Project Black IC

It was amusing to see Raven work on her bike. Trying to make due with what she had and actually making some impressive adaptations amused Caine. It reminded him of a..............different time. Caine stood a few feet away as he watched over her. The bike was in pieces but Caine recognized every part.

A good attempt, but Some of it was some fairly outdated junk.

"You'll wanna increase your arcs on that coil by 20. It's excessive and that particular coil isn't rates for 30 plus but it can handle it. Any extra arcs can be channeled into your engines.

Walked over and around the maze of parts Layed out around the hangar, taking care not to touch anything. He couldn't resist though. Caine grabbed an engine piece as he looked it over and frowned.

DJGomez said:
It was amusing to see Raven work on her bike. Trying to make due with what she had and actually making some impressive adaptations amused Caine. It reminded him of a..............different time. Caine stood a few feet away as he watched over her. The bike was in pieces but Caine recognized every part.
A good attempt, but Some of it was some fairly outdated junk.

"You'll wanna increase your arcs on that coil by 20. It's excessive and that particular coil isn't rates for 30 plus but it can handle it. Any extra arcs can be channeled into your engines.

Walked over and around the maze of parts Layed out around the hangar, taking care not to touch anything. He couldn't resist though. Caine grabbed an engine piece as he looked it over and frowned.

Raven was already in a pissy mood when she hear a voice... And this voice was not the person she wanted to take her anger out on. But she hated people telling her how to amp up her bike.... Well not everyone.

Raven spun around and narrowed her eyes at Caine. "And who died and called you king of Edison?" She snapped at him. She saw one of her parts in his hands and she quickly dropped her coil rushing over to Caine. She reached out and snatched the part from him. "Seriously, who said you can touch my things....?" Her question only made her think even more. Why was a passenger in the bike hanger? All passengers were to stay in their rooms or gather in the common areas set aside for passengers.

Raven placed the part back on the floor before she walked back in a huff to her workbench. She looked over her coil and sadly she knew this stranger was right about the mods. And with what she had she could do it along with more. She could take some of the extra parts Shin had laying around all over the ship... But then again, the last time she did that she ended up having to work off the part and was on Shin duty for a week.

Raven sighed and looked down at the coil in her hands.
Ravens little tantrum brought a smile to him. "King of Edison.......that's a name I hadn't heard for a very long time. I love your spunk and ambition." It was tempting just to tell Raven the whole shebang, but that would probably cause a lot more trouble then Caine was in the mood for. Didn't mean he couldn't tease her a bit.

He walked over and picked up another part, frowning at it. "Your bike is a pretty good attempt, you got potential, but you lack a certain........finese" Caine was sure why, but he took a bit of a liking to Raven. She reminded him a lot about himself. "How long have you been riding?"

Caine put the part down and walked over to another bike. Particularly Charlie's as he inspected it.

DJGomez said:
Ravens little tantrum brought a smile to him. "King of Edison.......that's a name I hadn't heard for a very long time. I love your spunk and ambition." It was tempting just to tell Raven the whole shebang, but that would probably cause a lot more trouble then Caine was in the mood for. Didn't mean he couldn't tease her a bit.
He walked over and picked up another part, frowning at it. "Your bike is a pretty good attempt, you got potential, but you lack a certain........finese" Caine was sure why, but he took a bit of a liking to Raven. She reminded him a lot about himself. "How long have you been riding?"

Caine put the part down and walked over to another bike. Particularly Charlie's as he inspected it.

Raven looked over her shoulder and watched Caine with intense eyes. "Then I guess you don't get out much." She snapped. "around here Edison is still King of Edison..." She turned back to her desk, "Even if he is gone..." She muttered to herself.

Raven had to look back to Caine once more as he spoke about her bike. She hated critics. She watched him move to Charlie's bike as she thought about even answering the question. This crew was very protective of one another, and even on their own they tried to keep passengers out of their business.

"That's really non of your business." she marched over to Caine and shoved him away from Charlie's bike. "Passengers should not be in the bike bay." She told him. If this was him flirting with Raven... This was no way to get the girl to open up. Raven wasn't like most girls, she had very few topics that touched her interests. One of them was bikes and racing but she hated it when people snooped around her work... Or even Charlie's work.

To her Caine could be a spy checking out the ship and it's crew, in hopes to over run it and take it over. The Gallion looked like a piece of junk on the inside and out... But she believed Shin when he said it was a treasure lost to the stars. The story he told her about the Gallion alone made her want to protect the ship and all those who traveled with her through the black.

"What is it that you want?" Raven demanded. She wasn't one to dance around or play games when she felt threatened in some way.
"I've kept myself.......distanced from recent events. Besides, I'm just a consesiour admiring some bikes. I'm curious, Youre obviously informed about riders. Ever heard of The rider Sicario?"

Caine figured he'd might as well start working his angles. He had to find a way to prove his salt and stay aboard, he was just going to use the ride to the next system and find a contract, but admittedly He wanted to stay onboard. All this talk about Edison and bikes had woken a log dormant child like desire in him.

DJGomez said:
"I've kept myself.......distanced from recent events. Besides, I'm just a consesiour admiring some bikes. I'm curious, Youre obviously informed about riders. Ever heard of The rider Sicario?"
Caine figured he'd might as well start working his angles. He had to find a way to prove his salt and stay aboard, he was just going to use the ride to the next system and find a contract, but admittedly He wanted to stay onboard. All this talk about Edison and bikes had woken a log dormant child like desire in him.

When Caine mentioned Sicario Raven smirked. A small chuckle graced her lips as the war of the old riders took form. "Sicario was no match for Edison." Her smirk now looked a bit wicked. "Him and Beck were both tied for second." Raven pushed.

She loved the old races, the top racer of all time was nicknamed after the planet itself. But there were two others. Beck who was said to be Edison's long time childhood friend and Sicario who eventually joined the top three spotlights. Edison always came in first.... Always.

"You a Sicario fan?" she asked with an amusing look on her face. "I heard he bailed cus he got mixed up in the wrong crowd..... Not like Edison..." No one really knew what happen to the racer... They just knew that one day he was there and the next he wasn't. Rumors had spreed across the verse about what happen to Edison, even when Sicario went missing... Edison's name was still a hot topic. Always at the top....Even now Edison was still a big topic on the Gallion. Her, Charlie and Shin all kept up with the races and had their own thoughts about what happen to the top three spot holders.
Ravens thoughts about Sicario gave Caine a genuine chuckle. He had her hooked, now it was time to reel her in.

"Is that so now? Well I guess you could say I was a bit of a fan. Story goes he crawled his way to the top from the very bottom. They called his bike Frankenstein from all the second hand and mismatched parts he used. Rumors went about he was sponsored by some less then favorable people but that went away when he hit the big leagues. No one knew who he was, seems pretty standard for any big name racers. I'm curious, It seems you weren't a fan of Sicario."

DJGomez said:
Ravens thoughts about Sicario gave Caine a genuine chuckle. He had her hooked, now it was time to reel her in.
"Is that so now? Well I guess you could say I was a bit of a fan. Story goes he crawled his way to the top from the very bottom. They called his bike Frankenstein from all the second hand and mismatched parts he used. Rumors went about he was sponsored by some less then favorable people but that went away when he hit the big leagues. No one knew who he was, seems pretty standard for any big name racers. I'm curious, It seems you weren't a fan of Sicario."

Raven blinked in shock when he spoke about Sicario making it from the bottom to the top. "You have got to be shitting me?" She asked as she shook her head. "Sicario was funded by a drug lord." She stated. "Edison really built his empire from scratch.... Why do you think they called him Edison?" She added to her list of questions.

"And for your information... No I'm not a fan." She rolled her eyes a bit. "But credit is given to where it's due...." She paused a little. "My top three would have to be Edison at the top... Then Beck, and finally Sicario." She shrugged a bit. The more she thought about it the more she wanted to change Sicario. Yeah he ran with the top three but Sicario never won a race..... Between him and Beck the two always faught for second.

Raven looked to the parts on the floor as she continued her thoughts. She turned back to Caine. "So let me guess... You're not an Edison fan?" she asked. "Just for the thrdr place kind of guy?"
Caine gave another laugh as he walked back over to Raven. He took a moment to actually look at her as she worked on the coil. She was quite attractive. Maybe if it didn't mean him likely getting kicked off the ship with a lack of male genitailia he'd try pulling some charm on her, but Most women riders were tough and didn't go for the usual pickup line crap.

"No I was a fan of Edison, everyone was. Doesn't mean I didn't have a soft spot for the man in his shadow all the time. He actually won just about every race he was in until he hit Edison's league. Then yeah, it was him and Beck fighting for second. But yes. Edison may have been the most popular, but Sicario was veiled in just as many myths as Edison. Why he left racing and where he is is information only he carries."

Adrian had been caught in one of his flashbacks when the medical personnel asked him if he was coming. He looked at her dazed and confused for a moment before his senses returned to him and he began to follow her, " Yes, Yes, Thank you for your assistance again." Adrian said as she guided him and the Avalon through the massive ship. He was right to ask her for help as he would have definitely not gotten this far without help. Adrian's cross jingled with each step as Adrian followed and each time the cross touched his chest he remembered his oath to the church as a Cardinal. His main job was to advise the pontiff, which he could still do with a personal transponder that was within his bag of personal items, but once every few years he made this pilgrimage to spread the word of God and help those in need. For some reason Adrian had a feeling he would be able to do that and more if he stayed with this crew.

Adrian thanked them again as he separated from the group and walked down the hall searching for the captain. He had no idea what or who he was expecting when he thought of a captain for this ship so when he saw Ross and two other people who seemed to be crew members he tapped Ross on the shoulder and asked, "could you point me in the direction of the captain? I'd like to introduce myself to him." Adrian said clearly not informed that the captain was female.

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DJGomez said:
Caine gave another laugh as he walked back over to Raven. He took a moment to actually look at her as she worked on the coil. She was quite attractive. Maybe if it didn't mean him likely getting kicked off the ship with a lack of male genitailia he'd try pulling some charm on her, but Most women riders were tough and didn't go for the usual pickup line crap.
"No I was a fan of Edison, everyone was. Doesn't mean I didn't have a soft spot for the man in his shadow all the time. He actually won just about every race he was in until he hit Edison's league. Then yeah, it was him and Beck fighting for second. But yes. Edison may have been the most popular, but Sicario was veiled in just as many myths as Edison. Why he left racing and where he is is information only he carries."

Raven rolled her eyes once more. "You need to freshen up on your Edison knowledge." She shook her head and moved back to her work bench. She picked up another coil along the way and placed it next to the one she had been looking over before. "Edison's underground races were all docked. From day one he was ahead of the game." She looked around her work area still trying to find her welder.

She paused when she spotted her com next to some of her tools. Even if she was going to get in trouble she could just use the com to contact Shin and set this guy straight. No one knew more about Edison's races then him.

She spun around on her heels and picked up the com. "I'll bet that Edison has won every last race he was ever in." The smirk was twisted a little, but she had such confidence in her words.
"You have me mistaken, I was talking about Sicarios start. Edison won every race granted....but it's actually you who's lacking on the information. For someone trying to replicate Edison's bike, you seem to be lacking some crucial details about him and being a rider in general. I bet that you won't use that comm, because I think you're more curious about what I know, and how I can help you."

NovaNovass said:
Raven was already in a pissy mood when she hear a voice... And this voice was not the person she wanted to take her anger out on. But she hated people telling her how to amp up her bike.... Well not everyone.
Raven spun around and narrowed her eyes at Caine. "And who died and called you king of Edison?" She snapped at him. She saw one of her parts in his hands and she quickly dropped her coil rushing over to Caine. She reached out and snatched the part from him. "Seriously, who said you can touch my things....?" Her question only made her think even more. Why was a passenger in the bike hanger? All passengers were to stay in their rooms or gather in the common areas set aside for passengers.

Raven placed the part back on the floor before she walked back in a huff to her workbench. She looked over her coil and sadly she knew this stranger was right about the mods. And with what she had she could do it along with more. She could take some of the extra parts Shin had laying around all over the ship... But then again, the last time she did that she ended up having to work off the part and was on Shin duty for a week.

Raven sighed and looked down at the coil in her hands.
Aeva shook her hand and nodded in acknowledgment to the name she gave him. Val she had said. Simple but nice. The male followed in total silence as she gave a small tour through the huge ship. He had already seen most of the ship through the blueprints he hacked and the avalon's memory was almost flawless. Still, using his own eyes to confirm the positions along with Val's explanations truly solidified the position everything was in.

When they arrived to the hangar Val was talking about, a smile came onto the angel's features. "Oh yes, Val. This is great." Aeva didn't hesistate, he stripped off all of his tech and his holsters where his weapons used to go and spread his crimson wings to their full 50 ft muscular length. The pain came first followed by the relief of having a muscle stretched out after having it out of commission for so long. "Oh sweet merciful GODS THIS FEELS GOOD!!" He cried out with happiness and relief. It took him a few seconds and a running start but Aeva flexed the muscles in his wings multiple times and took off into the air. He flapped his wings harder and felt the delicious burn in his wings. He prided himself in his large, powerful wings and decided he was going to show off a little bit for Val. "Watch this Val. I only do it for the beautiful ones!" He called out to her. He meant it as well.

Aeva gave a huge beat of his powerful wings and launched towards the ceiling at a stunning 67 mph in one burst of his wings. As he was about to hit the roof, he tucked in his wings and flipped so his legs landed against the ceiling and he pushed off of it much like an olympic after they make a lap. Another powerful burst of his wings for more speed, moving at almost 112 mph now, he tucks his wings in and dive bombs to the ground. He reaches the ground in a mere 2-3 seconds before fully spreading his wings and pulling up at the last possible millisecond. This created a huge gust of wind along the ground layer, strong enough to make people nearby take a step back. The avalon came to a great halt just before Val and he touched down gently in front of her, folding his wings lazily, not tucking them in like he had done before. They were much more noticeable now as before it was comparable to holding your arms as tight as you can against your body for several days.

The avalon smiled happily at her and pulled her into a winged hug. Aeva obviously didn't know but avalon's were notorious for having very warm hugs due to how much bigger they were. They had more blood running through their bodies so they ran at a slightly higher temperature than normal.
NovaNovass said:
Val smiled at Aeva. "My name is Val." She smiled to him and held out her hand. "I'm sure me and you will indeed get along well." She added.
She pointed to the door of the med bay. "Coming Father?" she asked as she motioned for Aeva to follow her.

As she walked she started to explain the different areas of the ship, or at least the ones she knew. She kept on bringing up the name Shin more then once or twice in a sentence. "He does practically everything around here." She added as they made their way first to the docking bay where she had last seen the Captain. She didn't go all the way to there, but she did point it out to the priest. "She should be down there at the end of the hallway." Val told him with a smile. "If not I'm sure one of the other crew members can help you find her."

Val continued on with making her way to one of the more larger bays. She grumbled half way... "This ship is so big..." She complained. It truly was. It took more then ten minutes to get from the medic bay to one of the large holding bays. "Finally!" she exclaimed.

She went over to the door and hit a few buttons on a key pad. The doors unlocked and opened to a large, wide and open area. It must have been five to seven stories tall and it seemed endless. Ships littered the ground along with large crates of all sizes. Most of the stuff lined up against the walls, leaving the center empty. Val smiled at the sight. "I hope this will do." She turned to Aeva.

(In the future please try to make your posts longer.)

Shin looked Emma over. His eyes slightly narrowed as his face held a dull expression. "Yeah... I'm the one to show you the drop ship." Shin stated in an annoyed voice. It wasn't so much as Emma... It was more along the lines that Shin had to stop what he was doing and do something else on Captain's orders. His plate was already big and overflowing with all kinds of things.

"I hope you have some knowledge of Bin Flight Codes and sequences." Shin stated before quickly leading the way to one of the drop ships. The ships were at least three times bigger than Emma's ship. Not all of them, but the one's he was heading to were the bigger ones.

"Bin is an old code I know." He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. "But these are old drop ships." He added as he walked over to one of the ships. With his tablet Shin tapped away on the screen. The ship turned on, but no engine. Just the power source. The door opened at the side where Shin stepped aboard. He headed to the cockpit and was quick to sit in the main pilot's chair. He placed his tablet down and began to flip switches and turn knobs.

"Like I said old sequences." Shin continued to turn on the engines so they could warm up, once finished a thought struck him.... He spun around in his chair and locked eyes with Emma. "Have you only piloted newer ships?" He asked. "Have you ever flown anything older then 100 years?" This was a question to be taken seriously as the Gallion and almost all their drop ships were over 100 years old.

Raven could be found not cleaning the rails like Shin had asked, but back in the Rider's bay messing around with her bike. Almost everything was taken apart and she was giving her bike a deep cleaning. She frowned when she pulled off some of her coils and found them to be damaged.

She looked them over while sitting on the ground and frowned deeply with a heavy sigh. She could never really find out the parts or the design that the racer Edison had as the racer was very secret about his systems and bikes. But from what she could tell she had applied it to her own design. Still nothing like the best...

Raven picked herself off the ground and headed over to her tool boxes and her work bench. They didn't have the right funds for the bikes so they had to make due. She couldn't go to Shin as if she asked him for help he would only ask why she wasn't cleaning the rails. She couldn't ask Charlie as she was mad at her lead rider at the moment. The girl needed rest and she wasn't taking her bruised ribs seriously.

Anyone else on the Gallion was either a stranger or someone who wouldn't know what to do in the first place.

Raven once more frowned at the coil. "Wonder if I can...." Her thoughts trailed the rest of her words as she dug for a welder and some scrap metal.

Emma smiled reassuringly at Shin as he narrowed his gaze and looked her over. He seemed annoyed, probably becauae he had to help her. Oh well, he'd get over it. She'd have time to make friends later, right now her priorities lied in getting the job done and getting hired on. She nodded at his question, "I have a little knowledge, actually, yeah." She replied as she followed him. Though his question was more of a statement. From the sound of things, she'd be flying an older ship. Which, wouldn't be too big of an issue. Her original vessel was quite old, she didn't exactly immediately come into enough money for her current ship after all. She nodded, staring at the massive ship before her as he spoke of Bin code being old as was the ship. She quickly followed him inside once he'd opened up the dropship, old or not she was somewhat jealous of the things massive size compared to her own.

She watched as he turned the thing on and warmed it up, then he turned to her and asked an obvious question. Of course, she nodded. "
Yeah, I did for a bit. I mean, it wasn't anything as massive as this. But my first ship was preeety old. But it was cheap and the only thing I could afford, soo, yeah." She replied with a shrug and a small indifferent sigh. "Don't worry though, I should be able to fly this no problem! I wouldn't be a good pilot if I couldn't, after all." She told him reassuringly and confidently.
DJGomez said:
"You have me mistaken, I was talking about Sicarios start. Edison won every race granted....but it's actually you who's lacking on the information. For someone trying to replicate Edison's bike, you seem to be lacking some crucial details about him and being a rider in general. I bet that you won't use that comm, because I think you're more curious about what I know, and how I can help you."
(Please don't just use dialog in your post... This leads to a never ending chain of one liners.... ( -_- )....)

Raven locked eyes with Caine. She slowly placed the com back on the table but never took her eyes away from Caine. Something was different about this guy..... Like she felt like he knew something and she didn't. And not some little something.... This guy was hiding something, "What do you know?" She looked him up and down. Her eyes narrowed as she was now judging him. Or placing him on the spot to find out if he was bluffing at one point or not.

She was more interested in What Caine had to say... But she didn't forget how he told her that her skills were lacking. A reason she hated judgmental riders... But she would hold onto that fuel for later.

shadowz1995 said:
Aeva shook her hand and nodded in acknowledgment to the name she gave him. Val she had said. Simple but nice. The male followed in total silence as she gave a small tour through the huge ship. He had already seen most of the ship through the blueprints he hacked and the avalon's memory was almost flawless. Still, using his own eyes to confirm the positions along with Val's explanations truly solidified the position everything was in.
When they arrived to the hangar Val was talking about, a smile came onto the angel's features. "Oh yes, Val. This is great." Aeva didn't hesistate, he stripped off all of his tech and his holsters where his weapons used to go and spread his crimson wings to their full 50 ft muscular length. The pain came first followed by the relief of having a muscle stretched out after having it out of commission for so long. "Oh sweet merciful GODS THIS FEELS GOOD!!" He cried out with happiness and relief. It took him a few seconds and a running start but Aeva flexed the muscles in his wings multiple times and took off into the air. He flapped his wings harder and felt the delicious burn in his wings. He prided himself in his large, powerful wings and decided he was going to show off a little bit for Val. "Watch this Val. I only do it for the beautiful ones!" He called out to her. He meant it as well.

Aeva gave a huge beat of his powerful wings and launched towards the ceiling at a stunning 67 mph in one burst of his wings. As he was about to hit the roof, he tucked in his wings and flipped so his legs landed against the ceiling and he pushed off of it much like an olympic after they make a lap. Another powerful burst of his wings for more speed, moving at almost 112 mph now, he tucks his wings in and dive bombs to the ground. He reaches the ground in a mere 2-3 seconds before fully spreading his wings and pulling up at the last possible millisecond. This created a huge gust of wind along the ground layer, strong enough to make people nearby take a step back. The avalon came to a great halt just before Val and he touched down gently in front of her, folding his wings lazily, not tucking them in like he had done before. They were much more noticeable now as before it was comparable to holding your arms as tight as you can against your body for several days.

The avalon smiled happily at her and pulled her into a winged hug. Aeva obviously didn't know but avalon's were notorious for having very warm hugs due to how much bigger they were. They had more blood running through their bodies so they ran at a slightly higher temperature than normal.
Val was amazed at how fast Aeva took off. The wind from him taking off really pushed at her, but not in a back way. She smiled at the fact that there was wind inside the ship. You could have air and oxygen... But to have a strong gust like so made the ship mean ten times mroe special to her.

Val watched as Aeva zipped through the air, he was indeed fascinating. Val blinked when Aeva told her to watch... Was she not already watching? Her eyes were glued on him the whole time. But with a larger smile Val watched as Aeva dashed to the ceiling. Without loosing momentum Aeve kicked off from the Ceiling and was heading back to the floor at top speeds.

Val blinked and the smile on her face went away. She took a step back only for her feet to take her that far. She froze, but within seconds a large gust brushed by her again followed by a soft landing angel. Val was shocked at what she had just witnessed. She let her smile drift back to her face and before she knew it she was pulled into a very warm hug... surrounded by angel wings.

Val was indeed a very dull kind of girl, but she likes pretty and beautiful things. Probably because her work involved blood, stitches....... When she touched Aeva her thoughts from earlier hit a home run in her mind.

She pulled back from the hug a bit and looked to Aeva with very deep and concerned eyes. Just by touching him she could see the condition of his body.. All the marks and tissue scars someone left behind after doing some serious work on Aeva. There was not second guess in her mind....... Aeva had been experimented on, and in some of the worst ways known to any creature.

Mitchs98 said:
Emma smiled reassuringly at Shin as he narrowed his gaze and looked her over. He seemed annoyed, probably becauae he had to help her. Oh well, he'd get over it. She'd have time to make friends later, right now her priorities lied in getting the job done and getting hired on. She nodded at his question, "I have a little knowledge, actually, yeah." She replied as she followed him. Though his question was more of a statement. From the sound of things, she'd be flying an older ship. Which, wouldn't be too big of an issue. Her original vessel was quite old, she didn't exactly immediately come into enough money for her current ship after all. She nodded, staring at the massive ship before her as he spoke of Bin code being old as was the ship. She quickly followed him inside once he'd opened up the dropship, old or not she was somewhat jealous of the things massive size compared to her own.

She watched as he turned the thing on and warmed it up, then he turned to her and asked an obvious question. Of course, she nodded. "
Yeah, I did for a bit. I mean, it wasn't anything as massive as this. But my first ship was preeety old. But it was cheap and the only thing I could afford, soo, yeah." She replied with a shrug and a small indifferent sigh. "Don't worry though, I should be able to fly this no problem! I wouldn't be a good pilot if I couldn't, after all." She told him reassuringly and confidently.
Shin let out a deep and heavy sigh when she told him that she could fly the drop ship. "Thank the stars in the black." Shin got up from the main pilot chair and picked up his tablet. Shin could get back to work and Ross could go on her little mission with the three new hired guns. Shin motioned for Emma to take the pilot's chair.

He stood next to the chair an played with a few dials on the dash board. "I'll keep my coms open to channel three." He moved from the dash to the small computer screens where he began to touch the screen and zip through files. "When you and Ross head back.... Just use this program to get back into the port bay.... I might be too busy to rush over and open the bay again..." Shin frowned at his won words. He would be busy, just always busy.

He took a step back and looked over the cockpit before turning his full attention to Emma. "Any questions?" He added finally.
Caine looked to his side and pulled up a stool as he took a seat, setting his arm on the workbench and leaning towards Raven. "I know that not everything is not as it may seem to you, and being a Rider is a much deeper rabbit hole then you realize. But there's no fun in showing you my hand before the cards are even dealt. So I tell you this. Normally i'd charge a fee for such information, and assistance, but seeing as your Captain requires that you have something she needs before being allowed residency on this ship, I'll waive my standard fee. In exchange for which, i'd like for you to help me convince her I am someone worth keeping around. To not only you and you friends as you try to obviously make a name for yourself as a rider. But someone who can be a good asset to your Captain as she takes the ship to, Edison did she say?"

Caine pulled his other hand up as he held a welder to Raven and waited a moment as he looked straight into her eyes, holding a neutral expression. This was the crucial moment during negotiations. When the deal was layed out and the two parties waited. He'd done it many times before. Sometimes they caved and spoke first, other times he caved first. It was an art of the process of negotiations, he slowly learned over time as he bartered his way from ship to ship, contract to contract.

DJGomez said:
Caine looked to his side and pulled up a stool as he took a seat, setting his arm on the workbench and leaning towards Raven. "I know that not everything is not as it may seem to you, and being a Rider is a much deeper rabbit hole then you realize. But there's no fun in showing you my hand before the cards are even dealt. So I tell you this. Normally i'd charge a fee for such information, and assistance, but seeing as your Captain requires that you have something she needs before being allowed residency on this ship, I'll waive my standard fee. In exchange for which, i'd like for you to help me convince her I am someone worth keeping around. To not only you and you friends as you try to obviously make a name for yourself as a rider. But someone who can be a good asset to your Captain as she takes the ship to, Edison did she say?"
Caine pulled his other hand up as he held a welder to Raven and waited a moment as he looked straight into her eyes, holding a neutral expression. This was the crucial moment during negotiations. When the deal was layed out and the two parties waited. He'd done it many times before. Sometimes they caved and spoke first, other times he caved first. It was an art of the process of negotiations, he slowly learned over time as he bartered his way from ship to ship, contract to contract.

Raven listened to Caine. He wanted to stay on the ship and become part of the crew. He was also asking for her help. Raven smiled a little at his proposal. She slowly took the welder from Caine. She looked to the welder and then back to Caine. Smile still setting nicely on her lips. "We never go to Edison..." She told Caine. She knew this from the day she joined the Gallion.

The Gallion would never dock, port, land or even stop at it's ship stations. The only thing the Gallion has down is fly past the planet a few times since she had been part of the Gallion.

But that wasn't what was really strolling through her mind. She placed the welder on the table and leaned over to Caine. Her face mere inches away from his. "You strike a deal and yet you don't give me a sample of the goods?" This wasn't really a question.

Raven placed the center of her foot on the bottom part of the chair Caine was sitting on. She kicked her foot out making the chair slip out fast from under Caine. With her free hand she grabbed the back of his shirt and helped gravity assist Caine to the floor hard. She reached out and grabbed the welder off the table. It wasn't on but the tip of the heating rod was sharp. She shoved her knee into his chest and placed the tip of the welder to Caine's throat.

"Do I look stupid to you?" She asked in an angered voice.
NovaNovass said:
(Please don't just use dialog in your post... This leads to a never ending chain of one liners.... ( -_- )....)
Raven locked eyes with Caine. She slowly placed the com back on the table but never took her eyes away from Caine. Something was different about this guy..... Like she felt like he knew something and she didn't. And not some little something.... This guy was hiding something, "What do you know?" She looked him up and down. Her eyes narrowed as she was now judging him. Or placing him on the spot to find out if he was bluffing at one point or not.

She was more interested in What Caine had to say... But she didn't forget how he told her that her skills were lacking. A reason she hated judgmental riders... But she would hold onto that fuel for later.

Val was amazed at how fast Aeva took off. The wind from him taking off really pushed at her, but not in a back way. She smiled at the fact that there was wind inside the ship. You could have air and oxygen... But to have a strong gust like so made the ship mean ten times mroe special to her.

Val watched as Aeva zipped through the air, he was indeed fascinating. Val blinked when Aeva told her to watch... Was she not already watching? Her eyes were glued on him the whole time. But with a larger smile Val watched as Aeva dashed to the ceiling. Without loosing momentum Aeve kicked off from the Ceiling and was heading back to the floor at top speeds.

Val blinked and the smile on her face went away. She took a step back only for her feet to take her that far. She froze, but within seconds a large gust brushed by her again followed by a soft landing angel. Val was shocked at what she had just witnessed. She let her smile drift back to her face and before she knew it she was pulled into a very warm hug... surrounded by angel wings.

Val was indeed a very dull kind of girl, but she likes pretty and beautiful things. Probably because her work involved blood, stitches....... When she touched Aeva her thoughts from earlier hit a home run in her mind.

She pulled back from the hug a bit and looked to Aeva with very deep and concerned eyes. Just by touching him she could see the condition of his body.. All the marks and tissue scars someone left behind after doing some serious work on Aeva. There was not second guess in her mind....... Aeva had been experimented on, and in some of the worst ways known to any creature.

Shin let out a deep and heavy sigh when she told him that she could fly the drop ship. "Thank the stars in the black." Shin got up from the main pilot chair and picked up his tablet. Shin could get back to work and Ross could go on her little mission with the three new hired guns. Shin motioned for Emma to take the pilot's chair.

He stood next to the chair an played with a few dials on the dash board. "I'll keep my coms open to channel three." He moved from the dash to the small computer screens where he began to touch the screen and zip through files. "When you and Ross head back.... Just use this program to get back into the port bay.... I might be too busy to rush over and open the bay again..." Shin frowned at his won words. He would be busy, just always busy.

He took a step back and looked over the cockpit before turning his full attention to Emma. "Any questions?" He added finally.
When Val pulled away, he let her leave without struggle. The wings unfurled from around her and he had pulled back with a smile on his face. It wasnt long lasting as the avalon's eyes almost immediately saw the look in her eyes. The tension in her jaw. Something had made her worried. Which didnt make sense. She was quite literally all smiles up until... "Oh." He said as he noticed what he had just done. Aeva was very good at reading people due to his training and his natural eyesight but he still wasn't clairvoyant. Nor was he a psychic or telepath. He couldnt see the future nor read minds. So, naturally, he was under the impression that the hug he had instinctively given was something that upset her. He quickly recovered his bearings and dipped his head slightly, "Sorry Doctor Val. I was just really excited and happy about flying again and I forgot myself. I really didn't mean to upset you by doing that. Won't happen again I swear. "
shadowz1995 said:
When Val pulled away, he let her leave without struggle. The wings unfurled from around her and he had pulled back with a smile on his face. It wasnt long lasting as the avalon's eyes almost immediately saw the look in her eyes. The tension in her jaw. Something had made her worried. Which didnt make sense. She was quite literally all smiles up until... "Oh." He said as he noticed what he had just done. Aeva was very good at reading people due to his training and his natural eyesight but he still wasn't clairvoyant. Nor was he a psychic or telepath. He couldnt see the future nor read minds. So, naturally, he was under the impression that the hug he had instinctively given was something that upset her. He quickly recovered his bearings and dipped his head slightly, "Sorry Doctor Val. I was just really excited and happy about flying again and I forgot myself. I really didn't mean to upset you by doing that. Won't happen again I swear. "
It took Val a minute before she realized what Aeva meant by not doing something again? At first she thought he meant flying but then the hug jogged her memory and her face went red as she panicked a little. "No, No, No... It's nothing like that!" She exclaimed as she waved her hands about.

"I'm half Luna." She smiled placing a hand to her chest. "I have the ability to touch people and see what's wrong with them... Well more physical things really." She told Aeva.

But the worry came back to her eyes once more. "And I saw something when I was checking out your wings earlier...." She paused as she wondered if he knew what she was talking about. She tilted her head a bit, "It's really none of my business.... But..." Val wasn't sure what to say. It was hard just to think about it. Someone cutting up and experimenting on such a beautiful creature was hard to accept.... Especially when that person was standing in front of her with all smiles.
Of course......the negotiations somtimes turned aggressive as well. Caine fell to the floor with a loud thud as he was met with a long leg into his chest, followed by the welder at his neck. All the while he moved his arm to his leg while keeping another at her knee as if he was about to try and resist her. Well.....Deja fucking Vu he thought to himself. At least the women didn't have a shelailegh. But the thought about the BDSM feminist Priates also sparked what you could do with a welder. It gave Caine another shudder.

"Well.......Your sample was this entire conversation. But if you'd rather do this the hard way....."

Caine clicked the safety of his hold out pistol as he held it right at Ravens gut.

"The first rule of being a rider, always be ahead of your opponent. And Two, never act out of emotion."

NovaNovass said:
It took Val a minute before she realized what Aeva meant by not doing something again? At first she thought he meant flying but then the hug jogged her memory and her face went red as she panicked a little. "No, No, No... It's nothing like that!" She exclaimed as she waved her hands about.
"I'm half Luna." She smiled placing a hand to her chest. "I have the ability to touch people and see what's wrong with them... Well more physical things really." She told Aeva.

But the worry came back to her eyes once more. "And I saw something when I was checking out your wings earlier...." She paused as she wondered if he knew what she was talking about. She tilted her head a bit, "It's really none of my business.... But..." Val wasn't sure what to say. It was hard just to think about it. Someone cutting up and experimenting on such a beautiful creature was hard to accept.... Especially when that person was standing in front of her with all smiles.
Aeva looked at her in slight confusion as he realized it wasn't he had done that bothered. Hell, she even seemed flattered by it now. His eyes narrowed slightly to check for any signs that she could be lying but his check came up empty. She was wholeheartedly telling the truth. Val went on to explain that she was actually half luna. Aeva had never actually met a Luna but had heard of their strange abilities when it came to the spiritual side of things. Supposedly, they could sense the state of a beings physical well-being.

His musing were on target when she confirms that she can ascertain physical health through touch and that was when the look returned to her features. "It's really none of my business....but...." she said. It took Aeva a few seconds to process exactly what she had seen. His body. And that means everything that he had went through. He couldnt hide anything nor deny it. The external scars were one thing but the internal ones couldn't be denied. Aeva took a shaky inhale before locking eyes with her and nodding gravely. He understood now.

" you basically peeked into my past unknowingly....I uh...." for the first time, Aeva didn't know what to say to her. "I was um.....I......Was part of a program that wanted to create the best agents possible. I technically still am though it's only a matter of time before they find me I suppose....they uh....made me stronger with the concept that 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' They......really liked to push the limit on that. And if they pushed too far they had the funding and tech to bring you back to 100%. Physically at least. They were very adamant on having their first Avalon subject be one. So they.....uhm...ahem." The avalon cleared his throat for a moment before continuing. "They really pushed the envelope with me....I'm surprised I ever got my wings back with how many times they...." He trailed off there and it was all he could muster before lapsing into silence. The entire time he was telling the tale, he was desperately trying to suppress the memories that were trying to breach the cage he had locked them in but it seemed like one broke out and he couldn't stop it. The Avalon merely stood there...silent, reliving one of the agonizing experiments preformed on him. He made no sound. The researchers and scientists were big believers of suffer in silence. If you would only get worse. The far away look and slight tremble that shook throughout his body would be evident to Val or anyone with decent medical knowledge. A flashback caused by PTSD.
DJGomez said:
Of course......the negotiations somtimes turned aggressive as well. Caine fell to the floor with a loud thud as he was met with a long leg into his chest, followed by the welder at his neck. All the while he moved his arm to his leg while keeping another at her knee as if he was about to try and resist her. Well.....Deja fucking Vu he thought to himself. At least the women didn't have a shelailegh. But the thought about the BDSM feminist Priates also sparked what you could do with a welder. It gave Caine another shudder.
"Well.......Your sample was this entire conversation. But if you'd rather do this the hard way....."

Caine clicked the safety of his hold out pistol as he held it right at Ravens gut.

"The first rule of being a rider, always be ahead of your opponent. And Two, never act out of emotion."

"Rule three don't think with your dick." Raven smirked as she heard the safety on the pistol click. "Or rule number four..." Raven didn't remove the welder or take her weight off of Caine. "What's the crew going to say when they find one of their riders dead?" she asked. "And from your deal, it seems that you want to stay on this ship.. Not only that but be apart of the crew as well."

She tilted her head a bit. If he spoke truth then it didn't matter if he pulled a gun on her. He couldn't fire at a crew member and get away with it and still be on the ship... Well not alive.

Raven still had a hand free that was holding onto Cain'es shirt. She could easily contact Shin within seconds if she were to press her emergency button. Her com on the table would connect right to Shin and if she didn't answer within 20 seconds the crew would come looking for her.

"So why don't you tell me more of what I want to know first... The conversation bull... You can promise information but who's to say that you actually have the information I want?"

shadowz1995 said:
Aeva looked at her in slight confusion as he realized it wasn't he had done that bothered. Hell, she even seemed flattered by it now. His eyes narrowed slightly to check for any signs that she could be lying but his check came up empty. She was wholeheartedly telling the truth. Val went on to explain that she was actually half luna. Aeva had never actually met a Luna but had heard of their strange abilities when it came to the spiritual side of things. Supposedly, they could sense the state of a beings physical well-being.
His musing were on target when she confirms that she can ascertain physical health through touch and that was when the look returned to her features. "It's really none of my business....but...." she said. It took Aeva a few seconds to process exactly what she had seen. His body. And that means everything that he had went through. He couldnt hide anything nor deny it. The external scars were one thing but the internal ones couldn't be denied. Aeva took a shaky inhale before locking eyes with her and nodding gravely. He understood now.

" you basically peeked into my past unknowingly....I uh...." for the first time, Aeva didn't know what to say to her. "I was um.....I......Was part of a program that wanted to create the best agents possible. I technically still am though it's only a matter of time before they find me I suppose....they uh....made me stronger with the concept that 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' They......really liked to push the limit on that. And if they pushed too far they had the funding and tech to bring you back to 100%. Physically at least. They were very adamant on having their first Avalon subject be one. So they.....uhm...ahem." The avalon cleared his throat for a moment before continuing. "They really pushed the envelope with me....I'm surprised I ever got my wings back with how many times they...." He trailed off there and it was all he could muster before lapsing into silence. The entire time he was telling the tale, he was desperately trying to suppress the memories that were trying to breach the cage he had locked them in but it seemed like one broke out and he couldn't stop it. The Avalon merely stood there...silent, reliving one of the agonizing experiments preformed on him. He made no sound. The researchers and scientists were big believers of suffer in silence. If you would only get worse. The far away look and slight tremble that shook throughout his body would be evident to Val or anyone with decent medical knowledge. A flashback caused by PTSD.
Val listened to his story deeply. She took in all forms of the communication. From his words to his body language... Even the look in his eyes when he spoke about it. Towards the end she could tell his world was becoming dark. She frowned and lifted up her arms as she walked over to him and wrapped them around him, pulling him into another hug. "You don't have to talk about it." She smiled as she laid her head on his chest.

"The people on this ship are good people." she smiled at him. "As long as you are here, you don't have to worry about the past." She added. Val stood there for a few more moments not really saying anything in words. She figured her hug spoke louder than her voice at this moment.

She finally stepped back and folded her hands behind her back. She held a large smile as she looked into his eyes. "Now.... for the task at hand.. There is a very large room with lots of air space with your name on it." She could clearly recall his smile from before. So natural and genuine. It would indeed be a waist if they came all this way and he only got off the ground once. Plus Val liked to watch him fly. It was something more interesting to her then her medical studies and abilities.

"Go and fly before Shin finds out..." Val almost chocked on her words when she thought about what Shin would say if he saw this or even found out. Her bringing a passenger to one of the larger bay areas so he can spreed his wings. The topic wouldn't end well seeing as the crew had to play caution with a lot of things these days.
NovaNovass said:
(Please don't just use dialog in your post... This leads to a never ending chain of one liners.... ( -_- )....)
Raven locked eyes with Caine. She slowly placed the com back on the table but never took her eyes away from Caine. Something was different about this guy..... Like she felt like he knew something and she didn't. And not some little something.... This guy was hiding something, "What do you know?" She looked him up and down. Her eyes narrowed as she was now judging him. Or placing him on the spot to find out if he was bluffing at one point or not.

She was more interested in What Caine had to say... But she didn't forget how he told her that her skills were lacking. A reason she hated judgmental riders... But she would hold onto that fuel for later.

Val was amazed at how fast Aeva took off. The wind from him taking off really pushed at her, but not in a back way. She smiled at the fact that there was wind inside the ship. You could have air and oxygen... But to have a strong gust like so made the ship mean ten times mroe special to her.

Val watched as Aeva zipped through the air, he was indeed fascinating. Val blinked when Aeva told her to watch... Was she not already watching? Her eyes were glued on him the whole time. But with a larger smile Val watched as Aeva dashed to the ceiling. Without loosing momentum Aeve kicked off from the Ceiling and was heading back to the floor at top speeds.

Val blinked and the smile on her face went away. She took a step back only for her feet to take her that far. She froze, but within seconds a large gust brushed by her again followed by a soft landing angel. Val was shocked at what she had just witnessed. She let her smile drift back to her face and before she knew it she was pulled into a very warm hug... surrounded by angel wings.

Val was indeed a very dull kind of girl, but she likes pretty and beautiful things. Probably because her work involved blood, stitches....... When she touched Aeva her thoughts from earlier hit a home run in her mind.

She pulled back from the hug a bit and looked to Aeva with very deep and concerned eyes. Just by touching him she could see the condition of his body.. All the marks and tissue scars someone left behind after doing some serious work on Aeva. There was not second guess in her mind....... Aeva had been experimented on, and in some of the worst ways known to any creature.

Shin let out a deep and heavy sigh when she told him that she could fly the drop ship. "Thank the stars in the black." Shin got up from the main pilot chair and picked up his tablet. Shin could get back to work and Ross could go on her little mission with the three new hired guns. Shin motioned for Emma to take the pilot's chair.

He stood next to the chair an played with a few dials on the dash board. "I'll keep my coms open to channel three." He moved from the dash to the small computer screens where he began to touch the screen and zip through files. "When you and Ross head back.... Just use this program to get back into the port bay.... I might be too busy to rush over and open the bay again..." Shin frowned at his won words. He would be busy, just always busy.

He took a step back and looked over the cockpit before turning his full attention to Emma. "Any questions?" He added finally.

Emma couldn't help but giggle a bit at Shins' comment. It wasn't exactly common for people to be acquainted with older ships and such, she guessed. Though, one typically had to start somewhere if they start out on their own. In Emmas case it was an old ship barely able to actually be called a ship. Tough, but ugly as hell and rusted all over. It didn't exactly last all to long either, but that was probably a good thing. She'd suckered someone into insuring the old trash heap and got a pretty good amount of cash towards her current ship. When she was ushered into the pilots chair she immediately sat down, a wide smile on her face. She was honestly kind of excited at flying something so big, that and of course what it meant if she was successful. She listened and watched Shin poke on the computers, attempting to memorize what he did and his instructions. Seemed simple enough.

When asked if she had any questions she hummed in thougut momentarily before shrugging and shaking her head, "Nope, I don't thank so. Thanks for your help Shin." She replied. "Oh. By the way, Names' Emma incase the Captain didn't tell you." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Emma couldn't help but giggle a bit at Shins' comment. It wasn't exactly common for people to be acquainted with older ships and such, she guessed. Though, one typically had to start somewhere if they start out on their own. In Emmas case it was an old ship barely able to actually be called a ship. Tough, but ugly as hell and rusted all over. It didn't exactly last all to long either, but that was probably a good thing. She'd suckered someone into insuring the old trash heap and got a pretty good amount of cash towards her current ship. When she was ushered into the pilots chair she immediately sat down, a wide smile on her face. She was honestly kind of excited at flying something so big, that and of course what it meant if she was successful. She listened and watched Shin poke on the computers, attempting to memorize what he did and his instructions. Seemed simple enough.

When asked if she had any questions she hummed in thougut momentarily before shrugging and shaking her head, "Nope, I don't thank so. Thanks for your help Shin." She replied. "Oh. By the way, Names' Emma incase the Captain didn't tell you." She added.
Shin liked the sound of people not having any questions. But when she said his name and introduced herself along with mentioning Ross.... He got a curious look. "Emma...?" Sounded almost like a question but settled on more of a statement. He nodded to her, "Well Emma.... Welcome to the crew..." He turned on his heels and headed to exit the ship.

If was one thing for Ross to hire a pilot, but another for her to start giving out names of other crew members. She did this when she was certain of hiring another to join the crew. Shin and Dax would probably be the only two people on the crew to pick up this hint. He had seen everyone get hired and it was very much the same in some ways. But once she trusted someone enough for them to join the crew she would tell the new member about the others aboard the ship.

Just as he was about to exit the drop ship Ross and the three hired guns walked on. Shin paused only for a moment.

"How long till we can get off this moon?" She asked Shin as the three brothers walked further into the hull of the drop ship and found seats and places to put their gear.

Shin watched the brothers before turning to answer Ross. "As soon as you get back we can leave." his tone of voice as dull.

Ross looked Shin over and could clearly tell Shin was not doing too well. She feared this a bit. "I'll com you when we get close... I want to leave as soon as we get back." She told him before continuing into the ship. She made her way into the cock pit and took the second pilot seat.

Ross knew how to fly ships... She had flown a lot in her day... But if one were to ask her to do anything with flying a ship now.... That was a whole chapter no one wanted to open... Not even her.

Shin went to step off the ship but was stopped by Rem. "Hey Shin?" He started.

Shin blinked at the sound of his name... This would be a total of five people she hired since they had started to collect passengers... He didn't even know about the new doctor yet.

"Ross said that you were the one to talk to about rooms... I was wondering if me and my brothers could have rooms near one another."

Shin slowly nodded before leaving the ship. "I'll see what I can do." He uttered.

Ross buckled herself in as Rem closed the door behind Shin. "Alright Miss Emma." Ross glanced back to see the three brothers were now all strapped in. "Lets get moving." She started to poke at the computer screen and punched in the coordinates for their pick up.
"Sweetheart, if I was thinking with my dick......well it'd still end with you on top of me, just minus our clothes. But getting back to the point, You don't seem to realize I'm holding a lot of the cards, and you just revealed most of your hand. Look at your options, You try and kill me it'll end with your death, and a lot of trouble for your friends. You call everyone down here, and it'll end with you forcing my hand and opening a Pandora's box. Or there's the option where you kick me off ship and you loose your best chance at becoming a good rider, and this ship loses a good asset as I disappear."

Caine held himself still and steady, he certainly wasn't thinking with his dick, so the fact she brought it up, amused Caine, and took it as a subtle hint. "Or there's option four, where we go back to how we were, having a nice conversation, and you working on your bike. You ask me who's to say I actually have the information I claim? Well who's to say you're even worth my time? I can help you become a good rider, but it doesn't lie in the past, it lies in the future and learning from the legends and mistakes of Edison, Beck, and Sicario. The choice is yours."

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