Project Black IC

NovaNovass said:
"Rule three don't think with your dick." Raven smirked as she heard the safety on the pistol click. "Or rule number four..." Raven didn't remove the welder or take her weight off of Caine. "What's the crew going to say when they find one of their riders dead?" she asked. "And from your deal, it seems that you want to stay on this ship.. Not only that but be apart of the crew as well."
She tilted her head a bit. If he spoke truth then it didn't matter if he pulled a gun on her. He couldn't fire at a crew member and get away with it and still be on the ship... Well not alive.

Raven still had a hand free that was holding onto Cain'es shirt. She could easily contact Shin within seconds if she were to press her emergency button. Her com on the table would connect right to Shin and if she didn't answer within 20 seconds the crew would come looking for her.

"So why don't you tell me more of what I want to know first... The conversation bull... You can promise information but who's to say that you actually have the information I want?"

Val listened to his story deeply. She took in all forms of the communication. From his words to his body language... Even the look in his eyes when he spoke about it. Towards the end she could tell his world was becoming dark. She frowned and lifted up her arms as she walked over to him and wrapped them around him, pulling him into another hug. "You don't have to talk about it." She smiled as she laid her head on his chest.

"The people on this ship are good people." she smiled at him. "As long as you are here, you don't have to worry about the past." She added. Val stood there for a few more moments not really saying anything in words. She figured her hug spoke louder than her voice at this moment.

She finally stepped back and folded her hands behind her back. She held a large smile as she looked into his eyes. "Now.... for the task at hand.. There is a very large room with lots of air space with your name on it." She could clearly recall his smile from before. So natural and genuine. It would indeed be a waist if they came all this way and he only got off the ground once. Plus Val liked to watch him fly. It was something more interesting to her then her medical studies and abilities.

"Go and fly before Shin finds out..." Val almost chocked on her words when she thought about what Shin would say if he saw this or even found out. Her bringing a passenger to one of the larger bay areas so he can spreed his wings. The topic wouldn't end well seeing as the crew had to play caution with a lot of things these days.
Just before Aeva submerged completely into the memory, a soft touch called him back. He hadn't heard what she was saying anymore but he could tell her voice was genuine. Whatever she was telling him it was sincere and Aeva's consciousness reached for it. He eventually found himself in the doctors embrace and now it was his turn to be stunned for a brief moment. Her actions indeed spoke louder than her words in this case, as it was her embrace that pulled him out of his stupor. When she pulled away from him he looked at her in a different light. Something told him he could trust this one. Completely with no doubts. He shook his head of the thought and regained his regular composure. She was telling him to continue flying before someone called Shin found out. He didn't know who that was but it didn't matter to him. He nodded with a returning smile and took off into the air once again but without the fiery excitement from before. He had gotten the hyperactive child out of his system and now flew around at a steady pace, going about 43 miles per hour. He flew in patterns, making graceful turns and elegant twists throughout the extensive area. They were complex movements that worked his wings more than just speed, putting the injury to heal better with exercise.

There came a moment where he paused and looked down at the female doctor from roughly 10 meters above her. He called to her, "Would you like to come along? It's pretty nice up here you know?"
shadowz1995 said:
Just before Aeva submerged completely into the memory, a soft touch called him back. He hadn't heard what she was saying anymore but he could tell her voice was genuine. Whatever she was telling him it was sincere and Aeva's consciousness reached for it. He eventually found himself in the doctors embrace and now it was his turn to be stunned for a brief moment. Her actions indeed spoke louder than her words in this case, as it was her embrace that pulled him out of his stupor. When she pulled away from him he looked at her in a different light. Something told him he could trust this one. Completely with no doubts. He shook his head of the thought and regained his regular composure. She was telling him to continue flying before someone called Shin found out. He didn't know who that was but it didn't matter to him. He nodded with a returning smile and took off into the air once again but without the fiery excitement from before. He had gotten the hyperactive child out of his system and now flew around at a steady pace, going about 43 miles per hour. He flew in patterns, making graceful turns and elegant twists throughout the extensive area. They were complex movements that worked his wings more than just speed, putting the injury to heal better with exercise.
There came a moment where he paused and looked down at the female doctor from roughly 10 meters above her. He called to her, "Would you like to come along? It's pretty nice up here you know?"
Val watched him fly around, still keeping her hands neatly folded behind her back. She smiled greatly as she watched him. But when he stopped not too far from her, she only questioned until he spoke his.

Now it was Val's turn to let her excitement out. She threw her hands up towards the sky reaching out for him. Hot damn! this was a dream come true for her. "Yes please!" She called out... Maybe a bit too loud for her liking. But she couldn't help it.

She flew in the Gallion and in smaller ships. Even Raven or Charlie had given her rides on their bikes. But this... This was different.

While Val reached out further for Aeva to pick her up off the ground she didn't notice a pair of eyes had spotted them. Shin stood in the doorway mostly still in the hallway. He had heard the sounds of their voices as he walked by... And when he noticed that the door was open it made him even more curious as to who was in one of the main bays.

He locked onto both Val and Aeva. The guy with the wings from before and their very own head medic. He watched the two curiously as he pondered if he was to step in or not. This was one of the main bays and there were things in there that Shin didn't want strangers to find out about..... but Val looked happy... And maybe she would get distracted enough to stay off his back about his cold.
NovaNovass said:
Val watched him fly around, still keeping her hands neatly folded behind her back. She smiled greatly as she watched him. But when he stopped not too far from her, she only questioned until he spoke his.
Now it was Val's turn to let her excitement out. She threw her hands up towards the sky reaching out for him. Hot damn! this was a dream come true for her. "Yes please!" She called out... Maybe a bit too loud for her liking. But she couldn't help it.

She flew in the Gallion and in smaller ships. Even Raven or Charlie had given her rides on their bikes. But this... This was different.

While Val reached out further for Aeva to pick her up off the ground she didn't notice a pair of eyes had spotted them. Shin stood in the doorway mostly still in the hallway. He had heard the sounds of their voices as he walked by... And when he noticed that the door was open it made him even more curious as to who was in one of the main bays.

He locked onto both Val and Aeva. The guy with the wings from before and their very own head medic. He watched the two curiously as he pondered if he was to step in or not. This was one of the main bays and there were things in there that Shin didn't want strangers to find out about..... but Val looked happy... And maybe she would get distracted enough to stay off his back about his cold.
Considering his elevated position, Aeva saw the sickly young man he had met before. The prickly one as he recalled. He still looked as bad as when Aeva had met him but with the pondering expression on his face, Aeva decided to leave it be without question. He slowly descended to where he could reach her and swooped her up into his arms. Real life wasnt a movie so he couldn't superman carry her with one arm otherwise the balance would be off and he would fall to one side. The best way was, funny enough, one of the more romanticized ones. The princess/bridal carry was the best position to carry someone in as it offered the most comfort and balance. Of course it also implied other things but Aeva didn't particularly mind. Val seemed very nice and he would like to get to know her a little better anyway. "Alright, hold on tight." With a few mighty beats of his wings, they took off into the air. Aeva's speed is reduced by half while carrYing someone but his max speed was 180. It would be pushing it but he sped up to about 50 mph so that Val could get the best experience. A good combination of the air whipping past your face and the grace of a bird with the wind under its wings. He preformed very showy yet intricate maneuvers that really showed off the grace of Avalon flight. As previously stated, it was more to show off for Val but it's not like she would know that. She seemed so excited that he doubted it.
shadowz1995 said:
Considering his elevated position, Aeva saw the sickly young man he had met before. The prickly one as he recalled. He still looked as bad as when Aeva had met him but with the pondering expression on his face, Aeva decided to leave it be without question. He slowly descended to where he could reach her and swooped her up into his arms. Real life wasnt a movie so he couldn't superman carry her with one arm otherwise the balance would be off and he would fall to one side. The best way was, funny enough, one of the more romanticized ones. The princess/bridal carry was the best position to carry someone in as it offered the most comfort and balance. Of course it also implied other things but Aeva didn't particularly mind. Val seemed very nice and he would like to get to know her a little better anyway. "Alright, hold on tight." With a few mighty beats of his wings, they took off into the air. Aeva's speed is reduced by half while carrYing someone but his max speed was 180. It would be pushing it but he sped up to about 50 mph so that Val could get the best experience. A good combination of the air whipping past your face and the grace of a bird with the wind under its wings. He preformed very showy yet intricate maneuvers that really showed off the grace of Avalon flight. As previously stated, it was more to show off for Val but it's not like she would know that. She seemed so excited that he doubted it.
Val wrapped her arms around Aeva's neck as he swooped her into his arms. That's right she used the word swooped.

But this was her very much inner child now coming right out. When Aeva took off Val couldn't help her excitement. She still had to hold on, but with him flying around and doing graceful and skilled turns only made her want to leap from his hands and fly on her own. But she knew she couldn't do such a thing.

The feel of flying was everything and more of what she had expected...... "Shit..." She caught eye of Shin just as Aeva made a sharp turn. She quickly looked back to see that Shin was now gone. This puzzled her greatly. Did she actually see him or was it just her mind playing games? She failed to express her thoughts out loud and kept looking at the door where she saw the ship's navigator. The door was was empty and she concluded that this had to be her imagination playing games with her. So she set back to the experience at hand.

Meanwhile Shin had made his dissension to leave the two love birds alone.... Love birds.. yup sounded about right. "At least someone is having fun on the Gallion today." Shin uttered to himself as he looked to his tablet and continued to move about the ship.
Raven grumbled as she gave Caine a very dull look. "You really are stupid." She gave him a hard shove into the ground and got to her feet. She dropped the welder on the table and picked up her com. She turned back to him. "First off... You are a passenger, you shouldn't be in here and you certainly should not have that." She pointed to his gun. She sounded pissed.

"Second.... Without a good sample of the information you so call have... " She held up the com and went to press the button.

What really ticked her off was the fact that this guy was calling her an unskilled rider. She was a fighter not a racer. The races were just what got her into bikes which then got her into Riding for ships. For her to live this long meant either she never saw battler or was good enough to up hold her own.

Charlie was indeed good and it was never really about the conditions of their bikes, it was skill and team work.

"So how about this... Either you give me a good sample of what you know.. Or you can leave before the crew gets here?" Raven wasn't playing at this point. She needed some hard evidence and the fact that he pulled a gun on her only made her not trust him even more than before. There was no going back to anything at this point. It was either he had to give her a little something, leave or have to deal with the crew.

Adrian spent a good 10 minutes wandering around the docking area finding not a single person who knew were to find the Captian. Throughly confused and frustrated Adrian went to leave for his room when he inadvertently bumped into Shin, who seemed to absorbed in his tablet. "Pardon me, Oh it's you Shin. Would your ship happen to have a chapel or something similar?


(Sorry for short heading to work)
SleepyBuddha said:
Adrian spent a good 10 minutes wandering around the docking area finding not a single person who knew were to find the Captian. Throughly confused and frustrated Adrian went to leave for his room when he inadvertently bumped into Shin, who seemed to absorbed in his tablet. "Pardon me, Oh it's you Shin. Would your ship happen to have a chapel or something similar?

(Sorry for short heading to work)
(It's ok... I soon have to go get ready for work too.)

Shin was trying to make his way back to the bridge when he blindly ran into someone. He stepped back and looked up from his tablet. He blinked when the Father called him by his name. He missed the days were they didn't need to take on new people. Shin gritted his teeth at the question, "No..." He simply stated. "This ship will never have such a thing either Father." Shin gave the man a look up and down before showing the lack of interest in the faith.
Caine dusted himself off before holstering his pistol back in its concealed pouch on his leg and stood up. "Alright, you drive a hard bargain. I once called myself a rider. Even competed in the same league as Edison, Beck, and Sicario. Back when I was a lot younger and dumber. Used to call me "Twitch" I was only kid when Sicario and Edison started racing in the underground and made their way to the top. And looked up to Edison. I gave up racing shortly after they both left. If you'd like, I'm more then happy to give you a demonstration." Caine pointed to the parts all around the hangar and seemed a bit eager to get back in the saddle of a bike again.

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Raven seemed a bit disappointed. "Twitch?" She asked. "Never heard of him." She added before she lingered on the rest of his words. "So you meet Edison?" She had more questions but something seemed off about Caine. Well their whole meeting was more like banter back and forth, but now everything pilled together. If this guy raced with Edison then she would have known his racing name at least. But Twitch never rang any bells.

"I don't buy it..." She huffed. More so she didn't want this guy touching her bike or any of the bikes on the ship. Her guard was way up and ready for just about anything. She kept the com in her hand as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You might just want to stroll back to the passenger wing and try your luck with the captain on your own." she told him. "But until you are a part of this crew you really shouldn't be here." Just because someone grew up on Edison and raced or was into racing didn't mean they knew Edison personally. Raven could use Shin as a great example. The guy was big into the races and knew his stuff about motors, but when it came to Edison's personal life Shin didn't really know more than Raven or the others. He just got a front row ticket to each race and followed the stats and reports.

"You probably don't know the name Twitch because I wasn't much of a racer compared to Edison. Whenever I got to his league I became shadowed by his fame like Sicario and the racers under us. Regardless I knew Edison back then. He and Sicario occassionally had beef with each other, but it was usually good natured competitiveness, with a hint of bitter. They had a mutual respect for each other." Caine began to walk away to the crew quarters, he may not have scored a goal this round, but he had certainly planted a seed. Maybe He'd go and talk with Shin. Though, if memory serves right, a conversation with Shin might end up worse.

"And set your bikes attenuators on an inverse loop. It'll increase your RPMs. That's how Edison did his bike." Caine yelled back into the hangar as his voice and footsteps faded away.

DJGomez said:
"You probably don't know the name Twitch because I wasn't much of a racer compared to Edison. Whenever I got to his league I became shadowed by his fame like Sicario and the racers under us. Regardless I knew Edison back then. He and Sicario occassionally had beef with each other, but it was usually good natured competitiveness, with a hint of bitter. They had a mutual respect for each other." Caine began to walk away to the crew quarters, he may not have scored a goal this round, but he had certainly planted a seed. Maybe He'd go and talk with Shin. Though, if memory serves right, a conversation with Shin might end up worse.
"And set your bikes attenuators on an inverse loop. It'll increase your RPMs. That's how Edison did his bike." Caine yelled back into the hangar as his voice and footsteps faded away.

Raven watched as Caine left and let out a heavy breath. She let her eyes shift over to her bike where they started to look angered... As if the bike did something. "Rpms....." She uttered before placing the com back on the table and moving back to her work. She had to think for a minute about what Caine had said about actually knowing or even meeting Edison. She wished that one day she could meet her hero.... She would then pick his brain out for just about everything.

But the guy did have a point. Edison did sometimes use the inverse instead of the outverse. She let out another heavy breath as she moved back to her coils.

Meanwhile Shin was still standing in front of the priest not sure where the guy was getting at with a church or something like it on the ship. (If anyone wants to mingle? ( ^_^ ).... )
Caine walked through the ship, looking around and what not, passing by some of the other passengers. That group of four that came on to get her seemed odd for whatever reason as he brushed by them. He eventually found himself with Shin and the holyman as he was talking about a church. Caine walked up and placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

"You're wasting your breath father, this man isn't the converting type. Besides, me and him need to have a private conversation if you don't mind."

@NovaNovass @SleepyBuddha
Adrian kept his gentle smile as Shin described his lack of faith and the seemingly zero desire to ever have faith, " Thank you, that's all I needed other than where our captain would be." Adrian asked waiting for Shin to respond when his should was touched by a new person.

Adrian always has an internal dilemma when he is approached from behind like this. Was this person friendly or after his life? Usually when one means arm they grab onto their target with as much strength as possible, but that didn't seem to be the case. So Adrian turned to see the man who told him he was wasting his time trying to convert Shin, " So I managed to gather from his response, and I will be happy to leave once I can find our captain. "

@NovaNovass @DJGomez
Shin looked at the priest a bit confused when he said 'our Captain'. Shin narrowed his eyes at the priest with very limited amusement. "What do you mean by 'our Captain'?" Shin asked as he made quotation marks with his fingers. But he felt like he needed to shake this off when he caught sight of Caine and the mention of a private conversation. He had a feeling he kind of knew what the other was wanting to talk about and dreaded the conversation already.

So Shin made things very simple. "The Captain is about to leave ship.... If there is anything you wish to discus with her you can discus with me first.... But right now..." Shin looked to Caine, "I will have to get back to you on this topic." He motioned for Caine to follow him as he left the priest in the docking bay for the time being.

Shin lead Caine to the bridge and shut the door once the two were inside. He was down right sure that what ever the other wanted to talk about... It had to be serious. If not this had to deal with their pasts that had once meet. He placed his tablet down at his navigation's dash board and took a seat in his chair. He let it swirl from side to side as he looked at the other. "So what is it you want to talk about?" He asked with a serious look in his eyes.

@DJGomez @SleepyBuddha
Shin as straight to the point, good. There was no point in beating around the bush. He crossed his arms and looked over the bridge before resting his eyes on Shin. "Well, seems we've both grown up. Must say, I almost believed a few of the rumors. That Rider of yours in the hangar has some additude and potential. Shame she doesn't realize what's right under her nose."

Shin watched Caine with interest as to what the other Racer wanted to talk about. He knew him from Edison and then some. But to have him on the ship was a bit of a gamble in Shin's eyes. Caine knew too much about him and his past to the point where shit was edging for the fan.

Shin looked at Caine a little confused when he mentioned a pistol Rider in the bike bay. But his guess was better then he expected. Caine was talking about Raven. Shin let out a heavy breath as he figured Raven would go work on her bike and not clean the rails like he told her to do.

"Potential and then some." He stated as he knew what Caine was talking about. "Raven's got some issues.... She doesn't really trust a lot of people." Shin shrugged. "Took her almost a year before she trusted me..." Shin shook his head at the conversation. It wasn't what he thought Caine was wanting to talk about. Instead Shin had other things on his mind when it came to Caine.

"Before this goes any further..." Shin glared at Caine. "I have to make this crystal clear....." Shin paused as he had to choose his words ever so wisely. "You and I never meet before.... On this ship... Edison is as good as dead for all I care. And if I hear or get any notion that anyone on this crew or on this ship has any suspicion... I will hang you dry." Shin's last few words came with a harsh warning.

"I have already made it clear to the Captain that the Gallion will never touch Edison soil... So don't encourage Raven, Charlie or anyone that we might stop there.." Shin felt his warning starting to turn into a ramble. But he had his reasons as to why the Gallion would never touch Edison. And from the rumors about Caine he felt that the feeling was mutual in a way.

"But back to the topic of Raven... My advice would be to keep your distance from her and the other riders. They can be picky and they don't play very well with passengers." Shin still had no idea that Caine wanted to join the crew. And if it were up t shin... He had half a say in the matter... He would say no due to their joint paths from the past.

NovaNovass said:
Shin liked the sound of people not having any questions. But when she said his name and introduced herself along with mentioning Ross.... He got a curious look. "Emma...?" Sounded almost like a question but settled on more of a statement. He nodded to her, "Well Emma.... Welcome to the crew..." He turned on his heels and headed to exit the ship.
If was one thing for Ross to hire a pilot, but another for her to start giving out names of other crew members. She did this when she was certain of hiring another to join the crew. Shin and Dax would probably be the only two people on the crew to pick up this hint. He had seen everyone get hired and it was very much the same in some ways. But once she trusted someone enough for them to join the crew she would tell the new member about the others aboard the ship.

Just as he was about to exit the drop ship Ross and the three hired guns walked on. Shin paused only for a moment.

"How long till we can get off this moon?" She asked Shin as the three brothers walked further into the hull of the drop ship and found seats and places to put their gear.

Shin watched the brothers before turning to answer Ross. "As soon as you get back we can leave." his tone of voice as dull.

Ross looked Shin over and could clearly tell Shin was not doing too well. She feared this a bit. "I'll com you when we get close... I want to leave as soon as we get back." She told him before continuing into the ship. She made her way into the cock pit and took the second pilot seat.

Ross knew how to fly ships... She had flown a lot in her day... But if one were to ask her to do anything with flying a ship now.... That was a whole chapter no one wanted to open... Not even her.

Shin went to step off the ship but was stopped by Rem. "Hey Shin?" He started.

Shin blinked at the sound of his name... This would be a total of five people she hired since they had started to collect passengers... He didn't even know about the new doctor yet.

"Ross said that you were the one to talk to about rooms... I was wondering if me and my brothers could have rooms near one another."

Shin slowly nodded before leaving the ship. "I'll see what I can do." He uttered.

Ross buckled herself in as Rem closed the door behind Shin. "Alright Miss Emma." Ross glanced back to see the three brothers were now all strapped in. "Lets get moving." She started to poke at the computer screen and punched in the coordinates for their pick up.

Emma listened to the conversation at hand passively and only barely, mostly focusing on checking everything over one last time. Sure, Shin had poked around on it but she needed to re-familiarize herself with such old tech. Though, for the most part, all tech was easy enough to understand for her. She never really understood why. Though she didn't know it this was partially to do with the nanites in her body, though only partially they still helped. She smiled at Ross as she sat down beside her, buckling herself in and placing her hands on the steering wheel(whatever the thing uses?) as she punched the co-ordinates in. "Yes Ma'am, buckle in everyone!" She called out as she inputted the codes to open the doors. Once they opened she slowly lifted the massive ship off of the ground and flew out, headed towards where they needed to go. Soon they were flying through space towards their destination, nothing but them and the stars between them. Emma sighed as she looked out of the window, "Been flying for as long as I can remember..this view never gets old." She commented, mostly thinking outloud as she gazed at the well..stars.
Mitchs98 said:
EmmaEmma listened to the conversation at hand passively and only barely, mostly focusing on checking everything over one last time. Sure, Shin had poked around on it but she needed to re-familiarize herself with such old tech. Though, for the most part, all tech was easy enough to understand for her. She never really understood why. Though she didn't know it this was partially to do with the nanites in her body, though only partially they still helped. She smiled at Ross as she sat down beside her, buckling herself in and placing her hands on the steering wheel(whatever the thing uses?) as she punched the co-ordinates in. "Yes Ma'am, buckle in everyone!" She called out as she inputted the codes to open the doors. Once they opened she slowly lifted the massive ship off of the ground and flew out, headed towards where they needed to go. Soon they were flying through space towards their destination, nothing but them and the stars between them. Emma sighed as she looked out of the window, "Been flying for as long as I can remember..this view never gets old." She commented, mostly thinking outloud as she gazed at the well..stars.
(Just so you know they are still on the moon and they don't need to head out into space just yet. Mostly she would be flying around the skies like a small jet or a plane. ( ^_^ )...)

Ross merely shifted her eyes over to Emma as the girl piloted the ship gracefully. Her words about flying didn't mean much to Ross at the moment. She more so focused on actual skills that she could witness. So far the girl was doing good. Even with her own skills in piloting Ross could say that older ships confused the mess out of her. So for Emma to just pick up and go on different kinds of ships was a big plus. Not to mention that she could use her on her crew as a second pilot.

Shin would be the normal pick for this kind of thing. Her Riders were somewhat more familiar with the bikes and smaller ships. The technology was very much different when it came to bikes and ships. The only other person she knew that could pilot both.... Was Shin. For some reason he was skilled in all aspects of ships and bikes. The motors, the tech, systems, how to fix them and even how to build them. He told her a few times that he was indeed born and raised on Edison. Edison was the ship and bike capital of the verse. With Shin's wide knowledge she concluded that most people from Edison would have similar traits.

Emma didn't seem like she was from Edison. She didn't have the look, the attitude or even the way she carried her self or spoke. Nothing screamed Edison from the girl. But for her to have such skill and knowledge was an even better thing.

"When we get back I'm going to sit down with you and Shin." She said in a mono tone. "I want to make sure you get logged into the ship officially as a crew member..." She paused and looked back to the three brothers. "That goes the same for you three as well."

The three brothers nodded towards Ross with large smiles on their faces. Without others knowing Ross was able to have a chat with the brothers before boarding the drop ship. Well mostly Rem. Rem explained their situation to Ross and Ross had a good feeling about them joining. They were loyal and did their jobs. Plus she felt that they wouldn't cause much problems with the crew.

She turned back to Emma. "I'm not one to really dig into people's pasts." She told her. "Treat others how you want to be treated... So in a more straight forward term.... I stay out of your past and you stay out of mine." Ross had to be clear on this as the only people to know about her past was Dax and Shin. Dax knew more then anyone, and Shin only knew a bit. But still she had to make somethings very clear.

Soon enough they had reached their destination. A large warehouse almost as big as the Gallion. From their Emma would land the drop ship in the designated area and people rushed out with creates, boxes and all sorts of thing.

They filled up the drop ship in a matter of minutes. For as much as they loaded.... It was like a breaking record. Much more then what Emma's ship could have handled. At this point Ross was glade that she made the call to take the bigger drop ship. The weight and load would have killed or even murdered Emma's personal ship.

But once finished and Ross had a few words with one of the men in charge of the shipment, they were heading back to the Gallion. Ross felt a bit odd about the pickup. There was no need for extra hired guns... But then again.... This was only the pickup. The drop off was surely to be the other half where things would become really rough.

But all in all they were soon to dock back in one of the Ship's bays... And they will need to go through the shipment before leaving the moon. She had already done a count... But Ross was the kind of Captain who actually cared about what she transported. This big of a ship was a target to the Union and they didn't need anything illegal on their ship while making a drop to one of the inner planets.
NovaNovass said:
Val wrapped her arms around Aeva's neck as he swooped her into his arms. That's right she used the word swooped.
But this was her very much inner child now coming right out. When Aeva took off Val couldn't help her excitement. She still had to hold on, but with him flying around and doing graceful and skilled turns only made her want to leap from his hands and fly on her own. But she knew she couldn't do such a thing.

The feel of flying was everything and more of what she had expected...... "Shit..." She caught eye of Shin just as Aeva made a sharp turn. She quickly looked back to see that Shin was now gone. This puzzled her greatly. Did she actually see him or was it just her mind playing games? She failed to express her thoughts out loud and kept looking at the door where she saw the ship's navigator. The door was was empty and she concluded that this had to be her imagination playing games with her. So she set back to the experience at hand.

Meanwhile Shin had made his dissension to leave the two love birds alone.... Love birds.. yup sounded about right. "At least someone is having fun on the Gallion today." Shin uttered to himself as he looked to his tablet and continued to move about the ship.
After a few laughs and amusement at Val's childlike excitement to the whole situation , Aeva flows down to the ground level and touches down gently, without a sound other than the beating of his wings and the fact he was slightly out of breath from the effort of doing those intricate flight patterns with a passenger. Though seeing the genuine heartfelt smile during the flight made it worth every second.

As he set her down, he paused and asked himself, "Why do I care so much that this lady in particular is happy?" Yes he would like to get to know her better but that doesn't mean that he would care so much. The avalon shook it off and took a step back to look at Val. She seemed almost flustered after the flight and it brought a chuckle from his throat. "You look like a flustered child Doctor." He laughed. Aeva relaxed his wings then crossed his arms and merely regarded her. Her reactions were amusing to him.
Charlie found herself alone amidst the rabble which had begun to wander onto the ship, the stragglers having no wish to fly, but rather use this opportunity to sale their knickknacks. Crossing her arms gingerly, she shook her head at a merchant who edged up the ramp with a hopeful expression. Pointing her chin back towards the street, Charlie motioned for the merchant to return back to his work, before her attention was caught by Shin’s hurried exit with one of the passengers, leaving Adrian alone.

Sighing inwardly and admiring Shin’s amazing host abilities, Charlie moved over to the Father with a gentle smile. “You’ll have to forgive my friend.” She began, “His first impressions are never strong, but he grows on you after a year or so.” With this, the woman held out a hand in greeting. “I’m Charlie, lead rider. Is there anything I can help you with at all Father?” Charlie asked.

Meanwhile Jack also found himself alone within the expansive med bay, a little lost for words. He had been given the whole tour of the crew’s areas by Val, but this attention and welcome was short lived when their first patients showed up. The angel and the priest. It was like the beginning of a bad joke, although the ending was anticlimactic, leaving the room empty with the exception of the nurse.

“Not how I expected that to play out.” Jack mumbled, as he ran a hand through his hair, eyes fixed to empty door. When he was sure no one else was about to appear, Jack flicked open his bag, retrieving his small med bag in which his needles, vials and numerous little implements awaited him. Despite the fact that he ensured his equipment was well looked after, using what was available on this dusty little moon, Jack was eager to give his stuff a proper clean with some of the stuff now open to him in the ship.

Dax still remained in the corridor, eyes glued to Flynn with a bored expression playing across his features, before at long last the man decided on action. Words can only get a man so far and he had waited a long enough. “I’m sorry, but enough games. You are on the captain’s ship and therefore aide by her rules.” The man offered with a grunt, stepping forward with a grimace. Without warning, or even a blink, Dax’s hand then surged forward, fingers outstretched and ready to grab the tiny hissing creature and pull it down from its safety spot.

@ScountheRatKing , @SleepyBuddha
Adrian was surprised to be approached by another person, let alone the lead rider, but this was a good chance to introduce himself to another crew member, " I figured he was the type of person that grew on you the longer you were with them. It's a pleasure to meet you Charlie, you may call me Adrian, Cardinal Haines, or Father. It seems to be the most common one at the moment." Adrian said with a slight life. It would seem not many people on this ship care for the church hierarchy so it didn't bother Adrian that he was being called Father instead of Cardinal, though if it were one of his fellow cardinals he was sure they would have harshly corrected everyone on the ship by now and demanded the best room they had. Adrian was slightly different from his fellow cardinals in that regard. He believes his powerful position within the church is meant to help and serve all the children of God. Not just so he can enjoy the perks of his position while others suffer nearby.

" I am fine at the moment, but if I can help you in anyway please let me know. Even if you just need to talk my door is always open."

"You don't need to worry about me spilling my mouth. You and I want the same thing, its only coincidence that we ran into each other again. As far as the Verse is concerned, Edison and Sicario are just legends people tell their kids at night. But I can't help it if she figures it out on her own, though right now i'd bet that it'd be awhile. Putting pasts aside, seems you could use someone like me on this ship, and i'm willing to put in the effort." Caine shifted to his other foot and he eyed Shin, waiting for his response.

shadowz1995 said:
After a few laughs and amusement at Val's childlike excitement to the whole situation , Aeva flows down to the ground level and touches down gently, without a sound other than the beating of his wings and the fact he was slightly out of breath from the effort of doing those intricate flight patterns with a passenger. Though seeing the genuine heartfelt smile during the flight made it worth every second.
As he set her down, he paused and asked himself, "Why do I care so much that this lady in particular is happy?" Yes he would like to get to know her better but that doesn't mean that he would care so much. The avalon shook it off and took a step back to look at Val. She seemed almost flustered after the flight and it brought a chuckle from his throat. "You look like a flustered child Doctor." He laughed. Aeva relaxed his wings then crossed his arms and merely regarded her. Her reactions were amusing to him.
After they landed of course Val was all smiles. She turned to Aeva and nodded, "Not flustered." She shook her head. It was more like a child going on their first roller coaster ever. She looked around the large bay area and never thought that she would one day fly in it. Her eyes scanned the corners and such before falling back to the door where she thought she had seen Shin.

That was right... They weren't aloud in the bay, well not passengers. "I think we should head back." She told Aeva. "I'll bring you back here later on the trip when not many crew members will be wandering around. I'm not exactly authorized to bring anyone here in the first place." She shrugged as she motioned towards the door. She started to make her way back to the hallways, in hopes that she wasn't in trouble for bringing Aeva to this bay area.

DJGomez said:
"You don't need to worry about me spilling my mouth. You and I want the same thing, its only coincidence that we ran into each other again. As far as the Verse is concerned, Edison and Sicario are just legends people tell their kids at night. But I can't help it if she figures it out on her own, though right now i'd bet that it'd be awhile. Putting pasts aside, seems you could use someone like me on this ship, and i'm willing to put in the effort." Caine shifted to his other foot and he eyed Shin, waiting for his response.
(Again please refrain from using nothing but dialog as a post. Conversation is good... But after a while these kinds of posts get really annoying.)

Shin started to laugh at Caine's last bit of words. "You on this ship as part of the crew?" Shin turned to his tablet and counsel. "That's a good one." He ran his fingers over the tablet as his laughed faded out. "But seriously... I have been working with Raven for five years now... If she figures something out now..." He looked back over to Caine. "I'm sure I can tell you why..." Shin paused for a second as he noticed something odd about Caine.... He blinked a bit as he ran over Caine's words in his mind.

"Holly shit you're serious?" Shin looked shocked. He placed his tablet down once more giving the other his attention. "You really want to join the crew? Of the Gallion.... The same ship I own?" Well Shin only owned half. Ross held the other half. But still this was a very out of space request or suggestion from the other.

"Do you understand that I am on this ship?" Shin asked, "Not to mention that well..... I'm on this ship?" Shin was not happy with this at all. He figured Caine had his own reasons for leaving Edison, and Shin had his own too... But both of them on the same ship and crew might not be a very good fit. Plus Shin was never really a fan of Caine from back in the day. Hell Shin never really did get along with many people and the few that he did get along with.....

"Why?" Shin had to understand the reason as to why Caine wanted to be on the Gallion.
NovaNovass said:
After they landed of course Val was all smiles. She turned to Aeva and nodded, "Not flustered." She shook her head. It was more like a child going on their first roller coaster ever. She looked around the large bay area and never thought that she would one day fly in it. Her eyes scanned the corners and such before falling back to the door where she thought she had seen Shin.
That was right... They weren't aloud in the bay, well not passengers. "I think we should head back." She told Aeva. "I'll bring you back here later on the trip when not many crew members will be wandering around. I'm not exactly authorized to bring anyone here in the first place." She shrugged as she motioned towards the door. She started to make her way back to the hallways, in hopes that she wasn't in trouble for bringing Aeva to this bay area.

(Again please refrain from using nothing but dialog as a post. Conversation is good... But after a while these kinds of posts get really annoying.)

Shin started to laugh at Caine's last bit of words. "You on this ship as part of the crew?" Shin turned to his tablet and counsel. "That's a good one." He ran his fingers over the tablet as his laughed faded out. "But seriously... I have been working with Raven for five years now... If she figures something out now..." He looked back over to Caine. "I'm sure I can tell you why..." Shin paused for a second as he noticed something odd about Caine.... He blinked a bit as he ran over Caine's words in his mind.

"Holly shit you're serious?" Shin looked shocked. He placed his tablet down once more giving the other his attention. "You really want to join the crew? Of the Gallion.... The same ship I own?" Well Shin only owned half. Ross held the other half. But still this was a very out of space request or suggestion from the other.

"Do you understand that I am on this ship?" Shin asked, "Not to mention that well..... I'm on this ship?" Shin was not happy with this at all. He figured Caine had his own reasons for leaving Edison, and Shin had his own too... But both of them on the same ship and crew might not be a very good fit. Plus Shin was never really a fan of Caine from back in the day. Hell Shin never really did get along with many people and the few that he did get along with.....

"Why?" Shin had to understand the reason as to why Caine wanted to be on the Gallion.
"Oh. I didn't know we couldn't be here. Maybe that's why that prickly human from before was looking like he wanted to tell us something." Aeva mused aloud. It would make sense now but if that was the case then why did he simply walk away? First impressions aren't everything, Aeva knew that but from their brief meeting, Aeva didn't figure him to be the type to overlook a breach in the rules. The avalon quickly picked up and re-equipped his gear before He followed Doctor Val out of the bay area while thinking to himself about the reason Shin would just walk away like that. It didn't really occur to him that Val would force him into taking medicine as she just didn't seem the type to do that from what he had seen of her but the avalon did leave some room for doubt just in case. "Well, maybe he just didn't want you to know he was sick. Good riddance either way. Complete bastard that one." He said with a nod of his head, more to himself than to Val.

On the other hand, the wing that had been causing Aeva problems now felt much better than it was before. The sweet burn of a good work out could be felt through his entire back and wings. The ache was a welcome one aND it made him much happier than he was a few days ago.
shadowz1995 said:
"Oh. I didn't know we couldn't be here. Maybe that's why that prickly human from before was looking like he wanted to tell us something." Aeva mused aloud. It would make sense now but if that was the case then why did he simply walk away? First impressions aren't everything, Aeva knew that but from their brief meeting, Aeva didn't figure him to be the type to overlook a breach in the rules. The avalon quickly picked up and re-equipped his gear before He followed Doctor Val out of the bay area while thinking to himself about the reason Shin would just walk away like that. It didn't really occur to him that Val would force him into taking medicine as she just didn't seem the type to do that from what he had seen of her but the avalon did leave some room for doubt just in case. "Well, maybe he just didn't want you to know he was sick. Good riddance either way. Complete bastard that one." He said with a nod of his head, more to himself than to Val.
On the other hand, the wing that had been causing Aeva problems now felt much better than it was before. The sweet burn of a good work out could be felt through his entire back and wings. The ache was a welcome one aND it made him much happier than he was a few days ago.
The mention about Shin cleared up the air a bit for Val. So it wasn't her mind playing games and he actually did see them. But her attention was brought back to Aeva when he spoke more about Shin being sick. She looked back to him. "How bad did he look?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder towards the angel. She had to forgive the angel when he mentioned Shin's personality. Shin wasn't at all really bad... He was the kind of person that one would get used to through time. She could recall when she first meet Shin. Their meeting was far from pleasant.

But she was drawn back to Aeva and his mention of Shin looking ill. She knew he wasn't feeling well and figured that his little cold might get worst. But with how close they were to leaving moon side she knew it would be impossible to get him to quarters and rest. Shin was stubborn and had a way of getting out of things like taking medicine or resting up.... Hell she could recall a few times where Ross gave orders to Wade and Dax to keep an eye on Shin for a whole week. Their job was to make sure the navigator slept, ate right, and didn't over work himself.

"He runs this ship by himself..." She frowned a little towards Aeva. "The ship was designed to be ran by a minimum of 200 people." Val shrugged. "For the past five years he's been running it all himself." She knew she shouldn't be telling Aeva this, but she couldn't help it as his words came back to mind once more. Mostly the ones about where it was good that Shin was sick and that he was a bastard.

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