Project Black IC

The words form Aeva caught more then Shin's attention. It snapped his mind to further questioning of the angel. Aren't angels to be creatures of god... Like the priest Shin just logged in some time ago?

Shin felt the hard stare and it really did make him uncomfortable in all kinds of ways. His nerves tingled with wanting to snap some more comebacks at the taller man, but he refrained from his actions. He had too much on his plate and the angel was right about his cold becoming a problem. It already was more then a simple problem at the time.

He had to finish logging in all the passengers and then ready the ship as best as he could so they could leave this crappy moon. He had yet to even start on the small repairs needed to get back into the black. His mind itched with his list of things to do.

He relaxed a bit more when Aeva stopped his death glare and moved else where. Shin let out a rough breath before looking over to the girl and floating..... Something....? Shin ran his tongue over his side molars while looking the two over. "Any day now...." He narrowed his already tired eyes. "Papers and weapons..." His words dull yet harsh.
NovaNovass said:
By this time things had gone from somewhat casual to down right haywire. Ross had broken off away from the other wandering passengers making sure that the three Remington brothers were by her side and so was Emma. The girl had a ship and seemed easier to get the job done. If not maybe the girl knew how to fly their drop ship? She really didn't care at this point. Her eyes only scanned the docking bay one last time before turning to the small group.
"I'm hoping your ship can carry all of us plus a bit of cargo." Ross' words were a bit off in a sense. When she said a bit... She meant a lot. The pick up and drop was nothing to sneeze at. It was actually some large creates and other forms of gear that needed to be transported to the closest inner planet.... one that sat right past Edison.

Rem and his brothers all turned to Emma at this point. They already knew what kind of cargo they were getting. They have been on this small moon their entire lives and were actually excited to get off moon side. Also in hopes of becoming part of the crew.... They figured they would ask after the mission was over with... Maybe even bribe Ross to let them on board if they gave her and the ship their cut out of the mission.

Val on the other hand was trolling Jack through the ship. She meant to take him right to the medic bay but more so ended up with giving him a tour it seemed.

"And this is the male's quarters." She smiled showing Jack a long hallway of doors that lead to personal rooms. She smiled placing her hands back behind her back as she continued to walk. She had always wanted an assistant. Not to mention that this one was on her terms. She would be paying the new medic so she knew he would be well taken care of.

"And finally..." She rushed over to the medic bay door. She opened t doors and motioned for him to step in. "Is our main office." She smiled brightly at the man. "This is where we will mostly be practicing out of seeing as it's the closest to where all the crew members stay and work." She added.

Raven was about to wander off in hopes to find Shin when she watched the navigator make his way into the docking bay. "about time." she stated.

Shin like always had his eyes glued to his tablet. He looked up when hearing her words.... He frowned a little. "About time you go clean out the track rails." Shin narrowed his eyes at her.

Raven blinked a bit before grumbling. "Fuckin Shin duty..." She mumbled before shuffling off past Shin and heading deep into the ship.

"I want to see it sparkle when you're done..." Shin called out to her.

"Eat shit Shin." Raven called back from down the hall.

Her words placed an otherwise small smile to his face before he turned back to the room. Shin immediately had to paused in his thoughts when he noticed how many people were waiting to be logged in. He now understood why Ross was in such a bad mood. This was a lot of people....

Shin looked around before motioning some of them over with his hand. "Alright... Those that have yet to be logged....." He didn't really finish his words before looking back to his screen. "Lets get this over with quickly..." He uttered to himself.

Emma nodded, "O-of course! It should be able to. Just let me know when you're ready to go." She replied. Honestly, Emma was ready to get them to her ship and show off her flying skills. She didn't have a career in flying for nothing, after all! Though, she did have just one question: "How much cargo are we talking about? And how heavy?" She asked. She figured her dropship could hold it, but she was't sure. It didn't hurt to ask, after all. He ship wasn't exactly tiny, but it couldn't exactly carry a whole lot of stuff. Nevertheless she was willing to try, even if it would possibly be a tight fit.
Ross nodded to Emma's first words and turned to the three brothers. She was about to say something to them but stopped when Emma asked her next questions. She blinked before turning to the three brothers. "How much are we talking?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest.

Rem laughed a little but gave a serious look to his eyes. "It should be enough for a decent sized ship. Pretty much cargo that could fill a large truck.... Weight depends on if you want to go by law or just don't care." Rem shrugged.

The other two brothers merely kept their eyes on Ross at the moment. This shipment was legal as to what they would be moving... But the weight was not by code or law. This would be a serious over weighted move. But for a sip like the Gallion it would be fine... And depending on the size or running status of the drop ship it could be good or it could be bad.

Ross didn't like the sound of Rem's words. She knew her drop ships could move the cargo... But...

She looked to Emma. "Can you fly other kinds of ships?" She asked. At this point she would want to play it safe. She would just have Emma go and get her ship, park it in the Gallion and from there they would take one of the Gallion's drop ships. All in all that would be a safe bet that this point if the girl was worried about weight and how much they were moving.

When Adrian started his little quest to introduce himself to the crew members he didn't count of one thing. How massive this ship actually was! Adrian knew it was a massive ship when he approached but apparently he didn't even comprehend how large it was in truth. Adrian had been wandering around for what seemed like hours without much luck. At one point he even made it into the cargo hold after making a wrong turn. After finally making it to the medical bay, conveniently missing the angel as he went by, Adrian walked in looking very dazed and confused, " Excuse me? Could someone tell me where I might find the captain of this ship?" He asked as he looked around the medical bay at all the advanced technology that could be used to save lifes. He thought about all the injured and sick he had meet in his journeys across the galaxy. How they clung to him desperately trying to have their life's saved by some miracle. Adrian will say a prayer over them to make them feel better, but he knew they would die all the same. It seemed to be God's will that his children die.

This made him think of his own near death experience on his past deployment. How his comrades all died under a hail of artillery and gunfire thanks to an officer's foolish orders.
NovaNovass said:
Ross nodded to Emma's first words and turned to the three brothers. She was about to say something to them but stopped when Emma asked her next questions. She blinked before turning to the three brothers. "How much are we talking?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest.
Rem laughed a little but gave a serious look to his eyes. "It should be enough for a decent sized ship. Pretty much cargo that could fill a large truck.... Weight depends on if you want to go by law or just don't care." Rem shrugged.

The other two brothers merely kept their eyes on Ross at the moment. This shipment was legal as to what they would be moving... But the weight was not by code or law. This would be a serious over weighted move. But for a sip like the Gallion it would be fine... And depending on the size or running status of the drop ship it could be good or it could be bad.

Ross didn't like the sound of Rem's words. She knew her drop ships could move the cargo... But...

She looked to Emma. "Can you fly other kinds of ships?" She asked. At this point she would want to play it safe. She would just have Emma go and get her ship, park it in the Gallion and from there they would take one of the Gallion's drop ships. All in all that would be a safe bet that this point if the girl was worried about weight and how much they were moving.


Emma listened to Rem as he explained the cargo situation. While her ship could probably carry it without any passangers, it'd be around possible with. She honestly didn't care about legal weight or not, as long as she wasn't transporting illegal goods. When she asked if she could fly other ships she nodded, "Yes ma'am. I can fly just about anything." She replied. "I can still try fitting everything on mine, if you want me to, though." She added, assuming that the reason she asked was to fly something else to pick up the cargo.
NovaNovass said:
Ross nodded to Emma's first words and turned to the three brothers. She was about to say something to them but stopped when Emma asked her next questions. She blinked before turning to the three brothers. "How much are we talking?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest.
Rem laughed a little but gave a serious look to his eyes. "It should be enough for a decent sized ship. Pretty much cargo that could fill a large truck.... Weight depends on if you want to go by law or just don't care." Rem shrugged.

The other two brothers merely kept their eyes on Ross at the moment. This shipment was legal as to what they would be moving... But the weight was not by code or law. This would be a serious over weighted move. But for a sip like the Gallion it would be fine... And depending on the size or running status of the drop ship it could be good or it could be bad.

Ross didn't like the sound of Rem's words. She knew her drop ships could move the cargo... But...

She looked to Emma. "Can you fly other kinds of ships?" She asked. At this point she would want to play it safe. She would just have Emma go and get her ship, park it in the Gallion and from there they would take one of the Gallion's drop ships. All in all that would be a safe bet that this point if the girl was worried about weight and how much they were moving.

SleepyBuddha said:
When Adrian started his little quest to introduce himself to the crew members he didn't count of one thing. How massive this ship actually was! Adrian knew it was a massive ship when he approached but apparently he didn't even comprehend how large it was in truth. Adrian had been wandering around for what seemed like hours without much luck. At one point he even made it into the cargo hold after making a wrong turn. After finally making it to the medical bay, conveniently missing the angel as he went by, Adrian walked in looking very dazed and confused, " Excuse me? Could someone tell me where I might find the captain of this ship?" He asked as he looked around the medical bay at all the advanced technology that could be used to save lifes. He thought about all the injured and sick he had meet in his journeys across the galaxy. How they clung to him desperately trying to have their life's saved by some miracle. Adrian will say a prayer over them to make them feel better, but he knew they would die all the same. It seemed to be God's will that his children die.
This made him think of his own near death experience on his past deployment. How his comrades all died under a hail of artillery and gunfire thanks to an officer's foolish orders.
It wasn't long before the 6'2 winged being made it to the med bay once more and found that there was actual personnel in there this time around. Were they on their lunch break or something? They could have at least left a sign. The angelic being was now irritated beyond what he was before and the stitch in his left wing was beginning to bother him more than it was before.

As he walked in, he had to side step a man dressed like what seemed to be a priest. The Avalon glanced at him for a moment, for it was incredibly rare to see a man of the cloth in the back ends of space like where they were at. It was a momentary glance. What looked like a split second for the average person felt like several minutes to Aeva. In the short glance, he was able to absorb almost every detail of the priest as if he had been studying him for days. "Excuse me priest." He said politely. Aeva didn't believe in religion and he certainly didn't like being preached to but his foul mood had nothing to do with the priest and Aeva tried to act like it. It was then he focused on the crew member with the medical outfit and her....attendant? He looked like a nurse in training or something of that nature. "Can one of you do me the biggest favor and see what the hell is causing this infuriating sharp pain in my left wing. I already waited here for almost an hour and I'd really rather not deal with it any longer." He said with a little more heat in his voice then he intended. To be fair, he was kept in pain for several days and when it could finally be looked at, the personnel was nowhere to be found for a time.
Mitchs98 said:

shadowz1995 said:
It wasn't long before the 6'2 winged being made it to the med bay once more and found that there was actual personnel in there this time around. Were they on their lunch break or something? They could have at least left a sign. The angelic being was now irritated beyond what he was before and the stitch in his left wing was beginning to bother him more than it was before.
As he walked in, he had to side step a man dressed like what seemed to be a priest. The Avalon glanced at him for a moment, for it was incredibly rare to see a man of the cloth in the back ends of space like where they were at. It was a momentary glance. What looked like a split second for the average person felt like several minutes to Aeva. In the short glance, he was able to absorb almost every detail of the priest as if he had been studying him for days. "Excuse me priest." He said politely. Aeva didn't believe in religion and he certainly didn't like being preached to but his foul mood had nothing to do with the priest and Aeva tried to act like it. It was then he focused on the crew member with the medical outfit and her....attendant? He looked like a nurse in training or something of that nature. "Can one of you do me the biggest favor and see what the hell is causing this infuriating sharp pain in my left wing. I already waited here for almost an hour and I'd really rather not deal with it any longer." He said with a little more heat in his voice then he intended. To be fair, he was kept in pain for several days and when it could finally be looked at, the personnel was nowhere to be found for a time.

SleepyBuddha said:
When Adrian started his little quest to introduce himself to the crew members he didn't count of one thing. How massive this ship actually was! Adrian knew it was a massive ship when he approached but apparently he didn't even comprehend how large it was in truth. Adrian had been wandering around for what seemed like hours without much luck. At one point he even made it into the cargo hold after making a wrong turn. After finally making it to the medical bay, conveniently missing the angel as he went by, Adrian walked in looking very dazed and confused, " Excuse me? Could someone tell me where I might find the captain of this ship?" He asked as he looked around the medical bay at all the advanced technology that could be used to save lifes. He thought about all the injured and sick he had meet in his journeys across the galaxy. How they clung to him desperately trying to have their life's saved by some miracle. Adrian will say a prayer over them to make them feel better, but he knew they would die all the same. It seemed to be God's will that his children die.
This made him think of his own near death experience on his past deployment. How his comrades all died under a hail of artillery and gunfire thanks to an officer's foolish orders.

Emma listened to Rem as he explained the cargo situation. While her ship could probably carry it without any passangers, it'd be around possible with. She honestly didn't care about legal weight or not, as long as she wasn't transporting illegal goods. When she asked if she could fly other ships she nodded, "Yes ma'am. I can fly just about anything." She replied. "I can still try fitting everything on mine, if you want me to, though." She added, assuming that the reason she asked was to fly something else to pick up the cargo.
Ross placed a hand to her chin as she thought about the situation for a moment. "No.... Go get your ship and meet us at the ship bay on the port side... It should be labeled ship bay 7." She told Emma.

"We will use one of our ships just to be on the safe side." She added.

She turned back to the Remington brothers. "While she gets her ship we should prepare for the mission." The brothers nodded before heading in another direction of the ship. For the short time they had been on the Gallion Ross was finding them to be very convenient. They didn't complain nor did they have any bad habits when it came to following orders.

The eldest brother seemed to have the other two in a quick line that they would follow without question.

Meanwhile at the Medic Bay.....

Val had been focused on Jack for the most part... But when Adrian and Aeva came into the medic bay her attention greatly turned to the two. She would have jumped at the priest but Aeva stood out more due to his wings. This was a race she had yet to know first hand.

She blinked at him and gawked in awe. His majestic features trapped her eyes in a stare.

"I'm sorry you had what?" she asked when finally snapping out of her daze. She nodded to the priest before making her way over to Aeva. But she quickly did a 180 and turned back to the priest when his question registered in her mind. "So sorry...." Val was now all over the place. "Last time I checked the Captain was in the docking bay with the new passengers." She nodded. "But if you're really in need of some help I suggest finding our navigator Shin... He is the one to help with all ship related things...."

Val spun back around and clasped her hands together. "And what do we have here?" She asked with a bright smile.
NovaNovass said:
Ross placed a hand to her chin as she thought about the situation for a moment. "No.... Go get your ship and meet us at the ship bay on the port side... It should be labeled ship bay 7." She told Emma.
"We will use one of our ships just to be on the safe side." She added.

She turned back to the Remington brothers. "While she gets her ship we should prepare for the mission." The brothers nodded before heading in another direction of the ship. For the short time they had been on the Gallion Ross was finding them to be very convenient. They didn't complain nor did they have any bad habits when it came to following orders.

The eldest brother seemed to have the other two in a quick line that they would follow without question.

Meanwhile at the Medic Bay.....

Val had been focused on Jack for the most part... But when Adrian and Aeva came into the medic bay her attention greatly turned to the two. She would have jumped at the priest but Aeva stood out more due to his wings. This was a race she had yet to know first hand.

She blinked at him and gawked in awe. His majestic features trapped her eyes in a stare.

"I'm sorry you had what?" she asked when finally snapping out of her daze. She nodded to the priest before making her way over to Aeva. But she quickly did a 180 and turned back to the priest when his question registered in her mind. "So sorry...." Val was now all over the place. "Last time I checked the Captain was in the docking bay with the new passengers." She nodded. "But if you're really in need of some help I suggest finding our navigator Shin... He is the one to help with all ship related things...."

Val spun back around and clasped her hands together. "And what do we have here?" She asked with a bright smile.
"My name is Aeva. I'm here because I'm in pain. On the dorsal side, just where the wing and back meet, of my left wing. It feels like something is stabbing into it with a hot needle." Aeva knew a thing or two about needles. He didnt like rembering but the experiments they ran on him involved injects and withdrawals of fluid quite often . The Avalon pushed the memories away and focused on the scenario at hand before the memories took over his thoughts.

"I've tried stretching, warming up the muscle, meditation to relax it, and nothing really works. It feels like nerve pressure but then that would mean that one my vertebrae is off somewhere and its causing the pain. This is just my guesses doctor. I can fix myself up pretty well but in the end, you're the doctor. You tell me what I can do and it will get done." Aeva locked his scarlet hues with hers, searching for any Ill intent. She seemed enthralled by him when she first laid eyes on him but now it seemed to be replaced by curiosity and genuine enthusiasm. Looks he was her first Avalon patient. He would say he was honored but decided against it. He wasn't much of a talker anyway.
shadowz1995 said:
"My name is Aeva. I'm here because I'm in pain. On the dorsal side, just where the wing and back meet, of my left wing. It feels like something is stabbing into it with a hot needle." Aeva knew a thing or two about needles. He didnt like rembering but the experiments they ran on him involved injects and withdrawals of fluid quite often . The Avalon pushed the memories away and focused on the scenario at hand before the memories took over his thoughts.
"I've tried stretching, warming up the muscle, meditation to relax it, and nothing really works. It feels like nerve pressure but then that would mean that one my vertebrae is off somewhere and its causing the pain. This is just my guesses doctor. I can fix myself up pretty well but in the end, you're the doctor. You tell me what I can do and it will get done." Aeva locked his scarlet hues with hers, searching for any Ill intent. She seemed enthralled by him when she first laid eyes on him but now it seemed to be replaced by curiosity and genuine enthusiasm. Looks he was her first Avalon patient. He would say he was honored but decided against it. He wasn't much of a talker anyway.
Val was quick to take note in what Aeva was saying to her about his wing and the pain he was in. "Hhhmmmmmm..." She hummed as she walked over to him and looked around the base of his wing where he mentioned the pain. She reached out and placed both hands around the area in question. She then closed her eyes and let her mind wonder.... This was one of her own people's gifts... Just by touching another they could see the insides of someone. A lot better then using and xray or other forms of scanners.

She took a step back and her eyes fluttered open. Her understanding of the angel was a lot clearer now... But something seemed very off about Aeva. She looked up at him with a hint of worry in her eyes. The angel had been tampered with in the past and because of it... It seemed certain areas would soon catch the angel off guard if he wasn't careful or aware of the problems.

On the other note she was happy to have another patient that was just exciting as Shin. Something out of the norm.

"Well.... This is a bit tricky as you are my first Avalon." She swayed her head from side to side a bit. "But I think I might be able to help." She beamed a smile to the other. "I have been doing my own studies her aboard the Gallion and some have come to be quiet positive." Val stated as she walked over to her desk and a cabinet next to it. She opened the cabinet and a light heavy mist floated out from it. This indicated that what was inside the cabinet was meant to be cold.

She pulled out a vile and gave it a look over. She placed it back before pulling out another one, followed by another. She was looking for one in particular.
NovaNovass said:
Ross placed a hand to her chin as she thought about the situation for a moment. "No.... Go get your ship and meet us at the ship bay on the port side... It should be labeled ship bay 7." She told Emma.
"We will use one of our ships just to be on the safe side." She added.

She turned back to the Remington brothers. "While she gets her ship we should prepare for the mission." The brothers nodded before heading in another direction of the ship. For the short time they had been on the Gallion Ross was finding them to be very convenient. They didn't complain nor did they have any bad habits when it came to following orders.

The eldest brother seemed to have the other two in a quick line that they would follow without question.

Meanwhile at the Medic Bay.....

Val had been focused on Jack for the most part... But when Adrian and Aeva came into the medic bay her attention greatly turned to the two. She would have jumped at the priest but Aeva stood out more due to his wings. This was a race she had yet to know first hand.

She blinked at him and gawked in awe. His majestic features trapped her eyes in a stare.

"I'm sorry you had what?" she asked when finally snapping out of her daze. She nodded to the priest before making her way over to Aeva. But she quickly did a 180 and turned back to the priest when his question registered in her mind. "So sorry...." Val was now all over the place. "Last time I checked the Captain was in the docking bay with the new passengers." She nodded. "But if you're really in need of some help I suggest finding our navigator Shin... He is the one to help with all ship related things...."

Val spun back around and clasped her hands together. "And what do we have here?" She asked with a bright smile.

Emma nodded slowly as she listened to Ross. She was a bit bummed they wouldn't be using her ship, but she could understand. Especially if they had something that was a sure thing when hers was speculation, the last thing they need to do was get all the way their and her ship be too small. "
Yes ma'am. Sounds good too me." She replied. With that she simply flashed a small smile and carefully jogged down the hallway towards the exit. If her thinking was correct, this meant she was officially part of the crew! Either that or they were stealing her ship. Though she doubted that, really. Nevertheless she exited the Gallion and walked towards her ship, cautiously and subtly glancing behind her ever so often. She felt safe on the Gallion, outside..not so much. It didn't take her long to reach her ship. Climbing in she made her way to the cockpit and started it up. Slowly she flew around towards the Gallions' port docking bays. "Port 7...Port 7..." She repeatedly mumbled to herself, both so she'd remember and while she read the port numbers. Soon she found it and flew her ship up to it, she was still in awe at how much the Gallion dwarfed her and her ship. She was in further awe of the fact that she'd soon be working on it! That was, if she successfully completed this mission of theirs.
NovaNovass said:
Val was quick to take note in what Aeva was saying to her about his wing and the pain he was in. "Hhhmmmmmm..." She hummed as she walked over to him and looked around the base of his wing where he mentioned the pain. She reached out and placed both hands around the area in question. She then closed her eyes and let her mind wonder.... This was one of her own people's gifts... Just by touching another they could see the insides of someone. A lot better then using and xray or other forms of scanners.
She took a step back and her eyes fluttered open. Her understanding of the angel was a lot clearer now... But something seemed very off about Aeva. She looked up at him with a hint of worry in her eyes. The angel had been tampered with in the past and because of it... It seemed certain areas would soon catch the angel off guard if he wasn't careful or aware of the problems.

On the other note she was happy to have another patient that was just exciting as Shin. Something out of the norm.

"Well.... This is a bit tricky as you are my first Avalon." She swayed her head from side to side a bit. "But I think I might be able to help." She beamed a smile to the other. "I have been doing my own studies her aboard the Gallion and some have come to be quiet positive." Val stated as she walked over to her desk and a cabinet next to it. She opened the cabinet and a light heavy mist floated out from it. This indicated that what was inside the cabinet was meant to be cold.

She pulled out a vile and gave it a look over. She placed it back before pulling out another one, followed by another. She was looking for one in particular.
(Do I respond to this?)
When Adrian heard some one call his attention he was expecting a sickly person but what he got was a rather large person with... wings!? So this was the angelic race known as the Avalon. Adrian did the motion of a cross over himself as he regarded the alien. Despite the race's angelic features that is how the old Catholic Church deals with the race. The words of the Pope rang in Adrian's ears as he remembered the day the church first found an Avalon. The Pope declared the race pretenders and not true messengers of the Lord's word. Of course this was after the church figured out that there was an entire planet of Avalon. The first Avalon was executed for daring to impersonate a messenger of the Lord.

Adrian snapped back to reality and gave a slight bow to the alien and then smiled at Val when she told him where to find the captain. " Thank you very much for your help. My name is Adrian and I look forward to traveling with you. And you, should either of you need me for something please don't hesitate to call. I hope the next time we meet will be under equally pleasant circumstances. Before I go could you point me to the docking bay?" Adrian asked standing up straight and proper.

@NovaNovass @shadowz1995
Mitchs98 said:
Emma nodded slowly as she listened to Ross. She was a bit bummed they wouldn't be using her ship, but she could understand. Especially if they had something that was a sure thing when hers was speculation, the last thing they need to do was get all the way their and her ship be too small. "
Yes ma'am. Sounds good too me." She replied. With that she simply flashed a small smile and carefully jogged down the hallway towards the exit. If her thinking was correct, this meant she was officially part of the crew! Either that or they were stealing her ship. Though she doubted that, really. Nevertheless she exited the Gallion and walked towards her ship, cautiously and subtly glancing behind her ever so often. She felt safe on the Gallion, outside..not so much. It didn't take her long to reach her ship. Climbing in she made her way to the cockpit and started it up. Slowly she flew around towards the Gallions' port docking bays. "Port 7...Port 7..." She repeatedly mumbled to herself, both so she'd remember and while she read the port numbers. Soon she found it and flew her ship up to it, she was still in awe at how much the Gallion dwarfed her and her ship. She was in further awe of the fact that she'd soon be working on it! That was, if she successfully completed this mission of theirs.
Once Emma and the Remington brothers left Ross made her way over to Shin. She figured that Charlie or Wade could finish up with logging people in... At this point she needed to get Emma set up on one of the drop ships. "Shin..." She walked over to him.

Shin looked over his shoulder at the sound of his name. There wasn't much to be said between the two as Ross was quick with her instructions. She told Shin to go and meet Emma at port seven, dock her ship and get a drop ship ready for her to pilot.

Ross made her way to go and find the Remington brothers while Shin scuffed off to port seven. He whipped the bit of sweat from the side of his face as all this commotion and moving about didn't help his cold. He even recalled snapping at the Angel when he mentioned it.

Shin got to the port and waited for Emma and her ship. It didn't take long for him to realize that it was her. He opened the doors and turned on the guide lights to help tell her where to land her ship. To him it wasn't a grand ship... More like something small enough for a few people to get around the verse.

Once she was inside he shut the bay doors and headed towards her ship. He stopped near by it and waited for her.
SleepyBuddha said:
When Adrian heard some one call his attention he was expecting a sickly person but what he got was a rather large person with... wings!? So this was the angelic race known as the Avalon. Adrian did the motion of a cross over himself as he regarded the alien. Despite the race's angelic features that is how the old Catholic Church deals with the race. The words of the Pope rang in Adrian's ears as he remembered the day the church first found an Avalon. The Pope declared the race pretenders and not true messengers of the Lord's word. Of course this was after the church figured out that there was an entire planet of Avalon. The first Avalon was executed for daring to impersonate a messenger of the Lord.
Adrian snapped back to reality and gave a slight bow to the alien and then smiled at Val when she told him where to find the captain. " Thank you very much for your help. My name is Adrian and I look forward to traveling with you. And you, should either of you need me for something please don't hesitate to call. I hope the next time we meet will be under equally pleasant circumstances. Before I go could you point me to the docking bay?" Adrian asked standing up straight and proper.

@NovaNovass @shadowz1995
Val looked over to the priest and blinked when he asked where the docking bay was. "It's where you get logged in?" She tilted her head to one side. She wasn't sure if the guy was truly lost or just playing so. The docking bay was where everyone entered the ship. Last time Val checked that's where Ross was. She also figured by now that Shin would be there too.

"Well if you wait a while I can show you the way." Val knew this was indeed a big ship and it was very easy to get lost.

Val looked back to the two vials in her hands and smiled when she found the one she was looking for. She placed the other back before going over to Aeva. "Is it alright if I get a blood sample?" Val asked.

Val's abilities help her see the problem in others... But when it came down to genetics and blood types she actually had to look at them the normal way, through a scope.
NovaNovass said:
Val looked over to the priest and blinked when he asked where the docking bay was. "It's where you get logged in?" She tilted her head to one side. She wasn't sure if the guy was truly lost or just playing so. The docking bay was where everyone entered the ship. Last time Val checked that's where Ross was. She also figured by now that Shin would be there too.
"Well if you wait a while I can show you the way." Val knew this was indeed a big ship and it was very easy to get lost.

Val looked back to the two vials in her hands and smiled when she found the one she was looking for. She placed the other back before going over to Aeva. "Is it alright if I get a blood sample?" Val asked.

Val's abilities help her see the problem in others... But when it came down to genetics and blood types she actually had to look at them the normal way, through a scope.
"Do what you have to do Ma'am." He says simply. The doctor had a look of what seems like pity in her eyes. It appears that she had seen something when she touched the area of his pain. He narrowed his eyes briefly before taking a breath and relaxing his body for the doc. The priest seemed to look at him in awe for a second as well. Similar to Val.

The male merely nodded his head when she asked if she could take a blood sample though the sight of needles brought back very unpleasant memories. (Sorry I just don't really know how to respond. Not you just can't seem to think of anything)
shadowz1995 said:
"Do what you have to do Ma'am." He says simply. The doctor had a look of what seems like pity in her eyes. It appears that she had seen something when she touched the area of his pain. He narrowed his eyes briefly before taking a breath and relaxing his body for the doc. The priest seemed to look at him in awe for a second as well. Similar to Val.
The male merely nodded his head when she asked if she could take a blood sample though the sight of needles brought back very unpleasant memories. (Sorry I just don't really know how to respond. Not you just can't seem to think of anything)
((Don't feel bad... We all have those days. ( ^_^ )..))

Val smiled with a nod as she placed the vile down on the table nearby and fetched an empty one and a needle. As she started to clean a spot on his arm she began to tell him her findings from moments ago. "You have a slight tissue damage around that area." She continued her work.

"It can get worst but there is a simple solution. All you need to do is exercise your wings more and stretch daily. The muscle will grow and the tissue will repair itself." She started to draw his blood in the tube and was done in no time. She placed a cotton swab over the stop to keep infection out and held it their with tape.

"I know the ship has tones of large bays, ports and docks. I could ask Shin which one is less occupied and you could possibly use it to.... Stretch out those wings." She smiled at Aeva. She would actually want to see him fly too. Avalons were indeed interesting characters.

She stepped away from him and labeled the vile containing his blood. She then picked up the other and went over to a small white box like machine. She placed the two tubes into little wholes and peered through another small whole. "Lets see now...."

Val let out a soft grumble as she pulled the two viles out of the box and headed over back to the cold cabinet.
Adrian watched silently as the Avalon was worked on and healed. He was waiting for the woman to show him to the docking area. He knew it was the area he came in at, but he didn't k is how to get back to that area. He had made so many twists and turns Adrian managed to become very turned around by the time he made it to the infirmary he wasn't sure where he was other than the infirmary. His mind while sometimes a steel trap became distracted by other thoughts which lead him to become disoriented and confused. Adrian blamed it on his old age and possible his time in the service. Sometimes he was here and sometimes he was in the middle of a battlefield fighting for his life. These flashbacks had been happening more and more recently. He just hoped he wasn't losing his mind.
NovaNovass said:
((Don't feel bad... We all have those days. ( ^_^ )..))
Val smiled with a nod as she placed the vile down on the table nearby and fetched an empty one and a needle. As she started to clean a spot on his arm she began to tell him her findings from moments ago. "You have a slight tissue damage around that area." She continued her work.

"It can get worst but there is a simple solution. All you need to do is exercise your wings more and stretch daily. The muscle will grow and the tissue will repair itself." She started to draw his blood in the tube and was done in no time. She placed a cotton swab over the stop to keep infection out and held it their with tape.

"I know the ship has tones of large bays, ports and docks. I could ask Shin which one is less occupied and you could possibly use it to.... Stretch out those wings." She smiled at Aeva. She would actually want to see him fly too. Avalons were indeed interesting characters.

She stepped away from him and labeled the vile containing his blood. She then picked up the other and went over to a small white box like machine. She placed the two tubes into little wholes and peered through another small whole. "Lets see now...."

Val let out a soft grumble as she pulled the two viles out of the box and headed over back to the cold cabinet.
Aeva took a steadying breath as the needle pricked his flesh and desperately tried to suppress the flashes of his past that threatened to overwhelm him. He was able to maintain his composure but only just. It took a few slow breaths for him to collect himself fully. The doctor seemed satisfied with the blood she drew but she seemed to keep going back to the cabinet that leaked frozen air. There was apparently something in there that greatly drew her interest. With how mysterious it looked, Aeva's Avalon curiosity was starting to get the better of him. "So just go to a relatively open area in the ship and fly around for a bit. So the damage came from having my wings tucked in the whole time for a few days. I had been stretching it but it only offered mild relief. But I suppose Now that I know I will keep at it.
Val turned and smiled over to Aeva. "I wouldn't just say fly once... Not really." She started as she made her way over to the angel. She did not forget the priest within the room and she would have to help him get back to the docking bay soon. But she did want to spend a bit more time with Aeva. There were some questions and concerns she had and wanted to ask him a few things.

"You will really need to work those puppies out." Her smile never faded. "The damage is not just from tucking them away... It's from not using them all together." She added.

Val walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm. "If you want I can take you to one of the docking or port bays." She motioned to the priest, "Beside I will have to guide the father here to the captain... This is a big ship..." She could recall her first few weeks on the ship. Lucky for her Shin kept his com on him at all times and she would call him every time she got lost.
NovaNovass said:
Val turned and smiled over to Aeva. "I wouldn't just say fly once... Not really." She started as she made her way over to the angel. She did not forget the priest within the room and she would have to help him get back to the docking bay soon. But she did want to spend a bit more time with Aeva. There were some questions and concerns she had and wanted to ask him a few things.
"You will really need to work those puppies out." Her smile never faded. "The damage is not just from tucking them away... It's from not using them all together." She added.

Val walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm. "If you want I can take you to one of the docking or port bays." She motioned to the priest, "Beside I will have to guide the father here to the captain... This is a big ship..." She could recall her first few weeks on the ship. Lucky for her Shin kept his com on him at all times and she would call him every time she got lost.
"That sounds like....well I'll be honest. It sounds like a dream come true. I've been wanting to fly for a considerable amount of time now but I've never found the chance to do it. Flying around for awhile sounds......just great right about now." Avalon's lived for flight. Flying was about as important as walking or running to regular bipedal races like humans. It was something that was greatly valued and almost needed in their daily lives. Just like humans have killed themselves in the past over being handicapped or similar scenarios, Avalon's were similar if they were to lose their ability to fly. Not having flown in days and now having the chance to fly relatively freely only made his heart pump faster. He truly wanted to fly. So much so that he forgot what he wanted to tell the doctor.
NovaNovass said:
Once Emma and the Remington brothers left Ross made her way over to Shin. She figured that Charlie or Wade could finish up with logging people in... At this point she needed to get Emma set up on one of the drop ships. "Shin..." She walked over to him.
Shin looked over his shoulder at the sound of his name. There wasn't much to be said between the two as Ross was quick with her instructions. She told Shin to go and meet Emma at port seven, dock her ship and get a drop ship ready for her to pilot.

Ross made her way to go and find the Remington brothers while Shin scuffed off to port seven. He whipped the bit of sweat from the side of his face as all this commotion and moving about didn't help his cold. He even recalled snapping at the Angel when he mentioned it.

Shin got to the port and waited for Emma and her ship. It didn't take long for him to realize that it was her. He opened the doors and turned on the guide lights to help tell her where to land her ship. To him it wasn't a grand ship... More like something small enough for a few people to get around the verse.

Once she was inside he shut the bay doors and headed towards her ship. He stopped near by it and waited for her.

Once the guide lights were on and the doors were opened Emma wasted no time in docking, albeit carefully. She made sure everything was perfect before switched it off and made her way off of it, only to be greeted by a waiting Shin. She smiled at him, "
Ookay, so. I..guess you're here to show me which ship to use?" She asked him.
Caine walked to his assigned room, it was decent, had everything it needed with some minor pleasantries. He felt naked without his armorments. He did hang on to the small holdout pistol by his ankle. He hardly ever had to use it but they were stupid if they believed he'd give all of his weapons over. He Layed on the neatly made bunk bored.......he wanted something to do.......he saw the holyman walk by and swore he heard him mumbling a prayer. He decided Hed go and see if he could mingle with Raven some more. Best place to find a rider was find their bike and he headed back for the hangar.

shadowz1995 said:
"That sounds like....well I'll be honest. It sounds like a dream come true. I've been wanting to fly for a considerable amount of time now but I've never found the chance to do it. Flying around for awhile sounds......just great right about now." Avalon's lived for flight. Flying was about as important as walking or running to regular bipedal races like humans. It was something that was greatly valued and almost needed in their daily lives. Just like humans have killed themselves in the past over being handicapped or similar scenarios, Avalon's were similar if they were to lose their ability to fly. Not having flown in days and now having the chance to fly relatively freely only made his heart pump faster. He truly wanted to fly. So much so that he forgot what he wanted to tell the doctor.
Val smiled at Aeva. "My name is Val." She smiled to him and held out her hand. "I'm sure me and you will indeed get along well." She added.

She pointed to the door of the med bay. "Coming Father?" she asked as she motioned for Aeva to follow her.

As she walked she started to explain the different areas of the ship, or at least the ones she knew. She kept on bringing up the name Shin more then once or twice in a sentence. "He does practically everything around here." She added as they made their way first to the docking bay where she had last seen the Captain. She didn't go all the way to there, but she did point it out to the priest. "She should be down there at the end of the hallway." Val told him with a smile. "If not I'm sure one of the other crew members can help you find her."

Val continued on with making her way to one of the more larger bays. She grumbled half way... "This ship is so big..." She complained. It truly was. It took more then ten minutes to get from the medic bay to one of the large holding bays. "Finally!" she exclaimed.

She went over to the door and hit a few buttons on a key pad. The doors unlocked and opened to a large, wide and open area. It must have been five to seven stories tall and it seemed endless. Ships littered the ground along with large crates of all sizes. Most of the stuff lined up against the walls, leaving the center empty. Val smiled at the sight. "I hope this will do." She turned to Aeva.

Mitchs98 said:
Once the guide lights were on and the doors were opened Emma wasted no time in docking, albeit carefully. She made sure everything was perfect before switched it off and made her way off of it, only to be greeted by a waiting Shin. She smiled at him, "
Ookay, so. I..guess you're here to show me which ship to use?" She asked him.
(In the future please try to make your posts longer.)

Shin looked Emma over. His eyes slightly narrowed as his face held a dull expression. "Yeah... I'm the one to show you the drop ship." Shin stated in an annoyed voice. It wasn't so much as Emma... It was more along the lines that Shin had to stop what he was doing and do something else on Captain's orders. His plate was already big and overflowing with all kinds of things.

"I hope you have some knowledge of Bin Flight Codes and sequences." Shin stated before quickly leading the way to one of the drop ships. The ships were at least three times bigger than Emma's ship. Not all of them, but the one's he was heading to were the bigger ones.

"Bin is an old code I know." He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. "But these are old drop ships." He added as he walked over to one of the ships. With his tablet Shin tapped away on the screen. The ship turned on, but no engine. Just the power source. The door opened at the side where Shin stepped aboard. He headed to the cockpit and was quick to sit in the main pilot's chair. He placed his tablet down and began to flip switches and turn knobs.

"Like I said old sequences." Shin continued to turn on the engines so they could warm up, once finished a thought struck him.... He spun around in his chair and locked eyes with Emma. "Have you only piloted newer ships?" He asked. "Have you ever flown anything older then 100 years?" This was a question to be taken seriously as the Gallion and almost all their drop ships were over 100 years old.

DJGomez said:
Caine walked to his assigned room, it was decent, had everything it needed with some minor pleasantries. He felt naked without his armorments. He did hang on to the small holdout pistol by his ankle. He hardly ever had to use it but they were stupid if they believed he'd give all of his weapons over. He Layed on the neatly made bunk bored.......he wanted something to do.......he saw the holyman walk by and swore he heard him mumbling a prayer. He decided Hed go and see if he could mingle with Raven some more. Best place to find a rider was find their bike and he headed back for the hangar.
Raven could be found not cleaning the rails like Shin had asked, but back in the Rider's bay messing around with her bike. Almost everything was taken apart and she was giving her bike a deep cleaning. She frowned when she pulled off some of her coils and found them to be damaged.

She looked them over while sitting on the ground and frowned deeply with a heavy sigh. She could never really find out the parts or the design that the racer Edison had as the racer was very secret about his systems and bikes. But from what she could tell she had applied it to her own design. Still nothing like the best...

Raven picked herself off the ground and headed over to her tool boxes and her work bench. They didn't have the right funds for the bikes so they had to make due. She couldn't go to Shin as if she asked him for help he would only ask why she wasn't cleaning the rails. She couldn't ask Charlie as she was mad at her lead rider at the moment. The girl needed rest and she wasn't taking her bruised ribs seriously.

Anyone else on the Gallion was either a stranger or someone who wouldn't know what to do in the first place.

Raven once more frowned at the coil. "Wonder if I can...." Her thoughts trailed the rest of her words as she dug for a welder and some scrap metal.
NovaNovass said:
Val smiled at Aeva. "My name is Val." She smiled to him and held out her hand. "I'm sure me and you will indeed get along well." She added.
She pointed to the door of the med bay. "Coming Father?" she asked as she motioned for Aeva to follow her.

As she walked she started to explain the different areas of the ship, or at least the ones she knew. She kept on bringing up the name Shin more then once or twice in a sentence. "He does practically everything around here." She added as they made their way first to the docking bay where she had last seen the Captain. She didn't go all the way to there, but she did point it out to the priest. "She should be down there at the end of the hallway." Val told him with a smile. "If not I'm sure one of the other crew members can help you find her."

Val continued on with making her way to one of the more larger bays. She grumbled half way... "This ship is so big..." She complained. It truly was. It took more then ten minutes to get from the medic bay to one of the large holding bays. "Finally!" she exclaimed.

She went over to the door and hit a few buttons on a key pad. The doors unlocked and opened to a large, wide and open area. It must have been five to seven stories tall and it seemed endless. Ships littered the ground along with large crates of all sizes. Most of the stuff lined up against the walls, leaving the center empty. Val smiled at the sight. "I hope this will do." She turned to Aeva.

(In the future please try to make your posts longer.)

Shin looked Emma over. His eyes slightly narrowed as his face held a dull expression. "Yeah... I'm the one to show you the drop ship." Shin stated in an annoyed voice. It wasn't so much as Emma... It was more along the lines that Shin had to stop what he was doing and do something else on Captain's orders. His plate was already big and overflowing with all kinds of things.

"I hope you have some knowledge of Bin Flight Codes and sequences." Shin stated before quickly leading the way to one of the drop ships. The ships were at least three times bigger than Emma's ship. Not all of them, but the one's he was heading to were the bigger ones.

"Bin is an old code I know." He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. "But these are old drop ships." He added as he walked over to one of the ships. With his tablet Shin tapped away on the screen. The ship turned on, but no engine. Just the power source. The door opened at the side where Shin stepped aboard. He headed to the cockpit and was quick to sit in the main pilot's chair. He placed his tablet down and began to flip switches and turn knobs.

"Like I said old sequences." Shin continued to turn on the engines so they could warm up, once finished a thought struck him.... He spun around in his chair and locked eyes with Emma. "Have you only piloted newer ships?" He asked. "Have you ever flown anything older then 100 years?" This was a question to be taken seriously as the Gallion and almost all their drop ships were over 100 years old.

Raven could be found not cleaning the rails like Shin had asked, but back in the Rider's bay messing around with her bike. Almost everything was taken apart and she was giving her bike a deep cleaning. She frowned when she pulled off some of her coils and found them to be damaged.

She looked them over while sitting on the ground and frowned deeply with a heavy sigh. She could never really find out the parts or the design that the racer Edison had as the racer was very secret about his systems and bikes. But from what she could tell she had applied it to her own design. Still nothing like the best...

Raven picked herself off the ground and headed over to her tool boxes and her work bench. They didn't have the right funds for the bikes so they had to make due. She couldn't go to Shin as if she asked him for help he would only ask why she wasn't cleaning the rails. She couldn't ask Charlie as she was mad at her lead rider at the moment. The girl needed rest and she wasn't taking her bruised ribs seriously.

Anyone else on the Gallion was either a stranger or someone who wouldn't know what to do in the first place.

Raven once more frowned at the coil. "Wonder if I can...." Her thoughts trailed the rest of her words as she dug for a welder and some scrap metal.
Give me some time...I'm work in)

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