Val Harik, that wasn't his real name of course, walked briskly down the boarding ramp and into the fresh air that smelled of recently fallen rain; thankfully the humidity had fallen as well and he did not begin sweating at once. Unremarkable even by human standards, Val was one of the ten of millions of humans with blonde hair over six feet tall. Not that it mattered, height could be adjusted, hair colour could be changed, even eye colour could be doctored with the right amount of money. Even his beard, just reaching his chest, could be a fake and only the most observant customs officer might notice.
Dantoonie boasted exactly three settlements, one long abandoned Rebel base, and a smattering of nomadic near human Dantari who wandered up and down the lush coastline where it met undulating azure seas. Most travellers who arrived from off world came for one of two things, hunting or to get away from the rest of the galaxy. Some however, very few at that, like Val came looking for something else.
He took a deep breath and smiled around at his surroundings; this was the type of place he would have liked to bring his wife and kids, settle down, start up a farm, and spend his days in tranquil toil for himself. It was a nice dream, one that had been cruelly crushed when the Empire destroyed his home world of Alderaan. Val had been away on Coruscant when the planet was vaporized, there was quite literally no other way to put it, as a wine merchant when he got the news. There had been no need to quit his job, his employer simply didn't exist anymore.
In his anger he had attacked a pair of storm troopers after more than a few of his own bottles of wine. They had subdued him easily and thankfully taken him for some sort of common drunk, tossing him into a "tank" for a couple days. The scare served to keep him away from intoxication as he wandered Coruscant trying to determine what to do next. Like so many in his place, vengeance became a motivating factor but it seemed impossible.
But then something incredible had happened, the Rebels blew up the First Death Star. The holos showed it all as a small collection of dedicated individuals, bound only by a desire to be free, destroyed the greatest weapon the galaxy had ever seen. A week later he made contact with an old friend who had once quietly asked him to smuggle information during a delivery run. That was the beginning of something far more than he could have ever imagined.
Val had thrown himself wholly into the Rebel cause and was disappointed he had no skill for space craft, but he did have charisma to spare and a burning hatred for the Empire that brought pause to some of the more moderate Rebels. As the war progressed he was dispatched to Endor as a trooper under Leia Organa. The destruction of the Second Death Star, only four years after the first, left him with a lasting impression of Imperial power. There was no end in sight as warlords rose everywhere and chaos engulfed the galaxy.
Fast forward another four years and Val had become perhaps the first among equals when it came infiltration and sabotage. The former wine seller turned Rebel had developed a gift for slipping into places he shouldn't be and then blowing them up. His feelings toward the Empire never dimmed and tales of his exploits earned him the whispered title of "fanatic". Some said he had become as bad as those he fought, but for Val the Imperial forces were not human anymore, they were a plague to be eradicated.
That was why he was here, on Dantoonie. The mission he had been given, one of an ever increasingly dangerous sort, called for destruction of a major enemy installation. The New Republic had neither the equipment, personnel, nor funding to carry out major operations in every corner of the galaxy and had been turning to individuals like Val, giving them a task and funding, and asking no questions when the job was completed. Normally, Val would have sought out some of his old cronies to give him a hand, but they were scattered across the star systems on other missions and so here he was, looking for a hired gun to help him should things go sideways, and who better to hire than a Mandalorian?
It had taken him some time to track one down with the skills he needed. He didn't need a hot headed gun slinger who liked blasting rockets everywhere. Nor did he need one who was so famous that they were instantly recognizable. No, he needed someone who knew the value of discretion and when not to pull the trigger. In the end that had been easier than he thought when Senator Organa had provided him a tip from Republic intelligence about a Mandalorian on Dantoonie who was between jobs.
He'd hoped on the first shuttle off Coruscant and made good time, arriving just as the planets day cycle was breaking. Now as he stood in the sun, drinking in the fresh air, he knew that he could begin his search. He had Imps to kill and that thought made him smile even more broadly.
Cina started her morning as she usually did from the comfort of her Kom’rk-class fighter which she had landed about an hour’s ride out from the major city Dantoo Town by landspeeder. This Mandalorian made fighter/transport hybrid was her home and held more sentimental value than she could ever put into words. It had not only carried her safely throughout more conflicts than she cared to remember, but also managed to get her and as many people that she could fit into it’s hull off of Mandalore during the Purge. For a people who where on the verge of extinction, this ship was priceless.
The mandalorian woman kept the vessel well stocked and even converted some of the sleeping quarters into small greenhouses that allowed her to have some fresh produce outside of the the typical assortment of foods that could be stockpiled for an extended period of time. The Kom’rk was able to hold at least two months worth of food supplies for all two dozen intended occupants but given that Cina often found herself to be the only passenger, these supplies could keep her fed up to two years.
She emerged from the captain’s quarters dressed in a loose fitting black jumpsuit with a fully opened zipper that showed the skin colored breast band that she wore and thick wooly socks that kept her feet warm against the cold metal floors of the Kom’rk as she made her way to the galley for some much desired caffeine. Her thick black hair hung in loose waves with ends that swayed gently across the middle of her back as she walked and her mind catalogued all of her tasks for the day. She would need to head into town to transfer credits from her personal accounts through what would otherwise be a complicated series of dummy accounts until it reached its intended recipients and stop by the market for extra supplies. A typical day for when she was between jobs and had the luxury of picking her next venture on her own terms.
It was about midday by the time Cina made her way into the Dantoo Town markets fully docked in her white and blue beskar armor complete with a jet pack, dual pistol holsters, vambraces, and her distinct helmet with a heads up display. Her wavy hair was no where to be seen as she had braided her locks tightly to her head so that it could fit snuggly within her helmet. To most passerby’s she was simply ‘a mandalorian’ with the helmet that looked like an animal’s face but to the educated few, they would recognize her for the Nite Owl member that she was. When those few were clients, they typically paid very well for her services. As she browsed the stalls and spoke with various merchants none dared to offer their goods at exorbitant prices and often gave proposals she was willing to pay with little to no haggling even when she knew they were aiming to still make a small profit from her. She had come through this market often enough for them to understand that if they were fair with her, she would be fair in return. The last place she visited was more of a warehouse and a place she spent a lot of time in whenever she was planet side as it was the best spot find various quality plants and seedlings. It was managed by a small Togruta family consisting of a husband, wife, and a daughter just barely 10 years of age. It was the youngling who greeted the mandalorian by name.
“Cina! Cina! We just got in a shipment of fruit seeds and some young adults. Do you think you would be interested in seeing them??” the young togruta exclaimed, barely able to contain her excitement from as she fearlessly grasped onto Cina’s gloved hands to guide her deeper into the building.
“That depends on the kind of fruits you have Ryala. Unfortunately I don’t have the space for anything that grows into a tree…” Cina replied, her feminine voice projecting through the helmet’s speakers as she answered the little girl’s question.
There was the odd time when things just sort of came together and Val was very pleased that today was one of those days. It had taken him quite some time to even confirm that a Mandalorian existed on Dantooine - not surprising given their famously reclusive ways - but the folk here, as in many small towns, were wary of strangers, especially friendly ones. In the end it was good cold hard cash credits that cracked the case and a hunter on his way out of town had happily told the charismatic stranger where to Find "the Mandalorian" for 100 Imperial credits and a promise from Val that he would not tell the Mandalorian who had confirmed they were in town.
Finding her actually become surprisingly easy after that. There weren't that many spacecraft on Dantooine and all he had to do was chat up a few of the old timers at the local watering hole who were only to happy to have fresh meat for their tiresome tales. A few drinks in, a couple of hardy guffaws at terrible stories, and Val knew roughly where the Mandalorian was parking their ship. He had only just paid for the tab, thanked the old fellas for their help, and stepped out into the midday sun when the warrior herself, in full fig nonetheless, strolled right on by as if she was headed to the market without a care in the world.
More to his surprise, she actually was headed to the market. He noted the polite courtesy with which they treated the locals and awe with which they regarded them in return. That was good, decent people were always so much easier to hire than would be hero gunslinging pricks. He was somewhat surprised to see they were a Nite Owl. That kind tended to go one of two ways - and stick together - either the served Bo-Katan, or whatever remnant of the Empire paid them well. This was where he would have to be careful. Any Nite Owl friendly, or even loyal to the Empire could simply not be trusted.
He continued his quiet observations without leaving the entrance to the tavern as he smoked a totally harmless cigarette cooked up by New Republic intelligence. It looked real, smelled as awful as the real thing, but was just an act. No cancer for this mother son. He thought as he tapped some ash onto the ground at his feet. He had no doubt the Mandalorian had their helmet up and running, but as long as he didn't do anything rash, they might not notice him right away. He had no doubt his presence as an outsider would quickly be brought to their attention so there was little point in stalling. He stubbed out his smoke and began to walk toward the blue and grey armoured shape, making no effort to be appear sneaky or suspicious, he really had no interest in taking a blaster bolt to the chest.
“Cina! Cina! We just got in a shipment of fruit seeds and some young adults. Do you think you would be interested in seeing them??” A young Togruta minding a nearby stall eagerly called out to the Mandalorian and Val cocked his head slightly. Tight pants with an ass you could bounce a credit off, check. A possible curve along the hip line, check. Armour made it difficult at the best of times, but he was not fairly certain the Mandalorian was female and not just a male with a slight build; if it was still a male, Val was about to be very sexually confused. The voice that came smoothly from within the helmet was unmistakably female and he felt the corner of his mouth quirk up slightly.
It seemed rude to interrupt so he waited for the little Togruta female, who looked slightly crestfallen at finding out Cina couldn't grow trees on a spacecraft, hurried back to ask her mother if they might have something else for her friend. Val, keeping his hand well clear of the blaster at his hip, sidled up to Cina and offered a polite greeting. As the faceless helmet swung toward him he could see his reflection in the black visor and was quite thrilled with how his blonde hair, normally rather flat, had gone wavy in the humid climate.
"If you've got a moment when you're done with your friend, I'd like to discuss a job with you. Say the tavern when you're ready?" He gave her a broad grin and turned back the way he had come. A minute or two later he was back at a table by himself near the bar. Beggars couldn't be choosers, the place only have six tables anyway. He called for a drink and settled in to wait.
Cina was patiently waiting for Ryala to return from questioning her mother when an unfamiliar voice fell upon her ears. She turned to face the stranger, her hands falling within drawing distance of her pistols if needed as she gave the blonde haired man a quick look over. He stood in as much of a passive stance as he could muster and made more effort to keep his hands away from his weapons than towards them, an obvious sign that he would rather avoid conflict with the mandalorian than earn her ire. Whether intentionally done or a result of fear, Cina considered it a smart move on his part as she would rather not cause harm to the togruta family or their business.
She had never seen this stranger before and even being a frequent occupant of the small town where a new visitor would stick out like a sore thumb, she was still away from the planet for long enough periods of time to miss anyone who decided to call the docile farming orientated outer-rim planet their home. However, she almost strictly took on jobs through the undervine, especially when on a more remote planet like Dantooine where there weren’t any guilds or brotherhoods for her to network with - so who was this man that went so far out of his way to find her on this unassuming planet of rolling grasslands and forests?
“If you’ve got a moment when you’re done with your friend, I’d like to discuss a job with you. Say the tavern when you’re ready?” he spoke confidently through a boyish grin that had spread across his bearded face before turning to leave to likely wait for her at the only tavern in Dantoo Town. The man was easy on the eyes which only further confirmed to Cina that he was likely bringing her trouble. With him gone, she turned her attention back to Ryala and her mother who were still staring at the doorway where the man had disappeared through until they decided to join her, the togruta child now just emerging from behind her mother’s skirts. It was the mother, Senell, who spoke to her this time.
“He’s new.” she said simply.
“Yes he is.”
“I just hope he doesn’t bring you any trouble even though I am more than confident that you could handle your own just fine. You’re just our favorite customer is all…” Senell was always one to speak her mind and it was one of many qualities Cina liked best from the woman. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the woman’s apprehension and rested a friendly hand on her shoulder briefly before changing the subject.
“I appreciate your concern. Now, did you have something that I could actually take with me?” Cina asked.
Senell clapped her slender peach colored hands as she was reminded of their original purpose and proclaimed, “Oh! Do you think you could manage fruits that grow on a bush or vine rather than a tree? You could keep the pot smaller to help restrict the growth for the bush and the vine you can shape it’s growth to your desire, just like those small bonsai we sold you a few month back. We have bink berries, muja, king berries, and honey fruit to name a few options if you’d be interested.”
Cina thought for a moment as a vine could be a relatively easy plant to manage but a bush would be a larger commitment. She quickly decided it was worth the credits to try and worst case scenario the plant would serve as fertilizer for the rest of her smaller producing plants. “I’ll take on honey fruit vine and one muja bush to try out. If you’ll leave them for me here, I’ll pick them up later with my landspeeder.”
“No problem, did you want to pay the 320 credits now or when you come pick them up?” the togruta woman asked as she had always been a quick mathematician.
“Now.” Cina replied simply, pulling out her purse from one of her belt pouches to place the credits in the Senell’s now outstretched hand. She’d rather have the debt paid in case she needed to grab the plants and leave. Returning the purse to it’s home, Cina started to leave the warehouse, raising her right hand to wave to the family that was now behind her before stepping into the late afternoon sun.
The Cantankerous Kath was only a short walk from the plant shop and seemed to have just started to pick up business from the locals who decided they needed a drink with some warm food after a hard day’s work. Finding her mark wasn’t that difficult as she not only could easily remember his face but he conveniently sat alone at one of the farther tables towards the back with a half full mug of locally made ale. Cina had eaten here a few times before so the owner who was handling the bar that day offered her a short wave in greeting before returning his conversation with the two local farmers that sat in front of him. Her newly made acquaintance sat with his back to the wall which allowed him full vision of the room and ultimately her arrival. She wasted no time making her way to his table and claim the empty wooden seat across from him, taking a comfortable position in the chair but sat in a way where she could still easily draw her firearms.
“So, who are you and what kind of job sends you looking for a mercenary on a rural outer-rim planet?” she asked with a tone that only reflected mild curiosity on her part. She didn’t bother asking who told him where she was as she had spent enough time working as a mercenary to know that with enough time, patience, creativity, and credits, you could find almost anyone.
Val was enjoying a plate of Charred Kath Shank and some sort of greenish liquid that looked absolutely vile yet tasted very pleasant indeed. The old fellas he had met just a short time before had asked him to rejoin them but he politely declined without any real explanation and they respected that enough to leave him alone. While he ate, chewing the tough meat that had been flavoured with something just on the right side of spicy, he considered his next move.
New Republic Intelligence was stretched to the breaking point and had little time to micro-manage everything going on across the galaxy. As a result, his handler, a Bothan he'd nicknamed Silverfox, was only one of two beings in the entire security apparatus who knew what Val was up too. Even then, only Silverfox knew his true identity, otherwise he was known by the code name ROAMER for this particular operation. He had cut his teeth in insurgent ops during the Rebellions march toward Endor and since then he had become what Silverfox referred to as a "Shaker". There were many terms in the spy world, and many trades as well, but few had the skills needed to operate almost completely alone without a support network and Val was the best there was. The target he had been given was as bad as they came and when he had been offered the task he had jumped at it with enthusiasm.
He sensed rather than saw the Mandalorian when she arrived. The bar tender suddenly stiffened slightly as the door whooshed open and a moment later the trim figure in grey and blue walked in, offering a small wave. A friendly Mandalorian, what an exciting find! He thought with a silent chuckle. He grinned outwardly at her and used his foot to slide a chair backward for her. She ignored it and went for the second chair. Fair enough. He didn't trust her either, yet.
“So, who are you and what kind of job sends you looking for a mercenary on a rural outer-rim planet?”
He did love a straight forward person and so, without any fanfare he leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table, hands steepled under his chin. The boyish humour vanished in an instant and the professional intelligence officer beneath made his appearance. He had no doubt she would sense a scam or a fraud, the Mandalorians were notoriously good at that sort of thing, and he had decided he wouldn't beat around the bush with this one either.
"My name is Val and I want to pay you to keep me alive."
Cina tilted her head to the left in curiosity as she listened to the answer he provided. Gone was the playful charm and it is place was a hardness that was only found in those who walked a dangerous path and lived to tell the tale. Part of her was interested in what those stories entailed and if this job was worth the trouble, perhaps she would hear some of them.
“Protect you from who?” she asked promptly. Prior to his switch up, she would have guessed Val needed protection from an angry husband of a woman he was sleeping with who was wealthy enough to hire some decent assassins but now, nearly anything was on the table based on the look he gave her. Cina could only hope his pockets ran deep with credits, otherwise only a pile of beskar would get her involved in whatever job he had in mind for her and that was incredibly difficult to come by unless you managed to steal it from the Empire. Or whatever was left of them since they were no longer in power and those that remained were in deep hiding.
There were who those wore masks and helmets to hide their expression, Val could do without either of those things. He noted the subtle shift in the Mandalorians body language when she she realized this might be a bit more interesting than the average "save me from a bad business deal" and felt a small slip of satisfaction. There was something to be said for a little suspense; the hook had been taken and now he would need to show her what was in it for her. Val would have attacked the Emperor himself if he had been ordered to it, and he would have died with a smile on his face; he was a fanatic. She was a mercenary. Two motivations a world apart.
"I am going to be entering Hutt space where I have business that needs doing. It's going to be dangerous, it's going to get messy and a lot of people are going to die," He stated the last part with a confidence that few others might. "and I am willing to pay you 200,000 Imperial credits for your skillset."
It was a fortune, almost equal to the one paid by Darth Vader for the capture of Han Solo; who in turn had famously been paid 15,000 credits to deliver Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to Alderaan; a journey they never completed. Despite the fragmentation of the Empire after the death of the Emperor, its various factions were still incredibly powerful and the New Republic had not had the time, or the energy, to set up their own reliable currency. The Imperial credit was still the safest and most stable currency in the galaxy. She might not know who he really was, or who he might work for, but very few beings out there had access to that kind of cold hard cash, and those who did were more powerful still.
"I have a secondary matter I intend to see too as well. For that, I will pay you an additional 200,000 credits." He could see his own reflection in t-visor across from him and not for the last time did he see the duality of the man he had once been and monster he had become. "For your discretion, and patience when it comes to knowing my targets, there is another 100,000 credits available." All told the money offered to Cina was a staggering fortune that would ensure she would never have to work again, and could live out her days in comfort.
"I suspect it is enough to tempt you with a life of leisure, or perhaps even to aid in the liberation of Mandalore..." He let the sentence fade away. He knew much of her creed and her kind. They shared something in common after all, a home world destroyed by the Empire. She, at least, had a chance to reclaim hers; all that was left to him was revenge and every wound he caused the Empire was more mark on the tally sheet against the obliteration of his people.
Cina leaned back into her chair and slowly tapped the surface of their shared wooden table with her left hand as she mulled over his offer and filled their short silence with the soft thuds of her armored fingers as he took a few more bites of his meal. The man in front of her was layered, that much was certain, but how deep those layers went were a mystery to all but himself and whomever he trusted with his secrets, if such a person even existed. The number of individuals willing to pay the amount of credits Val offered was limited and given the details given of the job, that left him being likely associated with at least one of the three major factions that fight for power in the galaxy.This knowledge didn’t bother her nearly as much as his mentioning of Mandalore which had been glassed beyond sustainable life and it’s only inhabitants were the dead. Within the remaining hidden Mandalorian clans there were many who believed the planet to be cursed, some even going far enough to blame Lady Kryze for their downfall starting with her acceptance of the dark saber as a gift rather than through combat. This blame along with the genocide of their people is what drives the rest of her faction to hunt for Gideon, the man responsible for their loss and the current weilder of the saber to avenge their fallen brethren as well as offer the opportunity for their princess to earn back undeniable claim as their leader. The Night of a Thousand Tears had changed them all… some in more ways than others. For Cina, the memories of that night still haunt her and is the driving force as to why she travels alone. She’d rather support the clan from afar, gathering funds and information to help them reach their shared goals rather be under the constant reminder of what had been lost. What she had lost.
“If I had been any other gun for hire a life of leisure would be tempting, but I am not and the life I live now works for me just fine. As for Mandalore… in order to liberate a planet, there has to be people to save from their oppressors and nothing exists now other than the ghosts of our fallen.” As she spoke her tone and body language appeared as if they were talking about something trivial so as not give any hints to her true feelings on the matter. He was a stranger and it wasn’t his business. “Given the nature of this job, I’ll take 100,000 credits now and the rest can be given when you no longer have use for my services. If you don’t have your own transport you can meet me at the southern gate once you’ve finished your meal and I have finished my business in town. If this is acceptable, then we have a deal. ” Whether the money came from the newly reformed Republic, one of the major criminal syndicates that exist in the outer rims, or even the struggling Empire she wasn’t entirely sure but it wasn’t enough to deter her from taking the deal. In fact it would likely be the most action she’s seen in a while as Hutt territory is a lawless place filled to the brim with all forms of villainy and Cina could use the target practice.
Val let the boyish charm wash back over him like the mask it had always been as he tapped two fingers on the table, nodded slightly, and the right side of his lip curled up just for the briefest of moments. 100,000 up front was far less than he had expected her to ask for and knew that he could have it in any account she wished within the next few moments.
"We have an accord." They briefly shook hands, her grip strong, his deliberately less so. "Do you have an account number?"
As he suspected she had it readily at hand and he drew a datapad from the bag resting beside him on the bench. Everything he wore or carried was of such common origin that anyone, including the Empire, would have no way of tracing who he was or where he came from. One could never be to careful. He worked quickly on the datapad and less then two minutes of their handshake the Mandalorian was 100,000 credits richer courtesy of an account registered to a numbered corporate entity from, humoursly enough, inside Hutt space. He smiled broadly again at her inclined head when the money came through and looked down briefly at the datapad again.
"I'm packed and ready to go when you are. Name your time."
The speed in which Val transferred the credits she required to start the job was satisfying. No mercenary enjoyed having to deal with clients who were either slow to pay or part of the unsavory few who tried to stiff them out of payment entirely and it was a roll of the dice for that client as to how far the gun for hire would go to get what they deemed to be rightfully theirs. Her new employer smoothly slipped back into his playful facade as they shook hands to solidify their deal and Cina released his hand as readily as she took it for their pact. Pressing both hands into the table to push herself up, the mandelorian rose from her chair to make a more thorough scan of the room and took a more serious note of everyone who had occupied the room besides the pair just in case anyone had eavesdropped on their conversation. It was early enough in the evening for them to make their way off-world before additional workers found their way into the bar and consumed enough liquid courage to try their luck for what would otherwise be life changing credits.
Cina spoke to Val as she logged their faces to memory and scanned them for anything notable, “I should be at the southern gate in about 20 minutes from the plant shop you found me in earlier. I doubt you’ll get into any trouble here but I’m going to give you one of my tracking beacons.” she reached her hand into one of her back pouches to pull out a compact silver circular disk with a press-able button in it’s center and placed the device in front of her newly acquired companion. The tracker she gave him was smaller than ones most people used to attach to vessels and was perfect for tagging people discretely as they were often mistaken for a coin. “Press on the center button and I’ll be able to find you anywhere on the planet.”
After a few moments Cina returned the full weight of her attention back to Val after not having discovered anything to note from the men who were at the bar and pushed in the chair she once occupied silently back into it’s place tucked under the table so she could take her leave. “Since that covers everything or now, I’ll be on my way.” she said simply, offering him a slight nod before turning to walk back out the front door. There wasn't a point in lingering or continuing the conversation longer as they would soon be spending a lot of time together on her ship as they made their way to whatever Val's destination was in Hutt Space.
A tracking beacon, how fun! He idly tossed it into the air and then caught it with his other hand as he strolled through town. There was no doubt that pretty much anyone who was anyone knew he had met with the Mandalorian, not that it mattered, nothing had been said that would give away his purpose. He steps took him aimlessly around the small settlement, there wasn't much to do on a planet like this but he could at least indulge in one of his favourite past times, shopping for property he would never buy.
It took him no time at all to locate the local realtor, a scruffy looking Bothan who looked like he'd lost a fight with a bad electrical circuit. He also happened to run the only real outfitting and hardware store in town, not to mention have the only off-world communications array - if you didn't have your own star ship - that he charged a few credits more than an honest creature might to use.
"A thousand acres you say?" Val said as he glanced over the holographic image before him. It was a quaint looking farmstead near the ocean, about forty minutes out of town as a speeder goes. "Got its own well and refresher system?"
The Bothan nodded his silvery grey head, the light rippling like a moon over moving water, and stabbed a claw toward the house. "Yes, and the house was built four years ago."
"Could set up a decent operation there. Who is the seller?" Val asked, carefully watching the other out of the corner of his eye.
"Erm, that would be me." The Bothan seemed uncomfortable and Val narrowed his eye slightly over top of his never ending smile.
"Indeed... So why are you selling?"
"I just don't need the place anymore. I've got 100,000 acres to the north I'm looking to develop into a game park to bring in more tourists. You might say that credits are not in great supply here."
"Indeed not," Val replied. "But this one isn't for me quite yet. Maybe when I get back."
The Bothan eyed him carefully for a moment. "You're taking up with the Mandalorian then?"
"Oh yes, a certain ladies husband is looking for me and I'd rather not be dead," He pretended awkwardness for a moment. "You won't mention any of this if someone should come looking for me? I might just need to buy something out this way to stay low, if you know what I mean."
Greed gleamed in the Bothans eyes as he nodded and escorted his strange guest to the door. There could be a considerable fortune in such an operation for him. The human hadn't even flinched at the price tag and he knew a rich man when he saw one.
"Safe travels until you return then." The Bothan said as the two shook paws. Val began to make his way south and the silvery figure watched him go for a couple moments before shrugging his shoulders and returning inside.
Val made his way to the southern gate, smiling happily at anyone who greeted him and offering a friendly, though muted, reply. He might be a stranger, but he was a friendly one, and that was just as forgettable as if he'd never been there. Everyone remembered the dark brooding types, the Mandalorian for example, but no one bothered to memorize a person who greeted you and then vanished from your life. In a way, he reflected, he was something like a ghost. Briefly visible and then immediately forgotten. He liked it that way.
The southern gate was a generous term. It was two wooden posts with a cross beam flanked on one side by a speeder station, and on the other by an empty woodlot. Val found a comfortable log and leaned his back against a couple more. He closed his eyes and turned his face toward the sun. He had no doubt the Mandalorian would find him, if she wasn't already tracking his every movement with the device she had given him. He would wait. It was a fine day to sit in the sun.
Upon stepping out of the tavern and onto the worn dirt path back into the daylight, Cina tapped the side of her helmet to confirm the slow steady blinking of a red light behind her visor to be the fully functioning beacon she had just given to her new employer before making her way to her speeder at the northern gate. While she technically could watch his every move she only cared to do so when it was necessary as his business was his own and instead changed her focus to her left vambrace’s touchscreen to start a call back to her ship while her dirt covered boots swiftly carried her to her destination. There was a few moments of a ring tone before her call connected.
“Greetings Lady Eldar.” a male robotic voice entered her ears after her first class droid answered her call.
“How is everything at the Kom’rk N7?”
“The ship is in excellent working order and there have been no disturbances from the local fauna.” N7-97 reported.
“Thank you. I’ll be coming back with a guest so prepare that section of the ship for his use. The job that I’ve been hired for will be taking us into Hutt space and he may be with us for some time so make it comfortable.” Cina instructed as she reached her speeder at the northern gate. The vehicle itself had gone through many hands before she took possession of it, but it was in immaculate working condition thanks to N7’s care of it over the years. Attached to it’s back was a flatbed trailer that had more than enough space for not only her purchases but also the passenger she would be bringing. She started up the machine easily, it’s engine easing into a quiet idle as she gave everything a quick look over before making her way back to the plant shop.
“It will be done my Lady. Would you like me to also initiate the guest protocols on the ship’s computer?”
“Yes. I’ll see you soon N7.” Cina replied her short inspection complete and proceeded to climb onto the vehicle. The first class droid was a custom built model and had served as her companion for many years keeping her, itself, and everything mechanical in her possession in working order so it knew her preferences better than any living person and yet still always asked for permission.
“Safe travels.” the droid replied before disconnecting their call to start preparing the starboard barracks for Val’s use.
The Mandalorian woman drove the speeder through town, smoothly weaving through the locals as they went about their normal day as she made her way back to the plant shop where her new purchases awaited her. The drive itself was short even going at a safe low speed for traversing through town and it was only a few minutes of travel before the familiar sight of the plant shop could be seen through her visor. She parked the speeder just beyond the entryway as her purchases seemed to be still inside and walked through the entryway for the second time that day. Senell was engaged with another customer but had turned her attention to the door to see who was entering and Ryala was nowhere to be seen. Once the Togrutan woman recognized the Mandalorian she motioned towards Cina’s left where two medium potted plants sat packed safely for transport. They were too big to be taken at one time so Cina waved back in thanks to Senell before squatting down to pick up the first pot to load onto the flatbed. Once both pots were loaded she grabbed some straps out of the travel bags to secure them before climbing back on the speeder to pick up Val.
While Val blended in very well, Cina still managed to find him sunning himself amongst the gate traffic without the use of the beacon she had given him earlier and pulled the speeder up slowly to where Val had perched himself on a log. While his eyes were closed and looked the epitome of relaxed, she could tell he was very aware of his surroundings.
“Hop on.” she said after allowing the vehicle to softly idle once more. “I would take a seat on the flatbed rather than riding with me on the speeder as it’s would be more comfortable. It’s about an hour’s ride through grasslands before we reach the forests…” Cina waited patiently for his response as she perched on the bike, her stomach beginning to softly rumble as a reminder as she hadn't eaten since she left that morning.
Truth be told, Val had almost fallen asleep on the wood pile. It had been a long time since he was in a location that he had zero worries and his body had decided it was a good time to relax. Only the distant whine of the Mandalorians approaching speeder brought him back to his senses and he cracked an eye as she drew up. It occurred to him as he did that he had rudely never asked her what her name was. It was going to be awkward if he just called her "Lady Mando" all the time. Maybe just Mando? No, still seemed a bit formal, and besides, he was fairly certain someone else was already using the moniker somewhere in the galaxy, it rang a bell but he couldn't place it.
“Hop on.” she said after allowing the vehicle to softly idle once more. “I would take a seat on the flatbed rather than riding with me on the speeder as it’s would be more comfortable. It’s about an hour’s ride through grasslands before we reach the forests…”
Val might be a hard man to read, and quite willing to kill when ordered, but he was still male at his core and for a brief moment he imagined riding on the speeder with her, pressed up against her, and then immediately decided that was a bad idea. Fun to imagine, sure, but not a scenario likely to end well. The trailer had a couple of small trees, at least they looked like trees, and some space for him, enough to lie down. Never one to walk when he could ride, or sit when he could lie down, he gave her a brief smile and climbed onto the trailer. He lay down, facing skyward, and crossed his arms behind his head.
"Lead on of fearless one." He said as he shifted his shoulders trying to make himself a bit more comfortable. His blaster was within easy reaching distance and his pack, as small as it was, went under his knees. That helped keep the weight off his back which was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable as he aged. Not something that he would have to worry about past the years end at least.
The Mandalorian was kind enough to not smash him all over the place as she drove out of town at a respectable but manageable speed. Val, for one, loved a good safari, and enjoyed watching the trees flit by overhead, or the many various flying creatures that burst into the sky above them as they went. The ride almost an hour to the minute, and she could probably have done it more quickly if he hadn't been lying flat but a man had to enjoy the little moments when he could.
They drew up under the wing of a Kom’rk-class fighter and he gave a low whistle. Val was no pilot but he knew a good looking ship when he saw one. Plus he'd done his research on this particular Mandalorian and knew she had the craft. Further research had taught him a good deal about the craft itself and just how many people it could fit. He was sure this one was modified for her use and was well aware that he was going to be well within her power if went aboard. Thankfully he came prepared to protect himself. He doubted he could capture the ship even if he wanted to, but he could ensure his own safety to some extent.
He nimbly leapt off the trailer and glanced at the Mandalorian. "Need a hand moving some plants? It also occurs to me I was quite rude and never asked your name, mind sharing one with me?"
The ride back to her ship was pleasant and always seemed to leave her in a better mood than when she started regardless of the kind of day she was having. The whispers of the tall grass as they glided over on the speeder served as soothing white noise between the bursts of various startled calls from the local wildlife and by Cina’s oberservation, her companion seemed to have enjoyed their trip as well. This small window into what lay hidden underneath the layered surface made her feel slightly more positive about Val but she still had no opinion one way or the other about the man. The money was good enough for her to take the job as is but this newfound knowledge left her feeling that somewhere underneath the disguise was a regular man and she found it comforting in a way. Though not nearly as comforting as the sight of home as the Kom’rk peaked into view through the forest trees. She had brought it down in the middle of a large clearing within the woods for the fighter-transport to call home between jobs, it’s wings standing tall amongst the blba trees. As they approached, the hanger ramp slowly opened as if in welcome and it wouldn’t be long until N7 made it’s way down to greet them.
As Cina slowed the speeder into a stop, Val jumped off the trailer onto the grass and turned to look at her, “Need a hand moving some plants? It also occurred to me I was quite rude and never asked your name, mind sharing one with me?”
Cina let out a small chuckle before answering him, “Most people call me, or anyone else like me, ’Mandalorian’ so we are used to taking jobs without ever exchanging our names but if you’d like a proper introduction I’d be happy to give you one.”
When she finished speaking, Cina shifted the speeder into park and left it to idle as she was going to have N7 bring everything in. She reached her hands up and did the last thing Val was likely suspected she would do. Grasping onto the sides of her helmet she lifted it off her head and tucked it under her left arm, revealing a freckled face with ivory skin, grey eyes, full lips, and black wavy hair that still sat contained in their braids. Extending her left gloved hand she introduced herself, “My name is Cina. Cina Eldar.”
He slightly hesitated to extend his own hand, likely taken aback by her willingness to reveal her face and full name to him, but he managed to recover quickly before offering her a firm handshake. “I thought your people never removed your helmets?” he asked.
“Some of us do.” she answered simply. The complete answer was complicated and would require her to reveal more of mandalorian culture and their inner struggles than she was ready to discuss at the moment. Perhaps if he asked again she would be more willing to give him a more complete answer but her ears caught the heavy sound of heavy metallic footsteps and Cina turned her face up to the mouth of the off ramp to find N7 making his way towards them. It was a fully custom built unit with a humanoid body forged out of beskar that was painted a dark grey and towered over most beings as it rivaled the heights of wookiees. It’s head was similar to that of a KX series droid with a round dome, round ‘eyes’ that sat just lower than halfway of it’s face, and a square voice box. N7’s creator was a fan of the KX series and heavily pulled inspiration from those units but expanded it’s capabilities beyond simple enforcement.
“Welcome home Lady Eldar and guest.” N7’s male voice projected clear through it’s voice box as it stopped to greet them at the bottom of the ramp and Cina could tell it was analyzing their situation from how the camera’s that served as it’s eyes moved to take record of everything.
“It’s good to be home. N7 this is Val, Val this is my droid companion N7-97. He will be bringing in the speeder and placing the pots in their home while I give you a tour of the Kom’rk.” after she finished speaking, the droid moved fluidly towards the speeder to check it over while Cina walked towards the ramp, her helmet tucked firmly under her left arm. When her boots thumped onto the bottom of the ramp she turned her head to look back towards Val and N7.
“It will be done Lady Eldar.” N7 confirmed before nodding towards Val’s direction in greeting and slowly sat itself onto the speeder. The vehicle dipped noticeably under the immense weight of the droid but corrected itself just as easily to the change.
Val had returned the droid’s nod before motioning towards the mandalorian and the rest of the ship, a playful grin spreading across his face. “After you… Lady Eldar.”
“Just Cina.” she responded quickly before turning again to head into the belly of her home, having no desire to entertain his antics.
Cina gave him a nearly complete tour of her vessel as she guided him throughout the interior of the Kom’rk. She focused on the areas he would need to be most familiar with starting with the fully equipped galley, dining area, bathrooms, and his half of the sleeping quarters which she did modify in order for traveling clients to move into and be comfortable, including the addition of much more agreeable bedding than what is standard for military bunks. The bathrooms were mostly unchanged apart from the updated hardware for the shower heads, faucet heads, toilets, and privacy panels in the showers so that multiple guests could use the group showers more comfortably. Cina did share some of her side of the ship as she completely converted the other half of the sleeping quarters into a greenhouse. All the bunks had been turned into crop plots where she grew edible and medicinal plants. Throughout the room were potted plants that served as decoration; palms, ferns, vines, and several exotic floral plants, all of which were kept warm and hydrated by heat lamps and misting systems that she had set up throughout the room depending on each of the plants needs. She didn’t share with him her captain’s quarters but he knew where to find her if he needed to after hours. With her job complete, she left him to his own devices to change out of her armor, settle in her new purchases, and then work on their dinner. Cina was a decent cook having learned from her mother throughout her developing years and enjoyed making meals for others which often landed her as the designated cook for her squads, though those days were long behind her. Their meal would consist of bantha steak with a side of a vegetable medley consisting of whatever produce was available from her plots. It was over dinner where Val gave her a heading: Katarr. She knew of the planet as it’s destruction predated that of Malachor and Mandalore, however it’s demise wasn’t caused by any traditional form of war and it was devoured in a way she would likely never fully understand. The only life it attracted now was of those looking to operate in secret…
Katarr Orbit
It took them only a few days to reach Katarr space as the Kom’rk was equipped with a class 1 hyperdrive fully capable of traversing hyperspace with ease, especially with N7 assisting her on the bridge to avoid mass shadows that would otherwise be their immediate demise. As they pulled into real-space once more the windows of the bridge were filled with the view of the very much dead planet of Katarr. Even to the Mandalorian, the planet felt deafeningly empty. All the preliminary scans of the Katarr only confirmed what she had always known about the planet: that it was completely void of anything, not even an atmosphere. Cina sat in the pilot seat, once again dressed in her armor as she did not know what was in store for them here. Her helmet was off and hung from a hook of the pilot’s station within easy reach in case she needed to grab it quickly. Both N7 and Val manned separate stations, though only the droid was tasked with assisting her in the operation of the Kom’rk. She wasn’t sure what they were waiting for until the frantic beeping of the ship’s sensors warned them of an incoming ship where a large cruiser transitioned out of hyperspace on the far side of the planet.
“Gozanti-class cruiser. Last known port origin: Corellia.” N7’s robotic voice broke their silence as he performed additional scans on the other vessel.
Val had to admit that “Just Cina” had set herself up quite comfortably on her little starship. The common areas were certainly more comfortable than the craft he had travelled inbound on, and having living quarters to himself would be a luxury he had not bothered spending credits on. The bedding alone made him look forward to putting his head down later. What impressed him most was her greenhouse, he had never seen its like on a ship before and she seemed willing to let him simply sit and enjoy the space, providing he didn’t touch anything. One of the few things he allowed himself to enjoy from his old life was reading, and the second was gardening. A flat back on Coruscant boasted an impressive self-maintained garden he had worked hard to curate over the previous few years.
He had expected to be fed, one tended to be that way they spent a fortune, but the quality of food surprised him again. There was some interesting depth to the Mandalorian who sat across him over a pair of bantha steaks and vegetables from her own garden. He had been tempted to make a joke about her making some man a lovely wife some day but opted to avoid antagonizing someone he had known for less than twenty-four hours.
Once dinner had been completed, and their destination provided to Cina, he had borrowed the crafts communications systems to send a highly encrypted signal along their route of travel. It would mean nothing to anyone who might intercept it unless they knew the cipher and only one other being did. The mission was so cloaked in secrecy that Val sometimes wondered if even he knew what was happening.
The few days it took them to reach Katarr space were pleasant enough. Val read in the garden, exercised twice daily where he could find space, and chatted with Cina when she felt up to it. Their talk was light and little more than a way to pass time. Val was by far the more gregarious of the two, but he made no effort to force the conversation; Cina would open up to him when she was ready.
He had been in the garden tending to a couple of the plants, now that he had proven he a knew a thing or two about keeping them alive, when Cina announced they would be arriving at Katarr shortly. He had dusted off his hands, grabbed his water glass, and hurried up to the bridge.
As real-space resolved around them he stared at Katarr with a mixture of anger and sadness. The planet was dead, no living thing remained, but at last the planet was there. His own home world had been vaporized and he couldn’t even go on a pilgrimage to look at. His hand tightened on the back of the co-pilot chair for a moment, his knuckles going white, before he quickly released it.
Cina, wearing full gear, waved him to one of the nearby stations and he sat. He didn’t bother to touch anything, the Mandalorian and her droid certainly did not need his help. Afterall, he was barely able to fly a speeder, let alone a starship. He scanned the space around them, there was no other craft to be seen. Hardly surprising given the remote, and very sinister, nature of this system.
The frantic beeping of the ship’s sensors warned them of an incoming ship where a large cruiser transitioned out of hyperspace on the far side of the planet
“Gozanti-class cruiser. Last known port origin: Corellia.” N7’s robotic voice broke their silence as he performed additional scans on the other vessel.
“That’s them.” Val said quietly. “May I?” He asked, gesturing to the comms system. Cina glanced around at him and the nodded. Another tightly encrypted message was sent, this time at a low frequency and directly at the distant vessel that made no effort to approach them. Val knew it that the cruiser would have its travel and data scan memory wipes the moment it left the system; there would be no record of this meeting.
The cruiser did not send a audible reply, instead it directed a light pulse at the Kom’rk, a confirmation of the message being received as it rounded the dead planet; the ships sensors easily noting the bow door on the cruiser opening. Two crates, each about four feet long and three feet wide, were jettisoned into space. A small signal pulsed out allowing the crates and make them easy to locate.
A minute later the cruiser had turned and vanished into hyperspace leaving them alone with the dead planet once again. The crates were easy to recover with the Kom’rk’s grappling hook and Val chuckled as they were dragged into the loading bay. Once the gravity shield was restored he walked into the bay, Cina not far behind him. The first crate he opened and smiled down at what he saw. An exo-skeleton type harness lay neatly packed along with a headset that would cover both his ears and wrap around the back of his head.
While Cina watched he inspected both items and then pulled them on. They were a beige in colour and looked quite unremarkable to the naked eye. It was no Mandalorian armour but headset provided him a droidlike ability to process data, similar to Cina's own helmet, a and the exo-suit boosted his speed and strength. Very handy for what he had in mind. Beneath the suit was a puzzle of smaller cases, all various sizes. From those he drew a blaster rifle, datapads, vibro-knife, and a dozen other small items that were of his own design.
By the time he was done he had transformed from a basic looking human into something more along the lines of a cyborg. The second crate he did not open and he patted it gently as he turned toward Cina.
“Please, do not open this.” He said quietly, fingers trailing across the top slightly. “Sealed it is safe as it can be, if it is opened, it becomes quite dangerous.”
Cina’s eyes narrowed slightly but she nodded and he smiled his thanks to her. “Set course for Nal Hutta, if you don’t mind, please.”
Cina was no stranger to operating with the utmost secrecy and was fully capable of being the diligent warrior she was molded to be but the years she spent in command of her operations did change her enough to have a moment of discomfort from the whole mysterious exchange that had just occurred. However, she only allowed herself a few moments of this feeling before shoving it aside and bringing herself back in line. She was hired for a job and she had all intentions of seeing it through to completion.
“I’ll relay our next destination as well as instructions to never open this box to N7.” While they had gone to retrieve the packages, she had left her droid to pilot the ship and monitor their surroundings, though it was highly unlikely that they would encounter anyone else out in this very dead and haunted space. “It will be safe here in the cargo bay, especially if we move it out of the way to live with the other supply boxes.”
Val nodded in agreement and they worked together to lift the mysterious box into an inconspicuous corner of the bay where she already had similar-looking crates that contained various additional supplies to help keep them self-sufficient and out of the ports except to resupply or perform major repairs, perfectly safe to live there until it was needed - out of sight out of mind. With that settled, Cina excused herself back to the bridge to brief her droid and plot their course to Nal Hutta but stopped at the threshold of the cargo bay that lead to the rest of her ship to turn her head back to Val.
“I look forward to your brief of this mission. It will take us an additional three days to get to Nal Hutta, so I will spend the second in the armory preparing.” she stated simply before continuing her way back to the bridge and leaving him to his own devices. How much information he wished to divulge to her was for him to figure out, hence why she gave Val a time frame as well as where she could easily be found, though it’s not like the Kom’rk was so large that he wouldn’t be able to track her down when he needed to.
Cina spent the remainder of that day and the next tending to her greenhouse plants while making sure all the automatic systems were in working order in case they would be away from the vessel for an extended time. Val had surprised her with his knowledge and ability to care for at least the most common of her collection so some of their everyday care she passed onto him. The time they spent working together was pleasant even with his frequent attempts at conversation with her. After the Night of a Thousand Tears, Cina had ostracized herself from those who remained and over the years it became more difficult for her to open up to another person. On the second day of their trip into Hutt space, instead of going to her greenhouse she went exactly where she had told Val she would be those few days ago. The armory.
The room itself was spacious and its walls were adorned with endless rows of various arms that included most forms of firearms and melee weaponry that any single person could manage. She even had a bow caster which was hard to find if it’s not already in the possession of a Wookiee. This room was also where she kept her recon droids and they rested on their shelves in their charging stations. They were simple discreet units that she used to help map, survey, and even quietly tail a target. In the room’s center was a decently sized workbench that she used to maintain and apply upgrades to her weapons. Cina made her way to one of the walls that housed all of her sniper rifles of various sizes and purposes, her preferred weapon of choice. Reaching out with battle-worn hands, she grabbed one of the blaster rifles from its perch and brought it over to the bench, her black boots thumping softly against the metallic floor of the kom’rk as she did so. Cina placed the rifle on the table surface and reached for various tools as she slid into the bench, her boots resting comfortably against a bar that ran along the front of the station. As she leaned forward to focus on the work in front of her, pieces of her loose wavy black hair fell forward like a curtain released from its pullback.
Val watched Cina leave the room, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to peer deeper into her soul. He was an exceptionally perceptive man, and there was something about the mercenary that he couldn't quite place. It felt like loneliness and isolation, though that wasn’t much of a stretch, given her people's history and the lifestyle she had chosen. In many ways, they were alike—both driven by something more than mere survival. Where she fought for credits, he fought for an idea: the freedom of an entire galaxy of individuals who sought to live without oppression.
A final, subtle wiggle of her hips, and she was gone. Val couldn’t tell if it had been deliberate or subconscious, but he would have to be a monster not to appreciate it. With a sigh, he turned back to his equipment, double-checking everything once more. It was a habit they both shared: a meticulous attention to detail. Neither one of them would ever be caught unprepared. That’s how you ended up dead—or worse, got your friends killed.
That thought gave him pause. He rested his forearms on the edge of the weapons crate, his gaze drifting as the weight of loneliness settled over him. Friends. He was short on those these days. Many were dead, and those who weren’t were scattered across the galaxy. He rubbed a hand over his face, the scratch of his beard reminding him of how long it had been since he’d had a proper shower. He’d need to get to that soon.
Dropping his hand, he stared at his palm, trying to remember the star-shaped scar that used to cover it. It had been a constant reminder of his first mission, where he’d used his palm to crush a stormtrooper’s helmet, the impact causing the armor to crack and slice into his hand. Back then, he had been a thug—nothing more. But when he became more than that, when he transitioned into something else entirely, the Republic had quietly paid for a treatment to remove the scar. They had wanted him to be unremarkable, one human among billions, with nothing to set him apart.
The Empire’s agents, like those of the Republic, kept dossiers on various operatives they knew of. But Val had done his job well—so well, in fact, that they knew almost nothing about him. Not even his name. He’d made sure of that.
After giving his kit another quick once-over, Val sealed the weapons crate and left the loading bay. The Mandalorian had been right in her comment earlier; he did need to brief her. He pulled a small datacard from his headset and made his way toward the armory.
A quick climb up a ladder and down a narrow passage put him just outside the armory’s entrance. He didn’t try to hide his approach—he wasn’t in the mood for subtlety. He stepped through the doorway and glanced around.
The room was expansive, with walls lined with racks upon racks of various arms, from firearms to melee weapons—anything a single person could use in battle. Val raised an eyebrow at a bowcaster resting among the weapons. He’d love to hear the story of how Cina came by that weapon one day. Small droids, clearly designed for scouting, stared sightlessly at him from their racks. The entire room was a treasure trove of weapons—an impressive armory, to say the least.
Cina was seated at a sizable workbench, focused on field-stripping a sniper rifle that Val didn’t recognize. It was likely a custom job, the kind of weapon that could only be handled by someone with experience and skill. She was hunched over the weapon, one hand gripping the pistol’s frame while the other expertly maneuvered a spanner. A few strands of her wavy black hair fell loose, and she brushed them behind her ear with a practiced motion.
Val didn’t pause long—he knew it was rude to stare, and besides, she’d notice if he lingered too long.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said, his voice smooth but apologetic. “You had a point back there, and I thought now might be a good time to give you some more details.” He paused, and Cina nodded, gesturing to a spare stool beside her.
“If you have some way to project this…” he continued, holding out the small datacard.
Cina nodded again and took the card, examining it for a moment before pushing it into a small port on the side of her workbench. Instantly, the ugly planet of Nal Hutta appeared before them, rotating slowly in space. Val reached forward and tapped a section of the planet. A faint blue glow briefly illuminated his finger’s touch.
“This is our landing site,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “It’s a common spot where mercenaries and freelance captains come looking for work.” He glanced over at Cina, though he knew she had probably already guessed that part of the plan.
Val touched another spot on the planet’s surface, and it lit up red. But this wasn’t a location on Nal Hutta itself—it was something hovering above it, in space.
“This,” he said, a glint of grim determination in his eyes, “is our target.” He paused for moment, then pointed at the glowing red dot. “The Hutt Shipyards. An Imperial Star Destroyer is undergoing a refit there, and I intend to destroy it.”