Project Black IC

SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian sat on the opposite end of the head of the table and waited for the captain to arrive before starting the meal. Adrian returned the smile as the Aeva sat down and went straight to eating. Though he didn't think that was very respectable considering everyone else at the table had been abstaining the Cardinal didn't say anything as he could plainly see Aeva was extremely hungry. Adrian watched as new faces filed into the mess hall and offered each of them a kind smile as they took their seats. While he didn't eat yet Adrian did go ahead and fix a very modest portion of food. Once he fixed his plate he waited for the captain to come in before eating but he did go ahead and bless his and everyone's food. " Excuse me everyone but if you would allow me to indulge in a prayer I would like to take this time to bless our food. I don't ask that you join me, but I certainly offer it if you would like to join." With that the Cardinal bowed his head and recited a prayer: "Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen." When he concluded his prayer he looked up and did a cross motion over himself and kissed the back of the crucifix that hung around his neck.
@NovaNovass @Khaz @shadowz1995 @Lokipi @hootie0813
(if you have Adrian interact with Aeva, you will find some interesting dialogue over religion with the two.)
Ross once more found herself within her office right before dinner. She could not get the strange feelings out for some reason. Ever since they started to take on passengers, Ross had a different feel towards her crew and ship. Somethings sent shivers down her spin while others gave her a sense of connection. All in all she felt like this trip could go either way, good or bad.

She started to make her way to the mess hall when she had almost forgotten something... More like someone.

Shin by this time had entered the bridge and headed right for his chair. He stood in front of it and tapped away at the console. His eyes focused like always on the screen before him while his portable tablet sat close at hand. He could smell the food Charlie made, even if it was some hallways away. She was the only one on the ship that could cook. Everyone else could either somewhat cook or fail at it miserably.

Shin stepped away from his computer and picked up his tablet. He swiped his finger over the screen and paused when something caught his eye. He slowly looked over his shoulder to find a note and a thermal flask sitting nice and neatly on his chair. He place the tablet back down and picked up the two new items. Looking them over he decided to read the note first.

A small laugh escaped his lips while a small smile accompanied it. He shook his head gently as he looked to the thermal flask. There was homemade soup in the canister with his name written all over it.

"Speak of the devil." Ross called over to Shin as she caught him about to open the flask.

Shin looked up to Ross with a little surprised look. "Speak for yourself..." Shin tilted his head at her as he looked back down to the flask. Just as he was about to open it Ross walked over to him taking it form his hands. "Hey." Shin watched the flask with his eyes.

Ross placed the flask down next to Shin's tablet. She then turned to Shin, "Leave those." She pointed to the Flask and tablet. "Dinner is ready."

Shin locked eyes with her, "Are kidding me?" Shin asked.

Ross crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine.. You can take one." She gave a forced smirk, but for only a second.

Shin looked back at the items and picked up his tablet waving around while pointing at it. "This here is not a toy.. This controls everything around us. You can just make me pick between this and other things like some child going on a road trip." Shin let out a huff of air and let his shoulders drop a bit. "What's next you're going to take my hand and walk me to dinner too?"

Ross' fake smirked turned into a real one. "Sure." She reached out and took hold of Shin's hand, twisting it making Shin cry out. "Son of a.." Shin bit back his words as he once more locked eyes with Ross.

He knew where she was coming from. He was over working himself and they both knew it. This also wouldn't be the first time Ross used force to make him have dinner with the others. Most of the time if he wasn't at the table he would work so much that he would forget about eating.

Ross now gave Shin a dull look. "Shall me?" she asked still holding her grip on his hand. Shin nodded biting his bottom lip. He let out the breath he was holding in when Ross let go of his hand. He gripped it with the other in hopes that the pain would soon go away.

Ross motioned for the door.

With that Shin made sure he had his tablet with him before leaving the bridge and heading towards the mess hall. Ross was quick and eager to follow the navigator.

But once in the mess hall Ross found a whole new world of troubles.

She noticed that her crew had yet to touch the food while some of the passengers took it upon themselves to dig in.

Shin leaned over to Ross, "Maybe we should of gotten take out." Ross rolled her eyes before pushing him lightly towards the table. She walked over to her seat but did not sit. Instead she stood there looking over her chair for a moment. Her eyes soon looked over to the other side of the table.
Adrian watched as Ross walked in with Shin and as her eyes wandered to where he sat. He suddenly became worried that he was sitting in Shin's seat. " Oh pardon me I didn't realize this was someone's seat. " Adrian said starting to get up. Adrian may be a guest on the ship, but because he was a guest he felt he should defer to what those who were here all the time. So Adrian got out of his seat and picked up his plate, " Please sit. Sit." Adrian said gesturing and he looked around for a different seat.

Charlie had returned to the mess hall without many noticing. Pleased with her previous work, she picked her seat next to Raven, her lope sided smirk still working its magic across her face. Nodding to her friend, she shuffled the plate in front of her a little, enjoying the new hum of conversation. She had grown so use to it just being Shin and Raven’s voices, with an occlusal quip from her, filling the air but it was nice to have a new rhythm once in a while.

Tucking an unruly piece of hair behind her ear, Charlie thought about this, as her attention was then caught by Ross, who had appeared with Shin next to her. Noting their entrance came from the bridge direction, Charlie felt a spark of pride in knowing her crew mate well, but the time being Charlie made a point of holding her tongue. After all, there was little she kept form Raven, but this was an exception. Mostly out of fear of teasing and the revocation of her bad ass status. Of course, this decision was made all the more easier when Charlie took note of Ross’ expression.

Deliberately avoiding any eye contact with Shin, the lead rider shuffled in her spot uncomfortably, suddenly aware of the fact that a few of the passengers had begun without their captain. Although I can’t blame them….the food is pretty awesome.

Letting out an awkward, and rather loud and obvious cough, Charlie tried to draw people’s attention away from their plates to Ross who now stood like a silent sential at the head of the table.

Dax, who after taking Isaac’s hand with a jovial shrug before laughing “It was a pleasure to show Sarah around. She’s no trouble in comparison to my own ‘children’” Of course this last bit was emphasised as Dax noted Charlie and Raven’s presence at the table. When Isaac seated himself near him the first mate nodded, before greeting the Remington brothers in turn with a nod to each of the young men. However, when Ross appeared, Shin in toe, Dax’s grin became wider, glad to see his friend again, even if she did given the Cardinal a cold, look.

In an attempt to cut across the tension, the man stood carefully, making sure that his large form didn’t nudge the table.

“Ah I think, as this is our first meal together, it would be alright to overlook a few differences.” He began, as he nodded to his captain, before apologising. Placing a hand over his heart he nodded to the captain. “It was all on me, I’m afraid. Charlie left and I should have explained to our passengers the way we do things.”

Charlie felt herself melt a little inside, only to be made even more uncomfortable when she spotted Jack. The man had entered the room unnoticed and seated himself opposite to where she sat. He was giving her a charming smile, one which Charlie usually swooned over in her movies. However, reality sure did kick the idea of this smile in the nuts. When she was faced with it in person, it just gave her the creeps, as the man raised his glass towards her before taking a sip of water.

As a girl so unused to this sort of thing happening, Charlie was confused as to how she should react, however her films had taught her to respond with a similar gesture. However, her mimicked glass sip was slightly more awkward, as Charlie forced a smile in return.

Jack on the other hand, was having fun. He could feel the girl’s discomfort and felt his heart jump a little at it. It was so sweet, she was so innocent. Which given her position in the ship was odd and a little surprising. Noting her behavior, Jack gave a little chuckle. He would have to switch tac to get her attention, but his game had only just begun. With that, Jack then nodded to Val and raised his glass to her too, as if to pass the gesture to Charlie off as nothing more than a pleasantry done when people caught each other’s gaze.

@NovaNovass, @SleepyBuddha
DJ nodded at the Cardinal who seemed to walk in right behind him, at least now they could walk in together and he would't have to sit alone.

"You have no idea. I'm almost always hungry, but this is unbearable." He felt bad immediately after he said this. Of course the man was exaggerating, he had never known true hunger; his family was well off and even though he lived off on his own he still had plenty of money saved up. The Cardinal had probably seen plenty of famine and starvation, and he was now probably thinking that he was a spoiled brat. His thoughts momentarily sidetracked as one and a half new people entered the area where him and the Cardinal were.

"Isaac, Sarah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm DJ." He bowed his head and waved at the pair while flashing a smile. However, this interaction was also cut short as a familiar short figure waltzed in. He waited for Charlie to finish speaking to the Isaac and Sarah before butting in.

"So let me get this straight. You're the lead rider AND the Chef and you didn't tell me? Tsk tsk." He shook his finger at the girl and looked at her disapprovingly. "Well you should know that this changes everything. You know how much of a food fanatic I am so I am expecting you to feed me amazing and interesting foods every day. And just to claim this title before you have a chance to ask and/or give the title away, I will be your recipe guinea pig until the end of time if you are ever looking for one." He clasped his hands together and smiled with pure joy and excitement.

He followed Charlie and the others in the hall before sitting down. His eyes lighted up at the sound of extra food, he had an unprecedented hunger and had no idea how much food he would eat. He sat with the small group and was looking forward to meeting everyone. He loved meeting people for the first time and making first impressions on others. He often prided himself for his introductions as they were always warm, welcoming, and easy.

Just then a man slightly taller, and much more muscular sat down with them and introduced himself as Dax.

"Well hello Dax, I'm DJ." He reached out to shake the man's hand over all the food which was starting to look very good. It took all DJ's will power not to dig in. It was tested even further when Aeva entered the hall and starting shovelling food onto his plate and in his mouth. But the man kept his composure and refused to give in. He had been on enough ships to know that some crews like to wait for their captains and others not so much. But over the years he found it better to err on the side of waiting to eat then eating prematurely.

He bowed his head with the Cardinal as he listened to the prayer, he felt very uncomfortable. The last time he prayed like this before a meal was when his whole family was together. that was a long time ago. But out of respect for the holy man's rituals he bowed his head and listened quietly.

When he raised his head he realized just how many people were in the mess hall now. There were so many faces he didn't know, and there was no way he was going to be able to meet them all, especially if he was going to swap stories with some of the people he just met. Just as he was staring at the small, very small, swarm of new faces he saw Charlie sneak in. He offered her a small smile but wasn't sure if she noticed.

He turned back to the group he was with but only for a brief second as two other figures walked in. But judging by the reaction their presence was getting he was sure that one of them was the captain. He started to kick Aeva under the table to try and get his attention away from the food, but he was too late. The new pair were already barring down in the direction of their small group.

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, DJ observed the situation that was occurring in front of his eyes. It all seemed to be a misunderstanding, which Dax bravely took responsibility for. In the mean time, DJ's gaze dropped from the unfolding train wreck to where Charlie was sitting. He noticed that another man had sat across from her and flashed her a smile. He felt a strange pang of emotion from the depths of his chest, something he had never felt before. He couldn't think of a name for what he was feeling, but he felt an unwarranted amount of resentment to the man.
Shin noticed the still silent and cold aura coming off of Ross. He leaned in once more, "If this is a bad time I could come back later."

Ross slowly looked over to him as Shin gave her a smart-ass look. She shook her head at him, "Sit down." she warned the navigator in an almost whisper. Shin looked at the table and noticed the priest had gotten up from his seat. Just as Shin was about to head off to his normal seat he paused when he noticed a somewhat strange exchange of expressions coming from both Jack and Charlie. Charlie seemed a little uneased by the man's smile.

Shin waved off his seat to the priest. "No... Go ahead father... I think I'll sit...." Shin shoved Jack down the long seating bench a few inches. "Right here." Shin smirked a little as he pointed to Jack's old seat. As Shin took his new seat his eyes narrowed at Jack. He didn't look pleased at all with the new crew member. He knew what that look meant. He wasn't stupid... Charlie was family to him. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he had his ways of making people stay away from his family.

Ross let out a rough sigh when Shin took his seat. She looked to Dax with a serious look. "Make sure this doesn't happen again." She took her seat and started to fill her plate up.

Raven and Val had more so stayed quiet for the most part. Well through the whole thing. But it wasn't just them. Rem and his brothers had been waiting patiently for some time as well.

While Andrew and Micheal spoke mostly among themselves, Rem took it upon himself to study everyone's faces. He remembered Shin and Ross... But almost everyone else was new.
Isaac nodded his head to DJ in greeting and his smile only made his lower canines slightly more obvious.

Moments before Dax stood up, Isaac happened to glance over and was shocked to see one of the most beautiful and powerful women he had ever laid eyes on.

"Sabad yam girbt." He breathed, almost a whisper; a term in his mother's language that literally means 'by my beard.'

"She has to be the captain." The way she looked at the crew... and the passengers. It was absolutely obvious that she was the authority on this.

Sarah had followed his gaze,as soon as she heard him speaking Dorojjf. Seeing the captain, her eyes lit up but she kept still, watching for whatever would play out.
" I see, Thank you Captian. " With that Adrian took back his seat and began digging into his food. At the first bite he could tell Charlie knew what she was doing when it came to crafting a good meal. " This is a wonderfully crafted meal Charlie. I have to say it's one of the best meals I've had since I started my pilgrimage." Adrian said with a sincerity that made it clear he wasn't just saying that to be polite. " I may have to ask you to cook for Pope John some day." The Cardinal said with a smile as he continued with his meal.

Adrian watched the others as he continued eating hoping that his talking would break the ice.

@NovaNovass @Lokipi @Khaz @shadowz1994
Braxtes had been walking down the cold, dark, metal hallways to his room when he felt a rumble come from under his feet. He could tell automatically that the Gallion waa already taking off and he activated his anti-gravity boots. Hovering down the hall would be much faster than walking. He would be going farther into the Verse than he'd ever, minus the flight to the moon, and he was glad about it. Marvelous! What appeared to be infinite void was relaxing, something new to see than a foggy sky working with ships and what not. He headed to his room, hovering down the hall by tilting himself forward a bit, and was surprised to see the cold empty metal room with a flat bed and a small closet. "Perfect." He muttered, landing on the ground with a light tap and walking into the dark room, flicking on the lights so he wouldn't have to use his augments. Sure he could at some things to the room but by the looks of it so far it had no need for modifications, it had everything he needed.

A while later, he thought it high time to get something to eat since living off of nutrients being injected into you tended not to be the greatest source of food. Only problem was he didn't have a clue where anything was which left only ons option; searching around and hoping he wouldn't get caught. He then opened his rooms door and began speed walking down the hallway, his bioptics scanning around the halls as he walked to check for any signs of the other passengers, he figured there would likely be a dining room on a ship this large. That is, unless they got meals delivered to their rooms but that seemed very unlikely to him. It then came to his mind that he had no need for aimlessly walking around hoping he'd find them. Where is the damned thing when you need it? He began checking around his belt for a small prism shaped motion sensor, raisinc it in front of him once he had found it and began using it to detect where the others were. Something told him he was going to be the last one there.

Gently, Braxtes pushed open the door of where he hoped was the dining room and was relieved to see the room full if people, some of which he had already interacted with, and that his search was over. "I hope I'm not late. Mind if I join you all?" Asked the cyborg as his bioptics automatically scanned everyone in the room. A natural habit he had.
After a moment, the feeling he had in his chest went away, after the one known as Shin took the other man's place in front of Charlie. He refocused himself on the eating frenzy that seemed to be happening in front of him. Of course. He had missed the moment when everyone had started eating because of something weird and now he was late to the party. He loaded up his plate until it was a heaping pile and started shoving food into his mouth. He was a fast eater, but the speed he was eating at made him look like he was a vacuum cleaner. In only a short time, DJ was loading up on his second plate.

Normally, during dinner is the one time that DJ shuts up because 'if you're talking, you aren't eating'; however, his undying politeness outweighed his need to consume very ounce of food on the table when a.... thing... approached the table he was seated at.

"Of course you're not late, have a seat." He said in a muffled voice as he had a whole mouthful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. "However I can't promise that the food won't be gone from now until you sit down. It's going pretty quickly." DJ gestured for the cyborg to sit down. He wasn't sure if Sarah, Isaac, and the Cardinal had been introduced to him yet or if they were comfortable sitting with a cyborg, but they were just going to have to get over that.

"I'm DJ, it's nice to meet you." He brought his hand up to his head and did a small twist of his wrist while saluting and bowing his head.

@Lokipi @Veyd Sahvoz @NovaNovass
NovaNovass said:
Ross once more found herself within her office right before dinner. She could not get the strange feelings out for some reason. Ever since they started to take on passengers, Ross had a different feel towards her crew and ship. Somethings sent shivers down her spin while others gave her a sense of connection. All in all she felt like this trip could go either way, good or bad.
She started to make her way to the mess hall when she had almost forgotten something... More like someone.

Shin by this time had entered the bridge and headed right for his chair. He stood in front of it and tapped away at the console. His eyes focused like always on the screen before him while his portable tablet sat close at hand. He could smell the food Charlie made, even if it was some hallways away. She was the only one on the ship that could cook. Everyone else could either somewhat cook or fail at it miserably.

Shin stepped away from his computer and picked up his tablet. He swiped his finger over the screen and paused when something caught his eye. He slowly looked over his shoulder to find a note and a thermal flask sitting nice and neatly on his chair. He place the tablet back down and picked up the two new items. Looking them over he decided to read the note first.

A small laugh escaped his lips while a small smile accompanied it. He shook his head gently as he looked to the thermal flask. There was homemade soup in the canister with his name written all over it.

"Speak of the devil." Ross called over to Shin as she caught him about to open the flask.

Shin looked up to Ross with a little surprised look. "Speak for yourself..." Shin tilted his head at her as he looked back down to the flask. Just as he was about to open it Ross walked over to him taking it form his hands. "Hey." Shin watched the flask with his eyes.

Ross placed the flask down next to Shin's tablet. She then turned to Shin, "Leave those." She pointed to the Flask and tablet. "Dinner is ready."

Shin locked eyes with her, "Are kidding me?" Shin asked.

Ross crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine.. You can take one." She gave a forced smirk, but for only a second.

Shin looked back at the items and picked up his tablet waving around while pointing at it. "This here is not a toy.. This controls everything around us. You can just make me pick between this and other things like some child going on a road trip." Shin let out a huff of air and let his shoulders drop a bit. "What's next you're going to take my hand and walk me to dinner too?"

Ross' fake smirked turned into a real one. "Sure." She reached out and took hold of Shin's hand, twisting it making Shin cry out. "Son of a.." Shin bit back his words as he once more locked eyes with Ross.

He knew where she was coming from. He was over working himself and they both knew it. This also wouldn't be the first time Ross used force to make him have dinner with the others. Most of the time if he wasn't at the table he would work so much that he would forget about eating.

Ross now gave Shin a dull look. "Shall me?" she asked still holding her grip on his hand. Shin nodded biting his bottom lip. He let out the breath he was holding in when Ross let go of his hand. He gripped it with the other in hopes that the pain would soon go away.

Ross motioned for the door.

With that Shin made sure he had his tablet with him before leaving the bridge and heading towards the mess hall. Ross was quick and eager to follow the navigator.

But once in the mess hall Ross found a whole new world of troubles.

She noticed that her crew had yet to touch the food while some of the passengers took it upon themselves to dig in.

Shin leaned over to Ross, "Maybe we should of gotten take out." Ross rolled her eyes before pushing him lightly towards the table. She walked over to her seat but did not sit. Instead she stood there looking over her chair for a moment. Her eyes soon looked over to the other side of the table.
A desperate breath left Aeva's lungs as he downed the drink he had. He had basically scarfed down his entire meal without even taking a drink or a breath. Avalons have great respiratory systems because of how they evolved. They weren't really made to hold air while the person ate food but they can be used that way, as Aeva demonstrated. He washed down all the food with three big gulps and let out another satisfied breath. He had been so consumed in the....consuming, that he hadn't noticed the captain and Shin arriving to the dinner table. When they sat down, Aeva gave them a nod of his head, more towards Ross than Shin but he did send the programmer a pointed look. The creator of the ship's system still greatly interested him and he would love to get another chance at deciphering his code. (Sorry guys. Busy with work.)
As Shin shifted him out of his place, Jack’s face offered no change in expression. The game had started and his fun had only just begun. A girl like Charlie, so innocent in her expressions and actions, should have fallen instantly for him. He’d charmed women of much high status and experience before, so the lead rider should have been an easy target. However, her innocence in the situation, despite being a virtue, also acted as a buffer. He was intrigued, but the refuse Shin his seat would only drive the rider further away from him. He’d have to play nicely for now.

So for now, Jack nodded a greeting to the navigator before offering his hand in greeting.

“I don’t blame you for wanting my seat.” He chucked quietly, as he nodded to Charlie, Raven and Val opposite. “It’s a specular view. My names Jack by the way, don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” He grinned.

Charlie on the other hand, thanks to Shin, allowed herself to breathe again. Jack’s sentence too quiet to be over heard. Nodding her friend, she smiled her silent thank you, before leading forward and beginning to spoon food onto her plate, before glancing at Raven and Val.

“Seems like the food’s going down well. Even have my own self-proclaimed food ginuepig now.” Charlie tried to laugh, although for once the laughter came out dry and homeless. She could still feel Jack’s smile. It was like it had been branded into her memory.

Dax, despite Ross’ stern words which he took with a dip of his head, was also having fun as he smirked down at Isaac. The red headed, tusked man had his gaze fixed to Ross, an expression which Sarah soon copied, they were transfixed. This wasn’t exactly new, Ross had that effect some times, but it still never got old when it did happen, and often it was done more subtly.

Lifting a hand, Dax panted Isaac on the shoulder as he retook his seat.

“Be careful, friend. I think human expression ‘every rose has it thorns’ works well here.” The first mate offered as he winked at Sarah. It was now, however, that Dax became aware of the not only the passengers which remained quiet. Up and down the table, small conversations and hurried mouthfuls of food were being made, with the exception of two separate, small parties. Two females, two males.

A gut feeling made the man feel uneasy as he looked at them, but what should he base his suspicion on? So far the two groups had done nothing. Perhaps being quiet was just in their nature and Dax had been exposed to Raven and Charlie’s noise for too long?
Ross noticed the look coming from Issac and the Sarah. It did bring a small smile to her face to see that when she entered a room, it still had a large effect... In some ways. When it cam to more than one child Ross would feel over whelmed, but with one, she got that motherly kind of feel.

She smiled back to Sarah. She gave the young girl a secret wink before taking a bite from her food. She watched as the others that were part of her crew or those that had waited for her started to fill their plates and eat as well. Her eyes slowly drifted towards Shin and noticed that the navigator had yet to place anything on his plate. After the small notion towards Jack Shin was already tapping away once more at his tablet.

Ross let out a sigh, she sat up a bit and picked up the empty plate in front of Shin and replaced it with her already full plate. As she filled up her plate she noticed Shin aimlessly reaching out for his fork. She smiled a little to know that he didn't even notice the switch. She knew that if she told him to eat he would just get all Shin like and try to leave the table. So for now she would keep an eye on him.

Shin looked up from his tablet at the comment he heard from Jack. He slowly leaned over towards the other and began to whisper so Jack was the only one who could hear him. "From one guy to the other..... I will kill you if you touch them...." Shin gave another sharp warning look to Jack. "With that in mind..... Keep your dick in your pants."

Shin leaned back taking a bite from his food and letting his eyes wander back to his tablet.

"The rails are clean." Raven finally spoke up as she watched Shin closely.

Shin smiled a little as he shook his head. "If you say so."

Raven gave Shin a devious look. "Seriously.... The rails are spotless."

Shin let out a small chuckle, "That will be determined after I inspect them." Shin still had no clue that the Rails were actually clean... Or that Charlie and Raven had some extra help.

Raven elbowed Charlie a little and motioned to Shin. "He doesn't know yet." She whispered to her lead rider. Raven now held a very heavy bright smile on her face for all to see.

Val was listening in to all the conversations wandering about. Her attention feel more towards the new passengers and to the new Crew members. She loved the crew, but new was actually nice.

Rem was sitting next to Dax at this point. He looked over to the first mate and decided this was a good time to introduce himself and his brothers. The man had a certain.... stature to himself. Ross had mentioned a few other members of the crew, and Rem just figured that this was Dax.

"I'm Rem... Short for Remington." He told the other. "Me and my brothers were hired to join your crew today." Rem nodded a little as he thought about his words.

To him Dax seemed more like the person he would really get along with. Both held a standard in their line of work, and still held a sense of who they were. They were not the job... They gave the definition to the job. Rem was about to say more when he over heard his brother's conversation... But then again... He wasn't the only one.

"I think if Edison was still around... Beck would actually be a challenge for him.... He might even beat him for once." Andrew stated. Micheal and Raven at the same time responded. Both were one point with their words.

"Take that back......" Raven and Micheal both looked to one another.... A quiet friendship soon developing.

Ross looked up from her new plate of food at the topic. She slowly chewed her food as she watched her old crew and new crew converse with a very, very old topic. No matter where she went this topic was still fighting strong among people of all sizes, races and even planets or moons.

Rem let out a soft sigh before turning back to Dax and now Ross. "Sorry... They are big fans." He uttered a little to the captain and first mate.

Val laughed a little from where she sat drawing more attention her way. "I wouldn't worry so much... Edison and the races happen to be a big topic on this ship." She smiled. She looked down at the other end of the table wondering if there were more racing fans who over heard the topic.

One of the girls at the other end of the table did look up from her food. The one with bright blue hair and bright eyes to match. A small smirk slipped across her lips. "I saw them race once." She looked down at her food before addressing the conversation.

Raven, Micheal and Andrew all looked over to her. "Live?" Raven asked.

Abigail nodded. "Yeah... It was pretty epic..." She looked to her friend Melody and elbowed her a bit. They knew why they were there, but Abigail had picked up on Dax's look from earlier. Normally on other ships no one really cared if passengers were quiet... But here it seemed the other way around. So to make themselves blend in they had to interact.

Melody looked to Abigail and then to the table. She frowned a little as she was a fan of the races... But she was a secret fan... She was more like a closet freak.... Overly committed to Edison and the races. (She's the kind of fan that has posters covering her walls and decor to match.)

Melody whipped her mouth and swallowed her food before joining in. "Well... If you take a look at the previous stats to when Edison was racing and compare them to Beck's stats... Even after Edison left..." She thought for a moment doing the math in her head. "Edison would clearly still be in the lead by a long shot. Not even the first ever racers or any racer can match his skill and quality." Melody contributed and in hopes that no one would be able to pick up on the Edison tattoo on her forearm that she was now trying to cover with her sleeves.
Dax offered a kind smile around a mouthful of mash as Rem introduced himself. He seemed like a well together man and as a new member of the crew, Rem and his brother seemed like a good fit. Matching Val’s comment with his own wave of the hand, Dax then nodded towards the girls, Raven and Charlie, who now seemed glued into the conversation the brothers had started.

“They’ll feel right at home, here.” He beamed, “So long as their idol isn’t questioned.” As he said that, both Raven and Andrew spoke in synchrony, their loyalty to Edison shining through. Grunting a laugh, then introduced himself before nodding towards Rem. “So this your first time off the ground?” Dax asked, a little curious about the brothers’ backgrounds.

Charlie however, was now fully off the subject of Jack, her mind distracted by two things. Number one, Shin didn’t believe Raven when she said the rails were clean. Number two, races. A common topic and one which Charlie couldn’t get enough of. She had done her own fair share of races back home, but nothing compared to actually racing on Edison. Or at least she liked to think. Heck she didn’t even know what it was like on Edison, as they were never actually allowed to go there.

“When did you see them race? Was it just before Edison disappeared? Did you actually see Edison?” It was an odd question, Charlie knew, but she was fascinated by the racer. She would have given anything to meet him. In fact, she would have been perfectly happy with just seeing the guy. What did he look like? If his abilities matched his looks, well…

Jack, unlike the others, didn’t like racing and instead fixed Shin with a cocky smirk, raising a single eye brow in question.

“I didn’t realise this was a first come first serve situation. But I can assure you, that my dick will go nowhere it isn’t wanted. Besides, I’m more interested in the sparkling conversation.” Jack said, with a free hand he skewered a piece of beef. Popping it into his mouth the man then allowed another smile.

“I have to admit, I agree with the Cardinal, Charlie you’re cooking is amazing. You’ll have to give me your recipe some time.” This time his voice held a different note, completely different to that which he had used to address Shin. Instead this was light, kind and jovial.

To this Charlie snapped her attention back to Shin and Jack, offering a shy smile in thanks.

“I’m glad you like it, but my recipes and tricks aren’t something I can just give away.” She said.

“Ah well, I am determined. Hopefully we’ll be able to come to some kind of deal later?” He beamed, “But I interrupted your conversation. Forgive me.” He gestured back down to the table to the girl with blue hair. As he did this, Jack allowed his cool blue gaze to drift over the faces, noting with a smile, the presence of DJ. His lingering look on him before had not escaped Jack’s notice. Charlie was well guarded, but perhaps her female friends would offer a way in.
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Abigail noted towards Charlie and her questions. She shook her head. "Sadly no... Both Beck and Edison were doing a one on one race at one of the Core planets." She spoke towards the group. "And they were very particular about not letting the public see their faces." She looked to Melody who seemed a little depressed about the topic now.

"I would give anything to see him race live." Melody uttered. "Even to know what he looks like." She added.

Abigail frowned a little towards Melody before looking over to the others interested in the topic. "I tried once to get onto Edison... But that planet does not mess around with security.... Nor do they ever drop their landing prices..." She rolled her eyes. "Just to dock your ship in it's orbit is a bitch." She turned back to her food.

Rem nodded towards Dax with a light smile as he continued to eat. He laughed a little as he noticed that they were a good fit. "Yeah... This is our first time off planet." Rem told Dax. He didn't really want to admit it, but everyone has to start somewhere. It's a good thing him and his brothers had experience in their field of work. Hired guns on his planet were indeed hard to come by, especially those that lived there.

Micheal turned to Andrew and gave him a very big smirk... "See... The numbers add up." He stated.

Raven was a little disappointed in the fact that she too had yet to see her hero in action. It was hard to even come by what Edison looked like. The only true way to see his face was to go to the planet and pretty much give up your life's savings... Or an arm or leg for that matter..... There was also selling your self to the black market or even your soul.

She turned back to her food as the conversation seemed to die a little. The disappointment was a bit much.

Micheal looked around at the table and noticed that there were so many Edison fans just in one room. This was very common on his home planet, but in space... This made him feel a little more closer to home.

"Aren't we passing Edison?" He asked as he looked around the table. A smile light up on his face. "I'm sure that either on the way to the inner planets... Maybe we can make a quick stop?" He figured that with a ship like this and how many people were on it... Who knew, maybe they had enough for parking.. Or maybe a drop ship.

Raven looked up with a frown. "If this was any other ship... That might be considered, but this ship will never land on Edison."

Micheal looked about even more and landed on Ross. "Why not Edison?" He asked Her.

"Because it's not her decision." Shin spoke up as he took a bit from his food.

The three brothers looked over to Shin a bit confused. "Is she not the Captain?" Andrew asked.

Shin looked over to the new crew members, "She is the Captain by all means... But there are special arrangements involving the Gallion."

Raven grumbled, "Why couldn't you be an artist?" She complained.

Shin let his shoulders drop before running his electrical pen over his tablet's screen. "Because this skill of art is the best I can do." Shin showed her a picture of a stick figure with hair. "We've been through this before, this is the best picture I can draw of Edison." Shin turned his tablet back around and went back to what he had been doing.
Isaac tugged on a tuft of his beard, pulling his eyes back down to his plate and laughed quietly at Dax's comment. "I would be surprised if that rose didn't have at least a few."

He shook his head and moved a few items on his plate around thoughtfully before digging in. It was pretty darn good. He resigned himself to listening to the conversation. There seemed to be a bit of tension in those around the woman who cooked. Otherwise the conversation seemed pleasant. Until the covers at ion turned to the races-

"Edison is soo cool! He's the best!" Sarah was nearly standing on her chair and leaning over the table to peer down at Charlie and the rest talking about the races.

Isaac choked and coughed loudly into his napkin before fixing her with a shocked, worried, deep frown. A look Sarah was determined to not see.

He didn't like the races because of the danger and mortality rate and definitely figured his daughter shouldn't be watching them. Her expression told that she knew she just gave away a big secret in front of her dad, but she was still intent on listening to everything she could about it.

@Lokipi @NovaNovass
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"As I recall you were making fun of me for being a fanboy earlier and yet here you are fangirling all over the races." DJ jumped into the conversation and eyed Charlie. "Shall I refer to you as 'Hypocrite' from now on or does 'Poser' have a nice ring to it? I'll let you decide." He gave the girl a grin and lifted his glass to his face all the while giving her a wink. He wasn't going to lie, he enjoyed the races but he was no where near as die hard of a fan as the others that sat around the table. He watched the racing for the pure sport of it; the speed, the precision, the danger; not so much to cheer for the individual racers themselves.

DJ debated telling the others that he too had seen a live race as a young kid when he snuck his way onto his father and brother's ship when they went to go see the races. Even as a little kid he was still rebelling and looking for every opportunity to find an adventure. He, of course, was found and lectured thoroughly by his dad, but in the end he got to see the great race and great it was. However, he decided to withhold the information from the table. DJ figured it would bring up questions about his life and those questions would then lead to awkward and uncomfortable answers.

"But in reality, you can't compare Edison and Beck because Beck has never had anyone challenge him to achieve the amazing stats that Edison has. So really it could be anyone's race if they actually did square off against each other." The man added in his two cents and passed over the other faces amongst the table.

He noticed that he was unacquainted with most of the people that were engaged in the conversation although he could guess who a few of them were. He assumed that the one who walked in the hall with the captain and now currently had his nose buried in his tablet was Shin, and some of the others he had met earlier or while cleaning the rails, but he hadn't met anyone else. He figured that he should introduce himself to everyone before offering up his opinions about the races.

"I'm DJ, by the way." He beamed at the group with a kind smile. His eyes rested for a moment on the man who had been smiling at Charlie earlier before bringing his eye contact back to the girl. The man was obviously making the lead rider uncomfortable, which only made DJ's resentment grow for the man. It was strange, all his life he always tried to see the best in people and treat them with kindness until they gave a reason not to, but for some reason he couldn't with this guy. He felt bad about feeling this way towards the man and made a mental note to go out of his way to be nice to him, maybe he could trick himself into liking this guy.
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Braxtes helped himself to a seat that seemed vacant and began helping himself to some food, taking a reasonable amount of food to eat unlike DJ."Braxtes Nexxemexis." He replied, though not paying much attention to him but kept close attention incase he asked any other questions or tried to make conversation. Before he even touched his food he reached up to his face and pressed down on the sides of his respirator, uncovering his mouth so he could actually eat for once. He rarely had meals like this because of being so occupied with work and construction so he used the standard mandatory nutrient injectors, hardly a proper meal but it kept you going. Braxtes couldn't help but notice most of the passengers and crew members at the table speaking of racing and a person named Edison. That sounded interesting enough to check out but he wouldn't know how he would get into it, being as suspicious looking as he was around that tight of security as one of the ladies had mentioned.

"Might I ask what this whole racing business is?" He asked to the ones talking about this Edison in a normal yet raspy voice, without his respirator his voice didn't sound so robotic and cryptic. He still had breathing problems though. He didn't want to appear out of place for not knowing about whoever it was they were all having a big discussion on. While he continued to eat, occasionally he would look up at each of them to try and see if he had already been previously introduced but there were quite a few new faces. Out of everyone at the table he could only remember meeting Dax, Ross, Isaac, Sarah, and Shin. He had a feeling he wouldn't be getting to know a lot of people during his time on the Gallion and he sort of preferred to keep it as so.

@Khaz @NovaNovass @Lokipi @hootie0813
So it was the brothers’ first time flying off. Dax stopped chewing and looked at Rem, once again soaking in the man’s appearance along with his brothers. They were all young. A good sign. Meant they were capable and skilled enough to handle themselves. Giving a light chuckle, the alien leaned back in his seat, noting the fact that Charlie was too busy being wrapped up in staring at Sarah, the usually sparkle of mischief lighting her eyes.

“So, as per tradition on this ship. Rem, or in fact any of you, want to share a story from your travels?” Dax asked, as he eyed the brothers once more, a little curious about how they became known. The racing would make a comeback no doubt with Sarah’s newly announced love for racing, however, for Dax’s sanity he was happy to seek out Charlie’s enforced game of story swapping during the first dinner.

Charlie on the other hand, had quickly switched her gaze from Sarah to DJ and back looked at Sarah and Isaac with a huge grin as she nodded to the small red-headed girl.

“Racing and Edison are completely different to the ‘Rogue Giraffes’. So you can keep your new titles, sir. Although I would be open to being called supreme master.” Charlie replied to DJ, briefly sticking out her tongue to her friend as he raised his glass to her. It was the exact same gesture Jack had pulled, only Charlie was glad to note that when DJ did it, she didn’t experience a cold chill to her bones. The lead rider then looked back at the small girl, who still stood in her chair. Her joy over the subject was adorable and a little part of Charlie admired the youngling for her enthusiasm.

“Well Sarah, you have excellent taste.” Charlie began, before catching Isaac’s less than approving expression. Racing was never something parents wanted their children to get into. Heck, Charlie’s father went an odd puce colour when she first brought home the fact that she was a racer. Granted this new information also came with Charlie being accompanied by a local law enforcer. Luckily he was a family friend and as a favour had only given Charlie a warning, but we’re getting side tracked. No, if you deducted the screaming, the tears and anger, Charlie’s parents had once held the same disapproving frown.

Sighing a little, the girl tried to wrestle with the idea of trying to soothe the father’s worries, but her mind was running blank, just like when she tried to convince her own dad.
<p>Raven laughed a little at Dj's statement about Edison and Beck. "Looks to me like someone hasn't been doing his research." She pointed her empty fork at the man. "Both Edison and Beck were childhood friends. Both started racing together, but Edison got picked up and placed into the big leagues and was announced the youngest racer of all time...." Raven played with her food a bit. "The two raced against one another all the time." Raven had to correct the man... Even if it killed her. She was a huge Edison fan and knew just about anything and everything about him that she could get her hands on. </p>


She looked over to Shin, "Back me up." She motioned to the other with a nod. This was another known fact upon the ship. Shin was in fact from Edison and had lived on the planet most of his life. So when it came down to facts and fiction... Raven went to the one guy she knew that knew everything there was to know about racing. </p>


Shin looked up from his tablet letting the conversation around him only dull his ears. Shin nodded to Raven's words and Raven gave a big smile to Dj. </p>


Shin looked down the table to see who she was talking to and paused at Sarah. The child like freeloader looked very excited about the topic. But her father's look gave off another thoughts. Shin leaned forward looking down the table to Sarah, "The races aren't all fun and games." He told her. "A lot of times people die... leaving behind family members and friends." His words were harsh.. But if he knew one thing about racing and how to get children to stay out of it... This was the only way. </p>


"Imagine if you were a racer." He told the girl. "And you got hurt while racing...... I'm sure your father would be hurting more than you." Shin looked back to his tablet without looking at Issac. </p>


Meanwhile Rem thought about Dax's words. Telling a story might be a good idea... But he didn't have much to tell. Him and his brothers never left the planet they were born on until now. "The best story I have is the one I'm in right now." Rem stated. </p>


Meanwhile his brothers were too busy into the whole Racing and Edison topic. The words spoken from Shin caught them and the rest of the table off guard. Hell even Raven looked a little bit saddened by his words. They all had never thought about it like that. Yeah people died during them due to how dangerous they were... But they never took into consideration about the ones who knew the Racers that pasted away.</p>
"Hold that thought Dax, I will be with you in just a minute I just have to say settle something." He held a finger up at the man apologetically and turned back to the falsely proclaimed 'supreme master'.

"Now listen here, traitor. Like it or not a fanbase is a fanbase whether its music or racing or mahjong. Not to mention you had no knowledge of the Rogue Giraffes at all until my majestic self came along and you still have yet to hear them, so you don;t even know if the two are comparable." He put his hands on his hips and turned his chin up towards the ceiling as poshly as possible. In a moment he dropped his act and forked another bite of her mashed potatoes in his mouth and smiling at her with his cheeks full.

DJ then turned and listened to Val, "My mistake, I will admit I haven't done my research. I've just never seen or heard of them race each other before so I didn't think it ever happened. But thank you, I'll make sure that I am more knowledgeable on the subject next time we talk about it." He smiled bashfully and looked down at his plate. "But to be fair, I don't really watch the racing for the racers themselves more for the pure awe I experience while watching. It was actually one of the reasons I started flying."

His attention was then drawn to little Sarah and Shin who seemed to be dampening the mood at the table, and DJ didn't like eating in a sad atmosphere.

"Of course it's dangerous, but my motto is that if it isn't dangerous it isn't worth doing. It's also not very fun. I've lived by that my whole life and I'm fine. Well... I'm alive anyways." He smiled at the girl, "Besides no good stories come from doing anything that doesn't have a chance of death." He looked apologetically at Shin, "I'm sorry but it's true."

"And speaking of stories, I have hundreds." He turned back to face Dax. "My personal favourite one is probably also one of my first ones, Charlie you're going to love this. One time while I was on a way station in the middle of the outer ring, I snuck onto a ship because they had stolen my wallet and bag and I went to go get it back. Before I snuck on though, I had to create a distraction so I caused an impromptu bar fight that happened to involve their whole crew." DJ went on to vividly explain with a ton of emotion and hand gestures that just as he found his stuff, the ship started taking off because one of their crew had shot someone and they needed to get away from the station as fast as possible. They had no idea that DJ was with them until they saw him trying to steal one of the escape pods. Just as they were about to launch him into the airlock, they got hit by one of the stations defence missiles. The damage was done to the shields and needed to be fixed right away if they were going to escape. The problem? They had no mechanic and the damage had to be fixed from outside the ship. Because he was the trespasser, he had to go out and do the repairs despite having little knowledge on the task at hand; however, he was in no position to say no so he put on a suit and went into space. While flying. While he was being shot at. Someone from the inside ended up giving him orders on how to get the shields back up, so he wasn't completely helpless.

"So I managed to fix the shields somehow and they brought me back inside. Of course they took their sweet time doing it. Anyway, it turns out that doing that suicidal task ended up saving my life because they welcomed be aboard their ship and I stayed on with them for a couple months. I mean one, or probably all, of them were murderers but they were a good group of guys." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
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Adrian had a gentle smile spread across his face as he listened to the talk about racing and Edison vs Beck. Most of the Crew and Passengers seemed to have some sort of an opinion on the matter, but Adrian never really got into it. With his religious vows and running several sectors of the universe for the Catholic Church, Advising the Pope, and making decisions that would affect the whole of the Catholic church he didn't really have time to get into such things. Though to its credit the racing did seem interesting considering how... for lack of a better term Devout they were to this Edison. Adrian carefully watched as the conversation quickly went to stories, Adrian had quietly finished his very modest serving of food while the others had gone on about racing and so had just been listening.

Thinking about some stories he still had plenty to that he hadn't already used while the others were cleaning the rails. Particularly the story of how he had decided to become a Clergyman in the first place. And what had happened to his arm and leg. He rarely told that story because it would bring back flashbacks for him, but he would be traveling with the Crew for quite some time as he went through his pilgrimage.

Adrian's eyes slowly wandered towards Aeva. He had been meaning to ask the False angel a few questions on their culture. The Vatican has taken it upon itself to act like a vault of all the cultures it comes into contact with since it began expanding. This way the Clergy could better understand the cultures of the many different aliens and their planets as they went on their business in foreign worlds. " So Aeva, if it's not too much trouble tell me a little about yourself and your culture. I must admit I'm curious how your people view the vast universe and their place in it." Adrian said basically asking him for their religion.

@NovaNovass @Lokipi @Khaz @VeydSahvoz @shadowz1995

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