoughts run differently.

Shin wasn't the best when it came to judging others. In fact sometimes he could hit the nail on the head, while other times it was just his personality that made others act out in the wrong manor. Shin handed back the papers and got his electric pen ready to write on the weapons. "The medic bay, passenger quarters, passenger common areas and kitchen are open to travelers... The rest of the ship will be off limits." This was coming from the navigator that had already witnessed a lot of these rules broken.

Shin hated how rebellious people got when on the Gallion. The ship was the crew's home..... So passengers who wandered were taken as invaders to their home.

His eyes slowly drifted back just in time to see Brax disappear down the passenger's hallway. He didn't seem like too much trouble, but when one has questions, hey sometimes go looking for answers. Shin was determined to try and keep those answers a secret to those not part of the crew... And then some.
Khaz said:
"Well, nice to meet you Adrian... Cardinal... Father... forgive me I don't know how to refer to you. I haven't met many folk high up in the religious ranks in my travels." He smiled sheepishly at the man. He felt oddly comforted by the hand rested on his shoulder, and DJ was never one to turn down a hug or a pat.
"Are you a passenger on the ship, or are you the Chaplain here?" He asked Adrian curiously. It was true what he had said earlier; on all his ships he had only come across a few men and women of god but he never really interacted with them. DJ was not a particularly religious man, the last time he had practiced was before his father died. His mother stopped going because the recent death had caused her to lose faith, his brother never really cared for it, and DJ was too young to get there and go by himself. By the time he was old enough the thought of going to church never crossed his mind. He promised himself that he would try to talk to Adrian, he had done some things in the past that he found hard to forgive himself for. So if he couldn't forgive himself, maybe God could.

His mind drifted back to the present and laughed as Charlie admitted the real purpose of the manual labour.

"Punishment work is the best kind of work. It usually means that there's a story behind it, and it seems we'll have a lot of time to talk about it." An amused smile spread across his face. The Cardinal, however, could not help due to religious reasons.

"Your company would be greatly appreciated," He looked over at Charlie, "not that I don't not want to spend time alone with you. It's just now we can play games." DJ winked and shot the girl a thumbs up.

Just then another figure wandered down the hallway the trio was in. He had wings, very large wings, and seemed to be offering his help with the rails.

"Well now it's a party!" He outstretched his hand for a handshake to the newcomer, "I'm DJ, nice to met you." The greeting came with ease. It was second nature to him to introduce himself to others. He barely even noticed he did it anymore it was merely a habit, although it was always sincere.

"At this rate we'll be done in no time at all."

@Lokipi @shadowz1995 @SleepyBuddha
Lokipi said:
Just like that, in DJ owns words, Charlie had assembled a party. Of course this had never been the plan but was rather a happy turn of events. Turning to greet Ava and resisting her urge to ask hundred and one questions about his wings, Charlie finally shook her head.
“Alrightly then.” The rider offered as she clasped her hands together. Shin wanted the rails cleaned, and that was exactly what he was going to get, through the power of friendship, which Charlie was fairly certain was Shin’s kryptonite equivalent.

“Lets get this adventure under way, I guess. Cardinal, you’re company would still be a pleasure. “ She confirmed before glancing back at Avae, who DJ was introducing himself to. For a second she marvelled again at Aeva’s wings as well as DJ ease with introductions, before with her own hand thrust out she offered her own name.

“The more the merrier as far as I am concerned. But if the captain asks, you all came willingly.” Returning Aeva’s wink. “I’m Charlie, lead rider.” This statement came with a flourishing flick of the wrist, as the girl gave a shallow bow towards the new comer, before she took a step back and turned on her kneels. She knew that Aeva would reply with his own name, but it was something that could be relayed as they walked towards their destination. Standing in the corridor was all well and good, but it achieved very little and the rails needed seeing too. The sooner that was done, the sooner she could move onto dinner, as well as her pet project.

Furthermore, Charlie first had to call in Raven. As much as she wanted to shield her friend from the horrific work of scrubbing, Shin would know if Charlie had let her off and would only force her to do something even more gruelling in return. So this way, even though Charlie was being cruel, she was doing it to be kind.

Reaching up to her ear, where the coms piece still remained, Charlie pressed, the familiar sound of the channels opening up with the faint buzz of static.

“Hey Raven, you there?” Charlie began, her voice a little more hesitant than usual. “Someone squealed on you. Ran into Shin, he knows we’ve not been doing work. Got to report to clean the rails now. ” Her voice trailed off here, waiting for the reply. After all, they had been back in the ship for a while, so Charlie wasn’t sure if her fellow rider also kept her comm on her. Especially if she wasn’t in the mood to talk. If not though, Charlie had a pretty good idea as to where to find Raven.

She would be in the coolest place in the ships, right where Charlie ought to be, with their bikes.

@Khaz, @SleepyBuddha, @shadowz1995, @NovaNovass
SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian smiled when he heard his company would still be appreciated, " Then let's start our merry party by heading down to the rails. The sooner those are clean the sooner we can all simply enjoy one another's company." Adrian followed the others down to the rails. Though he fully intended to help with the rails he would do so ' on his own' rather than help Charlie who was supposed to be punished. Adrian would stay silent as they made their way to the rails. He preferred to silently listen to others and then comment on the subject rather than start up conversations.
@Khaz @shadowz1995 @NovaNovass @Lokipi

(Sorry for short post at work)
"Aeva. I'm just a passenger and the only Avalon for the next few light years I think." The large man said with a pleasant smile. He said it once to DJ, as he called himself, and once to Charlie. It was a human formality that the alien was used to but it still didn't change the fact he found it slightly strange. The whole concept of shaking hands was strange to him but nonetheless, he engaged in the human greeting ceremony. His sharp, scarlet eyes scanned each individual several times and he dedicated nearly every detail to his memory in mere seconds. To others, it would look like he was checking their person for a moment before returning to hold their eyes once again.

The avalon bowed his head as Charlie turned and began to lead them down to the hangar where the rails were supposedly located. He recalled the blueprints he had been memorizing and subconsciously walked up to Charlie's flank. He kept in stride with her, as if he also knew where they were headed, seemingly leading the group as well. Aeva had actually been excited because this was another opportunity to use his wings and work them out again. He mused to himself if using the too often after they had only recently recovered was a bad thing.
Captain's Log

The Book of Ross

Ross found herself wandering along the empty corridors and hallways of the Gallion. The echo of her boots touching metal was the only sound gracing her ears. She had already sent off the Remington brothers off to the med bay to get their exams and to be logged into the ship and part of her crew.

She found it a bit odd that she had so easily hired four people today. The thoughts on how to pay them when the time came were a mystery. She would need to find more work that paid better than the last few jobs they have had over the past few years. All the ones that did pay well were from the Union or from the Inner or Core planets.

Ross would try to not let this get her down. They needed the man power on the Gallion. Shin couldn't do all the work by himself like he had been. She should have hired more people a long time ago. But for some reason all those coming to her for work.... Just rubbed her the wrong way. She didn't feel like she could trust them.... Not like how she trusts her crew now.

Ross was making her way to the bridge when she stopped. A room off to her right with a grand entrance of double doors. The doors looked old and well decorated. She could recall the first time Shin introduced her to this room, but she had yet to truly enter it and use it for it's deemed purpose.

"Captain's Office"

The sign so boldly stated.

Ross let her eyes trail over the metal detail. Detail she found useless for a door.

Ross stepped over to the doors and placed both hands on either handles. With a smooth motion she pushed the handles down and let the doors swing freely till the room was open to her. The old and dusty air quickly escaped rushing past her and into the still empty hallway.

The room's features stuck one just like the doors, but held a much grander feel. The silver, gold and red color steel and metal littered to every corner. Book shelves lined the walls except for the back wall where a large grand window took place.

The floor was covered with a red and gold carpet and in the center of the room sat a grand wooden desk. Upon it held writing utensils of old. A feathered quill and a small vile of black ink. Both sat neatly next to a large unused book.

Ross walked over to the desk. The carpet almost silencing her foot steps. She moved around the desk and stopped next to the large old chair. It's colors and stature matched the surrounding room. A hand lined the words on the book now directly in front of her.

"Captain's Log"

Ross was at a loss for words and thought for a moment, but only one before memories of her past and her current crew flooded her mind.

She let out a soft breath before taking her seat in the chair. Her motions became quick as she opened the book to it's first blank page and reached out to settled the quill and ink in hand. Just before the tip of the quill touched paper...... She paused. Her world became slow as the words she wished to write would not transfer to the paper.

Once more she let herself breath before starting what she should have started so many years ago............

Log 1

I was born into this world only to experience the darker side of things. The life I was given, to the path I must walk.... At the time was only full of broken souls. Those around me held dark secrets, most of them taken to the graves of the Black.

I too hold secrets,

of my own,

And of others.

My first true lessons in life were how to keep those secrets.... With a blade.... A gun.... Or even with a life. Our hearts dark and cold like the world we freely set sail into.

It's been a long time since I have visited that past. Even longer since I have once written down my thoughts. But I am now Captain of my own ship.... With a crew I hold dear to my dark and cold heart.

They have yet to know or understand the world I have come from. Over the past five years since I embarked on this new chapter of my life, I have come across a Family I do not deserve.

My First Mate has been been with me the longest. Dax is the kind of man who would do anything for his Captain and friend. He shows signs of loyalty and maybe even misfortune in his past. And yet he is still by my side... Stronger than I have ever seen him be.

He takes pride in the Gallion and with the crew. Acting like the older brother, and reaching out to those that are in need of his help. But he has spent more time with myself then the crew in the past few months. I am struggling with life and the worries of loosing my ship and crew. A man, I in turn, would die for....... So why do I feel like I will one day bring him to his fall?

A Navigator with secrets and a bitter attitude.

When I found the Gallion I had also found the one person who could make her sea worthy. It's as if the Gallion is his life and his reason for living. Day and night he works, making a 200 men job look easy from an outsiders perspective. At times he runs himself to the core and still continues as if nothing is bothering him.

I get a feeling like it's not just the Gallion that plays in his mind... But the secrets he holds could be similar to mine. Ones he too would take to the long black that awaits us. I wonder if he understands that he is valued more than the Gallion itself?

On a ship this large a Rider is needed. I have acquired three as it stands. Charlie, my Lead Rider, Raven comes second.... And another I had just hired onto my ship this very day.... Her name is Emma.

I feel the three will be good for one another. Creating a sisterhood I once had back in my younger years.

Charlie is a grown woman but yet still acts childish from time to time. She struggles with a fear of growing up. Her innocents is a greater key to life. She thinks of others before herself and keeps a very high up beat energy..... Something this ship needed many of times.

I only hope to help her keep that innocents... But still help her see the young woman she has become. Respect and admiration come to mind when I see her face. Strong and independent when the time calls for such.

She has the gift of leadership.... But still does not know how to use such a gift.

Raven is much different than Charlie. She is more of a loner when it comes down to it. She is indeed strong... But she lacks judgement to those above her. She could be a leader but her selfishness clouds her.

She does care though. She loves Charlie like a sister and feels need to push the young Rider to be some kind of idol. It sometimes makes me chuckle at what idol they look up to. A ghost from Edison.... All riders I have meet seem to look up to this recent ghost of talent....... When will both Charlie and Raven see that they can become better than that ghost?

Emma... I have yet to know her. She is somewhat quiet, but I have denied her access to open up to me yet. She seems willing to become part of this family. I'm not sure why as of yet, but I will try to keep an open mind.

But with our first meeting.... I have a great feeling that she will very much find a place here on the Gallion. I hope my skills as a Captain can match what she needs to excel in life.

Val came to us in the dead of night... She has saved us from the fatalities of space and fight. Her calm energy keeps the ship together. She has just hired on an assistant.... Not sure why, but she seems to be lacking a friend to talk to at times. Most of the crew goes to her when they need medical treatment... Or even a shoulder to cry on. I would call her the heart of the ship if I gave her another title besides lead medic.

Her new found 'Jack'.... I will keep an eye on him. Something seems off about the wandering doctor. His eyes scan just about everything as if looking for something for his own gain. If I must.... I will take action if he harms my crew.....

Lastly comes the Remington brothers... Newly hired guns to help protect my crew. They already show that they are close to one another. The eldest is their leader who follows orders and keeps his younger siblings in line. They seem like a good fit. Like they would do anything for this ship and crew.... Lets just hope my thoughts are true.

My ship and crew are dear.... A band of misfits that somehow came together in the darkest parts of the black.... And have given the Gallion her life.

Captain Scarlet Ross

Ross dropped the quill next to the book and fell into the back of her chair. Her arms dangled over the arm rests as her eyes locked onto the last few words she had written.

When Shin first showed her this room.... She never thought about using it. Not once did it ever cross her mind that she would need the solitude. But after getting an inch of her thoughts out, she felt a bit at ease. As if anything ever happened to her crew or to her life... One day... Someone could read her words and understand how important her crew's lives were to her and the Gallion.

All of them were important.... And all of them need to have a history placed down on the pages of the empty books that lined the room.

At that moment Ross understood why a Captain kept their logs. Out of all the members of ones crew... A Captain was the only one who could not just speak her thoughts. She had to keep a lot to herself to ensure her crew and ship's safety. But above all.... She had to keep tabs on her crew's life..... For one day... they could be gone... And what was to be left behind.... Blank pages... Or life?....... Like the life they brought to the Gallion?

(Got inspired to write this before work. I will do more Captain's Logs as the story goes on. Ross will express her thoughts about the crew and even the passengers at times. I thought it would be something interesting for the rp.)
NovaNovass said:
Captain's Log
The Book of Ross

Ross found herself wandering along the empty corridors and hallways of the Gallion. The echo of her boots touching metal was the only sound gracing her ears. She had already sent off the Remington brothers off to the med bay to get their exams and to be logged into the ship and part of her crew.

She found it a bit odd that she had so easily hired four people today. The thoughts on how to pay them when the time came were a mystery. She would need to find more work that paid better than the last few jobs they have had over the past few years. All the ones that did pay well were from the Union or from the Inner or Core planets.

Ross would try to not let this get her down. They needed the man power on the Gallion. Shin couldn't do all the work by himself like he had been. She should have hired more people a long time ago. But for some reason all those coming to her for work.... Just rubbed her the wrong way. She didn't feel like she could trust them.... Not like how she trusts her crew now.

Ross was making her way to the bridge when she stopped. A room off to her right with a grand entrance of double doors. The doors looked old and well decorated. She could recall the first time Shin introduced her to this room, but she had yet to truly enter it and use it for it's deemed purpose.

"Captain's Office"

The sign so boldly stated.

Ross let her eyes trail over the metal detail. Detail she found useless for a door.

Ross stepped over to the doors and placed both hands on either handles. With a smooth motion she pushed the handles down and let the doors swing freely till the room was open to her. The old and dusty air quickly escaped rushing past her and into the still empty hallway.

The room's features stuck one just like the doors, but held a much grander feel. The silver, gold and red color steel and metal littered to every corner. Book shelves lined the walls except for the back wall where a large grand window took place.

The floor was covered with a red and gold carpet and in the center of the room sat a grand wooden desk. Upon it held writing utensils of old. A feathered quill and a small vile of black ink. Both sat neatly next to a large unused book.

Ross walked over to the desk. The carpet almost silencing her foot steps. She moved around the desk and stopped next to the large old chair. It's colors and stature matched the surrounding room. A hand lined the words on the book now directly in front of her.

"Captain's Log"

Ross was at a loss for words and thought for a moment, but only one before memories of her past and her current crew flooded her mind.

She let out a soft breath before taking her seat in the chair. Her motions became quick as she opened the book to it's first blank page and reached out to settled the quill and ink in hand. Just before the tip of the quill touched paper...... She paused. Her world became slow as the words she wished to write would not transfer to the paper.

Once more she let herself breath before starting what she should have started so many years ago............

Log 1

I was born into this world only to experience the darker side of things. The life I was given, to the path I must walk.... At the time was only full of broken souls. Those around me held dark secrets, most of them taken to the graves of the Black.

I too hold secrets,

of my own,

And of others.

My first true lessons in life were how to keep those secrets.... With a blade.... A gun.... Or even with a life. Our hearts dark and cold like the world we freely set sail into.

It's been a long time since I have visited that past. Even longer since I have once written down my thoughts. But I am now Captain of my own ship.... With a crew I hold dear to my dark and cold heart.

They have yet to know or understand the world I have come from. Over the past five years since I embarked on this new chapter of my life, I have come across a Family I do not deserve.

My First Mate has been been with me the longest. Dax is the kind of man who would do anything for his Captain and friend. He shows signs of loyalty and maybe even misfortune in his past. And yet he is still by my side... Stronger than I have ever seen him be.

He takes pride in the Gallion and with the crew. Acting like the older brother, and reaching out to those that are in need of his help. But he has spent more time with myself then the crew in the past few months. I am struggling with life and the worries of loosing my ship and crew. A man, I in turn, would die for....... So why do I feel like I will one day bring him to his fall?

A Navigator with secrets and a bitter attitude.

When I found the Gallion I had also found the one person who could make her sea worthy. It's as if the Gallion is his life and his reason for living. Day and night he works, making a 200 men job look easy from an outsiders perspective. At times he runs himself to the core and still continues as if nothing is bothering him.

I get a feeling like it's not just the Gallion that plays in his mind... But the secrets he holds could be similar to mine. Ones he too would take to the long black that awaits us. I wonder if he understands that he is valued more than the Gallion itself?

On a ship this large a Rider is needed. I have acquired three as it stands. Charlie, my Lead Rider, Raven comes second.... And another I had just hired onto my ship this very day.... Her name is Emma.

I feel the three will be good for one another. Creating a sisterhood I once had back in my younger years.

Charlie is a grown woman but yet still acts childish from time to time. She struggles with a fear of growing up. Her innocents is a greater key to life. She thinks of others before herself and keeps a very high up beat energy..... Something this ship needed many of times.

I only hope to help her keep that innocents... But still help her see the young woman she has become. Respect and admiration come to mind when I see her face. Strong and independent when the time calls for such.

She has the gift of leadership.... But still does not know how to use such a gift.

Raven is much different than Charlie. She is more of a loner when it comes down to it. She is indeed strong... But she lacks judgement to those above her. She could be a leader but her selfishness clouds her.

She does care though. She loves Charlie like a sister and feels need to push the young Rider to be some kind of idol. It sometimes makes me chuckle at what idol they look up to. A ghost from Edison.... All riders I have meet seem to look up to this recent ghost of talent....... When will both Charlie and Raven see that they can become better than that ghost?

Emma... I have yet to know her. She is somewhat quiet, but I have denied her access to open up to me yet. She seems willing to become part of this family. I'm not sure why as of yet, but I will try to keep an open mind.

But with our first meeting.... I have a great feeling that she will very much find a place here on the Gallion. I hope my skills as a Captain can match what she needs to excel in life.

Val came to us in the dead of night... She has saved us from the fatalities of space and fight. Her calm energy keeps the ship together. She has just hired on an assistant.... Not sure why, but she seems to be lacking a friend to talk to at times. Most of the crew goes to her when they need medical treatment... Or even a shoulder to cry on. I would call her the heart of the ship if I gave her another title besides lead medic.

Her new found 'Jack'.... I will keep an eye on him. Something seems off about the wandering doctor. His eyes scan just about everything as if looking for something for his own gain. If I must.... I will take action if he harms my crew.....

Lastly comes the Remington brothers... Newly hired guns to help protect my crew. They already show that they are close to one another. The eldest is their leader who follows orders and keeps his younger siblings in line. They seem like a good fit. Like they would do anything for this ship and crew.... Lets just hope my thoughts are true.

My ship and crew are dear.... A band of misfits that somehow came together in the darkest parts of the black.... And have given the Gallion her life.

Captain Scarlet Ross

Ross dropped the quill next to the book and fell into the back of her chair. Her arms dangled over the arm rests as her eyes locked onto the last few words she had written.

When Shin first showed her this room.... She never thought about using it. Not once did it ever cross her mind that she would need the solitude. But after getting an inch of her thoughts out, she felt a bit at ease. As if anything ever happened to her crew or to her life... One day... Someone could read her words and understand how important her crew's lives were to her and the Gallion.

All of them were important.... And all of them need to have a history placed down on the pages of the empty books that lined the room.

At that moment Ross understood why a Captain kept their logs. Out of all the members of ones crew... A Captain was the only one who could not just speak her thoughts. She had to keep a lot to herself to ensure her crew and ship's safety. But above all.... She had to keep tabs on her crew's life..... For one day... they could be gone... And what was to be left behind.... Blank pages... Or life?....... Like the life they brought to the Gallion?

(Got inspired to write this before work. I will do more Captain's Logs as the story goes on. Ross will express her thoughts about the crew and even the passengers at times. I thought it would be something interesting for the rp.)
(it adds depth and flavor. so yes I personally would love to see more of it)
NovaNovass said:
Shin blinked as the cyborg handed over all that was needed for passage. Taking the info and the money first, Shin looked over the papers before shoving the money away. As he looked over the papers he wrote on Braxtes' weapons with his electric pen before placing those away in a bin to be taken away to the armory. His eyes drifted back over to Brax when he asked if the ship was looking for a mechanic. At first Shin would just say no to the man in a somewhat calm demeanor but Brax's last words poked at him.
Shin handed back the papers roughly to Brax. For a long time the Gallion had sat on an unknown lost planet with no attention towards it what so ever. Once he found it he did something he thought he would never do. Shin not only worked on the ship day and night, but he really put his own blood, sweat and tears into the Gallion. It was indeed his Gal. On top of it all.... The Gallion may look like a mess to others... A wandering eye or such, but he had yet to come across anyone who could honestly pin point what the navigator was truly doing with the ship. Even Ross had no idea.

"Your skill?" Shin looked to the other as if Brax's words were more than just insults to his work. The ship inner lining of motor parts and wires were nothing more than a mess to those around him. Any where you look there were parts clearly in the wrong place...... But somehow the ship was seemed to be doing well when it came to flying and other such operations. "When I die..... You can apply for a mechanic's spot on this ship." Shin said roughly.

Val turned to Jack and Emma after all the others had left. Her once loud med bay, was once again quiet in some way. She turned to Emma mostly and smiled to the young woman. "It shouldn't take long." She nodded to the other. "I'll start off with taking a few samples of blood." Val moved over to her work table and pulled out the new tools she would need. She then removed a tablet from her computer station and handed it off to Emma. "If you can fill out your information and answer the questions honestly." A simple bit of paper work followed by a quick body scan. The scan was the easy part. All she had to do was touch Emma and she could tell if the girl was in top shape and condition.

Val walked over with the needle and small viles. She was quick to get the blood samples and while doing so she would do her scan. She was actually shocked a little at the girl's condition. Nothing what so ever wrong with her... But she noticed a few things that intrigued her senses.

It was like Emma had some kind of enhancements in her system. She couldn't be sure just by the scan, but with the blood samples she was taking.... She would be able to dig a bit to see what was going on with the girl.

Once done with the blood samples she took them over to another station where she placed them down for now. She would wait until Emma was done with the paper work before doing anything further.

Raven had been flustering away at her bike parts when she heard a voice come across her com that was still on the table. After the small run in with the passenger, she could still feel her blood boiling. She picked up the com at the sound of Charlie's voice. She grumbled a bit when she heard that someone told on her... And about them not taking care of their ship/Shin duties.

With a deep huff of air she responded back. "I hear ya." She placed down her tools before looking about at the mess before her. "I'll meet you at the rails in a few.... I at least have to clean up some of the mess I just made.... I really don't want Shin to nag about something else besides his ego." With that Raven turned her com off. She took her time a bit with her cleaning up her tools and bike parts. It was a good thing they had more than one bike for each rider. If she left her bike like this..... And they got attacked.... Yeah she would be leaving the ship and crew in the dark.

After a few minutes she was done and was already making her way to the rails Shin so desperately wanted clean. Rails on the Gallion were much larger that other rails on smaller ships. The rails in question were large metal poles placed on the ground in the main docking bays. They were meant to switch out motors or larger (Very Large) pieces of equipment.

At the looks of it, Charlie had yet to show up. Raven didn't even know that the lead rider was bringing some friends either.

Normally the rails would be silver and shining, but these ones were almost black and covered with old oil. Scrapping and polishing were the only keys to this project. She let her shoulders drop.... The rails seemed to go on for miles. Almost covering half of the ship's length.

Raven moved herself over to some storage areas where they kept most of the tools and other supplies for the large bay. There she found a few scrapping tools and some polish. She would ignore the polish for now.... Getting the black crusty oil off was the main objective.

Emma nodded and took the medical form from her, "Okay, sounds good." She replied. She was a bit nervous about the blood tests, but they were nessacary if she wanted to be crew. She just had to trust the woman not to freak out at whatever she found, which was unknown to Emma herself. The form itself would be a bit difficult to fill out though, seeing as she had no idea about most of the information. She'd fill it out as best she could, she supposed. If she lied on a few of the questions it wouldn't be on purpose she supposed.

Heck, Val might even be able to help her fill in a few gaps in her memory if she were lucky. She winced slightly as she was stuck with the needle for the blood samples, causing her to twitch slightly and make a random line on the form. Woops. Soon enough though she was done filling out the form. "
Done. Here you go!" She told her cheerfully, smiling and holding the form out to her. "What else do you need me to do?" She asked. More or less automatically assuming blood work and a form wasn't the only thing that was needed.

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