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Fantasy [Private w/ Irihi] Fine Wine Amidst the Winter's Frost


Kitsune of the North
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Winter Forest Trail.jpg

Snow. The cloudy sky above scattered the occasional flake or two of it down as the weather forewarned of the approaching snowstorm, the clouds to the north much denser as the dampened winds of the forest blew southward. Aside from the sound of pie trees rustling in the wind and the occasional whistling of the wind as a gust blew past, all that could be heard within the forest was silence. She didn't have long to return home before the storm swept over the forest, and Lauren wasn't about to risk getting caught outside during a blizzard. With a sigh, she quickened her pace. Her hands reached up to her face to adjust her scarf, the winter glove on her right hand occasionally getting caught in the joints of her prosthetic. Her winter coat was shielding her from most of the cold, as were the winter pants she had custom made for her. Though it wouldn't completely stop her body heat from being sapped away from her. As she looked down for a brief moment to double check she was still following the trail, she paused. There was suddenly a trail of footprints that looked to be heading in the same direction as she was, and she couldn't recall seeing anyone pass by her earlier while she had taken a break. Still, she hurried her pace to a light jog, her winter boots helping her avoid slipping on the thin layer of ice resting below the powdered snow.

As Lauren approached the top of the slight uphill incline the path leading home continued over, she saw a familiar figure off in the distance. She was quick to run over towards them, their distinctive feathers solidifying who it was. Cahron, the birdbrained avian who had always seemed to be flirting with her every time they had conversed back in the East Empire a couple of weeks ago. As she approached she slowed her pace back down to a walk, standing about a meter or two away from him as she smiled underneath of her scarf.
"Geez, if I had known the storm sent you flying out here, I'd have told you where my cottage was." She teased with a half-joking tone, her eyes briefly staring into his before she looked back towards the path. The footprints seemed to have veered off the trail to where the avian was standing before her, so it was his footprints she had followed. She gave a light sigh before giving him an intense glare. "Seriously you idiot, you had your sister worried about you! After that typhoon passed and you hadn't returned..." Lauren paused as she suddenly found herself holding back tears herself. "...She wasn't the only one who was concerned about you." Lauren finished with a softer tone than the loud temper that had flared just moments ago, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her coat. At least she knew that he was safe. She had started thinking about writing Miiya a letter to let her know that Cahron was safe, though he'd probably be able to fly faster than the letter would take to reach her friend. Unfortunately for both of them, they didn't have a lot of time to stand outside and discuss things - as the snowstorm started setting in and the winds grew harsher and colder. "Come on and follow me, unless you want to try building an igloo and spend the night out in the cold. I live relatively close by." Lauren said coldly as she tightly grabbed his hand with her left hand, practically dragging him along with her as she tried to outpace the worst of the snowstorm. The sun gradually drew closer to setting as the clouds overhead began to sweep over the land below like a blanket, their surrounding growing dimmer as the sun was already hidden behind the thick clouds.

Irihi Irihi
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Cahron Aether

At a call from behind, Cahron turned. I don’t believe it! He thought to himself, and then voiced the same words when Lauren caught up to him. ”Miz Lin… I don’t believe it! What are the odds!?” Cahron didn’t let the space between the two of them stand, crunching across the snow to wrap Lauren in a hug just a shade away from chaste. He held onto her shoulders for a moment as he flashed a much bigger grin than the small smile hiding under Lauren’s scarf. His expression turned mischievous.

”Oh… I get it--you’re following me.” He joked, releasing her. ”Gonna get that performance outta me by hook or by crook, huh?” He raised his hands in mock-surrender. “Well, hey, look; you got it. After all, how can I say no to my prettiest fan?”

Cahron fully expected that comment to earn him a swat, and he ducked away from the anticipated blow. Ducked, but wasn’t careful of his footing. Slipping on a patch of ice, he went down in a tangle of askew limbs and feathers, pretty well ruining the flirtatious effect he was going for.

The Aerial hit the ground with a:”Whoof!” but popped right back up in time to catch Lauren’s anger, mention of his sister, and was that…? He wondered. Did she just brush away--nah, it’s gotta be just the cold. He told himself. Even with that little bit of denial, Cahron felt a tingle run down his spine that had nothing to do with cold.
The Aerial had to admit to himself that he was happy to see Lauren in particular--and not just any old friendly face in this desolate place. The elven woman had kept popping into his head ever since he’d--quite literally--been blown away in Otzel. He truly regretted not being able to land and keep his promise to stay with her through the typhoon. He’d assumed that, when he’d aborted his landing, they’d never see each other again. After all, he’d had to stay aloft for ten hours before he made the edge of the storm, and had landed hundreds of miles away with no way to get in touch with Lauren, or Miiya.

Cahron wanted to hear more about who else had been concerned with his well-being, but he was glad for news of his sister. ”She’s well then; Miiya? At least when last you saw her?” He asked. ”I knew the squirt would be fine on her own.” He asserted. ”We talked this over; if we get separated, we’ll look for playbills with each other on them, or meet back at our--” She doesn’t need to know this, and I don’t want to talk about Miiya. I want to talk about her. Cahron realized. ”Anyway, we’ve got a plan.” He concluded.

She’s inviting me back to her place? Cahron had to bite back another smile. Lauren just brought it out in him. Yes--as she said--rather than leave me out to freeze to death; don’t read too much into it, birdbrain. He scolded himself. ”Right, lead the way, Miz Lin.” He said.

As they walked, Cahron made small talk while simultaneously giving Lauren a little background on himself. He trimmed the wick on the charm and kept the flirting to a minimum, recognizing that Lauren was inviting him--a near stranger--into her home at least partially out of obligation. He did not want to overdo it and make her uncomfortable, or regret her offer of hospitality. ”Thanks for inviting me over.” He pointed to the leaden gray sky overhead. ”It’s a white-out up there. I had to land before my wings iced up.”

The wind was picking up and the snow was falling faster and thicker as they walked. The white-out conditions Cahron had experienced seemed to be lowering to ground-level as the snowstorm began in earnest. The Aerial’s feathers, which had been partially louvered to radiate away the heat of his flight, now smoothed and flattened, insulating him from the icy wind.

”Seems like we’re always meeting in storm… Miz Lin…? Are you…?” Cahron paused as Lauren seemed to stagger. She had been speaking less and less, he realized. He stepped closer and examined her. Lauren’s lips were a bluish-white; a sign that her capillaries were closed and her body was trying to conserve heat in her core. ”You’re shaking!” Cahron said with concern, and then: ”You’re freezing!” He exclaimed. The Aerial had enough experience with high-altitude flight to recognize the signs of hypothermia in Lauren.

”Let me help you.” Cahron stepped close to Lauren and set to work putting her in trim--as he thought of it. Not flying trim, but heat-conserving trim. ”Please excuse me.” He said, gently, as he extended a wing over her shoulders, then reached across her and grabbed his own pinfeathers, pulling his wing around her such that Lauren was shielded from the wind by his flight primaries and secondaries. It was an awkward position, but his wings were flexible enough that he could shelter her and still walk, though they often stumbled into each other.

”Is your place far now?” Cahron asked. ”We have to get you to shelter right away.” The Aerial stated. ”You have hypothermia.” Cahron diagnosed. ”It’s good you’re still shivering, but it’s going to get worse fast.” The Aerial knew they needed to make a decision.

”I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk soon.” He warned. ”I can carry you…” I think. Cahron knew Lauren’s mechanical parts made her much heavier than one would expect of such a small woman, but he thought he could still lift her. ”...or I can keep you warm, but not both.” As they staggered forward together, he put the decision to her. ”We can stop here and conserve your heat, or we can try to make it to shelter.” If they found a dry place to sit, Cahron could tent them within his wings and they could ride out the storm, but he was not sure how much heat would leech away into the ground through Lauren’s prosthetics. He was also worried about frostbite in her extremities. The last thing Lauren needed was to lose more of herself, Cahron thought, but didn’t put his thoughts into words.

Summary :
Cahron greets Lauren happily and walks with her.

The storm worsens and Cahron notices Lauren becoming hypothermic. He uses his wings to shield her from the worst of the wind.

He suggests they either stop to retain what heat they can, or hurry to shelter, if it’s nearby.

II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
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Lauren had initially been responding to Cahron's small talk, though the longer they walked the colder she could feel the metal in her prosthetics becoming. Despite all of the thick winter clothes she had on her, it could only slow down how quickly they sapped away her body heat. She was glad that Cahron was quick to notice her worsening condition, though that had already traveled most of the remaining distance to her cottage. The trail split into two directions a few meters from where they were, with the trail to her cottage being the left trail going up a slight incline.
"We're almost there..." Lauren stated with a bit of strain in her voice, the pain from the cold gradually setting in as she tried quickening her pace. Lauren guided Cahron along the trail that split off to the left and up the slight incline, the cottage slowly coming into view.

Cozy Retreat 1.jpg

The cottage was fairly new and well built, with a stone path leading up to the front door. It was properly nestled against part of the hillside as a small retaining wall made of boulders and rocks protected the cottage from runoff during the spring, and it overlooked the landscape due to the hill on the opposite side of the cottage being steeper. As both Lauren and Cahron finally reached the front door of the cottage she was quick to open the door and get inside, the warm and humid air inside of her home helped her relax a bit. Lauren was still quick to take off her coat and just wear the long-sleeve shirt she had on underneath, unwrapping her scarf from her face as she looked to Cahron.
"This is my cottage. It tends to stay pretty warm and cozy during winter due to the hot-spring it was built on, so I'm going to go warm up in the hot-springs for a little bit." Lauren welcomed him in with a soft voice, too cold and eager to avoid frostbite to have any form of tone with him. She made her way towards her bedroom, closing and locking the door before changing into clothes better suited for the situation. She then unlocked the door after changing and came back out in a simple t-shirt and shorts, making her way into the bathroom where a wall separated the toilet and shower from the hot-tub already filled with water from the hot-spring. The excess water flowed outside and down the slope towards a larger river, though she had plans to eventually add a public bath out back in the form of a natural looking pond... Though she didn't have enough visitors to justify its construction.

Maybe that would change once she made more friends in this world.

As Lauren entered the warm waters of the hot-tub with clothes to cover herself up, she immediately felt the heat begin to seep back into her body - making sure to submerge her lips and ears as well... Oh yeah, Cahron didn't know she was an elf, having hidden her distinguishing elven features to avoid persecution in the East Empire. The cold metal of her prosthetics had warmed up enough to justify coming out of the hot-tub, though it was too relaxing to get out right away. She called out to Cahron with a rejuvenated voice.
"I've got some spare shorts for guests you can wear if you want to join me, just be sure to change into them on the other side of the wall." Lauren said as she waited for him to come in, pointing to a closet full of spare clothes and towels. She had furnished her house similar to her childhood home from before she and her family had moved to the city, though that was a long distant memory from her previous life. She dipped the rest of her head below the water as well after taking a deep breath, the warm water soaking the rest of her hair as the feeling of warm water completely enveloped her. She popped her head back above the water merely 30 seconds later, though it was less to do with needing to breathe and more about potentially conversing with Cahron... He seemed like a decent enough guy, though the constant flirting made her a little uncomfortable at times. But she couldn't deny that something about him had almost swept her off of her feet, a feeling she remembered from her previous life as well.

And it was that same wonderful feeling that she was afraid to lose...

Irihi Irihi
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Cahron Aether

Cahron was relieved beyond words when they drew within sight of Lauren’s “cottage.” The Aerial, himself, was shivering, and he couldn’t imagine the woman of flesh and metal was any better off. Even so, the winged man stopped on the threshold of the building to take an appreciative look at the place. A brief gap in the storm revealed a sweeping winter vista from the hillside home. Through the driving snow, the steam from the natural hotspring was visible, smoking with inviting heat as it tumbled down into the valley below. ”This is… amazing!” Cahron said, and then ducked inside, following Lauren.

In the foyer the pair engaged in the winter custom of shaking and stomping, clearing snow and ice from their garments and footgear. Cahron’s breath was steaming, as were his garments in the humid warmth of the cottage. He gently shook the snow from his feathers, careful not to splatter ice and slush inside Lauren’s home.

”Miz Lin, we should get you…!” Oh. Cahron turned to see about warming Lauren up, only to find she had already vanished into the cottage’s interior. His concern about hypothermia faded. It was warm in here, and she was still lucid, so perhaps her chill had not been the emergency he had thought.

While Lauren changed, Cahron stowed their gear properly, upending boots and footgear so that they would dry out, hanging coats and scarves so they were not in a damp pile. His fingers lingered for a moment on Lauren’s scarf, hung from a peg in the entry. This was nestled against her cheek. He thought, before internally chiding himself for being stupid.

Cahron inspected the interior of the cottage with an appreciative eye, as Lauren changed. He noted the kitchen and living rooms, wondering if he should fire the stove to make her something hot to drink, or build a blaze in the fireplace. No, he decided, Lauren knew what she needed to warm up, he would wait to be asked, before he started disrupting whatever domestic routines she had. She’s okay, calm down, Cahron. He told himself.

Do I want to join her for a soak?

Uh. Yes. It was a mighty struggle--to keep his expression neutral--as the elf, now clad in only light shirt and shorts, invited him into the bath. “I will do that. He confirmed her instructions to disrobe privately, allowing himself a small smile.

Behind the wall, Cahron ran his hands through his sandy blonde hair, and tried to collect himself. I am attracted to this woman! He admitted to himself. Cahron was a performer; he flirted with many people for many reasons. Sometimes he would deliver cheesy pickup lines just for the sole purpose of annoying his sister. Other times he would focus his attentions on a girl or guy out of boredom, or because they looked like they could use a boost to their self-esteem, or because raw animal attraction made him want to blow their back out. While the latter a lot of those reasons certainly rang true with Lauren, this wasn’t some fleeting encounter in a tavern. Out of necessity and politeness or not, Lauren had invited him into her home, and the storm outside meant that they’d be spending quite a bit of time together.

Cahron missed a button at that thought, and his shirt ended up caught halfway down his wings. Shit, calm down, idiot. You’re not even on first-name basis with her. He chided himself, turning this way and that to work his shirt free without knocking anything over. The bathroom wasn’t small, but Cahron’s wings spanned more than twenty feet, and it took some doing to unfold and refold them indoors.

Well, I want to be. He thought, as he stripped off his pants and then, without hesitation, the rest of the way down, before hunting for shorts to borrow. Lauren was different, Cahron thought, intriguing. He hadn’t had long to look, but if she had pictures of family and friends in the cottage, the Aerial had not seen them. She seemed quiet, melancholy, almost unsure of herself--like she was wearing a life that rested uncomfortably on her shoulders. Cahron was, he realized, looking forward to the chance to really talk to her. But I can’t go out there bare-assed, so where are those damn shorts?

By the time he was decent, Cahron had resolved to turn down the flirtatiousness. He wanted to put Lauren at ease so he could find out who she really was. Besides, I don’t need pickup lines. Cahron grinned at his reflection, taking a second to preen before he joined Lauren in the pool. She’ll like what she sees, or she won’t. He thought, confident that his host would enjoy the show.

Cahron emerged with his wings folded tightly. Grounders sometimes found the extra set of appendages weird--especially when the Aerial went without any clothing to cover his shoulders and torso. Cahron was proud of his appearance, and always glad to share any of his endowments with an audience. Circling to the far side of the hot tub, he gave the bathing elf a smile.

”Miz Lin, your place is amazing!” He said, gesturing to the bath, and then turning to indicate the rest of the cottage. This was a show that wasn’t a show. Cahron knew he was putting his physique on display for the benefit of his host. He was lean with the body of a dancer or gymnast. Aviating and performing every day granted washboard stomach and sharp definition of every muscle. Cahron knelt next to the edge of the hot tub extending his wings and lifting himself on hands and arms to slip into the water. He winced briefly at the sudden shocking heat, the maneuver putting his broad shoulders and corded aviating thews on display before he submerged himself to mid-chest.

”Hot!” The Aerial grinned at Lauren. ”This is great” He said, shifting and adjusting his wings so that they rested, partially folded, on the edge of the tub. ”Are you warming up, Miz Lin?” Cahron asked.

”Wow, listen to that.” Cahron said as a gust of wind shook the house and the keening howl of the blizzard outside increased. ”Nobody’s flying in this.” He said. ”I’m really happy to be in here with you.” Cahron loaded the words with nothing but earnestness. He took a moment to tell Lauren how he would ride out a storm like this outside. His wings could be folded around himself to form a tent that would completely block wind and most of the cold as well. ”It is a lot less pleasant than this, though.” He said, leaning back and luxuriating in the hot water. ”Plus--if it snows enough--I have woken up completely buried and iced in before!” He said, recalling a time when he had to kick his way free of the wing igloo that had formed around him. ”I guess that’s why the birds with bigger brains migrate south for the winter.” He joked.

On the walk to Lauren’s place, Cahron had told her a little about himself and his family. He was a native of the world (and had only a vague notion of Isekai), born to a shorn-winged Aerial in the slums of Ryken. He had been raised by his mother, alone, and had left home at an early age to seek his fortune performing as a traveling bard and entertainer. He had yet to speak of his father or what circumstances had reunited him with his sister.

Now he waited, keeping any conversation light, hoping Lauren would pick whatever topic she might want to explore with him. Cahron wanted to know more about her, but only as much as she wanted to say. He was also hoping she would invite him to discourse with her on a first-name basis. However, whatever disagreements did and had existed between himself and his mother, she’d raised him a gentleman, so it would remain the awkwardly-formal “Miz Lin” until he was permitted to call Lauren otherwise.

II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
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Lauren gave Cahron a look over as he had made his way towards the hot tub, her shoulders and a part of her torso emerging from the water as she sat on the ledge submerged in the water. She had to admit that he was definitely attractive, though it was particularly his wings that drew her gaze. As she stretched out her arms and rested them along the rim of the hot tub her scars became more noticeable, primarily the stretched skin where her prosthetic practically fused with her flesh - with the many fine-line scars on her left arm serving as a reminder of how badly injured the war had left her.
"Thanks, it reminds me of my childhood home with both of my parents." Lauren said as a somber smile formed on her face, the memory of her mom and dad in her previous life being a bittersweet memory. "And feel free to just call me Lauren." She added as her gaze drifted towards his eyes, curious as to why he didn't seem to be flirting like he usually did. Perhaps he was just being polite, or trying to keep himself composed... He had tried to make some advances on her in the past, so perhaps he was trying to contain his... She could almost feel her face getting flushed as embarrassment coursed through her body, though the harsh winds outside distracted her enough to pull her gaze away from his eyes and push the feeling out of her mind. She listened to his commentary about how severe the weather seemed to be getting, thinking back to what he had told her about his own family life on their way to the cottage. She wanted to converse with him more, though she wasn't sure of where to begin. Still, she knew she had to start somewhere, and she wanted to see if he'd stick around if he knew about her complicated circumstances.
"So..." Lauren murmured to try and break the awkward silence. "Sorry... that I hadn't made it known that I was an elf back while we were in the Empire, I just didn't want to risk being executed for something I have no control over. Though... me pretending to be human wasn't entirely a lie either." Lauren paused, looking him in the eye again as she tried to read his expression. "After the storm had seemingly swept you away with it, I had started confiding in Miiya and the others that were around me at the time. One such detail I had told them about... was about the memories I have from a past life..."

Lauren had so much to converse with Cahron over, though for the time they spent warming themselves up in the hot tub she focused on her past life. How she was born in a world with similar technology to what Widersia had, how her parents doted her with love and affection... About her passion for research and innovation, about her school life and how she relentlessly pursued her dream... About her job researching Pandora's Prism, and the infinite worlds she had witnessed through it... Recalling everything about her previous life made her start crying tears of sorrow, as she expressed how much she missed her friends... her family... She wiped away her tears, knowing that she probably sounded insane. She wouldn't have believed herself in her past life if she hadn't experienced it first hand. Still, she managed to pull a slight smile, managing to find her words again.
"... I can't say I don't have regrets, as I never got to tell Mom or Dad the full extent of how much I loved them... But after meeting Miiya, Daina, Marcus... you, I feel less alone now than I did when I first found myself in someone else's body." Lauren softly spoke, wading over to the other side of the hot tub. She stood up as she neared Cahron, the water dripping from her shirt as it clung to her skin. Her approach probably left him believing that she was making a move on him, though he would be thoroughly disappointed as she left the comfort of the hot tub instead - walking over to the bathroom closet full of spare clothes and towels before looking back at him. "I'll go and get changed quick, meet me out in the kitchen in about 10 minutes." Lauren suggested as she wrapped the towel around herself and her soaked clothes, walking to her bedroom door before entering and locking it behind her.

Irihi Irihi
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Cahron Aether

Cahron couldn’t help--and would not if he could have--the smile that overspread his features as Lauren seemed to relax a bit around him. He noticed her flush and the way her eyes wandered to his wings.

Does she like my wings? He guessed. That was a surprise. Grounders didn’t usually didn’t pay them much mind after the initial surprise (for those who had never met an Aerial before) treating them more like a curious afterthought--as if he was some stranger version of flightless human who liked to go around wearing a slightly-bizarre feather cape.

Aerials, on the other hand, were very focused on wings, and Cahron was inordinately proud of his pair. Though unearned, the matching stripes of white feathers amidst the dun-colored ones, were his pride and joy. Faking a yawn and a stretch, he twitched them out “involuntarily” to show his colors to Lauren. Now that was unabashedly flirtatious in Aerial culture and probably a little too much. The fact that Lauren wouldn’t know any better made it even more fun. Feigning that he was simply resettling his feathers, he twitched his wings this way and that, in a full-on mating display, that was definitely uncouth, but he thought he could get away with it, thanks to Lauren’s ignorance.

Now it was the Aerial’s turn to flush, because what he was doing was more than just innocent fun or tavern teasing. Pull it back, Cahron. He told himself, resettling his wings on the edge of the tub and meeting Lauren’s gaze with a little bit of a guilty look, and trying not to think about just how fantastic she looked. Wingless as she was, the Elf--in Cahron’s eyes, was lacking nothing, despite her missing limbs. The scars and prosthetics were evidence of a body that had been through a lot. I’d love to put it through mor-- Aka-Aar’s beard, man! Cool your jets! Cahron quashed that thought and tried to suppress the other feelings Lauren’s appearance engendered in him.

Even though those prosthetics meant Lauren could likely punch a hole right through him, they made her look vulnerable and resilient at the same time. They made him want to touch her--an impulse he’d acted on when they’d first met--to touch and understand and know--and yeah hold and protect. The scars and taunt skin drawn into fusion with harsh metal bothered Cahron not in the least, nor did he fetishize them. They were part of this woman before him and I really need to think about something else. He realized, as a tension-filled silence fell between them.

[/I]Lauren broke it with an apology about hiding her Fae nature.”There’s nothing to apologize for, Lauren.” Cahron replied, enjoying the way it felt to say her name, before quieting so she could tell her explanation.

You don’t seem Fae, if you’ll pardon me saying.” Cahron agreed when there was a pause before Lauren detailed her background and past life. Cahron had met Fae people before. Their exceptionally long lives and strange value system made them seem cold, uncaring, detached; alien even. That was not to say that they could not offer Humans companionship, but there were incongruencies between Fae and Human nature that were difficult to overcome--thus the terrible war between the Empire and the See. ”I think that's why you were able to hide in plain sight in the Empire.” He said, before settling in to listen to the rest of her tale.

It was a sad and shocking story, unbelievable except for what he knew--and what he had observed. It made more sense to believe her and, to be honest, Cahron was so enamored of this woman that he would have believed her if she said she was from the moon.

When Lauren began to cry, it was all Cahron could do not to cross the pool and take her in his arms. Her sad story, her sense of despair and loss, the thought of her waking to alone in a strange body and strange world, stoked his already blazing urge to comfort and shelter this girl. Settle. This is not about you, Cahron reminded himself. Listen to her. he told himself, and stayed welded in place.

Lauren, you aren’t alone.” The performer in him wanted to quip about how they were stuck here together, but he shushed that urge as she stood and waded toward him.

Cahron stood up. He was a little surprised at the elven girl going from weepy to wanting, but he was more than ready to meet her urges with his ow--oh. She’s just getting out of the hot tub. Cahron realized, feeling more than a little the fool. His disappointment was tempered by getting to watch her climb out of the pool, which was a reward in itself. He did his level best to return his gaze to her face by the time she turned to tell him to meet her in the kitchen. He sorta succeeded.

While Lauren changed, Cahron followed suit. The hot tub was spring-fed with clean clear water, which made Cahon feel clean now and reluctant to put on his old clothes. He didn’t really want to go digging through his satchel for new clothes either. Oh, stop lying, you just want to strut around shirtless in front of Lauren. He chided himself, and then spent a few seconds going back and forth on the idea. It was clearly ridiculously uncouth to go around pantsless--Haha. No.--shirtless in her house. She’d probably order him to put some clothes on--so she could kick him out the door into the storm. Grinning at that mental image, Cahron decided fuck it. I’ma do it. Cahron wasn’t as parsimonious as his sister, but neither was he a creature of plenty. With no ulterior motives, he used another towel to cursorily dry himself, then wrung out the borrowed shorts before putting them back on damp. No sense in making more laundry than necessary.

Cahron was so used to making do with very limited accommodations on the road, or just living rough, that he thought nothing of quickly laundering his own clothing in her bathroom sink before hanging it to dry and heading to the kitchen.

He had all the questions, and he paused, just a second before Lauren’s door. How long has she lived… in this world? What happened to the person who’s body she now inhabited? Their family? Friends? Lovers?

One, those were not questions you asked showing up in the doorway of a woman’s bedroom, shirtless. Two, Lauren must have already thought over these disturbing aspects of being isekai. She would tell him in her own time, or not.

Go lighten the mood. You wanna help? Show her a good time meal, Cahron told himself.

So it was that, when Lauren emerged from her room, she’d find a shirtless birdman poking around her pantry in a pair of close-fitting shorts. Cahron gave her a roguish grin as she entered. ”Hey, wow! You’re fully stack--stocked!” He said, the slip of the tongue seeming completely unintentional. ”Yah know, my sister's the chef, but I know my way around a kitchen,” he said. ”How about I make you dinner? Least I can do for the hospitality.”
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After she had locked her door and looked around her room, Lauren silently sighed at the disorganization that she had left it in last time. She'd have to straighten it up a bit after she made dinner for both of them, though first she needed to dry herself off. It took her a little bit to disrobe due to the damp clothes clinging to her skin, though once they were off she was quick to pat herself down thoroughly and wring out the water from her hair. Once she had taken the time to dry off every nook and cranny of her prosthetics, she looked through her closet and drawers for the clean clothes she wanted to wear. I need something presentable, but isn't too flashy or unorthodox... Lauren pondered to herself, wanting to at least draw his attention away from her prosthetics among other features. She finally decided to wear the clothes that she had made for her right after escaping Eins' minions, donning the clothes she had picked out before checking herself over in a mirror. She had only checked out the body she was bestowed by Lilan a couple of times after reincarnating, though the first time she was too shell-shocked at her new appearance to fully take in everything. For one, she was taller than in her previous life, and by nearly five inches at that. Then there was her figure itself, a little more lean and muscular than her old self. Other parts about her had changed as well, and she now leaned more towards the middle of the curve. In general... She was happier with her own body, even if her prosthetics dampened how she felt on occasion.

Lauren walked towards the bedroom door looking presentable, opening it and walking out to the kitchen to find Cahron looking through the food she had stocked. She had recently restocked after her return from the Empire, so there was plenty of food that they could make a meal of. The slip of his tongue didn't go unnoticed as she gave a slight glare, though her expression softened at his offer to cook them both some dinner. Although she did want to taste Ariel food again based on how delicious it was in the Empire, she knew of some foods from her previous life the avian had probably never eaten before.
"I can cook dinner for both of us. Besides, you'll probably like some of the recipes from my previous life more than some of the food I've tried living in this world." Lauren playfully boasted as she slid in-between Cahron and the pantry, feeling his body up against hers as she rummaged around for everything she needed. Rice was something she had been craving for awhile, and she was lucky enough to find someone selling the clean rice for relatively cheap. Tomatoes, chilies, various herbs and spices, flour, olive oil - absolutely everything needed to cook up a delicious curry and pizza. She had become well enough versed with her left hand to become ambidextrous, using the metal of her prosthetic hand to guide her knife and avoid accidentally cutting herself. "So, any in particular you want to talk about while I'm cooking?" Lauren asked abruptly, her brief glance at him showing some interest in getting to know him better. "I know that both you and Miiya are street performers, though I was curious if you had other hobbies or interests... At least, any interests other than flirting with me." She added with a joking tone, a slight smile on her face as a slight chuckle escaped her lips.

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Cahron Aether

Cahron smiled at Lauren and straightened to back out of her pantry when she countered his offer to cook with her own. Before he could move, however, she had pushed in, squeezing past him and rummaging for ingredients. The Aerial’s grin grew a lot broader as the elven woman brushed up against him. ”Well, if you insist; I’d love to try foods from your… homeland.” He spoke slowly, using any excuse to prolong the contact.

She’s tall, he thought. Lauren was just a few inches shorter than Cahron. He could really only look down on her when she bent forward to retrieve some rice from the lower shelves. I wouldn’t have to hunch over to… Cahron reluctantly backed out of the pantry, since he had no business being there besides checking Lauren out, which I can do from back here. When she turned with her armload of supplies, she would find him staring quite unabashedly at her. ”Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help,” he said, then winked, ”unless it’s not flirting with you.” He shrugged. ”Can’t help that. I don’t see how anybody could.”

Cahron gave that cheesy line a second to marinate, seeing if it would elicit a blush or a look of disgust, before he answered her question. ”I do proper theater, concerts, and hire out to perform at parties as well.” Cahron added. “I like to spearfish from the air.” He detailed a few of his hobbies, since Lauren had asked. One that he talked at length about was surfing and ridge-riding. ”Whenever you’ve got a geographic uplift; like a mountain or a ridgeline, if the wind blows up it, it creates a strong updraft and makes it really easy to stay aloft. That’s fun, but a little boring after a while.”

Cahron grew a little animated as he talked, motioning with his hands as he described riding on the airs pushed by large ocean swells. ”Wave riding’s a little like that. When there are really big swells near the beach, they mound up and push the air in front of them fast enough that you can just glide. It’s easier to fly close to water or smooth ground.” The Aerial described flying in ground effect; how the air acted like a cushion when squeezed between his wings and the ground. ”Gotta be careful that the wave doesn’t break over you, though. Wings are about as useful in the water as a wet bedspread.”

Cahron realized he was talking a lot; and about an Aerial-specific sport that might not interest a grounder, so he switched tack. ”I’ve ah, got a confession to make, Lauren,” he began. ”It might not be entirely by chance that we’re stuck here.” He tilted his chin toward the window rattling with the blizzard’s furious winds. Leaning against a counter opposite the elf, he looked a little sheepish--moreso if Lauren were to fix him with a suspicious glance--”Hear me out, okay? It’s not like that, and, it’s kind of a long story.”

Hoping he had settled Lauren’s suspicions enough she would continue cooking, Cahron launched into his tale. He started by restating what she knew; that he had been born to an Aerial in Ryken and that she had raised him by herself. ”My dad was around for the first couple of years of my life--until the disciples of Aka-Aar found him and dragged him back to the monastery.” He revealed. ”Yeah, Avonox--that’s my dad--was a monk--vow of celibacy, forsaking the pleasures of the flesh, and all that.” He grinned wryly and indicated himself with a sweep of his hand.

”Didn’t do a great job keeping those vows.” Cahron chuckled. ”Anyway, the church dragged him back to Aerie--that’s the island of the Aerials--just to excommunicate him,” Cahron said. ”My sister jokes that it took our mom nine years to recover from me, but the truth is that’s how long it took my dad to get off the island again--he’s, ah, disfavored by Aka-Aar; the god of the winds.” the Aerial revealed. ”And I think some of that disfavor rubbed off on his illicit kid.” He indicated himself with a thumb.

”I’m not persecuted by Aka-Aar, like my dad. I can fly, I can go where I please, but I think, when the god of wind is bored, he shifts the winds and throws a storm my way, just to be a dick.” A particularly strong gust caused the rafters of the cottage to creak. ”And, let’s just say: he needs more fucking hobbies.” Cahron gave her a guilty look. ”I, ah, probably should’ve told you sooner.”

Miiya’s reason for referring to her brother as an accomplished storm surfer might be becoming clear to Lauren as Cahron talked about his family and their influence on his life. ”It’s not all bad; the people get happy when I visit a region that’s suffering a drought.” Cahron did not take credit (or let people know) that he might be responsible for more frequent storms, but--as he told Lauren--the weather had a pretty direct impact on the generosity of the people. The drought breaks, and their coinpurses open for buskers and entertainers. Stick around until things start flooding, and they close back up again. ”So I tend to keep moving.” He grimaced. ”Fortunately, my sister doesn’t seem to have the same luck. Since our father wasn’t a monk any more, I guess she’s not as offensive to Aka-Aar.” He shrugged.
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Lauren's cheeks blushed a little at his flirtatious comment following his offer to help, though for the most part she could handle it on her own. Having company with her while she cooked made her feel more relaxed, even if Cahron was a little too flirtatious at times. She listened intently about his hobbies and interests, some she had expected while others she was a little surprised by - though all of them fit Cahron pretty well. It was after listening to him talk about ridge gliding and wave riding that she could comment on her own experiences.
"Yeah, ridge gliding and surfing were hobbies other people in my last life partook in as well." Lauren started, looking at his wings as she spoke. "There were a lot of things different between there and here, one of the biggest being that only humans existed in that reality. However, technology had advanced enough for Paragliders to be invented, allowing anyone with enough experience and money to glide for miles off the ground. There were even massive airships that tens of thousands of people would ride from city to city, mostly unaffected by sudden weather changes and able to fly above the clouds for weeks at a time. And while I didn't actively partake in Paragliding, I did enjoy surfing quite a bit." Lauren finished with a smile, her eyes glistening with passion after talking about the technology from her previous life. "You know, perhaps I should make a Paraglider when I get the chance, and perhaps you could show me some spots where I could try gliding... On second thought though, I'd probably have the same issues with Paragliding currently as I do with swimming..." Her expression soured a little at the realization, her eyes shifting to her prosthetic hand. Probably for the best though... I don't have any experience paragliding to begin with, so I'd probably just plummet to the ground. She though with a silent sigh escaping her. Shaking off her feeling of disappointment she continued her cooking, mixing together the curry sauce and the pizza sauce differently before boiling the rice and sauce, kneading the pizza dough, and grating some cheese.

Lauren had raised a brow at the beginning of Cahron's confession, with it seemingly coming out of nowhere. She looked at him with a curious and suspicious gaze, though as she heard him out... It became apparent that he was the superstitious type. She couldn't blame him either. While she had been aware of other world in her previous life thanks to Pandora's Prism, she had found it hard to believe in magic until she witnessed it first hand in the Madmans ruins. Hell, she could even use magic to a certain extent. Having listened to him talk about why he believed that a wind god threw storms his way to amuse them, Lauren gave him a bit of a sympathetic look.
"I don't know much about this world, or it's gods... For all I know, there might not even be any gods. I certainly don't recall meeting a divine figure before reincarnating. But what I can say is that weather tends to be more predictable than most people think it to be." Lauren tried reassuring him that it probably wasn't his fault, attributing it more to coincidence than a wind god sending stray storms his way. "Storms are far more common near mountains, oceans, and lakes - as mountains force winds to drop off water vapor as snow, and large bodies of water evaporate enough water vapor for storms to form. That's probably why you encounter them so often."

As Lauren finished prepping the pizza she readied the oven, inserting the pizza alongside the pizza pan it was on inside to cook for 20-ish minutes. Now with everything cooking, all she had to do was keep an eye on their food and converse with Cahron some more. She turned her entire body towards him, unintentionally making some of her curves more prominent as she leaned against the counter.
"I still find it strange, living in someone else's body... Even after a couple of months of living like this." Lauren spoke, her left hand twirling some of her long silver hair around her finger. "The person that lived before me called herself Lilan, and her life was a mixed bag of fond moments and bad memories. She tried running away from home and lost a couple of the fingers on her right hand to frostbite, and both of her parents were probably killed for 'Treason against the Fae See'. She had met a man named Eins in a ruin filled with years of historical records and stories, and they had fallen in love..." Lauren paused briefly, her prosthetic hand touching the side of her stomach. The though that she would have to tell Lilan's children that their mother was dead filled her with dread, not wanting to think about their reactions to hearing the truth. "...Lilan bore his children. I don't know where in the world they are, but the thought of telling them that their mother is dead horrifies me... And as I've already talked about in Otenzel, the war that Lilan had participated in and was severely wounded from put her into a coma. And Eins... He became 'The Madman' who surgically installed my prosthetics. He replaced every part of his own body--even his own head--to destroy the Empire and the See, presumably going insane and completely forgetting about what Lilan had meant to him..." Lauren finished as she pushed herself away from the counter, walking towards Cahron and grabbing his hands with hers. She wasn't sure if he would see her the same or not, knowing about Lilan's life and family... But she hoped that he would. Right now he was the only person who seemed to support her, and she didn't want to be all alone again.

Irihi Irihi

Cahron Aether

Cahron was not bothered by Lauren’s disbelief in Aka-Aar. Heck, if she wanted to attribute the storms that followed him to chance, then he was happy to let her. While he had not spoken directly to the wind god himself (besides occasionally shaking his fist at the sky and clouds), he had seen, firsthand, how the airs always shifted to vindictively blow his father off-course and keep him imprisoned on Aerie. “Yeah, sure,” he agreed when she described how storms formed more often near mountains and bodies of water.

“You mean in the water?!” Cahron exclaimed, when Lauren said she had enjoyed surfing in her previous life. “Wow! You’re brave!” He marveled.

“You know, I don’t have any, but I know there are magics which make you lighter. I’ve even seen some grounders use magic to fly.” Cahron suggested, when she spoke of building a paraglider. “I bet we could find you an enchanted item that would make you light enough to fly; and I’d be happy to guide you.” He shook his head. “Just, you know, don’t get any crazy ideas about using it to surf in the water.” Lauren might find it amusing, but Cahron was serious about believing that jumping off a thousand-foot cliff was much safer and saner than taking a dip in the waves just off a sandy beach.

Cahron was having a very good time, conversing with Lauren who, intentionally or not, was giving him an eyeful as she sidled up to the counter beside him. The kitchen was filled with a savory mix of smells quite different--and more mouthwatering--than what Cahron was used to. He was weighing laying another daring or cheesy (or both) line on her, when the conversation turned more impactful.

Cahron’s expression grew serious as Lauren confirmed that whomever had lived in her host body was, indeed, dead. If he’d even slightly questioned the veracity of isekai before, any thought that the woman before him was suffering a psychotic break, was banished by the way she spoke of Lilian’s children and the snatches of memory Lauren retained from her host body. Cahron could not imagine any mental manipulation or malady that could so completely sever a bond between parent and child. Lauren was resident in a body that was not her own; an nigh-immortal Fae body, to be sure, but also one ravaged by accident, war, and the depravities of a madman.

She was strange--perhaps the strangest person he had ever met. Her background was disturbing, and even a little terrifying, but Cahron was a much more fearless maverick than his sister. He rarely thought twice about acting on his impulses. Stability and self-preservation were not high on his list of priorities. He had lived an unanchored life since leaving home, and not all of it had been safe or pleasant. He felt like he was floating on a stormy sea of change, and if his unanchored nature prevented him from establishing deep connections with some people, maybe it would let him be a life ring for Lauren.

Lauren confiding in him felt as though she was reaching out, and then he found she was literally reaching out for him. Cahron pushed himself off the counter and stepped in close to Lauren. He was fantastically attracted to this woman; a soul trying to settle herself into a gorgeous, scarred and renewed body, but right now he wanted her to feel comforted, supported and buoyed.

Cahron carried with him both a gap and a guilt over leaving his mother and sister, and not living up to her expectations. He was a rescuer with an innate drive to help and shelter. Along with his senses and desires, Lauren lit that aspect of the man on fire. When she reached for his hands he took hers and stepped into her so that their bodies met.

He knew he should have asked, but it didn’t seem the right time for words, so Cahron simply acted on his impulse, his wings twitching out and then bending forward to enfold Lauren while their hands remained clasped. She wouldn’t know what it meant to be cloaked together within his feathers. He’d have to tell her sometime. But not now, because if she doesn’t slap you for the wing-over without knowing what it means, she most certainly will if she learns. That thought made it through the riotous emotions making a muddle of his brain. That thought, and the hope that Lauren would feel supported, accepted, as they stood silently together for a few of Cahron’s slow steady heartbeats.

“I’m sorry you are going through this.” Cahron finally broke the silence. “I want to help.” He said with a quiet sincere intensity, his hazel eyes locked with Lauren’s own.

Step back, give her space, you don’t know how she’s feeling. Cahron told himself, and then promptly ignored his own advice. No, if this was too much, he’d take whatever consequence Lauren decided to mete out. Better too much than too little, and perhaps it was just enough.

Lauren was caught a little off guard upon Cahron wrapping his wings around her, though she didn't back away. It was... comforting. And his words only compounded that feeling of comfort she was feeling in the moment. Without any thoughts or words she let go of his hands and lightly hugged him, resting her head on his chest. For a few fleeting moments, she felt her burden lifted from her shoulders - the warmth of his bare skin feeling nice against her face... The second she realized that he didn't have a shirt on made her blush a new shade of red, pulling away from him slowly as she drew her attention off of him and back towards the food she had been preparing. Though not without a brief glance into his eyes.
"...Thanks, I feel a little better now." Lauren quietly thanked him as she then looked back towards the food, stirring the sauce and checking on both the rice and pizza. It still took a little bit for everything to be ready to eat, during which she endured the awkward silence that followed by setting the table and grabbing some simple wine glasses. By the time everything was ready and set out on the table, night had properly fallen upon her cottage as the snowstorm outside continued dumping snow all along the hillside. Before she pulled out one of the chairs to sit she would briefly retreat down into the cottage basement, coming back up the quietly creaks of the stairs with a bottle of wine in hand. It was a Black Cherry Merlot she had bought from a vendor, and while it wasn't the most expensive wine in her past life it had a very pleasant taste to it. It was more expensive in this world--probably due to the general lack of modern industry required for cheaper prices, though the price didn't stop her from buying it to enjoy with company.

As Lauren sat down on one of the chairs at the table she set the wine bottle down on the table, popping the cork on it and pouring both of them a glass before sealing it back up to preserve its flavor. She looked at Cahron with eager eyes, her stomach already rumbling in anticipation for the food before them.

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Cahron tried to keep his focus on Lauren’s tribulations, on the gentle pressure of her small hands in his own, on the forehead pressing into his shoulder. He tried very hard not to think about the subtle changes in pressure and temperature; the sensation of her body beneath his feathers--or the smell of her silvery hair as it brushed his cheek.

The aerial stepped back and refolded his wings as Lauren broke contact with a quiet thanks. “Of course, Lauren. Anytime.” He replied, then settled back to watch her finish preparing the meal. When she disappeared into the cellar he occupied himself stirring what needed to be stirred and setting the table per his host’s wishes.

When the wine was poured and the food was ready, Cahron seated himself after pulling a chair for Lauren. Lifting his glass, he toasted Lauren. “Companionship through the tempests.” He smiled at her.

As they began to eat, Cahron could not help himself but exclaim over the savory nature of the fare. “Lauren, this is fantastic!” The Aerial was particularly enamored of the curry, the flavor was like nothing he had ever tasted, and the Aerial was quite well-traveled. “You are an amazing cook.” He said.

The pizza, Cahron approached with caution. He emulated Lauren in eating it without utensils--save for to cut slices from the pie. “Do I fold...” he began to ask, but then copied Lauren in simply taking a bite of the wedge-shaped sauce-cheese-meat-and-vegetable-covered bread. Cahron was amused by the way the mozzarella stretched to comically-long lengths while still hot, and tried to describe his delight without talking around a mouthful of pizza.

“And this is common fare from the world of your… other life?” He asked, hoping the subject was not too tender to broach. If Lauren showed any signs of distress, he would be quick to change the subject and remember not to approach it casually in the future.

During the meal Cahron was conscious to regulate his intake of both food and alcohol. His aviator’s muscles were fully developed--unlike Miiya’s--and though he burned through fuel quickly when actively aviating, he was not the same bottomless pit of gluttony as his sister. Cahron was no connoisseur of wine, but he did compliment Lauren’s taste in vintage as he sipped the carmine liquid. Like other Aerials, Cahron’s rapid circulation and enlarged heart and lungs made him more susceptible to poisons--alcohol included. However, aerosols were more difficult to handle, and his life as an itinerant bard had allowed Cahron to build up a tolerance to spirits, and he enjoyed this one in moderation.

Throughout their supper, Cahron would ask about the origins of the food Lauren had cooked. That led to conversation about the world she had come from. As she spoke, if she nodded when he offered, Cahron he would keep her glass filled while they ate and conversed.

Though the conversation, libations, and food greatly pleased Cahron, he couldn’t help but feel a gnawing guilt about something he had done. From the outset, the Aerial had felt differently about Lauren than he had any other casual tavern acquaintance, or even the occasional quick and fiery passionate fling. There were any number of moves he might pull with those transient relationships, and he felt he had done the same with Lauren.

That felt wrong--Not wrong per se he mentally corrected himself, but maybe a little dishonest? Selfish. Yes, that was it, he decided. Selfish if unshared. Dangerous to share, but Lauren was a delightful hazard.

“Lauren, I have a confession,” Cahron said, abruptly, as they neared the end of the meal. If a sudden look of suspicion flitted across the elven girl’s features, it might give him pause, but not enough to stop. “When we were out in the storm, and then again--when you were crying earlier,” the Aerial bit his lip “I… put my wings around you.” He paused. “I meant to comfort you, but…” Cahron blew out a short breath. “...what I did is considered a very intimate gesture among Aerials. I should have first asked your permission.” The Aerial twitched his wings out to quarter-spread.

Cahron, what are you doing? He mentally chided himself. Is this an apology or a mating display? Ignoring his own reservations over showing Lauren his colors, he explained. “I can feel through my feathers; pressure, temperature--the cold of your prosthetics…” He trailed off. “The heat of your body.”

And it was fucking fantastic. Ever since that light embrace, Cahron had been driven nearly to distraction by the feeling of her that had been seared into his brain. He had sensed Lauren like he sensed the air. Those without them thought of Aerial feathers like hair, but in truth they were more like fingernails. “I needed to tell you, to ask you to forgive me, and to let you know that I will not put my wings over you again…” His downcast gaze rose to meet hers. “…without your permission.” He finished.

Of course, Cahron was hoping for that permission. Right now. He shushed that internal aside and tried not to obsess over enfolding Lauren, touching her, --Calm the fuck down, Cahron! He chided himself. Apologies aren’t supposed to turn into intimacy, no matter how magnetic she is.
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"Thanks, glad you like it!" Lauren said as she grabbed a portion of the curry that remained, her expression turning to bliss as she ate. As she shared a toast with Cahron and watched him eat she found it amusing at his uncertainty of how to eat a pizza, grabbing a slice herself and biting into it. The cheese on its own was more rich than the cheese she was used to eating in her last life, though that was likely due to the immoral practices that came with industrializing dairy production... She couldn't simply chalk it up to that single difference, though she didn't have much else to go off of for a fair comparison. At his question about the commonality of pizza, she didn't make any effort to redirect the conversation elsewhere. "It's a fairly common dish, depending on the country. Some less developed nations in my previous life frequently experienced famines or natural disasters, so people living in those regions regarded it more as a delicacy." Lauren started quite simply, taking another couple of bites of her food before resuming. "The nation I was born in was Automatilis, the third most technologically advanced nation in my previous life. Most people I knew--while not rich-- were well enough off to spend a sizeable amount of money on any number of things, though there were still some some people that were either homeless or relied on government assistance to get by. There was one nation in particular in my past life though, with their wealth so evenly distributed that the differences between richest and poorest had been dwindled down so much, that even the poorest person living in that nation would be living as luxuriously as any king or queen in this world could only dream of. The nation was called the 'Meritocracy of Krilgox', and the technology they had developed as advanced enough to where she could fly above the sky itself and walk on the moon itself. That's not even mentioning that they could build constructs and give them artificial life!" Lauren was very excited to talk about the technology she had learned about in her past life, often switching between eating her food, speaking more about her past life, and sipping on the wine. As she polished off her plate and finished her second glass of wine, she was already feeling pretty drunk. Though it didn't stop her from drinking another glass, a big smile on her face from the wines taste alone.

As Cahron began to apologize for having left her in the dark on an aspect of Aerial culture Lauren stood up from her stair, trying to stretch out her arms and legs - losing her balance and nearly falling on her ass in the process. She was practically hammered from the three glasses of wine she had drank, looking to Cahron and admiring his feathers as she approached. Acting on the first invasive thought that had entered her mind she reached out and gently touched his wings with her hands, her ability to filter out her thoughts having vanished. The sensation of his feathers touching her left hand made her start giggling, looking him dead in the eyes with a soft yet pouty expression.
"Wh-why noooot? They're so-- they're so comfy and soft and..." Lauren protested with a bit of slurred speech before pausing, gently pulling one of his wings towards herself as she tried expressing her thoughts. "...And-- and pretty. So pretty... Did I ever mention how handsome you-- how handsome you look?" She drunkenly complimented him as her attention drifted away from his wings, her grasp on them letting go as her gaze looked him over. The thoughts and feelings she had about him earlier had started to bubble back to the front of her mind, only now she wasn't suppressing her thoughts as she had before--grabbing his arm as she tried to get him up from the chair. "I-- I wannaaaa show you... wanna show you something. I... I want toooo..." Lauren struggled to put her thoughts into words. "I want-- I want to show you all -hic- all of me... Aaaaaall of me." Lauren finally voiced her drunken desire as her slurred words became more frequent, the hiccups starting to set in as she let go of his arm unintentionally - stumbling backwards a couple feet before managing to regain her balance. She staggered back over to his side, having given him enough time to stand up from the chair to start leading him towards her bedroom.

Irihi Irihi

“I can’t imagine flying to the moon!” Was about all Cahron could say of the talk of technical marvels of Lauren’s past life. He, himself, topped out at about thirty thousand feet, and that was with a strong updraft. He could clear the top of the highest mountain, and his Aerial circulatory system would keep him alive up there longer than a human could survive, but the moon was farther--much much farther, at a distance beyond even his avian reckoning, which counted miles the way men counted paces.

Cahron watched, first with trepidation, then with interest, then with some measure of dismay as Lauren stood, stumbled, caught herself on the table, and then approached. His feathers louvered involuntarily as Lauren touched his wings. The Aeros was not unused to such interest, and--in any other circumstances--he would have welcomed the woman’s hands on his flight primaries. However, he could both smell and see her inebriation, and while it aroused some very uncouth thoughts, I’m not going to bend her over the table and-- Cahron quashed them and caught Lauren’s hand, guiding it away from the stiff and sharp pinfeathers into the softer tertiaries and down beneath. “Yes, this part is soft… and warm.” He agreed, feeling a thrill run down his spine as Lauren’s hand threaded through his feathers. .

Cahron’s eyes got a little unfocused as he fought back thoughts of doing that which would make Lauren’s soft pouty expression dissolve into one of ecstasy.

His chair banged against the floor as he abruptly stood and toppled it over. His eyes flitted to the nearest clear wall space. Why do we need to go there, when you can show me, feel me, as I push you against the wall--CALM DOWN!

Lauren was drunk, not blackout drunk, but perhaps headed that way. As he trailed her into the bedroom, Cahron fought a battle with himself. He, too, felt the effects of the wine washing the strength from his inhibitions, and he wanted Lauren with a fierce and fiery passion. “I want to see all of you.” He said, the words low and thrumming in his chest, mirroring the tension in his wound-spring body.

But Lauren was barely making it to the bed, he saw, and that gave him pause. Of course Cahron wanted to forget his inhibitions, but he wanted a night to remember with this woman, and that was not what he would leave her with if he acted on his impulses.

Whether or not Lauren began to disrobe, Cahron was not going to give her time to do as she had promised. The elf would feel a hand on her arm, as Cahron firmly pulled her to face him. He stepped forward, backing her up until the edge of the bed caught her knees and they folded, sending her sprawling on her back. Cahron was there, atop her, his wings spread and bent with aggression, like those of a stooping Eagle descending on its prey. His arms bracketed Lauren’s head as he leaned forward. His breath was hot on her long pointed ear. “Lauren, I will see all of you. Touch all of you, feel all of you.” His voice was a low thrum in his chest as he murmured. “And you’ll feel all of me,” inside you. He was not sure if had said or thought those last words.

Get out of here right fucking now. Cahron had a lot of self-control, but straddling this woman and talking dirty to her had it right on the edge of crumbling. Not now. Get a hold of yourself!

Deftly, Cahron slipped to the side, replacing himself with his wing, which completely covered Lauren like a feathery bedspread. This wasn’t much easier to deal with for the Aerial, for--as he had told her--he sensed all of her; a heat map stenciled in his brain. He couldn’t keep the wing-over, not and still maintain self-control. It was an awkward retreat, but it was all Cahron could manage. He had to hurry; replace his wing with an actual bedspread and all but RUN out of her room. He had used every last iota of self-control to disengage with Lauren once. If she reached for him, he wouldn’t be able to mount a second resistance.

Then again, he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t put a foot up his backside for his daring. Whether he was kicked out the door, or left of his own volition, Cahron fled Lauren’s bedroom post-haste, closing the door shut with a bang that shook the walls.

With a wall and a little space between them, Cahron walked to the table, put both hands on it, and leaned there, head down, his breathing and heartbeat gradually slowing. He tried to think about anything other than the magnetic elven woman laying just behind that door. To banish the image of Lauren beneath him, of the feel of her under his wing, he tried thoughts of strenuous high-altitude aviation, dying on stage in front of a nasty crowd, flying in an icy rainstorm.

“Whoof.” The Aerial said to himself, and started to collect the dishes. The thoughts of physical discomfort were helping, but Lauren, what he’d done--and what he’d almost done--were front-and-center in his mind. He needed a distraction, and the dishes needed doing.

Menial domestic labor helped somewhat, but Cahron found there was nowhere in the cottage where the door to her room wasn’t visible. The dishes, pots, and pans were scrubbed spotless. The nearly-empty wine bottle was corked, and still he was as taunt as an overwound spring. Fuck me. No sleep tonight, I guess.

Cahron found a spot on a piece of living room furniture that would serve well enough, in the unlikely event he should get to sleep. Resting his back against the cushions, he draped his wings across the back of the couch and stared up at the rafters of the cottage. As his mind drifted over the events of the past few hours, a smile spread across Cahron’s features. She trusted me. She was comfortable enough to let her guard down, and she likes me. Well. Liked He corrected himself. Cahron wasn’t entirely sure Lauren would forgive him for what he’d said and done. You know what? Fuck it. He decided. He was glad the wine had loosened them both up enough to be honest. If Lauren didn’t like knowing he wanted to blow her back out, she could kick him out of her house whenever she woke up.

Cahron hoped she remembered what he had promised. He certainly wasn’t going to forget what she had said she wanted to do. Nope. No sleep tonight. He sighed, and started counting the slats on the cottage ceiling as the storm continued raging, both outside and within.

Somewhere in Lauren's dreamscape...

Lauren opened her eyes as she slowly rose from the ground, finding herself in a familiar place once more. It was the same dream she had right before she had woken up deep within the ruins that Lilan and Eins had once called home. She had found herself just outside of the grand museum full of Lilans memories, though as she turned around she saw what looked like a monument surrounded by several large statues and stone arches decorating the perimeter - flower beds and cherry blossom trees giving a calm ambiance to the area. Though something was off from the last time she found herself here. The sky above seemed to be raining wine as it formed puddles on the ground she stood on, and everything around her seems to be subtly shifting and distorting around her. So I got drunk off my ass huh... it only took three glasses, so my body is probably a light-weight now. Lauren sighed in slight frustration as she began walking around, taking in the environment around her. She had to hand it to Lilan, her brain could make an impressive dreamscape... Was it a dream, or was it a mental construct? Eh, she wasn't an expert on how the mind worked, nor did she really care. What she did care about though was what her eyes caught a glimpse of at the center of the monument.

As she approached she felt a surge of excitement swell within her, practically running up to the pedestal where the object of her attention floated above: Pandora's Prism. Although she knew it wasn't the real thing and that she'd probably forget about it when she woke up, she still felt excited to see it in all of its glory. Without much warning the pedestal lowered into the ground and the stone arches and statues shifted around her as well, before the prism grew in both size and spectacle. Curious, she decided to peer into its many faces. Much like the paintings inside the museum where all of Lilan's memories were portrayed as paintings, her memories of both her past life and current life played out inside the prisms many different faces. As her gaze looked away from a brief moment she pondered about what had happened once she had gotten drunk, her gaze shifting back to see the prism twist and turn - one of its faces playing out both her memory of her recent drunken behavior in both video and audio. Her hands touching his feathers, her slurred speech and poor balance... Her declaration that she wanted to show him everything. The longer she watched it, the more embarrassed she became at her blatantly inappropriate behavior. Though watching how Cahron had handled the situation also made her feel really guilty. I really fumbled that one hard, nice job genius... Assuming I remember anything that happened when I wake up, I really need to apologize to him. Lauren thought as her memories ended with her passing out in her bed, the face of the prism shrinking and vanishing into the prism before her other memories fought for her attention. She decided to pay Lilan's memories a visit with however much long her slumber would last, the rain of wine gradually letting up as her body processed the alcohol in her system.

Several hours later...

As Lauren slowly stirred awake she felt awful, finding herself in her bed in an unusual position. Her memory slowly crept back to her as she felt her face blush with embarrassment, looking down at herself to see that she was still fully clothes. She was a little bit relieved that she hadn't embarrassed herself any further... Though a sense of guilt also welled up within her. She had not only embarrassed herself, though she had also put Cahron in a rather uncomfortable position. She grabbed one of her pillows and curled up with it in the fetal position, though no amount of trying to hide her face in a pillow would hide how she felt about Cahron. Unable to suppress her feelings any longer her grip on her pillow eased, putting it back where she had grabbed it and sliding out from under the blankets and onto her feet. She had a headache from the hangover she was experiencing, though it seemed that she had slept the worst of it off. She took some time to tidy up her room, grabbing a couple of candles and setting the mood before slipping out of her room to search for Cahron.

As she entered the dining room and kitchen she found that Cahron had cleaned up the dishes that they had both used, grateful that there was less of a mess to clean. Though it was when she entered the living room that she found Cahron laying on the couch, unsure of whether or not he was asleep as several hours had passed. She quietly approached him and sat on the floor next to the couch, putting a hand on his shoulder and gently trying to shake him awake.
"Cahron? Are you awake?" Lauren quietly asked as she looked at his face. "I need to talk to you about something."

Irihi Irihi

Cahron blinked, groggy for a moment--as he had finally drifted off. “Hm…?” He took stock of the situation. The Aerial was used to waking up in unfamiliar surroundings, and his head was mostly clear. His hazel gaze focused on Lauren’s face.

A good way to wake up. Was his first thought, followed by a sudden brief flash of panic. I really said all that shit to her, pinned her down on her bed, and then ran off. Ah--I’m dead. This is the part where she kicks me out.

Cahron’s wheel of emotion was heavily weighted toward fatalism and impulsivity, however. The sudden twinge of guilt and fear were fleeting, and instead he lived in the moment of seeing Lauren’s face, framed by her silvery hair and cast in the soft light of whatever-the-hell-hour-it-is. “Hey there, beautiful.” He said with a smile and unearned familiarity, casting caution and reservation to the winds. Seeing Lauren there--sitting on folded mechanical legs--on the floor beside the couch, caused his heart to fire just as much as it had when he was a couple of glasses of wine deep. Inhibitions were stupid, when he felt this way, he decided.

Besides, if she was kicking him out, he first wanted to see if there was any of that earlier spark there when she was sober. Would those words make her blush?

“Sure, what’s up?” He said, when she told him they needed to talk.

Lauren watched as Cahron was stirred awake from his slumber, her eyes locking onto his as she stopped shaking his shoulder. She hadn't immediately recalled how he had responded before retreating from her room, though the thought of it only made her realize that their feelings were mutual. At least, she assumed their feelings were mutual based off of what he had said. She blushed a little upon hearing him call her beautiful, getting her words ready as he asked her what was up.
"About what had happened... I'm sorry for putting you into that predicament. I used to be able to tolerate alcohol a lot better, but I don't think I can tolerate it nearly as much as I could in my previous life." Lauren apologized as she scooched a little closer to the couch, the collar of her shirt a little lower than she normally liked it. One of the many scars on her body was visible now due to her shirt collar being lower down, though not much else was visible to the aerial. "And... I've also got a confession to make. Back in Otenzel... When the storm had gotten worse and you hadn't returned, I was worried... Perhaps more worried than Miiya had been. You and Miiya both don't look at me or treat me like most other people in this world. And while at first your flirtatious approach was genuinely annoying, I found myself feeling differently with you than I have with anyone else... Both in this life, and my previous life." Lauren confided in him as she reached out for one of his hands, pulling it closer to her and placing his hand against her face. The warmth of his skin against her cheek was comforting. She was afraid that Cahron wouldn't reciprocate her feelings, though she knew that keeping them a secret would only hurt her chances in the future. Now was as good of a time as any to confess the way he made her feel. "I... I think I love you Cahron. I don't know if this feeling I have is just lust, or if it's something more than that... But I'm attracted to you."

Lauren stood up, feeling his hand leave her cheek - her hands still holding onto his gently. Everything about him was attractive. She pulled his hand to coax him off of the couch, before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. The thought of what she was going to do next felt awkward, though she wanted to make it up to Cahron... And also to satiate her growing lust for him as well. She stood up onto her toes, before her lips got close to his ear.
"How about we head to my bedroom... and have ourselves a little bit of intimacy?"

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Cahron leaned forward, cupping the delicate lines of Lauren’s cheek and chin in his hand, thrilled at the gesture she initiated. ”Lauren, there’s nothing to apologize for,” he said, words as gentle as his touch. Well, there’s the stuff I did, but let’s not talk or think about that just n-- Then the elf confessed her feelings for the Aerial and Cahron’s gaze dropped from Lauren’s for a moment.

”Love…?” For an instant, the breath stilled in Cahron’s throat. Another thrill ran across his skin, raising gooseflesh and causing his feathers to louver. Something wrenched in his chest, a blossoming fiery feeling. ”So that’s what it is,” he breathed the words. It all made sense now; why Lauren’s face had haunted his thoughts ever since their brief encounter in Otenzel, this intensity of focus and attraction he felt for her, the unaccustomed fears and hopes that had pulled and pushed at him ever since she had called to him in the winter forest.

Cahron had not understood his hesitancy to lay lines, to make moves, on the woman. It was not in his manner to hold back, especially when his physical attraction to her was so potent. Now I get it. He also hadn’t understood her clear displeasure at the casual flirtatiousness, and had mistaken the icy reception of pickup lines for a lack of interest. No, Lauren didn’t dislike Cahron--she’d just said as much--she felt the same as him; the attraction, the romance, the budding love between them was not a casual tavern hookup, and cheesy pickup lines were harmful.

Cahron stood as she urged him to his feet. His gaze refocused on her pale eyes. “I love you, Lauren Lin.” Cahron stated, without a second thought, and stepped into their embrace. This time he did not worry about chastity and held her close, so that their flesh and her metal met, separated only by the thin cotton weave of her T-shirt.

When they backed off enough for her to whisper her proposition in his ear, he gently caught her chin, his thumb grazing the corner of her lips. ”Wait… first, may I kiss you?”

If Lauren acquiesced it would prove a delicious mistake. Cahron would bend down and press his lips to her own. Then dam of inhibition would collapse in a deluge of lust, mouths opening, breath and tongues meeting, mingling.

First he was stepping into her, then he was lifting her onto him. Lauren’s prosthesis were heavy, but Cahron possessed a strength that belied his lean frame. Lauren would find herself urged to wrap her legs around Cahron and be carried by his hands, supported by his hips. Cahron only just managed to break off his hungry kiss before he slammed her into the wall of the bedroom, his hand cushioning her head and at the same time threading through and gripping her platinum hair.

There was a wild and unrestrained urge driving the strength in the broad shoulders upon which Lauren’s chin rested, a humming tension in the chest that pressed against her own, and in the bunched abdominal muscles of her willing Aerial lover. For a moment, though, the torrent of was stilled, shocked by the impact of walking them into the wall. He let her down, though his hands did not loosen their grip on Lauren's flanks.

Cahron practically hummed with tense coiled energy, but--for a moment--he backed off, breathlessly letting Lauren take the lead.

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Lauren gave a nod at his request, tilting her head up a little as her locked lips with his - the initial smooches giving way to a prolonged kiss as Cahron's hands grabbed her sides and lifted her slightly off the floor. She was quick to wrap her legs around his waist to help support herself, one hand holding onto his shoulder while the other ran her fingers through his hair. She could feel her heart beating quicker as the fiery passion between them grew, with a sense of tension that she was growing more eager to relieve. As he broke away from their intimate kissing session she gave a slight gasp upon being gently slammed into the wall of her bedroom, a chuckle rising out from under her breath as her lips moved to his neck. But just for a moment.
"I hope you're not planning to nail me on the wall." Lauren joked in a suggestive manner, her prosthetic feet brushing up against Cahron's backside. She could feel Cahron letting her down as her legs slipped away from around his waist, the sound of metal gently landing back on the floor dampened by the slight creak of the wooden floorboards. Her hands drifted from their previous spots as she pressed herself against his chest, the metal fingertips of her prosthetic lightly touching his lower back. Her grasp on him gave way as he backed away, quickly taking the lead for herself as she backed him up to the bed.

Once both she and Cahron were atop of her bed, Lauren placed herself on top of him. There was so much she wanted to do and say, though the only thought that came to mind was the desperate craving for lust she had. As she slid her way down she made sure to kiss parts of his chest and stomach, pausing for a moment as she neared the damp shorts he still was wearing. She sat on her knees as her hands grabbed the base of her shirt, lifting a part of it up to reveal some of the scars she had inherited from the war Lilan was forced into. She gave a bit of a seductive smirk as she lifted her shirt the rest of the way up, tossing it aside and leaning forward to gaze into his eyes.
"Time to make good on what we had said earlier tonight, Cahron." Lauren reminded him, her hands making quick work of disrobing both of them the rest of the way.

Fade to black...

Lauren was cuddled up to Cahron underneath the comfort of her blankets, her back against his chest while his warm embrace soothed her. Her body was a little sore from the time they had shared together, with one of her hands entwined with his while the other rested on her stomach. As she rested her head on the pillows of her bed, she pondered on where their relationship would develop from there-on. Would they simply be friends with the occasional fling? Would they officially start dating? Was marriage--potentially even children--in the cards of their future? While she wasn't sure herself how things would play out, she hoped that he would continue to be in her life. And an even bigger question came to her mind: When would she see him again? She recalled his confession about how he frequently traveled due to storms following his every move, and thus she had her doubts that he would come to visit her often. Still, she worried about whether or not their lives were compatible or not, and just the thought of his departure made her anxious.
"Hey, Cahron?" Lauren softly spoke up, checking to see if he was still awake. "I was wondering... what kind of life you were aiming to lead?"

Irihi Irihi

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